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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Previous threads:

Original VIDEO:

>if you don't have much time, at least watch it from about 17:20 onwards. make up your own mind.

To supplement OP I submit another analysis, found via the link in anon's post (>>474975934). This one is significantly longer but it was interesting to watch.

(Starts at 5:30)

Tthis article, shared by the memeflag anon mentioned above, is also worth a read: https://archive.is/VAfSb

Some selected highlights from thread #2:

And remember glowniggers, you can't beat us here. You've been BTFO my threads before and it will happen again. save your efforts for your own astroturfed slide threads
From video 1
does he identify the shots made by the secret service sniper?
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Video 2 offers a different angle (pun not intended) - pic rel is the first shot according to the speaker
Could a shot have been taken from here??

What if it true?
It's already been debunked. Blackrock is paying people and using AI to distract from their commercial with crooks and from the fact that SS was watching crooks set up for his an attack for a whole hour up to the moment when he fired the first shots. Anyone pushing these multiple shooters narrative is working for Blackrock.
Larry fink better send a fat cheque then, I can barely afford gas
btw I accept BTC Finkster if you are lurking
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Released foto of ear
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Dis tree lookin sus af, fr fr fr
That is way too far. What is the longest confirmed sniper kill in history? Probably not that long of a distance.
So you beleive that American citizens can just be assasinated without trial?
Why the change from when Obama killed theose 2?
kys glowie we already have the data, all your shit is backdoored.

you are guilty by association and are FUCKED
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assassin fires
diversity hires
niggers, women
their heads are swimming
one has chicken and the other a tampon
what the fuck was this country even found on
I can't believe the encrypted accounts
the longer we go the more the tension mounts
FBI thought they'd crack into what's true
but they got defeated by an internet poo.
“So much blood….” Bwaa ha ha.
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>me and boys getting ready to lynch glowniggers in the streets while the world applauds
Almost 1400 yards.
jfc I'm already paranoid af



of course there were multiple shooters
there was the blackrock assassin
and there was the sniper who shot him
are you saying there was a THIRD shooter?
because you should really clarify
Huh? You can clearly see the razor cut line.
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the fuck
CNN donates to trump, of course theyre in on it
YES and even CNN fucking ADMITTED IT


Since when are twitter niggers smarter than polcucks? jfc
>load up audacity
>use editor to make some colored arrows and numbers
>ignore literally every other aspect of microphone gates, limiters, and how they attenuate, as well as where they were located
/pol/ today is nothing but a shilling pool for mudslimes, kikes, indians, leftypol demoralizers and glowniggers.
honestly im starting to think with the pendulum swinging our way, twitter being free speech focused, and the libs on suicide watch trying to shill here with the glowniggers 24/7, that perchance /pol/ will become leftypol over time while we achieve control of more mainstream platforms.

kind of interesting to see this go down in real time. all the effort posters moved to x anyways since you can get paid for shitposting now.
Kinda funny to see the rats flee when their narrative falls apart. Course if they actually watched the fucking video, the CNN article is shown in it. bad faith faggots, probably literal paid shills. next move to to try and explain it with "another pig was shooting back!" or "they said possible third shooter!" (Even though counter sniper is confirmed to have fired one time, meaning that last shot was theirs).

As for the stupid fucking line about "moving bodies" changing the dynamics. One of the clips was sourced from the podium mic, which is above the crowd.
even if that wasn't the case, fucking CNN confirmed it!

fuck em
>while we achieve control of more mainstream platforms.
there goes the neighborhood, kek.
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This was the water tower at the exact moment Trump was saying "...and if you really wanna see something that's sad, take a look at what happen-aaackkk (grabs ear goes down)".
There's are 3 distinct muffled shots. Than a few seconds later Croooks starts blasting off. This is irrefutable. 2nd shooter confirmed. Exact location still unknown, but I think they may have been hiding up in the trees just behind the water tower.
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If you listen you can hear it
It's the laughter in the street
It's the motion in the music
And the fire beneath your feet
All the signs are right this time
You don't have to try so very hard
If you live in this world
You're feelin' the change of the guard

Yep, it's no surprise everything comes from twitter now that free speech is enabled.
Most conspiracy theories I grew up with were pretty left wing, now they're labeled as right wing. Many on /pol/ grew up in a lefty paradigm. We, those of us who are trapped oldfags or pre-nu/pol/, will always be the avant garde. Always ahead of the curve. The pendulum keeps swinging
If a shot was taken from that tower it would be easily confirmed using audio analysis. This is obviously not true.
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>5 shots from much closer to the microphone
It's the counter-assault team (not the snipers) returning fire.
Earliest reports were correct to credit them for neutralising the assassin.
The niggers in bdu took him out. Maybe the counter-sniper over Trump's left shoulder put one in for good measure.
I even like this Peak Prosperity guy for what he did and had to endure over chinkAIDS and the clot shot but this is seriously sloppy analysis.
He thinks some rural fairground is graded flat as Greta? Grim.
Well poisoning faggot. Watched it live and heard the shots. You hear the snap almost immediately after the bullets land meaning the shots came from between 340 - 400 feet away.

All the cowboys and your neighbors
Can you swallow up your pride
Take your guns off it you're willin'
And you know we're on your side
If you want to get through the years
It's high time you played your card
If you live in this world
You're feelin' the change of the guard
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second shooter was on the AGR building. some autist made an entire thread about it using acoustics to pinpoint the location and whatnot.
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I'm not well poisoning dipshit. I'm saying the audio analysis indicates a high likelihood of at least 3 weapons being fired. The reason I keep talking about the fucking trees is because logic dictates the real pros would put the real shooter up in a tree stand behind the water tower where he could easily get up high enough to take that initial volley of 3 shots at Trump. He Missed!!!
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multiple shooters theory is bullshi-
Hmm would be interesting if autists on /sci/ could reproduce this? But honestly anyone in Science and Math should be able to locate shooter through multiple audio sources. I'm suprised we haven't seen more?
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Has anyone compared the video and audio between different recordings to estimate the shooter locations?

