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This is a continuation of the three part series I have already posted. Prior articles can be found here:

The Shot Heard 'Round the World (The attempt on PDJT)
The Shot Heard Round the World 2: The Short Heard Round The World (Austin Private Wealth)
The Shot Heard 'Round the World 3: The Strike Heard 'Round the World (Crowdstrike)
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June 14, 2016 - December 31, 2016: The Breach and the Tragic Loss

June 14, 2016: The DNC Hack

On June 14, 2016, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) announced that its computer network had been breached by hackers. CrowdStrike, a cybersecurity firm, was hired to investigate the breach. CrowdStrike concluded that two separate Russian intelligence-affiliated adversaries had infiltrated the DNC's systems. The DNC's decision to hire CrowdStrike immediately raised questions about the potential involvement of external actors and their motives. The firm’s findings were later used to build a narrative of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. Presidential election.

June 15, 2016: Guccifer 2.0 Claims Responsibility

The following day, a hacker using the pseudonym "Guccifer 2.0" claimed responsibility for the DNC hack and began publishing stolen documents, including the DNC's opposition research on Donald Trump. This move added complexity to the unfolding drama, as it indicated that sensitive DNC data was now in the public domain. The release of these documents was significant because it provided insight into the DNC's internal strategies and operations, sparking a wave of political and public scrutiny.

July 5, 2016: No Charges for Hillary Clinton

On July 5, 2016, FBI Director James Comey announced that the FBI would not recommend criminal charges against Hillary Clinton for her use of a private email server. This decision was highly controversial and fueled further speculation about the integrity of the DNC and its leaders. It was seen by many as an attempt to shield Clinton from legal repercussions and maintain her viability as a presidential candidate.
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July 10, 2016: The Murder of Seth Rich

In the early hours of July 10, 2016, Seth Rich, a 27-year-old DNC staffer, was shot twice in the back near his home in the Bloomingdale neighborhood of Washington, D.C., at approximately 4:20 AM. Despite having his watch, wallet, and phone, the police initially suggested a botched robbery. Earlier in the night, Seth Rich was reportedly at Lou's City Bar in the Columbia Heights neighborhood of Washington, D.C. He spent the evening there and was in contact with several friends, including Imran Awan. This incident raised immediate questions about the motive behind the murder, considering none of his personal belongings were taken.
Explainer: Seth Rich's nickname was "Panda," a detail that would later become significant in various speculations and theories. This nickname is referenced in tweets and discussions surrounding his murder and potential connections to the DNC leaks.

July 11, 2016: Death and Investigation

Seth Rich was pronounced dead at the hospital on July 11, 2016. The Metropolitan Police Department launched an investigation but found no immediate leads. The Rich family gave their first public interview, expressing their grief and confusion about the murder. They called for anyone with information to come forward. The DNC appointed Brad Bauman, a professional Democrat crisis PR consultant, as the family spokesman. This move by the DNC to appoint a spokesman raised suspicions about the party's involvement and their intent to control the narrative.

July 12, 2016: Media Attention and Police Statements

The police investigation into Seth Rich’s murder began to receive more media attention. Authorities reiterated the theory of a botched robbery, despite the fact that none of Rich's personal items were taken. This inconsistency led to public doubt about the robbery theory and increased speculation about a possible political motive behind the murder.
Why did trump decide to go to Epstein island?
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July 13, 2016: Speculation About Rich's Laptop

It was reported that Seth Rich's laptop was in possession of law enforcement, leading to various speculations about its contents and connection to his work at the DNC. The potential information on the laptop became a focal point for those questioning the official narrative, as it was believed that the laptop could hold crucial evidence linking Rich to the DNC email leaks.

July 15, 2016: Private Investigator Hired

Private investigator Rod Wheeler was hired by the Rich family to look into Seth’s murder. This investigation would later become a point of contention and controversy. Wheeler’s involvement indicated the family’s lack of trust in the official investigation and their desire to seek independent answers.

July 22, 2016: WikiLeaks Email Release

WikiLeaks released a trove of DNC emails on July 22, 2016, leading to suspicions about a possible connection between the leak and Rich’s murder. The timing of the release, just days after Rich’s death, fueled speculation. Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, hinted that Seth Rich might have been the source of the leaks, although he did not provide concrete evidence.

August 1, 2016: Press Conference and Memorial Fund

The Rich family held a press conference appealing for information about Seth’s murder on August 1, 2016. They also announced the creation of the Seth Rich Memorial Fund to help solve his murder. This appeal highlighted the family's desperation for answers and their efforts to keep the case in the public eye.

