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general thread for all relating to the Butler, Pennsylvania fairground shooting

>Timeline of events
>exact location of shooter on building roof: west or east side
>how did he get up on the roof
>local LE confronted him there
>USSS knew he was on roof 20 minutes prior to opening fire
>snipers were stationed inside building, narrative now claims 'not the one shooter was on top of'
>counter-sniper Team #2 on south roof took him out
>rental van, vehicle
>FBI cracks his phone
>fences access
>anything relating to the shooting layout
>Home Depot, ammuntion, explosives, gear, remote detonator device
>airphoto maps, diagrams of site
>ballistics, paths of the shots taken
>USSS, local/state LE fuckups and attempts to evade accountability
>corporate media narrative shifts
>cover up

Previous threads:
/ASLG/ #15 >>474855070
/ASLG/ #14 >>474790154
/ASLG/ #13 >>474765497
/ASLG/ #12 >>474741966
/ASLG/ #11 >>474721676
/ASLG/ #10 >>474693031
/ASLG/ #9 >>474633734
/ASLG/ #8 >>474610426
/ASLG/ #7 >>474596868
/ASLG/ #6 >>474566129
/ASLG/ #5 >>474536305
/ASLG/ #4 >>474515688
/ASLG/ #3 >>474500159
/ASLG/ #2 >>474485422
/ASLG/ #1 https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/474457601
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fence breach video of USSS / Pennsylvania State Police:

New leaks coming out on corporate media
>claims that the 2nd USSS sniper team from roof immediately south of 1st team, directly behind stage/Trump, were the ones that neutralized him
>[cartoon video animation *still* shows shooter on west side of building roof]
>Crooks visited the site at least once (no date mentioned-specified) prior to the day of the rally

Whistleblowers: most of Trump's 7/13 security detail were not even Secret Service. DHS assigned unprepared and inexperienced personnel to Trump

Secret Service cover up:

5:52 PM Crooks was spotted on the roof by the Secret Service
a full 20 minutes prior to opening fire:

graphical reconstruction of the assassination attempt
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7NRXLQLehM
2. >>474742093
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See all the gay and faggot talk from suspected tripcode : https://archive.4plebs.org/_/search/tripcode/NBWX0JLdyU/

Ignore all messages after the 13th July tripcode was bruteforced password

Threads on Blackmailed assassins :

Original thread of the pic : https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/474483046/#474497414

We’re onto something there’s too much cohencidences and glowniggers go thermo nuclear over it
attorney Robert Barnes' take on what happened:

Local resident's account of the event:

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Do you think they'll try to kill this guy again?

>meh ofc I forget to tag you >>474888187 #
on Monday 7/22 the USSS director is scheduled to testify before Congress in D.C.

Tuesday 7/23 is supposed to be Pennsylvania law enforcement agency officials' Congressional testimony.
USSS source: perp was merely a "Person of interest" until he got on the roof and [quote] "retrieved the weapon", *then* he became a "suspect"
(no clarification on this)
based on briefing of Congressional members led by FBI director Christopher Wray


Crooks' rangefinder was a 'golf rangefinder'
it's probably for the best if we let the authorities handle this one. it's what trump would want
As a "manifesto" it is quite low quality, yes. He could have gone into more details. 22 year olds also do have the minds of children still, they haven't fully developed.
And maybe his idea of the world hadn't been fully realised?
I knew things were bad, but never knew how it all started (consumerism, Edward Bernays, psychoanalysis). Then finding out about that, then got me thinking is that where all of this psyop against humanity started? Politicians and miltary types took note of how easily a population was manipulated, then thought what else can we do.
>this thread… AGAIN
Smoking guns:
>inept agents taking cover BEHIND Trump
>inept agent KNeE about shooter for 20 minutes
>inept agents waited 26 seconds after the shooting started before engaging
>FBI assistant director right behind trump and pulls out camera to record
>inept agents hold Trump UP
>inept agents let shooter bring ladder, rifle and USE a rangefinder without even talking to him
>massive shorts against Trump related businesses
>cyberattack immediately afterwards
>discord deletes all shooter logs (when has this EVER happened???)
>biggest smoking gun? The RNC. Days 1-3 are EXACTLY what you’d expect for an RNC celebrating Nikki Haley’s nomination. It’s not till day 4 even a sliver of trump shows up.
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Roof pathway Options
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According to the FBI director and head of SS briefing to Congress, Crooks was identified as a Person of interest a full 62 minutes before the shooting took place.
Timeline presented at the briefing was as follows:
>5:10 p.m. Crooks was first identified as a Person of interest
>5:30 p.m. Crooks was spotted with a rangefinder
>5:52 p.m. Crooks was spotted on the roof by the Secret Service
>6:02 p.m. Trump takes the stage
>6:12 p.m. Crooks fires first shots
>>6:12 p.m. Crooks fires first shots
no proof
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anon's Link yesterday >>474614064
Recording that was fairly close to the shooter Crooks
@ :31 seconds 5 Shots are heard (same rifle)

>Crooks quoting Yearick
Yea this is what I think because that tripcode is too old to be Crooks
Danish posts could be from when he was in Europe, after Ukraine.
Been suggesting for days to infiltrate Antifa/NAFO/Ukrofaggots TG pretend to be family and ask if they saw them.
A few nights ago an anon said he showed his pic to a friend that’s there and he said he saw him few months ago. Need moar to corroborate
Vice President Hogan specifically called in the Trumpites for this one.
People are still repeating theories based on 9 shots fired when we now know that there were 10 (3+5+1+1). First set of 3 at a more controlled pace, then around 3-4 secs later, we hear 5 at a faster more erratic pace (to my ear these 8 sound like they came from the same location/weapon). About a second after that, there is another shot that sounds different. Approximately 9 seconds after that, the final shot, which sounds different than all the previous ones.

