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general thread for all relating to the Butler, Pennsylvania fairground shooting

>exact location of shooter on building roof: west or east side
>how did he get up on the roof
>did LE confront him there
>snipers were stationed inside building, underneath him at exact same time
>rental van, vehicle
>FBI cracks his phone
>fences access
>anything relating to the shooting layout
>Home Depot, ammuntion, explosives, gear
>airphoto maps, diagrams of site
>ballistics, paths of the shots taken
>USSS, local/state LE fuckups and attempts to evade accountability
>corporate media narrative shifts
>cover up

Previous threads:
/ASLG/ #7 >>474596868
/ASLG/ #6 >>474566129
/ASLG/ #5 >>474536305
/ASLG/ #4 >>474515688
/ASLG/ #3 >>474500159
/ASLG/ #2 >>474485422
/ASLG/ #1 >>474457601
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upscaled with AI
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That's not how AI works. It doesn't magically show you what the pixels obscure. It makes stuff up.
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Bump this is definitely Jewish Communist MAXWELL DAVID YEARICK
Anyone who says otherwise is a shill/a fed/an antifa commie gender fluid faggot
please stop using AI shit
another bullet accounted for
one victim was hit twice
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i was leaning against the 2nd shooter theory because a sniper wouldn't have missed, but the madlad might have pulled a move out of the matrix and literally dodged bullets. holy fuck.
also would this angle favor a sniper in the window vs the patsy on the roof???
total bullshit meme
get that garbage out of here
impossible for shot to come from the tower

That's where the media says he was but he was actually on the other end of the building
This is a completely astroturf disinformation bread.
So are we putting the ladder home depot story on the back burner? I'm missing "the white roof was too hot" article. Anyone have it? They're lying so much and so fast, I thought no one could ever match my wife. Never forget Mark Violet, then "a chinese guy".
Trust your eyes. Fuck the feds and media.

Blindly trusting FBI.. What else now ? Are you gonna believe that Biden has COVID-19 like they’re claiming now ?

If you really do you should kill yourself useless faggot self
Crooks' parents were "looking for their son" and called the cops day of the assassination attempt:

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Fuck off, kike.
>ladder home depot story
yeah that one is history.
corp media now says he gained access to the roof 'without a ladder'
>Secret Service killed gunman 26 seconds after first shot

how the fuck does that make sense?
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>window vs the patsy on the roof
the windows on the single story building would have been very close to people who were around the building including the side facing the rally
they would have probably noticed
New video shows Crooks located at the rally 1 hour prior to shooting

...but there was a ladder pic posted here last night. Photoshop? It was a more normal sized ladder used on top of some utility box thing against the building.
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Fuck off, kike
the fence breach video of USSS / Pennsylvania State Police:

ok this is fucked up...

According to this source, briefers said the snipers spotted him on the roof at 5:52 p.m. ET. The shooting happened at 6:12 p.m., 20 minutes later.

The briefing was conducted by the FBI Director, his Deputy Director and the head of the USSS.

In addition, briefers told lawmakers Crooks was identified as a person of interest a full 62 minutes before the shooting took place.

From the time he fired his first shot to Crooks being killed was just 26 seconds, according to law enforcement officials. Eleven seconds after the first shot, USSS counter snipers acquired their target -- and 15 seconds after that, Crooks was shot dead.
Mayorkas has blocked the USSS director from testifying before Congress.
where's this from
Located in bowling lane slot #20
God made the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field. Imagine winning this case.
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2nd story window.
The ears don't match. The top of yearicks ear is folded over and fattier.
Why was a spectator allowed within the fenced-in area but not actually cops?
If he'd dressed up as police he could have waltzed across that roof, set up a tripod, dialed it all in, and nobody would have said shit until the shooting started. Pretty crazy really. How does security work when everyone on the security team doesn't know each other like best bros. The short answer is that it doesn't.
WOW. seeing that now, is truly Gods hand
>...but there was a ladder pic posted here last night. Photoshop?
its there
sky news within hours of the event
they are just having problems explaining how he got a ladder to the site
then he had a car
then it turned into a van
then he had a getaway bike
and the bike has a backpack with it
but he had a backpack on the roof with him
oh, and the van was rigged with remote explosives and he had a remote control of some kind with him on the roof
While exposing your Jewish Kike YIDDISH Agent behind Trumps assasination attempt

MAXWELL DAVID YEARICK (try to make the name more Jew/Yiddish mission impossible)



We nearly had confirmation last night about Yearick being in Ukraine from an UkroFag.

Infiltrate Antifa Telegrams, Ukrainian Telegrams, NAFO Telegrams. Ask if people saw him. You can say you’re a close relative or something.

These glowniggers won’t stop us from getting to the bottom of this.

REMEMBER Trump said FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT and these Mossad Ukrainian Kikes nearly killed him to install Nikki Haley !! They fkn shorted $DJT before the attempt !! American Airlines 2.0
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jannies clean it up
That is a badly photoshopped vid by TMZ to make it look like it was Thomas Crooks . The shooter killed was Maxwell Yearick , have no doubts about it. Good job /pol/ anons.
Okay boomer.
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found some interesting clips i hadn't seen before in this japanese report
anybody got the original?
thanks swedeanon
this is what they are trying to prevent people from realizing.
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Fuck off, kike
>found some interesting clips i hadn't seen before in this japanese report
>anybody got the original?
meh ofc i forget the link

yeah, there's some serious mississippi river muddy watering going on
Daily reminder that the shooter was THOMAS MATTHEW CROOKS. Case closed.
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>second story
its right at the edge of what would be possible
i thought that at firt, then i noticed the building a little farther away
If this is accurate OP should be more honest with the shooters position [dead] and that gives the 2 snipers a little wiggle room with the sequoia tree blocking their path. I just don't want this to be deboooked so easy. It's a total setup but we have to stick with the facts visually, candace owens is lurking after all.
They can cry and shill as much as they want. It won’t make Crooks ears as bumpy and deformed than the shooter’s MAXWELL DAVID YEARICK who wore piercing for years.
Very good point.
i think the shit was there for him to pick up. either he or someone else dropped it off beforehand.
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Fuck off, kike
Kek the Jews have been at it for three days
>Case closed.
then who was his handler?
just a note for anons, scroll past without replying to the 'Yearick' and 'ear' comments these are JIDF
On a scale 1-10

