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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>Pres Trump Rally at Butler, PA 7/13/2024
https://rumble.com/v560lb8-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-butler-pennsylvania-71324.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Rally at Doral, FL 7/9/2024
https://rumble.com/v560kfz-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-at-trump-national-in-doral-florida-7924.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump at Chesapeake, VA 6/28/2024
https://rumble.com/v53g5gg-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-chesapeake-virginia-62824.html (RSBN)
>First Presidential Debate, Atlanta, GA 6/27/2024
>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Keynotes Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v52yh29-live-president-trump-keynotes-the-faith-and-freedom-coalitions-road-to-majo.html (RSBN)
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>474653984
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nope quoit theory is once again correct
Classic nighttime beat.

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Gm Satan.
Q didn't predict this.
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Dick Cheney organised the Trump hit with the assistance of Kim Cheatle (SS) and Gina Haspel (CIA).
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So, it's come to this. The government is finally confronting the hacker known as 4chan.
Thoughts on Harris dropping out?
>Polling showing her getting curbstomped by Trump
>Even among the black vote
>Obviously a sensitive person
>She gets to step away hopefully signalling that she's not confident Biden can win
>When Biden loses gets to pull a "I told you so" from what is probably a sweet opposition position and build to a bid in 2028
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Heart attack juice in the pills they put in his singe-scoop vanilla cones.
If they are trying to be quick about it and not companionate (which they for sure aren't).
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The awooniverse sings for me!
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Biden is heading the federal government he couldn't confront the ground if he fell on it
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I still can't believe that Joe Biden had to be helped into a car tonight. Or, I guess I can believe it, But I can't believe the media aired that. Holy fuck,m it's over for him.

>they aired to further delegitimize him
>Joe was acting a script for the cameras.

I think it was B. They told Joe, it was over and that it would begin with him being recorded by limping into a car.
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I don't think that's a tactic that would work for her.
This Admin isn't just Joe, she's been 2nd in charge the entire time, she can't pretend she had nothing to do with it it right at the end by abandoning her post.
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I want to take you back to 2016 to show the absolute state of the Lügenpresse. There is a tradition in NH that allows 3 rural towns to vote before election day. They are said to be very accurate in choosing the president.

Trump won 2 of 3 of the towns. Hillary won 1 of 3. Want to know what the press reported?

Exactly what you expect. "Hillary won this town that predicts winners!"
A makes more sense.
They just stopped covering for him since the debate. They don't need to fake things.
>Monarchist reeducation Gulags
What happened to the pro-Ukraine copypasta that you used to post every single day
If you are a democrat primary voter how are you not livid?
>Hillary given debate questions in advance in 16
>Bernie jobbed out of the nomination
>Oops our voting machines accidentally gave mayor pete a fake win in the first primary in 2020
>Liz Warren stays in just long enough to destroy Bernie yet again
>Joe picks the lowest-polling dem to be his running mate
>Joe wins primary (probably with some rigging) in 24
>Half the party is trying to arbitrarily replace him with the candidate du jour of their choosing without any voter input
>Other half of the party is trying to rig the roll call procedure to cement the dementia patient on the ballot sooner
What an absolute mess. And their base will continue to drone about muh sacred democracy
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what time is trump speaking tomorrow?
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Splitting their votebase is a completely valid tactic.
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>wants to put tariff on all imports to make it impossible for other countries to import shit here
>idiots here celerbate him for it
you should be fucking furious with trumpoline

fucking mexicans can buy an ev comparable to tesla for 15000$ while you retards have to pay $45k for a car that is the same but was manufactured in US so costs 3x as much
and this goes for many other imported goods as well
trump and those like him are literally the reason you can't afford anything and you still suck his dick here
anons, you are literally the retarded trump hogs the internet is laughing at
Democrat voters/liberals in general are not logical. They are narcissists in their own world of lies or they want to tow the party lines, because they want to believe in the lie that they are working for the greater good.
I Anonymous call on Kimberly A. Cheatle to resign. Unacceptable that no one loses their job over this debacle.
>Be Kamala
>Have one of the best jobs in the world as CA Senator
>Guranteed to win re-election till death, like Diane Feinstein
>Get offered VP with a wink, wink, nudge, nudge that Joe will probably die in the first or second term and you will be the first female President.
>Joe survives first term but won't get re-elected
> Never sniff the White House
> Now you are forever kicked out of the power structure without having fully benefited from being a senator or a vice president

If I were a Senator, I would never want to be VP or even Prez. Guys like Schumer and McConnel have the right idea. Get rich, not much blame, and eternal job security.
I guess I should just add that be extra careful with what they say the day of the election. They may pull bad news for them and present it as good news, and they might trick less "in the know" people. Trust nothing you see on election day you know little about. They tricked some people with this egregious nonsense last time.
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they don`t care.
anything to stop bad orange man.
just wait until they work out he can`t be stopped.
>They don't need to fake things.
You sweet summer child.
theres nothing the US needs from the rest of the world really.
I wouldn't drive a mexican ev.
For real though who tf wants to drive an ev from nexico
If Trump become president how he will deal with Ukrainian war?

