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Why are the Germans so anti-American nowadays?
Amerimutts ruined Germany
>forced us to import millions of shitskin turks
>destroys our economy
>bombed our Pipeline
>occupy our land with their shitskin soldiers
why do you want to murder all germans you teutophobe
>haha nothing your nation has done in the past 80 years has made up for it. youll be demonized forever lol
That's what happen when you lose the two most important wars in modern history
You voted Merkel in for 18 years, you deserve everything that happened
Sore losers
you guys are lucky both americans and soviets are mercifully
By their grace you still have a country called "germany"
We didn't force you to invite Turks you coping faggot.
We have less niggers than them finally and it’s pissing them off
typical tribalist, most nazis killed nobody same for muslims and most jews were not leading the communist party or part of the genocidal IDF
>let it happen
>let it happen
>let it happen
>let it happen
We shouldn't have left.
>Why are "Germans" so anti-American?<

You answered your own question.
s you just let all that stuff happen and now you're blamming us?
hope things get worse for you
you and your family should be tortured and killed by niggers.
So America is simultaneously forcing you to import rapefugees while also not being able to stop you from building Russian pipelines no matter how many times we told you to stop?
Fuck off kraut.
you sound ukrainian
You sound east german.
Still fantasize about strong russian men raping your mothers, sisters, daughters?
That is a hilarious reply and I expect you to post the results
found the slav, like a clockwork you always bite and can't keep it in
America unironically did, look it up
you aware like half the people you talk to online with german flags are brown right?

god i fucking hate the faggot captcha
>forced us to import shitskins

Stopped reading there. Europe had been voting for lefty garbage since the fucking 90s. You wanted your Marxist social programs, they came with the caveat of anti-western anti-white policies creeping their way into your nation.

I really do hope Europe snaps out of this shit along with the rest of the western world, and sends back all third world trash back to were they spawned from. But your country has no one to blame for itself for adopting retarded migration policies.
Mutt subhumans forced turks on us much earlier than the 90s you uneducated brown subhuman
>vote for closeted Marxist politicians that import third world trash

Whatever loser.
Faggot, if you hadnt sperged out so hard in ww2 nationalism wouldnt be taboo
>muh voting
elections are a scam you mouthbreathing nigger retard
germany didnt vote for any of this, if you dont stop this I will tell you what you vote for
The last 2 years has turned everybody in Europe anti-American.
If Mutt subhumans didnt get in the way we could have won.
now enjoy your niggers, gay parades, goyslop, jew media brainrot and your circumcision.
dumb subhuman
America literally waited as long as it could before intervening in Europe. I blame France.
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He's right though
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Well right now it's because everyone thinks Trump will win again and the Bertelsmann-Press has spent the past decade indoctrinating German-speakers and Europeans at large that Orange Man is the devil in human form. Germs/Euros opinion on America shifts like 1984, if a democrap with all the same views as a Brussels eurocrat is in charge it's greatest ally, if it's a Republican who insists on American exceptionalism as opposed to cosmopolitan managerial technocrats universally applicable ideology it's a treat equal to Russia. Check out internet archive and old posts from the Bush / Obongo years and you'll see how it's true.
>You guys are mean to brown people!
>No, you guys are mean to brown people!
This is so fucking gay and pathetic
Hey I'm sorry the best Germanics left Germany for England 1500 years ago.
We left the retards behind for a reason. You were only going to hold us back.
We are anti-"American" these days if you havent noticed.
>you forced me to kill myself via judaism
Hola, Rodrigo.
Explain how US forced you to take Turks. I've read something brief about this before but I can't find anything searching for it.
and they got mutted. The people genetically closest to Anglo Saxon England live in
North Western Germany, in the city of Bremen and its outskirts.
They are 98% "Anglo-Saxon" or "CNE" in the literature.
Dutch are only 80 ish %.
English 1/3 Anglo Saxon.
>elections are a scam!
And this type of thinking is why demoralized retards lose to rabid anti white communists.
Oh but your country did.
>what I voted for
I’m well aware of the idiotic shit boomers voted for(and or allowed to happened)that led the current shitshow that is the United States.
Nett seid, bitte.
>If Mutt subhumans didnt get in the way we could have won.
>now enjoy your niggers, gay parades, goyslop, jew media brainrot and your circumcision.
>dumb subhuman
The russians also beat you and raped you much more often than the Americans did, though?
Anglos take black penises up their asshole. How does that make you the best?
Because we occupied them for 80 years and blew up their pipeline of cheap LNG
It was a war on two fronts, dipshit. If they didn't have to focus on the Western front they could have fought Russia back. Also are you proud of siding with literal fucking Commies?
I wasn't talking to you, self-hating mutt.
And you think this bullshit political theater has anything with the modern day invasion of Europe by turdworlders?
No one thought that Europe was benign flooded by shitskins up until the 2010s
Modern Germans are the descendants of those spineless cucks that betrayed their fellow countrymen to the kikes. It's a modern golem, satelite state of Israel.
reply was meant for >>474768318
>getting your opinions from reddit interactions
It's not a children's game you complacent pretentious fool. You probably think like the English bulldog nationalists who were so arrogant on here just a few years ago. Find common ground now because your time will come and your mountains won't protect you.
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> Hey I'm sorry the best Germanics left Germany for England 1500 years ago.
>self hating
I'm eligible for a German passport, faggot. My father and my aunts and uncles already have them. I have birthright German citizenship. My grandfather had to eat a bombed cow thanks to you Anglo fucks.
>how dare you trade with the biggest gas exporter on the planet thats not far away from you! we're going to blow up your infrastructure so you are forced to buy from us!
It’s true, the kraut is right.
There’s no reason for them to adopt the nigger worship religion. I think it’s cruel and unusual punishment.

t. Pole
Except the person in the OP is a jew and the german is a socialist seething about muh poor browns and loves turks.

