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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>Pres Trump Rally at Butler, PA 7/13/2024
https://rumble.com/v560lb8-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-butler-pennsylvania-71324.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Rally at Doral, FL 7/9/2024
https://rumble.com/v560kfz-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-at-trump-national-in-doral-florida-7924.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump at Chesapeake, VA 6/28/2024
https://rumble.com/v53g5gg-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-chesapeake-virginia-62824.html (RSBN)
>First Presidential Debate, Atlanta, GA 6/27/2024
>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Keynotes Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v52yh29-live-president-trump-keynotes-the-faith-and-freedom-coalitions-road-to-majo.html (RSBN)
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>474582884
Ultra MAGA.
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what's gotten her so upset?
___, _ ____ __ ____ _______!
Greetings from Reddit. We all hate you and we all wish your fuhrer died. Also, the whole world wishes it too. LMAO!!
Has Joe dropped out yet
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George Washington was a white supremacist racist and his statues need to be removed.
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NOTICE: $DJT was shorted massively in the days/weeks BEFORE the assassination attempt. Keep an eye on the stocks so we know when it'll happen next!
Follow the money.
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Bait used to be believable
Yay !!
Kek !!
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Shekels run out?
>Foreign born population falls to 43,900,000 in October 2020 the lowest number since summer of 2014 and 600,000 less than when he took office
>Now as of July 2024 there are 50,000,000 immigrants in total and the US between July 2021 and now got 1.5% less White as a whole…
How can TRS/NatSoc/NazBol types not be ambivalent to Trump yet? How can eva not apologize?
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Just like 9/11, very interdasting...
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I still have more of these to use as ops. Maybe after the next thread.
Do you mighty people talk
only to oppose justice?
Don't you ever judge fairly?
You are always planning evil,
and you are brutal.
You have done wrong and lied
from the day you were born.
Your words spread poison
like the bite of a cobra
that refuses to listen
to the snake charmer.

My enemies are fierce
as lions, Lord God!
Shatter their teeth.
Snatch out their fangs.
Make them disappear
like leaking water,
and make their arrows miss.
Let them dry up like snails
or be like a child that dies
before seeing the sun.
Wipe them out quicker
than a pot can be heated
by setting thorns on fire.

Good people will be glad
when they see the wicked
getting what they deserve,
and they will wash their feet
in their enemies' blood.
Everyone will say, “It's true!
Good people are rewarded.
God does indeed rule the earth
with justice.”
I've seen OF whores make the exact same argument
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I prefer AMOO tbdesu.
ohhhhh this is damning.
the markets are involved too.
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Biden has brought back 1990s level demographic change and
everybody is just silent about it. Trump can’t get the same hate Meloni does for example or Farage because he has that going for him
is 7.5 inches enough to fuck maga style?!?!
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Who cares, GAS
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AUSTIN PRIVATE WEALTH shorted 12,000,000 shares of $DJT on the 12th, the DAY BEFORE the attempt!

Trump is the ____-______.
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anon those crowds want things to get worse
It's a '73
Trump stopped the growth of the immigrant population during his tenure
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>Harsh truth: The ‘RNC’ is utilizing and taking advantage of Trump’s surge in popularity “post incident” to institute and support the broad-scale adoption of the most subversive and destructive policies.
Is he right?
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The birds are racist
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Why tho? We can salvage a 50%-70% White America by not making it worse. No new immigrants and some meritocracy non White TFR would fall to 1.4 in 6 maybe 10 years tops…
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Maybe they're on to something
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The anti-christ is a former king who taks a second rule that is cut short at 3.5 years.

