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general thread for all relating to the Butler, Pennsylvania fairground shooting

>Timeline of events
>exact location of shooter on building roof: west or east side
>how did he get up on the roof
>local LE confronted him there
>USSS knew he was on roof 20 minutes prior to opening fire
>snipers were stationed inside building, narrative now claims 'not the one shooter was on top of'
>counter-sniper Team #2 on south roof took him out
>rental van, vehicle
>FBI cracks his phone
>fences access
>anything relating to the shooting layout
>Home Depot, ammuntion, explosives, gear, remote detonator device
>airphoto maps, diagrams of site
>ballistics, paths of the shots taken
>USSS, local/state LE fuckups and attempts to evade accountability
>corporate media narrative shifts
>cover up

Previous threads:
/ASLG/ #14 >>474790154
/ASLG/ #13 >>474765497
/ASLG/ #12 >>474741966
/ASLG/ #11 >>474721676
/ASLG/ #10 >>474693031
/ASLG/ #9 >>474633734
/ASLG/ #8 >>474610426
/ASLG/ #7 >>474596868
/ASLG/ #6 >>474566129
/ASLG/ #5 >>474536305
/ASLG/ #4 >>474515688
/ASLG/ #3 >>474500159
/ASLG/ #2 >>474485422
/ASLG/ #1 https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/474457601
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fence breach video of USSS / Pennsylvania State Police:

New leaks coming out on corporate media
>claims that the 2nd USSS sniper team from roof immediately south of 1st team, directly behind stage/Trump, were the ones that neutralized him
>[cartoon video animation *still* shows shooter on west side of building roof]
>Crooks visited the site at least once (no date mentioned-specified) prior to the day of the rally

Whistleblowers: most of Trump's 7/13 security detail were not even Secret Service. DHS assigned unprepared and inexperienced personnel to Trump

5:52 PM Crooks was spotted on the roof by the Secret Service
a full 20 minutes prior to opening fire:

Pol is gay as fuck now that all of the real users aren’t here anymore and it’s just all israeli bots posting (((Jewish))) shit

The internet isn’t worth the trouble of being hooked up to a spy device in 2024
Secret Service cover up:

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graphical reconstruction of the assassination attempt
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7NRXLQLehM
2. >>474742093
All of the cult members of the diversity cult will look for any explanation outside of the obvious. The entire system is incompetent and this is an the emperor has no clothes moment.

This is what happens when you lie and say everyone is equal and then put shitskins and women in charge of security.

Non whites always fuck shit up that whites wouldnt. They just aren’t as intelligent of a race.
I’m sure they will continue to cope and make up a thousand reasons that it isn’t the obvious answer though
Diversity ruined America
attorney Robert Barnes' take on what happened:

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Local resident's account of the event:

at RNC convention, USSS director Kimberly Cheatle confronted by Senators:

on Monday 7/22 the USSS director is scheduled to testify before Congress in D.C.

Tuesday 7/23 is supposed to be Pennsylvania law enforcement agency officials' Congressional testimony.
USSS source: perp was merely a "Person of interest" until he got on the roof and [quote] "retrieved the weapon", *then* he became a "suspect"
(no clarification on this)
based on briefing of Congressional members led by FBI director Christopher Wray


Crooks' rangefinder was a 'golf rangefinder'
anon's Link yesterday >>474614064
Recording that was fairly close to the shooter Crooks
@ :31 seconds 5 Shots are heard (same rifle)
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bang bang bang bang bang
Need the pic taken from the helicopter with his rifle next to him pls. Clearly shows an optic.
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there are 3 victims.
1 dead on the right bleacher from Trump. nº4 in the pic. We have video of him before and after, but I doudnt find video of the hit.
>>474712541 here you can see the blood.
https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1812600916563881984/vid/avc1/1280x720/gYaDaQMj18BFfntt.mp4 here you can see the people around telling he has a headshot (end of video)

2 injured on the left side bleacher, we have video of them before, of the impact and of them being evacuated https://www.foxnews.com/video/6358327602112

read more in this thread >>474709141
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victim located here
there was one from much closer up where you could see the shape of the rifle.
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>rifle next to him
does such a picture exist
the aerial shots show the rifle about 15ft away
cant be certain that is the actual rifle
missing with an optic?
what did glowies expect sending an incel?
there was one better than that. Damn might be lost in the old threads. Looks like that's from the same video shot.
>there are 3 victims.
there is a forth the media didnt mention
an leo who was part of the motorcycle escort was in the stands later went to the hospital for injuries
The media reports were that he had been photographed once or maybe twice when he was acting suspiciously before the shooting. The working theory is that this photo was taken by one of the local teams that was working out of one of the AGR buildings (based on the concrete he's on, most likely the upper level of the two story part of the building).
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>you could see the shape of the rifle.
I see no optic
I don't think that makes much sense, anon.
see >>474859618
front/rear iron sights and an optic in the middle.
>optic in the middle.
i see a TMZ watermark and a dark spot that, maybe, could possible, be ...something
i curse those people who sold their vid to a lefty media instead of posting it like good citizens
why everything that goes against of conservatives' narrative is a conspiracy but everting that is in favor is not?
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There is a man in a white hat watching the Shooter on the roof wearing the exact same outfit as the shooter lying on the roof in this webm. Both have on gray shirts, khaki shorts, black sneaks and are photographed in the same frame.

