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general thread for all relating to the Butler, Pennsylvania fairground shooting

>exact location of shooter on building roof: west or east side
>how did he get up on the roof
>did LE confront him there
>snipers were stationed inside building, underneath him at exact same time
>rental van, vehicle
>FBI cracks his phone
>fences access
>anything relating to the shooting layout
>Home Depot, ammuntion, explosives, gear
>airphoto maps, diagrams of site
>ballistics, paths of the shots taken
>USSS, local/state LE fuckups and attempts to evade accountability
>corporate media narrative shifts
>cover up

Previous threads:
/ASLG/ #8 >>474610426
/ASLG/ #7 >>474596868
/ASLG/ #6 >>474566129
/ASLG/ #5 >>474536305
/ASLG/ #4 >>474515688
/ASLG/ #3 >>474500159
/ASLG/ #2 >>474485422
/ASLG/ #1 >>474457601
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>>snipers were stationed inside building, underneath him at exact same time

NO, supposedly behind him in the 2-story holding and they had a clear view of him on the roof of the 1-story building in front of them
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>supposedly behind him in the 2-story holding
We don't know this for certain yet. Conflicting reports (like a lot of other specifics)
I believe Crooks when he said he has a 10 inch penis, you must have some pretty big balls to take a shot at a former president.
None of this would have happened without glowing assistance
To UID: Ga1oeRXw
>I found a thread made by some SwissAnon proposing that there was a second shooter on the tower, specifically a Ukrainian covert operative that came to the USA on some "training exercise" Makes me think that those vehicles near the tower were actually DHS/CIA assets embedded within local PD assisting him.

>Here is the poster:
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Gonna need a penis size for Maxwell Yearick too I guess.
This. There was definitely an adult that was helping him know where he wouldn't be seen on the roof, driving the van, calling his phone, etc.
Someone (or I) will have to see if Butler PD has some sort contact with DHS.
It's a given nowadays that most PDs and Sheriff Departments cooperate with DHS.
He was curated access and presence on the site.
the narrative right now is trying to portray some 20-year-old who just "scoped the place out" and then ended up on roof of a building that obviously should have been secured by USSS, for half an hour prior to opening fire.
If Crooks had a 10 inch penis then why isn't the catalog filled with it?
>nb4 the FBI leaks hundreds of cock shots stored on his 2nd phone.
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QRD from Dan Bongino's podcasts last few days claiming to have talked to ppl he still knows inside the SS
>Guy was chased away 3x and kept returning
>Returned with a bag and a range finder at one point
>Used binos to stare at security who were watching him with binos
>Hid in a nearby building for a while after the third time they tried to challenge him and he slipped them
>Climbed the roof at least twice from different areas
>Zogbots were in 'a different building' that the roof the shooter was on
>That giant jew Mayorkas with the smirk on his face all the time is apparently covering up everything and telling officers not to answer during the congressional hearings next week

QRD from CNN
>Bought a ladder that day (presumably a collapsible one)
>Parked a sedan not a van 'near the rally' with explosives wired to his transceiver
>Highschool shooting instructor said he was a total nut and 'bad guy' so had him kicked out first day, not because he couldn't shoot
Forgot, major problem
>Site security manager for USSS was on the phone with cops talking about how they couldn't find the guy and he didn't delay the start or remove Trump immediately. He was still on the phone when bullets started being fired.
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finally found the fucking video but its from a gay tiktok live
>Zogbots were in 'a different building' that the roof the shooter was on
still not satisfied on this one.
that whole facility is used for law enforcement "timeshares".
Until the company that owns the facilty, and all the gov agencies involved in this debacle come clean I'm not buying it

Agreed to me his “scouting” of the site an hour before hand feels more like verification of what he was told the layout of opportunity would be.