You can geolocate the position of a possible third shooter by using the video as a reference point for time synchronization then comparing the intersections between time delays and positions from where the videos were being taken. Hardest part would be knowing where the videos are being recorded from due to zooms, but at minimum you can have a highly accurate understanding of the angle based on the relative rotation of Trump's body and the perspective of the surrounding structures (e.g. buildings, bleachers, podium, etc.) compared to the known layout of the rally.
This makes the most sense IMO

fuck off faggot, you're telling me that a what, 10 man team, fired only 5 shots in total? Jew media says experts say only 3 weapons were fired. not even your fed carpet munching bosses are saying it was the one sniper that returned fire.

And you say the QRF all use the same weapon platform to fire one at a time? Or just one fired 5 times? funny cuz you can see them in the original video and they ain't doing shit.

you going to address any of that?

nah, didn't think so

get fucked

"I'm one of you guys, fur real!"
>multiple shooters meme AGAIN

it's funny because this happens every single time there's any shooting, and it's because people still haven't learned that gunshots can echo and repeat multiple times
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yeah there was multiple shooters.
>Secret service sniper killshot
>cop climbing up on the roof finishing the job






Gotta admit this dude's hair looked goofy as fuck in that video. Not sayin he was a decoy shill, gingers are weird, but it could have been a wig
See this summary image here >>475010881
An anon did a thread last night about it, and I believe he used multiple videos using the cameras location to create estimated ranges for where the shot location could be based on the sound analysis (the red and pink circles)

A least thats what I think he did.
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Trump's private intelligence firm will get to the bottom of this. >Sniper 1 aims to take out SS snipers on roof behind Trump and misses (you see them flinch).
>Sniper 2 takes his shot, clips Trump.
>Crooks the patsy, blasts off some rounds in Trump's general direction after Trump goes down, and gets domed by SS sniper X some 8 seconds later.
>one shot hit 4 things
stop trying to force fit the magic bullet theory
This is obviously true but it definitely goes deeper than this
>It was a lone gunman and there was no conspiracy

it's funny because this happens every single time there's any shooting
the shot that hit trump could only have come from a very narrow area
trump would not have survived if the shot that hit him came from anywhere but the north
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>/pol/ today is nothing but a shilling pool for mudslimes, kikes, indians, leftypol demoralizers and glowniggers.
Between the shills, the jannies and the niggers (of all colors) the signal to noise ratio has dropped below usable levels. Now it's time dependent. Saturday morning is good because the kikes off. Late night (american time) is not bad because the really gay jannies/mods don't start until office hours and we can get some quality shitposts from the cunts down under or the Anglo fiends.

Gook moot has fagged up this site with his nudity,/trolling/racism bans.

Off topic: Is picrel a tranny?
There were people watching the shooter and trying to get someone's attention. They need to be questioned as to whether they noticed if the sounds (and locations) of the first and second groupings were all from the roof. Or if there as something different.
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>10 man team, fired only 5 shot
One or two men out of that ten-man team were in such a position as to return fire and they stopped shooting as soon as they saw that the assassin had had his brain turned to jello.
I'm 99% sure kikes conspired to kill Trump regardless.
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>it's funny because this happens every single time there's any shooting
Not just shooting. FBI worked with the CIA to cover up the fact that the US Navy accidentally shot down TWA800 and Bill Clinton had an election to win. They came up with nonsense about an exploding fuel tank but there were no changes made to any planes to prevent similar "explosions".

TWA800 is a PERFECT example of what Trump COULD have declassified. It would have destroyed any future aspirations from Hillary.

TLDR; The US Navy accidentally shot down an airliner full of people and the FBI covered it up so Bill Clinton could win re-election.
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>The US Navy accidentally shot down an airliner full of people and the FBI covered it up so Bill Clinton could win re-election.
Here's the full audiobook by Jack Cashill
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>stop trying to force fit the magic bullet theory
That's Chris Martensen's tentative theory that he can't confirm because he only has an edited tiktok video.
>The bullet was fired at an upward angle, passed through Trumps ear, passed through a man's chest and disintegrated on a railing. Martensen suggested the round might have been 30 caliber
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I'm a past and future Trump voter who believes the assassination attempt was staged. Know what? I don't give a fuck, because it still helps me turn the public against Jews:
>Trump wants to stop bullshit wars
>Ukraine doesn't, has previously threatened US politicians
>Obviously Israel would like their bullshit land-grab wars
>Israel has wanted us to fight their war against Iran since forever
>Years ago Bibi tweeted to Trump a picture of JFK with Yitzhak Rabin
>Antifa (a Jewish militia) hates Trump
>Jewish media pushing increasingly violent rhetoric for all to see

And me explaining this all to the public, which I do a lot, has been very effective in turning people against the Jew. It makes Israel look even worse considering all the concessions they got from Trump last time, in that they would still try and pick Trump off so they can get war with Iran -- and send more Goyim to their deaths fighting it. All that may or may not be true, but struggling Americans believe it, because they're left with nothing else to believe after the lies of COVID.

The assassination attempt is an excuse for us to turn up the heat against Jews, when having discussions with the public already sick of Jewish bullshit. Use it to your advantage regardless of what you believe! There is not going to be any coherent information about the "shooter" because they won't want to lay blame on any political point of view. With the water muddied, we can make this about Jewish evil directly or indirectly and nobody can counter it. So let's stop discussing it here, and start discussing it in public -- at the bus stops, supermarket checkout lines, gas stations, where the fuck ever. Jews are cowards with no more power, they ain't gonna do shit.

>B-but Trump is a MIGA Shabbos Goy!