August 9, 2016: WikiLeaks Offers Reward

WikiLeaks offered a $20,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of Seth Rich's killer on August 9, 2016. This move intensified speculation about Rich’s possible connection to the DNC email leaks. The substantial reward suggested that WikiLeaks considered the case highly significant.
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August 16, 2016: Release of Surveillance Footage

The Metropolitan Police Department released surveillance footage from the night of Seth Rich’s murder on August 16, 2016, but it did not show the crime itself, leading to more questions than answers. The limited footage only added to the mystery and fueled further speculation about the events leading up to Rich’s death.

September 2016: Media Coverage and Theories

Multiple news outlets began covering various theories about Seth Rich’s murder, including potential political motivations, leading to widespread speculation and media scrutiny. These theories ranged from suggestions of a botched robbery to more complex political conspiracies, reflecting the growing public interest and suspicion.
September 26, 2016: CrowdStrike's Dmitri Alperovitch and "Overweight Panda"
Dmitri Alperovitch, co-founder of CrowdStrike, tweeted about the hacker "Overweight Bear" on September 26, 2016, leading to a Twitter conversation with Tal Kopan about the possibility of "Overweight Panda," a reference potentially linked to Seth Rich's nickname "Panda." This cryptic exchange added another layer of intrigue, hinting at possible insider knowledge and connections.

October 2016: Julian Assange's Implication

In October 2016, Julian Assange implied on Dutch television that Seth Rich might have been involved in the DNC email leaks, without confirming his identity as the source. This statement added fuel to the ongoing speculation and narratives surrounding Rich's death. Assange’s hints were seen by many as a tacit confirmation of Rich’s involvement with WikiLeaks.
November 2016: FBI Vehicle Break-In
Reports surfaced in November 2016 of an FBI vehicle break-in near the Rich crime scene. The exact date of the break-in was not specified, but it occurred during this period, adding to the various theories surrounding the case. The break-in raised concerns about possible tampering with evidence or attempts to influence the investigation.
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January 1, 2017 - March 31, 2017: Growing Suspicion and Public Outcry

January 8, 2017: Reward Announcement

Republican lobbyist Jack Burkman announced a $130,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of Seth Rich's killer. This included $25,000 from his own funds and $105,000 raised from other donors. Burkman’s involvement highlighted the growing frustration with the lack of progress in the official investigation and underscored the importance of solving the case.

January 18, 2017: Rich Family's Public Statement

The Rich family issued a public statement requesting that the media and online communities stop spreading unverified information and conspiracy theories about Seth’s murder, emphasizing the need for factual information to aid in solving the case. This plea from the family highlighted their distress over the rampant speculation and its impact on their grieving process.

February 2017: Ongoing Investigation Confirmation

The Washington, D.C., Metropolitan Police Department confirmed that the investigation into Seth Rich’s murder was ongoing and that they were actively pursuing leads. This confirmation was intended to reassure the public that the case had not been abandoned, despite the lack of new information.

February 21, 2017: Burkman's Press Conference

Jack Burkman organized a press conference and protest at the DNC headquarters, urging the FBI to take over the investigation from the local police. Burkman expressed frustration with the progress of the case and sought greater transparency and involvement from federal authorities. His actions reflected a growing sentiment that the local authorities were either unable or unwilling to solve the case.
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March 1, 2017: Hiring of Rod Wheeler

The Rich family announced that Rod Wheeler, a former Washington, D.C., homicide detective and Fox News contributor, had been hired to assist with the investigation into Seth's murder. Wheeler's involvement was funded by financier Ed Butowsky, who encouraged the family to hire a private investigator and offered to cover the costs. This step indicated the family's increasing desperation for answers and their skepticism of the official investigation.

March 8, 2017: Wheeler's Cover-Up Claim

Rod Wheeler publicly claimed that he had discovered evidence suggesting a cover-up in the investigation, pointing to potential political motivations. However, these claims were later walked back or contradicted in subsequent interviews and statements. Wheeler’s initial claims added a new dimension to the narrative, suggesting that there were deeper, more sinister forces at play.

March 14, 2017: Rich Family's Commitment to the Truth
The Rich family reiterated their commitment to finding the truth about Seth’s murder and requested that anyone with credible information come forward. They expressed appreciation for the public's interest but stressed the importance of relying on verified facts rather than speculation. This statement was a call to action for those with real information to step forward and assist in solving the case.

