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general thread for all relating to the Butler, Pennsylvania fairground shooting

Crooks' parents were "looking for their son" and called the cops day of the assassination attempt:


>exact location of shooter on building roof: west or east side
>how did he get up on the roof
>did LE confront him there
>snipers were stationed inside building, underneath him at exact same time
>rental van, vehicle
>FBI cracks his phone
>fences access
>anything relating to the shooting layout
>Home Depot, ladders, gear
>airphoto maps, diagrams of site
>ballistics, paths of the shots taken
>USSS, local/state LE fuckups and attempts to evade accountability
>corporate media narrative shifts
>cover up

Previous threads:
/ASLG/ #6 >>474566129
/ASLG/ #5 >>474536305
/ASLG/ #4 >>474515688
/ASLG/ #3 >>474500159
/ASLG/ #2 >>474485422
/ASLG/ #1 >>474457601
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Enough faggot. Stop making these.
Not enough. Continue making these
You sucking his cock too?
its afraid
Someone drove that van, someone rode the bike.
Both had guns.
Communicating with each other on the phone.
very nice baker
kek I almost didn't make it
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Glowniggers responding to themselves. Literally over the target or in the bulls eye.
no, it wasn't

not that either
You sound bitter and jealous you Reddit spacing new fag
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more angles
full res here
The shooter is giving the appearance of "pretending to be a plain-clothes Law Enforcement Officer inspecting the perimeter". The other cop in the video even looks fully away from him too: https://youtu.be/xj6YhgdcHDs?feature=shared&t=19

Seems like the Mall Cops were too scared to question anyone or report anything.
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>encrypted comms
>no social or online presence
ok well that about wraps that up, it's a set up
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picrel; tip for those seeking high res images
They were instructed to let him in, obviously. Those cops all need to be waterboarded until they squeal.
Stupid question but encrypted comms would that be like shit that’s not traceable? Apps like signal or anonymous apps shit like that?
You can see he had no scope.
He was using the metal sights.
audio analysis
too many shots
or did sniper team 3 enter the game?
Exactly. Letting him roam around like that with large backpacks & gun bags laying around rogue bikes is UNACCEPTABLE.
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we need better confirmation
>trumps ear
>2 critically wounded
>1 killed
>bullet trail photo
>forklift hit

how many shots did he get off?
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It was originally stated that the first four were his, and then the rest were sniper counter fire
AR-15 of some type probably 14.5-16” barrel
>if they have a drone shot of him before, why not a drone shot during?
I don't reckon it was a drone shot that got him on the cement wall. I think they took it out the window from above.
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Do we know that he/they didn't have two guns up there in two different spots?
It looks like he is lying dead on top of a gun in this pic
Could mean anything, could mean encrypted iranian walkie talkies, but most likely means Signal
I counted 7 before sniper return fire in the videos
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You have to go back
>encrypted comms
that usually means you are in contact with some one
did they just acknowledge a possible conspiracy?
This anon is correct. Gun/glasses fags, would having your glasses on the tip of your nose while using irons? 20/20 no astigmatism Chad here.
theres vast array of so called "encrypted" communication apps which arent truly safe
this means nothing
Yeah we're actually able to see where all the shots hit which is crazy lucky.
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>Apps like signal or anonymous apps shit like that?

That's just fedspeak. Could mean he used a VPN at home or used two-factor on his WoW account. Feds are disgusting creatures who create languae to make it seem that they are not retarded.
P.S. Ingame chat is the new hotness for secure comms.
>if you know, you know.

Hahahaha Glowieniggers on Sepuku watch because their Antifa Jewish Soldier is gonna be exposed so they flood every thread with this Thomas crooks say his name bs. MAXWELL DAVID YEARICK. JEWISH ANTIFA BOLSHEVIK INTEL AGENCY PARAMILITARY. SAY HIS NAME.
>ear bump match
>nose match
>mole match
>hairline match
>eye match

And for those who keep asking why ID-ing correct shooter is important?

Yes the were in on it. Yes they knew has $DJT and $Truth being anormaly shorted days after the attempt.
But furthermore. It was a Jewish. Antifa Marxist NIGGER
so you're assigned here to shit up the thread eh
>The parents are reportedly cooperating with the FBI as they search for a motive in the deadly attack.
20yo has a remote control IED in the van
knows exactly which building isn't being secured
has SS snipers watching him setup for at least 26 minutes
is allowed to fire multiple rounds before return fire
FBI is like "so you didn't see our agent grooming him at all?, fucking kek"
Gotcha thanks anon
>Feds are disgusting creatures who create languae to make it seem that they are not retarded.
>P.S. Ingame chat is the new hotness for secure comms.
very much this
Why do you dumb chuds keep talking about this?
I have a 150' ladder that folds up and fits in my pocket. It's part of my EDC.
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Can we talk about this?
What are the three puffs on the side in this video?


the puffs are timed with the shots, but at the same time the dude in the stands was shot from? These shots can't all come from the same place, can they?

