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Don't let shills slide this

Oh who am I kidding...you're all going to help 1pbtid threads reach bump limit
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>There were 2 shooters
>First 3 shots came from a different weapon in a different location than the next string of shots
if there were 2 shooters why werent their more shots? it was only like 5 right?
I fucking called this! Theres several close to the shooter videos you can hear solid two shots, then 3 reverb'd shots, then a single shot.
Listen to the guy in the video, he literally spoonfeeds you

It's mandatory watching if you are at all interested in this event

This being /pol/ I would assume that's most of you... but again, who am I kidding, you guys would rather post in demoralization threads or women threads
This guy in the video says in the start of the video the first three shots were the same weapon but by the end of the video says something different.

He makes some assumptions that are incorrect. Shots 4 , 5, and 6 come from the snipers that are on roof ( not the snipers behind trump in most videos ).
Was the assassin shooting suppressed? Is this just some professor not understanding first round pop?
Pew pew
Where the fuck is /ASLG/, nigger?
Sex+ ?

What is the meaning of this
Every time a shooting happens, Some witnesses claim that they can swear they heard multiple shooters.
>watches 10 seconds of a 30 min analysis
>draws conclusion
Ding ding ding
First disingenuous retard has entered my thread
It's complete drivel and this faggot is hiding behind his credentials like meme pronouns. Go post your trash somewhere else faggot
My argument against multiple shooters, is your saying it wasnt just one shitty shooter, but multiple shooters that suck at shooting? Why do so many people suck at shooting?
oh wow multiple weapons in audio? that's wild couldn't possibly be the counter snipers who fucking shot the guy... retards
This is not a witness retard
This is an analysis
Here's your (you) you disingenuous retard
And they all missed.
Competence crisis is very real.
Snipers shot the wannabe assassin. So yes, there were technically multiple shooters. Only one shot at trump.
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>This PhD
in economics
but I guess he could have done a minor in ballistic acoustics
this was like obvious to anyone that's fired guns who listened to the videos no? it sure as fuck sounded like more than two different weapons firing.
>didn't watch the video
>won't watch the video
>posts garbage in thread
Fuck off DNC shills
5 shooters
having a phd doesn't give any more weight to his conclusion especially when his phd was in biochemistry. but it seems like he is part of a sphere of grifters, so it's not surprising that he is using his academic title to try to sway people. protip: if someone feels the need to announce to the world they have a phd, they are probably a hack.
Shills BTFO
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And the grassy knoll argument is here
I was wondering when
>economic researcher
lol, even slide threads used to have a semblance of class in the past.
>immediate gaslighting from a leaf flag
How about you watch the video before drawing your conclusions you fucking meme
this is the kennedy assassination come with new material. multiple shooters doesn't even make sense in this situation where all that was done was 1 hp of damage
There were at least 7 before there was any respond back and the shots only stopped once Trump was on the ground, they thought they had em
while halfway agree with you, your memeflag is more egregious and strips you of any credibility rabbi.
I see the shills have german flags too now.
Sorry losers my thread is reaching escape velocity now thanks to you
the second shooter was the counter sniper
It was obvious there were multiple shooters. You can hear the difference of the shots on video. Real assassin was on the water tower, the 20yo was their mkultra fall guy. Obama, Biden et all were behind it. We currently have traitorous murderers in charge of our country.
The playbook worked then so they just repeat it.

Patsy + second shooter

Simple really
Yeah, the assassin and the secret service counter-sniper. We know at least one of the ss guys fired at least one shot.

You're going to have to prove three to be even remotely interesting, even then "oh the secret service had two counter-snipers"

Swamp German, I watched it twice last night and was even measuring his graph with a ruler on the screen.

The guy does a valiant attempt but he put this video with assumptions that do not go ong with common sense.

For instance, the audio #2 recording has a straight line sound distance from the second group of snipers that is equal to the elaborate arrow lengths he draws requiring an echo off a smaller building.

It makes more sense that shots 4 , 5 and 6 are from the second group of snipers( not in scene with trump but are off camera ).
The sound path length is approximately the same .
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Reminder that everyone so far has not had time to watch the video. They want Trump to fail and they want you distracted by women threads and demoralization threads
It’s hilarious how hard shills are trying to add a second shooter to blame this entire thing on Trump.
This guy's thread claiming it was only Crooks is failing so he came here to flail around under a memeflag
The first 3 shots came from inside the building, through an open window on the second floor of the building behind and to the right of Crooks. News heli footage clearly shows window open
2 assassins, one counter sniper. Suck a dick federal dipshit. The people know and we’re going to kill you all.
it's not blaming trump, quite the opposite. it's pointing out the glownigger involvement
Calm down toothpaste. Does he explain why multiple shooters sucked at shooting? No? Then my question is valid.
One bullet from sniper team b pocketing a spent round. 1 bullet is accounted for.
this is obviously a good thread
An anon drew some circles that show two distinct sources for bullets. >>474916860

Anyone with access to the multiple sources of footage and some basic math could easily rule it in or rule it out.

