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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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in 2016 there was a full meltdown by the left when trump is winning but now not so much and most of the libs are okay with it
even pic related, the biggest jew in tech is okay with trump
Did something happened that I miss?
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Zuck is no longer a cuck
This. He's a cool guy now. Someone post his glow up
it's crazy how he seems to have suddenly stopped being an annoying immature teenager. Maybe he's getting some sun and was suffering form a vitamin d deficiency.
just fucking strange
They know he's going to win and are trying to ingratiate themselves to him before that happens. Zuck was involved in all kinds of shady shit during 2020 and is worried. But he knows Trump is a narcissist who loves it when famous people compliment him and will forget everything.
>Basically, I see seven main factors pushing tech to the right:

Taxes and regulation



Negative polarization and the “techlash”

DEI and leftist activism

The bitter aftertaste of the “cancel culture” era

Ethnic issues
such cheap whores you are. He says one nice think about Trump and you simp for him.
He fully embraced the Mark Wiggerberg meme

Pumping Fist

Trump would win in the election, but the election most likely won't happen
He is obsessed with UFC and impressing TRT bros
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Why are you guys running with this one off the cuff comment for trump? In the next breath, zuck said he wasn't endorsing anyone. Most liberal admit that the photo of trump is cool even if he's objectively enabling fascism.
Billionaires want to turn the USA into Africa and exploit the workers so they can sell products to the rest of the workd. Your grandchildren will die in lithium mines at the age of 34. Trump will allow this.
whoa i like zuckerberg now
>Did something happened that I miss?
the alternative is a hospice patient that had to be walked off a debate stage and cannot finish a sentence
shitlibs know the jig is up
They all know Trump will win 2024 after the failed assassination attempt. Trumpamania is going wild, brother.
Maybe he finally got laid?
He has a lot to redeem himself for after the shit he pulled in 2020 and the hundreds of millions he spent on it.
he's 40 now and peak testosterone is behind him
he sees Trump with super male vitality and it gives him hope
Because a vocal minority of terminally online Democrats and celebrities spent the last 8 years pushing that any comment that wasn’t seething hatred for Trump was an endorsement. It’s pretty much been reinforced in liberals, moderates, and conservatives at this point.
Zucc wants open source AI, and Biden is trying to ban it. Glowniggers are exploiting AI doomers as useful idiots to centralize control over the most important new technology in decades. As the Democrats are the regime party, they are pushing the glownigger agenda on AI. Trump and Vance are against AI regulation, so many in tech are supporting Trump now. It's that simple.
Damn... Could it be
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>open source AI
nice model you have there, it'd be pretty bad if I used it to power autonomous drones to attack glowniggers
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Because Israel has chosen him to play the judas goat role by generating a new found sense of patriotism in white male zoomers. They will then enlist, just in time for Israel to start their wars in Lebanon and Iran, with the backing and participation of the U.S. military replenished with its new recruits. Picrel because it seems people need to be reminded and consider the sign tapped
Zuck is so based. I trust him
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zucks always been an undercover chud, he had to hide it because he operates in one of the most fanatical leftie industries in the world.
He's still kind of evil but out of all the current generation tech CEOs he's unironcally the best in terms of open source and trying to innovate.
how is he wrong? imagine being a man and not being impressed by those few minutes
even if it was a set up 99.9% of people wouldnt just shrug it off and get emboldened
he was fighting off bodyguards after someone shot him to keep talking
and in the scope of things(lmao get it) hes a highly targetted individual so uncertainty of "is there another bullet coming my way" vs "if i die right now my message will be cut short so i need to get these words out" and not just ducking out is pretty crazy and inspiring
GOD i fucking wish someone would JFK mark and his disgusting chink wife
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stop simping for globohomo billionaires

don't make me tap the sign
>Everyone loves trump because he posed at the right time after getting shot
>literally everyone and their pet dog: wtf? i love trump now
>memes are immediately made days after the assasination attempt
>most of which are comparing him to 50 cent
>this gives the niggers a reason to vote for him
>RNC rolls around
>dieversity is shilled hard as fuck
>why aren't liberals and jew lovers as triggered by trump anymore?
The RNC is becoming the new uniparty. The assasination attempt is starting to look more and more staged (not that i really think it is) the more i think about it on a non-schizo level. Everything lines up way too perfectly for me to think it wasn't staged but it's hard to believe it was given the great lengths required to do so.

