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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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There’s a shadowy figure crouched on the water tower, moving around. But I also noticed a flash or a reflection at 13 seconds. I went frame by frame to screen cap which sucks but watching the video makes it obvious. A definite flash of some sort. I get no visibility on X so I’m posting here. Don’t blink.
There were several rally attendees that mentioned someone on the water tower in interviews conducted within an hour after the shooting. These videos have since been scrubbed. This was likely Crooks who returned to his handlers after the shooting, while Yearick the patsy was killed on the rooftop.
You Actblue pro Hamas Nazi mother fucking antisemite.

Anyone that says that CNN is lying is a lying traiter tranny sack of liberal shit.

Trump had a bandaid!!! Didn't you see it? OM fucking G.


I hope you get sued like Alex Jones did. Shareblue mfer
Someone's poisoned the watering hole
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Seemed like a lot of LEO presence at the tower. I think you’re muddying the waters.
Definitely remember hearing something about a water tower too
Hey look everyone the feds are trying to confuse the details of the shooting. Why would fed posters be doing that now?
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Someone shot trumps?
You’re poisoning the water hole. There’s a flash. Now what u gonna say?
implying the cops didn't take the shot
There was no talk of that. You’re a retard or a literal fed.
It’s 2024 what a shitty quality. Bump anyway
My guess is they were there and no one was up in the roof. Nothing ever happens
>people were talking about it I swear!!
I’ve been digging into this shitshow since the minute it happened. I do not remember anything of the sort. Surely if you can throw the claim around without evidence, you archived the videos right? Surely you’d be able to offer some form of evidence? Someone wouldn’t just do that; go on the internet and tell lies, right?
Pathetic attempt to blend in lmao piss off kid you have to 18 to post here
Do you hate jews? Is that why you think that Trump isn't telling the truth about what happened?
They took shots at crooks. The officer is on admin leave
No. Trump got a tiny scratch on his ear from the glass of a broken teleprompter. Trump literally got 2 people killed at his rally though. He needs to immediately withdraw his candidacy for president
>CIA DEI hire second shooter also missed
>I think you’re muddying the waters
Didn’t you see the pic of the shooter? He was a girlish man.
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dumb fucking faggot nigger, if there was a second shooter it would have been a professional glownigger, not another zoomer retard. LMAO, how stupid could you fuckin be you little FAGGOT?
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For the incredulous
Flash here
There's nothing, you retards.
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No flash 14 sec
There were literally cops INSIDE of the building the shooter was on top of retard.
1. There is no flash what so ever.
2. OP is a faggot.

3. But there is a person there and it is probably the shooter.
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I turned it into a side-by-side comparison for my own sake, but I'll upload it cause why not
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roof's sloped
That was quick. Thanks anon
You can find it on X if you look hard enough. Should be on the RSBN rumble VOD as well. Do your own research faggot.
Say what you will about Geirge Bush, Senior, the CIA head who (allegedly---pleasedon'tsue) helped orchestrate JFK killing, but at least he wasn't this grossly incompetent pulling off any of his (alleged) false flags.
>But there is a person there
There's nothing there though. Bad artifacts from a shitty ass camera.
I didn't notice it until you pointed out the time cause the camera shakes so much. It's literally 1 frame.
0:13 - nothing
0:14 - flash
0:15 - gone
It could be a blur from the camera shaking, but it coincides with the bullets being fired
Camera artifacts + >>474703102
sure thing kike
Now I am even more convinced that the original shooter was on the tower and that autist was shooting blanks.
Plausible. Kudos for a theory that makes sense.
Feds looove to muddy waters and spread disinfo so we have to keep a clear head indeed, I will have to look more into it to make a verdict for myself, however I think I'm inclined to agree that maybe there wasn't a flash, but a person definitely
It’s like 13.999 or so
>nobody fleeing or moving post shot
You guys seem desperate to distract from the snipers that fired from inside the building the shooter was on.
last shoot is 1 full second earlier..... this is nothing, i dont even think theres anybody up there. (it should have been)
stop mudyying the waters ((you))
Video cuts off after the shooting. I'm sure the shooter fled in a cop car. >>474701863
>make claim
>have no evidence
>the evidence heckin exists but no I can’t find it for you
Kill yourself reddit tranny
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you niggers really fell for the fedjacketing psyop hard. I'm not a glownigger and here's The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion to prove it
The real shooter is already back in Tel Aviv
The fuck relevance does Crooks even have in this scenario? He's not some elite operator. He's as nobody as Yearick. Why is Crooks being the shooter, a patsy setup by the FBI/SS and given all the opennings to take a shot - then killed so he can't talk, any less plausible than Crooks, for some reason, being anything else so Yearick can do what Crooks is alleged to have done?
I see multiplying in assumptions without ANY more explanatory power, and WAY more problems to solve.
Because until we really know but does angle match trajectory ?
I'm pretty sure both Redacted and Jimmy Dore have played the videos on their shows.
looks like some kind of video compression artifact

54:39 lady says killed man in water tower
yaerick is a non-factor, if you ever see someone saying that name you can just proceed to ignore
its just video quality being bad, compression gives artifacts pixels
Well-poisoning nigger, begone.