How mad are you that your Yiddish Bolshevik Hitman is getting exposed ?
What is the family history ? Are they classic Jewish agent agitators ?
Did you kill the FED that leaked the dead pic and fucked up your plans ?

they are replying to each other
this is how they derail
truly pathetic
earfags need to bake their own bread.
>i think the shit was there for him to pick up.
this is way bigger than loner incel chud goes on a rampage
this all goes back to who was his handler
This glownigger is on damage control calling anyone a kike that mentions Maxwell Yearick is the dead shooter.
It was indeed Maxwell Yearick, the antifa guy, the shooter killed by the feds. Anyone can see it, even though the media tries to spin the Thomas Crooks story.
cant you use your OP super powers and filter them off of the thread?
Sand nigger wanna be faggot go hack the full HD footage then. I’d happily eat my words but you will never prove us wrong and Yearick will never give proof of life.

Why are you believing medias and fbi ? Though hackers weren’t retarded ? U African ? 60 IQ submonkey?
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Fuck off, kike
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PROOF that he was shot from the water tower - where apparently NO security was stationed.
That rooftop would be easy to scale. At eight years old I could have climbed that easy. That would be trivial.
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new angle
cant find higher res
'transmitter' (found on roof - gray color), what is that a garage door opener?
full res here
Yeah, I'm not engaging but good on anyone who digs any FACTS up. Including proof of life.
yeah, but for strange reason, the media kept putting the location of the shooter roughly under that window, which seemed kinda sus when the body was clearly located farther to the east.
not sure tho.
That is correct, the dead shooter was killed from the water tower. But, it wasn't Thomas Crooks, it was Maxwell Yearick, an antifa groomed by the feds.
I don't really fear the shills. They bump the thread. If it gets out of hand, they can be filtered/reported.
you're welcome to believe that, ultimately it doesn't matter either way. the true issue here is: why did they want this to happen, who allowed this, who groomed them, etc
Secret Service agent has told Congress that they identified Crooks as a threat at least 10 minutes before Trump walked on stage.
the USSS Agent-In-Charge at the site was on the phne with local police as the shooting broke out.

Crooks also visited the site on the day before the event, was photographed 62 minutes prior to the shooting that day, and USSS counter-snipers spotted him 20 minutes before he opened fire.
>blackrock guy wasn't groomed
this, let them bump and simply scroll past them
ive been wondering that

a .308(FORGETTA .338) woulda evacuated('Canoed') his skull from the Trump angle i would have to assume
Never in my life have I heard of BlackRock being involved in public high schools. I 100% believe it was a front for them to locate vulnerable people.
>FBI cracked Trump shooter’s phone with tech from Israel’s Cellebrite
>Software enabled agents to unlock phone in 40 minutes, but didn’t yield incriminating information; motive of slain shooter, son of normal, loving, pro-Trump parents, still unclear
>USSS Agent-In-Charge at the site was on the phne with local police as the shooting broke out.
kek they dont use radios?
also checked

no way jose
what else is on the phone
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street view looking easterly
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>pro-Trump parents
kek what
memeflags aren't exactly known for their honesty. Will wait for a better source to confirm.
Dem mom could be an obama to trump type, lolbert dad can go either way. Explains the trump signs a neighbor apparently saw. And why crooks registered rep. But yeah thats the first article I've heard them being pro-trump
>that he was
unless TMZ footage has him being hit and releases it
you have no way of knowing which way he was facing when he was shot
there is a gap between the last of the shooters fire and the counter sniper
he may have started to withdraw when he was hit
damn normies selling gold for worthless frn

why would you bring your phone on a suicide mission?
and why do you need a remote det your van
which would be far out of range of any home made transmitter
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its jewish media
they are trying to spin the narratives ofc
The same people that wanted you to believe Lee Oswald was the shooter and a lone gunman want you to believe Crooks is the shooter and a lone gun men. Let that sink in. You ballistic wannabe experts gonna tell me you believe that about JFK when modern forensic studies prove it to be impossible and that there was at least 3 shooters ? Even after it was proved Zionist WallSt Oilers and Bankers + Israel wanted him dead bc he didn’t want them to have nukes ??

Nobody in this thread hates the Jews more than I do. Now go on and call me a Jew or a kike again fucking faggots.

I pray that some of you really wake tf up.

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Why is this ladder here now? Or this is a new one
there may be a way of tracing the origin, or at least the distance of the shot that killed him. if anyone knows how to do this, we could compare distances from the water tower and barn and confirm it.
Nice quads. The transmitter supposedly had up to a 1.2 mile range (from another thread that showed the spec sheet on the exact product). Probably line-of-sight and not the effective range irl. Also, he apparently had the battery in his pocket, not in the remote. Maybe an exit strategy to create chaos while he got away.
who nose
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Idk who's jewing who anymore but people have been shitting on watertower theory. If they went hard the shooter could be wearing and his gear be the exact same color as the watertower and once they got everyone out of there, he came down. They need to stop acting like there were only 2 buildings in a field. Once you got on one you could hop from roof to roof and you KNOW when someone is on a metal roof above you.
Was this a happening, or an almost happening?
keep in mind, the water tower has a walking platform that goes all the way around it. he could have made the shot, and then hid out of sight of news helicopters and civilians, while also having cover from the treeline behind him. it just makes no logical sense why they wouldn't have ANYONE stationed there, so I'm making the assumption that they did.
>, or at least the distance of the shot that killed him
there is no way to know which way he was facing when hit
the TMZ footage might be the only thing
and TMZ is another trump hating liberal propaganda outfit
no way they allow anything useful out
looks like he had a scope and iron sights
She shouldn't keep her job, though. Teamwork makes the dream work since she was also pushing for 30% women by 2030. This is DEI in action. I won't rest until she is fired.
the first 6 shots are from him, 3 spaced out, and a short burst of 3. then he's shot. if they didn't shoot him, he would have kept shooting until trump was down. that's why I'm assuming that he was still aimed at trump when he was shot. especially because this all went down in less than 6 seconds.
What you faggots want me to do ?