March 31, 2017: Media Coverage Intensifies

Media coverage intensified as various news outlets reported on Wheeler's involvement, Burkman's efforts, and the Rich family's statements. Theories surrounding Seth Rich’s murder continued to circulate, with increasing public and media scrutiny. This period marked a significant escalation in the public’s engagement with the case and the proliferation of various theories.
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April 1, 2017 - June 30, 2017: Independent Investigations and Revelations
April 20, 2017: Profiling Project Report
The Profiling Project, an independent group of forensic psychology graduate students, released a report suggesting that Seth Rich's murder was more likely committed by a hired killer rather than a random act of violence. The report indicated that Rich's murder appeared to be "deliberate, well-organized, and extremely complex" due to the absence of evidence typically found in botched robberies. This report added a significant new perspective to the case, suggesting a more professional and premeditated approach.
May 15, 2017: Kim Dotcom's Claims
Kim Dotcom tweeted, "I knew Seth Rich. I know he was the @WikiLeaks source. I was involved." He claimed to have evidence proving that Seth Rich was the source of the DNC leaks to WikiLeaks and offered to provide testimony to Congress. This bold claim by Kim Dotcom suggested a direct link between Rich and WikiLeaks, intensifying public interest and speculation.
May 16, 2017: Fox News Report and Retraction
Fox News published a report based on statements by Rod Wheeler, who claimed there was evidence on Seth Rich’s laptop showing he had been in contact with WikiLeaks prior to his death. Wheeler later stated that he had not seen the emails himself and that his information came from a Fox News reporter. This report was later retracted by Fox News. The initial report and its subsequent retraction highlighted the volatile nature of information surrounding the case and the challenges in verifying claims.
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May 19, 2017: Kim Dotcom's Further Claims

Kim Dotcom claimed in a series of tweets that he was in contact with Seth Rich and that they had discussed leaks and the corruption within the DNC. Dotcom offered to provide written testimony with evidence to support his claims, but his statements were met with skepticism. These additional claims continued to keep the public's focus on the potential link between Rich and the DNC leaks.

May 20, 2017: Kim Dotcom's Tweet on Nickname

Kim Dotcom tweeted: "His nickname was Panda #SethRich." This tweet further fueled speculation about Rich's connection to the DNC email leaks. The mention of Seth Rich's nickname "Panda" tied directly into the narrative that Rich might have been the source of the leaked emails.

May 22, 2017: Assange's Implication

Julian Assange reiterated previous implications that Seth Rich might have been a source for WikiLeaks during an interview but did not provide concrete evidence. Assange maintained WikiLeaks' policy of not revealing sources but highlighted the potential dangers faced by leakers. This statement from Assange kept the speculation alive and underscored the risks involved for individuals providing information to WikiLeaks.

May 23, 2017: Wheeler on Hannity

Rod Wheeler appeared on Fox News' Hannity, reiterating his earlier claims about Seth Rich’s alleged contact with WikiLeaks. However, Wheeler admitted he had no personal knowledge of any such contacts and his statements were based on information from an unnamed federal investigator. This appearance added to the confusion and controversy surrounding the case.
Copy and paste faster you nigger.
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May 23, 2017: Trump's Tweet

Donald Trump tweeted: "Kim Dotcom Claims Seth Rich Was DNC Leaker, Offers to Work with Special Counsel Mueller - @BreitbartNews." This tweet from the President of the United States brought significant attention to the claims and further fueled public interest and speculation.

May 24, 2017: Rich Family's Cease and Desist Letter

The Rich family issued a cease and desist letter to Wheeler, demanding that he stop making unverified claims about Seth’s involvement with WikiLeaks. They emphasized that his statements were causing them distress and hindering the official investigation. This legal action by the Rich family highlighted their frustration and desire to protect their son's memory.

May 25, 2017: Vanity Fair Article

An article by T.A. Frank in Vanity Fair titled "Hillary Clinton Cannot Be Stopped" was analyzed and speculated to contain cryptic threats, including the phrase "shoot the panda," which was interpreted by some as a reference to Seth Rich's nickname. This article added another layer of intrigue and suspicion to the case, linking high-profile political figures to the narrative.

June 1, 2017: Second Profiling Project Report

The Profiling Project released a second report further analyzing the circumstances of Seth Rich’s murder. The report continued to support the theory that Rich’s murder was not a random act of violence. This second report reinforced the idea that there might have been a more complex and planned motive behind the murder.
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June 20, 2017: Kim Dotcom's Tweet on Profiling Project Report

Kim Dotcom tweeted about The Profiling Project report: "Executive summary 'likely committed by a hired killer.'" This tweet from Dotcom echoed the conclusions of the Profiling Project and kept public attention focused on the possibility of a planned assassination.

June 23, 2017: Rich Family's Lawsuit

The Rich family filed a lawsuit against Fox News, Rod Wheeler, and a wealthy Texas businessman for allegedly fabricating a story that connected Seth Rich to WikiLeaks. They claimed the story caused them emotional distress and hindered the investigation into Seth's murder. This legal action underscored the family's ongoing struggle to find the truth and protect Seth Rich's legacy.

July 1, 2017 - September 30, 2017: Legal Battles and Media Speculation

July 10, 2017: One-Year Anniversary Vigil

On the one-year anniversary of Seth Rich’s murder, the Rich family held a vigil in Washington, D.C., and renewed their call for information about the case. They expressed their ongoing grief and frustration with the lack of progress in the investigation.

July 13, 2017: WikiLeaks' Tweet on Brad Bauman
WikiLeaks tweeted about Seth Rich's new family spokesman, Brad Bauman, and questioned the narrative being pushed by the DNC. This added to the intrigue and speculation surrounding Rich's death.