Kikes sell out kikes all the time. Posting the protocols or using kike instead of jew isn't some super secret clubhouse passphrase, faggot. Ask your handlers for better cointel training.

Water tower witness videos here - 3 different ones



where's saddam
Don't they have beacons to prevent low flying aircraft from crashing into objects like this?
There is an airport very nearby btw
Teleprompter wasn’t hit. But your gay Reddit cover story makes you seem even more incompetent.

I’m glad fags like you and your glowop friend that pulled the trigger are such miserable shots that you’ll be minced to pieces in a hot war
Thank you for providing source, memeflaggot, some anons ITT should take note. That being said, she’s recounting another man telling her that he saw the sharpshooter kill the man on the tower. Worth looking into, but I’m not sold on the accuracy of it yet.
Here is another angle of that water tower.
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posting relevant info since this thread seems important. help get this out there before it is wiped from the archived

Conspirators have known since the assassination of Caeser that there's safety (for them) in numbers.

That's why the assassination of JFK, just like this one, had so many groups involved. The greater number of participants exponentially complicates any investigation.
good one, cuts before the shots tho, nobody up there clearly
From the angle shown in the 1st link alone, you can rule out a shot from the tower. Trump would be dead if shot from there.
See above post, nigger. The angle would have the shot come behind Trump and almost perpendicular to his head when turned. Not bumping this glowing thread anymore.
You can clearly see the black human figure as on OP's video, glownigger.
shut the fuck up retard
Yeah, I'm suspecting it's just well poisoning at this point.

Crooks-is-Crooks isn't even mutually exclusive with a second shooter hypothesis.

where? You said it's clear.
Even if there was someone on it the shots made could not have come from that high a angle, they wouldn't make sense.
474704546 (not giving you a (you))
So you predetermine in your head what's correct, and anyone who disagrees is automatically glownigger or jew. You midwit faggots shit up every thread with your knee-jerk reactions. Can't even have a discussion without
You've provided nothing to this thread, just stfu already
It's possible. From what I was able to gather the FAA has guidelines for lighting tall structures, and this includes water towers.
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what figure fucking fed
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That's better...
>flash on the water tower
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>The angle would have the shot come behind Trump and almost perpendicular to his head when turned.
ok retard
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ASLG/ Assassin Shooter Location General #10 — ZOGSHOT Edition

Yeah that one.
See ^
It's 12 fucking pixels of the shadow of the tower.
anyone who has been up on a tower like that knows you aren't climbing it without some legit gear and it wouldn't be a quick thing to do.
feds are going in hard for Trump
They fear that biden is dismantling the deep state
What makes you think the shooter didn't have gears and training needed for such operation? After all he is employed by glowniggers.

So we are looking for a suspect made of 12 pixels...

Mario and early NES characters are 8-bit...

I think we re onto something
>It's possible. From what I was able to gather the FAA has guidelines for lighting tall structures, and this includes water towers.
If there is a flash, I would bet it is a beacon.
The first rule is to have an exit strategy. So what would any exist strategy be for sniping from a water tower? Someone could see you up there and then people swarm you. Is the plan to take out all of the people storming you? Well there goes any and all crafted stories.
Nothing of a water tower sniper would make sense.
It's most logical to say it is a beacon due to the nearby airport.
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it's just a star symbol
why do people love to search for meaning in digital zoom artifacting on a shitty phone camera?
oh no, ppl in this thread are saying he is AT THE FUCKING TOP of the tower, not in the rails....
what does that have to do with putting yourself into a situation with no escape?
>People rush tower
>you're fucked and the story is fucked
seriously. it makes no sense. agencies can be collectively stupid but not THAT stupid.
>Do your own research
Lol there's the line that everybody with zero evidence says again. Next you'll say "it's not my job to educate you!". Just admit you pulled it out of your ass.
someone posted a photo of fbi survey women earlier today. where were they set up? you can tell from the placement of the survey instrument what they were looking at
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I made a thread about picrel and it got archived pretty quick
Summary: https://rentry.org/ieo7vmp4
Anon, he never needed to escape. Just like JFK's assassin didn't need to escape.
Do you really believe Harvey Oswald killed JFK?
Trump had his head turned parallel to the stage, a shot from the tower would have removed the back of his head. You're too retarded to understand this? Trump would have had to turn to look at the snipers on the roof behind him for that angle to be remotely possible but he didn't.
the shills are out in force, incredible
Can you really not detect sarcasm that obvious?
>top of tower
You fucking retard.
Stop being retarded
An assassin climbing to the top of a water tower wouldn't be obeying OSHA regulations.
The water tower is out of the United question because of extremely delayed escape.
This crap theory must be completely disregarded.
>Do you really believe Harvey Oswald killed JFK?
Absolutely not.
But JFK's assassins DID escape. That is what the railyard was for.
>Anon, he never needed to escape. Just like JFK's assassin didn't need to escape.
If you are sniping from a fucking water tower at the most controversial politician of modern times with a huge base of supporters that expect glownigger operations AND they are all able to see you, if you think you don't need an exit strategy, YOU are the type to become a patsy.
>here, carry this bomb for me, plx.
mental illness
You retards understand that’s a ten minute climb out in the open?
yea you can see it top right corner at apex of tower
Well, let me know if you know if the SS or cops went to that tower after the shooting.
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>What Happened?
the Equal Rights Amendment of 1972 that's what.
shot that killed firefighter hit another member of the crowd at the same time, single shot. angle shows it came from water tower
There's still literally nothing there but again, camera artifacting because it's a digital zoom and not optical. Idiots.
based Water Tower hanger outer
What's your point?
You're calling me a faggot for questioning the legitimacy of the tower theory
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I called you a retard faggot
Go climb your water tower right now, with no President around I guarantee 20 concerned citizens will call it in
look it's obvious you've never actually climbed one of those. you aren't climbing it with gear without drawing a LOT of attention. the ladders are usually locked with a metal cage and in a locked fence too