You know what it's just easier to say germans deserve to be gassed because you're hateful kike puppets in both directions.
What’s the general consensus over there? Do German normies think it was the US that bombed their pipeline?
well to be fair they dont have much of a choice of going against american interests we occupy them with a force thats 2x the size of their own army maybe more
Then move there traitor loser faggot. Stop making us look bad by getting this butthurt at our anglo brothers.
No I'll just be a dual citizen and do as a fucking please and you can't do shit about it, bitch.
Germanys fault for starting a war on a western front while holding a peace treaty with the commies.
Should have just gone after the Soviet’s jugular after their fuck up invading Finland instead of starting shit against Western Europe.
he’s australian the forced vaxx made them retarded
Can you really blame them? It would take a true turnaround of U.S. policy on immigration to make your average German like America again, don't you think?
I can make you seethe on the internet
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Who gives a shit?
Crooked Joe Biden is a schmuck, the who world does not respect the USA and lahhpjughs at USA
Anglos literally caused the shit situation of rapefugees and Jew dominance and they're STILL bashing Germans who tried to save them to this day. England declared war on Germany and Hitler still cared enough about Anglos he tried to minimize casualties which is why English casualties are a fraction of German ones.
The US didn’t twist Europes hand to take in the shitskins during the Syrian war.
You can blame our gov for inflaming that conflict, but Europes choice to import the third world in mass waves was the decision of the bureaucrats they put into office.
You're a traitor and I welcome your death. Back to back world war champ and I'll make sure you kraut descendent faggots get BTFO again.
The Dunkirk fumble is always going to be a pebble in the shoe...
>Attitude towards Islam
>Wilhelm II was on friendly terms with the Muslim world.[122] He described himself as a "friend" to "300 million Mohammedans".Following his trip to Constantinople (which ze Kaiser visited three times—an unbeaten record for any European monarch) in 1898, Wilhelm II wrote to Nicholas II that:
>If I had come there without any religion at all, I certainly would have turned Mohammedan!Jaaa!
You're the traitor to Whites you Jew dick sucker. Welcome in one hand and shit in the other, bitch. See which fills up first.
Most of that is pulled out of your ass. Eastern England has the highest amount of Anglo-Saxon descendants anywhere in the world.
People are not traitors just because they dont blindly obey you, the world does not revolve around you.
Oh but the world does revolve around anglos. Cope more german muslim brownoid.
>d-day 2: america floods beaches of normandy with even more niggers
Its an Indian.
>who gives a shit that the US attacked critical infrastructure of one of its closest allies
Are you a moron?
Anglos get fucked by nigger and Jew dick 24 hours a day. Be real here, faggot.
>germoid victimhood
tale as old as time
An Indian wouldn't back up Anglos.
I'm pretty sure it was kikes that blew it up.
When trying to make us look bad, yes they would.
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They deserved it.
Kek, Americans were the worst Soldiers in WW2.

Imagine getting manhandled by Teenagers and 80 year olds and then making Movies about it.
an indian was pm of the anglos mate
Still fantasize about these guys raping your grandmother?
And that pm did this right here>>474771658
Not cause he likes them.
They're on the same genetic level as the average American like yourself.
because we tried to save the world but you wouldn't let us
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So you're saying Germany got butt raped by the "inferior" russians and Americans?
So much for that germanoid superiority.
Also, this is D&C shit so ignore it. We just like arguing with eachother. Germans are a challenge and Americans are frustrating, it always leads to the funniest shit.
You are just a crossbreed of Irish and German, Anglo bitch. That's all the English are.
I can just imagine the disgusting, deformed kike-nigger hybrid who is rubbing his hands as he writes this post, trying to create animosity between white brothers
Yeah you guys are quite similar mentality which is Mass instead of Class

There are similar tactics too, they rushed Machineguns in the east until they ran out of Ammo and the Muricans rushed into Machineguns until they got too hot and ammo ran out.
>higher percentage of Muslims than any western nation
Bullshit. There’s no fucking way Muslim migrants in Sweden, Germany, France or England don’t per capita outnumber the Chechens and Tatars and whoever else in Russia. You can’t believe that
Pretty sure one of the guys on your side hates you though Irish bro
I’ll pretend like you guys not running Merkel from the time I was in the 6th grade to my professional career didnt ruin you retards
The Irish are generally fine. It's English mutts with superiority complex who don't realize they are simply mutt offspring of two peoples they despise(and get purposely fucked by nigger and Jew dick to cull their daddy issues).
Ja okej, Judenschwein
Yeah, I already said it was the US that probably did it anon
Said the one proud of destroying his nation. Your kind are the ones who suckle Jew cock.
The reason we have a hard time these days is because were very restrained. For all our faults, we are the undisputed kings of logistics. We just know how toove shit around in large quantities. Your generals even admitted that that alone is what would cause American victory after they found a yank with an entire birthday cake. They said they couldnt get ammo and medicine in their backyard yet this mongrel has an entire cale from across the fucking ocean. We cant inact our war doctrine of filling the air with more bullet than air anymore. We cant even light shit on fire. The level of shit we caused in the middle east was us walking on eggshells and trying to be "precise and subtle". We dont conquer, we destroy.
God damn midatlantic niggers, worried about me yet heres this fucking slav on a vpn kek.
Post war reeducation turned them into faggots
See this coping retard here

Germans are retarded, always have been. They constantly, pathologically, shoot themselves in the foot. And when they create retarded systems and the system inevitably collapsing, turning into war, they end up being the most incompetent military force, ever.

Germany has never been able to create an effective navy. Probably due to their niggerish inability to swim. The Somalian pirates have a more accomplished record of naval combat.
All the good ones came to America or were nobles who got purged when Hitler turned on the junkers. All that's left are the children of limpwristed faggots who didn't fight, didn't go adventuring, and then took deracination on the jaw.
As opposed to Anglos who get buttfucked and cuckolded by niggers(literally) on camera 24/7 for the world to see lol.
>gets gangraped by Ahmed, Muhamad, Rahman, Osama, Ali, and Dawid in the middle of tweet
>krauts are happy Europe expelled Puritans and replaced them with rapefugees
europe is fucked
>Why are the German so anti-American nowadays?
They did have that short stint with the u-boats though. Anglos said
>Fuck you, boats are our thing!
>Anyway, this is called a sonar, and you can suck my dick!
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You weren't supposed to point that out
I understand that mossad would love the irony of shutting the gas off in Germany anon, do they even have long range subs?
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Yes, they just have our flag on it...
So if we agree why are you calling me some vatnigger?
Sorry, war doctrine, should have done that to Dunkirk.
Because its not our fault for what a cult does. Electoral college here, (((constituents))) in UK, plenty of signs that "you voted for this" is a dead meme.
What's a kike doing in appalachia?
What did you expect? We can't on one hand tell them "you fuckers are our vassals because you lost muh war" and at the same time say "fuck you, we don't want to defend you but we also don't want to decrease our bases there". We are completely schizophrenic in our policy towards Europe every 4 years and they have lost patience. Either we are allies to them, or we are isolationists and lose Europeans as partners. We can't have our cake and eat it too and that's something Trump doesn't understand.
He heard inbreeding and came on in.
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Spiteful mutants

They are an insectoid, collectivist bug race. Second only to chicoms, and they cannot comprehend Americans even presently limited ability to use critical thinking or exercise personal autonomy
What you retards need to also understand is that people aren't monolithic or binary in their daily decisions and lifestyles. They also have the ability to compartmentalize and not be a fucking sperg about everything.
That's what they get for farming our tech companies with billion dollar fines over, and over, and over. Meanwhile their tech industry is worth jackshit and they're still regulating AI to this day while US and China run laps over them.
You never saw europeans taxxing the Russians at the same rate for a reason up until the ukraine war and they're still avoiding paying taxes through loopholes with hungary.
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Edit: My first gold is on a comment about this. I can't believe it, Reddit, you always surprise me. Thank you kind stranger for the gold, and thank you kind strangers for all the upvotes! I didn't think when I woke up today and found out my mom had super cancer that I'd actually be smiling today but you guys changed that. Thank you. When I had to put down my dog a few minutes ago I had tears in my eyes, I still do have tears, but now they're tears of joy! Thank you Reddit for all of these upvotes and the GOLD!! Wow I still cannot believe it. Hey, maybe we can push for platinum??? I've never had platinum before and would love to see what it does! My dad before he had his colonoscopy told me to "Try and live each day like its your last... And also get platinum on Reddit" and I don't want to let him down! I want to show my father that I'm strong and capable of overcoming impossible odds (those odds being getting platinum haha!). In conclusion I just want to thank each and every one of you guys for the hours of entertainment I get on this website, I love each and every one of you wonderful people, each and every one of you is unique and special and can do whatever you want!! I love all of you! Thank you so much for the gold and the upvotes!

