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general thread for all relating to the Butler, Pennsylvania fairground shooting

>Timeline of events
>exact location of shooter on building roof: west or east side
>how did he get up on the roof
>did LE confront him there
>snipers were stationed inside building, narrative now claims 'not the one shooter was on top of'
>counter-sniper Team #2 on south roof took him out
>rental van, vehicle
>FBI cracks his phone
>fences access
>anything relating to the shooting layout
>Home Depot, ammuntion, explosives, gear, remote detonator device
>airphoto maps, diagrams of site
>ballistics, paths of the shots taken
>USSS, local/state LE fuckups and attempts to evade accountability
>corporate media narrative shifts
>cover up

Previous threads:
/ASLG/ #11 >>474721676
/ASLG/ #10 >>474693031
/ASLG/ #9 >>474633734
/ASLG/ #8 >>474610426
/ASLG/ #7 >>474596868
/ASLG/ #6 >>474566129
/ASLG/ #5 >>474536305
/ASLG/ #4 >>474515688
/ASLG/ #3 >>474500159
/ASLG/ #2 >>474485422
/ASLG/ #1 >>474457601
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At this point, the only question I have is "was it bipartisan or just white house"?
Are you going to make 100 of these threads you kike faggot? Or do you get paid by the hour?
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no ladder - he climbed on roof using pallet leaning against the wall stacked on storage box (east side AGR building 3 / receiving dock)
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Current PA Dem Governor Josh Shapiro was the PA State Attorney General from 2016 until he won the race for Governor in 2022. A popular moderate governor on the short list for President or VP for Harris if she runs. If this whole thing glows there's a chance Feds had local help, paid off or compromised local cops. Anons need to dig on everyone.
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Is there any evidence that there was nobody in this nice shady corner nook or hidden on the roof that had the little wall around it? They were directly behind Crooks, but everyone would be looking at him instead of
>do you get paid by the hour
How are (You) paid to post here
International deep state
shooter on the water tower.
>very start of video dark spot on top / mid of water tower moves and gets bigger.
>around 14 seconds there is a flash
>at the same time the crowd reacts
watch full screen
aka jewish mafia
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jacob why are you so mad.
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bake on, anon
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is that a real headline? grammar sounds off to me. should be were

Zoomed on top of water tower
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>International deep state
picrel case in point
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fuck forgot pic...
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need some opinions
everyone has been trying to force fit the shots as if they have to fall in a line
that is the opposite of how it would work
the bullets originate at the shooters location and then can fan out in an arc from left to right
meaning that all of the locations hit could have follow their own unique path
in all of this discussion, we have been treating trump like a simple flat point target instead of a 3D object
because of the unique bullet wound, the bullet would have to had followed a very specific path with only slight variation.
trump turned his head from looking at the crowd to the west and turned northward
the podium was set parallel to the building behind.
however his head was at an off angle not quite parallel to the stage
that angle gives the location of where the shot that hit trump came from.
no other shot gives us that information
can anyone accurately place the angle of trumps head?
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>any evidence that there was nobody in this nice shady corner nook
thats why that line was extended to include that far building
Deep state is the bottom line, but what about the GOP? There was some talk about strange preparations for the RNC, like it was supposed to be a funeral procession. Any more info on that?
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Seems like a nice hidden, shady spot by the air conditioners to wait for the kid to do his thing.
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u need better images
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see picrel
USSS source: perp was merely a "Person of interest" until he got on the roof and [quote] "retrieved the weapon", *then* he became a "suspect"
(no clarification on this)
based on briefing of Congressional members led by FBI director Christopher Wray


Crooks' rangefinder was a 'golf rangefinder'
I think a few key people were involved which is why Nikki Haley was invited at the last minute
How did the shit load of cop cars by that building where he climbed on the roof not scare him off? This nigga crooks was DETERMINED
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north from rally perspective
I remote viewed the scene. The shooter could not see Trump from his vantage point because his view was blocked by the building lip on the roof. The shooter asked SS where he could position to see the rally, he claimed the gun had no ammo in it and he was using the scope to get a view of the rally. The SS watched the shooter the entire time as close as they could until the moment of the event horizon. I see in my remote view of the event, the shooter loaded the .22 Hornet bullet faster than the SS agents could see that he was loading the weapon, but the moment he fired the first round, the only shot he took, the SS peppered him with 9mm semi automatic rounds. Shooter tried to throw his weapon in compliance to make them all stop shooting him but before the rifle hit the roof the shooter was dead.
I am seeing a second shooter in the trees that nobody knows about and nobody even talks about. This tree shooter used the .22 LR in a tree stand that was outside the perimeter of the event. This shooter took the tree line to be able to see the 1st shooter and Trump and he used triangulation to calculate the shot. The 2nd shooter is the one that actually hit Trump. The first shooter was a distraction to hide the 2nd shooter.
2nd Shooter in the tree stand along the tree line, used a Ruger 22 LR

It's called an intelligence blackout. I was the 2nd shooter in the tree line and I remote viewed the entire event. The literal dumb twink on the roof top was not there as long as I was in the tree. I camped out in the tree for 2 weeks before the event. I watched every single thing about every person, coming, going, who what where when how why. I saw everything from my perch. I used a Ruger bolt action 22 LR. and Hornet 22 LR rounds. I saw the FBI and the SS shoot the innocent child with the fake gun. That pulled on my heart string. Everything I have just told you is the 100% Remote View Truth.
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Here’s what they were hiding in that building
Patsy was paid $10000 two weeks ago to get on the roof and use his weapon to look at Trump through his view finder.
i saw that one but it looked spoopy
i can try to use that as an overlay
what about the angle of trumps head?
i think it was slightly more to the west by several degrees
We know that the ear shot and the south side bleacher ricochet was the same, first shot.

