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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>Pres Trump Accepts Candidacy at RNC, Milwaukee, WI 7/18/2024
https://rumble.com/v56kkyl-live-day-four-2024-republican-national-convention-in-milwaukee-wisconsin-71.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Rally at Butler, PA 7/13/2024
https://rumble.com/v560lb8-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-butler-pennsylvania-71324.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Rally at Doral, FL 7/9/2024
https://rumble.com/v560kfz-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-at-trump-national-in-doral-florida-7924.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump at Chesapeake, VA 6/28/2024
https://rumble.com/v53g5gg-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-chesapeake-virginia-62824.html (RSBN)
>First Presidential Debate, Atlanta, GA 6/27/2024
>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Keynotes Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v52yh29-live-president-trump-keynotes-the-faith-and-freedom-coalitions-road-to-majo.html (RSBN)
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>474945105
Ultra MAGA.
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Hello Caturday /ptg/ !!!
what did he mean by this?
i'm not strong enough to break it, i'm not strong enough to change or improve.
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Shill bros...what happened? My fellows shills have suddenly disappeared due to self combustion or being a assassin patsy for the glowniggers and elite. I don't believe /ptg/ is buying our narrative about Trump rnc being low energy...they also point out that the Biden dropping out narrative that the media and socials are peddling is just to slide the truth about the assassin. /ptg/ is also aware of the Texas company that shorted TRUTH shares just days before the assassination attempt on Trump which would had made some people very rich...also vanguard and Blackrock had a hand in the company...

What do we do shill bros...we're running out of time...
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Good morning and happy Caturday, /ptg/!

TRUMP 2024
Word on the street is that Biden actually agreed to step down, but forgot about it the next day.
even deer are more successful then me.
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lmao based
City council be hating.
>shills: Trump is over and so is this thread! Bye losers!

Also shills

>Shills: after 8 years of being here everyday I have to question why are you still here? Trump is old news, he lost and this thread is meaningless. So don't think about voting incase I wasn't clear enough before. Haha..well see you...unless I kill myself hahaha...take that T-trump...I bet the thought of possibly setting myself makes you seethe so much haha
It would almost be fun to walk up into a house full of these things and waving my rifle around. I hope I don't have to kill any of them though ;) I love living in a Castle Doctrine state.
Of course he did, sharks are imagined spontaneously!
based and rightwing pilled
Gotta get me one of those shirts
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Im worrying that they will try again
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oh I get it now. the entire world is trying to kill me for being white. I almost forgot for a couple hours.
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I can fix her.
Huh Logan Act trending on twitter tagged to Trump I wonder what that's about
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We all are, Biden said he has to finish (((the job))) in speeches.
I wonder why no one in trumpgen is talking about Trump trending on twitter with the Logan Act
except East Asia they love wypipo
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Special Michigan rally edition.
I hope today's rally is less eventful than last week's.
God smite me if that's is your will not my own my dear and almighty perfect lord.
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Catgirl gfs best gfs. Happy Caturday voting Trump.
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He spoke to Zelensky on the phone, now Dems want to boost his poll numbers even higher with another sham indictment.
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Stay frosty, bröether.
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There were enough happenings for one week.
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Should be good for you then! Maybe you guys should talk about the Logan Act, what it says, and how Trump could exploit it for popularity?
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Only YOU can change that, Leafbro.
Weren't you guys complaining that "nothing ever happens"?
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>Special Michigan rally edition.
Cool !!
When they started putting mac addresses for fridge/washer/dryer/ac I knew it was only a matter of time.
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Good morning, sir.
nuke venezuela please
I wish this heat wave was over, lord a tom in a winter cabin would be worth the universe and then some to me, fuck the rothschilds.
Yea then they threw the game
it's justs so strong and i didn't exercise during school.
if this nigger tried this shit with me he'd be leaving through the fucking bathtub drain
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>Good morning, sir.
Good morning, sir !!
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If only they knew
Is that today?
Hopefully nothing wacky to report.
So the Logan Act states that a private dmcitizen cannot negotiate with an adversary on behalf of the US government. You don't think Trump is doing that between Putin and Zelensky, do you? Of course not, right?
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Doctors who knew the clot shots were poison are MAGA and want the compromised medical institutions gone as well.
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Trump is love and peace
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Dems did it during Trump's first presidency, so who fucking cares? Nobody that isn't a retarded niggerfaggot, that's who.
A preimpeachment?
They just tried to murder the guy and more lawsuits?
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>Hopefully nothing wacky to report.
Delightfully un-wacky at the moment.

