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so many people can't drop the mask and say what's on their mind. you are ruled by your oversized conservative amygdala.
>amerifats need to do things like this to justify hiring niggers and browns
>Only stand in interviews with your arms crossed.
>Never say anything.
>Never break your poker face
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I too use the picrel wobbly chair test. If the chair doesn't break than she is not a chair breaking land whale.
>job interviews aren't just circus acts meant to give them a reason to not hire you
They wouldn't do this without DEI and H1-B visas.
I would sit there rocking back and forth in the wobbly chair enjoying myself. Do I get the job?
last interview my interviewer was 15 minutes late so i told him to fuck off and walked out.
Should have fired him and took his position
What if I just sat still and didn't wobble back and forth?
wtf is a wobbly chair test?
Any job I’ve ever had, the “interview” was merely a formality and they already knew
I would fall of the chair and sue them for putting me intentionally in a dangerous OSHA workplace hazard, screaming furiously about my neck and coccyx (just to work COCK into my loud offensive expletives because I'm not an employee bound by any of their terms).
Based retard
>I'm unfit for interviewing so I must revert to sneaky tactics to judge people by
What is the test? To see if a candidate says something about the chair?
100% of indians should fail this test as they will pretend everything is normal while the world collapses around them.
>My brother was in ROTC in college, and he told me this story,” he said. “An applicant for ROTC Nuclear Power school would sit [in] the chair in front of the desk of the interviewing officer during the interview.

>There was a second/similar chair in the room available for the applicant — off to the side,” he told the Mirror. “The chair in front of the desk for the applicant had one leg of [the] chair — cut shorter — so the person sitting in the chair would wobble — during the interview.

>The successful test was to see if the applicant would be bold enough to stop the interview for a moment — to request to exchange his chair for [the] second/other chair — so they did not wobble,” the man explained.

This sounds like a fair test for a nuclear power plant. You should come to the interview knowing that safety is a big issue and no one wants a chernobyl.

>This sounds pretty standard as what goes on in most job interviews. However, this boss was determined to throw in a twist.
>That’s where the interviewer's extra test came in.
>In other words, this boss was only interested in candidates who were willing to speak up about how wobbly their chair was and ask to use another. Candidates who would tough it out in the wobbly chair didn’t pass the test.
The language "journalists" use nowadays is creepy and dystopian. I don't think I've found a normal fucking website in years.
wobbly chair just balance it out?

Retarded bullshit. I've read the article. Goes roughly like this:

