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>Energetic particles are radiation, they do damage to your cells, give you cancer etc.
>These particles travel along magnetic field lines. Indeed, they travel north and south for long distances once they become trapped in earth's magnetic field.
>This is called the Christofilos effect https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christofilos_effect
>The official explanation for operation Argus was to create artificial radiation belts to destroy the electronics of passing nuclear weapons
>They did, with operations Hardtack, Argus, and Fishbowl, actually create artificial radiation belts. But I think the true purpose was the following:
>The tests were intended to remotely damage an enemy at the poles. you launch them high up, and the radiation rains down on the poles. likely the south pole, as the tests were conducted in the vicinity, so a large amount of the created particles could have been expected to impact there.
>This explains (a) the international geophysical year. some of the nukes were admittedly launched under its guise, and a large part of the program was to measure radiation at the poles, which would give information about the effectivity of the attack (b) the vast amount of weapons used. some of them dirty bombs because who cares about the bang, just get the radiation out there (c) the ozone hole over antarctica, which appeared around the same time, and high cancer rates in new zealand which grow dramatically after 1958. the explanation with the fridges and hairsprays causing the ozone hole was bs, if so it would be over the western world, not in antarctica
>This also implies: earth is either spherical or toroidal. both shapes could support the kind of magnetic field envisioned for this effect
>question: who the fuck were these attacks between 1958 and 1962 aimed at? nazis? aliens? If the earth is toroidal the method I describe could also be used to attack those within earth, since the field lines go through the middle. Kyle Odom talked about martians inside earth
based thread
but who are you quoting? source?
why do they want an ozone hole over antarctica?
does a hole in the ozone layers mean more temperature? or does it only mean more radiation? so they want to defrost the ancient city under the ice? that would be an exceptionally stupid method to get it done.
your description of radiation and what it does lets me know you havent the slightest fucking clue what youre talking about lol
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>earth is either spherical or toroidal.
We live in a snowglobe and these idiots are trying to break it for Satan.
OP really added “this confirms the fact earth is probably a sphere” to his schizo post.

That alone should be an indicator of his intelligence.
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I'm not sure. first, it's possible one of the "tests" (Argus, before Fishbowl?) was designed specifically to make the hole, so that radiation would travel more easily. but it could also be a byproduct of the radiation.

tell me what specificall you want a source for and I'll give it. the nuclear tests, the c. effect, everything is well accepted in the mainstream. the rest are my deductions. let me give some here:

>Argus https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Argus

>Fishbowl https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Fishbowl

> Hardtack https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Hardtack_I
Or, it could be to ionicly charge areas of the firmament to make radio signals bounce off easier, possibly even boosting some signals.

Not enough to replace those undersea cables, but still better than nothing.
>True purpose of atmospheric nuclear tests
lol! lying jew! Operation Fishbowl
I didn't reply to this one: "so they want to defrost the ancient city under the ice? that would be an exceptionally stupid method to get it done."

that's also what puzzles me, the purpose of all this. however the vast amount of warheads launched makes me think these were not just tests, and the real reason behind I'm still searching for.

whew, shills came fast. must be onto something, or maybe it's just a dangerous, organic thread
I do think the Van Allen Belts are the firmament and men can probably not travel through them without massive damage or death. However I think all satellites are actually in the position they claim them to be and you may have been mislead by the flerfies
>e the firmament and men can probably not travel through them without massive damage or death.
so admit, kike, that we never went to the moon and it's impossible to go there and that earth is flat before continue with your typical jew well poisoning dribble
but the belts dont reach the poles...no higher than about 60 degrees or so i think. they did measure increased particle counts and energies for several years after those high altitude dets, but then it dropped off again.
>can probably not travel through them without massive damage or death.
well, depends on what you're traveling in and how fast you travel through. Apollo chose to avoid them almost completely. only one flight Apollo 14, strayed closer to the high energy region of the inner belt on its return flight, which is why their rad count was the highest of all the missions by quite a lot.
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two things can be true. The VAB can be the firmament but not in the freemasonic, hebrew, christian mythological way you're thinking of. Just high radiation belts which damage human tissue but satellites can travel trough them (but they also get damaged). In any case, I sure don't know the truth, I'm just on my own, creating OC
Maybe the ones they created did, that's the point. Also interesting you'd say 60, maybe that's the reason the area below this degree is restricted
sorry, I don't believe one word about a never-repeated-again experiment (Apollo), and neither should anyone
>ssue but satellites can travel trough them
I call bullshit. only satelites possible are in LEO ane even then questionable due to Thermosphere. You'd need crazy amount of lead to protect from radiation in VAB
There's a reason (or multiple) why the US never "returned" to the moon. And there's a reason (or multiple) why (((they))) don't want you to know. It doesn't even have to be something like the earth is concave/convex shape or a bowl or a snowglobe or whatever.