Crooks is the one sitting next to the wall, Yearick/Shooter is the one on the roof.
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Picrel is the screencap of both guys in the same frame
You now remember the /x/ tripcode larp spam.
X is a dead board with less than 100 posts per day. Jul 2 that tripcode posted 125 times, probably commenting to himself. The previous day about 70 posts, the previous day at least 50.
>i curse those people who sold their vid to a lefty media instead of posting it like good citizens
Don't know the source but someone in a previous thread mentioned an EOTech. Could be pareidolia but I kinda sorta see a silhouette here that maybe fits that.
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I think that /x poster was Maxwell Yearick.
Crooks kid references one of the posts directly though in one of the tiktok videos he's in...
Seems suspicious that tripped spam x for a few days then it's reposted a million times to prove he posted on x
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this shit can't be real
what does this image mean
>this shit can't be real
Is that real?
they're supposed to be "guarding the president" and are joking about a zoomer's backpack

See >>474856433
It also seems bullshit because other anons have posted pics that trip posted with foodstuffs in the background that have Danish? writing on the labels or something
There's no shortage of spergs on here that will convince themselves of something obviously stupid and nothing you say will then ever talk them out of it
Before assuming there was a second shooter based on audio, consider how much the acoustics might change in an area where there are 30,000 people standing up, 3 shots are fired, AND THEN 30,000 people duck/ get on the ground then 5 more shots are fired.
having an optic makes this whole thing all the more baffling
i know i know adrenaline, stress, etc
how could he have missed?
yes, the hand of God turned trumps head
but there were basically 3 free shots and only one made contact?
the deep state usually makes absolutely sure of an outcome
they were ok with it going either way this time, so they didnt sent chud just to be a distraction for the real shooter?
cant buy it
just cant
There are multiple recordings where you can hear a shot that sounds slightly different about a second after the 5 round volley. My own theory is this came from the local team working out of the 2 story AGR building and that they wounded him, leaving USSS to finish him off about 9 seconds later with the headshot.
plz fix op pasta for next bread ty
glhf redstring fren
Optic is a red dot at best, not magnified. 130m shot, no magnification, no bipod, laying on a hot tin roof in shorts, knowing the magnitude of what he's doing, knowing he's spotted, and hits a 1" group... no fucking way. Crooks sprayed & prayed once he heard the pro shooter engage.
I thought the MY symbol was so suspicious though. Looks like a Maxwell Yearick monogram to me; he was known to be a "graphic artist" too.
that could explain why he stopped shooting
he had no problem shooting even after the SS jumped on Trump
lmao I'm no help except bomping
>gray shirts, khaki shorts, black sneakers
That's like 30% of dudes on a summer day. Are you implying that a team of assassins wore uniforms? Or you're just a retard who always goes around pointing out irrelevant information?
Yep. Also, right after that in one of the bystander videos by the AGR building you can hear some boomer say "Be careful, he's turning this way." Even with a center mass shot he could have still been somewhat conscious and wriggling around, and with the rifle still close by USSS would have considered him a threat that merited a dome shot.
even with everything that's been released i find it very hard to believe they'd risk killing one of their own, that never happens
i just find the idea that ZOG factions are splitting laughable since the timeline of things that impact us are consistently getting worse faster than ever with tons of checkmates in the future, not to mention all the kike money backing everyone to ensure no matter who's installed they get their little laws in
fascinating. appears to show the would be assassins shots then the counter sniper fire. real smoking gun you got there. you fucking glowniggers and your pointless noise. it was a failed attempt inspired by the media and that got close due to DEI incompetence. we all know it, even normie retards know it. you can muddy the water all you want but its too late.
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Another angle of the GRAY TWINS.


"He missed the shot?"
"What do we do now"
..... :\
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Within 50 ft of each other in a closed-off area?
Two men instructed to dress alike to camouflage the identity of the shooter on the roof and confuse security personnel.
>golf rangefinder
exact same device most sport hunters use but at a fraction the cost.
Is your timestamp at the same time as your pic? I want to see the twins, but I can't find them.
That blue hat sunglasses lady is supposed to be assistant FBI chick...but I don't know. Was phonefagging this morning and saw that claim.

Discussion of Cullen's bad analysis here

Cheatle/Mayorkis say they knew Iran was planning to assassinate him, that is why they worked to reduce the security team around Trump. Jill just happened to schedule her event near by and the SS teams were sent there, because Trump was never in danger due to the Iran plot, or unhinged local. Sure, there were numerous warning signs and reports of a suspicious person, with a range finder, on the roof with a gun, and the Iranaian plot, but there was no need for additional security as nothing would ever happen of course. Oh gees, I am getting sleepy again, time to forget and take a nap.
crooks is 5ft 6 inches, you can work out the height of that person, they look taller than 5ft 6
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>>USSS, local/state LE fuckups and attempts to evade accountability

Coincidently: Chairman of Butler County GOP also represented Jerry Sandusky - the committee endorsed Sheriff Slupe who oversaw local security for the Trump rally
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Yes. It's very quick.
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try as I might
I cant get trumps head aligned with the "official" shooters location
its looking like the 2nd floor of the schoolbook depository
>having an optic makes this whole thing all the more baffling
>i know i know adrenaline, stress, etc
>how could he have missed?
It was very hot (as described by the attendees), the roof was metal, must have also been hot (kid wore shorts, laid on roof, bare elbows down), people in crowd were yelling to cops about his being on roof, cop reportedly saw him (eye to eye) on roof and kid pointed rifle at him therefore kid knew time was short, kid fired just as Trump turned his head - missed, kid panics misses next two as Trump keeps moving. Non one knows yet how many more shots the kid fired, I suspect only three because Trump ducked, therefore nothing for the kid to see. The remaining shots are police/SS shooting back from multiple people and locations. Newer vids document sounds or more return shots that earlier recordings. Just because you have/use an optic does not mean you can shoot, the optic mount could have come lose from the last time he shot, the optic mount metal could have expanded in the hot sun just a little, he could jerked the trigger in excitement/fear. The movement of the SS snipers could have distracted him. Maybe he did not shoot at all, it was someone else no one has yet seen.
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I can't get any explanation as to what good a golf rangefinder (as it was rumored to be) do for anyone on the ground position? Why not wait until he got on the roof? This makes it seem as if he didn't have it all planned out.