July 19, 2017: Kim Dotcom's Tweet
Kim Dotcom tweeted: "His nickname was Panda #SethRich," reigniting public interest and speculation about the possible connection between Seth Rich and the leaked DNC emails.

Explainer: Kim Dotcom's tweet referencing Seth Rich's nickname "Panda" tied directly into ongoing speculations that Rich was involved in the DNC email leaks, suggesting a personal connection to the information leaked to WikiLeaks.
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July 22, 2017: Assange's Further Implications

Julian Assange, during an interview, made further implications that Seth Rich might have been involved with WikiLeaks, although he did not provide concrete evidence. Assange's statements kept the speculation alive and continued to draw public attention to the potential link between Rich and WikiLeaks.

August 1, 2017: Wheeler's Lawsuit Against Fox News

Rod Wheeler filed a lawsuit against Fox News, claiming that the network had fabricated quotes attributed to him in their retracted story linking Seth Rich to WikiLeaks. Wheeler alleged that Fox News had created the false narrative to deflect attention from the ongoing investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

August 15, 2017: Growing Public Interest

Public interest in the case continued to grow, with various media outlets and social media users discussing the latest developments. Theories and speculation about Seth Rich's murder and potential connections to WikiLeaks remained prevalent.

September 10, 2017: Alexandra Chalupa's Tweet
Alexandra Chalupa, a former DNC staffer, tweeted a reference to "Panda," later found out to be Seth Rich’s nickname. This tweet added to the ongoing speculation and theories surrounding his death.

September 11, 2017: Andrew Therriault's Tweet
Andrew Therriault, a former DNC data director, tweeted "cc: @Pandas4Progress," which was seen as a reference to Seth Rich. This tweet further fueled speculation and debate online.

September 25, 2017: Progress in Rich Family's Lawsuit
The Rich family's lawsuit against Fox News progressed, with the court setting dates for hearings and potential settlements. The legal battle attracted significant media attention, further fueling public interest in the case.
Can we get to present day any time now woman?
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September 30, 2017: Persistent Media Coverage
The continued media coverage and public interest in Seth Rich’s murder maintained the spotlight on the investigation. Various news outlets, bloggers, and social media users continued to discuss and analyze the case, keeping it in the public consciousness.

October 1, 2017 - December 31, 2017: Persistent Questions and New Theories

October 2, 2017: Ongoing Speculation

News reports and independent sources continued to discuss the potential connections between Seth Rich and the DNC leaks, further fueling public speculation.

October 4, 2017: Debates About Laptop Contents

Claims and speculation about the contents of Seth Rich’s laptop continued to circulate. Various sources debated whether the laptop contained evidence linking Rich to WikiLeaks or the DNC email leaks.

October 10, 2017: George Webb's Investigation
Independent journalist George Webb released a series of videos and reports claiming to have new information about Seth Rich’s murder and the potential contents of his laptop. Webb’s investigations fueled further speculation and media interest.

October 15, 2017: Rich Family's Call for Transparency

The Rich family's legal team issued a statement reiterating their demand for law enforcement to provide clarity on the contents of Seth Rich's laptop. They expressed frustration with the ongoing speculation and lack of transparency from the authorities.

November 1, 2017: Seymour Hersh's Statements

Independent investigator and journalist Seymour Hersh discussed the case in an interview, suggesting that he had sources indicating Seth Rich’s involvement with WikiLeaks. However, Hersh also emphasized that his information was not verified.
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November 8, 2017: Rich Family's Spokesperson's Statement

The Rich family's spokesperson, Brad Bauman, issued a statement condemning the ongoing conspiracy theories and urging the public to respect the family's privacy.

November 10, 2017: Legal Developments in Fox News Lawsuit

The legal actions against Fox News, involving Rod Wheeler and the Rich family, saw developments with a court hearing set to address the lawsuit's progress. The Rich family accused Fox News of causing emotional distress through their reporting.

November 20, 2017: Fox News' Motion to Dismiss

Fox News filed a motion to dismiss the lawsuit, arguing that the case was without merit and that their reporting was protected under the First Amendment. The court scheduled further hearings to address the motion.

December 5, 2017: Wheeler's Deposition

Private investigator Rod Wheeler provided a deposition in the lawsuit against Fox News, detailing his interactions with the network and the basis for his claims. Wheeler reiterated that his quotes were misattributed and that he did not have firsthand knowledge of Seth Rich's connections to WikiLeaks.

December 15, 2017: Court's Denial of Motion to Dismiss

The court denied Fox News’ motion to dismiss, allowing the lawsuit filed by the Rich family and Rod Wheeler to proceed. The ruling garnered significant media attention and public interest.