Edit: phone formatting

Edit: Spelling

Edit: Grammar

Edit: SILVER???? THANKS kind stranger!

Edit: Spelling on stranger*

Edit: punctuation

Edit: appropriate capitalisation

Edit: spelling of appropriate*

Edit: spelling of edit*

Edit: ANOTHER SILVER?? Okay guys, this is epic. But can I get a platinum? Also, my daddy is having a second colonoscopy, 1 upvote = 1 prayer.

Edit: more punctuation

Edit: colonoscopy* spelling

Edit: Guys, I feel a little sick my eyes burn

Edit: showerthoughts are just thoughts but never in the shower

Edit: To all the jerks out there who say I'm a pretentious little brat, go and find a hecking platinum and prove me wrong, I have more shinies, you mongoloid
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He's right though.
It is both (((Americans))) and (((Europeans))) behind this multiculturalist anti-white bullshit, but mostly (((Americans))).
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He is right though.
You stopped Hitler from saving Europe and condemned all the White races.
Based. Kick them out. Burn their military bases. RECLAIM GERMANY FROM THE MUTT MENACE.
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Well, yes? I'm talking about geopolitical strategies though, not individuals. If your geopolitics are doing a hard 180 turn every 4 years you don't have a strategy.
You have fucking nothing and are seen as unreliable. I'm not saying "defend Europe forever" or "leave Yuropoor lmao fuck em", just saying it's our schizophrenia that causes a lot of anti-american sentiment all over Europe, not just Germany.
And that's a catastrophe to be honest. We are being divided away from out ancestors by D&C tactics and instead made to believe Indians, Chinese and Jews are better friends to the US. Whites need to stick together, or there won't be any whites left in as soon as 30 years.
Every German here who rails against the US is demoralized or a traitor. Every Burger who does the same against Europe too. No more brother wars, no more chinese D&C attempts!
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He is right though.
>he thinks democracy is real
This is why we hate you, Amerimutt.
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He's right though.
Are you still mad all the anglos with balls left to the US? The people who started the industrial revolution are in the US now while all that's left in bongland are the cucks.
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Why did you not name the Jew? Jew engineered Non-White America, it is not any "natural progression", it is a Jewish machination by legislation.

USA restricted immigration to Americans, meaning Northern and Western Europeans, from 1776 to 1965, for 189 years.
What happened in 1965?
Well, a certain Jew by the name of Emanuel Celler, had infiltrated their government and repealed the race-based National Origins Formula (White America policy), and installed the Hart-Cellert Act of 1965 in it's place which removed the race restrictions and replaced them with restrictions for migrants of European origin, effectively creating a policy of Non-White America.
When the act was introduced, it immediately decreased the amount of people coming from Northern and Western European races and opened the floodgates for everyone else, including Jews themselves.

>The National Origins Formula had been established in the 1920s to preserve American homogeneity by promoting immigration from Western and Northern Europe. During the 1960s, at the height of the (((civil rights movement))), this approach increasingly came under attack for being racially discriminatory.
>The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 created a seven-category preference system that gives priority to [...], and refugees.
>The law abolished the National Origins Formula, which had been the basis of U.S. immigration policy since the 1920s. The act formally removed de facto discrimination against Southern and Eastern Europeans as well as Asians, in addition to other non-Western and Northern European ethnicities from the immigration policy of the United States.
>Prior to the Act, the U.S. was 85% White, with Black people (most of whom were descendants of slaves) making up 11%, while Latinos made up less than 4%.

Tax bullshit is not a good enough reason to destroy 2000 years of shared ancestry.
No more brother wars. Puny small disagreements can be solved, but a break in US-European relations will result in the destruction of both continents and the ultimate death of the White man.
The CIA assassinated Jorg Haider in Austria. The US wrote the German constitution and runs their intel orgs. Democracy isn't real and this is why we hate you and your empire, Amerimutt.
> Why are the Germans so anti-American nowadays?
The Allies finally agreed for German reparations to be paid in the following forms:
Dismantling of the German industry
Transferring all manufacturing equipment, machinery and machine tools to the Allies
Transferring all railroad cars, locomotives and ships to the Allies
Confiscation of all German investments abroad
All gold, silver and platinum in bullion or coin form held by any person/institution in Germany
All foreign currency
All patents and research data relevant to military application and processes
Requisition of current German industrial production and resource extraction
Forced labour provided by the German population

If we did that we wouldn’t have been able to loot everything they ever invented, anll their machinery and force their children into slavery. Our precision extraction of all value from the region is unmatched by any country in history. The funny thing is we and the Brits were _probably_ guilty of the same crimes but I guess no one will ever know hahahahaha

It’s unfortunate we squandered our opportunity and saved the very people who would orchestrate our own downfall under the same circumstances
Your country started brexit to get closer to countries like US, Japan, Australia, etc. Let's just say maybe it's not in your best interest to be a cunt to Americans like me on the internet, little faggot. Now don't you have some muslim cock to suck?
I don't care about your cope I just want every American forcibly deported from Europe and all your military installations here destroyed forever.
>Why does a a clusterfuck of 350 million random retards change its mind so much?
This is you, and you worship people who hate you no matter what you do.
What is with Americans actually thinking democracy is real, even the so-called radical right or radical left? They even think that political revolution means voting lol
Is that why you left the EU?
Little faggot. I'm glad Germany bombed you in WW2. Now pay back those loans.
I think you meant to respond to someone else.
>forced us to import
Nope. You could have closed your borders to the migrants but you didn't. That's on you. But I guess someone has to fuck those disgusting old whores and wives right?
We voted for it to stop mass immigration, and nothing else. Don't tell me about my country's politics. America is the ultimate and true final enemy of Britain and the entity responsible for our destruction.
I agree. If you weren't born here. GTFO!
They're mad that we still occupy their territory and blew up their pipeline and then blamed it on Russia but never bothered to investigate it.
It's kinda funny how impotently mad they get.
Oh excuse me
>A clusterfuck of 350 million random retards who hate one another
You are literally even more of a US vassal state then you ever were pre-brexit.
Suck my cock you little mutt. In fact the US wanted you to stay in the EU to curb russian influence but you didn't fucking listen. You made your own economic bed now lie in it and enjoy the muslim cocks you eat for breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner, and at bedtime.
We know that you're happy when we're destroyed. That's why you're our enemy.
I don't worship anything faggot. I'm talking common sense, a lost art here.
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Exactly same shit Jews are pushing in Europe.

But the important thing to understand is that the unholy alliance of shabbos goys UK+USA and the Judeo-Bolshevik USSR which is what sent us to the doomed timeline.

