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I was racking my brain for days about how good boy Stanford student ended up on that rooftop. He seemed like a nice guy. He had friends, he was funny. What could cause a person to flip like this? In the end anon gave a brilliant take. We know this sort of thing is happening, we know it has happened. We know that the government spent tens of millions experimenting on people, drugging them, torturing them, analyzing their behaviors and responses to trauma. They went on the record saying that they did some stuff, declassifying some small percentage of the work they hadn't destroyed. What is the fruit of their work? How was it used by intelligence agencies in the decades to come?
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Was he on SSRI's and his brain halves haven't connected.
Congratulations, you finally figured it out. These satanic Zionists groom their targets (MKUltra tactics) into implicating themselves with illegal materials (mostly pedophilia) so they can then control them and use them at their own will. They also all blackmail eachother at the highest levels as well to ensure ingroup loyalty.
True. Epstein island, Weiner's laptop. You gotta put some skin in the game if you wanna play. That could mean sucking dick on camera if you're just trying to be a famous twitter guru, or raping children on camera if you're trying to be the POTUS. Someone is holding onto this dirt, but as you say they probably all keep stuff like this on each other. I have to wonder if Hunter's laptop was serving such a purpose, although it wouldn't make much sense to hang on to the damning evidence on yourself.
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Hellraiser 2022 soft disclosure:
The protagonist finds herself convinced that she must kill her best friends. Can you blame her, given that she was compelled by literal demons threatening to drag her to hell otherwise? But the important thing to note is that every encounter with these demons by ANYONE in the movie is preceded by an event through which a psychoactive drug could be administered. They are either cut by a mysterious object, or they take some pills that their better judgement told them to avoid. Turns out the protagonist's boyfriend is an insider in these events, and is acting as her handler the whole time. Also notable is the text on the side of his van.
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>I was racking my brain
Really? It's a no brainer.
A Beautiful Mind is a hit piece against the credibility of John Nash, attributing troubling events of his life to schizophrenia, but I'll tell you what really happened. I'm not speculating either, you can look all this up:

Nash was a talented young mathematician who went to work for a military think tank at RAND out of college at the same time that the MKULTRA program was using private entities and front organizations for experiments involving administering psychedelic drugs to "unwitting subjects". Most of the MKULTRA records were destroyed, but, funny enough, the ones that were declassified list RAND as one of their cooperating private entities.

So Nash was working for a military think tank at an institute that was being used by MKULTRA. Over time he starts acting erratic, paranoid, and obsessed with the state of Israel and crypto-zionist conspiracies. Eventually he is institutionalized for "paranoid schizophrenia" after being busted for homosexual solicitation in public.
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pt 2
After his arrest, Nash was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia and was institutionalized on and off for 10 years. Eventually his schizophrenia disappeared and he went on to have a successful career. Sylvia Nasar, daughter of a CIA agent, wrote an unapproved biography documenting Nash's mental decline, which was later used as the basis for a Hollywood movie that basically solidifies the narrative of Nash's schizophrenia.

Now I speculate. It's not clear if MKULTRA was using psychedelic drugs simply to play with Nash's sanity or even to make him gay, but I suspect he was being groomed for a broader operation wherein powerful men are seduced into the global satanic blackmail cult.

Note that the CIA didn't have to kill Nash to neutralize him, in fact his death might've raised suspicion. It was safer to totally discredit Nash's sanity, which was easy to do with all the powers of military and mass media at their disposal. What could Nash have done in the face of such a Beast?
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The Jacket is yet another movie about a veteran being used for mind control experiments. True to MKULTRA techniques, the experiments in The Jacket involve torture and drugs to break the mind of protagonist Jack Starks. In practice, the type of subject is very important, and part of the expertise of those who plan such operations is accurate profiling to select men who are most susceptible to particular types of programming. For example, if you wanted to turn a subject into a gay or pedophilic mind slave, you would start with a low-testosterone autistic man, a man not unlike Jack Starks who ultimately falls in love with a little girl during his out-of-body trips.