What are the three puffs that are timed with the shots fired?

Cullen is an asshole but there's something in this video that bears thinking on.
good summary
>Gun/glasses fags, would having your glasses on the tip of your nose while using irons?

Affirmative. Indoor range I just squint, outdoors my shooting glasses are prescription.


For them is just an app
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lets talk about it
We know he didn't use a ladder and he climbed on AC or something
>Building where shooter fired at Trump rally was staging area for local law enforcement
Later NYP had a similar story but it was a sniper nest instead.
>hello my fellow wns
>'new fag'
>>ear bump match
>>nose match
>>mole match
>>hairline match
>>eye match
yeah but that damn ear
some one needs to find him irl
if he still exists
This has been covered already. Trump was expected to reveal his VP pick
This came out as a cope after an eyewitness described a man riding a Harley that rode into the closed police lot wearing skinny black jeans and a "don't tread on me" flag around his neck. He went into the building. The next day the Harley is parked in the same spot.
Tried to timestamp but they get into it right away:
https://youtu.be/QvTT27uq7DM?t=10 [Embed]

the next day, repeated here, timestamp
https://youtu.be/uRtf_ut0_3g?t=196 [Embed]

Then at the scene the next day
https://youtu.be/uRtf_ut0_3g?t=421 [Embed]

Who was that? My guess is the "outside contractor" like the one that did the Idaho 4 shooting, who rolled in to take the shot.

Also, why am I remembering people talking about some dude in yellow around the stands?
It's merely coincidence goy
It's normal to have shutter speeds that high for speaking events where everything happens super quickly
Also, Australia and BBC are always in BFE at rallies. Nothing to see chud

>arrested in 2017 for assaulting a grandma and a police officer at a Trump rally. FEDs could have been grooming h since fkn 2017. Do you see why they wanna blame a rando 20 incel with no motives ?


Give it up faggot. The shooter was THOMAS MATTHEW CROOKS.
>Can we talk about this?
We should. Lots of lenses point at Trump that day. Need to cross that with press attendance at other Nowhereville speeches he has given.
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Its Crooks. Other babby face pics are shit but this one is 100% the shooter
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i keep asking for this original vid but nobody delivers...
does anyone have a link to the video of him talking in class?



Where did you get this awesome sky footage?
his ear has a slit in it retard
good stuf anon
does seem like a red dot sight
Crooks was doing a lot of scouting that day prior to getting on the roof.

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Exactly. There was an adult here.
This pic of Maxwell Yearick even has him lying prone like the way he was shot dead...foreshadowing
Nope. It was crooks.
The corpse photos are from the cops, they're cropped and not presented in the context of the footage they were grabbed from. Cops are not reliable sources of information. Dozens of people there got footage of the guy on the roof, at least one of the surely got footage of the guy being shot, if he was. Cop footage must be assumed fake until proven otherwise.
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shut up its just blood
not this shit again you fucking retard you can clearly see he had a scope
>snipers were stationed inside building, underneath him at exact same time
Is there a solid source for this? Like directly underneath him and not only in one of the connected buildings?
Because if the possibility of someone in that building shooting Trump from a window is discounted because the elevation probably couldn't get a good angle... then they also wouldn't have the elevation to do anything with respect to the crowd as a sniper team stationed inside that building either. So then it doesn't make sense.


Thank you for making it even more obvious and for scrubbing the real shooter Maxwell David Yearick for no reason.
The more you push the official narrative. The more it proves our point.

Not convinced. Fake News Corporate Mainstream Media is way too happy about it.
>Australia TV
Now I'm not sure if all of those other stations are real or made up.
no you fucking idiot a slit between his earlobe and his neck in the babyface student picture…fucking glowie kike right here
Looks like iron sights to me
It was crooks.
Am I misinterpreting this or is this implying Trump got his hand to his ear in 1/8000th of a second
sucks that its edited
>Am I misinterpreting
u are
theres hundreds of frames in between
irons are yellow and the red is scope

and look at this one. scope is circled and irons are on the right side of the circle

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Butler airport elevation 1240ft
range 450 ft from supposed shooter to target
450/1100 @ 1240 ft
.409 sec lag between impact and sound on trumps mic
Interesting.. but why the glasses if he was already using the scope? Also, I’m a retard so I’m asking.
I don't think they make prescription lenses for scopes

Kek are you ANTIFA or Fed ?
Looks like Jehovah Witnesses showing up at the door.

no clue, his vision could be too shit for the scope to correct it. he is wearing glasses when we see him in most images/videos
Temperature and humidity always high this time of year in PA. That may factor in slightly, good post anon

Interesting post re blackrock owning the building--from redskull thread >>474554553

You faggots really haven't made the Ingersoll connection yet? The building was invested in by Blackrock but owned by INGERSOLL, same name of the "time traveling" author that wrote "Baron Trump's Marvelous Underground Adventure" and "The Last President."