Hitler tried to save Europe from the Jews, but you didn't let them.
Churchill was the main traitor that sold the future of his own kind to the Jewish bankers in City of London, but shabbos goy Poland instigated the war and USA joined in the carnage that ended up with 100 million Whites dead, all that the Jew can subvert our nations and culture and destroy our race.

It's high time the so-called "Allies" acknowledge their crimes against humanity.
People must be made to know that Nazis were the good guys and Holohoax was nothing but Jewish fiction, not a single piece of proof exists of it except Jewish stories and some fake chimneys that Judeo-Bolshevik Red Army built.
Cry loser
You're literally the epitome of the anglocuck all the germans here were telling me about. All your ancestors with nuts left to the US now you're just inbred fucks with bad teeth who love muslims.
Ive had to deal with others before you, my apologies. You have youre answer though, being confused is the entire point.
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>Now pay back those loans.

When the mass deportations occur guess where the deported are headed for next *giggles*
I've been talking to many of them in the /ptg/ and I've been astonished and overwhelmed by how thoroughly retarded and brainwashed most Americans are.
The rest is true and none of us like that it happened
>forced us to import millions of shitskin turks
is not true however, you guys were chomping at the bit to do that all on your own.
Yeah, 30% of 350 million is still a lot, and you have autism.
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The Jewish people are on the path to destroy the European races in Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand.
A Jew is safe to do whatever horrible financial schemes they want in a non-homogenous society.
When enough people realize this, they will be expelled. Again.
Think about it, at least 1030 expulsions, from all kinds of different civilizations, spanning at least 3000 years, almost the entirety of recorded human history.
Yet their people still have the hubris to think that none of it was ever their fault, it was always the other people.
They never change, they never try to effect positively to the host nations they install themselves as parasites, they only look to leech, subvert, lie, cheat and deceive.
They always deflect, twist and rationalize, when they cause conflict everywhere they go, nothing is ever their fault.
They never do honest work, they always vye for money and power instead.
For such a small amount of people, they sure have done a lot of destruction in the world

What is exactly the mental illness that makes them think that their people never did anything wrong?
Why they never think what leads to the situation of a whole race getting expelled from its' host nation?
A bunch of honest hard workers beneficial to the nation would never get kicked out, why would they.
Why can't they change? Over 3000 years of history proves that they can't.


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It's fine, I just hate those D&C shit posted here all the time. Never go against your tribe. We can quarrel, but we can never let ourselves be divided to the point of war again. We did that already and it resulted in two gargantuan wars and jewish supremacy in the aftermath.
Always ask yourself: Who profits when Americans and Europeans lob bombs at each other?
Like Native American?
>invade country
>take over their political system
>run them as a vassal
>re-write their constitution
>put people in charge that you prefer
>Germany starts doing retarded shit like importing turks
>brainwashed clueless obese retard Americans like you think your country has nothing to do with it whatsoever
This is why we hate you, Amerimutt. You run an empire and pretend that you don't.
this is a lie, amerimutts didn't point guns at you and say you fuck you die, you did it urself you can't have workers with kids, you didn't have kids you imported turks, and became pro gay.
There shouldn't be in America :^3

Also, Hispanics discovered Australia and New Zealand in 1526 AD.
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>>invade country
I hate the anglos...
>amerimutts didn't point guns at you and say you fuck you die
Many Americans slaughtered the surrendering German camp guards at Dachau.
Every single election has been rigged.
Every single one of them.
Every country.
There's no exception.
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You weren't supposed to point that out mexicanbro
Also I would take 1 million hispanic immigrants (Christian culture) over a single muslim like europe loves lol
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>Why are the Germans so anti-American nowadays?
There aren't any Germans left in Germany they're all turkroaches niggers or dune coons.
Yeah, I talked to a german earlier about that. We argue with eachother because the results are either the smartest shit ever or the funniest shit ever. Some of these are clearly organized and motivated if you know what i mean. We have faggots doing the same here to them. I only push the "they hate us no matter what" because im tired of the undignified euro worship and so are the euros.
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It's not like Jews aren't raping your continent too.
White America is soon just a distant memory.
After you are replaced the history will be rewritten by Jews and their brown pets.
Oh, you thought Isac Newton invented calculus? No, it was Prishna Rajeeshajeetpooinloo. Beethoven wrote the fifth symphony? No,no, it was Jaquuesha Wewuzwhitezowitz.
Luffy is Hispanic and the Tenryubito are the Anglos. READ MY POSTS.
1920s 1930s pushing for massive amounts of Jewish refugees from eastern Europe.

Hitler straight up said if you bankers etc keep doing it he would make jewery will disappear from Europe.
Excuse me, sir, this is between real anglo and germanic nations. Please go wait in the sheep room.
Guess who conquered Germany and installed their government and political class

Hint: it was the Amerimutt empire
Because they are all philosemetic anti fascists.
No I dont give a shit if Nazis ripped your grandparents to pieces they where the objectively correct authority in all of history, if your loved ones got hit on purpose they deserved it.
It's cope. They have an inferiority complex.
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You are confusing Ancient Meds with today’s AhMEDs(semite border jumpers).

What you American brown don't understand that original Hispanics aka Spaniards were and still are WHITE.
Sure there are some half-caste mutts in Southern Spain and Italian Sicily because of the Moor conquests, every brown Med is simply a Moorish rape baby, and the Moors were muslim Niggers. Reconquista of the lands did not exterminate all of them.

Pic related is what Mediterraneans looked like in the past, just like all the White people in North Italy / North Spain, places you clearly have never been in.

And the cholo Mexican that is an unholy mutt of Spaniard-Moor-Aztec-Negro, is not "Hispanic" at all, you have more nigger, indio and sandnigger blood in you than Spanish blood.

Literally we wuz spaniards tier
Europeans and blaming Americans for their sorrows name a more iconic duo
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You are a Jewish nation.
The fact that you still don't see it and destroy your overlords is what has doomed the entire world and the future of the White race.
You are who put the Jews in charge and it's because of you the Jews can flood Europe with shitskins.

Maybe you shouldn't have stopped Hitler from saving Europe then, you fucking kike rat.
What a kike you are
why would an American care about this?
Shut up Mongol Germans declared first
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The Hispanic Empire NEVER had that, they invited all the male incas (royalty) to racemix with the Spanish royalty, stop trying to SLANDER BLOOD LIBELS against Hispanics.


US was supplying UK with arms for years before that.
Because you killed 6 million of my people
Technically Britian did. You're jewish
Hoax. Holohoax "expert" admitted there were no reports of le gas chambers. Where are the blue stained bodies, faggot?
Germans were the same people who literally begged and grovelled at our feet to be let into the US and sided with abolitionists to free niggers during the Civil War. It stems from an inferiority complex that the so called aryan master race got their shit kicked in by us TWICE and are now our vessel, so they cope by spewing the usual muh US has no culture and history blah blah.
You missed suck my cock
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>No one thought that Europe was benign flooded by shitskins up until the 2010s
It all started in the 1960s with the (((civil rights movement))) in the USA that was exported to all the White countries to destroy the White race to make room for Jews and their non-white pets.

