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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>wrote a book shitting on the appalachians he grew up with
>left his white hometown as soon as he can, went to yale where he fraternized with jews and indians
>bankrolled by that gay german peter thiel
>wife is a registered democrat
>family still lives in san francisco
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Look at a man's family and you know everything about him.

dont forget hes a hollywood insider. he made a major motion picture in hollywood which takes tons of pedophile connections. this guy is such a trojan horse on so many levels and a huge liability
He's definitely going to be be the first vic-epresident or president to talk publicly about BBCs
he's got no brain what so ever
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> Trump has stellar night at the debate
> Trump turns assassination attempt into amazing photo op that unites his party
> Democrats divided and forced to pull back campaign to not look bad
> Looks like he'll coast to an easy victory.

> Night 1 of the RNC: a POO opens up with a satanic prayer to the pagan god Waheguru, dicks out for Jewish hostages, a self-proclaimed slut and porn star satanist with face tattoo talks about diversity, the greasy Goya guy talks about diversity, Trump selects closeted pretty face queer with a poo beard as running mate (Vance talks about his gay thoughts in Hillbilly Elegy LOL), gay Republicans praise the RNC for dropping anti-LGBTQ platform
> Night 2 of the RNC: parade of neocons and freemasons, the face tattoo whore introduces some wigger rapper, a random drug dealing crackhead family talks, vivek ramawhodat endorses legal mass migration, "Republicans are the REAL DEI party", a DRAG QUEEN ("Miss MAGA") going around interviewing people, endless calls to invade Iran.
> Night 3 of the RNC: Neo-cons call for more war, Single Mom wants Feminism in China, Endless calls about the Border with no plan to close it, Anti-Semitism struggle session, dicks out for Jewish hostages, Trump's kids act like out of touch Yuppies, Vance calls for Diversity Legal Mass Migration more calls for War insane ideas about reindustrialization.

> The most anti-white platform i have seen in decades.

> Libs call for the death of Trump, Conservacucks sad they are getting fired attack their own side.

> Mattwalsh milk toast as he is, criticizes the RNC for having a Porn Star speak for them, gets attacked by conservacucks.

The man who got shot, died for nothing.
Have fun with the elections, i'd stay home if your white, or better yet just make money and take these people for all they are worth so you can leave America they don't deserve loyalty. they managed to kill all hype within two days to grasp defeat from the jaws of victory. it's impressive really.
He looks like a ftm in all his pictures. Must be the makeup? I wasn't sure if he was actually a male until I heard a few seconds of his convention speech.
Humiliation ritual, Republican party isn't even Republican anymore. Same thing with the Catholic church, the pope is a Marxist atheist
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Whites should just boycott voting, there's no reason too.
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>If people think you're always having a yard sale because there's always shit in your lawn
>you might be a redneck
they should and i hope they do.
>team blue vs. team red
Oldschool dems are unironically the last bastion of white elitism in the US. They used to be the party of the KKK and that's a good thing. Richard Spencer, fed or not, gets this. Upper-middle class 80s/90s democrats were the most implicitly racist whites in the country.
Not only are republicans uncultured, poorly read retards, they'll also drone on and on about how they go out shooting at the range with their black friends or whatever, and then look at you expectantly as if you're supposed to be impressed. Nigger worshiping Israel paypigs.
>family still lives in san francisco
Why hasn't he trooned out his jeet sons?
And Trump was friends with Epstein. He and his family have been surrounded by Jews his whole life.
This. I've never seen a redemption arc get canceled this fast and aggressive before. I'm trying to process how he ruined this momentum after the biblical post-assassination photo which was one of the most iconic images of our time and unironically could have catapulted him into becoming Julius Caesar.