>Be apeshit crazy psychopathic manager (but I repeat myself.)
>Deliberately give the interviewee a chair that wobbles severely and put a second normal chair on the interviewee's side of the desk, far enough away that the interviewee won't take it immediately upon sitting down.
>If the interviewee doesn't switch chairs at some point, he fails the interview.
>Come in for interview.
>Look boss in the eye.
>Give him a firm hand shake.
>Sit down.
>Chair wobbles...
>Stand up, tell bossman get fucked bruh. Im not here for your retarded shit tests.
>Walk out.
>Slap receptionist on the ass as I walk past.
>Put my McD's visor back on in car and go to my other job.
kek I would probably just keep wobbling the chair back and forth
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>chair wobbles
>be polite and not point out that they have poorly maintained office equipment because it is an interview and I want to be professional
>don't get hired
What exactly do they want from an employee?
This was lifted from an anime, space brothers
What does this prove? Their ability to lack impulse control and sacrifice job performance to chase creature comfort?
I heard the boss also used the Wobbly Dick Test to interview prospective wives.
>sit on wobbly chair
>fall out
>get injured
>sue the guy for $50k
It proves ability to speak up if something is wrong and initiative.
What a load of boomer NPC bullshit. The whole idea of these bizarre, contrived "interview" dog and pony shows to gatekeep something vital like employment utterly mystifies my Autism. I draw AutismBux, in spite of having a CS BS and other degrees, because of how fucked up normie NPC customs like this are and it's a fucking wonder anyone is employed with such an inefficient joke..."a strange game, the only winning move is not to play"
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It's funny how ability is such a low priority now. Western society is doomed.
>Ayy yo, dis chair be whack. It rocking like a muthafugga.
Youre hired!
This is retarded. I would accept all the participants that actually just sat there and took it. They would never ask for a raise and just do what they re told. Seems like this "boss" just hired street kids with a big mouth that only spell trouble.
I had a somewhat similar situation in an interview for a job on the railroad. There were three guys at a table and I got called in. There was an unopened bottle of soda on the table and they asked me if I wanted it, said last guy left it there. I politely declined but they pushed a bit. I told them I don’t drink soda. Got offered the position.
Listen Sir, this chair is broke and your wallpaper is fucking ugly.
It's ridiculous how many hoops this company I'm interviewing with is making me jump through. Something has to be done about HR bloating the hiring process to justify their own existence. These were all 1 on 1 video interviews for a mid level (5+ years of experience) white collar non-managerial position. The company is a subsidiary of a FAGMAN corporation.
>HR roastie interview (30 minutes)
>hiring manager interview (1 hour)
>interview with another manager in the department (45 minutes)
>interview with somebody on the hiring manager's team (45 minutes)
>interview with a manager in a different department this position would work closely with (1 hour)
>interview with the department manager (1 hour)
The interviews themselves were pretty straight forward, no mind games or retarded questions like what kind of animal I wish I could be, but good God...that's over half a day of work I've had to spend on interviews. It feels excessive for this role. On the bright side they said I'm finished with all the interviews they'll need and 3 of my interviewers said they will recommend hiring me. It will be a pretty big gut punch if I don't get an offer.
Unironically this
That's when I would have asked for a whiskey.
or your ability to endure discomfort for the more important task at the moment. Pretty stupid test and absolutely does not prove those characteristics.
you waited for him to show up and then reject yourself anyway?
Or simply masturbate til the cops arrive. Either way you'll be going places.
If you are triggered by this test it proves the old boomers were right. Those old fellas knew how to weed out the people pleasers and npcs and get the real men hired.
He should just break the toilet on purpose so when the applicant takes a piss when he goes to flush it floods the bathroom.
>Ability? See if you're qualified?
>We'll do that later, for now, sit in this chair
While you're at it point out any shitty paint jobs, unkempt wiring, inconvenient placement of chairs/tables, inappropriate attire, and white people. Everything is a test.
Principles are a white thing, please understand.
If a company doesn't fly you out, put you up in a hotel for the night and pay for your meals, you are interviewing on your own dime. You're a sucker or work a really low shit role.
They clearly didn’t have any, and I doubted they wanted to follow me to my truck for a shot
>Go to interview
>Fuckers can't even give me a decent chair
>Answer their bullshit questions and leave
>Turns out it was some bullshit trickery
Phew, turns out I dodged a bullet.
What was this supposed to show? That good railroad engineers are supposed to refuse any drinks given to them?
>applicant for ROTC nuclear power school
What. That sounds fake and gay. Why are you brits like this?
Hilarious. This is the kind of shit bored middle managers come up with when someone questions their purpose in the firm.
shittest to see how much unpaid overtime will you do if they hire you
send them an invoice for your wasted time
bad retard. he set the standard right there, you should've taken the job and proceeded to come 15 minutes late to work every day
this is retarded because you can interpret the results however the fuck you want
>applicant doesn't move, it means that they are not assertive enough to say whenever they think something is wrong and would not be able to handle their duties
>applicant does move, it means that they are not able to tough out being uncomfortable for the few minutes it takes to do the interview and would not be able to handle the pressure of the job
i'd kill him and then rape the receptionist, boomers are fucking faggot retards who should know better, unlike zoomers who could never have enough sense to know better, so their nigger evil is more excusable than boomers
>no mind games or retarded questions like what kind of animal I wish I could be
I said a Lemur, because it's my favorite animal and they mate for life. I then asked my 300+ pound nigger interviewer what animal he would be. He said a silverback gorilla and I laughed out loud and said, "I could see that." He hired me.
Youre a white arnt you?
If you were black you wouldnt have to go through any of that.
Ive crossed paths with so many diveristy hires that cant do their job. And nothing will get them fired.
>Just start pranking your interviewees
not a bad idea.
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boomers should be put in jail
Only water.
I wouldn't even be bothered by a wobbly chair, so there wouldn't be anything on my mind in the first place, except the interview. If your constitution is so fragile that a wobbly chair bothers you to the point of interfering in what you're doing, you are a seriously weak faggot.
What, they don't want people who drink soda to work there? What did that test prove?
>applicant is assertive
>refuses top-down vaccine mandate
>reeeee not like that
>This sounds like a fair test for a nuclear power plant.
It sounds like a shit-test which is something bitchy women do.
Tell your brother to stop acting like a woman and then break his jaw to make sure the lesson sticks.
What if Im not a fat fuck and a little wobble doesn't inconvienence me at all?
Good luck, anon!
Clink the link for more of my sexy pussy
>coccyx (just to work COCK into my loud offensive expletives because I'm not an employee bound by any of their terms)
I believe they were trying to see if I’d give into pressure? Not sure. Make sure I couldn’t be bribed by a third party.
>Would you like this bottle of water? The last candidate left it.
>Maybe, did he nigger lip it?
>awkward silence
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I lose my inhibitions in job interviews and I don't know why. Kind of scary becaue I never know what's going to happen. Am I mental bros?
Id changed when I went out to the garage. Phonefagging
do you take your clothes off?
I think the test was them pressuring me to take it after I declined
"If you came to work and your hair was all wobbly what would you do"
>Majority scratch their head and say "Get another chair" or "Get a handyman or tech guy to come fix it"

When the best thing to do is say "Id bring in some tools from home and fix it myself so the chair wasn't a problem anymore.