"Mind control": The main point of coercing a subject down the path of moral corruption is simply to be able to blackmail them and use them as an asset. Make no mistake, Satan is powerless. He uses our own sin to entrap us, and it is our appetite for corruption that gives power to the Beast. Cleanse yourself and demons will flee from you.
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Jacob's Ladder (2019) is an interesting MKULTRA disclosure flick. It goes in depth on how the military uses veterans for psychedelic mind control experiments. Jacob is a doctor whose brother Isaac died in combat, as far as he knows, but a veteran claiming to have served with Isaac says that he is still alive. The veteran says that there's an underground community of veterans who are being killed off. At the suggestion of involving the cops, the veteran says they're in on it. Shortly after, he is killed, and when Jacob goes to the cops they assure him that no murder ever occurred.

Jacob indeed finds his brother alive, drugged up and living in an underground facility run by faceless thugs. He later recalls that he was told his brother died en route to Germany, that he must've been shown an empty coffin.
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There is an elusive drug being distributed to veterans in the movie. Shortly after we see the hospital pharmacist offering to give veterans under-the-table help, a veteran collapses into convulsions in the waiting room, dropping a vial on the ground.

When Jacob finds a similar vial on his brother, he goes to the pharmacist to find out what it is and learns that the government has been using this experimental drug for treating PTSD despite its hallucinogenic "side effects". The clincher is that the pharmacist, Hoffman, is apparently named after the inventor of LSD. As Jacob is leaving, Hoffman takes the vial that Jacob brought and advises him to be careful who he talks to. Later Hoffman sets Jacob up to be killed. When Jacob goes back to Hoffman's lab, he finds it empty.
found some great reading on deprogramwiki as well as monarchy mind control blog

ton of info about the evolution of these practices, how they split the brain, personalities, insert alters
The movie portrays the extent to which the military goes to hide their involvement in such operations, outsourcing them to private institutions and individuals. This tactic has been known since the MKULTRA documents were released back in the 70s (the ones that weren't destroyed at least). Part of what they were doing was to work with private businesses to do tests on unwitting subjects. Additionally they were ramping up their own private front businesses that could bring in off-the-books funding for off-the-books research. So the CIA was creating underground means of doing inhumane research on people way back then, even starting front organizations that look like normal businesses and institutions. Imagine where those operations would be today, 50 years later. When the MKULTRA program ended, do you think they just shut down all of these operations that nobody even knew about? Even if they really wanted to, odds are that at least some of those self-sufficient front organizations would "escape" and continue on independently and off the radar.

Sometimes the runaway nature of an MKULTRA operation is intentional. Part of what the CIA did/does is to take individuals, use psychedelic drugs to mentally and spiritually break them, then release them back into society and see what happens. Sometimes the person they release into society has been groomed to perform the same mind-break techniques on others, and to carry out their own experiments on random citizens (Charles Manson was probably an example of this). This keeps the CIA isolated from all liability, and of course they can always swoop in later to cleanup and coverup if things get messy, such as when The Finders cult in DC was caught trafficking children for sex and the FBI was told to turn over their investigation of what was termed, in the FBI's official report, as "a CIA internal matter".
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Consider Leonard Lake and Charles Ng as an example that has not yet been associated with these operations. Lake and Ng were both in the marines. Lake develops schizophrenia WHILE SERVING, and is discharged. Somehow he teams up with another former marine to torture and kill people, but here's the weird part: They take notes and recordings of their torture experiments, and after being arrested Lake commits suicide by swallowing a cyanide capsule. When you look at this case, it has all the tell-tale signs of a military mind control operation carried out "in the wild".
all that stuff is psychological bullshit. psychology is bullshit. people are unconscious animals. they respond to pain and pleasure. make them think you are a god and they will do whatever you want. make them ashamed and they will do anything to hide it. THIS was the ultimate finding of MKULTRA. all the other explanations are MKULTRA ops designed to muddy the waters and make people think the process is a lot more mysterious than it actually is.
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The scene where we learn that a sacrifice is necessary...
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Whoever made these movies seems to be outlining their mystical theory of what the antichrist's purpose is. It is a prophecy of the one with horns who is to be crowned, depicted in the attached pic, along with the date of the required sacrifice.