Monday night tornado count is up to 21 now.
amazing how the biggest fuck up in SS history, possibly malicious even, and the MSM is giving them a free pass
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The view calls for the president to be shot in the mouth

Ana Navarro: "It's too bad the bandage was just over his ear. It should have been over his mouth."
Which democrat did it with which foreign adversary?
>not filtering memeflags
>responding to obvious bait
you newfaggots need to go back
I hope you will not have both if you keep posting uncanny pics like that
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Theyre at it again.
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Stop making excuses and start making progress.
Same, summer is fucking gay.
Have you tried throwing nons into the tornadoes to stop them?
Because the RNC revealed why he got shot at
>if i just vote harder, this time things will get better
>sure it hasnt worked for over 500 years but hey this time will be different.
God i hate you democracy retards so much.
Yea they really should be you dorks need to be bullied more
Cry about it bitch boy. Teflon Don will not be stopped
John Kerry went and spoke to the leaders of Iran to undermine Trump, you absolute newfag.
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I remember being very uncomfortable around niggers when I was a kid.
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>the federalist
>it's written by democrats
John Kerry with Iran in 2018.

The Logan Act says, and I quote: "The Supreme Court confirmed Presidential Immunity a couple of weeks ago lol" section iii.12.b
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>dictionary maker upset that words have meanings
should start moving dictionaries to the fiction section at this rate
Obama did that in the Trump years anyway.
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it was the girlfriend of times. it was the girlfriendless of times.
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After Boris Johnson prolonged the Ukraine war, he makes a statement saying Trump would end the Ukraine war.

Boris Johnson:
I am more convinced than ever that Trump has the strength and bravery to save Ukraine and end this appalling war.
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Because they wanted Trump dead as well.
Biden's administration failed to assassinate them.
They fuck up everything they touch.
Use your hand retard.
Youve been psy opped into thinking a girlfriend will make your life better.
It wont.
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Trump will win!
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I feel personally attacked.
Did you make your parents lives better, or worse?
Would you having someone like you around make your life better or worse?
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>Have you tried throwing nons into the tornadoes to stop them?
That sounds dangerous !!

I prefer using heads-on-pikes method.
Tornadoes usually avoid anywhere that openly displays heads-on-pikes.
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Support your local farmers market, not the hippie parts the actual farmers
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im shitposting holy shit
I should give up on tomboys and get rid my attraction to tomboys. Every time i try i fail until i am hurt. Modernity and liberalism has won.
I want to vote for Trump but my paranoia says otherwise. Registering to vote means your voters profile is public for everyone to see. Why is it like this?
Yes! Grand Rapids, Michigan, rally today, and Charlotte, North Carolina, on Wednesday.
He's deflated. They popped his ear open and all the hot air rushed out.
Yea Kerry did that, he isn't running for president
Call Kerry on it! Make Trump a hypocrite
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White guilt is over, cope harder niggerbrain.
>okay, so maybe Dems did do the exact same thing
lol, lmao
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>Registering to vote means your voters profile is public for everyone to see.
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Haha good one but Trump isn't the president right now
He isn't running for president, and I don't know whether or not he was acting as a private citizen.
He's putting those donations from his mugshot to good use.
What does he get fined for?
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Erik Prince off the leash update on twitter:
>A Russian court sentenced WSJ journalist Evan Gershkovich to 16 years in prison on bogus espionage charges.
>Gershkovich probably won't serve all 16 years: Pres. Putin has suggested he could be traded for a high-value Russian prisoner in a swap, but first he had to be sentenced (Russia generally doesn't swap prisoners until after their sentencing).
>China's Third Plenum ended without any meaningful economic policy announcements, disappointing analysts who'd hoped for bolder action to kickstart sluggish domestic growth.
>Separately, former president Trump claimed Taiwan "stole" the American semiconductor industry and "should pay" for the U.S. guaranteeing its security. Shares in TSMC - Taiwan's (and the world's) largest chipmaker - slipped 2.4% on concerns that the U.S. might not come to Taiwan's defense if China invades while Trump is president.
Why is something like this on the federalist?
But throwing nons into tornadoes is fun.
Thank you.
Where did the shill go
I can't believe the assassin used a giant rubber band, two big boulders, tied to a rope to create momentum and a giant magnet to help him guide towards the roof. Used a drone(probably glowniggers) Also the shooter had metal rollerskates. My favorite part was when he painted a fake tunnel entrance on a wall, where Trump fled into no problem. However when Crooks ran to chase him, he crashed into the wall flat like a pancake hahaha!