If he did flee and return 3X times that creates a high probability that someone was influencing him to return and continue.
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Tripcode posted this image too

Where is this /pol/ ?
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And this image
4 plebs archive /x/thread/38276321/#q38278236
copenhagen, denmark
this was discussed in a previous thread
>feels more like verification of what he was told the layout of opportunity would be

and the Bongino scuttlebutt that he was on building roofs twice
never mind him; why the fuck was local LE and USSS letting some 20-year-old kid climb around on roofs with a clear view of the rally stage?
Reich found a way to identify schizoids because it’s a result from trauma )Prenatal to Six Months) or first year life so there are physical manifestations from the trauma. Cooks had the physical manifestations of a schizoid and also behaved as one. The things people have said about him being odd, aloof, not showing any facial expressions, narcissistic etc it’s all schizoid behavior. Watch the video of him talking about his dick and can see
>The gaze might be leaking or frozen, sometimes lacking in human connection, often perceived as an 'absent look'.
The head often does not seem at ease with the body, often it is held at an angle. The face is masklike. Sometimes there is myopia, as with the communicator character, and the eyes appear pale and weak. Sometimes there is 'vision-sparing', but where this occurs, the eyes are especially vacant and unalive, and do not make contact. This 'expressionlessness' is exactly that, nothing is coming out of the eyes, though the eyes are taking in. Commonly also the eyelids are tense and retracted in a permanent look of horror. The scalp tends to be tight. The skin is pale and there is usually little body hair.

I feel bad for him because I think he suffered but ultimately he may have just wanted to kill. Some schizoids have a high moral code and some can be evil.

Guys, this fucking photo. It was interesting from the start but I never thought we'd actually get the exif data but now he's done some interviews and here it is https://www.techradar.com/cameras/one-in-a-million-pro-photographer-reveals-how-he-took-the-president-trump-flying-bullet-photo-with-a-sony-a1
He's claiming 1/8000 shutter speed and a 24mm lens. That's an odd lens choice for this shot but anyway. The length of the bullet trail is approximately 12-16 inches based on the approximate size of Trumps head. This could be recreated and simulated in depth but I'm using the lower end of my estimate for this calculation anyway. 12 inches, 1 foot times the 8000th of a second gives 8000 feet per second velocity as it passes through the frame. That's a fucking spicy .223 load, don't you think? Shorten the bullet streak a bit more to 10" which is smaller than I believe it is and it still yields a velocity of 6,666fps (inb4 numbers schizo) and that's after 150 yards.
Yea and if they are saying LE was in the building they would have 100% heard him getting onto the roof and into position. Corrugated roofing is so god damn loud. it will bend and make pop sounds when you put weight on it and anything solid that hits it will reverberate through all the near by panels.
>8000 feet per second
lel looks like we have the first railgun assassination attempt
>and that's after 150 meters.
take ur meds
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me thinks it was in the middle building window, ground level, shooting towards Trump on the stage. Thats how the bullet that missed Trump punctured the hydraulic cylinder on the fork lift.

If the shooter was on the roof, he would have been firing downward towards Trump which would have put the bullet trajectory well below where it was on the fork lift.
Red one is the only one that lines up. Red window would have been where the shooter would have been, likely staged back 10+ft behind the window in the room.
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thread theme + bump
So it seems. I have my doubts as to whether some experimental sabot discarding round fired from a thousand times folded glorious nippon steel barrel with TNT in place of gunpowder could achieve such a velocity.
No, u
Anyone have that gif of Trump turning his head and the bullet path in 3d?
i think there's some credibility to this. remember, we have no footage of crooks actually shooting.
are you assuming the entire line is the bullet and not vapor?
lol im no expert but theres no way those calculations are correct
Feel free to correct me on the math.
>1/8000 shutter speed
if thats on an SLR then thats the number printed on the camera and in the EXIF, but not the actual performance of the optics.
>If the shooter was on the roof, he would have been firing downward towards Trump which would have put the bullet trajectory well below where it was on the fork lift.
The first bullet significantly hit the rail and likely changed trajectory
We can see it hitting the rail on video
We don't know if the first shot hit the fork lift or not

1 bullet grazed Trump
that or a different one hit the lift
another one almost certainly came to a near stop when hitting the crowd victim who died
possibly a 3rd bullet hit the other crowd victim who is in critical condition, but it could have been the same bullet that hit the other victim

So we have 2 possibly 3 shots by Crooks

Odds are the first one changed trajectory slightly after hitting rail and then punctured the lift cylinder.
The only question to ask is why did the USSS agent in charge of the whole thing not delay the rally until they found this guy. Zogbots reported him to USSS many times but they still paraded Trump out there which is apparently the #1 sin of all security protocols.