Why do they require a sacrifice? Short version is that this cabaal worships an ancient fertility god who requires sacrifice, a holocaust if you will (from the Greek word for whole burnt offering). The WTC attacks were such a ritual sacrifice, meant to usher in evil. We saw another such sacrifice in the burning of the nightclub at which George Floyd and Derek Chauvin both worked, preempting the violent riots that occurred in every major city later that year. I think these rituals are supposed to ensure the success of something that comes after.

They are bound by some Law, or believe that they are, or at least they want us to think so, for whatever reason.
You know you can't bump your own thread, right? Anyway, have a bump.
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Just FIRESIGN shit courtesy of the Benenson Strategy Group
I wasn't sure. This site wasn't quite so gay last time I frequented here. also
>no audio in attached files
wtf pretty sure i downloaded the file from here a few years ago
lllolll sodomy will ruin your mind and ruin your ass. thus ruining your ability to think and your ability to survive. now mix drugs like ghb, ketamine, and lsd into the mix.

i wouldn't say it's completely wrong and you can read into it as much as you want. but satanic ritual abuse is exactly what you said

you'd be a fool to think that aren't ppl with nano tech in their bodies getting microwaved now
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Always gay. Keep going - this is the only worthwhile thread tonight. Some people want to discuss the reality of the world, not the theater of "politics."

Most mystery schools lift the veil of cause and effect. The name of the game is influecing the masses into a "free will" choice to self-subjugate.
>all you have to do is what we say and we'll only leak it after we shoot you in the face
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>Kay Griggs
>"the military had found that gay people are easier to manipulate"
>wtf pretty sure i downloaded the file from here a few years ago
You either downloaded it via /gif/, /wsg/, a link to a filehost like catbox, or from before luggagelad disabled sound on .webms when it was first implemented
>all you have to do is what we say
>you might die but at least your parents will never know what videos you where watching
dont ask dont tell satan took your ass and raped your mind
>Take a potshot at Biden or we leak your sadpanda favorites.
there's really only one mystery school and it's that of forbidden knowledge, luciferian gnostic satanism

the cult just changes its name every time since the fall of man in the garden

whether it be masonry, rosicrucianism (rising christ aka fake and gay sorcery), hermeticism (satan stuck around and erected pillars of knowledge admits the flood)

thats the half truth

satan = lucifer = baphomet = hermes / aphrodite

since when did they start calling people trans and not hermaphrodite??? satan doesn't want souls to return to God in heaven. He wants to create split half souls by raping them in half and making hermaphrodites reproduce
>blackmail eachother at the highest levels as well to ensure ingroup loyalty.

eating the baby
how to stop a tranny:

step 1) ask them who did that to them

step 2) show them this picture and ask them difference between a trans person and a hermaphrodite
I could have saved him bros
the same way they teased july 13 at /x/ board /ng/ thread
>no motive,
this is true, but--he had a little child trafficking business going out of the Philippines. His FBI handler/rube wife--

But I agree, same MO.

Dude gets lured into "make big bucks delivering these arms to Saudis" so he goes...stays in Four Seasons owned by Al Waleed and Gates.

Helicopters from Nellis come in--drop team on roof, start cover fire (3) some of the team breaches Paddock's room, shoots him dead immediately.

Other teams sweep other hotels looking for MBS. Helicopters lay down cover fire, windows get broken out, cover story (they didn't find MBS) mass shooting commences. Some of the other hotel search team shoot from ground. Confusion reins.

Shoot Paddock with his 38 to claim suicide (forgetting his long dried blood which the 38 casings land on top of.