My best tinfoil hat conspiracy is that glowies 'attempted' to assassinate trump so that they can bridge the political divide and then infiltrate the republican party to push bullshit laws. Their previous strategy wasn't working so now their new one is to bring us together while also implementing new laws that further restrict our rights.

Think about what 9/11 did to create the modern surveillance state and change the american political landscape. America was committing war crimes in the middle east, watchlists were made with innocent people on those lists and virtually everyone post 2001 hated anyone that spoke with an arabic accent or even appeared to come from a middle eastern region.

Either that or glowies are taking advantage of a real assasination attempt to worm their way further into our lives.
Everyone take a minute. Let’s not pretend Trump got shot.
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the damage THE ZUCC has done is done
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meds. stat.
>Verification not required.
Zucc is based. He's replaced RMS as the hero of /g/.
The goyim are this easily to control, everybody.
I don't actually think anything was staged other than the obvious shilling that went on after the assasination attempt.
i knew it
jews btfo
the fuck
He stole the entire idea for Facebook from white men, explicitly, and then condoned all of the leftist shit on his platform. He's just a greedy Jew sucking up to whoever is in power and he knows Trump doesn't like him
Imagine if there had been a second shooter, and his head exploded into red mist during the fist pump moment.
based timeline shifter
gay bot post kys now
Are you kidding? Leftoids are more unhinged than ever. Zuck was never a true believer.
self (you)'ing like this is unnatural
Don't put me in the screencap; I'm camera-shy
Many such cases.
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trust me
i am real
witness glory of the true oldfags
cute penguin
Ask me how I know you do.
>why isnt liberals and jew lovers arent as triggered by trump anymore?
Hardcore leftists still are.
But normies (people who don't pay attention, or just move with the herd) have switched sides because everyone's low key bothered by what a hoax COVID and the vax were and tired of SJWs, cringe tranny activists, and just ending up embarrassingly in the wrong on every single issue again and again.
To top it all off, they just watched the shit with Trump which was undeniably bad-ass. They see leftists and they see the people trying to ruin everything, bossing everyone around, etc etc. Then they see the right and they see absolute badasses who stand their ground and embody everything it means to be an American.

As for powerful jews, they switched sides because of the left's reaction to Oct 7.

Tech people are sick of losing out on jobs to DEI and pajeets. The ones still employed are all being suffocated by their DEI / HR departments for their skin color.
Crypto is "right" leaning because the entire industry was born out of a libertarian/cyberpunk political movement.
Checked and keked
>He is obsessed with UFC and impressing TRT bros

I think Zuckerberg training in the manly arts has made him self-confident enough in his own masculinity to appreciate and respect the masculinity in his superiors.

Every leftist male is just a wimpy Jew or picked-last-in-gym-class Darwinian loser who rages against white masculinity as a form of cope.
>Pumping Fist
Looks like he's having a wank in that image. Is it because he doesn't know how to perform human actions yet?
Because Trump is no longer working against them
Didn't Trump literally say he would put Zuck in prison if he got elected? So now Zuck is sucking up to him
whats this meme even attempting to communicate?
/pol/ is fake and gay, confirmed
>even pic related, the biggest jew in tech is okay with trump
No he's not. Zoomers don't care about Faceberg.com so he's trying to appeal to them by talking like a retarded zoomer. That is why he's wearing DAT CHAINZ & BLING YO FO REAL NO CAP and has broccoli hair. Actual adults don't do any of that.
Zuck still hates Trump
Almost this, someone thought that painting Zuck as a jew villain would set fire on someone antissemitism which didn't happen as well so they had to let him be the real him. Just check his pictures from college he never was the "weird lonely nerd trying to control the world".