Retrieved the backpack from? where?
The only police there were state troopers doing traffic duty.
AH there you are Yearick glownigger.

That's the homeless bicycle dude.

Crooks is on the roof. Homeless dude is sitting with his bike behind him, sock we can see matches pic rel.
Ok, I see
>shooters location
there is no public vid of the shooter shooting the first there shots, or after the first three. He could have been moving to new location, or running for it. Notice how far away the rifle is from the body. Did he drop the rifle and start to move and SS shot him, did he throw the rifle thinking he would deny it was him? Is the location of the rifle the location of a second shooting who was able to get away? Would be interesting to see if the SS scopes have video recording, many scopes today do.
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trump does not look like hes facing 90° to the podium
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They are both standing right next to the building where the one is seen bear-crawling up onto the roof exactly 4 minutes before the shots go off.
some anon wrote about "eved ivri" some days ago
u guyze know anything about that?
Isn't he 20 or older?
>explanation as to what good a golf rangefinder
total distraction. If the kid had any experience shooting whatsoever he could have guessed the distance and known it was point blank range. If you do not know what point blank range is you should learn about it. It can be 200 to 300 yards, or more, for a rifle - meaning bullet drop is insignificant at those distances. Only windage would matter and the wind would need to be significant to push the round off target at only 130 yards.
Yet the official story is that Crooks was up on the roof for 20 minutes and they knew he was which makes them look bad and I find hard to believe. There's no video of him being up there 20 minutes prior.
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Did anyone else see the man in the hat again at the RNC yesterday? Who is this person, do we have the video he took?
>Isn't he 20 or older?
"kid" meaning not a seasoned professional, or more experienced mid age adult. From the looks of him in his photos he looks under developed mentally and physically, but legally he is an adult.
Not really, it's like a 3 moa rifle at best. Probably a 4 inch or more variance in accuracy at 150 yards, he's going to be shooting to the low and to the left, a red dot is not a scope. At best he's got a 2 moa dot which would be covering up trump's head. Was a great shot with all these variables, I'd even call it lucky. Trump just had a bit more though.

Now if he had a magnifier or an lvpo, I doubt he would have missed
Thats a kid anon. 26ish is where adult starts
>golf rangefinder
also, I should have added, it is reported he used some type of reddot, and many of the reddots have reticles that are specifically designed to be used to gauge distances while look through them at the target. Shooter is obvously stupid and inexperienced.
>Retrieved the backpack from
No explanation yet.
the nature of that communication (watch the video) was a 'need to know' interrogation by Congressmembers of FBI and USSS.
on Monday 7/22 the director is testifying to Congress, and several letters have been issued to FBI and USSS for more details on what happened Saturday 7/13.
Next week should be interesting >>474856330
I fully expect a lot of these people to have bad memories.
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>At 5:32 p.m., a sniper saw Crooks looking at news feeds
>"Hmm yes the news still says orange man bad"
Vince Fusca? I don't watch Trump shit but supposedly he goes to every rally. There's two versions of him. One is short the other is taller.

This is the dude that LARPed as JFK Jr and MagaQtards were expecting JR to TADA and be VP candidate.

Vince had some odd reactions. In fact when I watched the video for the first time it was HIS reaction that caught my attention.

I have it as webm but sound so here is the video comp of Vince's reactions.

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Yeah, pretty hard to believe that when people seem quick to notice what he's doing up there. This twin thing might be gaining some momentum.
Thanks for the all new view of Crooks on the cement wall--glow on.

Why not give perspective so we can see which cement wall.

Pic rel is a cement wall right beneath where he eventually took position on the roof.
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This is the kind of complicated conspiracy with many moving parts counterintelligence officers would love to investigate, just saying... (Don't be afraid to phone overseas friends either)
One of the Gray Twins waited until 6:07PM to scramble up onto the roof.
They were both scoping out the scene for ~26 minutes beforehand.
Lol I have to admire his dedication.
>trump does not look like hes facing 90° to the podium
He is not, from Trumps ear rearward his head curves away further from the path of the bullet. Its possible the bullet path was further away from the front of his head, hits his ear but behind his hear the head curves away from the bullet, so likely the bullet was very close to the back of Trump's head but missed because of the path and shape of the head.
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Probably communicating with the other Gray Twin: the guy that will eventually scramble onto the roof.
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Dyel, bro?
Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's)
Yeah glowniggers out in force. FAIL.
>Jill just happened to schedule her event near by and the SS teams were sent there


Dot, but hardly an "optic". Looks 1x to me. There are a couple that small with a 3-3.5x but they're not shaped like that one.
>police there were state troopers doing traffic duty.
not according to the article
they were not intended to be there
they were reprimanded and two taken off motorcycle duty for having gone
they wanted trump to be as exposed as possible
>shape of the head.
dont buy it
that would only get you a few degrees unless you had dumbo ears
why didnt anyone pop him from the ground
So what about the other shots?

Secret Service / Police shoot multiple shots to neutralize the attacker and they fired from atleast two different locations (two sniper teams). That explains three differents weapons/locations and multiple shots.

Are you stupid or megastupid not to understand this?
Thats a dot. Likely 1x. Cowitness setup with irons up. Thats how i run my ar.
Black sneakers in summer? Not in Pennsylvania.
Yeah Nurse Jill is a fucking traitor and a
Cheating liar.
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>last night - Rep Mike Waltz briefed by FBI that Trump shooter had 3 overseas accounts they are trying to crack into
>also last night but right after this revelation - global tech outage Crowdstrike responsible.

This guy claims:

Maxwell Yearick's dad owned a 1999 GMC Safari
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You're mistaken. Butler Co. PD was being slammed by SS as dropping the ball. They made a very angry statement.