Start exposing Jews so you stop calling us kikes?

Okay I will

The magic number is a Jewish/Zohar mysticism prophecy
>people have been shitting on watertower theory
because it cant work
several thousand people would have seen a shooter up there
once the shooter was done his part, he was to be killed
they could have let the ss do their jobs, and have a back up like the guys on the scene who werent at their posts do it
no need for colonel mustard on the water ower
And twinkle toes was on a 1 story roof above glow HQ and in front of a allegedly 2 story building that the cops say the glows were in and no cops were allowed. To be a fly on the wall at the local freemason lodge.
whatever way you paint it, there is simply no way that this was authentic
The Jews like the shooter MAXWELL DAVID YEARICK were exempted from WW2 because they use White Goyims as cattle to die for their wars

Call me a kike or a Jew again NIGGERS
3, then 4
one from a different gun
one from yet another gun
if he was actually involved, wouldn't his social media and any photos of him be completely scrubbed?
I can believe it.
He had to make sure he was killing the right guy. That's why he was registered as a republican, he gets confused easily you see.
>He shot Trump thinking he was Biden.
>Idk who's jewing who anymore
Indeed. There could have been 3 shooters. I don't want too much obfuscation because I'm laser-focused on what a monumental fuck up this was. I want leadership fired in the SS, DOJ, and DHS for a variety of reasons. Made an example of. All sucking off of the tax goyim's teat and not doing their jobs.
not just fired. that's not enough. they are a gangrenous limb that must be cut off.
Fire her because she failed on this, whatever the reason catastrophically.

Biden won't fire her though because she did her job exactly how he wanted her to do it.
I'll have to disagree that "people would of seen him". We have zero footage of the watertower because the volley of gunfire was coming from the opposite direction and one round hit a big hydraulic line that started spraying oil all over everyone. Maybe the hydraulic line was remote detonated. But to say a sniper couldn't shoot and remain unseen is nonsense.
All the current stuff IS scrubbed.
Biden test positive for covid. Biden sisterinos not like this.
What’s with this water tower bullshit? There is absolutely ZERO evidence of that. Stop muddying the waters. It’s complicated enough as is.
exactly. it's literally their sole job to shoot and remain unseen, and all of their training revolves around that.
Pathetic excuse. So weak
>every building is a cardboard box

so glad we now have this prime american architecture in europe too, wouldn't be able to buy my groceries otherwise.
that's not how investigations work. we must establish all evidence, all possible theories, and narrow it down to what is the most probable account afterwards.
interesting connection i found
>1.2 mile range
Why would they say it was someone else and what happened to the other guy if that's the case?
can anyone identify the OEM of the remote?
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>couldn't shoot and remain unseen is nonsense.
some where else
but not the tower
why is it so important for you for him to be shot from the tower?
the ss had him in their sights and fired when they were cleared to fire
>after being given his chance to kill trump of course
glowies literally in the bldg he was on
anyone of them could have done it
the glowies on stand down in the bldg could have made sure of the job
dont forget
the tower would have been in full sight of sniper team 3
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>Biden test positive for covid. Biden sisterinos not like this.
that means it's working.
true if big
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Ya I lease land with other guys for a range, hunting and fishing. (((AT&T))) paid the guy 6 figures to put up a tower and its surrounded by barbed wire fence. Even with a 80x scope I can see a bunch of turkey vultures and plenty of room to hide and take us out with suppressed pop shots. Water towers have more square footage than some apartments.
>A company called Austin Private Wealth LLC shorted 12,000,000 shares of $DJT via a put option. The filing date is July 12th, the day before the assassination attempt.
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holy shit i cant believe antifags are still here trying to push the yearck forced meme kek
Anyway, it's crazy that the speech wasn't stopped early with all these le niggers chattering about a weird guy walking around with a ladder, gun, climbing on rooftops, etc.
Remember in 2016 when someone said "gun" and trumps security wisked him off stage instantly? I do. There's also video of that.
So, it's obvious that biden (possibly obama/hillary) is being ditched and the "deepstate"fags did this assassination attempt as the cherry on top of the whole operation ditch old joe shit going on. All this "muh ss is retarded / women bad dei shit sucks" stuff is just a distraction. But these stupid faggots trying to say it wasn't crooks is fuckin ridiculous
The angle of the exit wound isn't steep enough for it to have entered from the water tower, I don't think.
People have been shorting DJT everyday since it was listed.
maybe someone on their team is involved
I’m really Candace Owens
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If corp mainstream tv news is saying that it means he actually DID use a ladder lol.
Stored it in that shed that was shown to be searched next to the second ladder

Even the /x poster 12!NWBX.... had some cryptic posts that showed a shed, some bikes, some streetlights, etc. Sus, senpai.
Yeah the stock shit is another misdirection I think. Some idiot must want people wasting their time scanning trends instead of asking simple questions that have obvious answers. It's blatantly obvious that this was perpetrated either by the biden admin or some group that are trying to get him out and install trump. Too early to tell
black tits with timestamp or gtfo
>>1.2 mile range
whereld you come up with that?
this really is insane. what the hell is this?
Is that a hat on his head?
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In regards to the FBI finding nothing on his cell phone.