How no one saw this or the giant ACME crate is colossal failure desu.
> Starch
Enjoy diabetes
will do nothing, like me as i am a useless waste of air.
Being too based.
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>Venezuela's opposition leader, María Corina Machado - who was blocked from running against Pres. Maduro on July 28 - accused Maduro's goons of staging "a deliberate provocation" to incite her security chief, Milciades Ávila, to come to her physical defense.
>Ávila did come to her defense, and he was promptly arrested for it. This is only the latest example of Maduro's security forces intimidating the opposition ahead of the election.
>It's not as though Maduro even needs to bully the opposition: he's also electioneering in other ways, including by designing the ballot to show his own name and photo 13 times - under multiple "parties" - before it shows any of the opposition candidates running against him.
>Banned from running herself, Machado is supporting the only serious opposition candidate, Edmundo González, who is currently leading several polls - though Maduro certainly won't let him win the real election.
You are paranoid for no reason but you should vote for biden for a safer world where you are not paranoid to vote
While guilt is only beginning honkie
the kike safras banking clan bought out the dictionary companies to change definitions when they please.
I should buy some drugs before the rally later.
How would I know the difference?
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Peace, Love and Donald Trump!
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Fuck off nigger
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yall are fucking stupid if you ever buy dumbells or a gym membership and you live near a shartmart because the wagies are not being paid enough to care or even notice if you walk around for hours inside (cardio) or “test out” the dumbells (bicep curls, lat raises, etc).
sure the weights only go up to like 40 el bees but the only time anyones ever clapped back at me for doing anything was a dyel wagie politely requesting i not scream “BITCH” after i was done doing a set to failure since it was upsetting other customers. fair enough i guess, dont make things worse for the place that has to lock up laundry detergent to keep the browns from stealing it. they cant legally confront shoplifters so they arent going to do shit to me, especially since i always make a point of buying my post workout tuna and mountain dew from them. i could just walk out with it but im white, i dont do that.
so in summation, stop paying to walk around and lift heavy objects inside with air conditioning because you literally dont have to.
anyway still voting lake and trump, happy caturday, gm and nn
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>Israel's far-right national security minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir, paid a provocative visit to the contested holy site of Al Aqsa / Temple Mount in Jerusalem, telling video cameras that he went to pray for the return of Hamas hostages - "but without a reckless deal, without surrendering."
>Jordan condemned the visit as "a provocative step" and the White House complained about it as "counterproductive to peace and security in the West Bank" without mentioning Ben-Gvir by name.
>Meanwhile, the International Court of Justice ruled that Israel's occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem violated international law. Its opinion is nonbinding but influences the media and public perspectives.
>The Pentagon warned that claimed attacks by Islamic State (IS) are on track to more than double this year vs. last year.
>IS has claimed 153 attacks in the first half of 2024 - and in just Syria and Iraq - compared to 121 attacks it claimed in all of 2023 in those two countries.
I don't mind proving that I'm a REAL HUMAN BEAN and that I'm an American citizen but privacy concerns me.
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Man, the anti-White propaganda is going STRONG today.