December 25, 2017: Continued Independent Investigations
Independent investigations by journalists and bloggers continued to explore various theories about Seth Rich’s murder and potential connections to the DNC email leaks. These efforts included analyses of public records, interviews, and speculative reporting.

December 31, 2017: End of the Year Review

The year ended with ongoing legal battles, independent investigations, and persistent public interest in the Seth Rich case. The media continued to cover the developments, keeping the story in the public eye.
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January 1, 2018 - June 30, 2018: Continued Scrutiny and Legal Actions

January 10, 2018: Rich Family's NPR Interview

Mary and Joel Rich, Seth Rich’s parents, expressed their ongoing grief and frustration in an NPR interview. They discussed the impact of conspiracy theories on their lives and reiterated their commitment to finding the truth about their son's murder.

February 1, 2018: FBI's Motion on Rich's Laptop

The FBI filed a motion requesting 66 years to fulfill a court order to produce information from Seth Rich's laptop. The FBI argued that it would take that long to gather and release all relevant information, citing the extensive nature of the records. This motion drew significant public criticism and raised suspicions about the FBI's transparency and intentions.

March 1, 2018: Third Profiling Project Report

The Profiling Project released another report, continuing to challenge the Metropolitan Police Department's conclusion that Seth Rich’s murder was a botched robbery. The report suggested the possibility of a more organized crime. This report further reinforced the notion that Rich's murder was not a random act of violence.

March 10, 2018: Aaron Rich's Defamation Lawsuit

Aaron Rich, Seth Rich’s brother, filed a defamation lawsuit against several individuals, including a former Fox News pundit, for making false statements that implicated him in the DNC hack. Aaron Rich sought to clear his name and protect his family's reputation.

April 15, 2018: Seymour Hersh's Continued Statements

Independent journalist Seymour Hersh reiterated his previous statements about having sources indicating Seth Rich’s involvement with WikiLeaks. Hersh continued to emphasize that his information was not verified but believed there were substantial reasons to investigate further.
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May 1, 2018: Ongoing Media Coverage

Media coverage continued to focus on Seth Rich's murder case, with various news outlets exploring different angles and potential leads. The case remained unsolved, and the public interest did not wane.

May 10, 2018: Rich Family's Spokesperson's Statement

Brad Bauman, the Rich family’s spokesperson, issued a statement condemning ongoing conspiracy theories and urged the public to respect the family’s privacy. Bauman emphasized the need to rely on verified facts and official investigations.

June 1, 2018: Police Investigation Update

New information or lack thereof from police investigations into Seth Rich's murder was reported. The Metropolitan Police Department confirmed that the investigation was still active but did not disclose any significant new leads.

June 30, 2018: Mid-Year Review

The first half of 2018 ended with ongoing media coverage, independent investigations, and public interest in Seth Rich’s murder case. The FBI's handling of the laptop and the implications of the defamation lawsuits continued to be major points of discussion.
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July 1, 2018 - December 31, 2018: Escalating Public Interest and Legal Developments

July 13, 2018: WikiLeaks Emphasis on Source Protection

WikiLeaks continued to emphasize that they were not naming Seth Rich as their source but reiterated the potential risks faced by whistleblowers and the importance of protecting sources. This stance maintained public interest in the potential connection between Rich and WikiLeaks.

July 20, 2018: Surge in Social Media Activity

Social media activity included a surge in posts discussing potential connections between Seth Rich and the DNC leaks. Analysis of these posts showed a mix of speculation and demands for further investigation.

August 10, 2018: Independent Investigators' Reports

Independent investigators released new reports analyzing the circumstances of Seth Rich's murder. These reports questioned the botched robbery theory and suggested alternative scenarios based on available evidence. This new information continued to challenge the official narrative.

September 5, 2018: Assange's Statement

Julian Assange, in a statement, avoided confirming or denying Seth Rich as the source of the leaked DNC emails but reiterated WikiLeaks' policy of protecting their sources. Assange's ambiguous statements kept speculation alive about Rich's potential involvement.

October 1, 2018: Washington Times Retraction

The Washington Times retracted previous statements linking Seth Rich to the DNC email leaks, citing a lack of evidence. This retraction led to discussions about the role of media in spreading unverified information and its impact on public perception.

November 1, 2018: Progress in Aaron Rich's Defamation Lawsuit

Aaron Rich's defamation lawsuit against individuals who had falsely implicated him in the DNC leaks moved forward, with the court rejecting motions to dismiss the case. This legal progress highlighted the ongoing efforts to address false claims and protect the Rich family's reputation.
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December 1, 2018: Renewed Social Media Activity

Social media platforms saw renewed activity related to Seth Rich, with users revisiting old theories and newly emerged claims about his potential involvement with WikiLeaks. This resurgence in activity indicated sustained public interest in the case.