We don't know whether the south side injuries, north side fatality or the forklift were part of the first volley or second volley of shots.
Is the back side of the northeast roof visible from the countersniper teams? It's the only viable place that's directly in line with Crooks, and could even have shot him from behind
Stop spamming you well poisoning kikes
fully agree with this assessment
Forklift got in the way of the Sniper in the treeline and it was as much of a snafu as expected, he did not expect the drum to be raised into the air. This was all discovered in a movie as someone knew ahead of time to raise the boom because there were active shooters in the area.
feel free to compare and work with the original aerial shots see>>474744016
He was shot through the neck, on the front side, not from behind. There was no one from behind to shoot him. Also, it makes sense when you look at the entry point and exit wound.
>merely a "Person of interest
it's funny coz that didn't stop glowniggers from scorching all those kids in waco
daily reminders feds are scum of the scum
See things my way and you are the one that appears to be positioning the well. That is because you are a snake in the grass and a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Yes, but they later fixed it.
Satan: Dare you to invade Earth Right now.

You would be so fucked if you did. I could imagine you thinking you could easily invade earth and you forgot about a certain child of the promise of life. Hahah I remember the ass whipping he gave you. You were totally embarrassed. IN FACT~!!! You said the child was and I quote "Too prone to violence." Hahah I remember he flew up your nose and got stuck in your nostril. HAHAHAH you fucking pussy. I remember when you jump scared him and he jumped into your brain and with his feet he put you to sleep. HAHAHAH what a fag. What a dope. LOL. Satan, I imagine you will never not be a pobear twink duche.
schizos are so funny
Two gunmen confirmed in this video by audio analysis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LouUbMYb7Bc
Hasn't premiered yet on YT, but I have access to his website so I've already seen it. Worth a watch.
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This is the dumbest one you guys have came up with yet. Feds and tranny jeets spamming fake conspiracy shit is just how all these threads are going to go for years. The budget for this will never empty. This platform is all but dead anyway. Such heavy astroturfing ruins everything.
Bongino claims the USSS had a team on the 2nd floor of that building behind the shooters building. So they could have shot him from behind.

We don't have a clear enough picture or a ballistics report to know where/how he was shot.
Nah. He’s just posting that video for views. There was only one shooter. Case closed.
How many drugs have you done in your life holy shit man get it together
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Or viewchasing wannabe eceleb faggots like this:
Secret Service coverup what we know so far
Id kill for a video of him getting shot in his fucking faggot face

Rumble link for same:

today's 7/18 stream rn https://rumble.com/v57h9vh
do you have that link for the overhead
im getting nowhere on that url
The fact we hear 2 sniper shots suggest the first one (from the south team?) didn't completely kill him.
My guess is the second kill shot came from behind, from team 4.
which one there are several
Lazy bait, watch the vid.
Anon in the last thread mentioned that "it was too hot" above the building, hence the 3 guys inside. Well...

>35 celsius
>too hot
lol (coming from anon in a tropical country)

Give him a hat or something, I dunno... The other buildings closer to Trump had the 2 sniper teams and they were fine...
I'll admit his thumbnails are boomer-tier clickbait, but the analysis is solid. Strongly recommend you watch.
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>visible from the countersniper teams
i dont think so
the treeline blocked it
>wear black
>UGH...its so HOT...
Nah not bait. Truth. And you can’t handle it.
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8000 is massive overkill for that. even 1000/s is enough to freeze any human motion. with new cameras you really don't need to bother at all with settings. using burst is also pretty standard. what's weird a bit him just zooming on the drump and pressing brurst right at that moment. you'd usually not have the time to plan ahead for action shot. even capturing bullet when you know it's going to be shot is not very easy. it could be that he heard shots and kept bursting. ive no idea which one hit him, if it's the first one, then yeah, very suspicious
>In 2016 the Trump campaign built a database profiling millions of voters in key battleground states – including the family of Trump’s would-be assassin Thomas Crooks.
>It found that both the parents of Thomas Crooks were very likely to be gun owners and shared other gun-related lifestyle indicators.
>This database was first obtained and revealed by Channel 4 News in 2016.
>The programme can now reveal the information was compiled as part of a secretive project aiming to identify millions of gun owners in America who could be targeted with pro-gun rights messages in the lead-up to the 2016 election campaign.
It’s so crazy to me that there are actual human posters in these threads trying desperately to keep certain threads from being pulled. Do you think any of them are wearing American service uniforms while doing so? Or is this offshored to current war torn countries? What do you even tell yourself when you are posting to prevent people from asking the right questions about the attempted assassination of a political candidate and former president? That is for the good of the country? For national security? There is this panicked desperation when certain topics are discussion. So much consensus manufacturing in vain
>there was only one shooter case closed
Don’t you have any clue at this point how obvious this shit is on here? It’s like the spook posters have been subtly steering real anons to the truth by the bluntness of their attempts to derail and misdirect. The hubris to think they can create the reality they need when they didn’t even have the competence required to land a sub 200 yard shot.
There is an entire empire dying before our very eyes and we are witnessing its death gasps in these threads.
I’ve never felt more sure the truth about a wild situation like this was actually going to come out.
To those asking questions and pulling threads. Keep going. Don’t let anything stop you. It’s our damn country and we deserve real answers. Keep pushing where you are told is “case closed” and “take meds” because it sure as fuck feels like whoever tried to kill our candidate is now running scared. Let the world see them standing naked
As a photographer I am hair trigger wired to hold burst upon auditory cues (laughter, loud cheering, etc).
While I’m not ruling out there was foreknowledge for some, I am not agreeing this photog must have had it to use these settings. I think cnn live streaming this particular rally is much more interesting. Sometimes I forgot though just how acceptable it has become in politics to think trump needs to die. Or for the cia director to call for murdering assange and still be cheered entering rooms instead of handcuffed. It could end up being possible that far more people were in on this plan than anyone could ever have imagined. Let’s hope every single one of them has to admit what they knew and when
Imagine if Julius Caesar survived a botched assassination attempt instead.
I’ve heard another theory they were shooting the rifle away from the body which is plausible
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>trump shot at from nearby
>everything should be secure
>video shows something moving on top of water tower
>you call it a fake conspiracy
>post pic related to Palestine
This is one of the most damning things to me so far. That the shooter was in a ten degree area of concealment form the CS team. That was the first thing that set off alarm bells for me personally
why are you here
Shut the fuck up, Nigger.
do they not have overhead drones at all times? can buy them at literally walmart
>That the shooter was in a ten degree area of concealment form the CS team.