However some other anons have done some math on the bullet streak photo and determined that it is fake and gay. >>474963030 >>474964345

The assassination attempt just keeps getting weirder and weirder.
I like Chris Martenson and have done since the original Crash Course, I trust his judgement and even though I haven't actually seen this video, I'm sure the analysis is solid. That all having been said, this tweet makes out that he's an acoustic specialist or something and he's not (he's an epidemiologist with a background in finance and economics). Just be aware.
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Get a load of this tard with a PhD in economics who made a 30 minute video where he wastes most of the time yammering without ever addressing the most obvious counter point to his theory: the shots fired with a different gun or guns came from law enforcement located next to Crooks, killing him. Nothing on the video suggests shots 4 through 8 were aimed at Trump.
Yet they both missed. Your brain is smooth. Stupid tinfoil-hatted nigger.
God damn I want that gun, those accessories, that stand, and that hat!
Why do people have such hard time accepting sometimes things are really as simple as they look? There's hundreds of actual conspiracies going on with substantial evidence for them ie whistleblowers, court documents, leaked information, and yet you chose to waste your time with the dumbest most outrageous trash, not only that but you chose to focus on the most trivial and unreliable "evidence" cherry picking photographs.
What kind of rifles are those?
Careful what u post anon, maintain your power level until the event don't want fedniggers coming to your door. Lift weights educate and prepare your family. Start considering your surroundings and people around you that could be problems. Buy guns and bullets
A hidden second sniper is required for shills to insist Trump used a blood pack.

There was no hidden sniper. The second shots are the return firing from the SS shooter.
>is hiding behind his credentials
Lime you're hiding behind that meme flag you stupid cunt.
care to link to that footage or drop a webm?
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>it wasn't incompetence, it was conspiracy
>two professional shooters too incompetent to make a shot my twelve year old can make
>somehow OP and Twitter are not retarded
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>muh credentials
Is there a bigger meme than "experts" in the modern era?
Who is OP?
there are 4 groups of shots the first few from crooks are aimed, then he realizes he fucked up and spray and prayed, then crooks gets domed and shortly after that crooks gun is shot away from him in case he survived the dome shot
did you miss the part where he said it was scientific? and he has a phd? stay in your lane.
Butler Gymnastics Club building. It was closed that day and no one was around so gaining access undetected would've been easy. It's also the only location receiving no attention in media. Audio analysis indicates shots fired from a significant distance behind crook's position. Shots fired from the butler gymnastics club would be hard to distinguish from ones fired from crook's position and make it easier to preserve the lone gunman narrative. Remember, the lone gunman narrative is paramount because any other shooters indicates conspiracy. They are committed to a lone gunman so that thread is the one we should be pulling on the hardest as it will unravel the rest of the lies
yeah everybody knows the water tower guy was the real shooter and the assistant director of the FBI got a front row seat to film blumpf's dead body to gloat on twitter but then she had to bounce when it became apparent her guy missed
now what
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It's in the video the op pic talks about. You can probably find it through op's link
Who was on the Rusty Roof?
Was the 4th triggeree hiding in the Towering Tree?
>it is IMPOSSIBLE for 2 shooters to miss
>haha THIS DEBUNKS the entire analysis that I have not watched
>btw it's IMPOSSIBLE for 2 shooters to miss
>because that's IMPOSSIBLE you see
>any questions?
Shooter fires shots
Secret Service shooting back
Mystery solved
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What if I am only marginally interested? Will I be able to give a shit if the fat retard is shot or not then?
Did we confirmation the kid had 2 phones, and one had contacted someone in the stands? This was going around on youtube last night, but I never saw anything conclusive.
There were 50 CIA shooters and they all missed. Trump is truly under devine protection.
This is the same retarded 'theory' brought out for every other shooting. Has it been proven correct even once?
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I have a PhD in zerg rushes therefore I am an authority on political assassinations. Didn't you watch me kill Arcturus Mengsk on stream in Korhal?
>enters a thread
>refuses to heck the source, scroll down, or read replies
>clicks the OP
>adds a lamebrained oneliner
welcome to nu/pol/
You're low iq.
why don't you see and determine for yourself moron?
You've never had such high quality source material in the history of assassinations before, but you do you (see >>474965912)
Add to the fact we already know there were two shooters. The 20 year old tranny republican Democrat donor, and the counter sniper that watched him drag his ladder and his gun from a mile away, get on the roof prone and take several shots before shooting back.
>ad hominem the messenger
Whatsup DNC shill, here's your (You)
Lmao they seethe so much that my thread is not a 1pbtid slide thread. You love to see it. I'm out niggers. Trump 2024
I don’t care, but I am strong and stable in my situation. The people know who attempted killing trump, people know our government is murderously, traitorously corrupt. These are truths. We also know they will never stop. Violent resistance is a certainty they’ve created, and I am in full support of it.
Sniper and counter sniper.
He thinks second sniper shots were from 2nd shooter and thinks only the last ballerina shot was from Secret Service lol

Never listen to Americans, they just miss their prepuce
Nigger you're the shill. Muddying he water with bullshit. This was one patsy set up by the intel agencies to kill trump. You are trying to push retarded unsubstantiated bullshit to water down the truth and confuse people. "It was 3 shooters" "Trump had a blood pack" "The guy that died isn't the reported shooter". All tactics to throw people off and confuse.
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Here's another video using trajectories that comes to the same conclusion with roughly the same distance apart as this guy's hypothesis about the distance between the shooters.