We know, we know. But we don't need Trump's blessing to discuss Jewish bullshit ourselves, and we have a constitutional right to discuss those things in public.
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>Trump's private intelligence firm will get to the bottom of this.
Trump will delegate the investigation to Jared Kushner.
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Pic related, Bibi threatening Trump, tweeted in 2019.

Gee, it sure is funny that Israel expects America's support with a Trump election, while pic related still runs Israel. Funny how that works, huh?
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the front building could be good for a shooter
or the 2nd fl of the west building
>Gee, it sure is funny that Israel expects America's support with a Trump election, while pic related still runs Israel. Funny how that works, huh?
Trump cucked out on declassifying everything related to the Kennedy assassination.

It doesn't matter who wins the 2024 election, America is going into the furnace in 2025. Prepare accordingly.
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>Concession Rd.
Everything was meant to have meaning here. This was planned. That would've become a memorial to Trump. Right there on "Concession Rd", in bumfuck PA.
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also this:
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The following zingers work well in public when doing drive-bys and walk-bys. Mossad ain't gonna do shit about this constitutionally-protected speech
>Jews tried to kill Trump!
>Israel and Ukraine tried to kill Trump with Blackrock, and they're all Jews!
>COVID was a Jewish attack on America! >(the longer version) Jewish vaccine companies, Jewish officials looking the other way while Jewish militias like Antifa were attacking working-class neighborhoods!
>If conservative Jews are the good guys, why were people like Robert Kraft using their influence to encourage vaccination and riots?

What Trump does or doesn't do has nothing to do with our involvement of discussing Jewish treachery in public. Public anger must stay focused on Jewish betrayals of America, and that's where we come in. Perfectly legal. Checkmate, Hymie. Jews do believe in the First Amendment, don't they? Because they would be making a mistake trying to censor their population of disposable war-Goyim.
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now this is fighting jewry with jewry
>What Trump does or doesn't do has nothing to do with our involvement of discussing Jewish treachery in public.
You will be too busy surviving in 2025 to have time to think of clever ways to clap back at the Jews.
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SEE >>474948605
AND >>475015223

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fuck off shill
Boys we found us another
there were over 20 shooters and they all missed Trump, God is the greatest
Hahahaha "shill"
Cry me a river faggot FED
Kennon Hooper was here too
We have PROOF
Trump said FIGHT. Anons FIGHT.
It's part of the hat you retarded fucks.
Are you guys 8 years old and never seen this before?
Wonder who paid them a visit in the county jail..
Show a better picture of Hooper then. If you have proof I will concede. Until then you are glowie faggot shill.

All I want is to see fedbois swinging from lamp posts
I'm going with, it's bullshit
If the secret service let him take the shots, it's really not a stretch to think they had a sniper to take out Trump to (try) to endure the job got done.

I'll keep saying it but if God protected Trump to give him a second chance, to serve Him, then Trump better step up.

None of this "America is a place for all religions."
This is the day hooper and yearick were “arrested”
>Concession Rd
and trump picked bought and paid for vance as vp
not someone most people were expecting
*Hooper in cop uniform from the rally. There is enough video you should be able to find it if you are legit
nigger that was 40 year old bart simpson irl
>make up your own mind
>those who disagree are feds
Just another day on pol....
Sorry kiddo its time for your fit to end you have not convinced a single user of the truth of the situation
I expected Vance, because Tucker wanted Vance, and Tucker is the most influential man in politics today.
After days of calling us "faceblind autists"
It our turn to call you people faceblind autists LMAO
look at that guy
guy looks sus as hell
need more pic or vid before making a call
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was it an inside job?
Tried answering this in last nights thread
>You are FEDs and you keep getting caught trying to groom mentally ills and others to do terror acts
>This can't keep happening need plausible deniability
>Groom violent antifa thug in jail, easy targets, anarchists, hate conservatives. Train when out. (BlackOps trainings for Ukraine ?) (Don't exclude Kennon Hooper that was arrested with him).
>Used to now groom/blackmail others from the shadows "Proxies within proxy" ? Access to patsys
>Tada you have now acquired plausible deniability and Anons are fighting between each other not realizing both could be involved

Thread : Trump shooting- YEARICK AND CROOKS PILL - MOAB THREAD >>474924435

Next Thread >>474937241
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tucker was rejected by the cia
or was he?
i like him
but hes not to be trusted
Well now that we have Kennon Hooper proof
I was 100% right even when i said to not exclude Kennon Hooper
post proofs
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north building
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side of north building
post source where that image came from. pretty sure Hooper was arrested when dressed as a cop in 2016 ya? that pic likely comes from that event.

post proof and I will stfu, until then you are marked as glowie shill
if someone recovered a piece of Trump's ear at the rally do you think I could clone it with my plant tissue culture kit?
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I don't recall seeing those types of telephone videos in the last rally.
I suspect 5 or 6 shooters at least
Where did he get this info and how? Cell phone records? It seems like info they regular person would not have access to
sounds like Black Isrealites Gang. check hospitals they usually shoot one of their own too.
I have no idea, profile says spook contractor but who knows


>Channel 11′s Nicole Ford confirmed that Beaver County’s ESU team had eight members at the rally, including snipers and spotters.
yea that pic is from 2016 unless video is provided from the rally on the 13th
kek more DEI at work.
The theory of a 2nd shooter
>based on extremely sketchy analysis of sound files by ""expert""
>based on triangulating the exact direction Trump turned his head, as if that's even quantifiable

It's bullshit.
The kid was walking around the field like a spergy loner. Noticed the building wasn't being guarded. Decided to make himself famous. That's the story
It's the JFK script once again: every alternative theory is acceptable as long as it's not the correct one, namely that there were no shooters.
So you're saying no one should analyze the sound signatures to determine where the shooter was located and how many weapons were fired and how many shooters were involved? Just trust the official story?
turning his head and triangulating are unrelated
What's the current most feasible theory on this? It's not super important like the last time I went down a rabbit hole which was covid but still curious. Been following stuff like this since 911 so anything is possible at this point.
I don't have any experience to comment on the acoustics of guns being fired, but after watching Chris Martenson's video I'm willing to seriously consider his analysis. Obviously some of the dismissive comments are retarded shills sliding, but food for thought for anyone who's skeptical of the video: don't lose sight of the lead up to this entire shit show.