What are the chances that Biden called Trump to say that he's tired of this whole charade we call, democracy. Perhaps he had enough and him staying is giving the middle finger to kikes, media and elite as well as handing Trump the presidency in exchange for immunity.
> red raspberries
> white yogurt
> blue blueberries
Very patriotic snack, anon!
But why are the labels in Slovenian? I've been to the Saturday Ecological Market in Ljubljana; it's pretty nice. Still not America, though.
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this gomez chick is great
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commies love it when their home is broken into, and they get raped and murdered.
What's up, /ptg/?
Good job Trump run your mouth to weaken our allies and strengthen China masterful gambit sir
It's on the federalist because it's fucking over. Read the writing on the wall.
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>IS has claimed 153 attacks in the first half of 2024 - and in just Syria and Iraq - compared to 121 attacks it claimed in all of 2023 in those two countries.
>IS's affiliates have also stepped up their attacks in other regions like Afghanistan (IS-Khorasan) and the Sahel (IS West African Province).
>An analyst attributed this year's rise in claimed IS attacks to increasing frustration with the government in Syria and Iraq - which is driving IS's ability to recruit new jihadists there - as well as competition from Iran-linked groups for U.S. counterterrorism priority - which is diverting resources away from fighting IS globally.
>Anglo American said its diamond mining division, De Beers, would cut production amidst falling sales plamed in part on declining demand for diamonds in China.
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Nah, wypipo don't care about your annoying crybullying anymore.
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There could be some kino looney tunes with Trump as roadrunner with the glownigger trying to hunt him down.
I lived all the sterotypes irl...the young jewish kid gaslighting me into giving him my lunch money. The black and arab kids being violents...etc. Forcing more contacts won't dismantle racism it'll just make kids more aware.
You're voting for a felon
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>post workout tuna and mountain dew
Based post up until this point. Stop consuming goyslop.
NN tomboy wrangler.
I guess she's going for that tomboy look to appeal towards the male demographic
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>But throwing nons into tornadoes is fun.
That's because throwing nons in general is fun.

Throw them off a cliff or tall building.
Throw them into the lake.
Throw them into a raging fire.
Throw them on to the highway in front of a speeding semi.

All of these are much safer than throwing them into a tornado.
And still fun !!
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i got built like a brick shithouse by living a country life. dragging logging chains around the yard and using heavy tools and what not.
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drink 4 ciders and go 100 mg of thc
Just register as an independant and your vote will be secret, no?
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Use a mail in ballot.
i have no strength
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>when our nation works together
cartoonists are the most serious gaslighters out there
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For not being a commie in a commie city.
Why can't rsbn keep their hosts?
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kek saved
>but how would you feel if your gf made you caturday breakfast this morning
Wypipo aren't the only ones voting and many hate Trump
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Without looking it up, niggers are the largest group responsible for raping/murdering women.
Source is my gut.
Checkmate kikes.
And being aware is a good thing
You lose
Nobody gives a fuck about silly made up charges when Bidenomics is causing people to literally go hungry lol.
>jew rapes a child in one of their many underground rape tunnels

You called me out? Ha, your life is ruined now! You're anti-semetic!
>desperate non sequitur
lol, lmao
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In a recent poll jews bragged Americans are indeed.skipping meals to save money.
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nothing you try works lol
Launch them into the tornado. Problem solved.
No one gives a fuck about Bidenomics Trump got shot and the RNC was a disaster that presented no solution to inflation, which is trending down
Also the US post covid inflation was less than most countries in the world it was a global inflationary period
Venezuelans basically called for acts of war, time to blow that shit up US.
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>No one gives a fuck about Bidenomics
its about the number one thing people care about
It's not a non sequitur. It's complete political outmaneuvering
Letting him hang himself with his own words and actions is working
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> former NCAA Division I swimmer
> family immigrated [from Colombia] to the United States
> MBA in Finance and Strategy from Tulane
> 2. Remove electronic voting machines to successfully transition towards universal paper ballot hand counting.
Except for the MBA (fuck them), I like her. Niggers hate her too, because she called for them to go back to Africa if they didn't like the US
https://eurweb.com/2024/valentina-gomez-gop-immigrant-tells-blacks-to-leave-the-us/ (yes, that site can't even spell Colombia properly).
And, she absolutely hates faggots.
You are being willingly negative at this point. You refuse all help, and you're on the wrong board and wrong thread for it (try >>>/adv/ if you really want help).
>everyone i know is doing fine and voting biden
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>No one gives a fuck about how poor and miserable Biden has made them
I really hope someone is paying you to say this retarded shit.
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No current office=private citizen.
You are just proof that your side operates a two-tier justice system.
It's the number one thing MAGA pretends to care about when they get done pretending to care about immigration. The president doesn't control the economy and if he did, bidens is good.
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1) Nobody gives a fuck about those verdicts because they are ALL obvious show trials. You failed.

2) Re: Logan Act. Trump is not attempting to portray himself as a representative of the US, nor is Zelenskyy an "adversary." There is precisely ZERO legal prohibition on US citizens talking to people out there in the world. Neither you, nor the other teenage retards on twitter have the slightest fucking idea what you are talking about.