People were expecting a new hitler and they got a new david.
Trump is winning by landslide and sweep, the jews know this and are temporarily rearranging their lies for the next few years
He rolls on the ground in pajamas with MtM trannies
"Two parties were needed. One of them rules, and one of them forms the opposition. When one party is played out, the opposition party comes to power, and the played out party now takes its turn as the opposition." -Adolf Hitler
Turns out an economy where people can't afford groceries doesn't poll well.
>kike flag
>open ended question mean to start an argument
you fail, faggot.
>He stole the entire idea for Facebook from white men, explicitly

Not just white men but Olympic rower turbo-Adonis Chads. (T.A.D.'s)
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CERN glitched again
DEI money is drying up. They still hate the right but they need their money so they shut the fuck about it.

Like Michael Jordan said " Republicans buy sneakers too"
Biden, tried to get young voters excited by proposing higher taxes on the rich and funding IRS agents to go after fraud. The rich immediately flipped to Trump
>He rolls on the ground in pajamas with MtM trannies

checked. but he's no longer a 100% pure faggot kike pussy. Like he's probably top 50% of IDF masculinity index now. Not saying much but he turned his faggot identity upside down as best he could.
Execution is worth more than an idea. There were other social media networks before facebook, Zuckerberg just did it better.
I simp for Bezos. My entire family works for Amazon.
All of a sudden orange man rad
>Execution is worth more than an idea. There were other social media networks before facebook, Zuckerberg just did it better.

Zuckerberg had all of Mossad on his side, and Mossad law firms like Prokhauser Rose or whatever.
He funded IRS agents to go after anyone making a $600 transaction. Of course nobody wants 4 more years of dementia joe.
This. 99.99% of ideas are worth fuck all. You need to have people that can make the idea into a reality.
You simply have to accept that the system wants Trump back
>put woke away
>curtail inflation
>war with Iran
>legal immigration in large quantity
Strong subliminal propoganda in my country to recruit without a purpose. Likely targeting upper caste mmorpg dropouts into working for free. Gaslights on their sex life "claims they have sex". Likely being used for hostile takeover purposes with immigration. White guy isn't earning as much as the muck wheat. They have psyops. Lots of safety nets to catch you if you go crazy. Psyop list very safe. Will not be giving you a house or sex. Don't work for free. Not even sure how to overthrow our corrupt empires Jewish leeching module. Planting psyop -> harvest muckwheat -> convince farmers to sell fresh produce -> darker garden
The technocrats want him in office
True. If AI can 1000x productivity, it's going to allow tons more good ideas to be executed. People who think it's gonna took er jerbs are zero sum morons.
>You simply have to accept that the system wants Trump back
kek the fact that these retards are still going with this after the system just tried to kill him just shows how absolutely unhinged theyve become
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That's his real jewfro. He just decided to stop larping as Augustus Caesar.
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Deals are being made and the pieces are slowly lining up. Don has promised war with Iran, and people like Sam Hyde are going to be recruited to make sure even /pol/ won't say "no"
>Did something happened that I miss?
Four years of Biden.
JD Vance = Peter Thiel = Silicon Valley Globalists = Bilderberg
Now that Vance is coming into office, it's a massive green light for everyone in that Silicon Valley orbit. They will all bend the knee.
You’re delusional, usually with shooters you can at least find something about them being groomed by feds but there’s nothing like that this time. There are homegrown murderers in this world, you didn’t watch the liberal media fawn over Trump once he got shot and shutting down any violent rhetoric against him? Trump is the unity candidate in the wake of Biden being too senile to run. Trump winning is priced in, Dems already talking about how to rebound in 2028 and minimize losses this year

Also Trump isn’t against the system. Sorry, when you have Silicon Valley elites on your side, you are the system.
No one else sensed the massive shift of the jew to Trump before this? Something clearly changed the past year or so.
If yt so smart y he not make face book himself?
AI has my GPS and also changes my ads based on what I'm doing. It just accused me of missing a girl who liked me. Shows very high IQ. Been hacked a few times now for pointing out. Likely result of algorithmic data collection on everyone. Cloud storage: we have every single thing. Second theory.
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>Did something happened that I miss?
They fucked up the hit.