>Be Trump
>Be targeted by two different shooters
>Your security is probably in on it
>Still live
Americans are stupid. They can't come to logical conclusions. They all have this religious delusional magical thinking psychology because that's the generic stock they came from. Crazy religious zealots who would believe anything.
People who have phd in their profile name are just bullshiters…
Coming back to debunk 1 glownigger shill
>unsubstantiated bullshit
video is more substantiated than anything in the /pol/ catalog
>It was 3 shooters
said nobody (strawman)
>Trump had a blood pack
said nobody (strawman)
>The guy that died isn't the reported shooter
said nobody (strawman)

watch and learn anons
1. there was one shooter.
2. meds
3. dilate
Does he mention the zipline from the roof to the water tower?
And the fact that the shooter who was found on the roof only has one bullet hole, in the back of his head, of a too small calibre to have blown through his skull, meaning he was disposed of from very close range?
Yes, there were multiple shooters.
There was him and the sniper.
You people are retarded marks.
There was at least one other shooter, it wasn’t just the kid.

In fact, YOURE the fed toting the party line trying to blame it on one stupid kid, that’s ridiculous and no one is buying it. The real assassin was on the water tower, you can see him on video.

Go fuck yourself and die, nigger.

BOTH MISSED. PWAHAHAHAHAAhahahahahhahahhahayayhahahaAhahahahahhahahhahayayhahahaAhahahahahhahahhahayayhahahaAhahahahahhahahhahayayhahahaAhahahahahhahahhahayayhahahaAhahahahahhahahhahayayhahahaAhahahahahhahahhahayayhahaha
i like how the jews have the left being conspiracy theorists and the right fighting over who loves faggots and niggers the most

they flipped you vaccinated retards like you were pancakes, keep pretending THEIR RULES will ever let YOU win lol
/pol/ loves niggers and queers now, if you wanna talk conspiracy the new home for that is reddit because that's a left-wing thing now. right is in liberal mode
You have subhuman intelligence. Why would a fed say the feds set up a guy to assainate trump? You're not even worth interacting with you're that stupid.
I enjoy ignoring all current happenings and this just sounds like alt-media grift so they can get eyeballs on them. Who cares. They still missed lmao
JAR(just another rifle) custom built by secret service armorer for each sniper. I wouldn't be surprised if it's just modified rem700. Typically in .300 winmag but I've heard .308 is also used.
Is there nothing but kids on this site these days?

Feels like the IQ has dwindled considerably. None of this matters.
The feds would blame it on their mkultra mark to distract people from their professional who was supposed to land the shot.

You’re stupid as fuck and I see straight through you bitch, suck my cock.
>there were NOT two shooters
Goddamn! Americans are SOOOOOO fucking stupid.
just finished and I’m convinced now, I like that guy
>goyturds are starting to realize the assassination was bullshit what do we do?
>starts the rumors about a second shooter present at the scene with falsified bullshit evidences dropped there and there! Pay some old boomer who's on the verge of bankruptcy to do an "analysis" too.
>trust the (((experts)))

stupid fucking niggers the lot of you
retarded bullshit from one of the biggest retarded faggots on the internet benny johnson. people who believe this shit are fucking idiots. now i'm supposed to believe two morons couldn't hit trump? give me a fucking break. what does that even mean? what conclusions does that lead to? i fucking hate normies so much it's unreal
Just because you don't understand science, doesn't make it fake
look at these kvetching feds
over the target
Nigger country, nigger post.
This. snipers were shooting suppressed
But where did the second shooter go? The only way I can think of them not being noticed is if one of the secret service personnel was themselves the shooter.
Has he accounted for the multiple people shooting *at* the shooter or is this guy as retarded as he looks.
kys kike, your astroturfed attempt at impersonation is gay and jewish.
did you watch the video?
Benny Johnson isn’t in it, idiot
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Map is from "Redacted" channel on youtube
No one cares about the retarded theatre, especially after COVID exposed all these retards playing for the same team, including trump.
He has a PHD in diseases. If he had a PHD in Physics or Geometry or any relevant higher education degree.
Wrong. Shots fired from the water tower would have a completely different trajectory and obliterate the lone gunman narrative.
they probably used unsuppressed patsies as bait
reddit's favorite heuristic: over the target! look at you fucking animals. nobody thinks you're organic. die.
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Yep your gut is 100% right anon, don't watch the video. Whatever you do, don't inform yourself. Take all your information from the shills at /pol/ like a good goy
I care about finding the truth behind the theatre
benny johnson is a con inc controlled opposition kike shill, and if he's retweeting it, i don't need to watch the video. lurk moar newfag. i know it's hard, but just shut the fuck up and stop larping.
That’s all you low IQ Jew, you can’t stop me lol, the people are coming for you and your bitch mayorkas isn’t gonna be able to stop us.
Thanks for the info. Now I know not to watch the "Redacted" channel on youtube.
you don’t fit in, you aren’t fooling anybody you fat tranny traitorous scum
>y-you're the jew!
nice try, kike.
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Hilarious how whenever I push down the shitty narrative migaboomers believe in they freak out and call me a nigger
rich coming from a faggot behind a memeflag
>i'm going to accuse you of exactly what you accused me of!
jesus fucking christ. you niggers are pathetic. are you both bots? you're identical.
what parts of the video do you disagree with?
all of the observations made in the video are reasonable
You're one of ~4 people ITT who has watched the video, the rest are talking straight out of their ass kek
I’m supposed to believe that an organic /pol/ anon is trying to get people to believe there isn’t a deeper more complex story behind the assassination and that there are most likely more than 1 shooter?
there's always more than one shooter
The main problem with this argument is there is no video of a 2nd shooter. Everyone has their phones out recording at these things, and there are a whole bunch of videos of the 1st shooter, and eye witnesses and everything else, but there are no pictures or video of someone else carrying a rifle.
Now the obvious counterpoint to this would be the 2nd shooter was wearing a police or secret service uniform.
That makes no sense whatsoever.