The only person complaining about this thread and people trying to find shooter locations >>474890079
>is the only person that goes absolute thermo nuclear when Yearick is mentioned
Makes you think ..
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I cant shake that head tilt
ss team 2 pockets a spent round
new layout with
head angle shows 2nd floor windows could work
>>474886726 last thread

> Harley guy rocks up and goes into building never seen again and bike still there next day...

Yeh I thought it strange the bike was still there. Unless it was only to get him there .. too risky to leave on it cos of all the people with mobiles & filming..

Question.. is there any footage of outside the building where crooks & around there just AFTER the shooting ?

Might catch Harley boy leaving via another route..
body dot needs to be further east
(synced with the red line)
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nice thought
how to get the second shooter into position and it would be difficult for anyone to know if he went to the east side
all the ground people would see is crooks
trees would block the snipers view
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I thought the same thing about Yearick and the Denmark pics.
Layover on his way back to US.
Were MaxwellYearick & Crooks friends in real life? Was crooks ever seen hanging out with any older "activists" lately?
>how'd the 2nd shooter get away?
He walked out the door in his police uniform and started working the scene.
open pic new tab
if you zoom in tight in the sub view, you can actually see the blood stains on the stands
i put the dot on the one end
From the time Crooks fired his first shot to the gunman being killed was 26 seconds
Eleven seconds after the first shot, Secret Sevice counter-sniper acquired their target — and 15 seconds after that, Crooks was shot dead
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Harley guy ... positions under crooks .. possible hole in wall or a window...

Reason is now looks like the guy shot on East stands got shot at the top of them 15 ft higher than Trump ..bullet trajectory must have travelling from LOWER than Crooks & UPWARDS to hit the guy behind Trump & higher up in the stands. ... los is perfect if lower than Crooks .. inside the building with a shoot hole maybe ?
Last thread : >>474884316

>Roof dirt on the leg with holes and distinguishable geometric forms ? Or is it photo particles ?
Really looks like a tat imo
>Can anybody enhance ? Or play with contrasts, pic editing autist to confirm or denie ?
guy went to shooter's parents house in Butler:


Apparently they deleted all the footages of the shooting range Crooks was going. An anon called the other day to have them, at first the person agreed. After not getting them he called back and someone else answered telling him to stop calling here.

>Who was he going to the shooting range with ?
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We need footage of the cop cars carpark where bike was .. anyone come out if that was county police base the should have poured out as the shots rang out ...

Anyone footage out there of that angle ? ?
Whether or not he had a gun—
how did SS know he was on that roof for 20 full minutes and not take action?
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can someone toss me his mug shot and name i am high and need to show the girl that antfia guy mik yak somehtin

By the way something caught my eye the other day .. «team 3 business»
The blackrock video Thomas Crooks was in had «unit 3» on the board and he shot from building 3
>can an anon make a pic collage ?
Could Maxwell Yearick have been Thomas Crooks handler and groomer ?
What would ANTIFA offer to intel agency that wants to groom shooters from the shadows ?
>plausible deniability
This is also how they work in their own lands .. CIA overseas the business of MI6 and vice versa because they’re untouchable overseas .. plausible deniability is the DeepStates fuel

They were probably told to hold off for some reason.
at RNC convention, USSS director Kimberly Cheatle confronted by Senators:

>>474891195 #
>ofc I forget the UNIT 3 Crooks pic ..
Can any of you guys post the webm of that girl that seemed to know trump was about to get assassinated? I’m red pilling my friend and I need some ammo.
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anyone have unblurred version of pic related?

Don’t have the WEBM but I have this ..
>not confirmed
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Probably the same guy driving the dirty hippie van.

WTF where is this from ?
Maxwell Yearick
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Vanity Fair made a riff on Trump back in 2017 based on the poster of Oliver Stone's JFK. Pretty ironic in hindsight, assuming no predictive programming was involved.
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First pic I've seen of his dad.
Holy shit where did you find this
Thomas Matthew Crooks flew a drone on a programmed flight path to obtain aerial footage of the western Pennsylvania Butler Farm Show fairgrounds shortly before former president Donald Trump was set to speak there on July 13th.
The predetermined path suggests Crooks flew the drone more than once as he researched and scoped out the event site.


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ABC News.
Was he saying comped over and over because he was trying to let his handlers know he had been compromised?

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pic related starting to make a lot of sense now?
Leg tattoo just reconfirmed again in this angle
i don't think his dirt on his knee is the tattoo on his upper thigh.
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>bullet trajectory must have travelling from LOWER than Crook
its generally agreed crooks was a bad shot
>Maxwell Yearick
got the other view on the roof body for me she is almost there

Yeah Arizona Plate.. Yearicks father lived in AZ until his death in 2018. Roger Yearick.