I read both those books. It was then I knew there really was something to the "time travel" machine. There's no way those things are coincidence.

Also, a side note Wayne R. Willott who larped as Juan O Savin (raking in millions) then proceeded to larp as JFK Jr...made the fake "george magazine website" AND the ingersol lockwood website.

The Q research thread that was thousands of pages long was yeeted after Vance was announced as VP. I checked on Qresearch to see what they were saying--same glownigger shit as here and they've also yeeted the JFK Jr. narrative and got REALLY mad so as to perma ban me for posting Malia Obama snorting coke at fucking Hunter when she was 21 years old. The excuse? I posted KP.

This gives me a really good idea who was running this Operation Trust. Also raises questions as to why Trump and Flynn played along instead of calling it out.

Which witch is which?
1/8000 isn't extremely fast by industry standards. High end film SLRs could do it in the 80's and it's pretty well standard now.
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Exactly their narrative. It's too convenient for them
fuck off faggot
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Very good. Now post as links.
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Come blow my cock
the retarded faggot who sold rights of this vid to tmz deserves to get shot...

Lol well you have a bone to pick with RFK jr ring the bell
I don't see a scope. Maybe a holosight. A good shooter would not need a scope at 150 yards.
t. Guy with glasses.
cant be bothered, maybe later
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Kek the only counter argument they had left is to call is kikes and Jew shills but you can hardly make it more Jewish than Maxwell David Yearick

Hahahahah they are desesperate to have everyone believe their media narrative. Just like Vegas. They wanted us to believe media when there was footage of muzzle flashes coming from unidentified helos.


Just watch. Next it’s gonna be «it was mark roberts» spam.

Predictable dick sucking faggots. They go home at night and kiss their wives after sucking their faggot bosses cocks for promotions LMAO
shit i meant irons on left side of circle but u get what i mean
Please point out scope in
bottom left hand image.

There is no fucking scope. I have scopes--they have profiles. Your pitiful cope image isn't it.
Plus he was wearing glasses. Anyone else wear glasses and use a scope? I do. I have to look over my glasses or take them off when using scope or binoculars.

So glow on fuckwad. There is no fucking scope visible in this image.
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>i dont see a scope

okay gook open ur eyeflaps, red circle
When they shot him from behind in the neck he rolled forward over his gun. Stop with the glownigger Yearick LARP.
There are a lot of missing persons cases, obviously the secret service/local police on the site were a fucking shitshow but do people think law enforcement should have heard "some guy is missing" and deduced "he's gonna try to kill the president"
And the glownigger X poster swerve. Seriously fuckwads, give it the hell up.
It’s a bright summer day, using a shutter speed that fast is completely reasonable, especially with the fact that a telephoto was being used. Those lenses typically have lower apertures to begin with, therefore a faster shutter speed will be needed to compensate and not over expose the image. Not to mention when shooting at a live event you want to be shooting in a burst mode, to be able to capture still life images of moving subjects that have good facial expressions, hand placement, etc.
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who rented the van?
Maxwell Yearick is alive and well. The shooter was Thomas Matthew Crooks.
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>snipers were stationed inside building, underneath him at exact same time
> sniper team stationed inside that building either.
somebody took this pic
and from an elevated position
Don't compare to the corpse pic, compare to >>474602252
I used to take a lot of photos as a hobby.
Every setting is a trade-off with something else.
A super fast shutter speed means less light coming in during the time the image is taken, which means either a grainier image, or you have to open the aperture wider, which would mean poorer focus (not a big deal at long range) and maybe some lens effects.
A pro would put his settings where they were needed based on lighting conditions, depth of field, and expected motion of the target.
Looks like the "target" was Trump's brain, not his mouth.
if not for the ear
i would say that is yearick
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Where is Maxwell Yearick?
Why hasn't Fake News interviewed him yet to prove that we're all "dumb conspiracy theorists"? Because (((they))) are protecting Their Second Man that got away.

ALSO, The Bike. In the Shed. Under the Light
Look at the end of the day, what the fuck difference does it make?
"Hey Faggot, What the fuck are you doing over there?" Thats what I would have yelled if I were at the block party, then I would have kicked his scrawny ass while all the women were throwing their panties at me.

Hahahahah you are so desesperate to lie and defend the official narrative it’s funny


you are a fucking glowie nigger
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you mean crooks right? yearick died on the roof of AGR
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At 24mm it's pretty well the of a telephoto lens but you generally do use high shutter speeds when photographing speeches regardless. 1/8000 is by no means extremely fast by industry standards as they keep saying though.
They're called "red dot sight" or "mini red dot sights" a type of scope or optic

Then you need to get your eyes checked because they don’t have the same ears at all. It’s Yearick.
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you are a fucking ccp agent who cant see because of your fucking gook eyelids
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fuck that ass hole phone user.
u retards need to ignore the diversion and deflection rat team
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>fuck that ass hole phone user.
are u stoopid?
>Maybe a holosight.