3) You are a gigantic faggot, and everyone who knows you despises your idiocy combined with your loudmouth smugness.
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it's cool, you young folk will love mera mera
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The assassination attempt was explained before it happened.
Short video clip from the interview:
>How to embroil the nation in a long drawn out heated debate over the most pointless and retarded topic ever imagined
B*den and jewduro are on the same team. We need Trump back to blow these commie spicoids up.
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hey someone's missing logan act discourse he's gonna be so mad
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>Launch them into the tornado
Just like the movie
they must really want Trump to get all the nigger vote
Every poll shows Bidenflation is the number 1 election issue, followed closely by Biden's open borders, you absolute cope fiend.
fuck, coffee
I'm so happy people saved that.
>hey someone's missing logan act discourse he's gonna be so mad
Hard to be mad when you're passed out drunk.
do you not go to the grocery store anon
do you not sit at the gas pump for a minute or two, contemplating?
i cant wait for 2028 when you niggers start with the "zion vance" shit
Frens, can anyone post that pol meme with the "do not make me tap the sign" format?
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yes i bet that's what happened to him!
inb4 abortion cope poll
>If you dont worship nigger feet before killing yourself for being white you might be racist
I really think TorNigger flows better
I hope someone is paying you welfare if you can't afford groceries.
OK, maybe he violated it. That means Trump did too.
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>I'm so happy people saved that.
Also with Nigger Cat !!
Uh guys I haven't been able to open my fridge or my doors for 2 days my security screens are blue and shit crashed. I'm almost out of food wtf am I supposed to do?
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best i got
based blurry lifehax
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I learned a fun one
Honor means man, manly courage, hard like a man.
but if you use the jewish definition it means weigh and measure or supplicate
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Sorry, I only have this shark
tuna is a superfood and mountain dew is ok once in a while when you need that boost
Nope real trials before a jury in the city he made his name in with lawyers taking part in jury selection he is a convicted felon in New York fair and square.
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that shark is almost as retarded as this one
You lost :)
Ukraine lost :)
Trump won :)
>tuna is a superfood
except for the mercury
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>shitting on working people, whose lives Biden and the Democrats are making more difficult
Bold strategy Cotton, let's see if it pays off for them.
i am a bad person, worthless sack of human garbage.
That's what makes it the perfect edition. Someone requested that I do that and I did.
The fact that Obama told Biden to step down is a death sentence to his chance of winning.
Trump should use that in his political ads if Biden decides to stay
The judge disallowed trump from presenting evidence. The prosecutor used a novel legal theory to upgrade minor misdemeanors to felonies. It was a sham trial through and through.
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trump is gonna win bigly and we're gonna see immediate improvement but remember we're fighting a culture battle here and we win those by having fun and being frens
i love my /ptg/ brothers we've been here for a long time and i feel bad for anyone who missed this much of the ride
I hope Biden stays stronk
Not the one I'm looking for, but thanks!
Ty, now I have it too
He'll still sit in a jail cell the last 2 months before the election.
he wont
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It's just like the movie Downfall, except instead of being holed up in the Fuhrerbunker, he's holed up in a mansion in a beach town primarily patronized by homosexuals.
Economy is at 36% on gallup https://news.gallup.com/poll/1675/most-important-problem.aspx
Yea I do the economy shifts I have a fucking job
Vance will be forgotten by 2028
Hey guys. I know we like to have fun here and joke around with the piratebeard shill, retard shills, kikes and in some cases, glowniggers. But I genuinely mean it when I say that all evil kikes, illegals/niggers who rape, murder, steal and traitorous glowniggers, all who enable and are responsible for the problems the world is facing today should face justice. They all need to hang in a public forum for the world to see.
Don't forget to volunteer when operation deport Dora the explorer kicks in when Trump enters his third term.

Have a nice day! MAGA!
>have a fucking job

We can tell
We voted in a nigger before, so clearly this is progressive unless you have a problem with that?
>Yea I do the economy shifts I have a fucking job
and when the economy shifts the way it did just now
people in office lose their jobs