Can Kamala go back to her old job in CA or will she have to go back to sucking dick?
This is the whole truth of our country and the reason why we are so pissed. We don't need shit from anyone. We don't even need to talk to another country. Yet we have spent the last 70 years giving idiots like this >>474665531 internet and electricity. And now the idiot thinks he's smart.
Immediate peace negotiations.
not even close, if everything is made in US then nobody will be able to afford it because how fucking expensive us workers are despite being worse than cheaper workers
a fat burger with 80k annual salary (+ insurance, taxes, ¨and all that shit) 45h/week working a factory job will have 2x or sometimes 3x slower output than a chink working for 15k annual salary working 14h/day
It is so expensive you are forced to sell at prices nobody can afford. Imports are the only reasons burgers can afford anything at all
he will end it, world peace
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someone asked about awoo.mpeg a few threads back
here it is >>>/wsg/5622032
Like how? A peace where ukraine loses most of its teritory and sea side isnt a good deal
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My lawyer has advised me that I shouldn't forget that the kick streamer Destiny might recover from their temporary bans, advertisers and sites need to know about their illegal terroristic threats and glorification of terrorism and violence against the law and TOS.

Let social media, advertisers, streaming platforms, and law enforcement knowledge about this violent terrorism.

It's up to you, we need you now to help and win.
Yeah, but it's embarrassing to become a senator after holding VP. The closest thing to it in our history is President Taft went on to become a Supreme Court Justice. But there's something both noble and admirable in that. Becoming a senator after being in the executive is a bitch move.
what's this mofo gon say during his speech?

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A supreme court Justice position is honestly the best job you can get after getting 2 terms of president. Permanant job where you have a huge say in things. I wonder if we'll ever get another president who does this
I'm only checking
Not answering your question
No more brother wars.
>p-pu-plz to suck dah bull coom out ma'am
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go ahead. build the wall. Close down all the borders and cut off ALL imports and exports right now.
Your economy will collapse within two months.
>Damn, some epic digits this thread
You have to be super book-smart to do that. I doubt we'll have a President that book smart ever again.
so you are saying it`s just a cost thing right?
just make goods like they used to.
to last.
then you don`t need a fucking chink made power drill every other week.
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its jover
>to last.
you CANNOT make an EV battery pack to "last" for 80 years it's simply not possible.
I'd rather our economy die than subsidize your internet connection.
Not like this, Joepedos....
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Get them at a Menards or a Harbor Freight etc, any place where they have to honor the replacement warranty themselves. New one or a equivalent for no more $$$ every time.
Imagine being this retarded

trumps new song
but of course you won't because you know i'm right kek
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I'm going to bed before anything else weird can happen argh!
i understand that but having them made better in the first place would be more beneficial......for the climate.
The wall is already half way built you dumb fuck
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sup chang! if only rosenbaum had illegal immigration statistics to turn his head to amirite?
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But this helps wreck the business' bottom lines for buying and selling the junk at markups in the first place.
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dead Trump supporters lol
Jesus she really laid into him.
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does anyone felt the change? I think Jews wanted Trump this time. MSMs have been reporting news that's a little bit damaging to the Dems. MSMs even admitted that the people backing Joe aren't really amused with his performance. some of these news personalities even admitted that there's something wrong with Joe. there's even a slight dip in woke agenda. people openly mocking DEI agenda. microsoft has ditched their DEI department calling them "no longer business critical"
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she can really lay into me (if ya know what I mean)
oh no 赫歇尔 thinks he is edgy.
It will be status quo circa the borders of january 2022. Similar to the offer putin floated to DC a few weeks ago.
>That death rattle Rosenbaum did while bleeding out from his pedo dickhole
Probably some of the most satisfying footage ever captured on film.
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Fun fact: It is free and fairly easy to report abusive , offensive, or otherwise hateful postings by their own citizens to the australian internet crimes offices. They even encourage it!
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imagine being so mad and frustrated you had to stay away for 4 days lol