it's low IQ to think it would be a decent place to be. has nothing to do with OSHA, it has to do with climbing up a ladder that's got a cage around it the first 10' or so, you'd fucking clang everything going up even with just a rifle
Of course Cheatle's more interested in what benefits her personally than doing her job and protecting others. She's a woman.

She's the Secret Service version of "woman takes picture of object."
It doesn't though, all vids show shots came from the building and you seem desperate to distract from the cops inside also shooting.

If you say jews faked the shooting just to push Trump in the polls and get him elected, then you're antisemitic and Trump doesn't want or need your muslim terrorist vote

MAGA 2024
Nah same day of when the video dropped they mentioned the watertower. Check google trend for Donald trump water tower.

That’s the issue with the whole situation. We waited 40 years for jfk. I know it’s video cam around but if the moon landing is fake why you think they gone give that one away.
Why would that matter?
To reiterate
You believe a shooter was positioned on the water tower, in plain view, shooting at the most controversial and perceived threat to the establishment, in front of his supporters, that already expect glownigger ops, and you don't think an exit strategy is needed when there is an already cooked official story waiting to be deployed.
But considering you don't know about Lee Bowers and the assassins' escape after JFK tells me you are new to this whole sort of thing.
I'm sorry it is not necessary to climb a galvanized ladder to the top of a civilian water tower with rigging.
Why is there so much faggotry ITT?
she didn't WANT Trump to get shot in the head any more than DEI hires at Boeing want people to see their planes falling apart mid flight and have to kill off 8 whistleblowers to cover for vagina powers and pubic hair on head incompetence.
they really do think they can do the same job as men.
unfortunately, emailing each other and faceberging about how strong and powerful you are doesn't translate into real world capabilities.
READ you stupid nigger
Agreed, and of course. As a narcissist (because she's a woman) she doesn't care about others at all - she only cares what others can do for her.
>figure is much larger than a person
>would be hanging on side of tower
>very long shot, even for shooter in prone or rested position
>flash could easily be digital artifact
Whatever it is, it's not a rifleman.
Kek, These are great.
bump. definitely movement there and at ~14 seconds a flash.
>russian agent
and into the garbage it goes.

the lengths they go through to try make their lies seem true is fitting for untermenschen.
Glad you spotted it. Got some faggot fed on X trying to muddy the water
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I had to watch it like 10 times to see it, but it's definitely there
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only if they dont know the real history of the jews

>Slideshow : Jews & Christians

>Slideshow : Jews & Communism

>National Summit to Reassess the U.S.-Israel "Special Relationship"
How far away is the watertower from the shooting? That could be an insanely difficult, if not impossible shot.
Yeah, I’m watching and then, wait, wot?
These threads trying to pin it on this yearyick guy and making shit up are sponsored by blackrock to keep people fromt alking about crook and blackrock.
snopes and rueters is realtime deboonking threads here.

also jimmy dore did a video of the stock short
I have seen 5 people state there was a shot from another place. Maybe the retardo patsy got spooked when he saw the cops & climbed the treacherously sloped roof & started rapidly firing well before any signal since he knew it was over for him.

As chaos erupts, the Water Tower Gun Men who was waiting to give the signal sees the show starts early, hurries off one shot as Trump is being thrown to the ground.