Really it doesn't matter how this guy got on the roof or did whatever all that matters is whatever retard that was in charge ignored it either on purpose to get Trump killed or is beyond incompetent.
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>Verification not required
Trump wasn't grazed the bullet went through his ear. Grazed would imply it nicked him.
Crooks also got off 8 shots they are claiming you can here the first 3, then he spams 5 rounds until boom headshot. Two other people got 'injured' besides the guy who died but media has barely talked about them
Probably part Trump ear flesh too.
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The CIA getting greedy going for the headshot photo op is the most hilarious thing I've ever witnessed.

Has there ever been an event in world history that backfired so spectacularly?

They lost, Ukraine lost, anything that happens now will be magnified way more, they have to tuck their tail between their legs and bow to Trump or get taken out.
How does Trump do it? Everytime the man plays the game he fucking wins.
>I found a thread made by some SwissAnon proposing that there was a second shooter on the tower, specifically a Ukrainian covert operative that came to the USA on some "training exercise" Makes me think that those vehicles near the tower were actually DHS/CIA assets embedded within local PD assisting him.

Ok that's most interesting. I got suspicious over the motorcycle dude arriving. And the bike still being there. It felt like a contractor, one that wouldn't be part of the SS.

It makes sense that it could be a (((UKRAINIAN))) considering their large role in the January 6 debacle.There was a fairly large group of them but picrel appears to be the "leader".
wouldnt know where to start
but should ask someone who has a maga hat to measure the flag and determine more or less exact measurement of the trail
>Thomas Matthew Crooks, the suspected gunman in the assassination attempt on Donald Trump last Saturday, searched on his phone for the dates of the former president's rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, and for dates of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, sources familiar with the investigation told ABC News.

>Crooks also searched on his phone for images of both the former president and current president, sources said
This would have been the best possible outcome for our country
Where is his porn stash? I want to see what is 10" schlong was pumping to everyday! I need closure!
Obviously it's something physical, what else could be trying to destroy with his bomb at home?
Teflon and now Bulletproof Don has some kind of magical ability to survive shit that would destroy anyone else.
>Secret FISA court spying on his campaign
>Attempted coup at the 2016 convention
>3 year long special prosecutor investigation with unlimited powers that turned up nothing
>2 (failed) impeachments
>Deplatformed by all social media
>House raided by feds (charges dismissed other day)
>Granted immunity in other federal cases
>Able to post appeal bond they set to insane limits
>Assassination attempt where he escapes death by a slight head movement, not even a concussion straight through the ear instead

NEWS: Fox has learned that Senators were told in the all-member briefing today that Thomas Crooks wrote on a gaming platform called ‘Steam’, “July 13 will be my premiere, watch as it unfolds”

i wonder if anyone ever found this.. prob scrubbed now.
It wasn't a SLR so to speak. It was Sonys top of the line mirrorless ILC but SLR tolerances aren't bad enough to make a significant difference.
>but not the actual performance of the optics.
>1/8000 shutter speed
they really wanted details of the blood flying out of his head and you can't convince me otherwise
Well Biden is going to noshow the Chicago convention because there's likely going to be a full on riot there with screaming Pali agitators. All the protest groups are calling the DNC the 'biggest upcoming protest in history'
These threads are entirely useless disinfo from Eglin. It’s been days and there’s no video therefore nothing can be proven in (current year). The blackrock jews did it as payback for meddling in the dnc funds and convicting (sam bankmanfried).
So--steam, discord--again. Grooming, again. Just like Payton Grandon. Wonder which steam it was?? Entropy shut down after the glowniggers got caught in a sekrit meeting after the shooting... and became autowaffen, but I've seen Entropy steam mentioned again recently as being active.
how long ago was the rally announced?
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Biden IS next. That's the only way to get rid of Silicone Joe that will provide the drama the DNC needs.
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The photos are from Denmark
Yeah he's a demigod that's obviously special.
A billionaire that can't be bribed or bought with 5D chess ability that cares about The American Constitution for some god-knows-why reason.
That's why we care about him.
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>how long ago was the rally announced?
good question
i did a search yesterday for 7/13 pennsylvania trump rally and filtered the search to BEFORE 7/13 and could not get any results, just stuff the DAY OF the rally 7/13 and SHIT TONS of stuff about the shooting.
I wanted to find a flyer or something so i could get the address, shit there is -0- to be found. Literally nothing about it.
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July 3
The carpark photo is here, Copenhagen: 55°39'46.2"N 12°33'40.9"E
Somebody else took a photo of it here
Possibly God's instrument. Given that the Cabal are a den of pedos and satanists, it seems possible that he has divine or angelic protection.
Seems like something someone with a decent amount of steam friends would write. If he has less than 10 friends, whom he barely interacts with, there isn't much point to posting it on his profile. No one would see it. It also seems too vague to send as a DM.