December 31, 2018: End of the Year Review
The year ended with continued public interest in Seth Rich's case, driven by ongoing social media discussions and the persistence of various independent investigations. The media coverage kept the story in the public eye and maintained pressure on authorities to provide answers.
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January 1, 2019 - December 31, 2019: Court Orders and Media Coverage

January 8, 2019: Ty Clevenger's FOIA Lawsuit

Attorney Ty Clevenger continued his efforts to obtain FBI records related to Seth Rich through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit. Clevenger argued that the FBI had been deliberately hiding records and provided false information to the court about the existence of relevant documents.

February 26, 2019: Court Order for FBI Records

In a significant development, the FBI was ordered to produce records related to Seth Rich, including information from his laptops. This court order was a result of the ongoing FOIA lawsuit filed by Ty Clevenger. The order was seen as a step towards transparency and potential new insights into the case.

March 1, 2019: Public Reactions to Court Order

Public reactions to the court order varied, with some seeing it as a step towards transparency and others doubting that any substantial information would be revealed. The media covered this development extensively, highlighting the ongoing battle for access to information about Seth Rich's murder.

April 15, 2019: Media Analysis of Released Documents
Media analysis of the released documents began, with investigative reports delving into the contents and implications of the FBI's disclosures. Some reports suggested inconsistencies and gaps in the provided information, fueling further speculation.

May 20, 2019: Ty Clevenger's Additional Legal Motions
Ty Clevenger filed additional legal motions to compel the FBI to conduct a more thorough search for records related to Seth Rich, including emails and other communications that might not have been included in the initial search.
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June 10, 2019: Law Enforcement Statements
Public statements by law enforcement officials reiterated that the investigation into Seth Rich's murder remained active, but they provided no new significant leads. The Metropolitan Police Department faced criticism for the perceived lack of progress in the case.

July 1, 2019: Independent Reports on FBI Documents

Independent reports continued to emerge, with investigators and journalists examining the newly released FBI documents. These reports often highlighted the challenges in obtaining clear and conclusive information about the case.

August 15, 2019: Surge in Social Media Activity

Social media activity surged again, with renewed interest in the Seth Rich case following the release of additional documents. Analysis of these posts revealed a mix of skepticism, conspiracy theories, and calls for a more transparent investigation.

September 30, 2019: Court Orders Expedited Release

The court case involving Ty Clevenger and the FBI saw further developments, with the court ordering the FBI to expedite the release of remaining documents. This decision was viewed as a victory for transparency advocates.

December 31, 2019: End of the Year Review

The year ended with ongoing public interest and media coverage of the Seth Rich case. The FBI's handling of the documents and the implications of the defamation lawsuits remained focal points of discussion and analysis.
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January 1, 2020 - December 31, 2020: FBI Admissions and Continued Investigations

January 27, 2020: FBI Reveals Existence of Files

The FBI revealed for the first time that it had files from Seth Rich's computer, which had previously been denied in sworn statements. This admission included a forensic report and chain of custody forms related to the work computer of Seth Rich, which were not initially indexed to Rich within the FBI's central records system.

February 10, 2020: Ty Clevenger's Continued Legal Action

Ty Clevenger, representing Brian Huddleston, continued to push for the release of additional FBI documents related to Seth Rich. The FBI's admission that it possessed Rich's computer files prompted further legal action to uncover more details.

March 3, 2020: Law Enforcement Statements

Public statements from law enforcement reiterated the ongoing investigation into Seth Rich's murder. The Metropolitan Police Department maintained that the case was an attempted robbery gone wrong, despite continued public skepticism and speculation.

April 15, 2020: Court Orders Expedited Release

The court ordered the FBI to expedite the release of the remaining documents related to Seth Rich. This decision came after the FBI requested a lengthy delay to process the documents, which was met with criticism from transparency advocates.

May 20, 2020: Media Analysis of Released Documents
Media outlets published in-depth analyses of the newly released documents. These reports highlighted the inconsistencies and gaps in the FBI's handling of the case, fueling further speculation about a potential cover-up.

June 30, 2020: Ongoing Media Coverage
Ongoing media coverage and public interest in the Seth Rich case persisted. Discussions on social media and in news reports focused on the implications of the FBI's admissions and the legal battles to uncover more information.
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July 10, 2020: Fourth Anniversary of Seth Rich's Murder

On the fourth anniversary of Seth Rich's murder, his parents, Mary and Joel Rich, issued a public statement expressing their ongoing grief and frustration with the lack of resolution in the case. They called for anyone with credible information to come forward.

August 29, 2020: Legal Developments Continue

Legal developments continued as the court reviewed additional motions related to the FOIA requests. Ty Clevenger and Brian Huddleston pressed for a more comprehensive search and release of documents, arguing that the FBI had not been fully transparent.

September 29, 2020: Judge Orders FBI to Release Information

U.S. District Judge Amos Mazzant ruled in favor of Brian Huddleston, ordering the FBI to release information related to Seth Rich's laptop. The ruling highlighted that the FBI had improperly withheld information and mandated the release within 14 days.