The next rumor was Beaver Co. was there...

but for sure State Police were, you can tell them by the "trooper" hats they wear--seen in the tearing down the fence images. They were only on traffic duty.
maybe the outage was done voluntarily to hide some traces
strange world
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Both of the Gray Twins are wearing black sneakers in the same video footage.
sniper Dallas Alexander on the building roof inexplicably not having been secured:

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Picrel: Window from where pic was taken
>They were
motorcycle patrol from Pittsburgh at the request of the state police
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>Window from where pic was taken
on over watch
people below frantically yelling and pointing.
leaning head out of window or walking to another window to see what they are excited about, too much trouble
go back to candy crush instead
literally miss happening and blow chance to be hero
Actually though.
Vaxxies will do literally anything to not have to go outside.
Troopers were part of the group of LE who were inside the fence, as we saw in the video where a cruiser broke through the fence. One of the guys who responded alongside USSS CAT to the stage in full gear with a long gun was PSP SERT. I’m not sure why this is so hard for people to grasp, but the statement about certain cops only being on traffic duty was related to Butler Township PD only and does not specifically address the duties/positioning of numerous other local/state agencies on the scene.

If they have two teams on top of that roof and the rest inside of the building, the intimidation factor would've been enough to deter the shooter. Stationing snipers inside of a building is retarded. Reducing the snipers' ability to observe by putting them inside of the building is either incompetence or intentional.
its intentional and if the good guys dont start speaking up theyre all responsible and should all be fired
someone must have called out the blindspot amd someone must have told them to ignore it. name names now.
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Butler 'township' is the city police. However, Butler county's D.A. Goldinger admitted their law enforcement was in the building in a live interview - (later on he played ignorant).

Yeah what was that last shot about? It happens SO long after the others. And then there's a scream after it. What happened there? Is it standard operating procedure to resnipe the downed suspect (make sure he's dead) type thing or...?
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This is still going?
last night trump said the snipers only fired one shot.
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Anon made this creepy picrel with AI last night and scared the shit out of me with it.
>so hard for people to grasp
because official PSP assistance was declined
had it been accepted they would have rolled in additional sniper teams, dogs, and drones
that was turned down at the same trumps ss detail was being diverted to a who event and 2nd stringers fill ins were sent in.
>either incompetence or intentional
I am an optimist. I have bounding faith in humanity.
no one could be that stupid
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If the snipers fired only one shot, and assuming it was the last of the volley of shots, then what was that very LATE shot? See modified picrel
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>The Secret Service official said the sniper team inside the building was from Beaver County, which neighbors Butler County, where Saturday’s rally took place. Local authorities said it was common for SWAT teams in nearby counties to supplement security for large events throughout western Pennsylvania.

>The Beaver County district attorney’s office confirmed that a SWAT team from the county was at Saturday’s rally but declined to release additional information, pointing to ongoing investigations by state and federal authorities. In a written statement Tuesday, the county district attorney’s office said, “We are proud of the heroic actions taken by our officers.”

>trump said the snipers only fired one shot.
trump was busy and doesnt know he has an army of anons with audio analysis
at this point he will parrot anything they tell him to say knowing next time there will be no miss, or every sip of a drink, may be his last
Nice find
If BlackRock was involved, then I would think they asked their employee with personal experiences of being a VIP politician deeply unpopular with their own people. One of them is Jacinda Ardern
>The ladder never left the Home Depot parking lot because he couldn't lift it.
>This is the dude that LARPed as JFK Jr and MagaQtards were expecting JR to TADA and be VP candidate.
To be fair it was Qtards who said he was JFK Jr, not that he was LARPing as him
the original version of this
and this
seem to be from the same source
how come we got the first one so early and without a source?
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That means the shooter fired 7 shots.
Interesting thought: What if having the kid in the Blackrock commercial was meant to be a soft proof (they couldn't say it out loud for obvious reasons) that Blackrock were the ones to finally get the evil orange man... only the kid missed.
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counter-sniper Team #2 finally seen in video (with Trump)(edited, of course) at moment Trump was shot.
Of course this News Network talks over the Gunshot audio.
Start at 15 seconds.

*** Need an anon to replace and ALIGN the gunshot audio with this video

Both Yearick and Crooks have been memoryholed, indicating both were involved.

Either both were groomed for the event in case one would drop out, or both were involved in the shooting. Media is likely silent about Yearick to push the "deranged maga lone gunman" narrative.

I've been considering this as a plausible explanation to satisfy the mismatch in the appearance of the dead shooter and crooks.
fair to be skeptical but he said it and there are no official statements otherwise
God CBS is so fucking uselessly redundant. Just link the original footage from xitter next time

I'm not as optimistic as you are. I'm moving towards incompetence. The fact that they don't roll out of the building once they lost eyes on the shooter is even more damning of incompetence.


>good guys

I don't think we have many of those anymore.

daily reader here. thanks everyone participating in this discussion
that mean there was two shooters involved
first 5 from the shooter 2 from the patsy and 1 from the counter snipers team at the very end
>Of course this News Network
at least their cartoon map of the shooting site shows the shooter's location correctly, at the eastern end of building roof
>And then it all stopped. Our Secret Service sniper, from a much greater distance and with only one bullet used, took the assassin’s life. Took him out.
the very last shot can only be the sniper killshot. much greater distance might explain the delay. has the sniper location been confirmed?
we'll never know the truth. staties have circled the wagons as usual. best we can hope for is someone dying suddenly and getting stuck with the blame
It's fucking crazy how the Fake News Mainstream Media collectively when dead silent on both names, and how Maxwell Yearick hasn't "emerged" at all to clear his name or anything.
The truth is going to emerge on this
that's because you aren't good at it.
his head is perpendicular to the podium, not at an angle.
But why'd it take that long? The angle showing the SS sniper team to Trump's right makes it appear that they returned fire almost immediately after Crooks started firing.
So what's that big delay?
I'm still waiting for the truth to emerge on COVID, Sandy Hook, JFK, 9/11, Vegas, you name it.. I don't get why you're so sure, but if you've got a reason, please share, whitepills are great
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Yes of course, I thought everyone knew that. Showing the elites that they're the movers of the world so they better join them
Maybe. But why would the counter snipers leave a second shooter alive
All the counter Sniper teams exist in pairs.
Why wouldn't glowniggers make their little Antifa assassins into a pair
Guess what I just saw.