He doest become overtly evil till his second term in office.
If they starve today I don't have to see them next week
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Philosopher king
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guys, I'm tired of pretending, for the past 8 years I've been posting about how much I hate niggers but in reality I was a nigger this entire time
These faggots think America and the rest of the West need to be filled with infinite shidskins to make people think Hitlor was right and so they can live out their apoc fantasies.
whatever dude don’t forget to breath
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What a nice birb.
>Why tho?
because they consider themselves accelerationists, they believe that things getting worse is the only way to meaningfully "win"
an appeal to "salvaging" and "the long game" is exactly the thing they think they are fighting against for good reason
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>Why tho?
"Salvation through destruction", it never worked, see: Mexico, Tsarist Russia, Imperial China, examples go on and on, it doesn't stop a crowd for believing the bad idea will somehow work.
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Card is in the mail.
It's happening.
National socialism failed in 23 years got surrounded by the whole earth and communism just becomes neo liberalism or genocidal dystopias
Don't stick your head into things you don't understand, you might lose it.
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We know
We always knew
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>admitting this in a thread full of people who want to stir fry niggers in a wok
So I called myself an ESL

Is how i cheated the system
my queen...
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>BREAKING: Former Classmate of Thomas Crooks reveals Crooks was a huge Trump hater and called him "stupid" when he expressed that he liked Trump

>"He was a know it all!"

>"He was real smug and arrogant whenever he was talking."
Classic democrat
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It's OK anon. You're allowed to hate niggers too. Probably most of all.
Her proportions are very normal, she must have a giant head
Who and what is involved with Austin Private Wealth?
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The failure of Hortler doesn't stop these types. They are niggerbrains.
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we knew all along, nigger.
He looks like shit no matter what
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>video games?
you don’t even need to hate Hitler to see you’re beating a dead horse
Sounds like the average r/destiny poster.
Strange, it took this long to interview and speak with him.
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>5:30PM, Crooks takes his position at his sniper position
>5:45PM, Crooks decides to practice his Tuba solo for an upcoming polka tour, despite noise complaints no guards detain him
>6:00PM, Crooks realizes that the Chipotle he had for lunch isn't sitting properly, and defecates on the rooftop. Despite complaints about the noxious smells and loud noises, security ignores it
>6:05PM Crooks decides to whip out his dick and flash the female secret service corps. While several pictures are taken and several SS uniforms stained, they decide not to detain him
>6:10PM, Crooks realizes that he has brought the wrong ammo caliber and desperately requests the Secret Service provide him with a box. Several annoyed secret service agents load his firearm for him and flip the safety to "off" before leaving
>6:11PM, Crooks takes his shot

How could this have happened? There was no warning!
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>Comments are turned off.
so gay
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is this normal??
probably not, but show more of the graph.
that's actually really poignant. Makes me want to brave the fucked dating market and start a family of my own
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That's a big cuppa the guy stuff '3
>Ur my fren, I hit send
If she's really 6'2" that's a tiny refrigerator. Height range for a standard fridge is between 6 - 7 feet and she stands pretty tall above that one. A doorway probably would have been a better comparison. Still would, though.
Shill bros, glownigger bros, media bros, dem bros...why are you ignoring the assassination like it never happened? I find it interesting that the swamp is diving into a chance of "unity" since they failed to get Trump while shills, libs and social media crazies are upset because the shooter missed.

Care to explain yourselves? Didn't you assure /ptg/ that Trump would be in prison? Whatever happened to that?
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Is there a reason nobody is even semi-curious about the biggest fucking smoking gun in this being an inside job?
What is Austin Private Wealth?
I didn't get to watch news coverage of the Trump assassination because my children had been at the lake all day and had meltdowns when I turned off paw patrol
Stealing this. tanks leaf.
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why didn't this happen 10 seconds after the assassination attempt?
He should be crediting the dems, media, jews and their pet glowniggers honestly.
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U autistic retards need to focus. The local commissioner is calling the SS cunt a liar. They WERE NOT TASKED WITH PERIMETER SECURITY. THEY ONKY MOVED IN AFTER COOKS PICS CAME IN. THEY HAD NO COMMS WITH SS OR AUTHORITY. Fox just reported it
I don't understand why we're still having this conversation. It's obviously DHS and SS leadership tried to have Trump killed, probably with the assistance of the FBI. They fucked it up and not only are they not worried about being prosecuted they aren't even worried about losing their jobs.
Muscle Mommy, who had the best most based new character in the last 40+ years of canon, beating Beanboi Battles into a fine pink paste..
well, now she's locked into her "the slope was too steep" excuse and has to defend it
>kikes can't even restrain themselves from making a quick buck while assassinating a president
And you wonder why they never learned their lesson after 109 times.
Good thing I'm a free range wild glownugger
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She accidentally looked directly into a mirror!
Trump is doing a mic check right now, I can't post a link
Someone tell me who owns Austin Private Wealth and the campaign contributions of these people.