Wow the feds are actually hiring people to cover the fact they groomed the little shit and their real sniper missed.

You’re all fucked for participating, including the psy ops retards.
Fuckin idiot shut the fuck up
that there isn’t more than one shooter*
If anything, watch from 17:20 in the video
or they were very far away using suppressed weapons?
I'm saying he was set up, coached and given a window faggot. I'm not saying some left wing lone wolf did this. Now why would a fed say that genius?
You're wrong. A lot of people refuse to acknowledge the Trump's administration's role in enacting the national emergency, as well as having been responsible for operation warpspeed which introduced a whole of government approach to the situation causing the department of defense to get involved in the planning, logistics and oversight of the development and distribution of covid-19 countermeasures. For example, my brother is a hardcore republican who, despite referring to the situation as the plandemic, is an ardent supporter more now than ever before.
so what’s the issue with analyzing the audio of the video?
why are you gatekeeping theories surrounding the assassination
A PhD just flew over my house
Fuck off niggerkike fedboi
Fuggen chekd
bump, massive amount of shills in this thread
Why has no surveillance video been released? None of those businesses have security cameras?
Day of the Rake, when?
I don't buy it.
One inbred retard missing - ok, I accept that. It's kinda likely in this stressful scenario.
But two that if they work together have to be highly trained killers to make this happen and to cover it up have to have the support of the government - and you tell me, both missed him?
What even is your point with this theory?
I don't understand how this should make sense at all.
Yeah you posted this stuff with the other guy who is being covered up by the dead kid, but why two shooters and not just dropping the body there?
Can someone explain how this would make sense and not make it 100times more complicated to cover it up?
he shaved his beard after that video... or a different team? no idea, everythings a lie & distortion of truth anymore.
No EE and acoustics background
>uhm, here's my take on what I *think* the video is about
watch the video you ADHD retard
There were no shooters. Haven't you boys in Langley sufficient time since the fake JFK assassination to write a new script? Or pehaps you think the goyim are too stupid to notice. But you cannot fool all the people all the time.
You just explained it, dumbass. Crooks was the patsy intended to be portrayed as the lone gunman in order to cover up the presence of another shooter which would indicate a conspiracy.
good thread summary kek
you posted nothing of value you retarded nigger, I asked a question. get back into your methcave
>ummmm guys….hes not a le expert…
So 2 Shooters.
Both Missed.

Sure thing there Buddy.
I'm not gatekeeping but everything points to one shooter. If they had multiple shooters he would 100 percent be dead. You think a trained sniper is going to miss trump's giant head as well as the patsy on the roof. The bullet trajectory says one. The fact he missed says it was one relatively untrained guy without a scope.

Even if there were multiple shooters iits obvious enough it was an inside job regardless.
also see >>474965769
The problem with believing there were two shooters is that they missed their mark.
>inb4 some schizo shit
You don’t set up two shooters for them to both miss.
Yep works with spamming
You didn't watch the video retard, it's beyond obvious. stop polluting this thread
you didn’t even watch the video
just keep your mouth shut, nigger
Still doesn't make any sense, just way too dirty to ever work and still no explanation why they needed two shooters
People are stupid and like drug addicts with conspiracies. They have to make things more and more convoluted to satisfy their addiction. It's the same as the no plane 911 theory
8 you retard
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they're trying real hard ITT to keep people from actually watching the video, it's kinda hilarious, reminds me of They Live

M1911A1. The feeding ramp is polished to a mirror sheen, it's not going to have any feeding problems. The slide's been replaced with a reinforced version and it meshes perfectly with the frame. The frame itself has been iron-welded and scraped down multiple times for maximum precision. The front-strap part of the frame has been checkered to make it dig into the hand. That prevents any slipping. The sight system's original too; It's a 3-dot type. It's got an enlarged front sight, giving it superior target sighting capability. The regular hammer's been replaced with a ring hammer. That enhances the cocking control and increases the hammer-down speed. They also reworked the grip safety to accommodate the ring hammer; it looks like they eliminated it altogether. This is a tool for pros. The thumb safety and slide stop are extended for precise handling. The base of the trigger guard is whittled down so you can use a high grip, and the trigger itself is a long type for easy finger access. The trigger pull is about 3.5 pounds. that's about a pound and a half lighter than normal. The magazine well has been widened to make it easier to put in a new magazine. The magazine catch button has been filed down low to make it harder to hit it by mistake. The mainspring housing has been changed to a flat type to increase grip, and it's even been fitted with stepping so that it won't slip from the recoil when firing. On top of that, they added cocking serrations to the top part of the slide. That lets you load and eject cartridges faster in an emergency. Whoever did this is a professional, no question. This thing could shoot a one-hole at 25 yards in a machine rest.
>don’t watch the video
>what is the point of this theory?
20 year old was a patsy to the real sniper
lmfao...so sad
And they missed… just because? They didn’t keep shooting until he was dead even though they were detected?

>uhh… the plan was for him to live!