>Most hated person in politics.
>Only have 1 counter sniper team.
>And it has blind spots.

wew lads
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Bump. This is JFK level shit and should be talked about every day for the next 40 years.
Or Yearick with the Antifa psychosis
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>they were shooting the rifle away from the body
not possible
shooter died laying on top of the gun
Killed by batarang
It seems that somewhere the decision was made to take this from a “tier 3” VIP protection to a “tier 2” or some shit allowing air to get through. Be very curious to see the security lay out for Jill Bidens event that agents were supposedly pulled from this event were.
I use a drone for surveillance on my property and I’m a nobody living in bumfuck. Honestly it seems surprising there wouldn’t be a national guard reaper overhead at 10k
Speaking of which, has anyone analyzed the TFR for the area and day yet? What altitude did it extend up to? Any flight aware activity of military drones in the area. It sure seems like one drone at low cost does the job of 50 CS teams and at the same time allows valuable training opportunity for local guard.
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I'm pretty sure I saw this guy at the Rostraver gun club last year. My dad was showing me how to shoot and we walked down the range to look at the targets. He was still on his gun the whole time, and when I turned my back I felt like I was gonna get shot. I've never felt that feeling in my life and I'll never forget it.
I feel like a USSS sniper would absolutely be capable of hitting that rifle with 300 winmag and knocking it as far clear as we see in other footage. Most likely was the reason for the all clear call and trump standing up
You stop shutting down discussion you fucking Nigger
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Everywhere I shoot everyone makes such an obvious effort to show clear guns not being handled when range is cold. I would walk straight up to someone staying on their rifle and confront them. Crazy story. Could you come up with what date that was? Close to the area?
He had two teams actually... starting from this rally. The team #2 is the one that actually engaged Crooks. (the team visible in the video wasn't the one that engaged)
But still, the sheer amount of incompetence with the detail about covering the roof of a place a mere 150yd away is absurd.
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Checked. As many have said, this level of security lapse cant be an accident.
One of the rumors was that a special unit of the State Police are usually brought in to provide rooftop spotters and drones... but they were called off by USSS.

That is the thread to pull on. Why?
Interesting thanks. Ya a total amateur would decide to secure that roof / building in they had 2 minutes to analyze the layout.
During my remote view session, when I came upon the moment of the child patsy being shot I cried real tears cause that boy was innocent.
>knocking it as far clear as
this isnt a movie
most likely bullet would go through, or an uncontrolled ricochet
either way
maybe a pistol? with several shots
not a rifle
and not laying on top of it
dont forget. bullets can go through things. you have to be aware whats behind what you are shooting at
It even seems like one of the sniper teams made the badass decision to engage through the trees once he figured out what was going on. Maybe just saw a shadow on the roof and engaged it.
It’s pretty fucking suspicious that a random guy surveying the grounds for the first time while being watched and scared would be able to identify the exact place he needed to be to get a shot off. I wonder if they told him to wander around with the rangefinder so they could sell that he figured it all out himself and wasn’t fed info
We are witnessing what is tantamount to a military coup here aren’t we? What if this turns out to be a foreign actor? I don’t know what is scarier, traitors in our own government or some Ukrainian kill team
This vid mentions the teams and the details at around this timestamp https://youtu.be/tVn_56UcCIc?t=894
He does say that team 1 (the one from the videos) had a different type of bullet, the kind that would've pretty much left Crooks without a head. Also, he mentions that team did not fire, in fact.

graphical reconstruction >>474742093
>don’t change my jewish topic goy
>behave goy
Fuck you kike faggot. How's the weather in tel aviv?
Looks like a bullet probably went into his left temple (facing team 2) and out the right rear of his skull, then into his shoulder?

Or was he shot thru the back?
It explains the final shot much after the previous. I really don’t think it’s outside the realm of possibility. I don’t think they would have let trump stand up with that rifle was still laying under him

I feel like FOIA experts are what we need working on this

Any foreflight subscibers out there that can check the TFR that day? Mine is out
>What if this turns out to be a foreign actor
not possible
this scheme involves intimate involvement of us government security officials and agents
oh sure, could someone have paid for this? yes
but ultimately it was traitors who did it
not some ccp agents
Governor of PA Josh Shapiro is rumored to be the next VP nominee.
Perhaps that is payment for arranging for PA State police (and their drones) to no-show?
It exposes the conundrum of a Security detail lead by a corrupt administration being in charge of securing their political opponent's public events.
>It explains the final shot much after the previous
shooter was hit once and downed
then someone ELSE put in another in to make sure
one of those two shots might have come from a cleaner whos job was to make sure the shooter did not live to talk
the audio implies 3 different guns

>don’t think it’s outside the realm
serious question anon
have you ever actually fired rifles before? not just once, but on the regular?
MAYBE you could shoot the rifle to make sure its disabled, but youre not going to move it in a meaningful way.
but again, thats movie land
>over 100 years
>less than 1 per year on average
what does this prove when there's billions of people?
back to my original question
can anyone definitively place the angle of Trumps head when he was hit
5:52 PM Crooks was spotted on the roof by the Secret Service
a full 20 minutes prior to opening fire:

Crooks was shot in the back of the head
the exit wound blew his upper front teeth out
We don't know where the third sniper team was but people have said there were officers in the connected building behind him
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Yearick was shot in the back of the head
the exit wound blew his upper front teeth out
>Bongino claims the USSS had a team on the 2nd floor of that building
to the left of crooks, from Trump's perspective.
2 shooters on the roof?
How does this account for elevation? More specifically trajectory from elevated points.
>5:52 PM Crooks was spotted on the roof by the Secret Service
That has to be wrong. Are we sure they don't mean the local cops saw him and reported it in?
This is a bullshit considering the RNC convention shooting didn't even bother to stop and chat. They just fucking shot the dude.