CIA/Jew mob coup'd the US in 1963, wacked Bobby K to stay in power. Look at the fucking "presidents" the US has had since then:
Nixon - Kissed the ring at the Grove, but still an outsider, politically destroyed.
Carter - Outsider, politically destroyed by his own party and glowops.
Reagan - Literal Hired Actor, HEAD OF THE CIA as veep
Bush - Head Glownigger.
Clintons - presumptive CIA assets.
Bush - Son of Head GlowNig
Obama - Known CIA asset
Trump - Outsider, attacked non-stop, term ends in gayest glowop in history, attempted political destruction, attempted assassination.

Now put yourself in the shoes of an oligarch. You support the CIA/Jew mob cabal because they keep you rich and keep your dungeon stocked with child sex slaves. But they just fucked up a high profile political assassination, bad. Continued support now carries increasing potential costs to you. We e shall see increasing infighting in the oligarchy, likely ending with most of the administration thrown under the bus as a limited hangout
Israel being attacked was a huge shift, Trump was basically invisible and the media didn’t even cover him anymore until after that. Remember when he announced his reelection at the end of 2022 and more people cared about Kanye being an antisemite instead? There’s multiple factors here, Biden has clearly declined further over the past year or so and Harris was never meant to touch the POTUS job as well
All he did was make it so he's gonna tax me on my 10k a year side hustle. Literally kys.
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>believing jews didn't fake a shooting to push their top goy into hero status
Are you shills even trying anymore? Honest question
I don't believe it was staged at all. Either real or an elite civil war bringing in a bad patsy. Biden's inner circle and Lary Fink come to mind against the increasingly pro-Trump majority.
Silicon Valley was aligned with Democrats because Democrats were pro-tech and left them alone. Now with the techlash, Democrats hate tech and are doing everything they can to crush it. Read the comments on Ars Technica to get an idea what the average Democrat voter thinks about tech. They are deranged.

It goes back to blaming Zucc for 2016, then the NYT declared jihad on tech and the rest of the media fell in line. Dems installed the firmware update and hate everything tech now.
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True if big?
Kinda wish the Jewish empire just went around shooting us when we were teens. What they did instead was brainwash and hypnotize us to steal our power. Too hard to destroy all. Now they're asking us to work for free. They consider us castrated cattle.
yeah, the fact that Trump represents Israeli interests
Because the ruling class wants Trump elected.
>Harris was never meant to touch the POTUS job as well
Well ya, shes a woman. POTUS is in charge of the military. Its insane enough woman are allowed in the military, let alone a woman commanding the whole thing.
What happened was dei sniper missing trump gave freedom to the other billionaires that the government harassed and attempted to kill then threatened to shut up... it gave them freedom to speak up. Elon had two Assassin attempts in last six months (he shared that this morning in live Tesla meeting along with blatantly support for trump. Hell the 1st guy that said something was bus driver dictator in South America. He was sick of the assassin attempts on his life.
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Checking a confirmation post
In general there was just the political climate of republicans being untouchable after Dubya and Democrats being “cooler” for a while. Silicon Valley took off during this time (basically the only major social media platform born in the Trump era was TikTok) so they were attached to it. Also these companies had dreams of infinite growth due to interest rates back then. Average voters don’t matter, they care about the politicians. Elon, Sacks and Thiel are the big 3 pushing for Silicon Valley to get behind Trump and I think deregulation is a big part of it, AI development will be deregulated even in the military sector if he wins
Good goyim.
More like Israeli Jews want Trump elected, and Silicon Valley is aligning with that faction of Jews over the American Jews in Washington DC who run all the federal agencies.
because they've experienced Trump once before and despite all the rhetoric and mean words life was better for everyone even them under Trump. Now that they've got to experience what it's like under Biden when they thought the grass was greener and believe the rhetoric about Trump they realize at worst they've horrible fucked up or at best Trump was better by every metric except being 'likeable'
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are you even trying?
no he didn't 'FACEBOOK' was literally just DARPA's 'LIFELOG' project which magically ended the very day before Facebook was founded. the clowns in america always take promising publicly or military developed ventures and then farm them out to controllable assets to both enrich the assets and themselves and have assets in place they can completely control
Libtard Jews are being tard wrangled by the right wing Jews, Alan Dershowitz wrote about this and how the libtard ones basically didn’t see themselves as Jewish in any meaningful way or with any attachment to Israel, in part due to their intermarriages with whites. He said they needed to effectively be told to fuck off while the far right Jews take control of the ship before Israel gets itself destroyed and before liberal Jews destroy themselves.