Making grazing the ear on purpose harder? Why do you need more people with guns to miss Trump and shoot two random people in the crowd? What does more people with more gear on the op accomplish? What couldn’t have been done by one shooter?
of course I didn't watch a 30min video on twatter, you niggers described what he said and the scenario just doesn't make sense
but why a second shooter to cover up the first shooter, that's the question that's not answered. Why isn't one enough? Of course both could miss, but that's just so unlikely.
>the real sniper
Who just so happened to not hit his target?
This is so fucking stupid. So to cover up for the conspiracy they make it appear more conspiratorial and complex.
>imagine trusting the media
Retard, they can’t be trusted… neither can you though meme flag kike
>they were detected
uh.......are those detected shooters in police custody right now?
guess what they were trying to avoid in a hurry
How does that not make any sense? It makes complete sense. That's exactly how a patsy works. What are you even talking about "it's too dirty" the fuck does that even mean?
It's called an echo. And there is no need for audio when there are multiple ss and police snipers around saying the same thing that there was only one shooter.
Who's saying don't watch it stupid faggot?
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Just because you don't understand science, doesn't make it real.
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small brain
> crooks was the only shooter
normal brain
> there was a second shooter
giga brain
> second shooter was law enforcement
galaxy brain
> second shooter was a vigilante disguised as law enforcement to protect trump
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There is a reason that fight scene is a ridiculously long 11 minutes, it's basically what you have to do in order to make someone put on the glasses.
you wont have any of these idiotic questions if you actually watch the video, which includes throughout audio analysis
>you niggers described
half of the thread is bots trying to slide this and discourage everyone from wathcing it
a NIGGER like you INVESTS ALL THIS TIME IN MY THREAD debating stupidities with shills when the VIDEO SPOONFEEDS YOU

in that time you wasted you could have WATCHED THE VIDEO and be SPOONFED

dumb fucking nigger
2024, welcome to 1963
It would be impossible for the sonic boom to arrive with the time gap to report observed in the recording if the shots came from guns so close to the microphone. It's simple math. Two weapons have the delay in the recording. It doesn't take expertise to understand how sound propagates and be able to calculate distance based on known speed of bullet. high school science
Shit happens anon. Patsy got peeped by a cop, he freaked out and started shooting. Blew the op
everyone who wants to take the time should watch it, but why can't you guys just do a tl;dr if you open a thread with a 30min video that there were 2 snipers and provide an actual halfway decent theory WHY they need two snipers, why they can't just do it different, when this clearly is a totally unsafe approach with so many pitfalls.
Provide a halfway decent theory at least and don't just shit around "watch the video".
>32 minutes
the bullet would have literally exploded his head into a thousand pieces
it was a perfect shot he just moved
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Ahmed, bake a new thread when this one reaches limit, its great vid
>this phd
His degree is in pathology. Not saying he's wrong or anything, but that
>muh expert
comment isn't even relevant
You don’t trust just groomed guy to get the job done. You have a professional as well.
just multireply you fucking muslim rapebaby instead of providing any fucking written theory.
Fucking waste of celltissue.
No I won't watch a 30min video if you can't even make an fucking argument for it besides saying watch the video.
Krijg de kanker
You're a fucking idiot, fed. That's how a patsy works. You get some retard like yourself to take the blame for someone else.
>Erm, in this video where the camera is whipping around the audio sounds different, that means there's a second gun. Also the timing is different!
And yet in stable videos it clearly sounds like the same gun and the timing (time between crack and report) is the same.
So, the “patsy” missed and the second shooter, the guy who is supposed to be a crackshot to ensure your target is dead, just said “ah, fuck, whatever”?
maybe because the first didn't hit, and if the second did then the bullets wouldn't match and they couldn't blame a lone wolf
The local tactical teams and the SS snipers both shot at the shooter. The local team wasn’t able to hit, the SS only used one bullet. So yeah, there were multiple shooters in multiple locations, but only one was shooting at Trump.
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No, only the patsy sucked at shooting. The 2nd shooter was very good, and if you look at the animations, he had Trump dead to rights. The only reason he missed was because he didn't know Trump was going to turn his head at the exact moment he fired.
You're talking to stupid people..they can't break down the video for you in a paragraph because they're that dumb. They're theory makes no sense and they're incapable of explaining it..this is the intellect we're dealing with.
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>phd scientist
>doesn't know what echo is
Let me guess he studied gender studies?
>2 shooters
yeah the roof top glowie shot at the guy shooting
You say that like it's impossible
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>multiple shooters
What exactly is the problem, styx?
Second shooter in window beneath incel shooter.
That is not how silencers work.
Indeed, the spooks revert to the same script. Every alternative theory is acceptable except the truth: there were no shooters.
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This post
halt doch dein maul du affennecher aus den kolonien, keiner hat dich gefragt du müllhaufen
2nd shooter was so good that he shot Trumps ear and then stopped shooting
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assasin + police = 2 shooters
Trump is beyond lucky to be alive
Tard with a PhD in psychology analyzes footage of a camera whipping around and notes the time between crack and report of the gun, and the sound of the shots. Claims two clusters of shots are from different guns. Fails to do this analysis on the static videos which don't have those features.
Also claims the first shot had to have been two shots because it hit someone who was higher than Trump in the stands. Fails to actually do the math or refer to the photos that show they're in line, a few inches apart vertically.
It's called an echo, Mr. PhD. Imagine having 2 shooters and still failing.
Trump went to the ground. It's not like they were shooting at a stationary target
Especially since there were at least four other shooters. Man, imagine having six barrels aimed at your head, only for all eight of them to miss. I’d not want to face down ten assassins like that, personally.
No stupid. This isn't like Lee Harvey Oswald who was a legit patsy who was framed. The trump shooter was lead by the FBI or whatever to do this. He wasn't some random person framed by the government. He took part and he took the shot. That doesn't mean it wasn't an inside job. He wouldn't have been able to do what he did without the intentional stands down
Anyone who watches the raw videos he is discussing would know its three distinct groupings of shots. Does that mean three weapons? Idk maybe the kid had two settings on one gun + the SS sniper.
Trump went through the stage floor so the second shooter couldn't see him anymore?
yes we know leftists are in panic mode, the attempted damage control is pretty funny to watch
>the patsy sucks at shooting
>guess the “real assassin” did, too
Wow, that’s incredible.
Looking at the illegal immigrant chart actually saved his life, I dont much like Trump but this whole thing is top tier optics for him
It’s more the patsy shot before the signal was given. Main sniper wasn’t ready and by the time he reacted trump was already moving so he missed
>Is there a bigger meme than "experts" in the modern era?
Someone being educated and knowledgeable and willing to openly and transparently discuss things is not a meme.

