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Ballistics expert goes through all the video,
dealing with the possibility of multiple shooters

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It's definitely newfag shill summer
>first post insultshill confirms there's something to this
why else would you be here ridiculing it?
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I wouldn't worry about it newfag.
stop trying to make it about me. that's childish and outs you as a government shill.
He's not entirely wrong. The contractor is the one that shot Crooks, and Trump. Crooks couldn't hit the broad side of a barn, especially under the pressure of all the people on the ground shouting and pointing at him.

Red hat white shirt guy didn't get shot, but he's certainly heard gun fire before because he dropped.

Towel on neck dude and red hat black shirt dude near the railing did get hit, they both flinched and grabbed at their bodies within a micro second of each other. I think that was the same bullet. There were three poofs near red hat black shirt guy.

I don't think the contractor was too far from the water tower, but he was in a "tree house".

Cullen's thing has 3 shooter.
I added some trajectory lines. Black line hit dudes in other bleachers, Dutch and James then traveled on. I don't think it hit anyone else. That may have been the shot aimed at snipers.

I put a red circle and white line for white towel on neck dude. Black line is the "missed the sniper' trajectory and blue line is the second shot from there that hit white towel on neck dude and red hat blue shirt dude.
This is the video I was working off.

My view is:
1. The back row victims is compelling, and hitting the snipers first makes sense if the goal is to let crooks get away
2. Crooks' position has the perfect angle, matches much of the damage, and is protected form view of the snipers
3. The water tower seems like a red herring. It's where you *would* look, but (A) i don't see anything there, and (B) it would be difficult to escape that location
I believe the goal *was* to exfil crooks in order to stage something with the explosives in his car and pin it on Iran using planted passports in the explosion or somesuch, but that Crooks had to be killed onsite because he was discovered.

Crooks placement gave him the perfect getaway path.
The water tower drew a lot of attention from bystanders. I saw several people claiming the shots came from that direction.

However I don;t think the contractor was on the water tower, he was in the trees.

The water tower SHOULD have been an overwatch position but it wasn't. Likely because the contractor was going to be in a "tree stand" nearby.

Look at all the cop cars around the water tower post shooting. They certainly thought something was going on over there.
I'm calling it now. They got some guys from Ukraine to do this. Makes sense. Shoot the dork and blame the whole thing on him.
I agree.
There's a major narrative problem with Crooks:
- The gun (belonged to his dad, would be ID'd)
- The mile long walk back to his car (which was going to blow up at some point)
Actually contractor dude had the perfect get away.

Finish shots, get out of tree and melt into the trees working his way to a pick up point on foot. Casual.

Motorcycle dude arrives before shooting parks right in front of the building Crooks was on top of. He was dressed in black skinny jeans and had a "don't tread on me flag around his neck.

His Harley was parked right in front of the doorway under the overhang with the security light. He bounces--but his Harley is still parked in the same spot the next day.

Japanese news caught his harley when they did a overview of the building where crooks was. The eyewitnesses go back the next day to show where the Harley had rolled up (into mostly empty lot and there was a secure perimeter..they photographed the harley in the same exact spot--the next day.
1/2 Harley caught in Japan news video.
>The water tower SHOULD have been an overwatch position but it wasn't
I'm skeptical that it wasn't.
There's just no way you wouldn't have someone up there.
Just no way. And if someone took a shot from there, they would never be able to get down the ladder without being seen and cornered. However... an overwatch at that location would have absolutely seen Crooks (or whoever) on the roof.

The vehicles in your photo also indicates someone was stationed on water tower. I wouldn't expect SS to tell us everything about their layout.
Harley parked in the same spot the next day, photographed by the eye witnesses who returned to the area to show where it was to an investigator--and it was still there.

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I dont know anything about shooting but this seems like a pretty terrible spread at 150 yards.
>Harley parked same spot next day
That is suspicious, but can be explained if he worked in that building.
That's what I am thinking. Ukraine Jew Azov were heavily involved in January 6.

Also I got to wondering about the Yearick shill constantly insisting Crooks was Yearick. He said Yearick fought for Ukraine--was he also a sharp shooter? was HE actually Harley dude aka the contractor?

They've used contractors before. IE Idaho 4 killings was supposed to clean up the about to be exposed drug ring involving local PD, Feds,and Tiddies. They then pinned it on a local.
There was no one ON the water tower. There's plenty of imagery of it in various shots. Some claim there was a flash from up there, tried to claim a logo was a person, but that platform that goes around the water tower is 5-7 foot tall and we are not sure if there is an additional caged ladder going all the way to the top.

That should have been, but wasn't an overwatch position. Contractor was in a nearby "tree perch". Hence all the confusion re "shots came from Water tower.
What I'm suggesting is that SS had someone on the tower but isn't telling us.
As far as we know there was nothing happening in that building as it had recently been sold.. No local PD stationed there--how the fuck wouldn't they hear Crooks moving around on the tin roof?

Crooks was shot from the rear based on his body position, blood flow, and the fact that he had his face pressed against the gun so no way the sniper got off a mouth shot. The bullet entered from rear and blew his teeth OUTward.