Israel has always had a tech sector, look at Intel and how many cybersecurity firms they have.
Whites are dumb cattle unironically
it's hilarious that Zucc got a little test in him and after his years of attempts to be normal he's finally having success
You could tell there was a pro-Trump shill rush on here too. Has anyone else in history ever sold out his people as badly as Trump?
Those are shills. But you are still correct. There is something wrong with white people. Probably something to do with the industrial revolution producing subhuman livestock populations. Whites have been under post industrial pressure the longest
you forgot a very important one.

AI regulation. Left wants to capture it through regulation. Right wants it open source and unregulated.
>Alan Dershowitz wrote about this and how the libtard ones basically didn’t see themselves as Jewish in any meaningful way
This is fake. This is just something they say whenever conservatives start questioning why all leftist movements are led by jews. They just say "oh those aren't real jews, the problem is they're not really jewish."
Physiognomy, a defuct and frankly stupid area of study that claimed physical features coincided with certain behaviors. It's been disproven and even bizarre no sensible person spoke up against this for some time but then again. It was a 16th century, people were still shitting in buckets and thought anyone with a small understanding of medicine was a witch. It's a psuedoscience talking point used by idiots here trying to justify their hatred of brown people much like phrenology.
Song "we will rock you" about throwing a rock into a goyims face. Stonetoss. Psyop list very safe. All hail castration empire. Jewish leeching module. They will provide (tools for labor). Pl psy -> strawberry flower garden -> insect repellent psyop -> harvest muck wheat -> suffocate native IQ -> write 10 reasons why. Local stores targeted by Jewish agents for subliminal depictions. Went around to each. Put extra love into the crossword puzzle lottery tickets. Posters on the wall urging you subliminally, made to look like a product advertisement. Many 666s. Psyop list does not result in death. Psyop result = free labor against your interest.
Honestly he offers offline ai for free with llama and the quest is only cheap vr with good support.
Deleted faceberg in 2010 but he grows on me
Lolbertarianism and capitalism are still leftist. Opposing the marxist left from this position is not moving right.
>Physiognomy, a defuct and frankly stupid area of study
>meme flag
This is a kike
democrat constituents went openly anti-israel and even if biden still gave them money he had too many people around him insulting netanyahu to keep ahold of power
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I'll give him that. He at least attempted to resolve ERROR: "masculinity" NOT DEFINED
Computing was never regulated before (apart from the failed attempt to ban cryptography in the 90s). Now, according to Marc Andreesen, the Biden White House is talking about classifying math and computer science as top secret, trying to kill AI the way they killed nuclear power (and UFO tech, if you believe that).