Yep. Irons flipped up and a holo.
There is a technique that teaches that, surprised some nobody like him would know it.
looks like the JIDF diversion squad has arrived to our comfy threads
I think it came from the video where the dude puts all the available video together by timestamp. In the original that puff bit was just a small section of the video if I recall correctly the video taker was panning pretty wildly. So this puff bit is a section of someone's video...that's real, I did see it but at the time it was panning so fast...you can see it better in Cullen's video where he keeps replaying that small section.

I don't know if I DL that one. I have this snippet.

it has to be real because you can see the dude in blue reacting.
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you can see a gap between his lobe and neck, clearly different people then corpse
Yeah I no longer see what the importance of knowing the shooter's ID
He failed, either way you know he was backed or MKULTRAd by the government
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how do we petition tmz to release the full hd uncensored vid?
do i have to hack their shit?
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>not this shit again you fucking retard you can clearly see he had a scope
not a scope, but it looks like an eotech or similar
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>are u stoopit
Id answer
cant be bothered
This thread is going so fast no one will know I'm Candace Owens.
i say scope because it doesnt matter if its sights, people keep acting like he was only using the irons/peeps
Please hack it. And get an HD version of Crooks. Because the shooter is CROOKS. (Not yearick).

See how ear pattern doesn’t fit at all especially bottom near canal. Even the kids ear don’t have as much bumps than Yearicks because Yearick wore piercings his whole life. Yearick ear are even more bumpy cause of it.

Fuck man. Since when is 4ch full of retards who trusts the media and fbi ?

Lmaoooooo comon guys
people were saying eotech earlier, its looks a little beefier on the tmz image


irons on the left scope is in the circle
im putting together a team
if u see btc take a tumble, that was me
>Fuck man. Since when is 4ch full of retards who trusts the media and fbi ?

99% of posters last few days on here are feds working to preserve the narrative and sink any evidence that might pop up from rando's cell phones that happened to catch something.
This is what I think too.
>yearick has sleeve tattoo
>shooter doesn’t
You got BTFO Saar go KYS
western PA actually
The hair doesn't match Crooks at all, but looks like Maxwell Yearick is MULPTIPLE PICS AND AT MULTIPLE ANGLES.
Look at the Dead Corpse's long, strong hair.
The fuglyIncel has very weak, blonde stringy hair as pictured on the ledge via DroneFootage.

Even the hat is a Yearick thing, and the Fence Footage video shows a hat is clearly being worn
Is it me, or did nobody call the shooter an incel this time?

This kids ear are not as much bumpy and deformed than the faggot piercing wearing ANTIFA dead on the roof that day. All those agents here pushing official narrative should tell you we are onto something. Socials scrubbed, everything scrubbed.

It was Jewish Antifa Yearick. Case closed.

Now to every mossad Jewish kike in here : cry us 6 000 000 tears rivers, your god is Lucifer, Sabattai Zevi was a faggot nigger like all Crypto Jews
CIA paid to get the tattoos laser removed to make identifying his body more difficult
>the official narrative is fake
>the body is real
>hair can’t grow in two years goy
>the ears and moles aren’t crooks goy
>tattoos can disappear goy
Nice try Jewish shill. How’s the weather in Tel Aviv?
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Yep. Not to mention no telltale mole.
That is a FTM tranny or a Woman that is trying to look like a boy.
>Is it me, or did nobody call the shooter an incel this time?

Nope. He is just a poor kid who got bullied at school. Shows where the sympathy lies.
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its worse than u think
The shooter was Thomas Matthew Crooks. CASE CLOSED.
Who cares?
Why do you care?
What difference does it make?
Mayorkas has blocked the USSS director from testifying before Congress.
To me, the gauge closure scar is the smoking gun here. The dead person with the dried caked blood on their face has a clear scar from having the holes from ear gauges sew back up. It's obviously not blood and is obviously a scar in the exact place where such a scar would be.

Crooks never had ear gauges. Yearick did.
looks like a typical tube style red dot to me
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oy vey
shut it down
>why does the truth matter?
>why won't you just swallow obvious lies?
There is no gauge sewn up scar. It’s just blood Jew. Nice try though. The shooter was Thomas Matthew crooks.