There’s also a very uncanny connection with AZ white vans when shootings occur.. like Paddock the Vegas shooter who went to AZ to pick up a white van then rode all the way back to LV suspectedly called «gun runs».. don’t have exact source rn I think it was in blackmailed assassins threads I posted them earlier in last thread

See this tho : https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/474788684/#474795762
Complete bullshit. How would they even know that he had a drone and was surveying the place? Fucking glowies making shit up
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Chris Martenson forensic analysis.
>Audio Analysis Is 100% Clear Trump& Crowd Were Shot At By Two Separate People
>20 years self trained super spy
who believe that kind of shit
>20 years old*


>did they burry the antifa story to avoid civil war ?
I love OP's picture.
Question: Was it sunny or cloudy that day? Is it sunny or cloudy in that photo?
Yearick is alive and in jail moron. The shooter was THOMAS MATTHEW CROOKS. Even AI confirmed it yesterday. Take your meds and SAY HIS NAME!
Complete nonsense.
So what if he did, it changes nothing.
It doesn't explain away a single goddamn "permitted" failure.
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Thanks bro
What the fuck does it matter faggot
yeah and that window being open is sus. this has to be taken right after because theres no police on the roof why is the window open?
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What was she looking at
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sunny and hot
but trump didnt go on until after 6
who knows how late the helo vid was taken
You’re mentally ill
xir. Agent 470lbs is trans, chud
So 3 aimed shots from crooks then 5 spray and pray when he realized he missed, then counter sniper kill shot followed by counter sniper crooks gun away in case he survived
Gtg Anons .. but frens keep digging Yearick
We’re onto something
>there’s no way a 20 yo can rent a car
>who was he going to the shooter range with
>cryptic x post with MY logos, match what crooks says in some vids,close proximity, probably both closet faggots, blackmailed assassins, FED using ANTIFA to groom and have plausible deniability
God Speed Brothers and Sisters.
And wanted it to look like "just some nerd" orchestrated some fluke hit as to dampen the impact of President Trump having survived a coordinated attack from an actually militant activist.
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check out the cold open (first 5 mins.) here, leftoids think entire 7/13 is a 'false flag' orchestrated by Trump:


One doesn’t necessarily exclude the other don’t waste your time with IT WAS CROOKS bs faggots. You can even filter their IDs
do burgers know you can just climb over these
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Crooks had wheelchair skinny legs too though.
Could Maxwell Yearick have lost muscle tone on account of all the Antifa meth he was smoking?
What is the point of a 2nd shooter when that means both missed easy shots?
A bunch of boomer vaxxed cops can't climb shit.
It was Crooks. SAY HIS NAME!
The patsy has to die to satiate the population's curiosity. Talk to anyone... they all think it's case closed this goober almost killed Trump. The only remaining question to them is why.
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the police came out with this message after the secret service spokesman tried to blame the failure on them
Does anyone have
>Stop giving me your toughest battles
>I am literally a sloped roof
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I think there was just one shooter but two faggots trying to get it done together.
I'm seeing people on twitter saying this is FBI assistant director Janeen Diguiseppi. Is there anything to back that up?
Daily reminder that anyone pushing the Yearick narrative is a Jewish shill paid per post by their Jewish masters to spread disinformation and fuck up the investigation. Yearick is alive and in jail. Also, AI confirmed with 100% accuracy yesterday that the shooter was 100% THOMAS MATTHEW CROOKS.
No interviews of the hero cops who saved the president
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>What is the point of a 2nd shooter
there HAS to be a body to pin it on
and dead men tell no tales
that they both miss probably means yearick was shot in the building and tossed into a glass furnace or the trash compactor
did the neighbors report any bad smells the last few days?
>alive and in jail.
proof of life
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Why is nobody talking about this or looking into it further?

Especially since those tripfags in the nobody thread all seem like they may be in a group of some sort.

Even if that part isn't true, this seems like people would be way more interested in this...
latest layout
>Why is nobody talking about this or looking into it further
youre it
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... local snipers in the windows
There's a ladder behind those center trees hidden. It can be seen in some of the photos.
For a loner loser he sure liked participating with others..like this video of him teaching code…


Crooks and yearrck were just filler. Real shooter was on that dam tower
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What if Crooks is literally getting Richard Jewelled' right now when all he was doing was literally just sitting on a wall at a Trump rally.
I've spent too much time on this already and my brain is fried
Crooks gear checklist for Butler Farm 7/13:
>50-round box of ammo
>radio detonator
>2× cellphones
>golf rangefinder
>DPMS AR-15 rifle
>was on that dam tower
look at the site plan

think about trumps ear
the shot had to be parallel +/- to his head or it would have went through his he would be dead
the tower could see him
but the shot would have went right through his head
There is a pic of the bullet. That should confirm or negate the elevation. The bullet appears to travel parallel to the ground - indicating the shooter was roughly on the same elevation. Would help to have ground level images of the site with the relevant buildings in the background to confirm or dismiss
True , so how many professional shooters could have been present for the shot then? It clearly wasnt either of these kids.
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Some people still insist the ears look the same wtf

Either blind or shills
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Why tha fuck are his legs blurred? Pic related. Anon was asking about tattoo on leg,possible. Anyone ever seen the media blur the legs separately.?
>muh speck of blood!
#2 is very cool.