Whatever. At least we all agree with the Secret Service, FBI, & media that no matter what details come out in the future, this was conclusively the work of a lone wolf gunmen.
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doesn't BlackRock promote D E I
I think they are trying to change the name to Bridge because everyone was equating DEI to niggers.
the ultimate culprit here is jew. no matter what happened.
if you could push a button and remove any and all types of jew and all their cross breeds, none of this shit would ever happen again.
clearly swamp gas, or a boxcutter
I was RVING the other day and i couldnt shake that a position from an elevation in the distance was involved and i went through google earth for 30 mins trying to find it but never thought it could be the tower because of its position, on second thought it might be something
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The assassination attempt on President Trump was clearly the work of one retarded kid because jet fuel melts steel beams. F you all if you can't handle the truth!
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there you go
SS and cops both swear they had nobody up there. Why not? Or maybe they did…

> https://x.com/I_Am_JohnCullen/status/1812880045981290644
> https://x.com/pepesgrandma/status/1812947983727722754
> https://x.com/pepesgrandma/status/1812961622035398990

https://www.youtube.com/live/i44bIFJvFaQ 54:39

without tracking
Pacman about to eat the shooter?
on second thought its likely a chinese spy balloon
If firemen and state attorney prosecuting attorney were openly saying they hoped he had died you should consider there are others in govt (armed or unarmed) that would have looked the other way.
Tucker Carlson: ‘Not Crazy’ to Think ’It Wasn’t Just a Lone Gunman’


They idea they'd make that kind of move without at least two shooters is dumb af.
Whether there was another shooter or ten shooters, the real question is how did they miss? I mean that's the whole point. They didn't set this up to just graze his ear.

If they wanted to cause just generic panic they wouldn't have to go through all these lengths. But attempting to actually assassinate someone would.

The question is who wanted him dead specifically, and how did they fuck it up this bad. It's not a hard shot to make for a skilled marksman.
any rvers?
40°51'31"N 79°58'08"W
6:00-6.10 PM. ET.

denim, scaffold,, black, scout are the keywords im getting but i cant narrow it down to a person, tell me what you get
>https://www.youtube.com/live/i44bIFJvFaQ 54:39

Do you like David Pakman too? Me & my life partner love him! We got everyone at our HIV support group turned on to him too!

Inspiring ballads have been written to our Intellectual Superior David Pakman, King of the Bathhouse:
Im confused, all this talk of keep leaders safe, Obama, Biden and others get attacked, scotus gets attacked
Its crickets
The moron who chose to hold a rally in an open field instead of in a stadium like a smart person gets booboo so gentle it doesnt require a hospital visit, and muh USSS bad
yeah right
Trump and co want a sympathy gambit because they lost the election to sleepy joe
Notice noone talks about cannon dismissing the classified docs case
this is all acoverup
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chinese spy balloon? Where's your head at, Alpha Centaurian 5? Those balloons were clearly a gift from the greys. You must have been on their naughty list.
Like 2nd amenment solutions and such for Biden?
Oh right, its only wrong if it impacts the nonwhite
I think you're the only one. Side note: Is alcoholism common for you guys? Does it help keep the glowies out?
The reality is that the people are complacent, that's why nothing ever happens. Not because it's difficult to pull off, but just that people honestly aren't at that point yet.

That's what politicians don't want you to realize. That it's not actually difficult to overthrow the system if you really wanted to.
>Do you like David Pakman too
No. The interview wasn't by David Manpakr. Someone else posted that link I took out the tracking. Stop huffing acrylic sealer.
Saddam houssain didn't make it in the diagram? For shame.
>Im confused
that's known as the Clitoris Dilemma
every thought a woman has that may turn into an action must first cross the Clitoral Barrier.
If it feels good to the Clitoris, the woman will manifest that idea into an action.
If the thought is like grit under the hood of the clitoris, the woman will take negative action or do nothing.
you guys? rvers?
i don't drink, when i use to be able to see auras i noticed people who are drunk have a way less vibrant colour and size
Nah, Id say its people are active, the terror is admtiting that
Think, the right wants those satanic pedoes dead
if one of them actually does shoot, why didnt the rest?
Why arent you shooting pedoes in the purge?
So clearly it cant be a rightwinger, cause if it was, you would join in hte purge, after all you keep saying you want lefties dead
The secret service didn't stop Crooks when the metal detectors went off for the range finder in his pocket bc range finders aren't on the list of banned items at SS guarded events.