Whether you care about AI for it's potential benefits or just for money, this is the most anti-SV position you could take.
>The goyim are this easily to control, everybody.
It's worse than that. It's supposed to be thinking goyim hanging out here.
I despise that kike so much
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Checking a confirmation of niggers
>Reptilian Zuckerburg spends $450 million dropboxes in swing states to help steal the election for Joe Biden and faced zero punishment

What did he mean by this?
believe it or not, there are some liberals that aren't ready to commit suicide if they lose an election
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trump is winning by a landslide BECAUSE october 7th terrified the absolute shit out of kikes throughout the world, especially in america, & caused them to conclude that they need to pivot to supporting the neocon right, in order to secure further protection for jizzrael & jizzraeli interests
That’s right goy there’s no such thing as winning. The winning you perceive is actually an elaborate ruse. When you are winning, you’re actually losing. When you’re losing, you’re actually losing too. So you either lose or you lose. Sorry goy. Don’t ever do anything. Don’t ever join any movements or celebrate any victories. All your victories are just a cunning sham. Be demoralized forever. Good goy.
He's always been 50/50 between republicans and democrats. The problem is he says nice stuff to chuds occasionally, but in his actions only ever helps the left.
>Israel has always had a tech sector, look at Intel and how many cybersecurity firms they have.
That's just taking advantage of trade secrets leaked by Jews in America to Israel, as well as bugdoors inserted in American code by Jews embedded in big tech. It's parasitism.
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This is how you get automated slaughter bots. Nuclear war is preferable to this, there wouldn’t be a first world left if this becomes a global arms race
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They realized they were always wrong.
This kike doesn't want his throat slit lmao.
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Autonomous kill drones are the inevitable next stage of military technology. You can't stop it with regulation or international law.
Every single reply to you is retarded. Zuck started training ju-jitsu a few years ago and now only hangs out with fighters. He unironically boosted his test 100 fold. Most people on here are totally fat, or can't run a mile in under 7 minutes, so they ignore this. If you're not fit you're not red pilled. Simple as.
>i have the perfect comment to make leafs looks like massive idiots and douches!
No wonder Jesus said they are his chosen people
There is a price for failure anon. Biden was 4 more years of obama and it turns out america could not handle that.
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the conditions for victory are constantly evolving & changing buddy, we live in a dynamic destabilized decentralized digitized postmodern globohomo world, not some dumbfuck black hat/white hat oat opera western movie. trump needed to win in 2020, but it was stolen from him, & now there is nothing he can do to meaningfully alleviate the socioeconomic damage inflicted on this country & the world over the last four years.

currently, the most effective means of fucking over both the left AND the neocon ziocuck "right" is to support another term for buttfuck brandon, because his alzheimers afflicted ass will necessarily obstruct virtually all of the oligarchs warmonger greater jizzrael schemes going forward >>475005296
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We all know that the shill retards fall for this garbage, but the real problem is that Trump himself falls for it too. All it takes is one meeting where someone kisses the ring and he becomes putty in their hands. Zuck did the SAME SHIT when he was president and got what he wanted (albeit it was important, section 230).

Trump very easily falls for flattery.
is that supopsed to be his PR friendly version? still looks like a faggot just with curly hair which clear sign of bein a jew

Joe Biden here. This sounds like fun!
Do you guys have ice cream?
going viral (171k views in 3 years). I've seen videos of flat earth talking spiders get that in under a hour
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> a self referencing post
Pictures of the assassin wearing a small hat are vanishing.
>alpha mode
holds a hammer like a beta faggot.
The narrative is that big tech is pro trump because trump is going to give bitcoin a regulatory framework so they can actually work with it, because the SEC is schizo when it comes to crypto. Also it will allow mergers and acquisitions to happen which has generally been not allowed under Biden's FTC.
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Here (((memeflaggot))).
MAGA is a gay multicultural movement now.
They saw Elon cut 80% of the staff without negative performance. They want to do the same, but need a republican to make itpossible so they can keep their lefty cred.
just like with jews, it only takes 1 tranny/faggot to make whole society spoil and rot.
Gotta find a way to insert your eternal Hydemalding in there don’t you troon
he just got a PR coach to help him not come off like a robot and be more appealing
He has dedicated teams of behaviorists, strategic image managers, PR experts, stylists, speech coaches and the like to train him to seem like a human being. Don't be fooled.
It's called a get you baby retards
This is the second time this has happened in a week
I'm pretty sure all the kikes felt their tiny nuts shrivel up when the crowd at the RNC praised Trump with roman salutes
I think he took it personally when the media kept knocking the Metaverse.
That or he went postal when he had to explain the concept of ad revenue to Congress.