> Anthony Weenier Laptop
> Hillary Clinton Emails
> Hunter Biden Laptop
> Seth Rich Laptop

Why do they always end up in charge? No way this would occur in any private sector.
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>"Good enough".
Considering Biden and his administration's remarks towards the SS director, telling her to shut up if she wants to keep her job, I believe option A is more likely. It was an attempted coup to retain their power.
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What are these guys doing?
look at that dangerous slope
Someone pls post the helicopter pic of the dead shooter with his rifle, which has an optic on it.
It makes him look more like Maxwell Yearick though lol.
>Yeah the stock shit is another misdirection I think. Some idiot must want people wasting their time scanning trends instead of asking simple questions that have obvious answers. It's blatantly obvious that this was perpetrated either by the biden admin or some group that are trying to get him out and install trump. Too early to tell

it was fake. trump wasn't shot he turned his head to hide the wound then they applied fake blood under the podium. like with WWE wrestling acting he did on tv and you can see on google.
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poster on /x/ who seemingly predicted the shooting, notice his choice of image: "Thomas was alone"

Read his posts here - from July 1 to July 12 are the most important
instant filtered, faggot
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so crooks' body was found on the red line
it doesn't matter who the patsy was. trump was never shot. they applied fake blood. they always have two proposed shooters in order to confuse things so people are misdirected (called a 'red herring'). Trump wasn't really shot, they applied fake blood to his ear when he was hiding under the podium. that's why the blood drips are only from under the podium
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Interdasting. There are some fresh roof shots in there
>so crooks' body was found on the red line
the shots that hit the forklift, trump, and the man killed line up and land very close to where the body was
that's incredible.
Worth noting, the roof would have been hot from the sunlight. I'd consider wearing long sleeves or elbow pads.
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lets play wheres waldo
It's definitely a happening because it never should have happened and the implications of such a close call are very, very bad.
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we love love you
but you know the rules
The MY symbol /x poster 12!NWBX... used also looks like a Monogram (Maxwell Yearick, who has a resumé of drawing projects and artwork)
What I’m trying to say for any lurkers. We as the citizens have no confidence in the FBI. A case can be made for forensic audit by a third party.

Review their activity log cross referenced to activity done on the device. If a sufficient product does not exist the private sector would gladly produce one. If an existing process is not rigorous enough, then hire an outside consultant. The FBI has a trust problem, and the only solution to is accountability through transparency.
>We as the citizens have no confidence in the FBI
Amen to this.
Fucking ladder.
Looks like one of these. I found a model 0021029 and 0021078 with some googling (they look identical). Says it works within 5000 meters (~3 miles). Also he needed to use the receiver linked at the bottom.

Blood was on his hand after he touched his ear in the video, before he ducked. The 3 panel pictures that have been posted show the same thing.

>Don't believe your lyin' eyes, anons, it was WWE acting.
what 3 panel pictures? I haven't seen them.

However if that is so i am still not convinced. it doesn't explain why he stopped bleeding when he stood up. there are ways they could have faked the blood on his fingers, if there was (such as a blood blister in the fingertip that ruptured during the shooting).

When he announced he "got my right ear pierced" i knew it was a joke and said "haha, it would be funny if people got their right ears pierced to show solidarity, because that's what gays do to communicate with eachother" and then it turned out people really DID start wearing the bandage on their right ears.
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When was the gore photo leaked? And by whom?Without the gore photo the government's Thomas Crooks narrative would have been more plausible.

And where is @jewgazing? He seems to have disappeared.
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the shooting was fake it doesn't really matter who the patsy was, does it? it's a patsy. a mind control subject. there are plenty of them.

the truth is that trump was never shot.
good work
thats a serious remote
so maybe a few hundred feet
why would he want that serious a range
did he not realize this was a suicide mission?
could be shooped. i'd need to see video.
i think it was (((his))) intention to set off the IEDs in the van as a distraction, but that's just speculation
Nobody cares. Neat that they fixed his ears though
look for it then you retard
stop feeding the shills
bread is valuable
the baker can only give so much
It is photoshopped. In the video if you pause it at the right moment there is no blood in the hand. This was staged as fuck, in WWE style.
Pretty fucking close

This one goes 5k
Ah shit, you beat me to it
No way you don't know this is a suicide mission. Even if every single glownigger was 100% loyal to Trump, (this wouldn't have happened) the kid would have been swiss cheese. I can't see a take him to Gitmo to torture it out of him scenario. No bullet hole in the roof stain pic so the watertower could be impossible.

I like this thread you all are pulling on. Lots of metal building around which would have created signal interference.

Elevation changes can also be a bitch
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make yourself a comfy thread
when dealing with shills
pattern ID#, board pol, type ID, hide
save settings
the trajectory is not possible
the bullet was made to miss and be taken in picture but he turned his head and got greaed
that's the treal story
put that target just a bit left and you have the real shot and the real damage
No shit, they're supposed to be the impartial "3rd party" in law enforcement. Not some politically motivated, diversity hire led, incompetent lackeys. I'm more likely to get a knock on my door for posting this than any real criminal will ever face, and I've really tried to suspend disbelief for the last decade or so. I can't believe all the plebs pay taxes for feds that want to play grab ass.

I guess it's all just propaganda, maybe always has been... but the government sucks so fucking bad now. Turbo acceleration in being retarded since covid.

It happened on Cheatle's watch and she doesn't give a flying fuck. 'Anything outside 100 yards is local law enforcement's responsibility.'

You've got to be kidding. Your job is to protect VIPs, but they care more about diversity vs. merit. I even get that the local PD guy that was supposed to be on the roof didn't show up... but there were a plethora of agents. Put one of them up there to cover it the second you, as the overseer, obviously notice if you are competent.