We all know they are very sloppy.
Destiny is a fucking idiot
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How many sticks can you fit up your ass?
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Ooof she will make so many faggots mad... I love it.
>republican congressmen actually doing anything

They'll bitch at her and the Mexishit DHS Sec flooding our coutry with illegals and then let everyone keep their jobs and liberty.
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oh i feel so sleepy
someone needs to archive each individual bio attatched to these employees
Mayorkas isn’t a “mexishit” he is a sephardic jew
Sloppy job, Mossad
Due to the cough. No wall was built. Just like hillery wasn't locked up.
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Joe died.
When they are tying up loose ends, will they assassinate the actor portraying Biden?
It sounds to me like they purposely created the security void.
Look at the size of her toes, you would need a jackhammer to massage her heels.
Mexikike, whatever. He should be fired and deported to El Salvador.
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Is he looking to drop out?
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>Movement amongst democrats to push Joe out
>"Joe's the comeback kid!"
>Replace Biden movement starts to die down, looks to be completely dead when Trump gets a close shave to the ear
>Three days later it's back
>Replace Biden movement is the real comeback kid.
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Anon, what are you doing to guarantee a landslide victory for Trump in your home state?
It is looking that way now & I was well off thinking that before it is apparent USSS left those buildings completely free for Crooks to use at will & he knew exactly where to go for the best shot. How would he even know where that would be from ground level unless of course he already was fed that info via a map that he disposed of electronically? So he knew what building to go on & would have been told he was clear to shoot & could make his escape via the distraction - unknown to him he was always going to be killed anyway as soon as he rang the firsts shots out. He had to hit Trump with those shots.
I'm going to let my non-citizen wife vote. At least 15 times.
I'm looking at the names for campaign contributions. Nothing so far.
Now THIS is a propper dressing down.
Drag that obnoxious fuck.
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Me too, let's all go to bed and stop having this train of thought in particular right about now and never think about it again.
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The ghost of Nixon is spookin' them niggers.
And the "people" that unironically lusten to that mental midget are even bigger retards, imagine that.
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WHO indeed
Even worse, locals were only tasked with traffic. The perimeter void was purposely created
Smarter than Sweet Baby Inc, their admin panel isn't public facing
What are the odds it's located in the most liberal city in Texas?

This shit gets crazier every minute.
sounds like a cry for help, Jill Biden won't like that
bros im scared that they’re just gonna try again on trump.

they revealed their hand and only by an act of God did he survive by merely a millimeter.

Trump needs to hire private paramilitary forces to protect him. Always have 6-10 armed guards with long rifles and shotguns OUT AND READY. idk why he isnt doing this. instead he was outside trump tower with 1 dinky fat bald security “expert”.

i just feel this sense of doom around him.
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Did you know it's completely legal to help old and disabled people fill out their mail-in ballots? There are buildings full of these kinds of people in your area.
It's simple: the FBI grooms the shooter and then they, or Secretary Spic, tell the Pepsico DEI quota exactly where to put their agents and officers. The kid just followed the instructions he was given. He was always supposed to die but he wasn't supposed to miss.
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Crooks’ Parents Called Police About their Son Hours Before Attempted Assassination Against Trump