Your boss wants to hear you have initiative and arent a NPC. Seriously just doing that is enough to get you a job ahead of a womean or a Jeet.
No, you simply must be 50+ and with no sense of balance or you're not cut out to work there.
No, you can't be used to antiques and used to sitting on this kind of chair where the legs are uneven, no, you cannot just "balance" yourself or sit in a position where you don't rock, you have to do exactly what I say without me saying it or telling it to you.
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>go in for interview
>chair wobbles
>dont care, only here for the interview
>get rejected for not caring about wobbly chair
what am i, a fucking repairman?
It's a low six figure fully remote position. The first 2 weeks of training and onboarding will be onsite with travel/accommodation paid for by the company.
The job is very similar to what I do, with a lot of OT during a certain quarter of the year because of the way the industry works but it's very easy the other three quarters of the year when demand is much lower. They were upfront in interviews that I will be expected to work long hours during the busy quarter, as I expected. They said it's pretty lax the rest of the year, including Friday half days for the whole company every other week.
I am. Everyone who interviewed me except the Asian HR roastie was also a white man. I'm not sure to feel good or bad about that. If they're looking for diversity points I might be fucked, but maybe that's not a priority since none of them were (((diverse))).
Thanks groomer-kun
You are bi-modal. I do this shit too. If I am going to go in there and be all confident, I go 100.
Too funny there is another out there. Just gotta keep myself from picking up random objects on the desk.
Yeah I’ve had stupid shit like this happen and just bailed. If you’ve got time to play stupid games during an interview then actually working for you is going to be a fucking chore.
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Wagies need the humiliation ritual. Only a humiliated wagie is an obedient wagie.
I have had one legit interview. I got up and walked out about 5 minutes in when they started asking retarded "what are your weaknesses?" bullshit. Apparently my biggest weakness us that I won't suffer some moronic HR roastie asking dumb shit in an interview for a lead software engineer job, because I don't have to.
>hair wobbly
I'd put my hat on?
>you are ruled by your oversized conservative amygdala.
Navy SEALS have the largest measured amygdalas, they do not appear to be fearful.
Conservative amygdalas are normal.
Yours are atrophied, which is why you think you can talk your way out of getting stabbed by a nigger.
>never break your poker face
>break your wind at the opportune moment
hasn't really got me hired anywhere but the look on the roastie HR lady's face when i let it loose was worth it
unfortunately it didn't smell at all so it didn't have the "smell stun" affect i was going for. but it was loud, i'm sure the rest of the office heard it
Whenever I'm in a room for an extended period of time I draw "lines" in my brain both parallel with the edges of the tables and diagonal, from there I can REALLY tell what the layout of the room should be, with a focus on comfort and utility rather than the often-foolish "symmetry" that these companies employ.

I am completely unemployable.
Im kind of introverted, but iv never ever found job interviews stressful or hard.
Just go in and say the right things, look them in the eye and put across you are eager to start that day if they want and bang you will get the job.

Most people go in there and start asking about what they pay is and what the hours are and they get put to the back of the que of applicants.

You can spend 5 years at uni and still struggle to get work because you come across as an entitled lazy douche in the interview. Probably why so many people on reddit complain they cant get a job.
But all those idiots I've accused of obvious samefagging over the years have assured me that is impossible?
I behave like myself for the first few minutes, quiet and polite but then I'll feel myself getting pissed off with the false procedural questions and it happens. I think my brain just tells me to fuck with them after a certain point
Quit a job recently, got a message from my bosses boss.
>Anon, why did you leave?
I asked for raise, no raise, boss is a moron
>If you came back, what would it take?
$4.50 more an hour, old boss not my boss anymore
>OK, can you come in for interview?
If its off shift I was $6 more per hour
>OK, when can you come in?

Now I work 2nd shift, no boss, and make $6 more an hour. I was promised an eval at 6 months instead of 12 for another raise if I complete the job task I said I would

Never be afraid to quit. They lose you, they will pay even more to come back
How do you feel about having a bed arranged with a nightstand on either side.
I know there is utility especially if it sleeps 2 people. But what other arrangements can you imagine would be better?
When I go to my garage I lose Wi-Fi and it changes my id apparently
Been through this shit and didn’t get it before, what a miserable time that was. Eventually I settled for just 2 tier 1 roles. Annoying but I’m making close to 100k without working too hard.
It sounds retarded and a catch-22 so they can dismiss you either way.
>he was too disrespectful and asked for the other chair. Sorry, we must hire someone who isn't a white man
>he was too shy and didn't ask for the other chair. Sorry, we must hire someone who isn't a white man
It does though. Silence is not a virtue.
I would seek investors and start a new chair fixing company to prevent this problem again at this and other companies.