>Hey, that roof and really the one behind it don't have staff on them. Hey, fat roastie, time to earn your paycheck... get up on that roof.
This photo being released is so huge and I can’t believe more aren’t talking about its significance. Notice the news isn’t spamming us with recent pictures of crooks as they would normally do? Whoever released that photo is a God damned patriot. >>474625089
Whoever recruited the shooter probably assured him that after making the first shot, he would detonate the explosives (either on the grounds or he was told were on the grounds) to use as a diversion to make his escape. He would have been told to blend in with the fleeing crowd and run to his vehicle. This also coincides with being told exactly where to be to avoid countersniper Los.
But I am really confident the gore photo is not crooks, and it seems there are some powerful people out there absolutely shitting their pants over the existence of that photo
van loaded with bahm a mile away makes no sense
wonder if he planted charges around the site
to create a diversion
that might of sort made sense
Do any of these products exist on Amazon or a similar site which allow for users to post questions about the product before they purchase?
Well the unit shown doesn't have an external whip antenna.

Handler could of just given it to him knowing that it wouldn't work.

"Hey fellow patriot, make sure you detonate the explosion to distract the snipers, then you can take your shots and escape! Great plan right?"

Patsy presses the button upon reaching the crest of the roof, ready to be a real hero and get home to score some prime sjw landwhale pussy.

I would guess he was told that the remote would detonate explosives on site so he could make an escape. It opens up the suspect list greatly if the shooter believes he has a chance of escaping. I could see some dumbass Anitifa who’s seen to many movies thinking it was ironclad
How crazy is it that the head of USSS refuses to step down? This level of embarrassment and probably criminality?
I think this whole thing is going to unravel and I’m worried the truth is going to send this entire country into anarchy
Wholeheartedly agree with everything you said.
Are you not entertained?
ABC says there was receiver in his parent's house too (presumably connected to a bomb). Which means he has evidence in his bedroom or he just hates his parents. Not sure why he'd care about evidence on a suicide mission. Obviously he didn't detonate the device since they found it. Possible reasons:

>Felt bad about blowing up his parents house and chickened out
>Attempted to blow up his parents house, but the transmitter was faulty or setup wrong (could also explain why the car didn't blow up).
>Planned to return within range of his parents house and blow it up (unlikely).

There were reports in other threads of a bicycle he road in on. There was a larger sized book bag and a bundled kit on his handle bars.
The uncropped one with the hair is even more damning for the corporate media/fed narrative.
Let’s just take a moment to talk about both of his parents being “mental health professionals”.
BOTH of them. The whole thing stinks, especially when you have people like Carlson saying for over a year that they tried to cancel trump. Didn’t work. Tried to arrest him. Didn’t work. There is only one thing left. I’m sorry but with that track record of political pressure it’s way more looney tunes to believe in a lone gunman than an organized hit. Everything points to this being an organized hit. Everything.
Think what state this country would be in right now if that bullet found its mark? I’ll be actually amazed if they don’t try again. They have made a public statement they need trump dead. They will continue trying until they get their way
The only english website that sells the transmitter he used.

Why pay $50 and international shipping when you could get one on Amazon for 90% less?

This was either given to him or was on a specific shopping list he was given.
2nd floor window open
makes sense
I agree
my only disagreement is no one would risk this much exposure and not have an actual pro the patsy doesnt know about to make the kill shot
thats why I think analyzing every aspect of who fired from where and when is important to establish if it was one or two shooters and verify the locations
who the patsy was should be a topic for another thread
serious scrubbing has been done, and Im afraid nu-pol doesnt have the mad skilz it once did
ironically, pol taught the glowies all about how to do a proper cleaning
Had anyone tried to ID the cop who took it based on video? I sure hope that guy is safe. This is the kind of stuff that really pisses off the psychopaths in the world who are used to getting away with everything and crafting reality into whatever they desire. Maybe MAYBE if we had seen some more recent photos of crooks looking anything like that body MAYBE I’d believe it but with what we have now that just isn’t crooks. It was my immediate thought and nothing has changed it yet. And now look how many “organic posters” are saying shit like
>now that we know it was crooks
>I agree that the yearick posting is glowies
It’s all so obvious…
That photo has the potential to blow this entire thing wide open I don’t know if it’s yearick, but it sure as fuck isn’t crooks
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> 5:10 p.m. Crooks was first identified as a person of interest
> 5:30 p.m. Crooks was spotted with a rangefinder
> 5:52 p.m. Crooks was spotted on the roof by Secret Service
> 6:02 p.m. Trump takes the stage
> 6:12 p.m. Crooks fires first shots
> 6:13 p.m. Crooks is shot dead by USSS snipers

Who thinks that Cheatle will survive this scandal and remain in her position?
I agree with you. If you are going to have one shooter why not two? I agree the analyzing of angles should continue. I personally think the open window on the second floor is suspicious. Maybe the second shooter chickened out? I’m ready for some random body to be discovered near the scene
Crazy they both missed. Crazy
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the corner where first bullet hits
what can u see
My favorite conspiracy is that there were no bullets fired. It was a blood pack. Trump was acting, like pro wrestling.

3 people shot behind him, seamless ear grab and reaction, Secret Cervix bedlam... only after they say shooter down THEN Trump arises in true WWE fashion. I agree that he hammed it up after he figured out he wasn't dead.

Look. I've spent several hours in MS Paint and I can tell when it's been shooped. If you can't or are blinded by partisanship, well go apeshit because you're retarded anyway.

>Blumph is a fat retard
>Over the top actor
>Fakes own assassination perfectly including people behind him getting shot

Somebody shot at Trump and missed by an inch. Let that sink in.
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> New analysis by ABC News' visual verification team reveals that one of two sniper teams posted atop buildings to the north and south behind the rally stage repositioned before the first gunshots were fired. At 6:09 p.m., three minutes before the first gunshots rang out, the sniper team on the roof of the building south of the stage, the furthest away from the shooter’s location, repositioned, turning from the south to the north in the direction of the shooter’s location.