As for #1, hasn't it been established that it was a second pair of snipers on a different building behind trump that took crooks out.
I noticed this too. I knew I couldn't be that retarded. Trump is on a platform, but it's still lower than the roof. Yet another thing that isn't getting discussed

Just like the "van nearby with no license plate".. suddenly it became van with Arizona plates.. then it was a Hyundai sonata he parked a mile away and walked... now he drove the sonata right up to the event and this van with no plates never existed
Yeah well ai also thinks oj is alive so..
Because ABC sucks cock & doesn't want us to be able to identify the obviously Not-Crooks features.
ABC probably bought the photo from the police department
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>>counter-sniper Team #2 on south roof took him out
did they though?
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The same AI that glowniggers & Bill Gates turned into ClosedAI?
not really legs, SHOES, the blurred area is socks and shoes.
Where did this yearwick red herring come from? It's so retarded. Someone should just vist him and prison so this derailment can end.

How long before the event were counter sniper teams posted? Would crooks alleged drone scope 2 hours prior have pointed out where they are?
This is also misdirection. User has not posted a time stamp with this screen shot. BE WARY OF JEWISH TRICKS ANONS!
It's been a week and Maxwell Yearick is still no where to be found??

Yearick's name popped up before ever crooks did.
I also saw the dead head photo before I saw pictures of either person.
He’s in jail
Please, by all means, prove it then.
Have any more pics from this series?
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at first i thought crooks was the patsy to cover for a pro
but they MISSED
it didnt make sense
but then another anon put out the idea
this is like a lot of gov ops
find stooges
wind them to go do something
maybe even think its their own idea. or maybe you hear someone is planning something.
clear the way for them
ignore that theyre on a watch list
dont question when they make fed posts on line
send the B-Team DEI hires to guard the target
make sure there are gaps in security
then, just step back and let it happen
if it works, great
if not, its impossible to trace back. preferably because theyre dead.
and that would be your pro onsite. not to assist, or to stop it from happening. but to clean up loose ends
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>Why tha fuck are his legs blurred
blurred bloody head
well ok, even if its already out there
blurred shoes and mid-section
Stfu faggot
I agree this is very strange. There is absolutely zero need to blur the legs/shoes
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look close
the bullet is on a downward angle from the left (north)
its being looked at from a 45° angle
not directly from the side
that would make it appear much more shallow
>blurs out the handcuffed hands
It's like they're trying to obscure the identity of the body or something.
Yearick rumour is intriguing but the bloody face photo could be photoshopped
nobody has mentioned the DNA_Express service they used
no ID
knew who it was within hours
Good work anon
>blurs out the handcuffed hands
too much for sensitive viewers?
theyve blurred out almost all useful information
they still havent announced what caliber his AR was and im still thinking it was a .22 long, and 22 lr will definetley be going downwards after 125 yards in flight you have to hold above target about 3-4MOA at 100 yds to get bullseye hits and 200 yards its like 20 MOA high hold (guesstimating somebody can look up ballistic charts for .22lr from 16 inch barrel)
I swear everytime I see yet another version of the gore photo posted it starts looking more & more Crooks-like. Like Feds are gradually morphing it in order to trick the AI into confusion or something. Picrel is the first one I ever saw last saturday:
Prove it
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what do you guys think of this...the victim posted a comment about the event...
Because we will be able to tell whom the hands belong to
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It wouldn't surprise me if underage Crooks was a frequent 4chan poster. Everyone assumed he was the moment he shot Trump. This article is from 2019, crooks would have have been 15 at the time, Cisneros was 18. I think it's possible they're friends or a friend of a friend. The police chief said he wasn't attending the school at the time:


My take away was that they were able to identify Cisneros' 4+4chan posts within less than week. But we haven't heard anything about Crooks' posts in the same amount of time. Although Cisneros' 4+4chan posts did directly state the name and address of the school.
Teeth on dead guy are fake wtf
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bake on bro!
Christ is King
GG ftw
>Chris Martenson
someone tell this retard that better audio exists
hes also not taking into account the camera/mic movement/direction
what a tard
I feel like it's 1 of 2 things

Someone inside posted this Pic because the media won't show it and it was a way to say something without words. To show who it really is - not Crooks

Or 2) it was edited and put here to cause confusion. Its convenient the blood is covering some really important details of the face...

But IMO either way the ear gives it away. It's NOT the same shape, and it is clearly a scar on his earlobe - look how thin the lobe is.

Also, yearick has eyebags/prominant bottom lids that the dead dude does and Crooks does not.

>A few nights ago an anon said he showed his pic to a friend that’s there and he said he saw him few months ago. Need moar to corroborate

From here:
"Maxwell Yearick legal address approached - Homeowner claims she let him use her address years back. Maxwell Yearick hasn't lived here in years as well.

Homeowner claims she last saw Maxwell Yearick months ago but not recently."