Prior to the shooting, if we had a conversation about the Secret Service and the security measures taken when any US president (past or president) makes a public appearance we would probably agree that everything we've heard about the standards taken to secure the area is extremely methodical and precise. There are a number of qualities that stand out in terms of how robust the security measures are:
>SS will scope out the area ahead of time to understand how to secure the area
>SS will secure buildings with vantage points and line of sight for any attack
>SS will form layers of security across the entire perimeter of where the president is.
We'll never know anything about how the area was scoped out ahead of time, but ultimately that doesn't really matter because of the next points. The SS failed to secure the most blatantly obvious building that posed a security risk. On top of that, the SS failed to secure the perimeter where a man with a rifle should have instantly been spotted by authorities and arrested on sight. Everything we know about how the SS operates says that it shouldn't have been possible for Brooks to get anywhere near that building.

So with that in mind, there are 2 obvious conclusions:
>It was gross incompetence, a giant oopsie whoopsie uwu we made a fucky wucky
>It was an orchestrated attack, with security measures compromised to make an assassination attempt possible
I don't see how it's simply the result of incompetence, so if you agree that someone or something compromised the security measures at the rally then it's worth considering every possibility.
you wish fedboi

you are done
Not the guy you're replying to but "analyzing the sound signatures" isn't something you do with Audacity and some MS Paint lines. You guys need to stop watching so much CSI.
anyone with common sense and working ears can tell alone by listening what is demonstrated point by point in the video.

anyone with a computer can download the software
you cant contain this
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>"Three police marksmen from Beaver County were using the single-story AGR International building as their watch-post"
Fine, but the fag is saying it was a single shooter, case closed. Even with all the conflicting stories and no official statements from the SS, FBI or DOJ yet, just a mess of twitter and news media reporting.

Competent sound analysis is important since it would be more reliable than just random eye witness accounts or shilling, since it is harder to deny. Whether this OP guy's analysis is correct or flawed is another story, but to completely ignore this kind of evidence and just repeating 'LONE GUNMAN' is dumb.
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this creepy democrat criminal defense attorney just became the DA for Beaver County earlier this year
Multiple shooters and he didnt die? Bullshit. This is all obfuscation.
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Wait didn't the /x/ schizo post something about an immunity deal???

wtf? Big if true, or possibly schizo
The two shots seem to show the sole of the shoe from different angles, and they look slightly different, not copy pasted.
It's schizo hour
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Why is this supposed scrawny shooter so jacked?
>gunshots can echo and repeat multiple times
Watch the video, he talks about and identifies the echoes.
Thanks anon.

What are the assumptions in this calculation though? Need an excel spreadsheet with data, calculations, and references clearly visible so other anons can analyze in greater detail. Otherwise people are just theorizing based on potentially misguided analysis.
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>Why is this supposed scrawny shooter so jacked?
many have asked
no one has answered
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>CNN is on Trump's side
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There was a video on youtube, this guy showed video of the Tower and how a guy leaned over from behind the top of the water tower and took shots
Are there other photos of crooks arm? You cant really see the bicep here , it could just be his gooning arm
tried to get a mason angle going the other day
zero takers
just shills shouting it down
masons are notorious for their leo infiltration

I have seen the video yesterday at Jessionfire on youtube or someone like that.
I couldnt post here and asked myself all the time why non of you guys has seen it yet
Can anyone find this on wayback ? Google drive file is no longer accessible
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not much better
i havent been working the shooter angle
Wonder if the number still is active? Whos gonna call it anons?
All court docs seem to be wiped on both as well (shocking) keep gettin g an errors trying to search the gov registry
Because the camo guy's leg is in front of the shoe's tongue. What don't you get?

Yes anon, call fedaral prison and ask about the shooting of Trump. They probably go an off him too to hide maxwell yearick
No fucking way.

captcha: WARN
Have you guys heard the released police audio records ??
>"shooter down blue water tank" !!!!!
Source : https://x.com/its_The_Dr/status/1814333341799244164
And : https://x.com/I_Am_JohnCullen/status/1814626591521083740
Someone make them webm and remove glownigger music if you can lmao
!!!! https://x.com/I_Am_JohnCullen/status/1814742351765778638 !!!! STABILIZED AND SYNCHRONIZED WITH TRUMPS SPEECH YOU SEE THE SHOT
John Cullen is one of those who spotted the LV helicopters shooting during LV massacre btw
How did no one post this already ??

Maybe he was the guy on the Water tower !!! I have seen a video on youtube how someone leaned back and forth behind the top of the water tower during the shooting.