AND here we go--Motorcycle was only vehicle parked at shooter's building before shooting. Other vehicles rolled up and didn't park right...in hurry after Crooks was taken out.

Three images of the motorcycle that eye witnesses saw roll up and park at the building and the rider went in. No one else was there.

Eye witnesses said when Harley rolled up there were no other cars in the parking lot.

Harley was still there in Japan news video and the next day when the eyewitnesses went back to show BJ where the Harley was parked--only to find it still there.
Didn't the counter-snipers fire back almost immediately after Crooks began firing?
If he was shooting from a window and withdrawn from it there isn't much they could do
nobody got a plate on the motorcycle?
that can be checked privately
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0:50 seconds in. It appears that the counter-snipers fired back almost immediately. How can the final shot be explained then?
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>newly elected Beaver County District Attorney Nathan Bible (D)
>a part-time public defender with little criminal trial experience and no management experience ... won after endorsement by state's fraternal order of police

>Detective Roger Patrick Young is the Commander of the Beaver County Emergency Services Unit which is comprised of
carefully selected municipal police officers, County Detectives and Sheriff’s Deputies. The ESU is a highly
trained unit capable of responding to extraordinary events involving barricades, hostage rescue, active
shooters, and high risk arrest or drug search warrants. The ESU responds at the request of the local
police departments.
Be very scary, kek
either its an involuntary deaththrow shot from the sniper or there was a 3rd sniper team that got the job done with one shot after the others failed
meant involuntary shot by the assassin
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>look at this nerd nigger, he's probably got a load of magic the gathering cards
>btw did you hear anything about the furry mtg set coming out
>hey where did that nerd go
they didn identify his position most likely in that storyline
there's a possibility Trump was wrong but I highly doubt it
the sound analysis prove the first 5 shot come from the same gun, the second two from a different gun and the very last one from a third one.
So there are three guns shooting.
That specific team didn't even shoot, they probably never had any of the shooter's position or was watching it from the beginning, no in between.
I think the whole point would be to intercept and neutralize the patsy after the fake shot were shot by the sniper hidden in a building that weren't planned to hit Trump.
The patsy could take out two shots that didn't hit anyone. The last shot is the counter sniper team.
Trump ear was hit by a ricochet.
I don't know. I posted the interview with the Harley eye witnesses. They lived across the road from ARG and walked to the rally and were outside the fence like Crooks was. I don't know if the video can be enhanced to better show the bike.
I'm going to watch that site visit video again to see if I can get a better view.

Plates would be on rear and bike appears to be backed into the parking spot. She really needs to talk to them again as they may have seen the plates and just not mentioned it.
Because thousands of people now have recording devices in their pockets and this was a livestreamed event with tons of paranoid 2nd Amendment supporters in attendance after the FBI Railroaded Stop the Steal Parade in January 2021.
It's what demonstrated the truth of Kyle Rittenhouse's innocence during his trial: independent reporters AKA law abiding citizens.

It's 2024 not 2001.
>Pat Young is a two-tour Iraqi War infantry veteran, a Beaver County detective and head of the county's ESU SWAT team, a former Monaca police officer and EMT.

a ricochet or a broken debris from a bullet impact
the damage is not consistent with a bullet
So let me get this straight:

3 weapons were heard:

1. First 3 shots came from Crooks. Hit Trump's ear and 3 bystanders.

2. Next there are 5 shots from another weapon. Possibly police/SS behind Crooks shooting at him? Shots seem to have been aimed in the general direction of the stage though?

3. There is a final shot from a 3rd weapon. This shot is from SS snipers who killed Crooks?
i think theres something here but since those pittsburg motorcycle cops fucked up it will be very difficult to find info about the harley
Based well okay yeah it does seem like things do get uncovered that in 2001 wouldn't, I bet Jussie Smollett would've gotten away with the hoax back then.
That's a separate issue that's certainly relevant, but whenever we start talking about what state or local agencies were doing, some anon trots out that facebook post that was specifically referring only to Butler Township PD and says "hurr durr this means everyone except for Secret Service were just on traffic duty."
People have pointed out that this analysis could be wrong, since the audio recording was from someone that turned around between the 3rd and 4th shots (1st and 2nd volley).

We need confirmation from different audio.
hmm, yeah, why would this guy be sitting on the ground way behind the fairground fence where he couldn't see trump
Watch this whole video. Read comments sorted newest first.

Glownigger Yearick faggot was in the comments.


Someone claims they saw the dude with the yellow flag in the crowd--on the ground...but will have to find the video.

range finders are for asians, just get your fucking pw and hit on the green you fucking bitch
>he said it and there are no official statements otherwise
Ill stick to believing my lying eyes and ears
Are you trying to find a second shooter because you're embarrassed that the first guy's motivation was Trump being too moderate?
>Channel 11′s Nicole Ford confirmed that Beaver County's ESU team had eight members at the rally, including snipers and spotters.
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>his head is perpendicular to the podium, not at an angle.
and you know this how
the cap shows it at an angle
I swear this dude accidentally shot at me at the Clairton gun club. I was weirded out by him the whole time I was there. Gun nerds are weirdos
Because none of those three pictures show the angle his head was at when the bullet hit?
Please actually watch the video.
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Read the statement very carefully and you'll see that this does not preclude a wounding shot fired by a local team (which is what I suspect was the shot heard about a second after the 5 round volley was fired).
IMO the most likely team to have made that final somewhat delayed shot is the team who were on the red barn to the right (Trump's left). You can see the countersniper pocketing what looks like a fired casing in this video that anon posted last night.
For sure.
Also I bet nobody anticipated Elon Musk buying & liberating twitter. That alone has been YUGE for freeing the narrative from biden admin/deep state clutches.
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The real shooter was HACKERMAN !!!1! He only missed because he hacked to much time.
The person in the comments said they can't remember what video they saw the dude with the yellow flag--at one point it was over his head.