The meme is people saying "trust me, i'm an expert....what.....no i'm not going to show you my working, p...p...peer review? SHUT UP I'M THE EXPERT, THROW THEM IN A CAMP, SAFE AND EFFECTIVE!"
Problem is it's wrong https://x.com/OAlexanderDK/status/1814401659679977539
Of course when a camera is whipping around the shots will sound different from one another.
Well its not an echo, but the issue of why there would be two shooters, and both failed is unexplained and would need to be for this to make sense. Technically possible, but seems highly unlikely. Unless maybe one shooter was suppose to hit the crowd while the other was only meant to hit trump.
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Because, sometimes, even oftentimes, they AREN'T as "simple as they look."
They are only made to look that way for simpletons like you.
Ok. Who was shot, where, and in what relation to Trump? If you know where those points are, draw a line through trump and continue to see what it intersects
Sounds like a wild goose chase. But if it's true then it just makes their failure more humiliating.
So the real guy took the shot(s) anyways after the botch, despite how fucking idiotic that’d be? He also didn’t injure a single SS agent during that time?
He is analysis two videos in it, both with the same distinct three groupings. The last group, being a single shot.
Same sort of evidence was present with mandalay, which reminder: Trump was in the vicinity. And all of that got side swept and memory holed. Almost every detail of these two incidents are held in common.
>shooter with no apparent motive
>shooter with extremely limited background info
>shooter has strange ties to glowshit
>story changes every couple hours
>unprecendented security lapses
He went down behind the podium and the shit they put around the front of the stage and then half a dozen agents piled on top of him so yeah
I agree with you, bro. don't be discouraged by idiots. they think COD is real and everyone can no scope dudes from 100s of meters away.
It's impossible to have 100% success on a head sized moving target from 300+ yards. Quit acting like a fucking retard
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No it isn't.
The idea that Trump faked it somehow is utterly absurd, and bears no relationship to reality.

And yes, there was a second shooter. The sound makes that clear.

3 muffled shots from inside the buildin, the 3 that passed by his head, and the 4 that were fired by Crooks, wildly off course.
The final shot was the CS.
He's wrong about that too. SS fired the lethal shot, but local PD apparently shot at him too
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>benny johnson
this faggot is eternally wrong about everything at all times. his literally purpose in life is to push the jew narrative on dissident boomers who are don't know how to use the internet, just know that fox news isn't good. he then feeds them retarded well-poisoning garbage so that they look like crazies to the normies, even when there is an actual conspiracy.
Why would you not use a scope?
That is not what the SS has testified to have done. He touches on this. The SS says they did not fire on the shooter until about 15 seconds after the first shot was fired. The 5 quick shots were towards the crowd, not towards the shooter. He analyzed audio from Trump’s mic as well as amateur video to determine direction of the shots.
You either have a short attention span or are dismissing this out of hand for an agenda.
need to have azovstal cum pit below it all
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Retarded shill can't even watch the video and count. You are a lazy useless fuck.
The microphone is automatically calibrating itself.

Take your phone, open the camera and then cover the lens - hold it up to a bright white pc screen (4chan bg) and then suddently uncover the lens.
The phone screen will initially flash white and then slowly calibrate itself to the new light level. The same happens in reverse when you suddenly cover the lens to black.

The microphone has done a similar thing, the first shots are calibrated to the original background nose and so they are loud.
The next shots are after the mic panicked and calibrated itself - these shots sound duller.
There is then a longer gap where there is no shots in which the mic calibrates back to, or near to, "normal".
The last shot then rings again and sounds similar to the first.
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Those 2 guys never fired a shot.
There were 4 ss snipers/spotters. One on either side.
The guys that killed Crooks were on the other side.
The next shots are the police firing in return your brainless. The 6th shot is from the SS sniper

This Duke professor is shilling a red herring for the deep state.
It's not just idiots itt. It's fedbois doing damage control and muddying waters.
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Pol already ruled out the water tower deep state red herring.