You can apologize to us in November.
I get the feeling that gina really fucking regrets making those comments and losing her comfy high paying hollywood actor job and realizing her career prospects now are shitty indie netflix low budget movies and is now super salty about it so he wants to drag other jack black to her pit of misery as well
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they wouldn`t do anything about him, on orders from the ccp.
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Guys, I can't do this anymore. When I saw that guy post "MIGA" alongside a photograph of Trump holding an Israeli flag, I felt the last spark of my fighting spirit die within me. I don't have anymore to give to Trump. The humiliation of supporting someone who puts Israel before everything else... it's just too much. I'm afraid this is the last stop on the Trump train for me...
Imagine white knighting for jack black.
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>Meme flag rat kike advocating snitching cancel culture
Imagine my shock

The way the short looks it seems she was signaling the shooter, and was ready to take photograph of the aftermath.
Nah, she's been pretty chill about it, she comes from Casino money already and now she's got a nice juicy wrongful termination of contract lawsuit brewing with the pedo mouse house to boot that should get us all of the Disney Gender Wars interoffice communications into public record.
jack black is unironically one of the good guys and and not a shithead like most celebs
Oh, you're a kike. It makes sense now
He's unironically a lowlife heeb from a long line of well connected heebs.
That is certainly interesting.
no, i am a based, psychically fit,tall, bilingual slav, unlike you fat monolingual burger.
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It's (you)r country's laws, We're just helping them to enforce 'em!
Sure thing kike
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this, lunchbox joe has vaxaids yet is still fighting to keep trannies in classrooms
What do you speak? English and shitskin?
Fucking kek
I'd pay to see how she felt after the good photos dropped.
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Okay, who woke up the "big boy"?
>It's called praying, Mark.
I love her so much
The Spurdo stuff made me laugh.

Ok, so do you think the trump shooting was an attempt to police the internet?
Nostradamus you mean
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>chang crying about leftist getting hit with their own cancel culture stick
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She's is pretty amazing, actually.
Sure, Biden's actually 240IQ megagenius, he's just pretending to be demented.
How does one man have all this charisma? He's comfortable in his own skin 100% of the time.
40 years of successful business experience in jew york does that to a man.
Trump is a shell after nearly dying. He looked into the abyss and didn't like what he saw. I don't think he will be much trouble this election.
>my hecking chinese batteries and cars are too expensive!!!!!!!1!
Thats the idea, retard.
you know what, that actually works
>they're trying the Trump has PTSD and is now a lame duck narrative
She comes off as an auntie here. If you say "I wish the bullet hit Trump" that doesn't mean you are disrespectful towards the HUSBAND and FATHER.
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Israel is our greatest ally and we have such a precious and dear relationship with her. WE NEED ISRAEL MORE THAN ISRAEL NEEDS US! You cannot be a proud American if you don’t respect Israel.
Who cares? They're communist cocksuckers. Fuck 'em.
They have gone through so many narratives in such a short time, absolute panic
I care. You should care too to be accurate. Otherwise why be in a crew?
is this the guy who controls all the bots in the thread and he is feeding them coded prompts?
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Cycling through narratives like crazy, too.
They're spinning their wheels.
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>american flag
>literally only thinks about israel
try reading carl yung anon
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Why you so touchy bro? Why do the election tourists here get so defensive whenever Israel is mentioned?
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wonder if this guy will take the next shot?
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No, it's Asukaposter

It's codependant. And right now goals are diverging.

>Oh shit
>I'm not going to jail
>Trump is about to win the election and the court system hates us
good advice. just vote trump and walk through glass if you need to. even if its a landslide, vote enthusiastically. bigger the landslide the better. trump will have a mandate
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She'll replace Joy Reid

What is that lol? Have the burgers arrived?
Sound judgement is better. Trump would be an excellent supreme court justice.
no one NEEDS israel.
the world would function quite well without it....and the things that inhabit it.
The softball bullshit and letting the dumbest candidates receive the nomination is what made me skip over to the Republicans.
this is pretty flimsy. looked like a grimace. and people are conditioned to film shit now. no survival instinct
Czechie coping and seething we won't be letting him put the caps on ink pens for 1 monopoly dollar a week.
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you’re the one who always seems mad, why do you care more about a country thousands of miles away than the one you live in being flooded with millions of foreigners and rigged elections?
how is that different than what i said
Jack Black? In the Mandalorian? Glad I followed my instincts and never gave it a chance. Listening to clone commando audio books and loving it.
>where ukraine loses most of its teritory


>sea side


NATO's fault.