Also how non of you guys have seen that video already ????
yes, that had to have specially chosen snipers for this job
>All I want is to see fedbois swinging from lamp posts

Psst... you're overcompensating
Shit we are talking about the same thing .. but this guy in Xitter made it even better synchronizing Trumps speech. And IMO i think you even see Water Tower shooter shooting at Crooks and blowing the back of his head





Water tower. I have seen a video someone filmed the water tower and someone leaned back and forth
bro you cant bend your feet to only show the sole
while also being perpindincuar to the camera.
it sticks out like a sore thumb
>CNN starts reporting the truth
Lmao. Clown-world

I have seen the video showed by a youtuber, either jessionfire or another guy it showed the watertower during the shooting and how someone leaned back and forth like he is taking 2 - 2 - 1 shots

I got banned like 2 days ago now its uplifted. Thats why i couldnt post and i tought someone of you guys will post it anyway. I watched it on tv thats why i didnt made a screenshot... ffs
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>i watched it on tv thats why i didnt made a screenshot... ffs
On youtube trough tv app
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looking at the forklift and buildings from down range

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>Beaver County’s ESU
been looking for shots that show the grade between the fairgrounds and AGR
thx for posting

Here guys !!!! This is what i have seen. Someone is moving behind
It really irks me that the van had arizona plates and arizona court docs show a michael shea hopper as the defendant- is could be possible these fucks had multiple aliases
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water tower seems like a distraction
the tower could not have fired at trump
angle is completely wrong
Is this thread still active?
what do you have to say?
>Sniper 1 aims to take out SS snipers on roof behind Trump and misses (you see them flinch)
Thats what the guy in the 2nd video proposes.
The bullet actually hit nothing, it went past everyone, the whole backline of the crowd, and hit the fence. The guy in the 2nd video I linked says you can see them react to it. I'm not sure
But what I'm sure about is that you're a disingenuous asshole
Good post. Yeah the incompetence angle can be printed on toilet paper to wipe my ass with.
>if you agree that someone or something compromised the security measures at the rally then it's worth considering every possibility.
well said
I wasnt sure on this, still looks like video compression artifacts to me... and yes he's the Mandalay guy
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What is the provenance of this image?
>Water tower is a distraction
What u make of this ? Seems to have pretty compelling evidence coming out
And what about the audio police records ?
What else could it be ??

Yeah but Cullen is saying it didn't
He says the water tower shot at SS snipers, and ended up whizzing a bullet past them, and past a whole line of people in the crowd

Doesn't make much sense to me, but he comes with a good analysis in the second video I linked in OP

Also open window in shot direction to trump which is open, as you see the dead body of yearick on the top of building. >crooks shoots out of the window
>yearick shoots on top building
>kennon shots yearick,
>they shoot crook inside the window trough the countersniper in other building next to them
>and the SS snipers behind trump shoot kennon on the water tower

So we have 3 vehicles, 3 different shot angles

This videos literally proofs the "shoot disctance, and shows 3 points used by different shooters"
Nah this is a case of amateur analysis getting it wrong
Sorry bruv, I'm trying to figure out who did the audio analysis that yielded this image. If this shows what I think it does, then this evidence needs to be spread widely.
However, I cannot find who made this image or how it was derived.

Water tower shot guy on top of building and SS shot the guy on water tower.
See theory of this
You are retarded if you think the guy just randomly saw an ungaurded building then warped up top of it and finally conjured a ar15 into his hands. Why did he miss with bullets when he could use magic?
>Where did this info come from
Well just like
>Where did the audio police records here >>475024835 come from
There is good guys who do not want this to be burried
Theres more good guys than bad guys Anons
>The bullet
there were 3 shots in the first volley
you cannot hit trump and the people in the south stands with the same shot
magic bullet = lone gunman meme
i have the original. here: https://x.com/chrismartenson/status/1814114895065141491

spread it. also I have proof of cops being involved setting up a fake story in PA about his classmates who claimed he was conservative.

here: https://x.com/extrasynaptic/status/1813309730359480405

the audio forensics is getting around but the kids being set up by cops to lie to media has not gone viral yet
It's pretty explicit lol
And it explains why roof shooter got his head blew up from the back
But the videos synchronized wit Trumps speech seem to indicate that he shot at Trump aswell
He would have go be like 30ft to be the same size as that shadow on the water tower although dispatch is interesting showing one ran into the woods.

Guys watch this video. It just came out.

Talks about shoot recordings and sounds, math of distanace shots.

Also at 18:30min he said something that there came another shot aprox 1200-1400feets away and use maps and looks where the shot comes from

Its very good video
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also this:
Yeah, Im just saying what Cullen says (IIRC), I dont get how his conclusion is water tower; he says the line in red in this picture was the first bullet >>475001871

But the puff of smoke seen on the railing and the sound don't seem to match that at all

He builds a case that the 1st bullet fired misses SS snipers, and whizzes past people in the crowd who all flinch. Then it hits the railing and we see a puff of smoke
(If I'm not mistaken. It's elaborated in detail in the 2nd Rumble video I linked in OP)
This the best article I've read so far.

a high miss would have out it in the crowd in front of the stage
and if the tower missed the ss
why not take more shots

they were wide open with no cover
whats the link faggot
Thanks for sharing.
Here's source for dieser anon's posts, vid from 5 hrs ago:

It's not a shadow it's a guy in full black tactical gear
I think most of you sur-estimate this water tower, doesnt seem that big even the "pipe" at the top

>The Can-Am Police-Fire Games will be held in Butler County, July 15-21 in 2024 at a variety of venues throughout the area. Can-Am Police-Fire Games is a multi-sport, Olympic-style event that features traditional sports and competitions that include skills used in first responders’ day-to-day work. The Games will have competitors from Fire and Rescue, Law Enforcement, Emergency Medical Service Providers, Homeland Security, Border Patrol, Corrections Officers and other first responders along with their spouses and children over 18.


Yeah, agree.
Kek here omega faggot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaW8MzocIuE

Watch the Video ffs. (Screenshot at 22:30)

There were atleast 3 shooters without SS
The shooter acted alone without help, you conspiritards!
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>Noticed the building wasn't being guarded. Decided to make himself famous. That's the story

Well, that wrapped it up nice and pretty.
Show's over Anons. Time to go home.
Fun thread.
Nothing ever happens.
Just like they ran drills of planes hitting buildings on the morning of 911….
Here you go anon

Oh wow
Checked but no, unless the guy in camo is straddling the dead guy we should be able to see the other foot. Something is fucked about this picture.
>He says the water tower shot at SS snipers,
look at

a water tower shot at either ss team shouldnt have gone anywhere near the crowd
That just your everyday country ginger.
Something over 2200 yards i believe. Over 1000 yards is from the 1800's, and lots of reports of over 1000 yards from Vietnam using m14's.