And here:
"Facebook live stream visiting Maxwell Yearick's house. ~4:30pm EST"
If that is indeed Crooks posting on x, I believe he really knew at least one of those tripfags or other anonymous person irl.
is this for ants?
ANOTHER JEWISH SHILL. AI has already CONFIRMED that the eyebrows, jaw, hairline, moles, ears, and lips match the shooter THOMAS MATTHEW CROOKS. Jewish companies are paying users like this anon to blur the narrative. BE WARY OF ALL KIKES ANONS
it was taken from some sketchy fake-news site - it's not correct unless they washed the blood off his face - all these images are unreliable
that's just the gradual mandella shift of the timeline
other then pics and speculation, no. imo it doesn't even look like her. i tried to find a pic of her with that necklace on, couldn't find one.
Another reminder that it has 100% been CONFIRMED that the shooter is THOMAS MATTHEW CROOKS
kek this general has turned into a complete shitshow
Do you think this guy was the second shooter / actual shooter?
so the bike is confirmed 100%?
Has anyone ran their names and yearicks sn on l e e k p e a k ?
>trump walked out to back in black by ac dc

anti-christ bros we are so back!

Spooky boys. This blurred leg image and the heavy shilling. I'm feeling like I need to stay up cause it's getting good
Nobody is a shill but you.

What AI? Post it, then. Nigger.

Plus I don't give two shits what a stupid ai says. Ai is wrong all of the time
I fully agree with your Number 1.
President Trump's team probably drilled for this potential scenario. At least I'd like to hope this whole situation was within their realm of possible potential happenings
>Leak any footage of the perp the second you get it
someone needs to come up with an explanation for why the fuck they would blur out the bottom half of his legs like this. literally no reason to do this.
>kike seething
Many such cases. Sad! Also, how’s the weather in Tel Aviv?

Show nose
He got shot in the mouth, what other retarded shit are you faceblind nigger lovers trying to push?
Show hands you kike
Yep. Guy is a GHOST
is misdirection and deflection tactics
they want u focused on the shooters identity and/or multiple shooters and not how glowies were complicit in the set up
fuck off well poisoning kike
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Irrelevant to this investigation. The shooter is THOMAS MATTHEW CROOKS. Picture and AI have confirmed it.
was it ever?
did a news story claim it was his?
the government hasn't verified
You tell us.
There has gotta be an uncensored full body shot of it somewhere. COME ON
You conspiritards make me laugh. One kid happens to get some shots off and suddenly the whole thing is a big 'conspiracy theory' with men sitting around, smoking cigars and planning to conquer the world.
I still think it's way too early to be doing all of this 'audio analysis'
we need to wait for the USSS director and local PA law enforcement testimonies early next week.
Did you see the ^^drone story?
>Conveniently hides tattoos and distinguishable markings.
That blurred image is such a defensive position for them to take
Where is Maxwell Yearick glowie? And where is Tiffany Dover?
What AI?
Also, how’s the weather in Tel Aviv?
None of those people matter you memeflaggot kike shill. The shooter was CROOKS.
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Actual AI confirmation confirmed!
>nothing to see here folks
>.22 long
why would you think that?
even a spindly incel like crooks could handle 5.56
I’ve already used that. Nice try though kike.
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> It's done on a need-to-know basis goy. You don't need to know that.
You sound desperate, and you look desperate
Then go back to your safe little sheeple happy hour with your other vaxxmaxxed friends, faggot. The adults are speaking here
>Because we will be able to tell whom the hands belong to
thats the thing
hands would be a big tell
even that little bit of leg show swayed me over to the year camp
not convinced, but well open to it
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>memeflaggot opinion
Discarded. Show flag kike.
remember that the FBI launched a full-blown investigation of trump and his campaign over essentially unsourced rumors

but you can walk around within a football field of a former president with a gun and a rangefinder for an hour and you aren't a 'suspect' until you put the scope to your eye
Why do you jews always want to see my flag?

Look at the teeth, it’s clearly Yearick, he has over lapping teeth
>jew calling others Jewish
Lol. Lmao even.
>kikes seething
Many such cases. JEWISH!
Lurk moar
where'd all the blood go?
Oh I know why, I just like asking them.
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Idk , why don't you tell me?

Oh. I don't give a fuck about pissraels weather. Burn in hell
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>No one has posted these cute photos of Crooks, Child Soldier.
not only that but after a full week of drib-and-drab leaks to corporate media with absolutely zero gov accountability or action, it takes Congress (opposition party members) to call responsible agencies to account

>gun and a rangefinder
plus a drone overflight, for day of and days previous >>474893408
>Did you see the ^^drone story?
interesting, seeing it now for the first time
i wonder if they found the dji app on his phone and extracted the data, but this raises another question;
wasnt there a no fly zone set up for this event?
this should be easy to confirm
solid b8, i r8 at least 6/8 m8
>>474899336 compare >>474897563
The blood is wherever Mossad murdered Crooks. Maybe inside the back of a moving van with plastic sheet all over the interior.
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They were pretty fucked up even back in 2016 too. No tellin' what actual state they were in last Saturday
What made people point towards this Yearick fag?
You boomer kikes have shit game, and it's cute there's two of you in the same thread backing each other up.
ANOTHER JEWISH SHILL. AI has already CONFIRMED that the eyebrows, jaw, hairline, moles, ears, and lips match the shooter THOMAS MATTHEW CROOKS.
Fucking Eery
>"thankfully the former president Donald Trump is..."
can't read the rest ... where is this from?
oh no no no