Also, can anyone who isn't banned on X make a PDF or whatever the fuck you do to save X threads.

Bad Kitty is dropping some hot sauce.

Did you watch the video?
Then why is there an entrance wound in the left side of his neck in the dead photo on the roof?
What’s a yearick? Sounds like a trans surgery procedure. The shooters name was Crooks.
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Jacob Rubinstein AKA Jack Ruby silenced the patsy. It's standard procedure.
I fire rifles enough, AND have enough rifles, AND am curious enough that I am now going to shoot at an old one from 200 with .308 to see if I can slide it across metal sheet with ridges
How’s that?
(These are new rifles by the way, not all those other ones I lost when my ice fishing trailer fell through the ice with all of my firearms inside over 1000ft of water)
New footage just dropped
Yes, but since when have you trusted the MSM to provide accurate information about anything?
>2 shooters on the roof?
honestly dont know right now
and an operator
i just cannot accept that a mission this complex, involving so many variables and people involved, of this risk level, would rely on an amateur to do this
at the very least, the planners would have had to have had someone on the scene who could guarantee this patsy would never be taken alive
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Unknown bolt gun, potentially CST team 3
LOL fake and fucking gay.

With love, RVanon.

I saw the water tower/and motorcycle dude of interest. Got 'rushed job" due to civilians spotting Crooks on the roof.

inside job but the shooter was an outside contractor NOT SS...coordinated with them--yes. Also poor Crooks was groomed.

Glowniggers made sure to delete any and all records of contact BEFORE the shooting they didn't want a repeat of the Payton Grandon grooming disaster.

Skinny Jeans contractor was either in a tree post or on the water tower platform.

Come on Yearick faggot, where are you now? Does Yearick wear skinny black jeans?? is he a sharp shooter now thanks to his time in Ukraine??
>Then why is there an entrance wound in the left side of his neck in the dead photo on the roof?

magic bullet theory, duh
>How does this account for elevation?
thats about the elevation of the second roof line
trees still block a clear view
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>they were shooting the rifle away from the body
Hollywood bullshit.
A bad shot, that hits the magazine, can cause a Hang Fire condition.
At any rate, the Flunky Goons that were first to venture up to the roof, moved the fucking rifle 10 or so feet to the east,parallel with the body.
They irrevocably tampered with the Crime Scene, then left the Backpack and Body to bake in the sun, long enough for a News-operated Drone to capture picrel.
Is this supposed to be amusing? Fucking retarded. Kike faggot.
would make sense to have a second sniper to kill Cooks in case he somehow wasn't killed by counter-snipers
youd have to assume he was a government plant for that to make sense
Nice try kike.
What's the matter? You're acting like somebody shot the president or something
right now, this story makes no sense at all and the pattern for 72+ hours has been for drip-drop piecemeal leaks of parts of the timeline and story to emerge, just like that ABC clip. All the separate major networks are doing this rn

On Monday 7/22 USSS director Cheatle appears before the U.S. Congress oversight committee to testify. So they only have a few more days to keep a lid on any of this
Drone--but it had to be high tech and quiet.

Snagged this off Bad Kitty X thread.
What if the upper echelons of corrupt agencies have officially named trump an agent of Russia and a threat to National security, but also wanted to avoid political
turmoil of a sanctioned assassination on American soil. It almost would explain why they were so brazen. They thought they were being patriotic?
It also seems very clear that there are two sides trying to manage the information here and there are people on the inside at state police/local police levels that are desperately trying to keep information flowing to the public before “they” can button it all up and put a bow on it.
The corpses photo alone is a gagantic fuck you to the feds. Also the statements about how local pd was relegated to traffic duty
What's the video?
Where the FUCK did that come from?! That’s .308 at least
I don’t care about that. Crooks is my hero and I wanted trump to die. I just found that AI remake retarded and not humorous.
There should be an edit with potential / alternative / theoretical shot lines that form the Star of David
Team 2 had SR-25s
Leave it to a kike to make this comment
45 and 2 silver notes
did police sprinkle some crack cocaine on the young rabbi's body? a good jewish boi, he was
AND based on the position of his head AND the blood flow, he was shot from behind. NOT the Snipers. Also have zero idea how the gun got moved. Maybe the kicked it away when the laughing cops were zip tying his dead self's arms behind his back and taking that vile dead headshot.

Whoever did that needs to be fired. That is not crime scene protocol. But then, neither is hosing off the roof.

I WILL REPEAT, again, that building has the motorcyle parked in front of it--that is the dude's Harley that the eye witnesses saw rolling up before the shooting, black skinny jeans guy.

HE WENT INTO THAT BUILDING, the one Crooks was laying on top of.

NEXT day, motorcycle was still there. Image taken by eye witnesses who went back to the area to point out where they saw the Harley ride up.

Your pic was taken from air by Japan news crew the day of the shooting. Mine was taken the next day.

Why is it still there?
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Anons, need AUDIO ANALYSIS of the shots.
This source (shown on Asian News) appears to have included Spectator audio, and he was very close to the Patsy.

AT :31 seconds
5 Shots are heard (same rifle)
AT :33 seconds a single shot (different rifle)

An anon in last bread took picrel
With quiet rotors with swept tips, modern light drones are basically silent above 200ft
Seeing that photo I agree the rifle being shot away is extremely unlikely. Still gonna try it though cause why not?
It’s fucking crazy to me that they would allow trump to stand up and still with that body still laying on the rifle at the time
Oh my gosh could the bike have belonged to…. Wait for it… a cop???
You fucking idiot.
How did this photo make it to the public? It sure feels like there are good guys trying to keep this from being buried. If any of them are here. Thank you.
Rabbi, you blew your cover with this response.
>Whoever did that needs to be fired.
They should all be fired for lettings shots fly before anything was done. Who gives a shit about some gore pics. Maybe if we saw more aftermaths of shooters popped skulls, less people would be inclined to do it.
whoa whoa, calm down
take a step back
nobody is implying that the swat sniper
positioned in the second floor offices
looking directly at Trump, with little else in his FOV, was shooting, don't get your panties in a bunch
Weird poster for sure. Seems angry the cop released the corpse photo. Needs us focused on random Harley. Anything is worth being followed up but the copy pasting of this everywhere is forced. And the whole
>he should be fired
Is it a woman making these posts?
Anyone else catch the shooter was using encrypted comms? Think they just mean whatsap?
Then at 0:37 a final shot.