Team exits back to roof, rapels down dark side of building. Helicopter skid lands, team jumps on board, and all 3 copers head back to Nellis mission fail.

Later "Paddock had explosives in his car" and his wife mysteriously poofs and no another word was said.

MBS goes back to Saudi and mass arrests family members including al Waleed who had to give billions back for his freedom but only after being hung by his toes for a long time. Arms dealer "journalis" Kashogi was caught in ?istan, turkey? and sliced and diced into tiny pieces for his role in the attempted assassination.

American pilots, MOSSAD, American and Saudi team.
Pedo Grady Lewis became the "charges dropped if you..." eye witness to groomed shooter Payton Grandon's Buffalo shooting.
Grady did such a bad job on his first interview the reporter was heard coaching him on what to say. They did a redux interview at night where he did better.
>the study of the most important organ in your body and the origin of thought is bullshit

Come on now.
M-K -U-L- T-R- A was over 60 years ago. The shit these traitors have now is beyond untold horrors
They've graduated from MKUltra.
Everything about the Paddock and Saudis may be true. The OP pic is just explaining why Paddock decided to get his hands dirty in the first place.
>over 60 years ago
sure they said it was over... that was after they had created a ton of cover ops to carry on the work. that is, actual businesses and institutes that were offshoots of MKULTRA. Like literally if you look at the docs they did release, some of their subtasks pertain to establishing essentally side-hustles that earn off-the-books money for off-the-books projects. It never ended. Those businesses and institutes are still out there operating as they were designed to.
bullshit. you know the NPC meme is real. people generally don't think. they're programmed to act a particular way based largely on what they see on TV.
>fake and gay sorcery
I feel like this describes all of technology. It isn't fake but it is gay, as in the sort of man who makes a good scientist is also the sort of man who is gay. This connection isn't made in modern society because "gay" has been associated with buttsex rather than the mental and physical traits that make one susceptible to buttsex propaganda. The other sort of man could've wiped out the gay man long ago, ensuring that the strength always ruled over intelligence, but he kept the smart man around because he had some handy tricks. 100 thousand years later and here we are. The smart men have subjugated the strong men and created their gay-friendly world.
>Jacob's Ladder (2019) i
>Rosenthal director
>that dark cast
lol no thanks man
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Lurk >>>/x/ unironically
They were already dirty with the kiddie trafficking. That's why he went along with the "do this one gun deal and we'll let you off the hook" glownigger deal.
It is more insidious than woowoo mind control that normfags conjure up when they hear the term "mind control". It is much more subtle, it is transmutation of sorts. They can make people act or think a certain way by using techniques that we would call NLP or psychological manipulation (4th/5th gen warfare). To them they called it sorcery and magick, think of Rasputin as a more recent example.
Association is indeed powerful
>soft drink commercial
>"hey that soft drink looks good"
It's not that explicit but that is basically the way that all advertising works. Or at least it did in the past. Now they actually cram stuff into ads that makes people uncomfortable, for demoralization purposes I presume.
Official MKUltra ended 60 years ago. Multiple programs followed with CIA, DoD and private medial involvement. Use your imagination. If you think it’s just about programming assassins and assets, you aren’t considering how many different ways these tools can be used. Did Crooks experience some form of programming? Hard to say. If the material floating around is correct, I would say his personality was malleable and his actions could be easily influenced without programming.
As far as how close those movies are to reality…I don’t know. You aren’t dealing with a single method or a single programs.
This is Pandoras Box. The kind of thing that could turn an entire populace against its government overnight.
INTJ here, after the blackpill all that is left is our precious Christ Jesus. When you dig so deep into the sewer and find that it really is good vs evil, you make a choice. It's just a perk it makes jews and sodomites seethe. Salvation is easy, living the life is hard.
>Did Crooks experience some form of programming?
He watched TV, so yes. Everything is programming. I'm not referring to a procedure performed in a military lab (necessarily), rather just the sum of all our observations, as people are fundamentally imitators. Sure you can apply reward and punishment to influence how a person thinks about things, but you can also just show them a video of people interacting and they will internalize it as though it were real. As for Crooks, I like the pedo take and I do tend to believe that much of what the government would like us to think is "mind control" is actually just blackmail and trickery. Just look at how they control all the world leaders with people like Epstein. There's no magic there but they would certainly like us to think there is because it makes them seem omnipotent. Same with these alter/monarch/"mind control" myths.
I can't help but think that Jesus, like Buddha, was elevated to His status by governments that noticed "hey look how pacifist these people are. we can oppress the shit out of them and they just beg for more!"
Couple with that with the fact that Christianity is visibly a death cult whose members salivate over the thought of the world burning, and the fact that Jesus was known as the lightbringer and several other names common to Lucifer, it's really hard for me to think of Christianity as anything other than a psyop, at least in it's modern form. I mean, all of the above could be true despite Jesus bringing the true word of God, it just seems to have been used for evil from the beginning. I do enjoy reading the Bible and I pray in Jesus' name when I do pray, but I don't think I can be a true believer. I believe that is God's will, and I would not go against His will. He created me to seek out the darkness, and I ate from the tree and must die.