Bro its literally on the screenshots

But here you go bro

He said there is more shooters. And they just lie that there are 3 different shooters based on audio and triangulation
>400feet (rooftop)
>800feet (water tower)
>1400feet (behind the water towter)
> ignore literally every other aspect of microphone gates, limiters, and how they attenuate
That is a very important factor and I did not hear the guy address this in his audio analysis video.
Some cellphones have better audio than others, for various reasons: a better quality microphone, higher headroom for clean gain, compressor/limiter to regulate the volume.
A compressor/limiter is a very powerful tool for manipulating sound, and can drastically alter the most important characteristics of a sound's "envelope." Attack, Decay, Sustain, and Release can all be altered with a compressor/limiter with minimal change to the tonality of the sound.
> In a recording studio, compressor/limiters are used to not only even out the "peaks" of the drum sound, but also to completely change the attack characteristics of the drums.
This effect can play around with volume levels in real-time to give the cleanest recording with optimal gain. For the purpose of analyzing the transients of gunshots/echo/impact? Hell no, the most valid aspect of the audio is determining the timing. Comparing volume levels of one sound vs another in a recording with heavy compression/limiting is not an accurate manner to accomplish that.
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>Butler County Sheriff Michael T. Slupe
Where in that video are the 'concentric rings' shown? That guy's analysis is solid, for sure, but I want to see how someone was able to map the distances of the shots and create rings that overlap at the point of fire.
That pic is potentially the most significant piece of of analysis so far if it's not bullshit.
Niggas finally discovered natural reverb
I know, I already agreed in 2 previous posts
From 1 to 2/3 to 4, I dont know if it's getting insane, but I haven't watched it so I can't comment.
desu it makes more sense than 10 snipers or the antifa ukraine assassin.
personally i would go with the classic glownigger MO
>groom retarded incel on discord
>leave a gap in security for him to set up
>he does his thing and then they kill him
maybe they had one of the snipers in the glass building fire but i think the whole thing was fucked from the get go.
at the very least the niggers who set up security were never drumpfers who didn't know how many people would be around the rally.
Massive thanks man, this is EXTREMELY interesting. I will try to check his work or recreate it myself if I can.
So far this anon was the only one to do it. He's the original poster of it.
Well now we know why they tossed the shoe off the stage after they tackled trump
im unsure about the water tower but you can clearly see muzzle flashes when the shots are taken

I think its 3 shooters. They shoot the roof top shoter from top of the building.... SS shoot the watertower guy or the guy behind the watertower and Watertower...
the SS took several shoots.. i dont think they would have needed several shoots for the guy on roottop
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is this the shooter?!
Shut the fuck up retard we have police radio, one suspect flew in the woods
>one suspect flew in the woods
>Cant find those screenshots from the vid on his Xitter he seems to have deleted them and search tool on his profile doesnt work for me wtf, also if you search Tony Seruga on Xitter he doesn't pop up in the search very weird I think he deleted the messages bc of investigation. Xitter : https://x.com/TonySeruga
what is that file
kek, patrician taste
for me, it's... a bunch of pirated vsts
>but i think the whole thing was fucked from the get go.

I don't mean to glow, but one of my professional peers and I were talking about the whole set-up and timeline of the event.
He and I went over the video while drinking coffee. His opinion, as of two days ago?

>"That was an op, but an affirmative action, >DEI op. You get what you hire."
Nice, thank you man, I'm trying to see if I can replicate his work.
If that anon is here, dude, please give me a head's up on what your numbers are and how you got them.
Water tower IS a distraction. And all the video is basically people gawking at compression artifacts and AI upscaling additive bullshit
It probably came from the previous threads ASLG/ Assassin Shooter Location General
Heres all posts he made : https://archive.4plebs.org/_/search/uid/8lujLOzO/
Hope this helps
Yes it does. This is potentially undeniable evidence.
>I'm trying to see if I can replicate his work.

>Protip; when you calculate milliseconds and millimeters always remember a True Second, a HTC second, and a Apple second are all a tiny bit different. For every separate media find some dialogue or distinct extraneous noise to fix a slew rate.
Tbh wouldn't you think secret service would have technology that can automatically detect area where gun fire comes from using acoustics?
>Peak Prosperity
Opinion Discarded.
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pictures of FBI doing clean after shooting

Here's something else.
I used the crack-thump method for distance calculation. Anyone that lives in a rural area with a lot of hunters around is very familiar with it, as it tells you which neighbor is shooting.

Here is a video that explains it decently well.
Can 1 of you, or one of the other real anons ITT prepare to bake a next thread for when this is about to hit 300? I probably won't be around, but I enjoy the discussions

>Just copy paste OP title and change it to "pt. 4", "general" threads are cancer and attract too many schizos
Possible Motive: Federal Funds

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> lexicon
> hnnnggg <3
Their "Alex" reverb is an excellent tool, I've got two. Lexicon verbs are usually pricey but these are very affordable on the used market. Obviously it doesn't have the cork-sniffing quality of their top-of-the-line units but it does sound very good. <3
> Of course you'd need effects loops/insert capability to fully maximize it, but for $50-$100 that's a very useful processor.
basically, measure the time in milliseconds between the crack of each shot and the thump of each shot. multiply that number by 1125ft/s, and now you know how far away the shooter is from you.