Are the :33 and :37 shots from the same gun?
It’s a tranny most likely
been trying to find that original vid ever since i posted that japanese report
need more eyes looking for that if by chance they didnt buy the rights to the vid like tmz did the other
different rifle, different location
Yeah, probably just WhatsApp but sounds scarier when they say encrypted comms.
Or signal
Why he didn't just use a drone, he knew electronics, it would've been a 100% hit
Agreed (different guns).

I've assumed that once he was shot (by gun #1) he would have been out of range (below the roofline) of the other sniper teams 1, 2, and 3.
Therefore the final shot would have had to come from behind.
I cried real tears the moment they shot him.
I disagree strongly that crooks was a hero. What’s that all about? Guilt by association with you?
line bisects the location where the gun was, shooter probably rolled away from the gun.
Naah, he took the $10,000 from the actual shooter.
>I WILL REPEAT, again, that building has
why are you yelling at me?
im discussing positions and possible multi shooter locations
not suspects
>AND based on the position of his head AND the blood flow
thats good. work on that.
thats not what Im doing right now.
when you get it ironed out, present your case
Trump is a Jew loving low IQ faggot. He should have been murdered. Biden too.
because your investigating questions their narrative and if you find their narrative leaky you will discover that it was filmed in 2008.
I was flying my dji drone at the beach once (legally at legal altitude) and an Osprey came flying down the beach. When it got about a mile away my drone froze in place, and my screen went black. When the Osprey was about a mile past me it came back. I’d imagine you could not fly a drone anywhere near a TFR in today’s age. Before “muh Ukraine” I think preventing them flying in a small area is very different than an entire battlefield
That being said it’s almost like it was his job to fail. Is it possible his job was to shoot people in the crowd while someone else took the trump shot? It also seems clear explosives were meant to be the diversion for his “getaway”. I wonder where he thought the explosives were, who planted them?
Thanks anon.
Yes, at :33 and:37 it appears to be the same (second) rifle
Crooks (Patsy) fired the first grouping of 5
Hey anon, yes, I found your original post in the archives.
Thanks brother.
10 shots, 3 rifles, 3 locations
need more sound analysis
Look guys it’s Kathy Griffen
multiple targets were hit.
could they have been from a lone gunman?

let's do the geometry

assuming Trump was the target.
line up victim 2 with Trump... points to rooftop

line up forklift rupture with Trump... points to second floor police headquarters

line up victim 3 with Trump... watertower
was not a lone gunman
That’s a thought. Started rolling back to tree concealment when engaged and didn’t realize someone had a bead on him from behind?
Hey RVanon, there was a Swissanon who conjectured that there was a Ukrop contractor that was perched on the water tower who was working with embedded CIA/DHS assets within Butler PD.
The only reason the shots didn't kill Trump was due to the diffkculties of a plunging attack and he miscalculaylted the windage.

Here is the thread

Not a complete picture but it does give an idea oh many interested parties were on that field
Captcha: UGHU
No... see
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What the fuck was water tower shooter aiming at then? It certainly wasn’t trump then
If it's any consolation, the SS sniper who disobeyed the stand down order, has been fired.
Do you know if that kid shit himself as his brains drained out of his ears, nose and mouth. Righteous kill.
>love america, want to be military
>join marines, qualify expert
>finish basic, do marine shit
>finally get into sniper school
>one tour in iraq, two and half in a-stan
>call your staff sergeant dumb sheboon in front of your buddy
>buddy's face turns white as a sheet
>smell her perfume, she. is. righ. behind. you
>get demoted, start slacking off
>get transferred to some stupid base in nowheresville
>start coming in to work drunk
>more and more drunk every day
>all you wanted was to fight for the us
>get chaptered
>drink even more
>bye-bye license
>build liquorcycle
>drive liquorcycle into a ditch
>wake up in a ditch
>half empty bottle of shlitt's and a dead soaked cell phone
>realize you're a man of God
>go to the meetings
>get your record expunged
>cousin's a sheriff, gives you a second chance
>meet a girl, she keeps you clean
>first kid's a boy
>you realize you need to be the man you always knew you are
>work up the ranks
>lift every day, no days off
>join a dojo
>get on the swat team
>work as a spotter
>now you're behind the gun, feels good
>you will save someone's life
>get a presidential assignment holy shit
>all new orders
>these orders don't make sense, you have a combined 14 years of sniping experience
>wtf did he say there's a shooter on the roof
>fuck there's a shooter on the roof
>let me shoot him
>what do you mean, no
>what the fuck is happening none of this should be happening
>this is fucking bad
>this is fucking real bad
>well if you can't shoot you'll document the fuck out this
>holy shit you think you just witnessed a miracle
>that was a fucking miracle
>you're going to show everyone
That's how.
there must be CCTV for the AGR buildings
need to make it trend on xitter so others can help deliver the original vid which im assuming is longer with all shots included
You clearly have not read the Abraham Accords.
Trump is Hitler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Either a countersniper turned and shot him in 0.8 seconds flat, or there was already a sniper trained on him, ready to shoot once he got off his 5 rounds.
Closed circuit, good look ever getting a hold of that footage now that the feds are on it. The best we could do right now is find every angle of footage showing the water tower during the shooting.
Hopefully the spectators still have it in their possession.
Everything in this photo that is MS paint is arbitrarily placed
You are ignoring the would on his shoulder, which could be another entry wound.