tfw you slept through TWO breakfests
I'm winning as are Ukraine and Biden/Kamala. Trump threw it.
The dems do more for working people. How much you want to bet the teamsters show up at the DNC and give a real endorsement just to highlight the difference?
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>Someone requested that I do that and I did.
So many fond memories of the comfy, fun times in /ptg/ !!
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>look at this chart
>see that line going up?
>that means you're imagining your higher grocery bills, higher energy bills, and higher medical bills
This never gets old.
Dems basically bought the courthouse for some cheap media fodder that hardly swayed public opinion.
What a bunch of losers
just to let your dumbass know before you waste too much time
there was a poster here called Finnshill that spent over 10 thousand hours here, and all he accomplished was looking like and idiot and getting himself doxxed
Just imagine what we'll see when Trump gets back in.
checked, i should give up
What novel theory?
Get one loser
Obama wasn't a nigger he was one of the good ones
You mean like how Trump did? Our trajectory has improved under biden.
>The dems do more for working people
It's not 1990, retard. The Dems are not the blue collar party anymore, they are the party of illegal immigration and inflation.
100lbs hail stones?
locusts with hair?
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>Just imagine what we'll see when Trump gets back in.
Imagine all that will be seen between now and then.
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How do you think Trump will reduce inflation: hint: cutting all taxes raises inflation
I'm just here till November and will never give identifying information
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i thought it said Hogan act
>Help the working people by taking billions of dollars out of the economy every day.
This aint the 50s anymore nigger. Dems now have a permanent class of taxpayer funded welfare slaves and could care less about workers
Absolutely, because he will.
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I think Trumo had a blast at the convention.
If he spends his reelection campaign sabotaging those who are asking him to step aside it would be hilarious.
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>sorry fat, I'm not dropping out and endorsing a brown woman
based retard biden
The dems support unions and labor protection laws, higher mandatory wages, etc. It's not even close. You guys poll well with the entry level workers because they are, frankly, dumb. Higher ups that are pro labor all go dem.
It's going to be a long ride come election day. Reminder that I am still baking.
>I'm just here till November
have fun wasting your time, maybe you will become educated here to liberal insanity
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They literally have nothing but shit to throw at us anymore. Just as chimpanzees fling shit - same sort of behavior. Their party is collapsing in plain sight before the whole world.
sweetest of the transition metals
How utterly delusional are shills currently thinking Biden can win, when everyone working under him doesn't even think he can win
>higher mandatory wages
Yes, I am aware that Dems are responsible for higher prices for goods and services.
The universe plays strange jokes
Dems care about workers still. Dems push minimum wage.
He will cut taxes? That raises inflation. How much do you know about economic controls?
No, he won't, you stupid leafnigger.
the trump speech was low energy though
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>cutting taxes raises inflation
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>100lbs hail stones?
>locusts with hair?
Don't be silly !!
Those things have already happened this year.

Biden calling Obama a fucking nigger !!
Kamala taking a shit during a live press conference !!
Nancy Pelosi dies !!
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Today is also the anniversary of the moon landing.
Put the trip back on, nigger.
Turns out when you put tariffs on china, stop illegal immigration, keep gas prices low and keep taxes low, wages magically go up all on their own.
Who woulda thunk
You're a laughing clown but soon you will be a sad clown
Any. Dem. Can. Win. Against. Trump.
You lose the age argument in 1 weeks time
how is stealing less money from my paycheck bad again?
>He will cut taxes? That raises inflation
You are a drooling retard, Joe. Now put your trip back on.
>While guilt
Most literate black man
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this shill is hilariously incopetant
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>lower taxes cause inflation
I thank God every single day that my enemies are not just objectively evil, but also completely fucking retarded.
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>Today is also the anniversary of the moon landing.
This is correct !!
55 years ago !!
India got to the moon before we did.
lowering taxes is antisemitic
Actually the Trump tax cuts post covid global inflation and international politics related trade shifts from Ukraine houthis etc
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Stay mad!
He's gonna break out of jail right before he gets elected, huh?
Arrest Obama and Kerry FIRST to prove to us that you actually apply the law equally.
Technically it's true because higher taxes result in less money circulating in the economy.
That misdemeanors can be upgraded to felonies in furtherance of a crime, without specifying what crime they were in furtherance of, and disallowing all evidence and testimony from the body of government responsible for prosecuting the category of crimes.
What's the word?
Moon landing deniers are niggerbrained, brown, communist, or demoralized faggots.
Any chike shills thinking about setting theirselves on fire lately?

Don't do it! /ptg/ needs your help on bumping the thread. Not only are you fulfilling an important duty, you can let off some steam against Trump and have some purpose in this excuse you call a life! We have the best shills don't we folks? Goodnight all and even the haters! Don't be a tool for the glownigger/kikes! Don't be a victim!