You can keep repeating this nonsense, but it won't change the fact Yearick did it
>jewish kike seething and lying
How’s the weather in Tel Aviv?
Fake ass teeth on there what the fuck?
Damn the overtime being worked right now...log off your shift is over
Shit, where did you find that?
And so people can't do both?
Daily Shmail
You don’t shoot a gun away. What the fuck? There’s a video from someone near the building, it’s on TMZ, where you hear all ten shots. The first three followed by 5 more all sound like they came from cooks. A 9th shot from far away is heard right after that and the guy recording then says “watch out guys he’s turning this way,” followed by the 10th and final shot and the cameraman saying “he’s down, he’s down”. It’s clear the first shot at crooks did not kill him requiring the final tenth shot to take him out.
is she a leftist?
No you dumbass. The other photo is photoshopped with added teeth. Can you guys please get a fucking life and let people enjoy discussing things.. fuck. Why are you so worried about gaslighting people on a fucking chan site
It’s a photoshop with blood removed you fucking low IQ kike. Log off for the day you’ve gotten paid enough per post
Suuuure it is. Retard.
>hurt feelings
no supersonic cracks heard at all (5.56 would flying past the microphone would of been insanely loud) and the distant pops sound consistent with a .22 rifle and not 5.56 which would have echoed throughout the nearby hills, im from the area and they arent flat lands
5.56 flying past***
iirc stone sent out a post saying look at him
but what do i know
No, I'm just annoyed you low lives have no life so you come here to interrupt in everyone else's. Actually not replying to you anymore miserable dickfudge
Bethel Park
I had some glowies gaslighting me because I nooticed a lack of supersonic cracking. These guys claimed to be shooters as well.
If i lived in bethel (completley white) i would be pissed about a poojeet stepping on my property
looks like something from his 'feed' not his own post
I watched that earlier and I thought he was a pretty based poo for doing that and not giving up

Should have put a little suit on and said he was Vivek kek
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>general #16
>still wondering how someone who wasn't even there got on the roof
This is entirely dependent on what the sight is zeroed at. If it’s zeroed at 50 yards as this chart says, then the chart is accurate. If it’s zeroed at 100 yards this chart is useless.
There's no proof Crooks was on the roof, the post-death picture doesn't prove it, it just proves he's dead.

Why was the picture released? People don't ask that question anymore.
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which picture?
>still seething
Stop denying the heroic acts of THOMAS MATTHEW CROOKS, you fucking kike
No he didn’t. He’d have no teeth left.
>Why was the picture released?
i asked
glowies wouldnt answer
Im waiting for a kind stranger to drop us the proof
>34 posts
Slow night at Eglin?
OP here I'm taking a break for the weekend.
if any more drib-drab leaked stories (like for example the drone) will bake a new #17 bread

But am really waiting for Monday a.m. when the Congress testimony starts.
obviously a shadow. and the tattoo doesnt even go around his leg.
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Finally, stop spamming this same thread all week you fucking unemployed faggot
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camera position was at a steep angle looking upward - bullet passed above and behind Trump (assuming the photo wasn't digitally altered)

It was a gore photo that was leaked obviously unauthorized by LEOs It quickly wound up on
35 posts
>unemployed bum
What are you talking about. All the shots had supersonic cracks. Are you retarded?
It isn't Yearick you fucking moron.
>implying the nazis weren't a satanic banking cartel
read the black magic of money by hjalmar schacht, if you aren't a newfag that name should ring a bell
Finally, an intelligent anon
That's a whole bunch of assumptions.
>Monday a.m.
our many thanks for your baking OP
cu Monday unless something breaks sooner
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anon, calm your tits
you suggest here >>474902864 that you are attempting to bait (or b8) a response from the namefag retard
i complement your b8 skills (because you managed to get a genuine response from me with a comment meant to b8 a reply) and you call me a boomer kike
swinging a lil wild, aren't we?
Are you two jerking each other between the shifts or only kissing?

>where the bike was

Do you guys have this pic? Taken by some random guy. Haven't seen it here

Picrel - (can't upload larger. Getting the "4MB limit for images" error), but full size at link


This dude claims Yearick's dad (died 2018) lived in Arizona & owned a 1999 GMC Safari.