If he was facing forward with his head cocked while aiming the gun, a shot from the south team would have also entered his left cheek, exited his neck, and entered his shoulder.
good point
I can picture all of it
Not buying that, or the Rules of Engagement bullshit that has been circulating since the beginning.
Counter snipers DO NOT need permission to fire
Counter snipers DO NOT need for the would be assassin to shoot first.
This fucking clown was known for over 26 minutes (range finder, 2 photos taken of him) etc.
He was a hero. Not a clown you faggot. You don’t have half the balls and bravery he did.
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>This fucking clown was known for over 26 minutes (range finder, 2 photos taken of him) etc.
plus 7 minutes on roof
>arbitrarily placed
you cant use it to calculate exact positions
but it does hold for generalizations
trump could not have been shot at from the tower
and the yellow arc shows the boundries of where the shot came from
All these consumer drones are shit and locked, but when you build an fpv one, you can pretty much do whatever you want
>That being said it’s almost like it was his job to fail.
That's my thought too
>CCTV for the AGR buildings
AGR glass bottle manufacturer with ties to PepsiCo Jill Biden's former lesbian bodyguard was made head of global security for pepsico before being made chief of secret service by Jill Biden
I remote viewed this anon they have no friends, are fat and I'm glad I can't remote smell.
THIS post from Bad Kitty thread.


Could be Cullen's vid? Not sure.
put it this way, if they say there is no CCTV or something happened to it like it shows nothing despite having cameras around then it confirms they are hiding shit like they did for 9/11 when the Pentagon scrubbed all their CCTV
judging by host fast thats moving i will say bird
OK then we can assume that due to the rally there was a no fly zone around the area.

Any civilian drone being flown legally would have ID'd the pilot.

Due to a no fly zone we can assume that any drone is SS/FBi glownigger.

Glownigger drone makes sense, they can keep an eye on a wider area...IF that is a drone and not a bird--then we can also assume that image of Crooks on the cement wall was taken from drone and not second floor window.
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In 2001 people trusted the FBI, and Government
Gas stations, Hotels, convenient stores, etc all willingly handed over their security tapes to help catch the bad-guys. little did they know, those were the bad guys.

today, more people are aware
No fat ass mall cop wanted to actually move their ass up there to go tackle him.
This is a fucking boomer's error where no one wanted to actually physically move.

Some lady in your earpiece telling you to "stay still, don't do anything"??? Fucking embarrassing.
a la 13:17 Train to Paris
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no surveillence drone would be moving this fast
dont even need to see the vid, just look at the lips
its a bird
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Kill yourself, tranny.
>upset that his morbidly obese pedo hero almost got murdered
Many such cases. Sad!
been away for 24 hours
what new develpment in this time frame i miss?
new pics ?
Nigga you mean "beak?"
Lol for real.
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defund them
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Is that true? If so we need to hear from that Based guy.
But we all know biden's cheeto lady made him sign an NDA
A cop rolling up on a harley wearing black skinny jeans and a "Dont' tread on me" flag around his neck..what kind of cop? explain, considering there were NO local cops there at all and the staties were only pulling traffic duty.

Why does this agitate you so much?

I read that yesterday and found it to be intriguing. AZOV are Jews--and they also had a heavy presence at Jan. 6.

I think outside contractor makes the most sense IMHO. Keeps closer hands clean.

I think the miss happened mostly due to Crooks being spotted by the civilians and until HE fired nothing else could happen...hence the rush job.

I reckon if those people hadn't seen him Trump would be dead and a much more careful shot would have been taken.
I think if they were using a drone it would have been an actual platform. Something orbiting at around 10k feet, or about 2k feet below whatever the TFR went up to. Like a national guard legit drone. They are so cheap to have up it seems crazy they wouldn’t be using them for events like this
It was confirmed he had a steam account.
Then it was confirmed he didn't have a steam account and the feds thought a random public account was his.
Hahaha you know he did. What a fucking faggot

My guess is all those security lights double as security cameras.
>Is that true? If so we need to hear from that Based guy.
He poster here on 4chan
Some people say trump got hit by glass on a teleprompter, but i never seen the glass of the teleprompter broken, anyone know about that or is it bs?
But yes, its all guessing, though trying to make a educated guess is better
In before
>no records pertaining to your FOIA were found or the records are currently subject to an ongoing investigation for the next 77 years
Of course that industrial building had full camera coverage and its own security. Maybe worth reaching out online to find someone who works there?
is it a bee or other insect?
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they didnt want too much evidence of their complicity ofc
any adsb sky watcher looked at historical data over the event hours yet?
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WOw. This really makes it look like President Trump miraculously survived.
Maxwell Yearick is a horrible shot he had so many chances
without verification. faggot loser need to learn to timestamp pic
possibly but its definitely not a drone
STFU glownigger. Why do these questions make you so nervous? Why shouldn't any "cop" that violates crime scene protocol be fired? This reeks of the Paddock fake death shot.

So kindly fuck right off you fudge packing faggot and your little flying monkey too..
Put me in the screencap
Wouldn't it make sense that there would a contractor sniper/spotter team?
>Motorcycle operative went into AGR building
>Ukrop operative goes to the water tower

>Ukrop contractor goes to parking area on one-time Harley motorcycle
>rendevouz with certain Butler PD personnel
>gets layout of area
>goes up to water tower
>Crooks patsy comes in
And then the rest happens.
Is the bullet that got caught on camera the green line?
I think some people are having a hard time admitting what a huge deal it is for a supersonic bullet to pass so close to a former president’s brain that it punched a hole in its ear. They need it to be “fake”
And trump to just be grandstanding so that they don’t have to come to grips with all the despicable things they’ve said on TV almost causing a national tragedy.
I can’t get over what a strange fucking pick Vance is though. So strange. Imagine trump and RFK jr both on stage talking about how the same deep state has affected both of them and it’s time for it to be gone for good. Instead we get Mr eyeliner. I think trump was threatened into picking Vance. Same as pence
Staged using "hyperrealistic training" methods. https://youtu.be/sBpd6FSwDeM?si=oTU_Y2MEgzwITJ9V
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The entire area would have been a no fly zone. Drones now carry "signatures" of the pilot. They are hackable but...he could have also (with inside info) swapped the drone signal to broadcast whatever tf the glowniggers use as pilot/craft ID.