By the way, fuck the foreign policy of empires.
>Jack Black? In the Mandalorian?
Its even worse - he shares scene with fucking Lizzo.
Its amazing how every case against him died hard.
He truly is the Chosen One.
What's the word?
Ostensibly, a judge, and even more so, a justice, is supposed to know the law and its prcedents in order to to make rulings that align with them. Not off his personal judgment. Now, do judges do that? Do Supreme Court justices do that? I would say very few. But in a fantastical world where judges followed the laws, Trump would have to study for years to be able to be a Supreme Court justice.
Oh you are wrong about that, usa and english imperialistic intetests do want Israel
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>We're born free
>All of us free
>Some don't believe it
>Some try to take it away
>To hell with them
>Water like fire, mountains of ice
>The whole bit
>Lay your eyes on that and you'll know what freedom is
>That it's worth fighting for
>Fight to live
>Risk it all for even a glimmer of real freedom
>It doesn't matter what's waiting outside
the gate
>Or what comes in
>It doesn't matter how cruel the world can be
>Or how unjust fight
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whats a lizzo
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holy hell

I feel like he could wing it and be above average.
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not need.
no one NEEDS them.
The mishapen obese negress who is pushed really hard by media kikes to be a "star" and "cultural icon".
Sorry, I meant need.
>Jack Black? In the Mandalorian?
>Its even worse - he shares scene with fucking Lizzo.

Just affirms that they turned it all to shit. Got it. There's a lot of the old books to read and they are 100x better so I'll pass on all of it.
im not clicking that. you should feel guilty for knowing who that is
If shit for brains sotomayonnaise can be a supreme court judge then trump sure as shit could. Wouldn't want that though simply for the fact that trump is old for an appointed til death position.
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I only know who she is due to that fucking humiliation ritual they did with the flute...
>implying based peter thiel wont be able to supply him young boy blood to live off of for the next 5 decades
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knives are really out for the old guy.
You shouldn't use the word Ostensibly as much as you have been recently. It makes it seem like you just learned the word. Just a piece of friendly advice.
Eh, I've seen a few of these now and I'm having a hard time with them as they usually feel like a reach.
>Signaling the shooter
Looking in that direction because that's where Trump was focused and pointing. Also in a prime spot on camera, they typically prefer people in those sections to be at least somewhat animated.
>Phone at the ready to take a pic.
That's literally the type of society we've become, sadly. It's not really strange behavior.
>Supposedly smiling
I honestly don't see it. If so, could have just been her processing the moment going instantly from fun to confusion.
Anyone have the pic showing just how close he got to being killed?
As bad as it was fighting the old guard in the GOP it was nothing compared to the straight up coup going on in the Democrat side right now. It's amazing to watch.
Are you guys even aware that trump was a centimeter away from being assassinated?
Which one. Please provide more detail in your request or we wont be able to help you out tonight.
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I only have the shitty one, sadly.
The one that shows the bullet path and his head turn
Can't find it for some reason
>listen, Jack, you think a bronze star means you're brave? Brave is giving billions of dollars to Ukraine. Brave is going to NATO meetings. That's brave. Tell me, did a bronze star ever give an hour-long press conference talking about international affairs? If my son was here, he'd shove that bronze star up your ass., He killed Saddam Hussein and he sure as shit can kill your ass.
Yeah. The RNC is built different. They have rules in place to make things less riggable than the DNC.
Very much so. Horrifying thought.
that explains why he pretended to be shocked instead of going along with it
i stand by my statement.
What are you talking about?
If he said that he'd be a lot more popular. President Les Grossman.
Which part confused you?
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his rnc speech will be kino
I don't recall using the word ostensibly in this forum or any forum or anywhere recently
Your post history says otherwise.
Emerson polling is brutal for Biden
prove it
MIGA all whites are Jew all Jews are white
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How some rich people can be this obese is beyond me. Being rich practically makes losing weight/getting ripped 1000x easier. Lazy fucks
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I've been shouting divine intervention day 1, so have many people
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wtf is a centimeter?
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I can see it - moeny doesnt help you to lose weight and all the paryting, drugs and lavish feasts they indulge in really make it hard.
cray cray
since we live in a multiverse, there is a split timeline where he didn't turn his head
This. You’re not white if you don’t support Israel.
i-is that a man or a woman on his bed?
This is the best one. Fuck. He came so close to dying. It's as if God Himself told Trump to turn his head.
Aw fuck was the Trump assassin a /k/cel? God damn it.
many are saying this, could explain why he had no social media
Its Casca from Berserk manga.
in case you missed it the first time
godfags make me cringe so fucking hard with their low IQs
>oh my good a big beam of lights came from the sky when it was raining and set this tree on fire CLEARLY IT IS A WORK OF GOD
hey that's at least better than pointing at this board
I looked through the archive. I did use it on the 11th, kek
Also, fuck off Jannie
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>Money doesn’t help you to lose weight
Rich people can pay some faggot personal trainer to make a meal plan, set up a workout routine, “motivate them”, and basically do all the hard work when it comes to losing weight/ getting fit. The only thing these faggots have to do is turn off their brain and do whatever they tell them.
You know that's even more disappointing then being an accelerationist, at least if he was one of them we would know he was actually trying for something useful and wasn't just clinically retarded.
I do find this interesting. She's pretty much stating the complete opposite of what other classmates that have given interviews have said.
>not a loner
>not bullied
>not political
>just a nice, normal guy
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acutally, upon further investigation, that post was not mine...
I really doubt I ever wrote that word here before, because even when I wrote it in this thread, I oaused, wondering if i should use it,
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heres the thing its hard to know for sure because lots of people knew something fishy was going on and the SS didnt seem to be acting for whatever reason
how steady do your hands need to be when shooting that type of gun? Also why didnt the shooter take an angle that goes more towards the middle of his head. im australain so i know nothing about guns
and people believed this person was legit? did he give proofs? Or did the post just take on a life of its own?
All these things require discipline to follow. They dont work just like that.
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Republicans also know full damn well Biden ain't winning either way so why wish harm on him?
Wow, he's pretty smart for a woman
name my band
Trump is the antichrist.
I was there he made 1 post, most didn't believe. I think it's possible but we'll never know
He was a decent-looking young lad, why did he do that himself?
Do we have even the slightest sliver of evidence that it isn't a larp? Especially as he posts about seeing the sniper fiddle with his scope while the dude was using iron sights, I doubt a sniper assigned by the SS would fuck that one up like that.
That's what lack of touching grass does to a mother fucker.
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Dude is right.
he is more amusing alive.
>Bernie Sanders concedes that Biden 'can't put three sentences together' sometimes, per BI.
anon of course its a larp but also the contents are true based on statements
Based Bois (no homo)
He's not dead and you're still stuck here, kike.
Enjoy the show.
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Fuck I hate rich people. Why the hell does anyone listen to what these fucking retards have to say if they can’t even do the bare minimum when it comes to taking care of themselves?
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Meanwhile you get the Shabos Goy party who is now inclusive (lol). In other words richfags who lie and will fuck everyone under 10 million net worth.
Flat tax convergence, bring industry back (to Mexico), more money to Israel and more H1B's.