People on the ground (just like in Vegas) said they thought some shots came from the crowd.

He's not in any Jessie on Fire video--so I'm stumped.
add this vid to list of good info >>474798103
here's another attempt at what anon did but no crop or zoom
So suspicious dude.
He's also sitting on something dark black (Like a rifle bag).
Not normal rally behavior
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>Why wouldn't glowniggers make their little Antifa assassins into a pair
I take that as a given
but Im working hard to find the evidence
I think trumps head angle is the crucial piece
the second shooter was in the 2nd floor window
I assumed it would be a pro... except he missed
but if it were a team of expendable amateurs, that would make complete sense
>dont buy it
put hour right hand on your right ear, about the place Trump's ear was hit, then slide your hand rearward along your skull and you can feel how it curve away, you can feel it, the hair, if you have any there, hides somewhat the curvature of the skull.

>a few degrees
you only need 1 or 2 mm over an inch or two along the bullet path. Very very close differences.
Several prism 2-3x that small... But ya, most likely some crap chinese 1x eotech clone like holosun.
you think a MC leo was a shooter or involved?
some blogger went apeshit over that motorcycle that arrived, guy went into the building, and a day later the cycle is still there
Interesting comment on video
3 days ago (edited)
BJ, look at the photo they are sharing of the officer that took the man on the roof down. My husband is a g*n smith. The lens cap on the g*n sight isn't even off, among other problems we found with the photo and the g*n in the photo. Something is so fishy.

was she talking about the sniper's lens cap not even being off? Big if true.
The sniper disappeared?
>fire back almost immediately
whats the deal with titling these threads "location" so persistently? we know where he was
Crooks is wearing mid/high top sneakers. Homeless bike dude is wearing low sneakers. You know this--
Run the audio from the guy who was on the side of the building. The shots after the first 3 are completely different because of the way they echoed.
The first 3 shots were from underneath the troonshooter. Then he let off a volley on top of the roof, then they killed him
SS has an insider before shots. They shot from a different location than the boy and the pro sniper missed Trump. The kid shot the stray bullets. Pro sniper was behind the shooter in building behind
she had interview with the people that saw it roll up.

Every time I post this the Yearick glownigger goes ape shit.

I'm going through all the comments right now. Yearkick glownigger is in them. Lots of "did you get the plates" comments too.

>shot me
he what now?
Rangefinder for 150 yard shot?
Cause they were focused on the doofus flopping around on the roof with a rifle.
>same gun
same type of gun firing from the same general area with the same ammo would give the same signature
can you repeat this in a way that makes logical sence?
That roof path isn't correct. After he sat on that wall, he got up and walked away. Came around the building and climbed up from the bottom of the pic.
why include the word location in the thread title when we know where he was? I have literally no idea how to make that question simpler.
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I thought the roof shooter looked more like David Foster Wallace from the beginning lol
Probably because his location wasn't clear on day 1, but now it's just turned into a general about the shooting. Would be nice to rename it to something like "Trump Shooting General"
the sound would still be different because of the position of the shooter related to where the sound was recorded
both shooters would need to be very close to have the same signature
I already provide pic at the moment
but dont have it in HD
trump head, is not parallel with the podium
Those clowns never even fired.
Why do you guys do this?
That is the secret service shooting back.
“How could he get the ladder and gun past the fence?!”

I dunno maybe he threw them over…
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Roof Gray Twin looks like he has black socks on.
Wall Gray Twin has white socks & white hat.
Remember Boston Marathon Bombers?
>white hat, black hat
Comments on yellow flag dude tard can't remember what video he saw him in and despite all the vids I've seen I've never spotted a man with a yellow flag around his neck or pulled up covering his head:

3 days ago
@yandbc.1083 yellow flag guy was shown I one of the videos I've watched tons to try to make sense he had it over his head at one point maybe it but he was up close tp the front at least the one I saw after the shooting he's surrounded near the front of the stage to the bottom right and another it's gone out of my history maybe it was on Jessie on fire I just looked for someone else because I wanted to see every wich way I could plus this kid didn't have a yellow flag we should see if his parents or he have motorcycles or even licenses for them for further confirmation this yellow flag guy could be someone totally innocent lots of vets help at these and that's how alot of vets are dressed riding motorcycles

Things I remember vaguely from the day of when I was busy saving everything was comments re
>shots fired from ground
>who was man in yellow

But I have never seen anyone in yellow in any videos. Not yet.
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>would need to be very close
something maybe like pic rel
Not smart enough to jump the fence. shaking my head. They guys can benchpress 300 can't hop a 6' fence. NGMI
that specific window look closed but I also think the shooter was hidden in the open window right beside that one
First 3 shots were pros.
The volley of 5 after was crooks on the roof. The 1 after was counter sniper.
Everyone wants to claim a pro would never miss. Dont forget, they were 100% rushed when everyone realized crooks position was blown amd everyone was closing in. The SS gave them as much time as possible to get the shot before it was blown, so the snipers probably had radios screaming in their ear to fire.

That fuckin botched this so bad.
>Dont forget, they were 100% rushed when everyone realized crooks position was blown amd everyone was closing in.
Exactly. Anyone claiming Crooks made the shot on Trump is nuts. He's on the roof being shouted at and pointed at by at least 10-15 people. Kid doesn't look to me like he had nerves of steel.