Need better video--to be sure--drone or bird.
It's the NYT they aren't the best.
The REAL shooters name was CROOKS. SAY HIS NAME!
Not a SINGLE PICTURE of a SINGLE COP or SINGLE ADULT up on ANY of those rooftops.

For fucks sake, not even a SINGLE SPECTATOR trying to get a better vantage point???
Thanks for baking this bread. It’s important work. Shills will try to derail but we got the smartest people in the world on this board. Truly only pol can figure out exactly what happened.
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>This really makes it look like President Trump miraculously survived.
They are not going to stop trying. Trump faces a gauntlet on the way back to the whitehouse
>The entire area would have been a no fly zone
Doesn't matter
>Drones now carry "signatures" of the pilot.
only consumers, FPV don't, hence the FAA regulation with RID, if you don't, no one can detect it.
Hey “RVanon”…what am I doing with your mom right now? Can you see it?
lot of conjecture in that vid, we dont know the bullet trajectories apart from the first which we have video evidence for
its not a 'pick'. JD was suppose to replace him after trump was dead. Trump is being forced shit right now. You think the CIA just FAILS a attempt and dosen't show up at your next stop pushing deals or more threats?? cmon guys..
a fed comes on 4chan timestamping
>muh conspiracy
Not everything is a set up you fucking kike retard
>Iran plot becoming more clear
Welp, looks like the sign tappers were right
sure bro. All the republicans love porn stars and complete degenergacy at the RNC.
fuck off glowie, people trying to work around here
>3 encrypted overseas accounts
this a joke?
>makes a statement that has nothing to do with the topic being discussed
Did you stop out in 9th grade or something you fucking retard?
Based on what I read re that building the other day it might not even be operational. Meaning, the claim was the building was sold recently so---but I didn't follow that too closely because glowniggers were shitting up the thread pretty hard and injecting fake data (like the Steam account? was made by yearick glownigger) and I don't have the autistic patience to wade through that bullshit.

Claimed building was owned by blackrock--a lot of other water muddying bullshit.

Therefore we don't know if the ARG building was an empty just sold building occupied by glowniggers who failed to hear Crooks on the roof, or if it IS operational and owned by "innocent owner".
Israel confirmed then
digits confirm
but that statement makes zero fucking sense
t. l33t h0x0r
I feel in my gut that now that this door opened it doesn’t shut again. Praying for Trump. Vance seems so fucking fake. Trump seemed “different” at RNC. He seems scared. It must have been like this for him for years, but now it’s feeling very very real. Look how hard they are pushing to keep that photo suppressed. Fist in the air, bloody, saying fight.
The smart anons in this thread and the local police leaking things are doing just that I feel. Let’s meme this man’s health and wellness into reality until he beats Kamala.
>porn stars and complete degenergacy at the RNC.
Who invited Nimrata Randhawa to the convention
thank God she wasn't the one popping out of the cake.
The second shooter theory is lacking imagination, it's not 1963 where you need to hire some foreign thug. They could have a remote operated drone with AI targeting programmed to hit his ear.
I think I mentioned glownigger drones don't have the same rules as civilian pilots--but that would mean, if someone out there WAS flying a drone the glowniggers would know.IF Crooks had a drone he would have had to be given the "glownigger" pilot ID chip by someone.

I don't think the drone was him..COULD be motorcycle dude on the tower had a drone...that is an interesting angle. Good way to keep an eye on everything until time to "take the shot". But I'm reaching--was probably just a bird.
Mossada trolling as Iranians?
Nah let’s groom another crooks in to existence that can get the job done and kill that morbidly obese fat pig this time!
What day did Trump announce JD was VP? If before rally--OK, but if after rally you've got a timing issue. Right up until the announcement Trump could have legit said anyone--and the last one he should have picked was Jew Owned and operated JD Vance.
jewish schpace lazors could have cut his ear clean off
That image is not of a drone.
Look at the distractions fly. >>474762759
And now a second shooter is somehow far out? You are right it’s not 1963 anymore. The public is no the same public as 1963

If "Crooks" was shot from the water tower wouldn't there be spray or a bullet hole in the roof he was laying on.
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Crazy how fast this thread got archived
These fuckers want/need wwiii so bad
Nigger, you were NOT ice fishing on 1000 foot deep water.
If "Crooks" was shot from the warehouse wouldn't there be spray or a bullet hole in the roof he was laying on.

>if someone out there WAS flying a drone the glowniggers would know
No, you are mistaken, they wouldn't
>Crooks had a drone he would have had to be given the "glownigger" pilot ID chip by someone.
No, you build it from scratch, all parts are out there, no gps is needed so jamming won't work, and even the software is open source. if you build it, there's no ID unless YOU add it.
I'm not talking about that picture, i'm saying he would've a higher chance of success if he used a drone, in fact, he can even fly it over the internet and be in his house, zero trace.
what is the black line on the roof leading to the shooters body?
well thats pretty impressive... looking
case solved, lets pack it up
Most likely.
I wish we could find out
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Is it the same backpack as pictured next to the bike?
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clearly not
We don't know what kind of drone tech they have--only what they show us...the military drones do a hella lot of damage in "war". So who knows if they have fast flying drones it if sped up that moment etc.

Could just as easily be a bird--we won't ever know for sure.
His dried Blood.
They mean Signal.
Mossada and Ukrainians are betting on Trump working a peace treaty with Russia that allows for special priveleges for Israelis to settle southern Ukraine
New Heavenly Jerusalem.
someone would have to go check it out before they get a brand new roof. you know. because the old one is stained
they used soft points that didnt go through
no blood behind him
spray to the front of him
front teeth part of his skull on the roof in front of him
= shot in the back of the head
so after he was shot he crawled across the building?
new site plan
I guess that he just left his Rifle, etc, while he went for his stroll around the building..right?
And was photographed 2x + reported suspicious 2x
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All we know right now re the motorcycle dude is he arrived BEFORE the shooting and went into that building, the one Crooks was on top of. He was alone on the bike.