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One of the partners
Batards...they knew
Pretty sure I don't want to help the boomers around here elect dementia Joe becaus "muh social security "
Since u faggots won't listen. Here
wouldn't it be great if /pol/ wasn't right? just once, just for variety's sake?
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You don't get it.
no the foreign born population stagnated and had fallen already by March 1st, 2020 and the first lockdowns occurred 2 weeks later literally
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Trump got street cred
Yes, but that would break the universe.
Oddly, Trump will continue to suckle that giant Jewish cock that keeps throat fucking him and trying to suffocate his ass.....why?
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Bros how do I get a pro-Trump gf(male)...?
Joshua Dvorak would have been involved as well
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We know
It would be interesting to find out their clients. One of the clients is likely the one that made the short not the actual ownership of it.
Why is this nigger's face even more unsettling to me when compared to other ugly niggers?
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Can't we just forgive the secret service? They made a little oopsie daisy, who hasn't. We should just accept that whoopsie doodles happen and I'm sure they've learned from it. As long as they go before congress and admit it was their bad I don't see why anyone has to lose their jobs.
that's definitely a softening of tone but i will hold fast to my prediction that they are riding with biden the whole way
>The Trump Mixtape
Finally, we'll get the nigger tapes
Crooks walking around the buildings 1 hour before the shooting
Fuck I hope he gets Ye to produce
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>Why is this nigger's face even more unsettling to me when compared to other ugly niggers?
Because you just know he's a super niggery nigger who thinks, says, and does really nigger stupid nigger shit !!
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>Trump is the
Trump is the REAL PRESIDENT.
They have a shitload of jewish and zionist groups listed as partners on their site.
Trump is strictly East Coast not West.
does sound like an exit plan. but i doubt he will take it. hes denied any medical issue for years anyway.
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Yeah I thought that was a bit disrespectful too. Especially since everyone knows Pac was gay.
>if he loses or is killed that's it game over don't even think about using heckin' violence to assert your right to exist
even james woods can't escape boomerisms it seems
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Every time I read the word "folks" my testicles retract into their body from the disingenuousness of it. Folks, we gotta stop come together and stop using that word.
WEW lad.
The flag needs to be colorized, as does the blood on his face. Other than that it's a decent start for a shirt
I think he realised that George Washington was a marijuana farmer and doesn't want rat on his dealer.
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same. i see it all the time from those r*ddit muh democracy types. always using that word to describe people in some faux non threatening way trying to appear genuine and easy going.
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>this nigga trumpac
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agreed, we need to use the more inclusive "folx"
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>trump predicted to win 100%
>ukraine suddenly wants to make a peace deal with russia
this bastard did it again
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every new detail about the shooter is only leaving me more confused
he was NOT a radical centrist
no way
Wowie zowie, another heckin hearing?
I'm sure we will get justice just we did like with hearings on the Lois Lerner shit, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, etc.
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None of it makes sense to me and generally when that happens I find out later it was a government conspiracy.
Are the Ukrainian prostitutes at least going to be allowed to stay in Poland? Send the men back but the women have value.
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>bro about to drop a Presidential album
>got God and anime on his side
Wat? Are they learning?
it's biden that wants it, ukraine has to play ball
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Did you see that video of the Latino classmate saying the shooter didn't like him because he was pro-Trump?
How can you like Trump if you don't like Israel? I'm genuinely confused by the logic here.
they are our greatest ally, of course they can stay
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What's confusing, he was bullied, had no frens, a fascination for guns. To be fo real, he would have gone for any politician if given the chance like he had with Trumo
you have to create them
I actually don't mind Israel all that much. If fact I think every single Jew on earth should live there.
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>the left can't me-
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>discontinued everything
You have no idea what I have to do to keep these things flying for unappreciative boomers
he has other policies and characteristics aside from fellating israel
what is the supposed ideology then, i really doubt right-accelerationist without internet presence or affiliation with a group
was it climate lmfao
Gavin is going to reside over the flight of silicon valley
why is gavin using far right antisemitic memes?
Last time I was in Poland I was woth my wife so I didn't get to enjoy their company.
Yeah but it's been shown that they're all secondary to sucking Jew cock.
Shalom means "peace".
(this is going to be really funny if it aligns with the people i knew from the area)
White liberals the greatest threat as they are the most capable of the libtards and also the most medicated
I dislike Netanyahu for using his “allies” desu. How can he say “we will bleed America dry” when we keep him alive? Also Jewish rule over Jerusalem is disgusting but Christians aren’t willing to fight and why would they be? I can’t see myself recognizing Palestine if it means Mohammedans and Salafists gaining control of the holiest place on earth.
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He's fit as a fiddle according to his doctors, why would he drop out?
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Post the whole thing faggot
But he will meme along with the left and say they were all right wing meanies.