This is just red herring attempt number 2
It is absurd. Especially when there is video that shows when his ear is perforated. I think a big motivator in the "it has to be faked" crap is that for him to turn his head at the exact rate that it would have taken that bullet to travel from the chamber to his head defies all "rational" explanation.
yeah people focus on them because they had the most eyes on them, but the other guys had the shot, and they had the shooter in their sights the whole time, hence the super fast reaction time... they weren't there to prevent a shooting, they were there to silence the shooter after he did his job
You are lying
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This is the only counter argument I can understand, but it seems like too big of a difference, also pic rel
Keep wasting your time, idiots
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How did the windows look from inside the AGR building? Are any of them in line with the yellow lines?
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The sonic crack of those rounds at Trump's microphone prove you wrong, you incompetent retard.
You too, you should be on the streets torching immigration centers
That's an impressive rebuttal. You're as empty as the morons on Stocktwits.
Thank you for some intelligence. Very rare on pol now
Benny Johsnos is retarded, but I agree there should be more investigating. Those niggers have zero curiosity of what happened. How is nobody even got an interview with that guy the BBC interviewed right after the shooting?
>you guys would rather post in demoralization threads
Pol is mostly glowwfaggots running psyops
I watched it now
>thank you for wasting my time frens.
He tries to explain it good, but still strange things.
At 26:50 he is saying that because the shots 3 and 6 are from furthewr away but from the same weapon because the sound comes in later.
But why is the time delay in 6 double the one in 3 from looking at that graphic?
Wouldn't this then mean 3 shooters?
Or is the data just flawed?
Or maybe different ammo types in his rifles?
I think it's good that someone looks into this, but in the end this will be the same bullshit as always. There are 20 hypothesis by "independent" researchers, only the authorities have the physical evidence and it will just be discarded as one shooter and we will never know if it actually were 2 or even 3.
I don't suspect that Trump let his own affiliated guys secure the evidence.
So we will just continue to shit on each other and will never get a definite answer. Great.
And I still don't understand why they would use 2 or even 3 shooters. Seems just to be too much potential to fuck it up even harder if anyone catches it on video and most people there were filming. Just from an possible assassins perspective, why not just use a bigger caliber and shoot from further away but on the body. No way a >70yo would survive that.
And saying that it was done by the trump campaign to gather support also seems kinda retarded, as he was millimetres away from being dead.
If that were the case the initial shots would be louder than what follows, which did not happen.
They had a shooter in the building who took the initial shots that grazed Trump, then the retard on the roof started blasting wildly. They killed the retard and now desperately trying to blame him for the whole thing.
Unless the rules of physics changed halfway through the volley, there were two shooters at different distances.
My guess is that they got some lunatic from Ukraine to shoot Trump and allowed crook to attempt to shoot because that would be a nice easy explanation had he been successful.
K Jew, keep at it, we all know what you are.
This is almost exactly like Oswald. Crooks and Oswald both were set up by the government to take the fall for the other shooters. The only difference is Oswald never shot at Kennedy but Crooks did shoot at Trump. Both cases had stand downs and/or intentional fuckups by SS.
You’re a nigger though, posting from a nigger country. Sorry about your feelings but those are the facts.
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>Shooter fires shots
>Secret Service shooting back
>Mystery solved

Thanks midwit, no one considered that, you outsmarted us all!
>I watched it now
Unquestionable They Live moment, kek
Good on you for watching it Bruder. I'm making a second thread so maybe someone else can discuss this
There’s video of a guy on the water tower moving around during the shots. But don’t let that get in the way of your state backed psyop.
The actual shooter.
The patsy.
The SS counter sniper.
This is what a sub 85 IQ looks like
What part of that disproves the possibility of an additional, professional shooter?
doesn't explain anything I asked
the shooting didnt even happen lmao, blood vial+fake actors in the crowd+loud speaker for gunshots

Where is this video, absolutely listening
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>the “actual shooter” can’t secure his kill
He got shot in the teeth right?
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New thread
>New thread
New thread
>New bread

This image only works if single person fired.
If there's 2 tbe image gets thrown out the window.
You need to start looking at bullet trajectories on the ground.
I believe this what happened.
>Crooks and unidentified shooter on the tower got into position
>Police for first time being competent, ran from road traffic to get onto the building, from opposite side of the ladder
>2 officers are helping 3rd to climb on roof by hoisting him up
>Crooks gets spooked and shoots early.
>Trump moved his head and the bullet missed
>Trump is on the floor, second shooter tries shooting but has no sight
>SS shoots Crooks, the other escapes
good post
There's a pretty big difference there isn't there. Seriously dude? Oswald didn't shoot anyone and was entirely framed. Crooks did shoot and wasn't framed. He just had his hand held by the government.

In what reality are these 2 scenarios the same? They are the exact opposite.
>But why is the time delay in 6 double the one in 3 from looking at that graphic?
Found that strange. He said the delay was the same when it clearly isn't.

>Multiple shooters
that's even more pathetic that multiple shooters got 5 shots out and couldn't hit a target. Trump truly is a gift from God
Yeah that’s what a patsys job is. They take the fall and provide benefit of the doubt, when in reality there was a professional there to ensure the job got done.