The Jews have simply started to pick up the pace here because we weren't being replaced fast enough.

Preventing Hitler from saving the future and taking part in the genocide of the White race is the worst crime against your own kind that you've ever done, crime on an existential level.

Kike-sucking Anglos must answer for their crimes.
germans are anti human, literal suicidal cultists.
You ruined Germany with your jewish attempt to be the (((mercantile))) middleman powerbroker between east and west while stealing as much shit as you could from your neighbours. Now you're impoverished, alone, friendless and fractured as if your natural state.
>zero self awareness
the mutt mind is truly a mystery
Butthurt belt strikes again. If its not Russia its the US
How can you blame Americans though when Eurocucks were consistently more left wing?
All the Germans with balls died in WW2, fought for the other side, or immigrated the fuck out of there. The dudes they have left are pathetic and would be beaten mercilessly for fun by their ancestors from as recently as 120 years ago.
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>All the Germans with balls
went to Hispanicamerica and racemixed
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Yeah the fact that you're nigger-indio-mutts is why you aren't fit anymore in White societies and why the Top 50 cities by homicides list is almost entirely Choloan, only a couple of the most nigger-infested cities in USA fit on the list.

Notable is that there is not a single Spanish city on that list.
Spain is actually beautiful and Spaniards are very decent and peaceful people.
It is the nigger-mutts that are the worst people and the nigger-indio-mutts of Americas are literally the worst of the worst, you are worse than actual niggers.
No one else is such abhorrent subhuman criminals like you are, hacking a family to death limb by limb while his father is watching because the father happened to be a good person that tried to resist against the subhuman cartels.
Nowhere on Earth can be found such crime as you subhumans do.
If you really think German men give a fuck who they impregnate, you’re so far removed from your roots that you can’t even have this conversation. The men who spread their seed among the lesser races are doing humanity a favor. The problem is in forming families with these people and adopting their customs, which some have done, but many have not. If you don’t know these people or aren’t aware of them, you need to do some research.
>Muh anglos
Hitler was a spergy faggot who destroyed half of Europe and plunged the globe into a war due to his delusions of grandeur and narcissism. I'm not the one to support war but the Germans are the Anglos bitch and history proves it.
>Civil Rights Movement
That wasnt an american specific thing, the whole world was bound to have some version of that given how much immigration was speeding up post WW2.
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How the fuck are you this illiterate, did you not read the pic rel?
The problem is not muttland per-se, the problem is JEWS. ALWAYS HAVE BEEN.
And you are the land that conceded all the power to the international Jewry.
It doesn't matter where the Jew is physically located, you doomed the White race by stopping Hitler from saving Europe and saving the world from the Jews.
germans dont hate anglos as much as ruskis, but i dont think they like them much either
While I’m here, I’d also like to point out how weird it is how all of these people who claim to love “white people” do nothing but bash “white people” and argue with one another. I wonder who taught them to do that?
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The average person will think all races are born equal.
They might not even consciously understand that the niggers are the problem, they just think there is too much "crime".
You maybe don't really understand how fundamentally indoctrinated most of NPCs are after lifetime of watching jewish propaganda and lies like 'all races are equal' 'jews are the good guys' 'nazis are evil' etc.
Lot of people really don't seem to have any pattern recognition skills and can't even link the increased crime to increased immigration.
Especially if the jewish media keeps saying the immigration is actually not the cause, it's "oppression" or whatever.
And NPC buy whatever the media say.
That's why it was the second most important thing for jews to take over, after they took the banks (including the central banks), their next target was the media.
Every dictator in the world knows control of media is important.
Why do you think when a coup happens in some banana republic the first place the soldiers go is the TV station, and the second is the presidential palace.

The electric Jew is the reason why the sheep NPCs are pro-left pro-racemix anti-white in the first place.


"Left" or "Right" does not matter when they both are kosher and the Jew dictates agenda and policy either way.
It’s okay. They don’t get it and chances are they never will. Just stay strong and take care of your family.
Yea…we did. All of the negrification you see today in Europe was implemented by the USA.
Every single germutt is a russian rape baby. Your great grandmothers were getting their tight little cunts reamed out by mongolians and turkmen and that not even counting your women's obsession with arabic semen
There is no such thing as "white people" like we were told. And even if there were the whole racial brotherhood and unity is a cope as we have our own personal interests which will always come in way.
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>Hitler was a spergy faggot who destroyed half of Europe and plunged the globe into a war
You fucking kike rat he did not. The Jewish bankers wanted to destroy Germany because it tried to extricate the (((international financier))).
Churchill himself has admitted to this.

If you're not a kike yourself, you are so full of Jewish-American propaganda that you have a complete twisted reality in your head.
You probably think that Holocaust was real too?

Hitler Did Not Want War 1/4

Hitler Did Not Want War 2/4

Hitler Did Not Want War 3/4

Hitler Did Not Want War 4/4
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>Civil Rights Movement
>Wasn't an (((American))) specific thing
Yeah, sure. Fuck off kike.
Real Germans don’t lose. We relocate and rebuild. Pathetic fucking rape babies.
Germany literally benefited off corporate backers and would have fallen apart if it werent for their funds. If Hitler was that much of a danger then they would have assassinated or jailed him back in the 1920s, political solutions are a cope.
White and black are just slang in this country. They’ve never meant anything.
you spend last 20 years online screaming nazi at everyone, including germans, if they like themselves, if they against invasion of their countries.
Idk why do you think? You spend 20 years peddling race hate against europeans, entire internet is echochamber of anti european race hate and screaming nazi at everyone.
>why don't europeans and germans like americans much anymore
Fucking retard stfu :D that's all anyone wants to hear from americans at this point. NOTHING.
That image is literally a collage of examples of a Russian military practice called "Dadnovichna" where new recruits are basically hazed and tortured throughout their inscription, pretty brutal stuff, some recruits have even died from the shit the older recruits make them go through and are hardly punished as a result. A lot of them either die from their injuries or from starvation/dehydration since a lot of times the older recruits steal all the food and money the newer recruits receive from their relatives. There was one case in particular where a recruit was beaten so badly he suffered from internal bleeding, the doctors just told him to tough it out and after a couple more days he ended up in the emergency room where they had to amputate his arms and legs, the dad ended up suing but I doubt justice waa served. And yes, rape happens constantly in the Russian military, like actual rape, needless to say morale is pretty low in the Russian military, it should be pretty worse by now considering they're letting actual sociopathic criminals into the military due to the draft.
Especially when you look at how different groups of so called white people act by region and city. As for Blacks, a nigerian and black american descendant of slaves have nil in common bar skin color.
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Because America is a force for unmitigated evil and despair unless you’re jewish or a selected token bipoc.
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The (((civil rights movement))) was then used as a justification for destroying White policies around the world like White America policy and White Australia policy, installing Non-White replacement policies like the Hart-Celler Act >>474777181 .

The negroification of the world, the destruction of White homelands all stem from Jewish ideology.
Again, preventing Hitler from saving the world from the Jews is the decisive turning point, everything else is just downstream from that.
The shabbos goys in UK and Polish governments have more to blame than the USA that was roped in too though.