You can also look at the pics NASA released and 100% without a doubt debunk them. Most or at least some of the pics they post are in fact, completely made up and fake. Especially all of the pics and vids of the astronauts "on the moon" with taped rovers and landers and astronauts hanging by strings.
>earth might be toroidal
>but hydrogen bombs exist

idk chief, feels like muddy water
The thing is, lighning apparently empties the region between the inner and outer VAB. The region in between the inmer and outer VAB is relatively safe, this is I think where the leo sats are. the geo are outside the outer Vab and meo sats get fucked up. I read this stuff about the lightning today, will post it next time (too tired). Perhaps this also ties into "old world energy harvesting" stuff with atmospheric electricity
rewrite that so a retard like me can understand

we nuking alien nazis in the artic?
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this anon hath the wisdom

the concept sure has made a lot of people rich making fear and incredulity profitable. ironically Nukes are just cool usages of tons of TNT (ref: Chiam Weizman, zionist inventor of TNT)
film, video, grapics and weaponized propaganda.
Always was and will always be..

They're nothing but MADE FOR TV theatrics, and our grandparents bought into the fear and excepted HA, practically celebrated complete and total slavery to the TV, Radio, Mass Media. simply put: BRAINWASHED!
Tricked into accepting all sorts of rushed, devastating and out right apocalyptic devices, tech and Co.

one could argue: The Happening of happenings already happened..


War of the worlds broadcast should have been a tell of communist infiltration of media to do harm. once they achieved the data needed on how to cheat and trick the human beings ability to react, they could take this data and use it perpetuate further tricks on the general public in order to steal money, grab power, or heck ; just set up a totalitarian , technocratic, invisible, invasive supra-government.

You inherited this burden, but you can get out the plato's cave. You dont have to be such an NPC slave to so-called experts- who on a good day couldn't smell a fart in the wind much less investigate, research, discover or do something for the betterment of mankind?

prove to me once and for all that the International Clique, the satanic human-trafficking Alphabet soup of unelected corrupt bureaucrats, money-grubbing, jet-setting, heretic elite trash just love you. how they deeply enjoy keeping honest accounting of expenditures, and who strive in vigorous, sustainable use of thrift with your slave wages?

you go all you want lower or higher than 60 degrees. people do it all the time anon. some guys sail right around antarctica time after time, and lots of people walk to the pole or right across

it was repeated 9 times. when they go in orion will you believe it?
I think it's plausible the US got it from the germans and they were only deployed after the war, hiroahima/nagasaki were firebombings. does this make you happier?
>You'd need crazy amount of lead to protect from radiation in VAB
you only think that because you dont know anything about the VAB or how to protect against the kind of radiation in them.
You’re a fucking idiot.
I think the properties of a specific uranium isotope are probably pretty reasonable to use for weaponry, but I don't understand how hydrogen bombs are supposed to work in concept.

So I'd basically be saying that the first two bombs could theoretically be "atomic weaponry" though idk if it was 1 bomb a piece or a series of bombs or whatever, but that all the 1950s-onward sci fi shit from the US and Russia are all sci fi on the grounds that no one ever used one and humans are humans so you know one would go off "by accident" by now.
So who the hell are they waging war on by doing this?
True about you can go, but the area is well controlled. Because otherwise you could launch some dirty bomb there on the ground and fuck up the gps way up in the sky, via the effect described in the OP

>same program, no other independent actor ever repeated it.

sure, I'll be very happy to believe once I see some convincing footage.

this is a shill (meaning we're still good): >>474728405

and I understand your premise relies on the idea that nuclear testing in the 50s, 60s, and 70s was all real, so I know we're talking past each other. I just think its uncommon so see an earth shape questioner who believes in nukes, which is why I dropped in to say hello!
>once I see some convincing footage.
nothing recorded during 9 flights to the moon is good enough in your view?
shill >>474728864

>>474728801 Frankly, this is beyond the scope of this thread but feel free to research and make your own on this topic, I think it's well worth it

>>474728925 my question exactly
Just open to different shapes. It's the azimuthal symmetry that matters, and both sphere and torus possess it.