yearicks has a more symmetrical face and crooks doesnt which you can clearly see from his eyes. stop being a faggot
that wasn't supersonic, are you a glownigger?
10:43 in the video a 5.56 at 500m has a far louder crack than whatever that was at 125yd
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I doubt that old van was a rental.
How about that. Good find.
thx OP
i will try look for notam/nfz info on the rally
yep learned a lot from George
also look at 4:10 when they shoot a 9mm at 200 yds its flying subsonic and you dont hear a distinct *CRACKKkkk*
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>calling you a meat-fondler is changing the topic
interesting choice of words
Why are leftists unhinged conspiracy nuts who blame the victim?
Shill bitch
>was at a steep angle looking upward
the closer you approach 90° the "flatter" the path will look
there are people and objects surrounding the rally
the shots came from elevation
i dont know why this is still being kicked around
What sort of american is this..... its white but has the look of a few thousand bags of doritos and the stare of a prolapsed anus
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Explain this.
You do understand that features change drastically throughout puberty right. A blurry picture of his ear circa 15yo will of course be different than a his ear when he’s a grown adult. 1% chance you’re on to something, 99% chance you’re just grasping at straws anon
true but it would still be in a downward trajectory after 125 yds of flight even with the highest velocity .22 lr available
Who is Stone
No i am talking about crooks being in Ukraine. An anon said he has a friend volunteering there, showed him his pic and his friend said he definitely saw him in Ukraine few months ago.
That’s why I said infiltrating ANTIFA, Ukro, NAFO Telegram and be like you’re family and wanna know if anyone saw him there these past months
did his tattoo move down from his thigh to his knee? retard
>mirroring kikes working overtime
How is the weather in Tel Aviv?
Funny that the AI didn't match the nose, which is the only distinguishing feature between the two.
theres one doing it to me already>>474904771
It wasnt either of them. Both are alive. Photo is shopped. Crooks is a patsy. Maxwell is a patsy. Both are ghosts now. We’ll never know just like the jfk shootings
>Funny that the AI didn't match the nose
It clearly did. You’re just a well poisoning kike. Show flag.
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Does anyone have any ideas on how they even convinced the kid to even get on the roof? Was he aware he would die? I lean towards him not even thinking he was going to die but I can't even explain why or how
>AI has already CONFIRMED that the eyebrows, jaw, hairline, moles, ears, and lips match the shooter
Nose missing, unlike yours which is very visible.
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Nigger, explain this.

Crooks never had any ear piercings / tunnels
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Has anyone collected all the videos and started doing audio triangulation yet?

You people keep harping on about 2nd shooter, 3rd shooter, etc. but you can literally PROVE with the available video and audio evidence that's available, the direction bullets were traveling and the location they were shot from

You take videos filmed from positions A, B, C.
Synchronize the videos so they are playing at the exact same moments in time
Record the millisecond differences in the sound waves of the shots reaching the people recording
Use math to triangulate what direction and location the bullet came from

The more videos and the wider apart they are, the more accurately you can pinpoint the location the shots and bullets were all coming from.

You do not need to hypothesize and guess at this guy was shot in this direction that guy was totally hit bro in this other direction
You don't need to do ANY of that

You can literally just fucking triangulate this shit

I can't understand how many times I have to say this and nobody fucking listens


The things you guys want to prove are PROVABLE/DISPROVABLE
You tell me faggot
>muh Speck of blood!
Nice try kike
Incorrect kike. Your nose is showing. Go through the archive and see that the thread with the AI comparison showed a 100% MATCH WITH THE SHOOTER - THOMAS MATTHEW CROOKS

Scopolamine is an underutilized explanation imo
You’re a retard. You’ve never fired a gun in your life. No gun faggot.
>Does anyone have any ideas on how they even convinced the kid to even get on the roof?
The theory goes that Crooks is killed off screen, Yearick doesn't need much convincing to get on the roof because he's Antifa, but that's a problem after the event since they'll need Antifa in 2025+ when Trump is elected. They can't have Antifa rightly declared a terror organization.
Why was there an assistant director of the fbi right behind Trump that seemed to know when shots would be fired? Looked in the direction of the shooters, sat down, realized she might be on camera and covered her face with sign, then wiped out her phone the second Trump hit the deck almost as if she was ready to take pictures of his missing head as proof of successful hit. Also the bullet captured in flight seems much larger than .223/5.56mm.
Lol youre terrible at this
Yep, and he's going to repeat >>474906063
forever now.
You are the most retarded nigger I've ever met.

Its clearly ear tunnels hole
>I lean towards him not even thinking he was going to die but I can't even explain why or how
thats what glowniggers do
find fragile or damaged people who need understanding, help, and a friend
and instead use psy-op manipulation to fuck them over by putting them in destructive situations
sometimes they find an actual bad guy, but often its someone who normally wouldnt do shit until they wound them up
they are truely scum of the earth
I haven't seen the pic on the right, can you post full version?
>yearick who is alive and in jail
Nice try memeflaggot kike. Show flag and nose
opinion discarded saar
Thanks for stopping by agent hernadez
Get a real job faggot
>explosives in the car (Hyundai Elantra)
>says the unemployed guy
Hows mommy’s basement treating you faggot?
>>yearick who is alive and in jail
Oh that would be some theory destroying proof.
I'll add this will also accurately tell you the projectile speed and the volume of the gunshots will also give you an estimation of the energy involved, combined together will tell you the calibre/type of rounds fired.

Audio/video recordings of the event will tell you the following just through audio alone:
>The location of the shooters
>The speed of the bullets
>The energy of the bullets
>The direction the bullets travelled