man, I feel bad for all these tranny kids,
Lots of people out by the building the shooter was on knew. Audience was too busy watching the rally.
i need him alive
it makes November funnier
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every rare lucid moment for joe when he actually comprehends what's going on must be living hell, he's already dead on every level except physical
is there a running count for how many libshits LoTT has gotten fired this week?
This is the result of porn addiction, lockdowns turned many into huge porn addicts
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you should pull up the actual quote
This. Kamala or Big Mike have an even lower chance of winning, but I want Biden to see Trump win with his own dementia-addled eyes.
just seems strange sure and it could be. what is the purpose of signaling the shooter. is he face blind and cannot identify tump?
are these people new to the pharmaceutical industry? the US always pays for all the R&D + tip while other countries get drugs at cost
>and people believed this person was legit?

>did he give proofs?

>Or did the post just take on a life of its own?
type OPs pic headline into google.
this board has become the epitome of sheer mental retardation every since moot sold the site
I love the way Trump pissed away all the political capital he got from the shooting with the most Jewish, niggerized, faggot RNC in history.
really oys the veys.
May not have been a signal for the shooter to fire. If she were there to photograph the gore, she might've been signaling that she was ready to take her own shots.
Ozempic isnt life saving tho.
I hate empty rich people.
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If Trumpnip wasn't shitting on immigration he would be dead. It's a divine sign.
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Yes God wants TND
It was a shit thread that mods refused to delete when he refused to post proofs
The anti-christ has things to do, he is thrown alive into the lake of fire. No one can kill him. God wills it.
Tiger Woods said he wasn't able to sleep the night Trump was almost assassinated.
i feel like hes omitting that health insurance here is covering 90% of the cost and those 59$ are only the co-payment
"In my sights" is a figure of speech that just means "on target". You don't even have to have a gun at all to have someone "in your sights". Sure that was a larp but not because he said that.
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Golfchads win again
it's hard to tell what's authentic and what's not sometimes.
for instance, the more I think about it, the more it seems like an glownigger operation