tried again that is insane. No matter how many times I tried on catbox I got the same damned link.,.. which always 404'd/

Here's a streamable link. it's only 25 seconds long.

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It's the opposite. Jesus empowers us to conquer evil. Evil people are easily controlled because they are slaves to their sin. Good people who humble themselves before God are not easy to control because they have been liberated from their sin. Humanity seeking out God is their biggest fear.
God did not create you to seek out darkness. He cries out for you to seek Him, and if you knock the door will be opened to you. I fully understand the place that you're coming from, but it will only lead you to ruin.
When you pray, dont pray in Jesus' name like its some kind of ritual. Truly pray to God and tell him what you're truly thinking, and he will lead you to the truth. He WILL show Himself to you.
Your attitude that you aren't worthy or were meant to be evil comes straight from Satan. Don't let it be who you are.
the eyebrows are totally different
Fall guy or they MK Ultra victim. Most 'mass shooters' are victims who get forced into it by glowniggers. You can tell because they always have a handler in the vicinity. Most 'terror' plots have been busted as being cooked up by the FBI themselves but they need a fall guy for plausible deniability.
Epstein operated just like that: Using pedophilia's taboo to control people after setting them up.

While strengthening said taboo mind you.
And the van is one letter away from mossad lmao
>flagged for violating community guidelines
it really is so much of a pain to use the internet these days that I hope more anons are dropping it for irl pursuits.
I don't think I am evil, just that my name is not written in the book of life. That being said, your words have reminded me of things I had forgotten, parts of my soul that have become dusty. God bless you friend.
Modern versions (see the research projects that came after) were commercialized and publicized after removing the name of it. You can find it everywhere now. Pretty sure they are already at least 2 generations in but none of the research has been officially released.
>if you try to kill yourself your family will find out, you need to keep your dark secret
>Adam Lanza...
adam literally shot his mom i don't think he cared if his family was disappointed in him. He also publicly stated his pedophilic thoughts in videos that he chose to not delete, despite deleting other content.
In an alternate timeline this guy would have been caught miles away and the news headline would be like any other of some crazy guy being caught with a gun miles away from some political event. (a surprisingly regular kind of event, there was even such an arrest very recently ahead of the Republican Convention iirc)
What none of you realize is that glowies and secret societies have the means of seeing the future. I dont know what enables this to be possible, Ive researched everything from alien technologies, often refered to as Project Looking Glass, to advanced AI computer simulations that run a mirror copy of the Earth and every person in it (Chris Carter, creator of the X-Files, known for soft disclosure and literally depicted 9/11 before it happened, had a cancelled TV show where a soldier stumbles into a military simulation with a copy of himself and everyone he knows in it, sound familiar?). Or maybe they've cracked remote viewing in a way no one else has (Minority Report may also have been a soft disclosure film)
The power of being able to predict even a few days/weeks ahead of time gives these groups the ultimate plausible deniability. They see someone like crooks getting caught in a failed plot. What can they do then? They can then capitalize on the event by using their resources to divert security in whatever little ways they can to change the future timeline to their preferred outcome. It may be that multiple different groups have this ability to see future timelines. Explains all these weird things you see like markets shorting stocks before a large event. They know it's coming and they don't even need to be in on a plot.
Luckily whatever this technology/method is, it isn't perfect. Otherwise it would become too obvious, but maybe they are simply responsible enough not to make it obvious. Either way, if everything is being staged Im convinced this is how they're doing it.
It's either schizo-tier recklessness or it's the other way around, meant to torment some schizo like me who will read into things. It's a manipulation either way, but those are the options. No way those letters just accidentally ended up there.
Ty for the interesting read
They believe in polytheism rather than monotheism. Satanism is an umbrella term meant to mislead because it implies they worship a singular force.