Could be part of a steam group chat. His discord usage might be the same small friend group. Assuming they're not lying about "minimal" discord usage, most text communication was probably in their steam chat, with discord as a voice server.
Cheaters never prosper isn't a short term condemnation. Cheaters often appear to win, and are awarded the prize as if they had won. That isn't the antithesis of 'prospering' though.

Corruption of an organism or a plant or a community or a nation is so described because corruption is an old medical term for something dying or being spoiled.

They don't 'prosper' because they take shortcuts and become weak. Cheating and lying allow them to avoid building the experience and muscle memory and skill sets intrinsic to bettering yourself to win the game fairly.

Tldr; the CIA and Feds that are in power now are limp wristed cunts who fail at life because they never learned how to win without lying.
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Any actual proof about this "backpack" or is it like the home depot ladder story, mark violet, random Chinese guy, teleprompter glass. What a tangled web we weave, when we conspire to deceive.
>then punctured the lift cylinder
Just to make sure, this isn't made of steel, yeah?
As in, it makes sense that a bullet should be able to puncture whatever it punctured?
>Just to make sure, this isn't made of steel, yeah?
They generally are but they're not very thick as they shouldn't have to deal with lateral load.
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>The Bike
>In the Shed
>Next to the Light
There’s no bike in this photo
yes there is you see it next to the light
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Because the shooter had already taken it out & ridden it to home depot & back, retard.
Nope. You’re a schizo.
the ram is made of steel, there is also hoses that connect to the ram that could have been damaged.
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Please never serve on a jury.
Never said there was.
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I love how the distance keeps changing. They could of just used his range finder, he wasn't using it anymore. It's to throw off our colored lines.
Different photo completely retard
>Two other people got 'injured'
The 2nd guy is in critical condition fighting for his life
You are scum and probably an edgy teenager

>>then punctured the lift cylinder
>Just to make sure, this isn't made of steel, yeah?
Of course it is made of steel
>As in, it makes sense that a bullet should be able to puncture whatever it punctured?
All it needs is to compromise the integrity just enough and the built up pressure inside will obliterate the cylinder wall. It doesn't necessary have to pierce the cylinder. Just making a hairline crack is enough.

Like the titanic submarine implosion last year. It was perfectly fine then a hairline crack formed in a milisecond then BOOM.. except the pressure was on the outside that time. Same idea.
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>posts screenshot
>not article link
Thanks for nothing, loser.
>you work there or you know this as a verified fact because your gay lover told you that last night?
No, it's because I have common sense unlike q-tards. It's a ladder next to a storage shed. DUHHH I WONDER WHY THE FUCK IT'S THERE.
>either tone the attitude down
Eat shit, conspiracynigger. Faggots like you are not satisfied even if the head of USSS came out to answer all of your questions in person.
high pressure is a bitch
But with a magic spell that made them unable to lie and pumped full of molly?
>no link to his steam profile
Better question is... where's the second ladder??
You mean the fourth ladder??
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It's ladders all the way down. Doesn't matter that witnesses say he shimmied to the roof without one lmao.
>Climbed the roof at least twice
But sniper team only noticed him once?
>slipped them
There are four buildings clustered together. Plus there are event attendees (civilians) all around. How the fuck would he give anyone "the slip"?