They both failed, but if you assume it was just the kid, then they can hide it. That’s why you’re stupid, because you’re playing directly into the response they want people to have so the girth fades with time.
Well he has an MBA from Cornell so I'm convinced.
make sense. the kid looks like the most obvious patsy. he was a trump supporter.. the CIA probably told this idiot they needed him to protect trump. the real shooter was probably on the water tower directly behind him.
It doesn't disproves it but at the same time nothing proves it. Also it makes the least sense considering they had none shooter close by who almost hit. You're now saying there were multiple shooters that missed and they wanted to make it look as conspiratorial as possible for some reason.
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>2 people missed Trump
Wow, so lucky!! I'm starting to think Pompeo is right about Trump.
The second shooter is in case the patsy missed. If it had all gone according to plan, the second shooter would never have needed to shot because the MKultra patsy would have just done the job in full. But the patsy missed, so the glownigger cleaner had to take the shot next. But the glownigger missed, because the glowniggers have been hiring women and niggers instead of competent white men. I don't see why this scenario is tough for you to swallow.
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Re-posting my previous
It's 7 Days later, and still no:
1. Ballistics Report, even fucking preliminary..
a. how many Rounds Fired
b. types of Rounds
2. By virtue of #1, how many Shooters (yeah, of course we know that this is the reason for the Delay, because WE have noticed anomalies and because of the forensic analysis of the Audio)
3. The Patsy's, sorry, Shooter's means of Transport.
4. The Shooter's means of smuggling the Rifle inside (remember, he was spotted loitering near the magnetometers, and a photo was taken of him then "called-in" to (unknown)
5. The Shooter's means of obtaining Roof access
6. Bodycam Footage (Beaver County officers are equipped, normally)
7. ALL Radio Traffic
8. The RECEIPT for the Ammo that he purchased that morning
9. The RECEIPT for the Ladder that he purchase that morning

>It's a complicated case, retard..that's the reason for the delay
Also, FBI is hiring Custodial Staff, to wash down roofs and such
yeah, first 3 shots were tranny and the other 5 snipers from 2 different roofs. really ain't that hard to deducts and I don't need no PhD to do it
Shooting is much harder than you think, no gunz. Especially in the highest stress environment possible such as assassinating a leader knowing you will die shortly after pulling tha triggy.
i watched most of it, his rant about the trajectory of the first shot and the elevation is bad, there was no indication that the shot in his ricochet clip was the first bullet, or the one that hit trump.
and his main evidence about the sounds is from a camera that turns 180 degrees between the first 3 shots and the remaining ones, unless he can show that the camera mic turning completely around wouldn't substantially alter the sound, then it's moot.
Maybe they never wanted to hit him and just wanted him to win the next election?
That's you bro.
answered you in the new thread.
>there was no indication that the shot in his ricochet clip was the first bullet, or the one that hit trump.

Oh, so the crowd still being calm doesn't stand out as clue for you? You are clearly stupid so just shut the fuck and try to learn something
I’m saying the kid was never trusted to finish the job. Why on earth would you entrust the most important political move in the last 20 years to some mentally ill 20yo? He’s the fall guy. It also makes sense to have such a person there so that he can distract and take the blame, since he was so obvious and noticed by the crowd well before he fired. This is how they play the game, they’ve done it for thousands of years, they are professionals at it. And that’s why the real hit man escaped, because they planned for all outcomes.
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Sure bub, because our corrupt and evil government would NEVER do something right that, right?
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But YOU are the smart one, right?
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I guess that the Kikes forgot about the Backpack being filmed on the Roof (after Crooks was dead).
How nice of them to bring it down to the Bike for a Photoshoot, after the "event" was over
point to the exact place in my original post where I gaslit anybody faggot
I bet they had to kill him for missing his shot. Can they trust him ever again?
>Verification not required.
He has no experience in ballistics forensics or analysis, so yes, it is the equivalent of "JUST TRUST ME, BRO". Being "educated" means nothing other than you proved you were capable of regurgitating information provided to you.
If you can't work out it was an inside job with all the evidence we have for the one shooter, 10 other shooters aren't going to help you..its obvious as fuck this was allowed to happen by the police/ss. I didn't need 5 more layers of complexity to make that more clear, in fact it makes it less clear. You're focusing on bullshit rather than the very obvious.
He was always meant to die. Again, because he was so obvious and visible and clearly amateur in terms of operational awareness. He was likely shot by SS, because there’s your plausible deniability.
>“I noticed it at 7 p.m. [nearly an hour after the shooting]. Still in the same area, still in the same position,” a witness, who asked to remain anonymous, said of the bike — which was left with a host of gear.

Sure bro.
I meant the pro who missed the opening shot not Crooks who is the patsy
It was obviously allowed by SS, which is why it’s not unreasonable to conclude they had a professional hitman there to do the job, while they could do it subtly while all the retards were focused on the clown sticking out like a sore thumb on the roof.

Just continue taking everything at face value though bro, it appears you lack the capacity for anything beyond that.
Oh yeah who knows what happens to that guy now. He’s either dead or ran.
I am not at all interested in this event, trump or US bullshit in any way shape or form
Then why are you on pol
You don't understand how any of this works. The CIA can kill trump whenever they want. They have had heart attack guns for decades. If they simply wanted him dead he would be dead. They clearly wanted him dead by the hand of some rando retard normie they'd coached. That way all the blame is on them and they probably had a whole narrative they were going to push in relation to this specific shooter that blew up in their face when he failed.
hole in the neck
That’s just a bunch of Q bullshit you just let run out of your ass unchecked, don’t respond to me again.
And they did plan on the kid taking the blame, but they didn’t count on him actually accomplishing the hit, that’s why they had a stealth professional there as well.
Because by doing that the make the entire idea that this was a set up outlandish. That's the very purpose of red herrings

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