Fuck it, I'd vote for him in this election. I'd vote Kanye at this point too.
There’s a more obvious answer and it’s that Zuck is going to run for president as a Republican in the near future because JD Vance is a relative flop
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>replacing the American flag with a foreign flag
Great point.
Wait and see. Eventually they will say they were always Trump supporters and that it was they who convinced YOU to vote for him.
He's trying to reinvent himself and ingratiate himself to the new paradigm. The smarter ones are getting their feet in the door early.
The only path Biden has forward is to side with leftists and leftists want billionaires dead. Of course they side with trump.

>Fake tan
>Eyes white from the fake tan bed
>Strange haircut
>Sad sad attempt at expressing excitement
Is he a robot?
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This kek, cheap as fuck. I want a fuck niggers or kikes before my support
the poster is probably a power bottom here
Nick mentioned on his stream yesterday something about Sam Hyde being recently affiliated with jewish money interests
He’s on testosterone and trying to make himself look as white as he possibly can (considering he’s been viewed as a super nerdy looking Jew for the past 15 years). He’s in his dudebro arc, basically.
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>why isnt liberals and jew lovers arent as triggered by trump anymore?

Because the liberals were being secretly controlled by the Bush Family CIA Mafia (BFCM) and didn't even know it, and the BFCM had been out to destroy Trump because of how Trump manhandled Jeb! and the rotten Bush family name back in 2016, during the Republican debates.

But then I think Trump realized the BFCM was behind the system to destroy him, and so he cut a deal to be their bitch if elected, and so they pretended to forgive him and turn the entire liberal machine in his favor

But Trump doesn't realize that the Bushes never really forgive and always get revenge no matter what, and so they are letting him think things are now going his way so he will lower their guard and they will still whack him in the near future

It's the BFCM, baby. It's always at least secretly the BFCM behind literally everything
Techbros have reclaimed "techbro" from being a feminist epithet. It's like chud and shitlord before it. Zucc is a techbro and an AIbro.
Trying to distance themselves from the 4 shooters.
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>Did something happened that I miss?
Yes rabbi 1PostID, Trumps entire circle are jews. The same jews who also own Zuck. It's the only thing which explains the lack of MSM & political ferocity seen in 2019-2020.
Better Thiel (one of the pillars of the bilderbergs) owns Drumpf now. Choosing Vance as VP is proof.
They're in command.
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Zuck is a White man!
We are literally butcher and need to kill them all.
The billionaires and elites, they just follow public opinion.
In 2016 they thought he was unpopular, so they disavowed him
Now they think he'll win, so they want to be in his good graces
They're realizing it's a lost cause, see in past they could stop him from getting elected, they thought, or getting back into office after they thought they could oust him...

It all backfired. So now it's just acceptance or something. They're not going to waste their energy trying to control him or tell people not support him.

>But he knows Trump is a narcissist who loves it when famous people compliment him and will forget everything.
Ok but why has he seemingly regressed into some kind of Zoomer aesthetic ?
thanks kike
>Now they think he'll win
no, now they're financing him because they want him to win because jizzrael needs a shabbos goy neocon warmonger
all the worlds a stage, but we're not the players, we're the audience
whoa youre an easily swayed retard
Probably the window of people who legitimately believe in the neoliberal project is narrowing.

Don't @ me
I don’t think zuck was ever publicly against trump but his company sure was
sam hyde covered up his bald spot with censors in a video but we all know it was a yamekuh
I think there's no way they'd accept him unless they were legitimately somewhat enthusiastic about it.
if true why does trump hate bibi
>why isnt liberals and jew lovers arent as triggered by trump anymore?

Why are liberals and jew lovers not as triggered by Trump anymore?