December 9, 2020: Matt Couch's Tweet

Matt Couch tweeted, "BREAKING: After Denying for Years that there was any evidence that the FBI had investigated Seth Rich’s Murder they have just admitted to my Attorneys that they have over 20,000 pages of documents that mention Seth Rich..." This revelation added significant new information to the case and fueled further speculation.

December 31, 2020: End of the Year Review

The year ended with ongoing legal battles, media scrutiny, and public interest in the Seth Rich case. The focus remained on the FBI's handling of the documents and the broader implications for the investigation into Rich's murder.
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January 1, 2021 - Present: Ongoing Legal Battles and Public Interest

January 23, 2021: FBI Begins Releasing Documents

The FBI began releasing documents related to Seth Rich as part of ongoing FOIA requests. These documents included details about the investigation and the handling of his laptop, which had previously been denied in sworn statements. The release of these documents marked a significant development in the ongoing search for transparency.

February 5, 2021: Renewed Public Interest

Public interest in the case was renewed as media outlets covered the new releases. Discussions centered on the implications of the FBI's handling of the case and the potential impact on public trust in law enforcement.

March 15, 2021: Ty Clevenger's Additional Legal Motions

Ty Clevenger filed additional legal motions to compel the FBI to release more documents related to Seth Rich. Clevenger argued that the FBI had not been fully transparent and had withheld crucial information.

April 20, 2021: Court Orders Expedited Release

The court ordered the FBI to expedite the release of documents, rejecting the bureau's request for a lengthy delay. This ruling was seen as a victory for transparency advocates.

June 1, 2021: Media Analysis of Newly Released Documents

Media analysis of the newly released documents began, with investigative reports delving into the details. Reports highlighted inconsistencies in the FBI's statements and actions, raising questions about the investigation's integrity.

July 10, 2021: Fifth Anniversary of Seth Rich's Murder

On the fifth anniversary of Seth Rich's murder, his parents issued a public statement expressing their ongoing grief and calling for anyone with credible information to come forward. They also criticized the spread of conspiracy theories that had compounded their suffering.
September 30, 2021: Continued Legal Developments

Legal developments continued as the court reviewed further motions related to the FOIA requests. Ty Clevenger and Brian Huddleston continued to press for a comprehensive search and release of documents.

November 29, 2021: Judge Orders Release of Laptop

U.S. District Judge Amos Mazzant ruled that the FBI must release Seth Rich's laptop. The ruling emphasized that the FBI had improperly withheld information and mandated the release of the laptop within 14 days.

February 28, 2022: FBI Appeals Court Order

The FBI filed an appeal to reconsider the court's order to release documents, arguing that the disclosure would compromise investigative techniques and methods. The court scheduled a hearing to address the FBI's concerns.

May 15, 2022: Public Reactions to Legal Battles

Public reactions to the continued legal battles were mixed, with some advocating for full transparency and others concerned about the potential implications for ongoing investigations.

July 20, 2022: Renewed Public Interest and Media Coverage

Renewed public interest and media coverage focused on the implications of the FBI's admissions and the legal battles to uncover more information about Seth Rich's murder.

November 28, 2023: Federal Judge Orders Additional Document Release

A federal judge ordered the FBI to release additional documents related to Seth Rich, finding that the FBI had not justified its withholding of certain records. The judge's decision was seen as a significant step towards transparency in the case.

January 11, 2024: FBI Requests Delay in Producing Information

The FBI defied the court order, requesting yet another delay in producing the information. This action drew significant criticism and further fueled public speculation about the FBI's motives.
Summary and Conclusion: Evidence Pointing to a Sanctioned Hit

The timeline of events surrounding Seth Rich's murder and the subsequent investigations reveal a complex and contentious narrative. From the initial DNC hack in June 2016 to the most recent legal developments in 2024, the case has drawn significant public and media attention, fueled by a mix of facts, speculation, and ongoing legal battles.
Persistent Questions and Theories

The unresolved nature of Seth Rich's murder continues to generate numerous theories and questions. The involvement of high-profile figures such as Julian Assange and Kim Dotcom, as well as the contested findings by investigators and independent researchers, keeps the case in the public spotlight. Claims about Rich's potential connection to WikiLeaks and the DNC email leaks have remained central to the discourse, despite a lack of conclusive evidence.
Legal and Investigative Developments

Legal actions and investigative reports have played crucial roles in maintaining public interest and seeking transparency. The efforts by Ty Clevenger and other legal advocates to obtain FBI records, the lawsuits filed by the Rich family and others, and the court rulings ordering the release of documents have all contributed to the ongoing scrutiny of the case. These legal battles highlight the challenges in obtaining clear and conclusive information and the persistent efforts to uncover the truth.
Impact on the Rich Family

Throughout this period, the Rich family has consistently called for factual information and respect for their privacy. They have expressed frustration with the spread of conspiracy theories and the emotional toll it has taken on them. Their public statements and legal actions underscore their determination to find justice for Seth Rich while navigating the complex and often painful landscape of public and media attention.
Media and Public Interest

The role of media in shaping the narrative of Seth Rich's case cannot be overstated. From initial reports and retractions to in-depth analyses and speculative articles, media coverage has significantly influenced public perception and interest. Social media platforms have also played a critical role in disseminating information and theories, reflecting the diverse and often polarized views on the case.