Hahahaha no it was not because Crooks ears are not as much deformed as people who wear piercings

Bad job Mossad

Btw the pic is full of fragments and particles. Hire new photo editors you wanna be Israelite Niggers

Keep calling us Jewish kikes for exposing one of your ANTIFA Mossad hitman. It makes so much sense ROFLMAOOOO
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picrel So no one saw Crooks cross this parking lot full of cops and security and snipers looking that way while he carried a ladder and backpack to boost onto the roof?
Hey back again I see Mr Jew. See >>474605194
thanks and shalom to your Jewish masters
New video shows Crooks located at the rally 1 hour prior to shooting

It's obvious that it's not blood, especially because of all the blood that it looks nothing like. You're lying, not blind.
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Better image of motorcycle parked
It’s the SAME EAR slightly rotated i stg you are blind…
lady he subscribed to could have groomed him easily.
Pretty sure it’s you that’s lying. It’s clearly blood. There is zero stitching. Nice try, Jew.
Isn't it fake?
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Please note the profiles of scope no scope. The go STFU. SKS has a slide on top to receive a scope but does not HAVE a scope.

here is the fence breach video of USSS / Pennsylvania State Police:

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have not been able to find this angle yet
full res here
anyone know where he spent it?
>ethot strings simp along for months
>spend every penny you have
>oh anon, it would be so hot if you fap on cam for me
>as youre cleaning up mess, thot reveals its a tranny and if you dont keep paying theyre going to air the vid
>goes on shooting spree?
The lobes look completely different. The kids is big and poofy and normal. The antifa assassin from the dead person photo has barely any lobe there at all, because that's how they close those gauge holes back up intentionally. The scar from that procedure is also very obvious in the photo of the dead guy.

The main reason they're bothering to do this at all is to keep the heat off of Antifa, so they can try again. The "haha it was your guy actually" is just an added bonus for them. They need the heat off Antifa goons who are definitely going to try again after their comrade was killed and had his dead mug plastered all over the internet.
those bullet angles are only possible on a flat earth, globeniggers blown the fuck out
Holy fuck
T.Crooks was probably unironically at the rally as an actual innocent Trump supporting fan. He's being literally railroaded Richard-Jewel style by the FBI.

Hell, Crooks probably even tried STOPPING the shooter on the roof (Maxwell Yearick) a la Richard Jewel style at the Atlanta Olympic Centennial Park bombing.

Or was his accomplice wearing the same exact shirt as per glownigger instructions.

this isnt a SKS though nigger faggot this is a gun with a scope see >>474600731
No seriously, either way, the government did it
The name of their weapon is unimportant
These two identities are interchangeable, they are failed assets either way
Incorrect. It was Crooks. Yearick had a SLEEVE TATTOO that the shooter (THOMAS MATTHEW CROOKS) did not have even the feds were on the roof holding up his arm. But you already knew that Jew boy. You’re just following your Jew masters orders to spread disinformation.

- It makes a difference that would force FEDs to admit ANTIFA isn’t just an idea but an organized terrorist paramilitary for Dems and the Globalist Cabal.
- There’s rumors he was in Ukraine, so it could also link it to Ukraine. He was arrested in 2017 that would mean FAGS (Federal Agents Groom Shooters) groomed him since his arrest.
- It would make the shooter a Jewish Bolshevik and not a white Republican with a narrative that fits more school shooting FF than anything else.

Notice how they all divert by calling us kikes. But Maxwell David Yearick was 10000% a KIKE LOL

Dead shooter pic is doctored. Bad job mossad.

Fuck it hurts seeing you all be this slow. Chans really fell off
So what does this tell you about the audio/shots and trajectory?
>shows Crooks
does it now?
i see a lanky goof strutting around at a distance too far to verify who they are
Incorrect. It was Crooks. Yearick had a SLEEVE TATTOO that the shooter (THOMAS MATTHEW CROOKS) did not have even the feds were on the roof holding up his arm. But you already knew that Jew boy. You’re just following your Jew masters orders to spread disinformation
They want to keep the heat off their current and ongoing operation. This isn't over.

they really are shitting up this thread huh
shut up you copy pasting kike bot
it's not really that suspicious for a lanky, poorly groomed, awkward young man to pace around a security perimeter all alone, is it...? bros...
I counted it as shooter being in the the 21st or 22nd "column"
could be a 3x prism, but probably just a dot
I will not be gaslit. The dead person in the photograph is quite obviously not that kid for a variety of reasons. Good luck keeping everyone from noticing. Repeating the lie doesn't make it true. Anyone who bothers to look will notice too.
There is a tat on the roof body's left arm when the cops approach the corpse and lift his arm up.
Glownigger begging a man to suck him off. Kek
>Ingame chat is the new hotness for secure comms
I use DayZ

Very bad job on that dead shooter pic editing who did it Shlomo.

And when will your Jewish ass realize it’s retarded to call us Jews when we are exposing your Yiddish Hitman called Maxwell David Yearick ?
Fuck you and your MOSSAD higher ups
Incorrect. You’re a lying kike shill. THERE ARE ZERO TATTOOS ON HIS ARM.
Excellent. Day of--so the eye witness is telling the truth.
look at other peoples ears and see how variable they are, the two in that image are basically identical and any small variation can be attributed to different angle, blood, shadow, a cut… you basically proved they’re the same ear with that image
Incorrect. It was Crooks. Yearick had a SLEEVE TATTOO that the shooter (THOMAS MATTHEW CROOKS) did not have even the feds were on the roof holding up his arm. But you already knew that Jew boy. You’re just following your Jew masters orders to spread disinformation!
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fkn gov employees
Yeah, those are not the same ears in the SLIGHTEST.
Best thing Secret Service ever did was release that pic of dead shooter besides kill him in the first place, saving President Trump's life.