None of this would have EVER happened in the Reich.
>White and black are just slang in this country. They’ve never meant anything.
Cause 'white' and 'brown' are denial of races, and americans always get everything wrong. You are a like retard version of actual people.
>There is no such thing as "white people" like we were told. And even if there were the whole racial brotherhood and unity is a cope as we have our own personal interests which will always come in way.
Europeans have great solidarity, friendship and respect for all the different european races, americans have none. Because you rat bastard shit for brain lardass monkeys who do nothing but fuck everything up for european peoples.
You come with your muh aryan garbage or nazi garbage or the 'white' and 'brown'
What is 'white' in USA north africa europe and middle east, then brown is everyone else.
That's fraud categories designed to obfuscate races. It's nonsense.
You bunch of liars who just make shit up. And everything you fucking do is spout race hate against europeans 24/7 and then wonder why the fuck europeans don't like americans much anymore.
Imagine being so sick in head aka american you sit and make up neo nazis online just to shit on germans and calling everyone nazi cause of trump faggot got elected and wanted to deport some illegal aliens and maybe make sure USA stayed around 50% euro.
Americans just retarded cockroaches screwing eachother over for cash whilst not knowing fuck all about anything, you all as big assholes as eachother. And your freetime hobby is screwing over europeans whilst trying to get everyone to hate them.
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They tried to assassinate Hitler several times, they just failed to do it.
You are dancing around deflecting like a fucking kike rat, post nose.
Nothing you say will change the fact that if the kikes were rooted out, they wouldn't be around to push multiculturalism to our White homelands.
The day will come that kikes like you will be made to answer for their crimes
No they're not
Least butthurt yuropoor
You’re right about promoting Nazi shit. That’s definitely degenerate. But not all Americans are the same and plenty of us have heritage too. Unlike a lot of these free loading faggots, my family (both sides) came here before the revolution and neither side ever left. We get lumped in with all of these dick riding retards while our cultural is made fun of, because people associate OUR SHIT (which is good btw) with them and their stupidity. There a massive gap between the contributions of the people who actually “built this” country and the people who just floated here on a fucking boat to escape a famine.
They don't care
Stop negotiating with terrorists and being a self hating traitor
>So you're saying Germany got butt raped by the "inferior" russians and Americans?
>So much for that germanoid superiority.
Americans are literally at this point due to 4chan, reddit and facebook and everything. That if you go as tourist to europe and you say you are american at a bar or something you get your fucking ass kicked.
You're welcome shitfaggot. You have no fucking ideas what checks you have written out for your ass of you and your family. But you going to find out i can promise you that.
Nobody give a tiniest fuck about free speech outside USA. Cause it's just excuse for you shittalking bastards to harass everyone.
As for ww2, this is a conflict in which euroeans should only have sympathy
And nazi controlled germany in this case was fighting soviet union 47x larger than germany.
All this 'muh inferior' muh 'superior' american crap dude. Everyone wants to literally MURDER EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN CITIZEN at this point and i'm not joking in the slightest. Indiscriminate massmurder of all american citizen no matter background sexual orientation or race.
Do not EVER go bankrupt or leave your fucking country. I'm telling you now. You will be abused so fucking harshly that they will write it in history books!
Your nigger stream trolls from USA being beaten up by japanese yakuza is just the beginning.

You so lunatic race haters you hate germans you hate everyone in europe. ANd nazism is just excuse, your excuse for satire irony jokes and shitposting is not going to work. You going to be nailed for everything you said on 4chan and social media in the future. EVERYTHING will be used against you in real life. I hope you have prepared your anus, and you and your family will be abused because of it.
I was talking about the women...
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Oh yeah the United Jews of Weimerica look so good today.
You do realize that the people who built that country, White Americans(=North/West Europeans) are going to be the minority in a just a generation, after the boomers die out, right?

There was absolutely nothing wrong in NSDAP Germany, in fact it was pretty much the ideal society, it's only kikes and non-whites who detest a White society for White people, that the browns and jews can't be a part of.
Said the faggot yuropoor hiding his shithole country flag.
>You’re right about promoting Nazi shit. That’s definitely degenerate.
european culture has nothing to do with nazism, european identity or being against mass immigration or anything like this has nothing to do with nazism. Only in your retarded heads. You have no culture you have nothing shut the fuck up and stop making it worse by your endless nonsense talking online.
You never know nothing, if you want to learn you should pay attention to what europeans do instead of shit on them 24/7.
Your american nonsense nobody can use for anything you just make shit up and live in fantasy world. And now due to internet we see what a colossal idiocy USA is, and free speech and free press and other nonsense american values. They are incompatible with truth and decent behaviour. Has nothing to do with european culture either to be a shittalking lying piece of shit that constantly spew anti european racism. Go fuck yourself nobody fucking likes you stupid americans anymore.
Nvm I just realized you're a brown Jewish pet, so of course your takes are 0 IQ.
Tell me one thing though, if your brown people and brown countries are so great, then WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU FLOCKING TO WHITE COUNTRIES TO SHIT THEM UP, HUH?
An anomaly, germans love America and everything american. If you ask any german how he feels about the pipeline, he will say "if america deemed in necessary to destroy our infrastructure, so be it, they must have a good reason". I'm telling you, it's like the Finns and the Sweded, treat them like shit and they'll love you for it.
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Kek joyless faggots cant help themselves. Look at this homo>>474780270
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What is wrong with Nazism?
It is definitely the most sane and grounded ideology there is.
Blood and Soil is what makes societies great, there is nothing as good and natural as a White + Christian ethnostate.
Why are you hiding behind a meme flag?
You a 'le nazis bad' kike?
Do you think Holocaust was real?
>Said the faggot yuropoor hiding his shithole country flag.
never leave your country, literally what you wrote now will be used against you IRL in 10-15 years
I hope you fucking ready you little shit. That's why i'm saying. NEVER LEAVE USA, and pray your retard country doesn't go bankrupt EVER so that you have to run somewhere else. Because europe is about the last place that americans have to go at this point after demonizing them non stop. PRobably fucking iran or afghanistan is more friendly towards general american at this point after the shit you retards pulled on internet and also just in general last 30 years. As soon as someone figure out you american citizen that moved and got citizenship in their country after what you roaches have done, they will fuck with you in all kinds of fucking ways. You little evil disgusting shits.
>What is wrong with Nazism?
>It is definitely the most sane and grounded ideology there is.
stfu ameritrash, it only exists on 4chan to demonize europeans LOL. It's the typical
>everything i don't like is nazism
and then they go larp as neo nazis on 4chan. TO try to say this is european identity this is european culture and this is what european nations or whatever is about.
Go try be a neo nazi you get your fucking skull rocked you little shit. This is made to help amerishit push mass immigraiton and anti european race hate. You belong in prison with your skull half smashed same as the american cockroaches trolls and other instigators.
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I cant fucking tell whats reality or satire anymore.
We literally built a nation from the ground up and became the most influential country on earth geo-politically and culturally within 2 centuries. Shut the fuck up and deal with the fact that your irrelevant shithole is nothing but a vassal of the US.
>Go fuck yourself nobody fucking likes you stupid americans anymore
No one cares about what the rest of the world thinks of us, envy is a very dangerous emotion to hold.
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You are a kike rat.
Euromutts aren't human. If you could just stop chimping out like niggers and killing everyone in your neighboring villages then America wouldn't have to step in and make the children play nice. But no, you decided to behave like the sandniggers you import since your cultures, values, and genetics are similar to them. Considering euromuslim christkikes harbored and protected jews for 2 millennia you niggerlovers deserve everything you get. Fuck europe and all you whiny, effeminate faggots. All your real men died in wars and the only european 'men' left are spiritual transexuals. keep up the seethe though, it's hilarious
>Blood and Soil is what makes societies great, there is nothing as good and natural as a White + Christian ethnostate.
All of this is american trash.
Europeans already have bloood and soil, it's about connecting european nations falsely to nazism. Europeans don't use 'white' either retard, or 'brown'. Finns are not same as spaniards or french but they all respect eachother races and countries.
You constantly try to falsely associate having a country for your race and culture mostly with nazism
FUCKING NOTHING TO DO WITH IT, anybody on any side of the conflict was an 'ethnostate' that was not what the war was even about it.
You will just lie till your retard mouth is shut, this is the fact of american shits. Is why they say free speech and free press so they can lie all the time. It belongs in a fucking fire, same with you.
And youre gay.
>but they all respect eachother races and countries.
Two world wars say otherwise, coward yurotrash
>lose 2 wars
>blame others