Then ask the federal government for more bailout money.
A former classmate of the shooter who opened fire on Donald Trump:

"[Thomas Matthew Crooks] would always wear a mask. Even after COVID he wore a mask."
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He's so mad lol.
And was is the alignment?
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Um... based?
Good job
Based Trump creating World Peace 2.0.
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Absolutely fucking MAULED
Holiest place on earth is such an unchristian viewpoint, bordering on idol worship. Nothing in the kingdom of man compares to the kingdom of heaven.
>You bent the knee
Like his wife did for Harvey Weinstein?
What types of people wore masks all the time?
I would too if I were as fucking ugly as that mutt was
Searching for nigga Trump is still producing absolute gold.
I respect Joe Biden.
dem social media teams really need to not engage with professional shit posters, they lose every time
I have a feeling it's going to turn out that the shooter was groomed by his loony left mommy.

It will turn out their were massive fights between mommy and daddy with the son going along with mommy.

The mommy will turn out to have brainwashed this son and maybe even helped him.
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Yeah this isn't a right winger
there is currently a briefing going on from the DHS/SS
i'm sure the leaks will start any minute but nothing makes sense (also his parents called the police hours before the shooting saying they were worried about their son and that a gun was missing) (i like how the information consistently changes)
That's going to mean not posting on X at all now that Elon has revealed 90% of his power level.
Some right wingers aren't retarded so it's still possible
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America is the last White Nation on the surface of the Earth.
All that they have done to destroy all the other White Nations was simply to flood them with niggers.
It is not possible to have a civilization if there are niggers in that land.
Hey isn't the anti-christ called the price of peace?
No, link it.
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>You have no idea what I have to do to keep these things flying for unappreciative boomers
I appreciate you !!
Heck, I've been thinking about getting my A&P cert.

There's not enough good ones out there these days.
Surely Trump doest have any peace agreements tied to him and Israel and the Arabs...
SCOTUS has overturned several (((precedent suits))) that were never ratified into law! This will greatly hamper the ability of federal agencies to set their own de facto policies, and will also make them liable for damages again
those pesky Justices also reinforced Constitutional protections for the highest office in the land!

quickly, what should the next course of action be?
>use Congressional powers and party majority control to codify major functional laws and regulations
>end the weaponization of the Department of Justice and unconstitutional inquisition appointments like (((Special Counselors)))
>focus on not shitting your pants on the campaign trail
or alternatively
>file articles of impeachment against Justices that disagree with you
>threaten new "ethics" codex to punish Justices that disagree with you
>stack the Court with additional Justices
>demand a Constitutional Amendment that would "remove total immunity from the President" so you may prosecute your opponent who was just subject to assassination