He went through all that shit, then puts an Israel first Bush-era warhawk as his VP. It'd be like a fatass attaining discipline, getting shredded and jacked, then just deciding to become obese again for no reason. It's all incredibly disappointing
It's because he was supposed to die
you're going to need to increase the dosage
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He's a technocrat propped up by Peter Thiel.
The border will remain open but he will promote Track&Trace digital IDs to "solve" the crisis as he rakes in billions for him and his associates for this "favor."
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C'mon now
He's also gay
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fuck this dude
I genuinely cannot be fucked to do anything at this point.
I think the Chinese have it right, just lay flat.
Are you goyim?
Yeah, I'm thinking this should be stickied at the top of the board and just shut down all further posting about it. There's not really much more to say.
No you don't. This is far too retardedly broad. Plenty of white guys with non white wives who are based.
You're either one of two things -
A cuck who enjoys his wife cheating on him with tyrone
An incel with no basis in reality
This was sarcasm, right?
>propped up by Peter Thiel
he's a member of the gay club, for sure.
FAKE Anti-Globalists are multiplying like rats these days.
looks like he's storing some nuts in those chins
Jay Rockefeller hillel they fuck dogs you building synagogue with the plan and Robert Cy Byrd and koresh this is the shit that's made
>Plenty of white guys with non white wives who are based
HAHAHA the absolute state of /pol/ in 2024. Can't wait to see the twerking at the GOP victory later this year.
Jay Rockefeller synagogue trailer trash jewmob of dog fucking baby ducking zionist mutton headed shit
Obviously, well I guess not so obviously for the autistical retards
Dickson out for unlawful combatants and retainers righteous take by brave warriors of an unknown god called hamas
No it always republican Marxist communist zionidt talmudic judaic Apostate shit eating g fight pedo filth it's zionist anti christ frothing helped make the un a d pizzrale in 1948 same zionistbut a little less rabid the goo was the parry with democrats Jewish the same incompetent inbred illiterate blind ass clergy that's only notice brevik and Jewish and Israel murdering nationalist youth meeting with Palestinians Ole dammerard exposing blinke fuckoig shit lither zionist child fucking child murdering terror blinked is klebold and Harris a danger a threat a holohoaxing asswipe
>>wrote a book shitting on the appalachians he grew up with
>>left his white hometown as soon as he can, went to yale where he fraternized with jews and indians
>>bankrolled by that gay german peter thiel
>>wife is a registered democrat
>>family still lives in san francisco
Also attended the Bilderberg Meetings for 7 years in a row.

Fully Kike Groomed.
His "Pick" is no random choice
It’s more like a fat ass losing weight, getting in shape and muscular, only for him to become an emaciated crack smoking junkie 2 weeks later
>Plenty of white guys with non white wives who are based.
Clearly you've been associating with the kosher BAP crowd. White nationalists don't have nonwhite wives.
I saw a rundown on this
he was literally rolled out to counter trumps popularity with the white working class
he's completely astroturfed
This is correct. Only action is left on the table now.
Did they bone?
glad you guys are happy goyim slaves
"making america great again" means for me at square 1 that you name the jew and start sketching out the progroms and forced deportations.

none of the fag candidates running will deliver that even in the slightest.
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pick one, fake ass sycophant
Yeah I’m done with these people. I am not working or voting again. Fucking Jews
anyone sane has nothing but hatred for western democracy and the bullshit that comes with it
he looks like he gets drunk and beats up strippers because "they're not people"
There’s something pathological wrong to him.
Reminds me of Hitler.
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this is a real poor Appalachian home not whatever Ohio suburb he grew up in
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JD Vance was a colossal fuck up on Trump's part and showed that he learned absolutely nothing from Pence. If Biden wasn't the alternative I'd sit out this election. The truth is, Trump is going to be a flash in the pan. As soon as he is gone, it is right back to status quo GOP bullshit because he put what seems like 0 thought into his heir.
lools average american to me. only the gay sex and fat niggers are missing in the pic and it would be certified USA.
>a colossal fuck up on Trump's part
Trump (as all the others) are Told Who to "Pick"