History is fake and gay so too are the theological records. However via things like Project Stargate even the glowniggers themselves admit shit like astral projection is real. Meaning you can use it to confirm spiritual matters for yourself should you be willing to personally take the risk.
just to note, "normal" remote viewers and people like Cliff High who use techniques much more primitive than what the glowies must have access to, also were able to predict something would go down in the middle of july
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Pedophilia confirmed then.
Case closed.
I watched the anime Banana Fish a couple of years ago. The source manga is definitely older than that movie but there seems to be a lot of overlap in the two plots.
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Look at the pic. You are a spook and you have damning search history and chat logs for this person. What do you tell him to make him do whatever you want? Perhaps this particular person cared more about not being raped in federal prison than about his mom's life. Maybe he didn't care much for his mom in the first place, and knowing that would be important. Maybe he was told to kill his mom to fill in some holes in the resulting story.

Oh wait we're talking about Sandy Hook...You know, I never even needed an explanation for that. I just assumed it was all fake once all the evidence came out. But if the pedophilia pattern rings true then I find the Pedophile Blackmailed Assassins take to be very compelling.
kek same old same old
that's pretty obviously not him but i don't care because it's impossible to disprove so I'm going to use it against the lying trannies that are saying that the "Thomas Crooks" that donated to actblue was a 69 year old guy and wasn't the shooter
Kay Griggs bless her is an awesome source but the guy filming her at the time (whose off-camera voice is audible) didn't seem to realise it
>However via things like Project Stargate even the glowniggers themselves admit shit like astral projection is real. Meaning you can use it to confirm spiritual matters for yourself should you be willing to personally take the risk.
I don't think that's actually true. I suspect that they were drugging their remote viewers during their trips. The point of the operation was to see if someone could be made to believe that they have psychic powers, and of course they succeeded. The point is to convince someone that all science and even their direct observation of the world is false, and that there is more to it than meets the idea. Once you've done that, you could pretty much do anything. You could convince someone that the world is run by a psychic mice who have suppressed our innate psychic powers, and the only way to liberate humanity is to assassinate so and so.

>They believe in polytheism rather than monotheism.
I do too but it's really a matter of semantics. What is a "god"? If God has 2 hands then there appear to be 2 gods when there's actually just one. Plus Christianity has a pantheon, only Christians for some reason are hostile to its identification as such and insist that this hand and that hand and this foot all belong to one God. That may very well be true but it's too reductive. Polytheism is useful because God does sometimes show a different face to different people in different situations. I find that keeping these personalities separate results in less cognitive dissonance.
Thanks for the recommendation
It's what self-described ex mossad mind control expert and Hollywood handler did to Kanye and Ellen Page and most of his clients. 1/2
Aaron Carter was murdered by Pasternak due to Carter threatening to expose the sexual abuse from Lou Pearman. Pasternak used psychadelics on Kanye. His client list reads like a who's who of fucked up dead, suicided or otherwise mind controlled.