"Congratulations, you are hired... for the CEO position!"
Confidence is all that matters in any interview that doesn't focus on technical skills, especially if the hiring manager is female. I conned my way into a role that paid twice what I was making at one of the biggest companies in the world purely on grift. Ironically it was the the easiest work of my life. I understand why all these VPs do coke. 80% of their jobs are a confidence game.
Instead of two nightstands use two mini fridges.
I drank 2 beers in my job interview
I’ve never got a job that asked those silly questions. I’ve had many jobs too.
I’m not kidding about this, I went to an interview for “headhunting” engineers out of their current positions.
I go in there. Black man and white man. First thing the white guy says is “I’m gay and he’s a nigger, is that going to be a problem for you?”

Sorry stoicmaxxers, but in real life the impulsive emotiontard gets the job.
I much prefer the "bed against the wall completely" method, although it makes people mad. Giving an entire lane to walk in to get on one side of the bed just wastes that whole part of the room. Adds literally 5-10 square feet to any room at the cost of almost no utility if your partner isn't a fat blob who can just lift her legs up to get into bed. Alternatively a little shelf a couple inches across gives space to put a phone down, put an edge on that shelf and you can store larger items there like books / magazines / ect.
Also much better as long as you have a working outlet setup for it.
>no link
so I have no idea what you're talking about but is it basically Princess and the Pea?
damn, Breivik was such a great actor
>Goes to job interview.
>Cracks open a beer
>Asks interviewer if he would like one.
>Pulls out second beer
>Cracks open a third and a fourth for round two
>Im gay and he's a nigger, is that going to be a problem for you?
I dont know... is it?
>>never break your poker face
>>break your wind
I'm 42 years old and I'm still unable to not smirk at a minimum at one of my farts, especially in such a scenario, I'd start belly laughing
>Silence is not a virtue.
And a wobbly chair is not uncomfortable.
Current year wife material
at least be polite and offer your finger for her to pull
>a little shelf a couple inches across
Where are you putting the shelf exactly? and how high up in relation to the surface of the bed?
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>say something
>flouride stare
>HR now feels unsafe
>Go home and Google Asperger between shots of whiskey wondering what I did wrong

It was rigged from the start.
Are you unzipping your pants?
I’m not sure where this is going
Sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen
The two choices were you and a guy who brings soda to an interview doesn't drink it and then forgets it. Ofc you got the job
I actually had a virtual job interview where I was rocking back and forth in my chair out of nervousness

Didn't get it
>First thing the white guy says is “I’m gay and he’s a nigger, is that going to be a problem for you?”
"I don't know, can you handle being called gay niggers?"
kekked, great scene.
A couple inches above the bed, the bed won't be exactly flush against the wall (unless you like it that way), more like a couple inches away to accommodate the shelf (so there's no head-hitting), the shelf is a few inches above the height of the bed so that blankets and hair and stuff don't fall on it. You could even utility-maxx and have a few shelves, one above the other above the other. Easily enough space in a room to accommodate 3 shelves.

Of course, really can't stress enough that this depends on either you not being a fat fuck and taking the wall side (I like the wall side because the wall is nice and cool) or on your partner not being fat and taking the wall side.
reminds me of how Henry Ford would take candidates out to lunch and if they salted their food before tasting it he would reject them in a most public and humiliating way.
The same boomers that are crying that they can't find workers and then vote for more immigrants to be imported?
Only time I ever had a dumb interview question I remember was
>What would you do if you had a personal problem with your supervisor?
I was like
>I don't see why I'd need to like my supervisor to be able to do my job.
Anyway I got the job. But it was a real faggot of a question.
This. The interviewers were just hoping he'd take it so they didn't have to throw it in their trash.
>Assume everyone already knows the chair wobbles
>Say nothing to not be a redundant piece of shit.
Do they want me to offer to fix the chair?
Only speak to repeat what the interviewer said, verbatim.
>Where do you see yourself in five years?
>Where do YOU see yourself in five years?
So build some tiny shelves on the wall too
seems retarded. why do you need to sit on a non wobbly chair for a 15 minute interview? he who asks for a new chair comes across to me like a person who is entitled and can't take hardship.
What the actual fuck is wrong with these people.

>What does this prove?
How cucked the applicant is to meekly request their lord and master of middle management gracefully provide them with a new seating arrangement if it pleases them.

The correct answer is to abandon any pretense of civility (as such a test demonstrates none existed to begin with) and immediately and permanently mark out how badly fucked in the head the HR/manager is for not maintaining their work place equipment and safety, and worse, by intentionally sabotaging functional equipment into dysfunctional damaged junk.
Even if they're "ecstatic" that you've passed their test and can stand up for yourself and all that other shit, you are required to walk out and escape their insanity; just like they sabotaged the chair, they will sabotage YOU.
they demonstrated their nature, they will do it again in other ways.
This is actually very based.
literal humiliation ritual
Only white males with blue eyes and, at minimum, brown hair should ever be hired
>why are you passionate about doors?
>I'm not passionate about doors. This is a job. Anyone who says they are passionate about doors is either mentally ill or lying