There is no conspiracy. It's just incompetence beyond anything imaginable.
lets be reasonable, why did kim jong un put that kid up to this?
I mean I know rightwingers are pussies, but I dont think they are polymorphed like that
im referring to how there was no inquest or call to the repeated attacks over the months til trump needs to up his poll numbers
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DAILY REMINDER that we’re all going to DIE and none of this MATTERS. Pic related.
This cartoon unironically depicts the official Secret Service narrative to accuracy.
>It's just incompetence beyond anything imaginable.
Female incontinence in fact.
>I mean I know rightwingers are pussies
and you still won't do shit?
>That it's not actually difficult to overthrow the system if you really wanted to.
The problem is that many people have been apathetic and hands off and allowed their public servants to function without checking or monitoring them. Its like letting your maid, landscaper, security just do wtf ever they want cos you're too dumb to know whether they are doing it right or wrong or too stupid to realize they work for you and not vice versa or just too lazy guzzling Shartco fountain drinks and cheap hotdogs to even G A F. oh wait...did I just describe 95% of Americans for the past 40 years?
Proof I am a rightwinger
>It's just incompetence
sure thing glow nigger
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the water tower has the best position to give coms to the shooter to get around the burger cops, i have my doubts about the shots coming from it
They always set up an anti social loner dweeb to be the patsy. So convenient
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It was the Iranians, not Best Korea. Israel really wants us to go to war with Iran so this was an awesome coincidence. Kim Jong Un actually wants to assassinate Biden because Kim is really jealous of Biden's golf game.
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funny how its only right before Trump gets the classified docs dropped, not the years before

usually they are slow fade in fade out red and invisible or off in bright daylight.


The pictures of the dead shooter show he was shot in the back of the head, likely meaning there were government snipers behind him. The water tower seems like the obvious place.
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Even cat's get it man. Did you know Israel were the true plotters of the JFK's assassination? A lot of others were involved but fuck them you know? Crazy shit
They could have hit his ear intentionally to scare him and create an event. Make him do what you want and make all the rubes think he's protected by God or some shit.

If it's really an easy shot a skilled marksman could do it. But I'm sure if he accidentally killed him they would be okay with that too.
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that shot for sure didnt come from the elevated tower, now the question is, is it edited? it came out super quick
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why haven't any shooters gone for the /treehouse/ strategy?

especially now that all attention is focused on rooftops and water towers, surely nobody would expect a hidden sniper's roost in the nearby treeline?
Might be edited, it's a possibility, hard to say for sure. I don't trust that photographer either way.
please leave glownigger, nobody wants you here anymore.
This incident makes me think the key to the Fed's seized BTC wallet is: password
This is /pol in a nutshell.
>Someone posts a joke image with joke infographs
>Poltards, so eager to be right and debate miss the obvious Pac-Man
>Image will later be unironically shared in multiple threads with "Omg why did they exclude that spot from the security bubble??? False flag reeee!!
it's the shadow of that thing on top you godamn retard
editted, show me any other pic from any other shooting
all those range videos, have they ever done this?
I would have used the jew tunneling method.
hire a bunch of beaner gollem to dig a tunnel and then after raping a few White Human babies on a shit stained mattress you scurry over there and shoot Trump from underneath.
we can actually figure out if its edited, we need to locate the metadata for it and extract his shutter speed, we can probably guess it to be 1/100-1/250 but we need other data to be more accurate, i think we could rule out if its a 5.56 from 150m out of an ar-15
i wish i could read whats written, trying to find the original
>i wish i could read whats written, trying to find the original

@ 1 minute
>everyone who tries to make the think is a FED
Christ what a charmed life you must lead.
the one question you fags always forget to ask in these situations:

who was recording the water tower and why?
Why hasn't someone calculated the angle of this subsonic bullet trace using the podium as a 0 degree level plane / earth level. Distance from the podium back to the building. Does this bullet end up at window level, or at roof level????
was a 300 blackout from a 16 inch barrel from 125-200 meters
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bullet was fired from a surface w/a 1/12 slope, the roof little shit was found on looks alot like a 1/12 slope
looks like a signaler for flyers to use IFR, its on a lot of water towers next to landing strips or airports
They weren't filming it bc they wanted to get crystal clear evidence of a happening there.
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Somebody with pixle counters should be able to do better....
Almost looks like a puff of smoke too
ah yes i forgot there is an airport...to the south @ Butler Farm.
since fbi and cia are literal dnc trannies i absolutely believe that they believe that trump is a russian agent
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found the metadata but im not getting good results, any math anon heres can figure it out? 1. Given:

Focal length: 24mm
Bullet trail length in image: 32cm (converted to mm: 32cm * 10mm/cm = 320mm)
Exposure time: 1/8000 seconds
2. Convert pixel size to real-world size on the sensor:

Image width: 2424 pixels (from metadata)
Real-world size (mm) = (320mm * 35.7mm) / (2424 pixels * 24mm)

Real-world size (mm) ≈ 0.588 mm (rounded to three decimal places)

3. Calculate bullet speed (assuming perpendicular path):

Speed (mm/s) = Real-world size (mm) / Exposure time (s)

Speed (mm/s) = 0.588 mm / (1/8000 s)

Speed (mm/s) ≈ 4704

4. Convert speed to kilometers per hour (km/h):

Speed (km/h) = Speed (mm/s) * 3.6 (conversion factor)

Speed (km/h) ≈ 4704 mm/s * 3.6

Speed (km/h) ≈ 17,134.4 km/h (rounded to one decimal place)

i just estimated 32cm for the length
There is movement
if there is a video and it is so convincing, then post a webm instead of still images dipshit
The watertower theory isn't believable for one very simple reason - neither shooter landed a shot. If this was govt mandated...they wouldn't have missed. The SS also stood trump up right in front of the podium where he was just shot at for 10 seconds. If there was a watertower shooter, he would've had an easy opportunity for a 2nd chance

If you think JFK was an inside job, look at how many bullets hit is dome while he was in a moving car.
if anyone else gets such fast numbers, we can assume this shit is a poorly made edit LMAO, the fastest sniper shoots at like 4000 kmph and 5.56 at 150m is like 1000kmph
Yes, someone wants us looking on the roof and water tower... that's fine too, but I want to look inside the building, especially where the aledged police had set up.