P Diddy was doing the Epstein thing for the Nog rappers. So was Hugh Hefner, al Waleed (his wonderland mansion was wired stem to stern with cameras). Scientology is also another arm..the world's largest longest running mind control experiment on regular people.

They deleted Harleys' JEW from his WIKI and he's been memory holed now.
Fascinating and something to look in to. Thank you
>In the end anon gave a brilliant take
That was you, faggot. You screenshotted your own failed thread and reposted it pretending to be someone else who is posting some "geniuses" take, lol. LMAO even. that is beyond the most desperate cringe attention whoring need for validation ive seen in a long time.

>He could have been a pedophile! No evidence and pure speculation but wow! what a potential breakthrough!

Please excuse me while I die from cringe
maybe look at the original thread before saying dumb things
Asshole even gave an interview bragging about his mind control expertise.

Mac Miller and Brittany Murphy and Jew sex cult NXIVM the one Stormy Daniels joined and got branded like all the other girls--she tweeted in 2010--"I think I just joined a cult".

She did.
He used psychadelics which, if used improperly (IE without a well-trained medicine man/shaman) can open doors for the Shadow People...and this appears to have happened to Kanye.
What do you mean "someone"
We know it's Mossad, through the Epstein network, which is using it to route taxpayer money from the U.S to israel.
AIPAC has a website and a wikipedia page.
Its seems weird saying "it's them! Israel!" when
A. I don't even see US and Israel as separate countries at this point, more like former is a colony of the latter, and
B. They aren't related to the Israel from the Bible so it feels wrong to call then that.
Wasn’t this shit fake. Can I get a QRD.
The point of picrel (I posted this) is looking at a plausible mechanism of CONTROL beyond vague schizo voodoo.
MKULTRA/MONARCH slave programming





Really makes u tink
>Las Vegas Massacre
Oh yeah, the "single shooter" theory https://streamable.com/ut38du
1 post by this ID

EVERY FUCKING TIME. Try harder glowy we know it wasn't TMC on the roof
They are working overtime to scrub him from the narrative, everyone disuading people on the boards normally has 1 post by ID. Its just VERY sloppy work from the glowies
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>it was obviously the CIA!

...Okay, Ivan.
The joke is that the previous owner of the store is called Chuck so if you replace "Sneed" with "Chuck" you get "Chuck's Feed & Seed".
Good thread that has the potential to save lives. Thanks.
1 post by this ID again...

Glowies you lost go home
we're watching you, scum
The whole worlds watching you guys scramble like retards pushing out a new story every day of the week while 5 new damning angles leak your toast
....if i was retarded, the cia wouldn't have hired me retard
Yeah goy! Forget about the Blackrock connection guy! LOOK HERE!

Tic toc.
This post literally melted my face. Your team screwed up royally boy. Right now we should all be screaming about Iran right? That was the plan. Bombard the word of images and video of DJT head being blown to bits, combined with 'Guns are bad!'....'IRAN IRAN IRAN!'






Interesting if true.
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The right ear is the best way to tell.
I don't believe it is yearick
>So Nash was working for a military think tank at an institute that was being used by MKULTRA. Over time he starts acting erratic, paranoid, and obsessed with the state of Israel and crypto-zionist conspiracies. Eventually he is institutionalized for "paranoid schizophrenia" after being busted for homosexual solicitation in public.
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Of you aren't a pedophile you're transgender jewish niggerfaggot btw
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Pills or explain yourself more clearly. You sound schizo I don’t follow what you’re saying. It also looks like you replied to the wrong posts.
>This tactic has been known since the MKULTRA documents were released back in the 70s (the ones that weren't destroyed at least)
This is fucked up.
How many have ties to blackrock and or vanguard?
this troon came forward its not him you stupid nigger
If you dont understand what I just posted bruce then I do not know what to say to you apart from, suck it you glowing fuck! I hope a croc bits half your nose off. Why just half? So we can still tell your a jew! Bye bruce.
Fruit of work of Interscope and marxists like Trent Reznor and Lady Gaga is a lot of porn addicts and emos. Then we had gangsta rap. Etc etc
They can also just plant stuff on your computer.