Don's insane luck keeps multiplying.
The team that actually had LOS on the shooter was originally looking THE OTHER WAY. Only three minutes before the shots rang out they turned to face north towards the building on which the shooter was positioned.

why does he look like a ftm transgender on the left
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>larger sized book bag and a bundled kit on his handle bars.
>bag on the roof
>cell phone
>range finders
how many trips did he make?
how long did this all take?
She would have been leaving in January anyway; she can probably hold on for the 6 months in question. Unless they replace Biden. If there's a new name on the top of the dem ticket, she'll be gone shortly after the convention
last i heard was it was a sonata now a van? wtf.
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>t. Secret Service Director
It can be both.
BUT HOW IS HE UP THERE IT'S A DANGEROUS SLOPED ROOF that's why we decided to put all the security inside the building instead looking out little windows
>t. Secret Service Director
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He didn't bring the ladder with him, probably because he parked so far away. He climbed up by using an AC unit as a boost.

I am curious how he transported the rifle to his location. I'm guessing he had to bring a gun bag and whether anyone noticed that... Or if he was just open carrying like a chad
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an anon geolocated this last night
see >>474525683 and >>474524998
Not convinced those are even the same person at this point.
I’m a little hopeful that all the leftie NPCs who have been saying shit for years about hoping he dies snap the fuck out of the hypnosis they’ve been put in. Holding up severed heads. Like what the fuck? Since when is it American to be pro war in Ukraine and root for the assassination of a political rival. Maybe this close call wakes some of them up to the spell they’ve been put under. Look how fucking fast tenacious D got 86’d. It’s been wild to see the same people who’ve said vile things about trump being forced to come out and say “they are praying for him”.
This backfired big time, and I would give anything to hear the level of panic and seeth in those who thought this op was a good idea
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>roof with same angle as the one USSS snipers were standing on behind Trump

thanks for the Timeline.
we need more of this, anons work on a timeline for the 7/13 Butler rally event

the glows have a real habit of giving their patsies faulty shit like explosives that are missing key parts
that the mote is missing its antenna is telling
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>lack of manpower
>half the team was women
>how he transported the rifle to his location
We need to know this.

weren't they claiming he had it, broken down, inside of his backpack?
I think he used one of those telescoping ladders they sell now you can fit those in a backpack if you had to


Seems this was his danger close diversion
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>Crooks was able to get a clear shot at the former president by scaling an air conditioning unit accessible from the ground and pulling himself up to the top of a building, sources told ABC News. From there he gained access to the top of the neighboring American Glass Research (AGR) building, sources said.
Shut the fuck up, retard.
No backpack on the roof so he assembled it on the ground, then climbed up with the rifle on his back?
This is one moment I haven't seen any info on. How did he get the rifle with him to the roof.
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No the backpack was filled with ridiculous shit like binoculars, ammo, a range finder, and some kind of IED. He was chased off the security perimeter three times I believe first was the attempted entry into the rally and acting suss around the bomb detector, second they caught him using a range finder and staring at them with binos but ran off when challenged, and third they caught him on the roof and he jumped down and hid in a nearby building.

I bet he had the rifle in the van and just went and got it with the ladder.
>candace owens is lurking after all
Candace, if you're listening - I'm a 6'2" 235lb 22% body fat Germanic who benches 340lbs and has run the 100 meter dash in 10.05 seconds.
Let me colonize that pussay
Some people are just here to shill and spread a false narrative, where they zero in one aspect and say "gotcha". You're right. There is no measurable benefit for Trump to fake assassination after crushing Biden in the debate. Half of Biden's supporters wanted him to drop out. Withholding donations, etc. That's a better motive.

Here's the other thing... there was a shit ton of media for this rally, for some reason. Thousands of spectators, cameras at every angle. I don't know why nobody mentions this very often when explaining the blood packet on the ear conspiracy.

CNN would have HD video of him squeezing the blood packet if true. If not them, BBC or Skynet would... just to discredit him.

Finally, the lefty MSM is already saying that none of this has improved Trump's chances of winning the election. lol
hair texture doesnt match. you keep posting more proof that it isnt this faggot

then why is there a second ladder?
>I am curious how he transported the rifle to his location
you could break the rifle down to fit in a back pack
but, then how does he have a backpack on the roof, and another one on the bike? youre not riding a bike with that much stuff on
Fuck you are dumb.
He was on the roof twice. He also bought the ladder that day.
His backpack was on the roof too you incredibly fucking retard there's helicopter footage of this
>he was actually on the other end of the building
The reason I started this whole topic series.
if he truly thought he would make it out alive, or they led him to believe that, it seems logical that he would want to destroy all evidence linking him to it, including whatever was in his bedroom
What am I supposed to be seeing here
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I PRAY TO GOD people keep having the courage to speak out like this.
Based and local PD pilled. They always do this. Feds fuck up and blame the tiny local police department. Niggers have infinite resources and always blame Jethro.
>How did he get the rifle with him to the roo
saw a thread comment on Saturday, said one of the ground witnesses filming (?) observed him 'climbing up' with the rifle slung on his arm/shoulder, or something; it was 'bashing' against side of bldg
Need clarification
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>then why is there a second ladder?
Silver ladder was used by SWAT. The other ladder belongs to the business and was just stored there. Why do you think it's tucked away next to the shed, retard?
>another one on the bike
What fucking bike? He drove his van to the place.
>He was on the roof twice
Cool. Post source/evidence of this, lmao. (you can't)
I posted the videos it came from.
It would seem fairly certain that at the very least the 3 POOF shots came from the same shooter.

OK this is odd. RSBN live. Three shots then what seems to be to be a fairly good pause then two shots--the announcer is screaming the snipers are aiming at the trees.
You can also see his ambulance leaving and it had no issues inside the fence. Maybe they mean from the other people hurt?