I didn't get the job.
>The correct answer is to abandon any pretense of civility
That's right, pick up that chair and throw it right through the fucking window
Get up, kick the chair across the room, call the interviewer a faggot. Next.
So then they employer isn't really hiring or need people and just wants to play games and waste these kids time, huh? Good way to get his jaw broken
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Were all boomers lead poisoned or something?
how are they all this fucking psychopathic?
it's really the ultimated autist filter, at least i know im not going to start doing shit with anything on the desk with my hand if im living my best live on the wobbling chair
why are you passionate about doors?
Because, it bears climbing in through the window.
Well I appreciate the tip. Breaks the norm. I have two very nice (and very expensive) nightstands and so I probably won’t be changing the layout. It’s fun to dream though. Maybe i will move the bed against the wall and try out that little shelf someday.
Oh boy, it's that Aussie that thinks hazel doesn't exist again.
You've never had the balls to show up for an interview before, why would this be any different?
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>you can interpret the results however the fuck you want

That's the idea, toothpaste
Ngl it was a good movie. And it got all the humiliation ritual stuff.
For pretty much all of human history, previous generations are better/smarter than the following ones. They held the roles of teachers and masters, which they would work hard to pass onto their kids.
Boomers, on the other hand, refuse to learn anything at all. They're borderline retarded, their kids and grandkids have a much larger knowledgebase than them. Thus, in an effort to artificially gatekeep the top positions, they come up with this bullshit.
Also, these same "I want assertive workers" boomers will complain endlessly about how lazy and entitled their workers are. They truly are that retarded.
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like if you're a spastic canaanite and intentionally squeak the fuck out of it during the interview then fall on the ground with a
>(((sardonic grin)))
on your face?
>so what’s your policy on joining meetings on time?
>I have two very nice (and very expensive) nightstands
Why the fuck would someone buy very expensive nightstands? They literally just hold your shit when your sleep. That's why I suggested mini fridges, at least they provide additional convenience and functionality
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My previous employer did this for an engineering position, then ended up hiring a Jew buddy of a Jew who worked there, even after the lead ME said the guy was a fucking liar during the interview. The funny part was that they forced 2 minority technicians (all of the technicians were minorities and all the engineers were Jewish, which is how Jewish employers work), bored to tears with their thumbs up their asses, to interview the guy so it wouldn't look like Jewish nepotism.

I can never get enough about how Reddit-like working for Big Jew really is. They really are high on their own farts and haven't found out that Goyim also have access to the internet. Thankfully I got laid off from that place so I get dole money.

If 25% or more (ideally 1% or more) of your interviewers are Jewish, that's your call to Daffy Duck the fuck out of the interview.
No problem anon. There are so many things that I could have improved if I designed the house I live in right now it's insane.

Also for bonus space as an underutilized area in the house you can stick a cabinet above your toilet. Learned that one from my slumlord uncle, that space goes completely unused in 90% of houses.
Because nice wood is nice.
Thats not my problem though
Kek, will use this next time my recruiter gets in late. I'm pretty good at straight-facing while saying weird shit, I think I can pull it off.
In writing that one down
You almost passed the test, but the receptionist was colored and that means you aren't a good fit for the company.
I would squat the whole time hovering just a few millimeters above the wobbly chair.
i have received feedback from several interviews that i wasn't hired because i was too negative, only spoke of things that needed to be improved, etc.
>wtf is a wobbly chair test?
But I have excellent posture and balance. Chairs don't wobble when I sit on then.
dude if i'm hiring or involved at a nuclear power plant i'd want the type of person who'd at least mention that the chair is wobbling
any type of complacency regarding damaged shit or protocol oversights is how nuclear disasters happen
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Ah yes, the nigger test.
It goes both ways actually.
Interviews are supposed to be formal and professional, which 99% of niggers aren't capable of.
99% of niggers that sit in a wobbly chair during a interview would be loose enough to mention the chair because they don't take anything serious, not even a job interview.
Anyone serious about wanting the job would be willing to ignore something so minuscule and deal with it.
Any job that WANTS to hire people that complain like niggers, women and children over small shit like a wobbly chair is destined to fail.
>at least i know im not going to start doing shit with anything on the desk with my hand if im living my best live on the wobbling chair
What if i just fixed it instead?
It's some boomer bullshit shit-test like the firm handshake test.
Stand and dominate making them look up to you.
Any interview that had busted furniture I'd just walk away. Either it's a shit test or the place is ghetto. Either way the hiring manager is a faget.
If an interviewer made me sit in a wobbly chair I'd tell him his chair sucked and ask for a new one. Is that the test, to see who's spineless and who sticks up for themselves?
>you can stick a cabinet above your toilet.
I get too crazy on the toilet dir that. If you squat on the rim it is actually a healthier and more natural way to poop btw. Checked
>Any job that WANTS to hire people that complain like niggers, women and children over small shit like a wobbly chair is destined to fail.
then they write countless articles on "how GenZ doesn't wanna work!!!"
My kike in moloch, you hired the bottom of the barrel. On purpose.
>Not flooding every public toilet you come across
Do you even?
Would you work at a nuclear plant that doesn't fix basic shit like furniture?
I did a remote interview at a fintech company owned by one of the most famous jews in the USA (you definitely know his name), the jewlatto interviewer couldn't have sounded more hostile and bored, I knew from the first 60 seconds that it was a box ticking exercise.
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I dropped a company once because they served me instant coffee at the interview.
I'd do so for a fucked up chair too.
I don't work for losers who can't afford coffee and chairs.
I hate motherfuckers that sabotage stuff at work. I wouldn't want to work for some boomer faggot that thinks it's funny to unscrew my chair. It shows the mentality of the people you're dealing with.
I run my own business and if someone sabotage my equipment, I'd beat the fucking brakes off of them.
It is as the prophecy foretold. He is the chosen one.
should only wait 2 minutes at most then fuck off if they cant even notify you that they will be late, sitting there 15 minutes then leaving when what you were waiting for arrives is trolling yourself
>Like the firm handshake test
Yeah, this is honestly the biggest load of boomer shit so far. You handshake pretty much entirely based on how others around you handshake and nothing more, it doesn't signify anything meaningful.
Handshaking is one of those esoteric abstract things where you try to match what the other person's gonna do, you don't handshake as hard with a 90 year old lady as you do with a 20 year old man, and if your hiring manager is some 45 year old woman or 50 year old obese boomer you wouldn't expect a firm handshake, in fact you'd just get in trouble for it.