Bongino sounds like a boomer lying-ass faggot
Feds probably confiscated it to dust for prints after searching the shed.
good reference datapoint
There's a pic with 2 not brand new ladders and a scalable hvac duct or a tall electrical box. The ladder is a meme and should only be used against people that reported the home depot bs. Reminds me of people in a home depot heard a car crash a mile away when they boomed the governor of GA daughters boyfriend who was on Trumps side.
End of thread.
*shrugs* maybe he just hated ladders?
Do we know how many shots were fired by each person?
The streak isn't just the bullet. It's also the Shockwave behind it. So you have the velocity of the bullet plus the lag time for the Shockwave to dissipate in the atmosphere showing up in the image which will be slower than the bullet velocity giving a longer streak in the photo.
We know nothing, and we've been told less
i love how guntuber fags are so butthurt to the point where they're like, "that was an easy shot, anybody could do it", such low iq faggots with their feelings hurt cos a liberal almost killed Trump
>reported the home depot bs
What's the final verdict on this?
he never went there?
why has this been memed across corporate mass media, and social media?

It doesn't fucking matter if he went to a hardware store.
What does going to a hardware store (for any reason at all) have to do with gaining red carpet access to a building roof—that in non-clownworld would have been locked down by USSS—located 300ft away from the president at a campaign rally with a rifle?

Well it was technically a good enough shot, if Trump hadn't turned his head the bullet would've been inside the skull enough that the shock wave would've smattered his brain. So his aim was on point. It was a kill shot at the moment he finished aiming and squeezed the trigger.

I was thinking that maybe he used new ammunition purchased that day. If he zeroed in with different ammo, different bullet weight or brand with different powder etc, it could throw the zero off by several inches. I'd call the shot 2-2.5" to the left of center, and then Trump moved another 2" left on his own, messing up the impact.

.223/5.56 is notoriously shit ammo as it's mostly used for blasting away full auto or semi auto. There's match grade available, but why would he spend more $ on that...
A lot of body armor doesn't covered the sides by the way... if he had aimed center of mass as he was shooting from the side, he probably would've gotten taken down the animal.
>a 24mm lens.
It was probably a standard zoom, starting somewhere around 24mm. You'd want versatility there. That would be great for that spot if you wanted to focus just on Trump.

>It wasn't a SLR so to speak. It was Sonys top
Colloquially its the same thing, used interchangably now. meh.
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>second shooter
>I got suspicious over the motorcycle dude arriving.
You are very dumb and should stop posting.
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You guys are not addressing the main problem which was whoever was in charge of the USSS detail gave the green light for Trump to walk out to that rally while the same time he was reportedly on comms with state cops who said there was an active threat they hadn't caught yet.
If they said wait 20 minutes while we find this guy then this would've never happened.
So whoever was in charge was either massively incompetent or set up Trump on purpose. That's the real question not really how the shooter got on the roof with a gun because he was already by then well known to the USSS as a threat.
>Well it was technically a good enough shot, if Trump hadn't turned his head the bullet would've been inside the skull enough that the shock wave would've smattered his brain. So his aim was on point. It was a kill shot at the moment he finished aiming and squeezed the trigger.
exactly... guntubers and faggot larp vets are just butthurt
i lost all respect for those losers
i can't think any less of vets than i do now, faggots still act proud they served in the Iraq war and think you and i should get on our knees and thank them for our "freedums"
>I was thinking that maybe he used new ammunition purchased that day. If he zeroed in with different ammo, different bullet weight or brand with different powder etc, it could throw the zero off by several inches. I'd call the shot 2-2.5" to the left of center, and then Trump moved another 2" left on his own, messing up the impact.