If Trump decriminalized it, feds would run out of blackmail material. Simple as.
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Sam Hyde is a blackmailed pedophile but he'd only ever kill biological women (he pays to suck trannies off)
Found 1 connection.
>hen you look at this case, it has all the tell-tale signs of a military mind control operation carried out "in the wild".
His grandmother molested him.

His sacrifice is his mentally slow little brother.

His best friend/best man may have had a gay subtext

Claralyn Balazs was definitely in on it and should have gone to prison with Lake and Ng. If the meek Ng is forced to bear accountability for his actions in spite of being bullied by Lake, so should have Balzacs in spite of owning a white vagina.

If they murdered lots of women, why aren't the women named in the article like the men are? Was something unseemly about most of the female victims?.
>>"the military had found that gay people are easier to manipulate"
Because they were gay, or because they were engaging in an illegal activity? Does gayness being legal make them harder to manipulate now?
Retard, that's already been disproven. It's not him, just some ugly tranny with a similar Habsburb chin.
>reinventing the wheel
that post just regurgitated what lots of /pol/tards have told you. Is this your post that you are reposting? Yes they mkultra impressionable minds, retarded minds or blackmail degenerates. This has been reworded 100s of times since the inception of /pol/
>whos they
now thats a longer more complicated post
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>mk ultra mind control
Akira is really just the tale of kids getting messed up by the GATE program. Interesting how even the Japan must have an MKUltra equivalent.
Apparently it was headed by a scientist brought over as part of operation paperclip, yet wiki claims it was Sidney Gottlieb, who it claims was born in America.
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It'a an episode on blackmirror. Possoble to happen.
Tbh it doesn't matter because blackmailed individuals can just say "lol post on main? Go for it"
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If you're gay you're also more likely to engage in illegal/immoral or frowned upon activities
Funny you jest using the literal truth. Ironic fanciful idumean nigger.
Did you going by the date of the Jewish calendar, the 2nd Temple was destroyed on 9/10? That isn't a coincidence.
*Did you know

Crooks looks like the type that would do it upon his own free will. I dont think the feds are behind this at all, I genuinely think its just a lone wolf attack that successfully slipped through security and carried out an attack that actually was almost 100% successful at killing Trump.
What the feds dont want you to know is that unpredicatable lone wolf attacks are their greatest weakness, as they cannot plan to counteract them, and that if the general population knew this fact, many more would try and do the same thing to other notable figures across the world.
Remember this simple fact, conspiracies can also be cover stories for the most mundane and ridiculous reasons.
Crooks too his rifle, buy a ladder and walked a mile through unsecured territory before simply getting up on the roof and shooting away
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Can confirm. Had a spook grandfather who installed my dad as a pretty high level local gangster. They had a dirty movie theater that would show gay porn and then in between the gay porn they'd show child porn and they'd film the faces of the attendees and then blackmail them. I'm pretty sure you can guess which agency he worked for. This is how they develop domestic intelligent that's assets that they'd exploit to do their bidding.

I also got taken to "the showers" by my dad and molested for his blackmail file.
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>Couple with that with the fact that Christianity is visibly a death cult whose members salivate over the thought of the world burning
That's just the result of heresy, specifically, strains of Calvinism, which tend toward gnostic-like thinking about humans and the world, and Dispensationalism, which ties to millennialism, i.e., the desire to immanentize the eschaton. People make light of wrong, bad ideas, as if having less contact with reality is neither here nor there, but the fruits show their worth. Having the correct view about reality is important and might even save your soul, or damn it.
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>pic very related
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fight fire with fire. magic works
Tell us moar
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