It's just a meaningless guessing game on top of habit, even the firmest of handshakes would break down if you had a grandma or older relative or something.
literally this
works everytime
what's dumb is you could think of it the opposite way just as easily. Someone who doesn't complain, or is perhaps polite thinking you are a poor stupid company that can't afford good chairs and you're just being nice by not saying anything, just being chill
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I bring my own chair.
What sort of vantablack gorilla nigger salts their food at the table anyway
Not being open and honest during the interview is female/brownoid behaviour regardless of what side of the desk you're sitting.
Instant coffee is the best kind. Any other sort has just as much caffeine but wastes more time.
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>Go to job interview
>chair is wobbly
>immediately wonder how much other shit is subpar about the job if they can’t fix or replace a broken chair
>already expecting you to go above and beyond for a job that isn’t even yours yet
>move to other chair
>proceed to pretend as if the job is paying a living wage
>shake hands and fake smile

I will be honest after years I’m my field when I’m interviewed I will test their knowledge. If I figure out I know more than the guy hiring me I just fuck around intentionally trying not to get said job.

>why would you do that anon?

Millennial giving advice to young kids, if you find yourself in this situation they will hire you and proceed to throw every problem at you.

>that’s how you get ahead anon

No they won’t give you a raise and you will be forced into that position and salary forever because they can’t afford to have someone competent move up. I actually learned this watching a literal genius boomer get forced into this position.
>The chair in front of the desk for the applicant had one leg of [the] chair — cut shorter — so the person sitting in the chair would wobble — during the interview.
Humiliation ritual
90% of the "workload" is a wobbly chair test.
hiring manager here
whenever I get a stack of resumes, I immediately thrown half of them in the trash, because I don't want to hire unlucky people
>Candidates who would tough it out in the wobbly chair didn’t pass the test.
We want complainers! If you're willing to put up with our bullshit we don't want you! Now here's a wobbly chair, and you're fired if you don't complain
>omfg im such a huge faggot hahah its sooo wobbly
A lot of job interviews I go for offer such low money. Always gets a laugh out of me because as soon as I ask for more they say no and then agree but ask I not tell anyone else to avoid trouble. My current company is 80% asian and indian. Harprett, harjeet, raj, savinder, harvinder, paraminder and so on are all my coworkers.
Ideas like this are helpful for seeing how a candidate reacts to an unexpected situation. Things like that are good during an interview because you want to break people out of their rehearsed, practiced scripts and see if you can discover their real personality in 45 minutes.

It’s silly to pretend there’s one “correct answer” to these sorts of tests, though. You’re simply trying to see what kind of person they are: polite or rude, passive or bold, laid back or annoyed, focused or distracted, etc.

Client of mine who ran a restaurant used to introduce bartender/server candidates to the janitor at the beginning of the interview. Then they’d chat for 45 minutes, and his last question was, “When you got here, I introduced you to the janitor. What was his name?”

I got the chance to sit in on a couple of these interviews once, and the pure deer-in-headlights look of terror on their face was priceless when they realized they didn’t remember. And of course, if they failed that question, they didn’t get the job.
After lunch when I'm a bit blazed, I would and have done that. I have a shitty office chair from goodwill I use in my backyard. I feel like an astronaut with a little motor head and white widow
>Instant coffee is the best kind.
You obviously don't enjoy black coffee.
Trump is that you?
no ur copying someone who said that a couple years ago here I was just thinking of that very weird
It's becoming so common that I think it's happening on purpose for gibs.
I think those type of companies want to fail or are being sabotaged from within.
you are a psychopath.
Not sure I believe you that Henry Ford was an internet scholar that would do that silly shit
Jobs make no sense anymore.