It was one of the first images uploaded here.
That laughing cop shot and the yanking head back shot pissed me the fuck off.

This RSBN announcer hollered "They're shooting at the trees" twice after the so called "Snipers" started firing.
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I don't think @jewgazing has been heard from since Saturday night He bears a strong resemblance to the released surveillance photo that has been purported to be Crooks, placing him in the vicinity of the shooting.
i don't see the point in IDing him, it would only punish one of the few people who has been somewhat helpful in making this case public knowledge.
tell me what u see
low testosterone teenager + chud glasses
I wonder how the family of the man shot in the head feels about the “blood packet” nonsense?
I also think it’s extremely interesting that the assassination attempt comes right after the entire media machine publicly turning on Biden
Law & Crime put together every video they found of the assassination attempt and aftermath. a bunch of angles i hadnt seen yet.
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WHY are they going in the wrong direction.

Kid was over here. Also see cement wall. Still from same video.
About where lady's head is is the corner round...then up--you can see the shooter. He was crawling. THEY COULD HAVE FN got him right then and there had then gone in the direction everyone was pointing.
Agreed, ID-ing whoever leaked it only benefits those who didn’t want it released.
helpful but remove the tracking

Doesn't look like a hat in these. Still no one wonders what this kid is doing back there?

NO gear to be seen. Did glowniggers stage it for him like they did the ladder?
IDing him would actually protect him. The spooks already know who it was
Samefag then I'm out.

The Secret Service employs approximately 3,200 special agents, 1,300 Uniformed Division officers, and more than 2,000 other technical, professional and administrative support personnel.

>It's the backwater police department's job, tho
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first off the debate is not enough because not everyone even watched or cared, the assassination attempt WAS seen and also serves multiple political purposes (such as gun control, inciting violence, building emotional energy etcetera)

the spectators were not that many and all those who could see the camera angle of his ear were few in number and many looked like actors such as the buffoon terrible and strangely familiar actor in pic related.

all this talk of who the shooter was seems a red herring, or a diversion. they like doing this. meanwhile the shooting didn't really happen. maybe a patsy got shot ("hey kid get on the roof with that rifle, you'll be famous") but there were no bullets fired at trump.
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I think Mayorkas with Mossad agents recruiting Crooks did the kill plot. Maybe Garland and the Bidens knew. Before that Mayorkas and Cheatle were bros harassing Don with shitty security. Mayorkas Jewed as hard as he could and ordered the assassination and is going to let Cheatle take the fall for it. She may not have even figured it out what has happened yet. If FBI somehow learns it was Israel involved to kill Trump, you think they would fucking say anything?
>I wonder how the family of the man shot in the head feels about the “blood packet” nonsense?
some bullshit lines said about the sandy hook hoax "why won't someone think of the children!" a diversionary shaming tactic. obviously they'd write "innocent victims" into the script just for this very purpose. an argument to fall back on.
>muh source
Every former SS guy with a podcast who still has contacts there said he ran away and hid in a nearby building whenever they caught him either on the roof or grounds before the rally started.

You will find out next week when they put one of these cretin managers from the SS under oath
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Ears match to me, not a jew.
Sorta, I found a similar one on amazon by the maker "abytele" but there no reviews or questions. though I bet you this is what he was using, pic rel

It ignites fireworks.
but still-- why is the antenna missing from his remote? maybe he was using his phone as a signal booster?
They fancy wireless matches?
hey faggots. this prob already was mentioned. shooter had meme disease depression. he most likely took pills. psychopills are well known for causing mood instability
>>another one on the bike
>What fucking bike? He drove his van to the place.
follow the thread retard
>just stored there
you work there or you know this as a verified fact because your gay lover told you that last night?
>demand anons provide evidence while presenting unsourced statements as facts
either tone the attitude down, or kindly fuck off back to where ever you crawled from
I'll add that the main reason that people don't want to even accept the POSSIBILITY that this shooting was fake and staged is that emotionally/mentally they cannot handle or accept it. It has nothing to do with objectivity or reason. So if you deny it, it is because you emotionally/mentally can't handle it/don't want to accept it.
Most of them won't wake up. I don't want to blackpill but most people are hylics by choice, not by nature. They want to fit in with friends/society, and so suppress any non herd instinct to fit in. Also women.
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How is Law&Crime able to be so based?
at this point it's assumed
>WHY are they going in the wrong direction.
thats one of the many questions
people were yelling and pointing where he was
the media attitude toward Trump is deliberately flipping. they are turning on Biden. no way this would happen organically. it is deliberate. they probably want trump to win because he is serving their agenda (it's planned and has been planned) or they have something else planned that will manifest before the election.
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there was no strap on the rifle
Between where they said "HE'S ON THE ROOF!!" and when the shots started was only about 95 seconds. Hence the cops ramming the fence with the cruiser because they were all still in process of just getting access to the space themselves.
Interesting video playing in background of interview. You can see the civilians pointing, and the cops running in the wrong direction and the cement wall AND airconditioning unit, also him crawling on the roof.

This is without the stupid ass tiktok sound and writing overlay. Another odd point--there were a HELLA lot of state troopers breaking the fence, the announcer says they were trying to get to the shooter....others said they were trying to get an ambulance in.
Very strange.
hahahahah that nigger is definitely still alive!
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Because it's not. He's a cover for Yearick from antifa. There's more to dig on this guy; he doesn't even live at his own address.
I see what you're saying but am not trusting the 'pics of rifle on roof'
until we see some kind of realtime drone footage of him gaining access to the roof through to the time of him being picked off by the countersnipers, it could've been moved or otherwise altered (sling removed) by feds
Pretty much, so that would make me believe he was using some kind of black powder or kitbashed fireworks. Anfo needs more to ignite.