Conclusion: Evidence Pointing to a Sanctioned Hit

The Seth Rich case remains one of the most debated and scrutinized murder investigations in recent history. However, the preponderance of evidence suggests that Seth Rich's murder may have been a sanctioned hit designed to send a message to potential leakers. This perspective is supported by:

1. The Professional Nature of the Crime: Independent investigations, such as those conducted by the Profiling Project, have pointed out that the murder appeared to be well-organized and deliberate, inconsistent with a botched robbery.
2. Timing of the WikiLeaks Releases: The release of DNC emails by WikiLeaks shortly after Seth Rich's murder has fueled speculation about his involvement and the possibility of retaliation.
3. Public Statements and Involvement of High-Profile Figures: Julian Assange's hints and Kim Dotcom's claims suggest an insider connection to WikiLeaks, indicating that Seth Rich might have been involved in leaking the emails.
4. Legal and Investigative Obstructions: The FBI's handling of the case, including delayed and incomplete releases of information, has raised suspicions about a cover-up and the protection of powerful interests.
5. Impact on Other Whistleblowers: The significant media attention and controversy surrounding Seth Rich's murder serve as a potent deterrent to other potential whistleblowers, emphasizing the risks involved in leaking sensitive information.
While significant progress has been made in uncovering details and challenging official narratives, many questions remain unanswered. The ongoing legal battles, investigative efforts, and public interest ensure that the pursuit of justice for Seth Rich will continue. As new information emerges and legal decisions are made, the hope remains that the truth will eventually come to light, providing closure for the Rich family and clarity for the public.
bump while reading
Welcome back, OSS.
Seth Rich was stupid enough not to give his chin a rest, because he wanted to talk about what is was doing, instead of actually doing it so in that respect he was a typical 4channer.
I will never forgive or forget what they did to you Seth.

Fuck them.

never forget.
it's exactly like Trump and Navarro say
He didn't. Trump has never been there. Why do you lie knowing that you'll be executed for it? Will the money be worth it when your hands are cut off with a reciprocating saw?
This is the same company behind the mass outage yesterday
it's all connected now
get a dedicated privacy device if you care about your metadata.


This is a continuation of the three part series I have already posted. Prior articles can be found here:

The Shot Heard 'Round the World (The attempt on PDJT)
The Shot Heard Round the World 2: The Short Heard Round The World (Austin Private Wealth)
The Shot Heard 'Round the World 3: The Strike Heard 'Round the World (Crowdstrike)
They fucked up giving someone like me access to ChatGPT
they fucked up big because the same workarounds work for the search aggregators too.
especially if you just spin your own aggregator.
Oh well.
i got tipped off to that wathcing the gptfags talk about using prompt constrouctors/massaging their prompts
i can understand why they don't want to talk about their methods in detail.
You have to force it to remind itself of the rules every post.
we're all doxed by just touching the internet lol
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His name was Seth Rich!
i don't know what that is
>especially if you just spin your own aggregator.
was just talking about stuff like searxng.. google's search is starting to not be relevent anymore, and the aggregators can do conditionals and other basic stuff.. so wording becomes relevent, like doing a prompt'
it was a good reminder, honestly
It Is What It Is
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who has the story of the two found dead shortly after at a motel?
ms13 members used by dnc as hit men
No one will care in two weeks.
Wonder if I can start getting advertiser revenue for al the glowniggers that view my pastebin account.
he was a jew
Wasn't G2 found out to just be a DNC employee?
Why did Biden molest his daughter?
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The austin wealth short narrative has already been debunked with proof. The original posters didn't know what they were talking about and didn't read the sec filing correctly. This btfo your entire thead. /thread
>Not shown on X
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The ER physician who initially treated Seth Rich did not believe his wounds were life threatening.
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This was posted on /pol/ in May 2017
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Thanks again for doing these threads.
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What happens?

Oh right, NOTHING!
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The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where "feed" and "seed" both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck". So, when Chuck owned the shop, it would have been called "Chuck's Feeduck and Seeduck".
Sinister assets that outlive their usefulness aren't usually treated well
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Bumping one more time. I think OP is gone though.
bumping, too
Why does Hillary eat children and drink their blood?
eh, bump for newfags
BUMP! To the moon!
bump from 8
Anudder <bump>

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