Thomas Matthew Crooke became Thomas Matthew "Crooks" overnight

He was NEVER "Crooks"

Someone is fucking with the timeline again
So did the corpse. The pics of the corpse have tats on his left arm.
That is my SKS and it is indeed an SKS police folding stock that has a scope receiver but no scope. The profile of a gun WITH a scope is dramatically different than one without.

The gun laying on the roof has no scope. Doesn't even look like it has a receiver.

Then hack the TMZ footage and prove us it’s not Yearick on that roof you wannabe sand nigger
Anybody who follows blindly the media and fbi narrative is a shill with no critical thinking skills.
That’s incorrect. Say his name!

no retard the gun he used i dont give a fuck about your gun nignog did you shoot him?
Don’t have to prove anything when it was CLEARLY crooks. SAY HIS NAME!
Which pic?
The leaf keeps spamming
>mandela effect
yeah no.
It's an Eotech holosight.
working on it
but dont hold your breath
wont be today
but it will say if the bullet impacts match to the distances they were supposed to be fired for
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Dot--could be. But with his glasses not sure how helpful it would actually be in daylight. Some claimed there was a red dot on Vince Fusca but I never saw it.
No. For some reason Crooks had dirt on his arms and legs but no tats. Blow it up--
I told you
FBI was in a hurry to hose the roof off.
Gouveia stream on the Secret Service cover up underway :

In a hurry? They investigated the scene for three days? What more do you want?
Dirt on his arms were probably from bear crawling on that dirty ass roof, anon
Excellent. Will be keeping an eye out.

The fact is those puffs do coincide with the shots.. dude in blue ducks...so there was something coming at them from that direction.
Does the arm tattoo on dead rooftop shooter look like this???
>The pics of the corpse have tats on his left arm.
>inb4 my mom
why did the body change positions from lying on its side to face down between photos?
There is no tattoo you dumb Jew faggot
I think the point is--the FBI isn't usually involved in crime scene cleanups.

FBI canvassing the area where the van was parked the day after.
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Hi Candace.
We love your show.
You're pretty and based.
See ya around.
Interesting. Haven’t seen this pic before.
>those puffs do coincide with the shots.
but do they coincide with the correct time offset?
that is the question
but if there is a second shooter. they might not.

Hahahaha this nigger is out here defending MEDIA / FBI and nobody finds this suspicious


The same FBI for the J6 bombs

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No tattoo on Crooks or no tattoo on the body?
It looks like there are tattoos on the dead body, and it's confirmed that Maxwell Yearick had both arm and leg tattoos of which we have pictures.
They yanked his head back to take the death face shot--but also supposedly zip tied him and rolled him over. Looks like his arms are behind him on roof.

But this perspective is confusing. you can see the light on the dark brown overhang looks pretty close in on the cops laughing image.
He also looks closer to the edge in this image you can see the siding but no siding is visible in the rooftop image.
maybe im dumb but idk if were talking about the same thing

red dots are perfectly usable in daylight, and with most prescriptions, it just projects a dot onto ur glass

or are you thinking i mean a laser like a PEQ?

not trying to be a fag, but do you own a rifle with a dot?
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Why are you calling me a glownigger? I agreed he was using irons and asked a question about glasses on the tip of your nose and irons. Chill out. That pic clearly shows him no scope 360. I don't give a fuck about the probably planted rooftop gun after he's dead that has every single thing the atf wants banned. The view can't believe the gun store sold him a crate of 50 cartridges and didn't call the atf. I think his glownigger parents should go to jail like that other kids parents did. The mom didn't even mess with guns "it was a father and son thing" and they still crucified them. Fuck jews. Fuck glowniggers.