But it would make a loud bang and a lot of smoke.


Oh I believe he was setup to fail. Either that or he's a fucking retard and took it off.

or to "disarm" it, the piggies ripped the antenna off. I dunno
>Between where they said "HE'S ON THE ROOF!!" and when the shots started was only about 95 seconds
between when that vid started
witnesses said they had been yelling at the police for several minutes
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This sounds like the video of Crooks saying he had a 10 in penis from the classroom.
he doesn't even have the same facial hair pattern dude. he would have had to shave the sides of his cheeks. you're just having trouble comparing the Crooks from the school portrait to the Crooks at the scene because one had facial hair and one didn't. if someone edited facial hair onto the old pics it would match up perfectly.
what is lat long of site for historical satellite data lookup?
Around the 37:00 mark, multiple witnesses mention shots coming from the direction of the water tower.

his came out as a cope after an eyewitness described a man riding a Harley that rode into the closed police lot wearing skinny black jeans and a "don't tread on me" flag around his neck. He went into the building. The next day the Harley is parked in the same spot.
Tried to timestamp but they get into it right away:
https://youtu.be/QvTT27uq7DM?t=10 [Embed] [Embed]

the next day, repeated here, timestamp
https://youtu.be/uRtf_ut0_3g?t=196 [Embed] [Embed]

Then at the scene the next day
https://youtu.be/uRtf_ut0_3g?t=421 [Embed] [Embed]

Who was that? My guess is the "outside contractor" like the one that did the Idaho 4 shooting, who rolled in to take the shot.

Also, why am I remembering people talking about some dude in yellow around the stands?

Motorcycle still there the next day. Pic taken by BJ, and it shows up in one of the Japanese pics also.

One minute they say there were zero local cops--then you see the state troopers in the fence busting video.

What I noticed is the battery is ejected from the remote. If there was an antenna it’s probable it was snapped off along with the battery taken out as a haphazard way to render it useless when troopers got their ass in the roof
There was no history of him being diagnosed with anything or being on meds. He googled what major depressive disorder was. He probably didn’t know he was a schizoid nor did anyone else. Some don’t find out until later in life if at all.
good point
>witnesses said
If you watch the video yourself you can hear President Trump's speech in the background. ~95 seconds transpire from "HE'S ON THE ROOF" to first shots fired.
>paywall or it didnt happen
In house prescription of SSRIs?

Daddy and mommy were therapists, so they couldn't prescribe right?
USSS use different radios than local police.
Theres 1 guy who acts as an interop relay between them.

And given he was on the phone, I suspect the one radio the interop guy did have, was broken / bumped off channel / pushed a wrong button
Wrong he was shot from the rear. Still possible he was shot from water tower.

Activity around water tower is interesting.

What if our contractor hit man on the motorcycle went up near/around water tower took his shots and went down back into the building?

There's a hella lot of post shooting activity around that water tower.
>~95 seconds transpire from "HE'S ON THE ROOF"
95 seconds from when that particular vid started
several minutes from when people said they started yelling for the cops
20 minutes from when the cops in the building said they had called for uniforms to check out a sus guy creeping around
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He made two posts on the 15th.
His school 'shooting competition' instructor that had him kicked out on the first day said there was something totally wrong with him and he was perceived as some kind of wingnut and a 'bad person' they didn't want handling weapons.
>Facial hair pattern
Fuck you and your hair pattern fagginess. Hair changes. It does not contradict anything here.
Well, a post DID show up. I am betting the dude on the motorcycle was a constractor (like the killer of the Idaho 4). He slid in--assumed his position, then slid out.

WHY is his motorcycle there the day after the shooting--he arrived BEFORE the shooting.

Skinny jeans wearing harley riding contract killer?
They would definitely have taken him "diagnosis shopping" though and made the rounds to all the counselor & doctor appointments though.

Need a proper excuse & a prescription pill for why they sucked so bad as parents.
>the agency "intentionally mishandling investigations."
>hair changes
facial hair follicles don't just disappear, even if he shaved (which he clearly didn't) there would still be stubble
Ladders. There were two but here's one.
This guy wasn't the killer though, sorry.
There was other people in the parking lot on the opposite side of the building that saw him running on the roof with a rifle to get into that position and told the cops about it but none were there, they were all by the fence or between the fence and rally.
Did SS teams 1 & 2 even have an angle at the tower? It looked like they were pointed more towards the roof. There's no way the tower would be unwatched right?
Who knows but it's FBI note the navy shirt and khaki pants.

Here's FBI canvassing the area where the van was parked.

Still taken from That Surprise Witness video of the site the next day.
I found a thread made by some SwissAnon proposing that there was a second shooter on the tower, specifically a Ukrainian covert operative that came to the USA on some "training exercise" Makes me think that those vehicles near the tower were actually DHS/CIA assets embedded within local PD assisting him.

Here is the poster:

This one just has a telescopic antenna
Laughing cop on the roof yanked Crooks head back with his gloved hand and another cop on the roof with him took the face shot and published it.

Doing that is vile, it is not proper procedure--THEY SHOULD BE but won't be fired for doing that is insane.

About 5-6 years ago PA passed a bill to allow for residents to purchase ‘commercial grade’ fireworks. Firework sales and distribution centers have grown immensely since that law passed.

PA by law requires an ID scan for all ‘commercial’ firework purchases. The stores all run BOGO or 50% off if you register for whatever their free membership club name is. Given that we are leaning toward this remote device being used for fireworks and that 4th of July was right around the corner.

We need to focus on finding a username, email address, anything that we can start to connect an online or in person presence off of?
Organized retreat for now. That's all. Perhaps another faction is ascendant, now that assassination is on the table again as viable method. More moderate left vs extreme left. Even so, I wouldn't assume it will stay that way. Leftists must virtue signal ever left ward or die. Religion of Progress demands it.

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