We know there were zero local cops involved. Thus it's unlikely motorcycle dude was a local cop and the people he joined in the building were some type of glownigger.

I'm gonna keep an eye out to see if I can get more sauce re the Harley arrival and an approximate time of arrival. All I know now is it was before the shootings.

Could have been two Ukrainians aka Jews.
You are, apparently, a necromaniac.
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>muh encrypted comms
>crawled across the building
the roof is actually sloped
just not the insurmountable obstacle they lied about
did he crawl across the building after he was shot?
has the bike been confirmed to be his?
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So whose THIS guy????
Looks like Drone Footage pic area
are u stoopid or are u stoopid?
Then explain how all of my firearms are at the bottom of that deep deep lake? That’s why you make the big bucks right? To explain mysteries such as mine?
Wearing same outfit as shooter on the roof.
So the retards filming him on the roof were somewhere in the parking lot on the right of the building? Been trying to work that part out since day 1.

You don’t know what you are talking about .. look into Dr.Preston the founder .. the building has direct ties with Blackrock/Pfizer DeepState

>Preston civilian observer at nuclear tests ? This man was CONNECTED classic intel agency FRONT company https://web.archive.org/web/20060923053425/http://www.depweb.state.pa.us/heritage/cwp/view.asp?a=3&Q=444223
see >>474766240
More like someone moved his corpse. Looking back at that image of the dead shooter, it seemed that his teeth jutting out, implying that he was shot at the back of the head. So no, he never had a chance to crawl to begin with.
>No, you are mistaken, they wouldn't
Dude the Gov is now making drone IDs mandatory over 28 grams. I watched people getting tagged/arrested for flying drones in National parks after the ban went into place. At first that ban was a goat roping with everyone panicking. Now the requirement is to take the drone pilot course, have the ID chip OR ELSE....and they mean it.
>no gps is needed so jamming won't work,
This is fundamentally true but anything flying would be picked up by survillance. We only have reports of cell phones not working after the shooting so nothing was jammed prior to--at least as far as we know right now.

That magic box could have been something other than a detonator, a jammer--disguised etc but nothing was jammed until after the shooting. And only a few reports of calls not going through--and that could potentially be due to the massive amounts of calls trying to access the towers at the same time.
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>e roof were somewhere in the parking lot
west side of the building
(opposite the parking lot)
would be way easier to just say they're all freemason right
Chabad jews have been planning to take Ukraine for Greater Israel for a long time. They got started with the 2014 Maidan Coup with AZOV killing civilians in large numbers. They taunted Russia to come in to speed the process up. Can't move in until the indigenous population is mostly gone or severely reduced.

Blackrock is going to "rebuild" Ukraine for the jews. Isn't that nice?
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is they butt fuggin?
pretty sure i see nut to butt
confirmed ?
crooks father called police to report that his son had stolen many rifles and explosives from the synagogue (every synagogue has an armory)
Leaving a backpack unattended for any amount of time in that situation would be risky af. I left a bag at the base of the stairs in the London tube long enough to run one up and go back for the other--less than 1 minute and before I made it down to haul the second one up the stairs there were announcers screaming "unattended bag".. Same thing happened in Edinburgh Castle. I set big camera bag down next to me and began taking photos moving from side to side, and there was screaming UNATTENDED BAG---immediately.

Where he could have left that bag sitting while he roamed around with NO gear evident is a mystery....where could he have stashed that backpack and NOT have it be seen by any security.

Good questions.

That bike wasn't his. When shit like that magically pops up with zero province you know it glows. Muddy waters.
he doesn't look very innocent
Civilian bystander. Crooks is visible right above the MAGA hat on the roof in other stills of same video.
>Dude the Gov is now making drone IDs mandatory over 28 grams. I watched people getting tagged/arrested for flying drones in National parks after the ban went into place. At first that ban was a goat roping with everyone panicking. Now the requirement is to take the drone pilot course, have the ID chip OR ELSE....and they mean it.
That's true, but for someone like him who's going to assassinate, they can have that disconnected. not to mention, you can have a cloacker where it floods the sky with fake IDs so you don't know really which is which, and you only need few minutes anyway
> flying would be picked up by surveillance
fpv are small and can fly at he speed of 250km/h, sure, an airport or VIP building surveillance might, but these portable events won't, all they use in dji aeroscope which only detects consumer ones.
There are some military equipment that can in theory, but they are a full fledged radar vehicle and none of that is usually used in these events, yet. those radar however, won't detect the ones flying over the internet, unless the fingerprint is big, those fpv get ignored.
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common tactic used by jews

a group all wears the same clothes as the suspect
to confuse the police and aid in the assassin's escape
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Fuckin Leaf can't read. Re-read my post.
Matches this guy too. Why he within the fence??
He IS seen crawling on the roof in the bystander video.
Don’t misrepresent my kinks. If she weren’t so damn good I could stop.
Question RV anon…are you really ok with sending 4chan after a random Harley rider because
>you saw it in a dream
Do you have any actual evidence tying random Harley to anything substantial other than “it’s just there”? Is it possible you are tryin to turn 4chan into Reddit and Boston bomber chasing?
I think the remote viewing schtick is coming on a little thick. Like me in your dead mother
police sniper team was in second floor offices of the glass company building

shooter was on a single story building not two story.
Yes, but this video was presumably taken while the presumed shooter was preparing for the shot. I am talking about when the police came up on the roof and intercepted him.
>Leaving a backpack unattended for any amount of time in that situation would be risky af.
a perfect distraction.
toss a few backpacks, to keep the dogs sniffing elsewhere
Source? Damn he's lucky.
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