Is the "guy" that's been spamming the threads for the last 6 hours just a bot? A lot of the posts are actual gibberish and read like a bunch of words thrown together.
it really depends on WHICH taxes are lowered
if its income taxes, sure, you got more money flowing around, which means more inflation, in theory
but if you lower eg energy/petrol taxes, that has effects downstream, reducing the prices of all products that involve energy/petrol in their production or distribution. which really means ALL products. so, lower inflation.
Never had one never will. You will know me by the trail of MIGA tears.
But dems raise wages and protect them by law and also cut inflation by taxing super rich corporations and also fund things like the new Intel superfactory. Cutting taxes raises inflation. This is basic economic fact.
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I want to bring her home whip out my Anaconda size cock and have her yell
"That thing is not real"
Because you're poor and not fooling anyone if it hurts you enough that you don't gain it back in investments
you need to learn to MAGA with the jews you obvious shareblue shill. the jews in Israel support Trump and Vance. you won't ruin out movement!
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don't complain.
having lots of shills and bots in the threads means we're doing good. its a feature, not a bug. its a feather in our cap.
just filter and move on.
>If they only knew
Before NASA even began, the US already had a base on the Moon.
It is a joint base.
The Nazi space program had the base since the 1940's.
They allowed the US to have a couple of the underground levels.
The Nazis got the base from the reptilians.
Before the NASA rocket program even began, America already had a joint Moon base with the Nazis, in an old run down reptilian underground base.
The Nazis added the structure in pic related, before Americans moved into the base.
Both the Nazis and the Americans were flying in real spacecraft, not using rockets.
NASA was always fake news.
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I'm not really into edibles, I prefer doing things the old fashioned way.
The real gaslighting is believing the masonic lie of a moonlanding let alone space
The fact proles are arguing over nonsequitors that never happened is ingenious as it is sinister in its scope
Basic economic fact. You flaunt your illiteracy.
Just like pissing you guys off. Make the whities turn pink.
>Weve come up with the latest insults and slanders to prove that space is indeed not fake and gay
Keep winning faggot
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it was a blacr*ck hit, and blackr*ck owns every news network, so...
Would you believe I'm mopping the floor with you all on a cell phone
As do I. Economists on your side know this. You are flaunting illiteracy.
At least you spelled whities right this time.
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Happy Moon Day !!
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He's not going to jail, retard nigger. Now get the gasoline.
spouting a bunch of bullshit and blatant lies isnt convincing anyone
>n-no u
I fucking would if we had to but instead how about we pardon Trump and stop with the fucking trying to kill eachother retard nigger shit
>Increase wages without increase in productivity
Thats called being fucking retarded and driving small businesses out of existence so big corps can clean up the demand
Just a reminder that Russians are Fetal Alcohol Syndrome dogs. Don't kill yourselves over it though, you're super valuable as labor-bots. Just keep performing shit-tier labor forever, got it ziggers? We'll figure out space while you faggots plow the fields or whatever
Are other crimes committed by other people not also able to upgraded in this way and have been many times?
blockchain developer here
i want to make a trump themed meme coin
is anyone interested and have any ideas for the name? i've already done the token contract and working on frontend now. can also provide initial liquidity
I'm the realistic nigga itt
It's vultures circling a wounded animal
I'm not running for president. Biden will say it nice, I get to say it mean. You are stupid fucking retards opposing your own interests.
Yes. If you wish to upgrade a misdemeanor to a felony in furtherance of another crime, you must 1) specify that crime 2) prove it has been committed.

Neither of those happened.
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anon you almost caused a supernova! ULTRA MAGA!
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Logan act doesn't apply to candidates running or even talking to foreign dignitaries for fucks sake. The only thing you can do is negotiate on our behalf or sign treaties.
Who is stopping the sheriff? You?
The secret service won't but they'll keep him company while he's in the pen at least.
I'm not. Please bring light to my lies if you see any.
Survival of the fittest. I thought you guys liked big American industry. You can't have 10000 mom and pop factories. This isn't the 1950s. You work at Amazon or jewcorp LLC let us make laws to protect you from your jewish overlords.
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i am worthless and not worthy of love or respect
Hahaha hot damn. Hope she has good security.
needs a dab of honey.
theres a lot of local trees that make very very delectable honey but might not be edible plants per se

if you've had real acacia or tupelo or sourwood its beautiful
>let the jewish overlords protect you from your jewish overlords
gas yourself
I’m sick

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