the only catch is that it doesnt really work if the bullet is shot away from you, as the crack won't reach you.
Maybe that's why the sniper team "jumped" in the video?
Nice. Enoy that thang
Yeah I've moved away from hardware stuff, they also have very good VST emulations. but eh the last time I mixed something for money is almost 10 years ago anyway. it's all 'rappers' and real music has been on the verge of death
I call that one bullshit. At least I can't recreate the circle for the Trump microphone. The sound shows a max distance difference of 5m between the first 3 shots and the following shots.
thanks anon this seems relevant
Awesome, thanks anon, I'll see what I can come up with. I'm a busy SOB, but I'm glad someone already put in the hard work.
5.56 travels at 2700ft/s no? Can you source all of your videos, calculations, and, audio analysis somewhere?
Oh my bad youre using speed of sound
Yep that's what Cullen says in this interview/explanation

but by god the video material he uses is so fucking shit and annoying, and the conversation is pretty slow...
Im just too tired to sift through that video again, but you can check it out if you want.

he also says the other sniper (the buddy of the one who apparently flinched) is in "fetal position", but I dont know
indeed the soles arent event the same
I made this same mistake, lol, I was thinking, "what if he used different ammo or different loads or different grain of bullet? Could this affect it..."
Then I realized it wasn't an estimate of the bullet's speed lol.
The difference between the first three shot and shots 4-7 at trump's microphone is roughly 120 milliseconds.
This looks like a glownigger thats followed me before. I live in mt weather
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>"sniper competition"
I just used 5 videos. the two videos from the people filming at Crooks, the primary Trump video, a video from a dude behind trump in the bleachers, and the video by the rednecks at the southwest of the rally.
I can't see that. Based on this vid files.catbox.moe/qqnz8r.mp4
the time between the sonic crack and gun pop is 217ms for shots 1-3 and 212ms for shots 4 and 5.
bad link, or at least not working for me. post new one and ill post the waveform with time marks.
Works for me. How about youtube? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAk6dXEzIUo
He enjoyed our "shooters" body mass comparison collage
See picrel
It's physics bro, yes, it is something you can do like that
He's not trying anything, he's dead and/or bleeding out. I seriously doubt he is aware of anything, much less how his feet are positioned. Also, the headshot(s) may have caused his feet to spazz due to reflexes and nerve disruption.
> It is likely at that point they could have twisted the shooter's foot around backwards with no complaint from him.
>Hiding the black shoes
>Just like they blurred shoes on the full blurred pic
Yeah. The gray twins are real.
Crooks and Yearick. Im sure of it.
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hey Roger, got something else for you

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>The gray twins
Yeah. Whoever called them like that first had a God gifted inspiration.
>A member of the Butler County Emergency Services Unit fired at and may have hit Thomas Matthew Crooks, who officials say tried to assassinate former President Donald Trump on July 13 at the Butler Farm Show grounds in Connoquenessing Township.

>District Attorney Richard Goldinger said on Thursday that the unit member, who he did not identify, may have hit Crooks, but that has not been officially confirmed.

>“It was reported that (Crooks) had a reaction, but (the ESU officer) did not fire the kill shot,” Goldinger said.

>He said the officer was inside the rally venue when he fired, but Goldinger does not know exactly where h...

Now that I know Trump dodged bullets from multiple shooters im even more impressed.
Hes a kike

Here are the seven shots in question. Sending two more pics in milliseconds soon.
notice also the balls in the hand symbolism.
bibi was utterly trying to power flex and was way out of line.
Done Anon.
Lets see if he reacts.
>The rally for Donald Trump was held at the Butler Farm Show grounds after a request was first made to the site of the former president’s 2020 Butler County rally, the Pittsburgh-Butler Regional Airport.

>started growing his hair
Yeah i think theyre not showing older pics of this kid because he went competely into anarchy antifa ideology after high school. It's like i can feel it. Hes not the same that he was in HS. He got radically radicalized.
Were the O9A , order of the 9 angles rumors real ?
The audio in this video is very strange. There is only about 20-25 millisecond difference between the two sets of shots in this video.

And furthermore, the 6th shot deviates massively to a mere 120 milliseconds between the crack and thump.

The first three are around 195 milliseconds, and shots 4,5, and 7 are roughly 220 milliseconds.

This is really weird, has the audio been tampered with at all in this video?
forgot to trim the file edges, sorry
>With the public eye fixed on Butler County, some officials have reported an influx of phone calls and emails from people angry at the city — and neighboring law enforcement agencies — for their role in providing security to the rally for former President Donald Trump on Saturday, July 13.

>To Butler Mayor Bob Dandoy, the ultimate irony is the rally didn’t even take place within city limits, but in Connoquenessing Township, where city police are not active. The municipality is covered by state police coverage.

>That hasn’t stopped people from bombarding the city with emails, crashing the city website, and overwhelming its office staff with ‘threatening’ phone calls, Dandoy said.

>“We've had numerous threats, threatening, nasty emails, angry emails to the city, and it's most unsettling and disturbing,” Dandoy said. “Phone calls also — they are threatening — I have had a couple on my voicemail coming from all different angles.”

I'm still using hardware for everything, I refuse to do digital/DAW recording apart from outside session work I do for other people. At home, it's all analog until it gets manually mixed down to a CD recorder.
Most guys I know waste a lot of time obsessing over recording drums when they will just replace it all with samples anyway. I prefer real sounds and real takes with no punch-ins or editing, which is not common these days.
For someone creating electronic music or recording musicians that can't play through a full take without mistakes, the digital stuff is a godsend due to the ease of editing and the use of plugins vs the much more expensive hardware effects. I see the point, but for my purposes analog + hardware is the way to go.
Also: the pair of Shure SM57s are cardioid/uni-directional microphones. They are most sensitive to sounds the microphone is pointed toward, and reject most sound from the backside. This is why Trump's voice is so loud compared to the crowd sounds and even the gunfire. Some of the echo is possibly due to the gunfire sound reflecting behind Trump, which eventually bounces toward the front of the microphone. (This echo could appear to be louder than the gunfire, which would be rejected by the backside of the microphone.)
> tl;dr The audio analysts may not be properly considering the variables of microphone directionality and the compressor/limiters used in the cellphone recordings.
UFO sightings have better quality than that video. Very believable ayyylmao.
>Lt. Matthew Pearson, of Butler Township Police Department, confirmed Tuesday, July 16, that an officer of the department encountered the 20-year-old shooter on the roof of the AGR International building before shots were fired at former President Donald Trump during a rally Saturday, July 13, at the Butler Farm Show grounds in Connoquenessing Township.