I've done the following for the last two years

>Beyond excessive use of sick days, constantly off, only reason I think this hasn't resulted in termination is because I work 100 percent remotely and there's no group of co workers screeching because I called out.

>Pretty much never use project management software/barely communicate on said software

That said, I always finish our projects because once on site I do everything 100 percent and work hard. I can't turn this off, so I get good feedback from clients.

Boss FINALLY said something to me about being on notice because of missed documentation in PM software/missed expense reports, etc.

Says just do those and you're back in good standing, doesn't even mention sick days. Kek.

I remember getting fired for bullshit when I first started working. I swear standards have got to be in the gutter.
That test is horseshit, there are many valid reasons why they might be too preoccupied to remember the janny's name
bingo, same boat here. My signature on reports now carries legal consequences, I agree with his advice for newbies. Dont fuckin take their shit with a straight face.
Based jew.
Why do interviews give "feedback" at all with the exception of it being given to a recruiter.
>Client of mine who ran a restaurant used to introduce bartender/server candidates to the janitor at the beginning of the interview.
I've never heard of a restaurant/bar that had a janitor. I think you mean dishwasher.
You stand up, move the chair out of the way, check the next one over to see if it's broken and then sit in it. What?
Then theres me, where a fucking wobbly chair mean fuck all to my goal. If they had human chairs and said please take a seat i wouldnt give a fuck.
>"Gee I sure hope the rest of this company isn't like this fucking chair"
>*kicks across room*
Why would I do that anon, when I have a perfectly functional rocking chair? I'm going to the interview and I got the party chair.
>and ask to use another.
If I'm in that situation, I'm not asking.
Lol @ failing someone for forgetting José. That job must have been fucking easy for you to be turning so many away.
>Smithers... Release the hounds
Enjoying coffee is for fags. I drink coffee for alertness.
That’s when you pull out a flask, a glass, and an ice bucket

>We stand there, arms crossed, eyes locked, pants dropped, a raging boner each, knowing that the first to go limp has failed to establish dominance and the other having won the challenge
>Will it be the wizened veteran or the up-and-coming young buck?
Ah, so you're an addict, not a connoisseur
Connoisseur is a fancy french word for faggot.
brilliant movie
AwfuL superawesome destroy me -> in the tunneLs -> sLeeping popuLation -> you're dead -> apartment bLock -> pooLside dirt invitation count: Chad worker -> tomorrow
OP trying to insult /pol/'s high tolerance for cuteness
>grab business card
>fold it until thick enough
>slide under short leg
>chair stops wobbling
>fuck boss's wife
You didn't post a link so I had to google it and that was the gayest thing I've ever read. This is the gay retard stuff that baby jew-loving boomers do that makes them feel like they're as smart as everyone else. Gay
Sounds like mu retarded boss, the guy will do shit like a bad school teacher just to say shit like "I was asking to see if anyone questioned my idea" or "I was doing an experiment to see "how you guys think". Nigger if you want something done a certain way just tell us. If you think we're not going the right direction just tell us. Don't be a retarded cockmunch and "experiment" on us to find out who's your best little minion.
I had an interview not too long ago--the email said it would be a telephone interview.

The day of I get this notification to dial into a zoom--I don't have zoom, don't use it don't need or want to. SO I'm furiously searching how tf to use this app and not fuck up the TELEPHONE interview--I mentioned that a zoom interview would be a telecon interview.

Fell flat. I think the contract was cancelled and no one was hired for that job...but still--why tf can't they at least use proper terms? I wasn't dressed for a telecon interview and had zero time to change that.

Fuck HR retards who don't know the difference between telephone and telecon.
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Was the job consistently working with the janitor on a daily basis? If not this is another retarded example.

The human brain retains information that is vital to survival. If you think remembering the name of a guy who cleans the floor is vital information they will use in their job “guessing it has absolutely nothing to do with the job applied for” then this is just another example of wobbly chair just politeness edition.

You ask question that are vital to understanding their duties within the scope of the job. Why boomers and gen x play fuck around games to figure out who to hire is exactly the reason why the job market is shit.

If your manager can’t figure out who to hire without adding stupid hoops to dismiss candidates then the problem isn’t the people being interviewed it’s the guy interviewing.

>they are no qualified candidates anon these kids these days!