Fuck off.
>We literally built a nation from the ground up and became the most influential country on earth geo-politically and culturally within 2 centuries. Shut the fuck up and deal with the fact that your irrelevant shithole is nothing but a vassal of the US.
sabotaging europe, and being a country similiar size of all european nations have to share with more natural ressources and half population.
You have to be fucking retarded to fuck that up.
There's nothing special whatsoever about americans. Oh they sabotaged european nations in order to do it aswell.
NOBODY LIKES AMERICANS is why you leave your country at any point, yo ugo to a bar in some country and say you american. Don't be surprised if you get beer in your face and get beaten up, simply because you are american.
This is what is starting to be now.
You going to regret, on facebook, reddit, instagram, 4chan, youtube, etc. talking all this shit. Everything you ever said will be used against you personally IRL.
And four coalition wars.
well americans slaughtered german civilians wholesale in the 40s and then stationed themselves there permanently and proceeded to mind fuck them endlessly since with propaganda telling them they're the most evil monsters the world has ever seen while also being responsible for promoting LGBT and a number of other socially harmful poisonous things. why should they like americans?
I don’t think you’re really that upset with America. Let’s dig a little deeper and talk about what’s really bothering you.
yea cause an anglo had to push us there
get fucked winston
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>anybody on any side of the conflict was an 'ethnostate' that was not what the war was even about it.
Yeah, correct. And these ethnostates and races collectively referred as White Europeans is exactly what the Jew is trying to destroy.
It seems that there is not a single USA flag in this thread that is not a kike.
There is nothing wrong with Nazism and uniting with the other European races to build a Fortress Europa and kick out all the non-Europeans, strength is in numbers.
Nazism does not mean erasing our cultural differences and different traditions, it means preserving and embracing them.
Nazism is everything that the modern Jewish globohomo trannyism is not.

Again, why hide behind a meme flag and why are you claiming idiocy like 'le nazis bad' if you're not a kike?
>Muh ego
Yeah, thought thats all its ever about with you guys lmao.
>Two world wars say otherwise, coward yurotrash
you know noting about europeans you spend 100% of your time race hating them, is why you here either larping as neo nazi or shitting on the fake nazis as excuse to race hate.
the ww1 and ww2 was totally linked and were infact escalated and caused by USA. Because first ww1 started by britain declaring stupid war to hurt germany. Then USA join in and make it worse and make treaty precisely to create ww2 by sabotaging germany completely. And do nothing about soviet union.
And americans like.. it's irrelevant to even talk to americans only censorship and punch in face of all americans will do.
They will do nothing but spread anti european hate non stop till they are either killed silenced or beaten up.
You are the most disgusting trash on face of earth and then you wonder why europeans don't like you.
WHAT DO YOU DO other than spread anti european racism? NOTHING.
Fucking disgusting people, i hope everything in your country gets poisoned and you all fucking die. It'd be best thing that happened not only for european races and countries which are all nice and decent in every single way. But sabotaged by USA evil hand. But also best for entire world if USA literally went up in fucking flames and all its people indiscriminately all everyone 100% of all racial backgrounds with no exceptions that are US citizens, just fucking dissapeared just like that.
WOW it's like almost half paradise on earth instantly.
>year 248 of Yuros seething
Kek you fags have been the loudest and gayest voices in American politics for more than 200 years, get a grip, coming here acting like some sperg on Reddit getting personally buttflustered about what America plans to do with immigrants is some sort of win because they did it in a "le fucking Americans" post
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Time will come when you won't be able to deceive the White people to fight your fights for you.
Everyone knows you kike rats are weak and will not stand a chance against us once your true face is revealed.
1000+ expulsions, we'll just have to make sure we are not that kind the next time and make your last expulsion your final one.
This niggers writing a book kek. Whats with all the Euro blow ins up north going off what he says?
Most of them aren't German. They're faggot military douchebags stationed in Germany, especially here.
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Imagine being proud of getting circumcised by the Jews and being their shabbos goy killing your own brothers in their name.
That is the mindscape of an American Shabbos Goy.
>Yeah, thought thats all its ever about with you guys lmao.
see this dumb faggot can do nothing but race hate europeans. USA idiots always say they better than others, and blablabla. And infact nothing special about USA, it's half population of europe with like 300x more natural ressources. That's the 'miracle formula'.
And then you do nothing but sabotage the small nice european countries and racial people.
No american hate is REAL HATE, americans are truly hated. You truly are hated, there's no jokes, no such thing called bants, if you think this is interpreted as bants you are dead wrong. This will be used against you IRL nobody care what race you are if you african or mexican or whatever. The moment you leave your fucking country every country on planet going to turn into saudi arabia in terms of "you said this in a tweet in the past".
PREPARE YOUR ANUS if USA ever goes bankrupt. Don't consider expat if you talking this shit, should have kept your mouth shut.
Kek, youre not even white. Youre likely that churka that shits up the war general.
>esl seething
Yeah yeah, heard it before everything is America's fault and yet you still come here to shake your fist and type long winded rants at people you want nothing to do with. Bunch of battered women
America as a concept, a White nation for Northern and Western Europeans like the founding fathers intended is nothing bad.
The current America that is subverted by the Jews is a problem.

It's the Jews that have always been the enemy, not each other.
So yeah, when you dig a little deeper, the problem is not any single nation, it is a single race.
What is it with russians and gay sex? You mention it every five fucking seconds. You dont believe in anything other than you winning, these things you cry about are cope and an excuse for your own horrible behavior.
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I think there are more important things for you yuropoids to worry about than Americans on /pol/
Then again you guys are pussies so of course all you can do is cry about Americans all day. Pussy
Honestly, I just feel bad for them. I’d imagine it’s miserable being in some little cramped country, surrounded by a slew of equally retarded and dysfunctional neighbors. I’d probably hide behind a meme flag too. I mean, I don’t even know how to insult half of these people because they.. just don’t matter? Imagine your entire history being tied to something liked that. No cofounders of great empires, sailors, generals, just an endless slew of Eastern European gutter rats.