rsbn has a wide angle but the railings not in frame
No tattoo on crooks (which is the dead body). Dirt isn’t a tattoo you fucking kike. Again, nice try.
>why did the body change positions
leo went onto the roof and verified dead
took pic and posted so their masters would know the patsy was taken care of
then pulled the rifle from underneath him and put it off to the side until forensics came, then went back down into the building to finish their card game from before
stay on the lookout of that vid
other then to let trump die why the fuck did they let trump go to the podium with him in that spot if they knew he was there.
>finish card game from before
Lmao even
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That's not the same gun, faggot.
1/8000th is not 'extremely fast' when you are outside pointing at the cloudless sunny sky.
you use the smallest shutter speed you can get away with given the available light.
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Who ordered the hit on Trump? The man who orchestrated 9/11 or his J6 committee daughter? Both have connections to Kim Cheatle. Interesting fact: When Kim Cheatle was a SS agent she was on VP Cheney’s detail for six years. Liz Cheney also remarked in her book how close she became with some agents at the SS, having been a protectee during the Bush/Cheney Administration and has maintained those friendships since and how helpful the SS was at providing her with documentation when on the J6 committee. Information that would normally require a subpoena, but was just handed over to Cheney.
glownigger faggot projecting much?
I shoot a scope with glasses on.
First time I’m seeing this pic. Where’d you get it? That’s definitely crooks.
Lol stupid nigger.
Just another reminder that it was Crooks.
This fucking commie piece of shit.
How does the distance of the glasses lens from your eyeball effect your ocular focus? Minimally?
WaPo reporting that local police in Pennsylvania told the Secret Service that they "did not have manpower to assist with securing" the building from which Crooks shot at Trump and the rally crowd.
looks like non standard iron sights attached on
Kek the building they were using as a glownigger HQ?
does it really matter if it's Crooks or Yearik?
Admit it: you've never fired a rifle, have you?

Lmaooo. Pic shows nothing. This nigger: omg proof it was crooks
It does. Because all the evidence points to crooks. There is like three Jewish glowniggers that keep shilling this yearick bullshit. Put some respect on crooks name. THOMAS MATTHEW CROOKS IS THE SHOOTER. CASE CLOSED.
affirmative kimo sabe

Yes it does.
They are shifting blame from antifa and the violent left. Yearick could have ties to Ukraine and the intel agencies that train them and groom them to go there
It would mean Jews tried to kill Trump because he’s not okay with their wars and they’d rather much have Nikki Haley.
Biden let the assassin get 3 to 8 free shots.
Let that sink in. This is how fucked America is. Then the corrupt FBI lies about who the shooter is to protect the kike running the terrorist group ANTIFA. The FBI doing CYA work for terrorist kikes as the FBI terrorizes Trad Catholics and infiltrates the Church.
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> typical face-blind poltard autist
how can you not see the bottom lip and right ear of the corpse are exact matches for Crooks?
dafuq is wrong with you people?
It was crooks. Nice try though faggot.
>Be Trump
>Beat Crooked Hillary
>About to beat Crooked Joe
>"Who shot me, got an ID?"
>"It's Crooks, sir"
Goddamn it

«Jewish glowniggers» that keep shilling the name of a Yiddish Jewish Hitman

Only in your retard Jewish head it sounds like a nice counter argument.

DNST3 gene Jewish degens LMAO
>They are shifting blame from antifa and the violent left.
Eotech or Bushnell holosight. Eotech is the mil-spec version, with a heavy shroud to protect the sight. Otherwise virtually identical. Excellent sight with zero parralax, so can aquire sight picture rapidly.
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Looks like the same ear to me.
Every thread huh? Get a fucking life faggot.
so the corporate media narrative now, is that he gained access to the building roof *without* a ladder?
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>>474599348 #
All that AND MORE.
*Walked a mile from his house to within about 100 meters of Donald Trump at a presidential rally while wearing a rifle and carrying a ladder with him (and with long haur and combat/foraging clothes on and a face like an ANTIFA sewer mutant) a ladder that he bought at 9am that morning according to US glow media “news” channel CNN - how did he get the ladder from the shop to his house?
>That ladder has vanished and has never been recovered
claim CNN.
Perhaps he has left his klingon bird of prey cloaking device attached to it, the one he uses to be invisible to police and to the secret service?
We are in that hiatus moment between the assassination attempt and the point where they intend to say
You fucking watch. That is certainly the set up, they may very well carry the plan through. This is not my first rodeo i was reading the signs BEFORE the trump rally.
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Why is the last shot that took forever after all the shooting stopped not represented on this graphic?
Where does the 1/8000th shutter speed info come from? Does anyone have a copy of the bullet pic with exif info?
The bullet image appears to be about 12-18 inches long. For it to be an 1/8000th second image, the bullet would have to be travelling at about like 12,000fps to appear to be 18 inches long. Which is way too fast.
5.56 out of a 14.5-16" barrel will be going about 2500fps at 150 yards.
However, if it was 1/2000th of a second (a very common shutter speed) a bullet travelling at 2500 fps would appear to be 15" long.
I don't think there is anything nefarious with this, just that the picture was taken at 1/2000 instead of 1/8000. Just kind of an odd thing for the photographer to mention while also being wrong.
>I know I’m correct.

Left ear is clearly the shooter MAXWELL DAVID YEARICK , multiple ear bumps and weird ear shape from piercings.

Right ear is Crooks ear which as not as near bumps and cartlidge damage.

Blame white bullied republican kid school shooting starting pack rather than the violent Antifa paramilitary that’s supposed to be «just an idea» but has organized Telegrams, channels and is on FEDs payroll. Like the guys in this board on suicide watch because we don’t trust their media and fbi narrative.