Just like Regan was told to "Pick" Bush.
>lets make it worse by firing the nurses
oh fuck this guy
You need to expand your narrow view of real history.
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His book was enlightening ;)
Middletown Ohio is not Appalachia lol
>claims to be hillbilly
>doesn't marry his cousin
real Appalachia is poor white christens
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Hope he takes down the pajeetocracy
No, that's bullshit. I 100% believe the jews are manipulating US politics, mostly via AIPAC, to their own benefit but I also believe Trump is entirely acting on his own. Trump is a cold strategist, I have no idea about his own beliefs on Israel, but I do know that he knows not supporting Israel in American politics is a kiss of death for any campaign. I don't believe for a second anyone tells Trump what to do openly. Are there people in his realm who influence him? Of course, everyone can be influenced. But I don't believe for a second jews literally walked into his office and said
>"JD Vance is your vice president."
Trump has a fucking horrible sense of character. If jews around him manipulated him into believing Vance was the guy, then that is still his fault. He learned fuck and all from before. Mark my words, he will be impeached for nothing (possibly multiple times) and the GOP will barely support him through it all, including his VP. He will spend his 2nd term bitching about how everyone is dragging their feet to get done what they swore up and down they'd support him on. Barely anything will change, at most we'll be lucky to avoid a cataclysmic economic downturn which will 100% happen under a 2nd Biden term. Which is the main reason I am holding my nose to vote Trump again. Trump is such a massive fucking disappointment, man.
>I also believe Trump is entirely acting on his own.
You never get to his level working on your own

>I have no idea about his own beliefs on Israel,

>He learned fuck and all from before
This is true.
U do know who bought him when his Atlanta city assets blew up?
>I don't believe for a second anyone tells Trump what to do openly
think again, Trumps largest donor openly required the annexation of the west bank for he financial support
>narrow view of real history
Hitler was literally a perfected jewish golem. He destroyed europeans, he moved jews to israel, even his war machine was funded by the wallstreet fed jews who funded the both sides, including the bolshevic jews who were unironically allied with the western jew, in order for jew to come in victorious at the end after everyone was destroyed. Hitler fought the amolek for the jews.
Bro I just want to afford groceries again
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literally worse than Pence. Trump's a retard.
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whats the point of having brown children he missed the plot somewhere

you can have a brown wife because thats all you can realistically find but to go and have children is just a idiotic play
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India is an ally of Russia and Trump happens to be friends with Putin. So I guess the GOP's push to replace Americans with Indians now makes sense.
Are you fucking kidding me? He did not shit on us. That book describes how hard working white communities have been forgotten and impoverished. The rampant drug use NEEDS to be exposed.

Don’t speak about things about which you know NOTHING.

The U.S. isn't an Indian or Muslim country, people don't marry their cousins here.
>wrote a book shitting on the appalachians he grew up with
You clearly never read it dumb ass.
>his war machine was funded by the wallstreet fed jews who funded the both sides, including the bolshevic jews who were unironically allied with the western jew, in order for jew to come in victorious at the end after everyone was destroyed
Yes - Just as they always have including all the "Elections" the sheeple continue to believe in.

But gays are literally in television education system preaching their trans ideology and giving hormone to kids and those hormones are actually dangerous drugs that have side effects and cause mental derangement syndromes or makes mental derangement syndromes much worse.
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you don't really belong here.
His whore wife only got into Yale because of DEI.
A fatter, gayer Hitler.
Meme flags also cause mental derangement syndromes or makes mental derangement syndromes much worse.
Where are you from Ivan?

She looks like a light skinned Brahmin which means she has some European DNA and the intelligence with it. Too bad that she happens to bs a Hindu.


Wtf? What I meant was that the "gays are literally in the education system..."

Although they are also in the entertainment sector making all those woke t.v. shows, films and video games.
>Eye shadow wearing, poo loving, jew worshipping faggot
Wow he fits right in with the pound of makeup wearing, nigger loving, jew worshipping faggot he's running with.