Anyone posted on the tower would have easily been seen. It's not a covered position. Floppy hat snipers and ball cap snipers are also easily visible.
>how the fuck wouldn't they hear Crooks moving around on the tin roof?
I thought this too.

>Crooks was shot from the rear based on his body position,
that explains the pressure washing (to hide spatter)
Here's two videos--first one gets right into what the eye witnesses saw in about 30 seconds.

second video is return to the scene. I tried to time stamp it at the spot where she replays their eye witness testimony, they they visit the site together so they could show her where the Harley was--and it was still there.

BJ eye witness to harley arrival
site visit video

>You think people do that?
>Just go on 4chan and insult people?
Uhhhh yeah
It's everything about his post, he was definitely a shill attempting to affect how others see the thread.
Shit is fake and gay. Trump didn't get hit with anything.
There's actual footage of his ear getting pierced in real time.
>pressure washing

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw FBI washing the roof off.

WTF since when does FBI do crime scene cleanup?

Also the eye witnesses caught FBI canvassing in the neighborhood.
Man it’s so fucking crazy that Trump survived that.
Fortuna smiled upon him that day
>witnesses caught FBI canvassing in the neighborhood.
Explain, what are the implications of that?
Here's a tip:
Look into the DC sniper case.
Snipers normally use concealment as their true secret weapon the rifle is just a tool that delivers a projectile.
In the DC sniper case you will find alot of people can be shot through a one inch hole in the trunk of a car.
Of course I'm not saying the shooter was in the trunk of a car but the reality is he could have been in places that are not so obvious to the untrained eye.
Here's a question:
If the so called Secret Service sniper that actually took out Crooks from 480 yards away what was his position?
Why was he so far out?
Why didn't the SS sniper teams that were close why didn't they take him out.
If a government sniper 480 yards out had a clear sight line and shot to Crooks is it possible the actual shooter was further out?
>Why didn't the SS sniper teams that were close why didn't they take him out.

there were trees in the way. You can see them trying to move over to their left once they heard the shots.

conspiracy theorists need to look in to who planted those trees ?
>planting passports in a explosion dma4n
Do they really think that is going to work again? lmao
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Based on the eye witnesses return to where they were the day before I circled in red the approximate parking area of the Van that they towed away. See how close that area is to the water tower trees the Contractor must have been in?

That's where the eye witnesses were then they spotted fbi knocking on doors.
His location behind those trees was so perfect that it implicates SS in planning the shooting.
They were all set up to blame Iran. They had some kind of plan with that car.
Why would sniper teams with one rooftop to watch set up behind trees.
Sometimes when using simple logic to find simple answers leads to unanswered questions.
Might as well say I don't know I just like to disagree with people.
>Van that they towed away.

The official overwatch positions were almost comical in their conspicuousness.
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They towed a van from that area the night of shooting. claims it was Crooks--and it had arizona plates but those are all rumors.

It looks shitty, could have been contractor's van and motorcycle isn't. So many possibilities here.

Remember they claimed Crooks had explosives in his vehicle. Just like they did Paddock. But they also muddied waters by reporting Crooks came in a
But he was seen wandering on foot with NO backpack or gear behind the fence. so where was his gear stashed? really.

They also claimed he bought a ladder that morning at Home Depot--they muddied a hella lot of waters with Crooks.
Those positions were practically staged as a visual deterrent not actually effective positions.
I worked an event where a president was giving an outdoor address.
Government sniper teams were on hydraulic lifts in the trees and on rooftops and mostly completely concealed.
cops are not next to the tower for fucks sake. just look at that red container on this photo, cars are clearly right next to container, which is in the fucking parking lot anyway. it's where the cars would have been either way, tower is further away than cars.
look at these photos and look where red container is >>474864520 >>474856807
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/ASLG/ Assassin Shooter Location General #15 — PATSY PILL Edition

nooooo it was totally just incompetence. stop looking into this, goyim. anyone else feeling sleepy?
You already tried this...used "perspective" lol
There's four vehicles there the black and white is right next to the base, the black in front of him..and the state police near the container.

This was taken from the ground face on...

I get your point but the angle which the black and white and black cars are parked are not normal parking slots so they parked there and went into the woods etc to poke around.
Fuck off glowniggers. I will not allow you bury this fuck up, normies know you did it.
This has to be the best visualisation yet.
Thanks anon, you´re not a fag, unlike OP.
Lol not this fuckin whore again. Stop spamming, jesus
Why does eyewitness testimony upset you so much? Did your employers think they'd gotten away with no one spotting motorcycle dude?

Oh well.
It's not the "eyewitness testimony", it's you using this Mongolian basket weaving board to get views for your shitty YouTube. You will never be an e-celeb.
LOL someone's upset. Glow on. BJ is a lawyer and crack investigator--I reckon you lot hate her due to her investigation into Aura...the mind control software that would have stayed in the shadows if she hadn't exposed it.

She's 10/10 autist who gets a bone and doesn't let it go.
Are retards really?
>Lol not this fuckin whore again. Stop spamming, jesus
>your shitty YouTube.
Do you langley shills really not realize that this type of posting immediately outs you?

that too. logic and reason is king of the autists here. your ad hominem and hyperbolic insults are actually a failure of your training. that's not how it really works on /pol/, no matter how hard you try to normalize it.

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