I also want to look around for remote nests and shooting equipment.

And, I want the ground there and around scared as it was owned by black Rock and I want to know what's below.
take your meds
occams razor would suggest that's where a secret service sniper was also positioned, and it's that sniper that killed the target, but don't let a little common sense stop you from crinkling your tinfoil

Could be, the reason I suspect it was a lead to lead off the internal building set up was because when roof story was falling apart they immediately leaked contradicting distance linking it to the tower because the aledged police inside building set up had made the out and began picking up speed!
Stfu memeflaggot
> "Dallas Police officer put on administrative leave for allegedly posting on Instagram 'aim better' after Trump assassination attempt"
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i had a intuitive feeling here and the water tower the other day when i was looking around
>If there was a watertower shooter, he would've had an easy opportunity for a 2nd chance

What if Water Tower Man was the main shooter & waiting to give the signal to retardo patsy Crooks. Maybe the retardo patsy got spooked when he saw the cops & climbed the treacherously sloped roof & just started rapidly firing well before any signal since he knew it was over for him.

As chaos erupts, the Water Tower Gun Men, getting set up & who was waiting to give the signal sees the show starts early, hurries off a couple of rounds as Trump is being thrown to the ground, unprepared since retardo patsy ruined everything.

If this was an assassination plot involving multiple shooters & collaborators and I think it was, they really fucked up or perhaps were hindered just enough. But maybe you, the media, FBI, & SS are right. Whatever evidence comes to light, Crooks acted alone.
>jew doing wet work on sabbath
Not unless there's an eruv wire around bethel park, lol
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I suspect few nests were set up, one inside where police was to the left, and the one that is on the Watertown side aka line is much much much closer and I suspect it was a remotely maned nest.
This thread glows.
This is a once event, where the feds fucked up so badly even normies are asking if they were involved. They are now trying to create bullshit, so they can label everyone crazy. If there was a two shooters Trump would be dead. Why would they aim at same spot?
yeah, stfu memeflag. can't you see the water tank is marked with a star? some pedo ring used that as their symbol in the 70s. it could be where epstein is hiding his client list. butler's zipcode is 16001. that's over 16 000. the same number of emails missing from hillary clinton's server. coincidence? q predicted this. we must investigate.
one possible explanation is that the twink faggot couldnt be trusted to take the shots so he had blanks and someone else took the shots
>its glowing
Yeah cause Trump called a hit on himself to try and hide cannon dropping the classified docs case
show any coverage on that

So what on that building is around 20 ft in elevation?
the people that would have to okay this kind of thing are in the know about (((who))) controls who, and know for a fact the russia is not behind anything of the sort
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Go figure, pic did not attach...
Fuck you Op I thought this was gonna be some kind of cryptid jump scare video
Why would trump want to hide that news? glownigger
If it's on the top, it's almost certainly an aircraft warning light.
misdirection thread

there were three snippers in same building directly below the reddit shooter. would be interesting if a puff of smoke came from the building window
You are free to answer since that is what he has done
Show me where its being discussed
My intuition rumbled when I saw those windows below where the rooftop sniper was said to be.
he was on roof ridge in middle when shot taken, elevation needs adjusted to 24-26ish feet
>blurry dark blob
Ok, now show a picture of the tower either way before or way after the rally. Maybe it's just some logo. If it's white in that exact same spot, then I'll have questions.
Dead kid was a decoy.
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Was he now...
This. /thread
Watch Hickok45 you can see the vapor trails when he shoots at gong
im asking on the bullet, not vapor
vapor is a humidity product and would be in all other media
We dont have that, we only have this one still shot of a supposed bullet
Even though the dude was supposedly taking many shots using the slomo feature
Course then you have to ask why is he using the slomo feature, seems pretty odd when he should be using the face AI on the iphone to better capture trump
im sure its not a vapour trail, its uniform and shows no dispersion and the ONLY evidence we have of vapour trails is from down range not a side on still, all the downrange vapour trails are quite large
>I get no visibility on X so I’m posting here.
>on X