You guys can figure all of this stuff out RIGHT NOW
You just need experience with math and working in 3D spaces, and a willingness to collate all the videos together
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only use the unedited one, glowies may have altered the MSpaint one.
44 posts. Seething
>Crooks is killed off screen
Wouldn't someone still hear the gunshot of that? Are you saying they body swapped him in moments after it happened without leaving any blood trails? This whole thing is weird
I agree with this but Crooks seems like he leaned right wing, how would they convince him that taking out Trump is a good thing? Did they just tell him he could larp on the roof as security, like a "take your retarded kid to work" day kind of thing?
That’s not what a repaired gauge scar looks like. That’s clearly blood.Explain the top of the ear being a dead match for Crooks.
>all the videos and started doing audio triangulation yet
has brilliant idea
shows up at bedtime and bread is about to go stale

not yet
but its a good idea
baker said will be back monday
i will try and do something with audio over weekend
but the audio available is not very good
> can't understand how many times I have to say this and nobody fucking listens
i saw you posted that at like 2am last night. its been a busy day
Thinking about it, this is pretty big.
I did find it odd that Crooks would be driving that thing around, given his age. An inheritance makes a lot more sense, which lines up perfectly with Yearick.
All we need now is crook's parents saying he didn't own the van.
Well poisoning retard
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Shoo shoo shlomo
See >>474906678
I love how AI is somehow all the sudden the most reliable source for data on the subject. If you say AI correctly identified crooks as the shooter you are a glowie. Dont bother responding calling me a jew just shut your glowie mouth and quit the AI speech nobodys buying it
I mean, it wasn’t a .22 anyways. It was 5.56. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/investigations/2024/07/14/trump-shooting-gunman-father-ar-15/74401175007/
Nobody feels that way but agent gonzalez seething on this thread
More like you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.
>Wouldn't someone still hear the gunshot of that?
Depends when and where he died. There's hours long window after he goes missing. I see him getting vanned and killed in it.
>Are you saying they body swapped him in moments after it happened
No need to. The guy was shot in the face, and here we are arguing about whose face it even is. Onlookers aren't even gonna be allowed to see who gets moved off the roof, let alone notice later that the alleged shooter (Crooks) looks slightly different to what they saw.
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Are you on a contract or do you work for a agency?
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No it isn’t.
>leaned right wing,
other than a voter registration
there is no evidence of this
what right winger would give a penny to act blue?
besides, who knows what lies a handler could feed him
know what they told oswald?
he was going to be part of a staged assassination attempt to smear commies. he just had to play the part and pretend
he saw it go from larp to live when jfks head blew off, he knew he was fucked and told leo he would talk
thats why they scambled to have ruby had to shut him up
from then on, glowies plans try to take care of the patsy on the spot
The news said 5.56
Daily reminder that anyone pushing the Yearick narrative is a Jewish shill paid per post by their Jewish masters to spread disinformation and fuck up the investigation. Yearick is alive and in jail. Also, AI confirmed with 100% accuracy yesterday that the shooter was 100% THOMAS MATTHEW CROOKS.
Man searchin for maxwell yearick photos landed me on this rare maxwell tiddy shot..never seen this one before
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>BONGINO: warehouse manned by local (swat) but SS detachment designated to man the roof did not show up (after being threatened not to talk about it) per his contacts as ex-SS.

Anyone with footage in proximity to the FBI deputy director to Trump's stage left needs to be found and have its audio analyzed to try and catch what she was saying.


Per Bongino/Team House/Chris Williams, the hydrolic fluid spray got all over the SS cars causing a mess-- Thesis: that was the sole target for the Water Tower Bigfoot to delay CASEVAC of the principle in the event that the wound was fatal but treatable, to cause delay.

>3 Encrypted Foreign Bank Accounts, magic explosives expertise

Thesis: Roof Perp was required to carry it for 1.) ensure compliance and 2.) evidence annihliation

Corollary: Grey top and khaki shorts Doppelganger Perp seen in ground footage of the Roof Wookie was an accessory to run interference.

>Persuasion: Range Finder and assigning blame

Representatives must be written to in order to lobby for SS SOP to be immediately amended to include the detention of persons within [X yards] of the OUTER CORDON whom are in possession of any and all suspicious devices/objects for the duration of the event, and only released until well after the Principle has left the premises.
You've claimed he's in prison, just prove it.
Sloppy job tonight, officer.
No paycheck for you this week
Crooks was the 5 shot volley
Opening 3 shots were the pro
cropping out the part that matches Crooks' ear bumps is not a good look
nvm, it's in another picture to the right
Who do you think the face belongs to? I couldn't decide at first but I'm starting to accept it's Crooks, I saw guys here speculating that they're changing it with A.I over time which sounds like something they would do but I compared to a "new" pic of it to one from when it first happened and they still look the same
>from then on, glowies plans try to take care of the patsy on the spot
So what's your speculation on how it happened? A left wing kid ordered to go up there? That sounds like certain death, do you think they convinced him to go up there and he knew he would die? If he's not actually conservative, it seems like he's cool with guns, I have a hard time believing a casual young gun person could be convinced of this but I would like to hear your ideas
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They put it on TV news. They didn't show the bloody head or the trail of dried blood that goes several feet down the roof (next to his legs and beyond his feet, hence they blur them too).
So we can make the glowie mad with the 16th thread Kek this guy has been active non stop this past week and he is very bad at his job Kek and his colleagues that take over too
>Who do you think the face belongs to? I couldn't decide at first but I'm starting to accept it's Crooks
The dead guy's face looks like Crooks to me although the nose doesn't match, but either way it doesn't prove he's the shooter.
>jewish masters so desperate that they hired a poojeet to spread disinformation
Thank you for posting this.
Refreshing to see civilian Americans actually getting on planes to check things out for themselves. Even if they are also pajeets
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Why would this name get used
Yearick has even more destroyed and bumped ears from piercings, I agree the cropping is bad tho. See how his ear is fucking square from all these piercings LMAO
Faggot hippie Antifa

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