which path do you think Joseph's Cabinet selected today
That means the security void was intentional
>Wearing a mask isn't pants in head retarded
I hope you got all your boosters.
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>y-you never get off your knees
Reminder that I am still baking.
Without the magisterium of the one Catholic and Apostolic Church any heretic can make wild claims about scripture. Sola Scriptura is heresy for a reason, JWfag.
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If it's intentional then that points to a government conspiracy in my opinion.
The MSM seems really scared of this which tells me it's probably true.
Ya I know. Claiming the local police were doing anything is a startling confession of guilt by the SS.
basically if it's something that sounds really based but is really retarded in how it applies to real politics, like
>yeah i wanted to shoot trump because he's a NIGGERLOVING NEW YORK LIBERAL
that doesn't really slot into what we call "right-accelerationism" it might be "rural retard" lol
western PA is very rural (pittsburgh is a long-declined city that isn't a commanding metropolis like other major cities, so it fades into old americana very fast) and very set in its ways, it's why some people in the rust belt still think of themselves as le blue dawgs even as such an identity becomes meaningless/retarded. similarly, you get conservatives out there who don't plug into any conservative identity the outside would be familiar with and probably finds itself at odds with all others. i have never met people more based (there was overt nigger hating) and also dense
please let me know what they say i am always all ears
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Well put my pic of the local BTPD commissioner calling the SS liars. They had no security detail except traffic. Not AGR
Planned on it.
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Ukraine realizes how fucked they really are :)
Wealth Management companies aren't buying naked puts and playing the lottery like a retard on /r/wsb. They're hedging a bet on their long position. The actual reason options exist.
I have a feeling the mother was a hardcore leftist and was grooming the son to view the world the same way.

The father being a libertarian was more likely possessing the view you describe.
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The way the media is acting, instantly attacking anyone that suggests there were lapses in security tells me that path leads to the truth. If the media doesn't want you to talk about it, it's probably the right path.
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many such cases
What's tonight's theme?
I only have the air frame cert. I plan on getting the general cert soonish. Studying is a bitch and depending on the instructor they can make your verbal portion living hell. I had to take the airframe exam twice because I got a fat bald manlet that took his inferiority complex out on me the first time.
total Ukrainian death :). total freemason mormon family death. :)
The gay one (#2).
Thanks, fren.
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Thank you Baker :3
if you're right, we should be able to find a corresponding, equal-ish size long position, by the same company, happening around the same time.
He also said he'd drop out if he saw polls that said he couldn't win. So clearly his staff aren't showing him his poll numbers. They're probably hiding his medical results from him too.
national security / foreign affairs
He was barely a teenager yet when Trump took office, it's not impossible that he spent his angsty teen years constantly hearing about how evil orange man is out to get him by parents and possibly teachers.
The media doesn't lie. It's the first thing they learn at journalism school.
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Are we witnessing one of the greatest political comebacks in the US or are Joe and the Democrats just terribly incompetent
I doubt locals even had comms with the SS. They only moved in after the pics of cooks came in. It looks like they were trying to find him inside and on the roof. They didn't have a ladder. They tried to hoist eachother up. Meanwhile the SS was totally complacent
why not both?
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Gavin, don't you need to figure out how to make up forvthe billions of tax dollars you just lost for your state? Get back to work.
like my family when we lived there had a running joke when we ran into really stupid rutted behaviors that were super inefficient or just counterproductive but we'd just repeat the mantra
>because that's the way we've always done it
it's been a long time i'd need to ask otou and okaa about some specifics on why we would always say that when mocking the place
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>probably the right path
I thought you always filter me, lol

I'm flattered

dems are just afraid because they overplayed their fraud hand last election that there will be too many eyes on them to pull it off again this time
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>I only have the air frame cert. I plan on getting the general cert soonish. Studying is a bitch and depending on the instructor they can make your verbal portion living hell. I had to take the airframe exam twice because I got a fat bald manlet that took his inferiority complex out on me the first time.
I won't mind working the job; it's the schooling and the exam shit that deters me.
No we are witnessing a jewish pro was Bush era comeback. Only with more diversity.
He posted it on his Facebook. I don't have FB or I would Screencap it
>revering Jerusalem is idol worship
JWs and Muslims are completely fucking bonkers.
Did he have a therapist?
Of course he did.
10in comments?
Who else knew this kid was fucked in the head?
Follow the Yo-Yo
serious fucking cope
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I'm not sure what's more embarrassing, being an unironic Q poster in 2024 or being an unironic Biden shill. (they're both the same)
Ok riddle me this schizos. For the past 8 years, Trump has blamed nearly EVERYTHING on the deep state. Hillary, deep state. Election fraud, deep state. Stubs his toe, deep state.