Learn how to write basic English.
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You'll die for Israel, happily, because Sam Hyde will say it's a good thing
the VPs butt buddy runs zuck.
had a part in a alphabet project that became Facebook
runs musk
*sign tap
what did he say?
Of course they put hideous nonsensical modern art on it. Jews are anti-humans
>esl memeflag 1ptid
Trump supporters have tired them out. They are either ok with Trump and accepting reality, or they are falling apart.

You'll see freaks like Destiny falling apart and Fags become Chad's like Zuckerberg.
I don't think it's that stupid. People look like who they are - their thoughts and their actions of course influence their bodies.
Of course there are "types" of people.
Wow all these Jews suddenly supporting trump
Sure nothing weird going on!
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Rats flee a sinking ship.
>Jews jumping ship from the Democratic party because they aren't see as victims by that side anymore.
Watch how woke and crazy the right gets now.
Jews are switching sides again because Trump agreed to go after Iran. Many of you are too young to remember before Obama, but Jews were largely pro-Bush.
>but Jews were largely pro-Bush.
The neocons were. Not your rank and file jew. Of course, they play both sides. Jews were both the brains behind the Iraq war and the media/protest opposition to it
He’s Peter theil butt buddy. He will have influence in trump admin.
Israel Palestine war, jews go republican since Republicans are philosemites. Jews run media, libs are puppets of the media, Voila.
I can't remember my friend, it was a huge redpill that went on for minutes
I gotta go back and clip that
LOL Sam Hyde, the fucking jew that pretends to be anti-jew

Still not dying for kikes, still dying on my own terms on my front lawn, you faggot fucking satanic government from hell, suck my cock
Imagine having to kneel in front of the Jew, despite being a billionaire president. Imagine having to give your daughters to the Jews, so as to prove your loyalty. Imagine taking orders from the Jew king, being ostensibly the most powerful man in the world.

Trump is highly narcissistic, of course he resents that
These people have no honor
>no he didn't 'FACEBOOK' was literally just DARPA's 'LIFELOG'
>You’re delusional, usually with shooters you can at least find something about them being groomed by feds but there’s nothing like that this time.

3 encrypted overseas accounts. Nothing to see here.
what people don't love being complicated by famous, what kind of stupid ass shit is that to say ?
Zuckerberg has always been Far-Right.
New NPC update just dropped
I don't like Trump and I'll be voting against him again in November but it was an undeniably based photo. Iconic shit.
He has downloaded enough behavioral information to approximate a human
Because they saw the writing in the wall and started grifting. Democrats already lost.
>usually with shooters you can at least find something about them being groomed by feds
Yeh, with the dipshits the FBI grooms so they can have public "terrorists defeated" wins to show they're earning paychecks.

If the CIA is doing the grooming, or a similar intelligence agency, there are cutouts and careful planning. This isn't some jackass SAC and an off-payroll informant. Everything was scrubbed 2 weeks before the shooting happened. And, if they wanted this kid to kill Trump, then they would've gotten him enough practice to make the shot. So, for whatever reason, this was meant to fail and the kid be a patsy. You'll never find any real evidence of any of it.

The most anyone will ever know is that this just seems suspicious, and that the kid's animosity for Trump seems unlikely. Oh well.
>going viral (171k views in 3 years). I've seen videos of flat earth talking spiders get that in under a hour
most boomer post i've seen here in a long while. holy fuck
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Jews want a war with Iran.
They need right wing white males (the only combat effective demographic) to enlist again.
Jews are mimics
Thye dont want to be on wrong side of history
The average white person is 58 years old!
We don't HAVE enough whites of fighting age for that "plan"
Because Trump is now under the control of the kike establishment in the wake of the pedophilia and tax fraud. They have successfully extorted him and infiltrated his family, they can now use him as they please.
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The guy still looks like an alien wearing human skin. Nothing he does in his life will ever change the structure and proportions of his face. The harder he tries, the more uncanny he becomes.

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