They rushed the shot and missed.
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you mean something like...........
this firing angle gives you the 2nd fl of the tall building
exactly yeah
So what to do now? Seems like a dead end, because the authorities are unlikely to investigate.
>He's on the roof being shouted at and pointed at by at least 10-15 people. Kid doesn't look to me like he had nerves of steel.
>[He] rushed the shot and missed
You accept all the facts of the situation yet you still need to invent a conspiracy.
I think the idea that this mouth breather nearly killed Trump on his own is more terrifying to you than the idea there was some elaborate plot involving 'gray twins' or whatever the fuck
>'golf rangefinder'

Joking about him being a nerd and the back pack full of slim jims and game cards. How do they know about these game cards? I had to google it, I'm age 55. This is dungeons and dragons child stuff.
My hypothesis was that there were always two guns up on that roof a couple lanes apart from each other. The shooter was sneaking between the both of them waiting to figure out which one had the best sightline & hidden from Counter Sniper teams.
They were literally on top of each other
Should ask on /tg/ if any of them work for the SS. Snipers are probably autistic enough to post there.
>bring ladder
>use ladder to climb over fence
>pull ladder over the fence
idk seems easy to me
You're getting things mixed up. Look at the timescale on the top of the image. The one you have circled on the left is the last of the 5 shot volley. The one circled on the right occurs about a second later and sounds different. IMO that was a local team near his position who took a shot and possibly wounded him (immediately after, a bystander near him says that he's moving). Then about 9 seconds after that shot, another shot that sounds different than all the others is fired (likely the USSS counter sniper seen pocketing a casing in vid above), at which point bystanders near him start saying he's down.
See here:https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1812346090860969984/vid/avc1/1080x1080/phyMyoH_GkhOxG07.mp4
And go to 30 sec mark here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TteRLq8TTXw
Yeah I think that one recording must be off, because I just watched two videos where all 8 first shots sound very similar.

Most likely explanation is there were 8 shots from Crooks. First 3 were aimed at Trump's head with slow shooting precision (not good enough lol). Last 5 he shot quickly in Trump's general direction after Trump ducked under the podium.
"Just go to sleep anon. Doesn't matter anyway, guys. We shouldn't even look for an answer cause it don't matter"

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I think he shot 3 shots and then lowered his head, than these guys in the pic started shooting 5-7 shots, but missing and probably emptying their mag. Then the last shoot is taken by the 2nd Team sniper, when he was raising his head again.
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i cracked the whole case open
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I see one hell of a brow ridge on that roof guy.
It was me and my dad and him and his dad. It was a Sunday morning and no one else was there. We looked at targets and he stayed back on his gun and popped one off. He was it was an accident.
You don't need a second shooter to make this a conspiracy. All they had to do was have the secret service stand down in certain areas.
So bros

What happened with all this?

Not archived? Nobody took screenshots? What's the deal?
It's still coming together.
Also, even though it might just be roof dirt, I thought this image of the dead shooter's knee looked a lot like Maxwell Yearick's known knee tatt.
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did you catch his speech, prior to the gunshots, where Trump says he is going "off teleprompter"? he wanted to talk about the chart...
This has been known since day 1. The ones that were in all these pictures clearly didn't take the shot. I don't see how so many people think they see them shoot. They don't.
imo it's like he knew he was safe to go about his business and took his sweet time. I wonder if they were annoyed by it actually
>We did it, reddit
yes, unlike that broad's market value, if the nog hasn't already beaten her to death.
Search 4plebs for Yearick and archive.is for those links, it's been discussed pretty extensively but scattered across a lot of threads
I thought snipers would be cool and think trading card games are for fags and spend their free time hunting and getting laid
9 shots
>3 initial shots
>5 rapid fire shots
Break for many seconds
>1 shot

How many people weee wounded? Which direction were the first 8 shots fired from?
Was the last shot the shot that killed Crooks?
How many times was crooks shot?

This shit glows. They’ll most likely have to have some major event in order to take the focus off. If they can steal any election why would they need to kill Trump?
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The link to his site works.
Resume links ok
Not tried facebook
Deviant art link works
Live journal is 404, leads to something photobucket or something.
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Yup, crooks was an amateur and the volley of 5 was likely Crooks panicking

confirm last one was sniper... from shot 1 to then was about 15s

Question what distance would the first 3 shots be. ? If the same as the volley would mean another shooter from either the windows under Cooks where the police had set up base as everyone knows or v close to.
QRD on 2nd shooter?
And a mystery man entered the building before shooting arriving with a Harley. Wtf. A team or pro shooter had to have shot from behind the patsy. JFK all over again.
6:55 In . https://youtu.be/uRtf_ut0_3g?si=_gc5SsiZ_2bzGves
They also needed to activate someone crazy enough to try and kill trump. Or was it simple cohencidence that the lone nut appeared on the day the b team was guarding
just dropping in to tell you y'all are faggots
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>Joe Rogan talking about the kid having a 10 incher
Hey Joe, browsing these threads huh?
How’s the weather in Langley?


This tripcode started posting in 2012 in /tv/ .. there is no way it’s Crooks. It’s 100% Maxwell and glowniggers are going nuclear over the idea of anons starting to dig it.
Per his C.V : he had graphical skills, extensive knowledge of the nature. This fits with the logos and also rly extensive complex earth electromagnetism graphics he drew. Posted his CV from his blog few threads earlier but don’t have it now maybe someone else can post it

Also look at young Yearick .. it’s so sus

Is crooks fkn GAN psy-op ? Why we have 0 recent photo ? Sandy Hook 2.0 ? NDAs ?
All 8 first shots were fired toward the stage.