But he survives a shooting attempt, and.....let's all unify? Not a word about the deep state? He complimented his SS detail, he complimented Biden for calling him....seriously?

If the deep state had tried to kill Trump, wouldn't he be the first person to be screaming about it? Wouldn't he be making NONSTOP posts about how the deep state tried to kill him?

Please explain the 15d chess to me anons.
still can't get over the fact that Obama roasted Trump at the corespondents dinner to his face and said "I'm the one thing you'll never be, president of the US" and then was the one who had to hand the keys to the white house over to him. What a fucking world
Unironically, you attack that which threatens you the most
>Qui you wanna fuck?
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>Austin Private Wealth LLC.
>Owners are Dan Kraus, Raoul Celerier, Alex J. Wagner and Kieu Le
>Pic related, it's Dan Kraus

Trump being going the unity route since day 1. Only people who let others watch and form their opinions of Trump for them ever though he was actually polarizing
You don’t want to sound too cocky and you want to make people feel sorry for you
Then you attack
I guess I dont know
Maybe he’s trying to look presidential for November
Yeah, Q was definitely the biggest threat to pro-Trump redpilling.
Gapin Poopchute is the worst governor in the history of California.
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Trump was chosen by God Himself as His champion.
how can it be comeback since last election was stolen?
Post pinoy qt girls.
There 13F shows a long position of 700 shares purchased on 6/30/24 and a Put also on 6/30/24 of 12M shares. Which makes me believe there's a typo in the data. But also I'm a retard and have no idea what I'm looking at.
>Wealth Management companies aren't buying naked puts and playing the lottery like a retard on WSB
They actually are, that's how they got their peepees caught in the mousetrap with GameStop.
You got the Legend of the Galactic Heroes one?
There's nothing holy about earth other than it being created by God, but in that sense everything is derived from divinity.

Abandon notions of a holy land, this earth is a proving ground for our devotion to the Lord.
Sorry you listened to the fakes
>You guys are fucking stupid. Redpill away
New thread
I am the last to awoo
>red mask instead of a shade of act blue
He picked a running mate that said he wants to dump the deep state off a bridge and doesn't care about ignoring the federal courts to accomplish it
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Trump is our Fuhrer and the Fuhrer can do no wrong. Simple as that.
The only good thing about Q posters is they're all name/tripfags so they're easily autofiltered
never heard of this particular jew before
what else does he own or have connections to?
its not 15d chess, at most its regular 2d chess
>attempt on your life
>option 1: schizopost about deep state, make accusations without any evidence, get laughed at
>option 2: observe the niceties, let others schizopost for you, leave the ball at the dems/states court to try to explain this shit
which option seems wiser to you? if trump does anything about all this, it will be after his inauguration, when he has the actual power to chase it down properly.
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I never see anyone posting as Q
Do you?
It's just me.
Funny how that works.
I'm about the break
AND because things are so absolutely shit on every front that they can't SELL another steal to enough normies. They aren't buying it. Nail in the coffin for fooling enough of the populace was the debate.
It was so decisive that they seem to have realized they can't even sell it with a Joeplacement. SO... they used the SS to setup and allow the assassination attempt. I think they did this with some RINO traitors and that the ultimate plan was to confirm Haley as the nominee at the RNC.
Plausible, just seems uncharacteristic of Trump.
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>Ameriprise Financial
>Major donor
>Own PAC


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