But we are Jewish kikes for calling out a literal Jewish Bolshevik named Maxwell David Yearick .. make it make sense. It further solidify them being Jews because only an inbred Jew would think its a nice way to counter argue
Someone calculated it by the sound of it and the distance between the rooftop and trump face

The ear canal is totally different …
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could be manipulated but i think the original with exif is out there somewhere
The shilling for this dude is the number one reason we all know (((you))) are in on it
what if it was staged to fail
the kid was a bad shot
the last bullet is from a sniper taking the kill on the patsy
the counter sniper missed
there's 8 shot
5 by the patsy 2 by the counter snipers on Trump left and 1 killing the patsy
it opens a shit can full off worms
how did chud get radicalized?
who was his handler?
glowniggers specialize in exploiting people when they are down or hurting
they are disgusting
Probably a dot. Prisms are usually a bit further back.
From the photographer >>474603369
I've been tempted to do the math myself on that photo because all of the sound guys are using inaccurate data sets.
The hair is not the same faggot.
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It changes a lot then.
This whole thing is unbelievably ham fisted.
They were planting evidence on the internet including on this site for days before the assassination attempt with all the lack of skill and lack of finesse with which they make their school shooter troons wear red trump caps.
Remember how we were all like
>this is garbage why are you posting it every day we told you already and it didn’t work the first 500 times you posted it, WTF are you even doing?
Well now we know. And if/when they say
>we unlocked his phone and he’s the alt right.
Remember this.
I got onto them years ago, i’ve watched the glow using discord troons to find, recruit and groom mass murderers since the 2018 toronto van massacre (sgt. 4chan) including that pathetic yet somewhat successful buffalo set up they pulled. This is very likely the SAME GLOW behind the trump assassination. They are dumb as fuck but they are part of a powerful rigger cabal. They love to set up “the right wing”.
please do
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There's one pic with 2-3 ladders and a scalable hvac system. The going home depot to buy a ladder story is falling apart and there's too many people to kill that were at the HD. Where's this backpack everyone is talking about? He doesn't have one when he's virgin incel walking and calling behind the fence.
>Blame white bullied republican kid school shooting starting pack rather than the violent Antifa paramilitary
Can't allow a narrative to finally go after antifa hard build in the public consciousness.
>that’s supposed to be «just an idea» but has organized Telegrams, channels and is on FEDs payroll
US judges have issued rulings about how antifa is an organization, so their non-organizational larp is at an end with one solid push.
NEW THREAD >>474610426
MIGRATE >>474610426
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is it like this?
This is why I feel so sick & unsettled about this whole thing.
Biden admin is permitted to appoint Secret Service for President Trump's detail???? Shouldn't be allowed.
>home depot to buy a ladder story
yeah that one always seemed farfetched
also iirc, the first 24 hours after the assassination attempt were occupied with a lot of
>'muh ladder'
topic threads on /pol/, x and social media
That one last shot takes forever. Definitely a sloopy job. Keep baking, glowies on sucide watch... literally this is gitmo level if they don't cheat.
Left ear looks like a bat's ear & the right ear has a totally longer lobe.
He had the orange split ends cut off. The peroxide bleach orange is even still present in the dead pic.
It's the same guy with slightly shorter hair
and it clearly comes from a different gun than the other 3
Yeah those ears look exactly alike. you can even see the weird straight part on both of these ears right after the yellow line you placed. It's definitely Crooks. I mean it's not even close; Yearick had gauges and would have had a big hole in his ear. Not sure why you keep pushing this obvious false narrative.
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To be fair the identification is unproven and the FBI are not a fit and proper organisation to identify the shooter in an assassination in which they are very likely to be involved at some level. They have been categorically caught red handed faking crime scenes at these events before now so anything which they say or release is highly suspect.
You apply probabilities to tangents when investigating, we can run through the crookes stuff but bear in mind that the entire thing could be invention unless we see proofs to the contrary, while the yarricks and john doh’s stay on the griddle if you know what i mean.
I’d happily look at everything so as to avoid guesswork.
I’d suggest separate threads and denouncing the poo brained interference turds who post
>Noooo! Nooooo! Oh /pol has gone downhill, etc etc etc you are bot allowed to think this way
I’m the same bong who was doing this ten years ago. I’ve been in every bread of infamy and import since then. And I’m not settled on any explanation yet. I’m damn sure not happy with the absolute ‘deadly-deadly covid’ tier bullshit being fed to people through the media about this GLOWING assassination attempt.
Pic: quietly, ever so quietly hidden away in the media a day after the assassination attempt. Lawfare had failed. Bring on the sewer mutant & troon gun-puppets.

I think there was a tower shooter as well.

Another Webm video in another thread shows a bullet path following that angle, coming in from behind the stands, which lines up with the water tower direction.

Maybe the Deep state CIA hitman was on the water tower and that was the shot that hit Trump's ear.

This shit is definitely an inside hit job that failed.


Multiple shooters, who were allowed to take their shots while cops and SS stood down.

Big time setup.

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