>>474729105 No, not in the slightest. I don't even mean this facetiously, just being honest.
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Cause that damn mountain on antarctica looks like a damn pyramid. Also didnt they find skeletons of huge people?
me, I'm open to it. research and thread it. read about thule people and dorset culture, but this is in the north
I'm a long time believer of the potential for a toroidal Earth. All living things have an in and an out, I don't see why planets couldn't be giant living things or otherwise shaped the same way living things are.
bring a camera to a radiatoin zone and you'll see grains appear all over footage, none of that is an issue on any space cams nor cams on the moon. right right you gonna tell me how cameras are shielded in lead to which I ask you to explain to me how lenses are shielded from radiation that has direct line of sight to the film in order to expose it. space is fake and gay, we cannot go above leo which is like 300-600miles up is the absolute limit. distances in the south are far greater than distances in the north for the same supposed quadrants and there is only one explanation about it that can easily be explained with a dinner plate
can you not tag shills, but only copy their number like so 474728405 ? they get paid by the quote. and will keep responding and fking up the thread if you quote them. just ignore pls.

maybe they want to make the space under the ozone hole more "radioactive" so people dont go lurking there? maybe they did terribly fuck up in some of the underground temples and some entity/virus(cold flask immortality virus)/bacteria is awoken and now they do damage control, like they always do?
whats the scope of the ozone hole, how big we talking? do they coinside with the entrance(s)? with the structure, above and below the surface?
it's funny that Halley and Symmes were actually quite respected in their time. I'm open to it. it could be a very small hole (viewed from afar, witg respect to.earth's geometry), which would still be a huge area for a human locally
474729702 shill

>>474729824 Thanks. Ozone hole used to be huge, now recovered. In nee zealand, every town has these cancer centers, really creepy. I don't claim to know the truth
i find that very difficult to understand. i really wonder how much you've even looked at.

you are under the misconception that all radiation is the same as all other radiation in all other contexts. thats why when you here about radiation with regards to the VAB you start thinking about radiation in terms of a nuclear power plant or an xray machine etc.

>distances in the south are far greater than distances in the north for the same supposed quadrants and there is only one explanation about it that can easily be explained with a dinner plate
the problem with flat earth is that the distances in teh southern hemisphere do not match what your idea requires. Australia is a perfect example. it would have to be a couple times larger if the earth was flat.
USAF 9S100. This thread is garbage.
Radiation is fun, but the EMP of an atmospheric nuclear explosion is nothing short of mind boggling.
With all due respect for radioactive material spreading around, your average volcano eruption is leagues above it.
The real and serious "side effect" is the grid frying EMP.
>other contexts. thats why when you here about radiation with regards to the VAB you start thinking about radiation in terms of a nuclear power plant or an xray machine etc.
lol! except NASA themselves explained that radiation in space affects cameras the way it does in presence of xray machines.

>. Australia is a perfect example. it would have to be a couple times larger if the earth was flat.
ooh you mean like this?
474730495 uninspired shill

>>474730490 about the moon stuff? I will look more into it, promise, and add it to the next thread. For now I say Kubrick did it, and the failed launches were maybe astronauts that were skeptical about playing along with the hoax (one could say they failed their rituals). If it was really science, and not some freemasonic puppet theater, then surely it can be repeated.
>NASA themselves explained that radiation in space affects cameras the way it does in presence of xray machines.
please, show me what they had to say.

>your link
im really not sure what you think you're showing with that. But the i was making is that on a flat map lines of longitude keep diverging all the way to the 'edge'. that means each degree of longitude must get farther and farther apart, constantly. This results in land closer to the edge needing to be bigger than land near the north pole in order to be the same number of degrees of longitude.
ok, i'd love to talk thee points over more, but i'll stop since its your thread.
No it was to see how effective their nukes were in case of war with russia
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thanks for your contribution.

good night guys, keep it up. will read your responses in the archive and reply in the next thread
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holy shit rare /pol/ disagreement that didn't devolve into calling each other glowniggers or kikes
That's a good question, let's start with why the poles used to look like gigantic holes to light based photography

The cameras anon why they couldn't picture the borealis effect either
for my part i very rarely do that. prefer to stay on the subject instead.

sum it up for me in your own words, im not watching your video

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