LMAFO. The absolute state of twitterfags. Completely buck broken. Hows that's corporate boot taste?
I was reffing hicock
I have never before seen a bullet caught at any event with a phone cam
Ive tried as well, used the AGM series
The inbuilt thermal cam is slick
Dont get the 2x monocular, there isnt that much interesting at 300 meters to make it worthwhile compared to how goddam annoying it is climbing up shit trying to take a basic bitch photo of the car engine
Im sure people have a use for 2x zoom, but for everything else on the phones, no
I just wish they kept the original plan of inbuilt lidar, that would have made me pay so much more money for a phone SLAM
The bullet could not have come from the tower and hit trump in the ear, and then kill the fire fighter sitting in the top row of the bleachers behind Trump's left, unless your implying that the water tower shooter missed every single shot they took. In the video, there is audible 8 shots, then the snipers shot, idk how many bullets they claim the sloped roof shooter got off
or nothing hit trump and they simply shot the firefighter to make sure someone died
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nice one
but if a shot came from the tower
it wasnt at trump
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could this shot be taken from the water tower?
artifact on a low res capture. no more useful than blurry bigfoot videos. audio time delay and ear grab make it obvious shooter was close by. the only mystery is how anyone can miss from 450 feet. the average cub-scout could make that shot.
the angle im coming from isn't that there was a shooter on the tower, im thinking there was a scout up there giving coms to crooks
there were three snippers directly below shooter looking out windows. does that red line match a window?
why are you telling us? unless it was shlomo himself up there youre just wasting our time
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No, that was allegedly taken from inside the building he was shooting from. Look at the little stone walls he’s straddling. Still curious bc doesn’t line up perfectly but still definitely not taken from tower.
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yeah ive been looking at it for the past 10 mins, its taken from a drone for sure
I think you’re right. Angles from building windows don’t make any sense. I want to know who was flying the drone.
That dosnt look like where all the blood in the bleachers was located.. not really even close to there
perhaps the scout on the water tower but then again you wouldnt need to be up there if you had a drone, the quality of the pic looks a lot like a zoom in, ive seen my fair share of drone footage from ukraine and it aligns more with that than a samsung or iphone which would be most likely used
I still haven’t seen any source for the straddling-the-wall pic, and if memory serves, that was blasted out to the internet extremely quickly. Like, the first photo we had even before the gore shot was leaked. Whatever happened, and whoever was involved, I think we can all agree it was extremely fucky.
its super weird for sure, i dont even think we know who the fuck posted it first, it just seemed to pop up all at once when i was watching what was unfolding
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why are you using the same 'ignore' verbiage related to Yearick as an Abramson
even with this video it doesn't explain the photo, there should be some degree of expansion of the vapour and it should be larger, the explanation is its fake or the 1/8000 is an error on the metadata.
its maybe from the window but the compression isnt like a phone camera and there's no reflection of glass
its a fake
Same reason suddenly rfk releases a video about trump feeling the bullet hit him, then takes it down to try and streissand it
Trump will ditch the bandage next week and people will simp and cope of how there is no damage and the tissue is the same as before the event
>oh the president cant afford plastic surgery now?
yeah im sure its fake at this point, no ones come up with a worthy counter argument in multiple threads, only attacked my math and sent vapour vids from down range, people are gonna ask why fake it, simple, they want to make it as believable as possible that trump was THIS close to death and you must fight for the country, we dont even know what the fuck hit his ear and his bandage was ridiculously large
A damning list:

1. Only Trump rally aired live on CNN.

2. Blackrock-backed group shorting Trump stock before attempt.

3. Blackrock-owned property the assassin was shooting from.

4. Assassin was included in a Blackrock video.

5. Sniper told to stand down and allegedly getting fired for killing the assassin.

6. Absolutely terrible security detail.

7. Biden team tweeting about banning guns day before shooting.

The list keeps growing that this was an inside job.
>5. Sniper told to stand down and allegedly getting fired for killing the assassin.
i would redact that because that /pol/ thread was the biggest retard bait and its responsible for the increase in retards these few days
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Psst, we doing bad stuff over here: >>474722656
another funny coincidence. google just threatened hickcock45. he did a video on it. they're going to erase 20 years of videos
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thats nice, now show me where the shooter is in that pic
>nooo ive never shot a gun and dont know what iot looks like
no surprise, you are less than a leftie
thiel group needs trump in office as they staked too much on ai and are finding out it cant even do basic math now
It didn't pass, you retard.
i saw that and i didnt think of it being connected until you said it
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Is that pic real?
Quality is so shit where is the 720p or higher version
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there is def some movement and a flash (14 sec mark)
>yaerick is a non-factor, if you ever see someone saying that name you can just proceed to ignore
is yaerick is a non-factor, where is he? where is he saying 'this isnt me', where is he?
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>Swinging chickens and murdering them and feeding them to goys for "charity" (absorbing your son)
>Hanging up wire to get god on a technicality
They don't call us the chosen for no reason

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/ASLG/ Assassin Shooter Location General #11 — CLUSTERFUCK Edition