Sucks to suck, I guess.
>Jude calls somebody "German"
>Why Germans are anti-american!!!!!!
Because they're increasingly more shitskin "Germans"
This is an fsb raid kek.
They randomly brought up fucking other men, its slavs.
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Like already said, the problem is not Americans as a whole, it's the Jews and their shabbos goys.
And there are plenty of kike cock-sucking shabbos goys in America, those are the traitors who are a problem.
My European friend, I will never disagree with you about the Jew. No matter what differences we may have, they will always be our mutual enemy. You are absolutely correct.
And americans have fucked up, because almost all non european people HATE americans, now they have spent the last 30 years making europeans hate them too.
Well done, now 100% of world hates you, LOL.
You spend last 30 years declaring europeans the most evil people on face of earth and saying to other races it's okay to hurt them, destroy foreign relations between them and other countries.
And then you go talk to german
>i wonder why germans hate us
idk maybe cause you larp as a fucking neo nazi and call everyone nazis and bad. And nazis the most evil people in world, and germans most evil people in world and so on.
People who aren't german hates you for it, same as that stupid afro idiot from USA who go to japan troll people on train and get beaten up and kidnapped by yakuza and is now in prison camp in japan hahaha.
Americans really are disgusting.
And those who have individually done this, oh shit i don't want to be you in future OH SHIT DUDE, your life is fucking completely fucked so badly that you might aswell kys.
Yes your reddit posts, your 4chan posts screeching about lol europeans deserve to be invaded deserve be bad things etc.
100% of your social media and anything you did will be used against you irl when you visit those countries and people you have said it about. YOU READY FOR A LIFE OF PAIN? prepare yourself.
>Most of them aren't German. They're faggot military douchebags stationed in Germany, especially here.
Ofcourse vpns and flags for sure on 4chan are just international agitation.
But it's on every platform americans are disgusting. Nobody give tiniest fuck about your freedom of speech and free press anymore LOL you can take that american garbage and burn it somewhere like the fuckers burn american flag in american streets. Disgusting thing..
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>This is an fsb raid kek.
This is a JIDF raid.
Only 2% of Americans are kikes, yet 100% of USA flags in this thread are kikes.
Went from ass rape to civil war, like clockwork.
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You just changed course from seething against Nazis to that the kikes are the enemy?
What gives?
And now theyll hyper focus, theyll now begin telling me my own backstory.
Butthurt about getting steamrolled by us in every war and then getting occupied for decades.
i don't see any germans in your picture OP
>Yeah yeah, heard it before everything is America's fault and yet you still come here to shake your fist and type long winded rants at people you want nothing to do with. Bunch of battered women
you sit and spew anti european race hate 24/7 be it on 4chan or reddit its same thing anyways, be it facebook, youtube instagram whatever. You will be beaten up, your family and anyone you know and your relatives WILL be harassed 10-15 years from now when you go on your little tourist vacation. And heaven forbid you ever leave USA and decide to seek citizenship in another country LOL
You better hope and pray donald klompf can fix your country or joe biden or whoever HAHAHAHA.
You going to find out what REAL HATE feels like american. Because you are a monkey that provoke and is asking for an ass kicking and eventually you will get it.
And your fellow americans won't protect you when you go somewhere else.
You as individual.
Stop jerking off. As long as you need big daddy to swing his dick around, you’re not doing shit. I wish I could see your face in a year when Trump is punking whatever little pussy leader your country has. Squeezing his hand and towering over him, emasculating him. It’s representative of a lot of things, that symbolism. Be sure and tune in, I’m sure whatever shit hole news you follow will broadcast it a lot.
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Every Single Time
Swedes are fucked up too. I keep seeing them having tard rages about "fascism" on twitter this whole week.
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Every. Single. Time.
Spamming the thread when you two get called out isnt going to get people to listen, its just going to annoy them. Also make sure you appear early in the thread, not when people start getting along.
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From my point of view, the Nazis are losers, and losers should not be celebrated. They were strong, brave, they fought a good fight for a noble cause, but they failed. What comes next must be better, because we can’t afford to fail again. Whoever “we” even are in this context.
They always were dumbass
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Threads dead and hes still panicking to rush the bump limit lmao.

The Jew thrives on secularism and diversity because a tense, unidentified, and divided goyim are no longer a threat to the intensely unified and capable Jewish Horde
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Yeah unfortunately they were betrayed by their own.
Being superior form of society doesn't always mean victory.
The mongol hordes that raped almost all of Asia were nothing but yurt-dwelling horsemen that could rape and kill, they never could build anything or create a society that had any value.

Germans were strong though in war, but the combined efforts of three largest armies in the world of Judeo-Bolshevik USSR and Shabbos-Goy UK+USA simultaneously attacking from two fronts was too much.
And we have been in the bad timeline ever since.
Maybe we indeed will never get back to the good Nazi timeline again, people are too indoctrinated by Jewish propaganda into thinking Nazis were bad, and its possible that the White replacement will happen while they believe that fighting against it - joining the Nazis - is "evil" and "bad".
And then the history will be rewritten and all the achievements of the European peoples will be relegated to the Jews and browns. >>474778962
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Exactly. Most of the European peoples even believe that Holocaust was real, Nazis are the bad guys, Jews are good, etc.
I know most of USA /pol/tards aren't retards and they know the Nazis are and were the good guys, this thread was simply raided by the kikes.
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>updoots the kike before screencapping
Avi, you need to go back
That wasn't my screenshot, found it in /r/AmericaBad (a subreddit for documenting retards crying about America)
>he doesn't have separate rant accounts
This. Liberalism is how they get you. But it isn't really liberalism, it is isn't really true freedom (liberalism = liberation), is it? No, it's liberation from all that is good and enjoining all that is evil and deceitful.
>forced us to import millions of shitskin turks
Your greedy leaders got down on their knees and sucked off the same jewish bankers that make us import the same shitskins, but you're a kike with a German™ flag tapping away in a JIDF cubicle gleefully making the goyim fight. Just pointing out the rat and his ways for lurkers and newfags.
Only thing that comes to mind with that is shitty paradox mod man
FPBP death to america
That was good for Western Hispanic-Greco-Latino) Civilization
Trying to drag us down with you?
Don't you have some genocide to do in Gaza or Lebanon? Hypocrite cunts.
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*taps the sign of top 50 most violent cities on Earth* >>474782596

You Spanish-Moor-Aztec-Negro mutts are neither Hispanic or Greco. Both of them are White, and you are not.
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Every Single Time
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Pure Cohencidence.
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This anon gets it. Now please fuck off from Aviano, Ghedi and Naples
((( >>474791637 )))
> filename
That's Naples, Italy, not Germany.
This picture was taken during Hitler's visit in 1938
Least brown germanoid

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