>Pearson said another officer helped hoist the man up. As he attempted to pull himself up on the roof, the shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks, of Bethel Park, turned his rifle on him.

>As he was hanging from the building, drawing a weapon would not have been possible, Pearson said. The officer dropped to the ground.

>Crooks then opened fire, killing one spectator a...

sounds like a fake story ... none of the witnesses confirm seeing any cops do this .... why'd they lie??
This shit is as retarded as the fake conspiracy.
What is this thread sliding?
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Found this forum run by a gross tranny where Rule #1 is that you MUST be "A Leftist or Queer ally"
They're pro-assassintation & One of them even wants to be the next to try.


Here's the particular thread:

How do I properly report this shit?
inb4 "not your personal army"...I know. I'm not asking you to do anything but this place is breeding dangerous commies.
Not that I know of. I also think that the crack of shot 6 is followed by another crack, which is the crack of shot 7. I think the last thump and the crack of shot 6 belong together. That was a long range shot from one of the USSS snipers. But it didn't kill him. If you measure the time between crack 7 and the second last thump, that time should also fit to Crooks.
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unless his ankles snapped and happened to be at just the perfect angle it doesnt work
pic related shows the perspective
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>Little game for the shills

yep, all that civil war talk is nonsense
urban multicultural scarcity wars induced by fiat collapse is where it's at
I'm voting for Toyota Hilux
trigonometry doesn't work out
that forum is eye torture
>CCST got shot at
>Rolls into a ball after he heard bullets
I do not understand what you are asking me to do. Here is a numbered picture. Describe what you're wanting using it.
based anon
I've made a new thread, a bit early, but I'm going back to sleep


Keep it alive with some bumps/reposts from this thread before this one is full
because the cops were in on it

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>mainstream media yes
>only mainstream media ?
I dont think so
He was radicalized by local ANTIFA faggots like Yearick that are groomed by corrupt FEDs i'm sure of it
do a whois (who.is) and email the host and report them for terrorism with the link
>tl;dr The audio analysts may not be properly considering the variables of microphone directionality and the compressor/limiters used in the cellphone recordings.

yes, I was wondering that too.
> Reddit's "all-female" staff of moderators
> Reddit's "all-female" staff
> Reddit's "all-female"
> "all-female"
> "female"
A clump of obese Troons will never be real women. Cutting their dicks off only means they are now mentally-ill narcissists with mutilated genitals. Fucking Clown World, what the fuck.
What's the deal with jews and shoes?
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Yes, I thought so. Tried to make my own.
What about the dead firefighter?
>It was fake blood! He's in tel Aviv!
>make collage
Forgets to add the part about Yearicks dad living in Arizona and having a GMC Safari with AZ plate
Kek sorry anons
Im bad at this lol
Can anybody make a better graphic with FBI whistleblower @TonySeruga statements and @Gene911 digs on the GMC Safari ?
>If you can include the digs about Paddock driving 12h from Arizona to LV, suspected "gun runs" that would be AMAZING
omg.....youre right! i didnt bother to closely listen to the audio of the videos, i just used the waveforms, and took the average to determine the radius of my circles. shot 6 (labelled 7 on your file) is different in this audio!

Well, ill have to go back over it all with a fine-tooth comb now. Thank you VERY much for the insight.
Those variables are very important if one is examining the relative volume of the gunshots/echo/impacts. The timing of the shots would not be affected, but the "leveling" effect would make all the sounds be at a more even volume. This effect could also affect the characteristics of the "transients," the sound peaks (in this case, the gunfire etc.)
> Example of typical use: A slower "Attack" setting on a compressor/limiter lets the true volume level through for the initial attack, then the "gain reduction" happens. Cranking up the "make-up gain" brings up the rest of the sound to match that unaltered attack. The result is a pronounced "pop" at the beginning of the sound, which is often used on snare/kick drums and clean guitar sounds that are "squashed" with compression yet have a strong "poppy" attack.

tl;dr The various cellphone recordings will be a better indicator of the timing of events than of the quality/quantity of the sounds themselves.
Is this supposedly Crooks white van?
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Fucking hell. Really?
I like this movie, the plot is compelling, but there's no way this could ever happen in real life.
>Crooks had a car
>A van
>A bike
>Still walked 1 mile with a ladder and a riffle
Next we will learn he had a boat and a jet
Don't ask questions .. DON'T
>Lone shooter confirmed by snopes
>Still walked 1 mile with a ladder and a riffle
Gotta get your 10,000 steps in every day
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You know how i'm sure it's real ?
Search the FBI whistleblower on twitter @TonySeruga .. he doesn't show up some rogue agents are tampering with his visibility
He also deleted tweets about the Water Tower and a Zipline leading to the woods. But it matches the 911 dispatch recordings we have that speak of a man fleeing in the woods
Damn 7 had to be a much longer distance away.
Yes, I mixed up the numbers, stupid me.
I haven't listened to many other videos. I think only two. You can hardly hear anything because of all the screaming, and some shots have echoes too. No easy task at all.
Guy's don't forget OP made a new thread


that shot would have a spacing of roughly 850ms....and that truly makes no sense. That shot would have to be like....at least 800 yards away. maybe over 1000yds. i don't know what to make of that.
The long range shot is just a guess on my part. I can't prove which thumb belongs to which crack. There were reports that the local police had shot at him but missed. But they didn't say from where. And I don't even know if that's true.
Well, I'm off to bed now. I think I'll stick with the one-shooter theory for now.
>what is echo

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