Forgot to switch to the Republican flag.
Unpopular opinion, but even nick the spic would have been a better choice
Saving this, really fucks the coke vs pepsi crowd.
never has we're so back turned it's so over
You know it.
This I was going to vote Trump now I am voting for RFK Jr and everyone else should too

He is the only one speaking out against the Jews while Trump is out here cucking for the deep state
How did that retard go to Yale?
And that is why the Trump campaign is officially fucked

How do you fuck the momentum this hard? I don’t care what the polls say if this keeps up Biden will end up winning if he is still in the race

Can we seriously deport Elon Cuck and Peter Degenerate?
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The carnival ride never stops, the fun never ends
>Interracial marriage is based
Fucking Redditor detected
Burgers can't into irony.
Trump wont be president. Thats not how this is gonna play.
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>changed the name he had for three decades to his mothers maiden name
Weird, right? Your name is a part of who you are. It’s an intrinsic part of your identity.
I saw the movie yesterday. The movie shat on his single mom. And he's right. Single moms are dog shit
The white nationalist with an Asian girlfriend is a cliche
He's an ok choice. For a few reasons.
1. Isn't based nigger, or based jeet, or based gyno-American like Tim Scott, or Vivek R, or Nicky Haley
2. Is a nod toward the rust belt voters he needs to take MI, WI, PA.
3. Serves as assassination insurance. Neocons still hate Trump, but certainly don't want to replace him with a younger, more cerebral promoter of pro-nativist policies.
You two need to get back on the short bus to school
I think he will do more than talk
His face is uncanny valley. I look at him and wonder if he really is a human

white nationalists are racial hierarchists, it's more about battling the afroid menace than being wary of asians, who they consider to be white adjacent
yes, Rhino. Give me a real republican please.
This nigga looks like he'd be the comically evil and stupid VP on The Boys or something and shartmericunts want him as their next king after the next attempt on Trump works, embarrassing
You don't have enough. You need more. You want more. Make more. You don't have enough. You don't know. This isn't an Art of War applicable scenario.
Blumph was never supposed to be at the RNC, that's why he wasn't on the schedule or why they wouldn't even fit him in for what would have been one of the most triumphant speeches of all time, because he was supposed to be dead. The orange fool should have started his own party after getting double-crossed and back-stabbed by the Republicans worse than the Dems ever did
>not a nigger
Good enough
gtfo'ing out of the hood as soon as possible is the smartest thing a man can do you poo shitting goatfucking zigger jeet. Either poo or Ivan zigger where on to you.
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>This nigga looks like he'd be the comically evil and stupid VP on The Boys or something and shartmericunts want him as their next king after the next attempt on Trump works, embarrassing
Get Trained people.
You got great insights, TO EVERYTHING, but No Clear Capacity to use YOUR OWN POWER which is where you seem to have zero thought capacity.
Almost like you've been Hypnotized to believe You Have No Right to Your Rights, which cannot be further from the Truth. Outside of God Himself, you are the captain and sole owner of Your Rights, and when they are Infringed, you have Lawful Recourse available, including in appropriate circumstances, the use of Force to Restore Lawful Order.

Or Cry.
The last based Dutchman on 4chan
Trump should have chosen Flynn.
hes not even from appalachia. he grew up in east ohio near indiana. what a clown.
your universities mean nothing anymore DEI or not, even niggers, gooks, chinks, arabs, indians, pakis, gypsies, spics graduate from there
Cope harder.
Doesn't even matter. I was planning to stay home anyway. Can't believe I wasted my time voting last time just to watch them change the results over night. And now do they think we are retards and cant see who this RNC pandering to/?
Manchurian candidate
>If you have three cars and none of them works
>you might be a redneck

>Ich habe 3 Autos, auch wenn von denen keines fährt
trump needs to drop him
Kill yourself you cuckold freak

ITT: Jewish Shills
damn it's almost like vice president is a ball and chain of insurance for the oppositional deep state than your actual running mate who could have ever seen this coming fucking ever
>follow the money
Trump Vance 24
TV 24 TrAnce (insert flag)
Tell A Vision run by the tribe still has you believing any of this is good.

Vance’s wife is an Indian immigrant who grew up in the suburbs of San Diego. Encouraged to work with Vance by Chinese immigrant Yale professor while working on a group called “the social decline of white American”. She later went on to be educated ate the Gates college.
We are doomed
>He went through all that shit, then puts an Israel first Bush-era warhawk as his VP. It'd be like a fatass attaining discipline, getting shredded and jacked, then just deciding to become obese again for no reason. It's all incredibly disappointing

The presidency is pay for play, Trump picked Vance because his main sponsor wanted it so.

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