>everyone is asking questions about the shooting
>many people don't think it adds up
>glowie makes post on 4chan
> glowie consensus cracks the post
>glowie then diffuses post through twitter, tiktok, and other social media
>glowie then has MSM discredit post
>MSM now has a talking point, "There is a lot of disinformation going on about the shooting online right now. People are reposting stories about a fake Secret Service sniper from 4chan... whatever that is... and things like that. Look, everything you read on the internet about the shooting is wrong.
>calls grow for censorship and community notes on every post concerning the sniper

Just spit balling...
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Fat nigger Indians steal shit from poverty relief organizations. Retarded nigger poo subhumans belong in shitistan, not your neighborhood.
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a lot of people would have been like that.
laying there thinking how bad it could have been.
I think we're at that point. It feels more and more like they're just accepting that they're gonna lose and are hoping to get one or both of the other branches.
I've been having trouble sleeping since the assassination attempt. Feelsbadman
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I live in a swing state but there are no campaigns happening here, only in states hundreds of miles away. Even solid blue states are getting more campaign action than here. Very strange stuff.
will be interesting what damage and what timebombs they leave on the way out.
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Yeah. It didn't sink in for me until the day after and then all of a sudden I realized how fucking close to disaster America came. Tiger being frens with Trump personally I'm sure he felt it even more.
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how does Trump know all these people?
the golf world nearly lost a star, of course he'd be worried
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Every cuck and retard complains when communist retard gets shit on for trying to kill Trump. They tried to claim a pregnant white woman was stealing a bike from niggers and got her suspended.
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>literally manages to cross the atlantic and hit south america
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True Appalachians Gustavo La Wetback and Neema Poopoopeepee, true Appalachians, want you to know Vance ain't no appalacian
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The republican party conference last night was awesome!
>it was only 8 hours ago
It was fucking awesome!!!
>I know what a true hillbilly is, and Vance's mom is most definitely not his aunt
It would've been the worst, for the nation
And on a personal level, I don't know if I could've recovered. I'm serious. Maybe I'm a fag, a loser, or a cultist, or a super wimp, but a day or two after the event I was thinking about if Trump was killed, my whole hope about the world would be shattered and not in a way I think I could just get up and go on living like normal. Okay, enough typing out my sappiness.
Would you describe yourself as zealous for trump?
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The lead, plastic, mercury, and shit in your water can occur on the other side of the planet. Any reasonable society would levy tariffs on countries causing harm to clean that harm for profit.
>omg you guys look at what my heckin based tranny said on twitter
The absolute state of modern conservatism
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Would you describe yourself as retarded and socially awkward?

What's with the questions female body inspectors?
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any reasonable country would just invade and wipe out such vermin
The anti-christ has zealous followers.
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I would describe myself as Heracles, Adonis, Superfacismo, El General, Das Blonde Biest, etc.
>mom a junkie
>granny has 18 guns around the house
sounding like a modern hillbilly.
So that is a yes to my question?
So does christ! To quote kingdom of heaven.
"I have seen religion in the hands of too many murderers."

We all have a religion. And Trump is not the anti christ. He believes in the American people. Not Islam.
psychopathy has zealous sufferers
proof: every time you brush your teeth, look in the mirror
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Also we could immediately achieve our climate change emissions goals by eradicating the Indian subcontinent and Africa. Think about it.
He believes in himself anon.
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No, man, I feel you. I understand what you're saying completely.
This guy put a halo around trumps head >>474672615

Of course the beast imitates the lamb




we could go way further if we throw china in the mix too
Anon in hebrew lamb means EL am Ba. Meaning baby lord meaning baby jesus.
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>he doesn't know about the black sun
I know what it is, you used it as a halo like in christian iconography
>Neema Avashia
>I'm a real Appalachian
He's a jew. Literally. Theres no such thing as a "good one" with them.
Glowniggers tongue my anus, fuck all of you
It means you're publically cracking jokes about an event that lead to the murder of a man protecting his family. She's right, it's a heartless thing to do and thereby a color show for the left.
I think there was a second shooter. It's a lot to rest on some weird 20yo with iron sights. Conveniently has no digital presence. Good patsy.

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