Last single shot killed Crooks according to Trump.
Yeah likely he was groomed on discord or steam by intel agencies.
Hmm. If all 8 shots were fired Crooks how’d he end up not hitting the SS piled on trump?
Are you talking about this ?
Can anon confirm it was her ?
She sure looks sus as hell
>no flinch
>not surprised or shocked he’s being shot at
>phone out to film
>looks soulless
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Maxwell Yearick Resumé
>cohencidence that the lone nut appeared on the day the b team was guarding
>be loner incel
>have 2 cell phones
It looks like the first 3 shots were aimed at Trump's head. He ended up hitting Trump's ear and 3 people in the crowd.

The last 5 shots apparently hit no one. They seemed to be quick wild shots he just shot at the stage area after he saw Trump had ducked under the podium.
According to "Antifa Watch" Maxwell Yearick would only be about 33 right now.
Harley guy arrives prior in that parking lot at red shootline. Goes into building. Harley still there day after. 6:55 https://youtu.be/uRtf_ut0_3g?si=LY0FWW_rGfBnRRNU then minutes before commotion towards water Tower seen from the bleachers behind Trump https://youtu.be/aWC-XPstsOo?si=QoJ091WV4JoYPcvB
Saw a post a few days ago with another sketch on it but couldn't read the image... interesting
she's evil
Woo rfk

>inb4 fake and gay stuff
That's what I think too.

There's even a bike photographed in Maxwell Yearick's "studio" in picrel...
I fish with licorice.
Yes hah forgot about that inconvenient detail of his phones. Phones that the govt can break into but say they can’t break into. Oh and they said he acted alone before they even could break into his phone. They’re federal agents, of course they know these things ahead of time.
I've been paying so much attention glued to this site for hours every day and it seems it's getting discussed less and less and less
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I'm not sure what his DOB is.
On his site, it says he's 22, but a post from 09 says he hadn't updated the site in years.
If he was 22 in 09 (16 years ago), he'd be 38?
Given he was arrested at like 30 years old, fucking 8 years ago, that Website is retarded and so are you.

captcha: HRTGR because you're an HRT(NIG)GR
Sans tracking


>Even though the local police was on the lookout for a suspicious man
They sure was on the lookout
Isn’t a simple matter of finding if Yearick is still alive? Who claimed it was Yearick? Just an anon who did a bit of anti-fa research and found someone who looks similar?
he is 38. >>474886647 is a tranny nigger retard who's still muddying the waters with shit that was proven wrong a week ago, because he wants to gargle roger stone's ancient cum.
Roger Stone claimed it was Yearick.

Yearick's facebook was available until the day after the shooting, then /pol/lacks started raiding his posts and spamming him calling him a faggot and murderer and stuff. Probably should have been decent indication when the facebook account disappeared WELL AFTER THE SHOOTING that Yearick is A: Alive, and B: has nothing to fucking do with it lmao
If Maxwell Yearick is not involved in this then where the FUCK is he.

He's more hidden than Hunter fucking Biden right now
Read above you. Yearick may just be an unlucky guy who got roped into this as a distraction.
Here's a poorly written "manifesto" of 50IQ lefty nonsense from 2004, pretty sure it's Yearick; "incessantmeme"
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If it's not Maxwell Yearick then where is he? Where is his denouncement like jewgazing guy? Like mistaken tranny guy?

Yo didn’t know about the gay comics ..
That tripcode spoke about sucking dicks and being a faggot .. look at archive. >Maybe an anon can make a collage.

I think they knew each other, Crooks and Yearick. Same area 40mn ride from each other.. Crooks rumored to have worn nails .. closet Faggot ?

Have you seen the threads about blackmailed pdfile assassins ?
Streisand effect
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What about this , anons?
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Big Tech has made mass shooters' profiles disappear into the ether before
Did a countrywide fed inmate search or 3 as well as PA state search 0 matches. So he’s not in fed prison or pa state prison. Might wanna search some other states im kinda busy atm

Woah no.

What do I need to search exactly in the archive? I'm half asleep and kind of can't think. I need a power nap
anyone pick up on this soros + FBI lead?
Bargain AR + cheapest chinesium ammo + chinkshit red dot = 4-6 MOA at best. Which at that distance equates to 6-9 inches minimum. Further as shown by the SS snipers: the roofs were slippery, so without a rest or monopod or sandbag or anything, the ONLY shot of his with any accuracy was the first. Which was also the only one to hit trump.

Makes sense, but if local cops shot surely they’d have mag dumped as per usual…
Apart from the zoomer rhetoric and living in a meme world, I agree. Do we not talk about similar things? Governments, psyops, psychological warfare, corporations, and how we shouldn't trust them, how we're controlled.
>Roger Stone claimed it was Yearick.
that's how you know it's not true. a converso kike that shills for trump. yeah no thanks
it's 2:30 AM anons we should get some rest and maybe look into this tomorrow. or maybe something else like that hawk tuah goyesse
It's 50 IQ because a fourth grader could come up with it. Muh consumerism
And we have the shorts
And we have the cyber attack
And biggest smoking gun of all? We have the RNC.

Honestly Did the RNC day1-3 look ANYTHING like a party for Trump? Or did it look like a party for Nikki Haley, with Trumps name slapped on it?
>2:30 AM
its 1930 EST
>slipping up
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Crooks quoting his "cool" older Antifa brother Maxwell Yearick in this video?
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or is this it?
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Antifa are often drifters and homeless. He'll probably be hard to track down.

See : https://archive.4plebs.org/_/search/tripcode/NBWX0JLdyU/

Ignore all messages after the 13th July tripcode was bruteforced password

Threads on Blackmailed assassins :

Original thread of the pic : https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/474483046/#474497414

NEW THREAD >>474889010
thank you. for fuckssake somebody who has a minor understanding of the united states.
Lol, not a full day after the shooting. They remove it immediately, because they learn from law enforcement and remove the account. It's not commented on repeatedly and then deactivated. Retard

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