>>474721676 <-Migrate and bump
I think the twitter sauce video is slightly more clear on the flash ~14 sec mark

You know there was a cunt shot dead with an rifle on the steeply sloping hot tin roof right?
Would you want people to know where in the country you are if a bunch of schizos think you tried to murder the president? He is in hiding. For good reason. I wouldn't even want people to know what state I was in. Even if he did make a video schizos like you would come up with some reason as to why it's not good enough. Just stfu and meds you ggoyboy
>Would you want people to know where in the country you are if a bunch of schizos think you tried to murder the president? He is in hiding. For good reason. I wouldn't even want people to know what state I was in. Even if he did make a video schizos like you would come up with some reason as to why it's not good enough. Just stfu and meds you ggoyboy
he hasnt even released a statement through a lawyer. he has just disappeared.
It's just a shadow.
Do you account for angle of the shot? Higher angle means forklift/tractor/screen may not be a factor for line of sight
That was after the shooting, you know, when everyone including civilians was talking about the water tower?

I said water tower first day first few threads you fuckers LOL at me.
He is a drug addict antifa bum. He doesn't have money for a lawyer. These are transient people at the best of times dude. Get a grip. The shooter was killed. His body is in custody. it is very, very clearly Thomas Crooks in the photo of the dead shooter posted here shortly after he was killed so that retards like you couldn't poison the well like you are right now.

i think Pat Grey played one of the videos on his show either yesterday or the day before, it's an interview where a woman mentions the water tower and something else about "where the other shooter was" as if it were common knowledge that there were two shooters. all three hosts remark on it being a weird thing to say.
>He is a drug addict antifa bum. He doesn't have money for a lawyer.
in case like this some part of his family and/or the political media machine would have tried to look him up/get information/clear their name. they wouldnt just let him hide if it damages their family reputation etc. he has disappeared because he is involved.
Damit Carlos
>if there was a second shooter it would have been a professional glownigger,
You mean like the black skinny jeans wearing dude that rolled up on a Harley before the shooting and went into THE shooter's building pictured? took the shot, and bounced? leaving his Harley? it was parked in the same place it was witnessed parking the day of the shooting.

Where is Yearick glownigger? Did Yearick ride a Harley and wear skinny jeans?Was he a trained marksman? Was Crooks his patsy? groomed?
>Seemed like a lot of LEO presence at the tower.
thats the point. it was a cop who shot from there
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that's a speedy piece of glass
No, they wouldn't. For above reasons. Many people would want to harm them. The narrative you are pushing is ridiculous. It is the most schizo, convoluted and contrived shit out there. I have heard all kinds of outlandish explanations of how it is totally Yearick. Despite none of what happened lining up with his MO lmao. He is an antifa drug addict bum. Not a super killer assassin trained in Ukraine and given facial reconstruction surgery or whichever batshit crazy narrative your particular brand is.
Unpopular opinion: The shooter wanted to kill Trump supporters but never in a million years thought he would hit President Trump. Just like he never intended to hit the hydraulic lift.

That's why so many Trump supporters were hit and why one of them was killed.
Don’t try to counter the schizos with logic they’ll just saw you’re a glowie or Jew or lizardman and thus your logic isn’t valid. This way they can keep living in gay retard fantasy land
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Why not gun down all the people standing right below him out in the open shouting his position out like 30 yards away?
>they're going to erase 20 years of videos

yt-dlp with flags to get subs and metadata and thumbnails . yw. atomicparsley and ffmpeg should be installed imho.
Probably real the sniper that took out Crooks. Had to make sure to take him out after he "finished the job." But I'd say they are shitting bricks now they know he missed.
Already too late
Christcucks gave cunts rights
Your ggggrandad and his boys shoulda killed these whores and their simps
He didn’t cuz he was a cuck. And spawned a looong line of cucks just like you.
M’lady faggot
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You're right I'm wasting my time as well here. Thanks for the clarity fren have an apu
She most certainly does say "shot the guy in the water tower".


I tried a timestampe not sure if will work on live.

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>Destroyed by Christians for 1300 years
>Occupied by kikes
>Kicked around for centuries at this point
>Even the poojeets drove you off
>About to be glassed over for good to teach you your place once again and for all
Lmao even
The eternal state of the sandnigger is coping.
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Well that was kinda wrong. Not Russian agent, and SCOTUS scuppered any arrest.

A few days before tho...picrel.
You can also see there was no cops activity under the tower--until AFTER the shooting.
I accept your concession glownigger
In reality he didn't need to climb all the way up, he could have made the shot from the climbing cage.
TECHNICALLY he could also have had a perch in a tree near the tower, not so high up...there's several possibilities.
if i organised the shooting and was using crooks as a patsy id make sure he was well spotted at the location before hand
just saying
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Don't mind me just watching from afar.
slopey job mossad
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What I like about the simplest story is that Nikola Tesla had a regular correspondence with Sir William Crookes.

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