.223/5.56 is notoriously shit ammo as it's mostly used for blasting away full auto or semi auto. There's match grade available, but why would he spend more $ on that...
yeah, maybe, but it was a decent shot anyway... the only bad shots were when he was beginning to rush/panick and hit 2 bystanders
Yep. From the perspective of a security detail that doesn't leave anything to chance, there will always be an attack in any avenue that's not protected, ie the "enemy"/random people with a desire to be famous, are always probing and analyzing the security apparatus in place and will (as they should assume) attack if they have a weakness. Their job is to cover all angles and not allow any weakness. Ie don't hope and pray, don't operate on random luck.

I don't believe anyone would make it through some of the toughest sharp shooting and VIP security training in the country and qualify to be the leader of such programs, and then fuck up so badly. But it is very possible that someone would intentionally disregard their duties for political, ideological, career advancement or personal reasons.
>It was probably a standard zoom
Prime lens, the giveaway is f~1.6 in the exif but it's confirmed anyway.
>Colloquially its the same thing, used interchangably now.
Don't ever go to /p/ they'll flay you alive my dude.
Yeah, I did overlook that and would need to some some serious CSI pixel peeping to see the bullet through the vapour. He's cropped the shit out of this shot too so the resolution isn't what it could have been with a longer lens. All likelihood, it's within the normal range for bullet speed and I was barking up the wrong tree entirely. Still a freak photo.
The whole thing makes it feel like the US is merely held together by a thread at this point
Holy shit does this country feel weak, useless and corrupt all in one.
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>4 days later
>Only 2 camera angles of the actual shooting have surfaced
>whoever was in charge of the USSS detail gave the green light for Trump to walk out
>set up Trump on purpose
(putting this in the greentext of my next OP) Congress is investigating this and they better damn well get to the bottom of it.

>the real question
As I see it it's the same question as, who 'allowed' the safety protocol and communication breakdowns that produced the clusterfuck and allowed the incel his red carpet access to that building roof w/ rifle in hand. "Who set DJT up to walk out" and "who let the incel on the roof w/rifle" are the same question.
Some lawtuber channel put together all the known video which was 80% potato quality boomer cams as these vids get ripped poorly then passed around boomer media until they're like 2005 quality. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O696aD_ssIk
>someone would intentionally disregard their duties for political, ideological, career advancement or personal reasons
checked, hmm where have we seen that recently
>Peach Mints
>J6 Capitol riot + pipe bombs glow op
>J6 Committee, judges' excess sentencings misuse of Sarbanes–Oxley
>Lawfare (classified docs case, "overturn muh election" etc.)
>Mayorkas on the border (and much else)

were these all merely "bad fuck ups," or... ?
That's the video I based my post on. It seems there is 1) the official livestream camera angle and 2) one angle from the crowd that shows the shooting + counter snipers.
Why aren't there more than these two?
I'm sure there's more on some faceberg group just media probably doesn't have license to show those. Surely Trump's 'truth social' has a bunch of vids I haven't checked
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gotchu boo
just got here, have you considered that a 5.56 would puncture through those aluminum bleachers like it was nothing? I do need to catch up on the fork lift thing
>e's claiming 1/8000 shutter speed and a 24mm lens. That's an odd lens choice for this shot but anyway.
He was probably using AP. (Aperture priority) As his f-stop was at 1.4 Which means the shutter only closed a very small amount, which is why the words are out of focus as well as the bullet. The only thing in focus at that setting is maybe Trump's left ear to the tip of his nose. And because of that setting the camera would have to increase the shutter speed to high levels to keep the picture properly exposed
t. photographer long time. ama
absolutely once in a lifetime photograph, followed immediately by another. Would also love to know who's name is on that bullet.
He posted the exif and he was in manual mode. His max aperture was 1.4 but he was using 1.6 he still could have been using auto ISO to compensate for whatever retarded exposure choice he made on the go. Anyway, it's mostly vapour trail so I think I was wasting my time (it wasn't much at least)
Still think a 24mm prime is an odd choice on a fool frame snoy for this shot though.
>manual, like a fuckin pro.
fuck I'm so jealous of his job. I should apply
24-70mm 2.8 is my favorite fucking lens. next to the 85 1.2 I heard about. (mine's only 1.8)
sadly agreed, anon
The cops had no idea the guy was there, anything they say otherwise is a lie trying to save face. I base this entirely of my general impression of America cops as an American.

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