>im just going to hire this HB1-visa guy because the other American candidates couldn’t figure out my obscure hiring process.
Sounds like my first big boy interview after college.. HR lady asks why I'd like to work there and the first thing out of my mouth was
>well right now I'm struggling to pay my bills, I could use the money.
While true I definitely could have worded that a little more gear towards that company lolol
But what if I like the wobbly chair
Its actually just a rebranded version of the princess and the pea fairytale.
Well, in the case of a bartender, you want people who are going to put people first. This means remembering their names, remembering what drinks they like, etc. I can see the point of the test. However, I still never seen a restaurant or bar that had a janitor. The job description you're looking for is dishwasher, and yes, having been a dishwasher, everyone in that place from the bartender to the servers to the cooks should all know the fucking dishwashers name and be respectful, because hes gonna do the shit that no one else wants to do.
KEK I would have looked at the interviewer and said
>mind if we trade chairs?
I can't name a single janny on this website. You got a problem bub?
They do it for free.
Look into Ikea hack platform storage beds. There's a shit ton of videos with different designs on yt. I didn't find one I like so I'm working on a different plan in my head.

Here's a dudebro version

I don't sit. I'm a shark, I need to keep moving. Two chairs? If everyone you hired was like me, you wouldn't need any. I'm streamlined. Cutting fat. You need me, I don't need a chair. I'll take them off your hands, flip them, sell them for a 500% profit. Just try me. In six months you'll be my chair.
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I prefer the story of the princess and the bowling ball.
Actually, you’re right. It was the dishwasher. Sometimes it was the Host. Honestly, it was whoever was around when the interview was scheduled.

His point was, if you’re gonna be in a service industry, you should care about people. That means caring enough to remember the name of a potential coworker your potential boss just introduced you to.

FWIW, his hires were always great, and he had very little turnover for the restaurant industry.
I bet you're an Indian too so you can sell the toilets and just squat over an open sewage pipe
Nobody there would bring it with them and leave it on a table you didn’t even have access to. There were three interviewers and they were behind a table. When you got called in you were 10 feet away from the table. The drink was a test, I’m certain of it
I am radically goal oriented, therefore I break the chair completely so nobody can sit on it ever again
As a teacher that's a good thing especially if subject is something practical as mechanics etc. You need to be sure in your answers. If you are not a brute force memorizing retard it shouldn't be a problem.
>sit on a chair
>interviewer keeps talking.
>grab chair and slam it on a desk.
>adjust it acording to yourself
>tell interviewer he is fired cor not folowing safely guidelines.
He's a shark. He poops on the move.
In my last interview I tried to take the managers seat. Hilarity ensued and I was hired on the spot
do alcoholics really want some photographic memory autist mentally cataloging everything they said and did every night?
Yeah? Well, I enjoy coffee for alertness. Stop being a reductive faggot. Go pop your caffeine pills.
These tests are so fucking dumb. I bet they get shitty employees from their dumbass tests and blame it on the general workforce instead of from their stupidity.
>T. Jannie
I'm still working for the company I had an interview for 15 years ago, my dream job. During the interview they asked "what is your biggest weakness?" I said that i'm too nice to people, and I wasn't expecting this questions so that answer was from my heart, when they asked why? I said that most people take kindness for weakness, and take advantage of your kindness, so I'm trying to change that about myself.
It was a good answer but I was just answering from my heart, sicne my last boss was an evil son of a bitch and took advantage of me.
>wobbly chair just balance it out?

don't know if Mexicans have one but white men have an internal gyroscope that auto-corrects when we begin to wobble, if one of us falls too quickly the gyroscope focuses on the extremities which is why we can take a tumble but not lose a drop of alcohol from our glass/tankard/skull of our enemy.

actually, you Mexicans probably don't have one, if you did those twerking lowriders you drive wouldn't function.
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this sounds like a test to get more niggers into your company
>ayo this fuckin chair be whack yo
>wow congrats tyrone you're the only one to throw a bitch fit over a mild inconvenience that you could have just corrected by having better balance, you're hired!
No, you're thinking too deeply about it. It's simply myopic boomer bullshit where "situation x" in "context y and z" applies universally to situations universally.

It's cancerous boomer myopia of thinking this can somehow root out "character traits".
If they can't take care of a chair, then they can't take care of you. The boss loses with this test, get up and leave. No one has time for these pety games.
they want to see if you'll do anything about it which is going to just end up being poor impulse control which is nigger tier behavior
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elon musk used to do personal interviews and he always asked:

You're standing on the surface of the earth. You walk one mile south, one mile west, and one mile north. You end up exactly where you started. Where are you?
why can't shit be simple ? why all the jewishness ?

>We are hiring for X and pay Y
>I am willing to work X and get paid Y

why 3 interviews, shitty wage, office politics drama and psyops for an entry job ?

you guys might shit talk nepotism but it's the only way to skip the humiliation rituals.
How many answers does this question have?
A mountain. You started on top, went down, took a detour, then went back up. I am a genius.
I don't get it.
why didn't superman just fly around one of the poles to reverse time? quicker than around the equator
>study for years to become a chemical engineer
>get a hundred thousand dollars in debt
>sacrifice time with family, friends, everything to get this career
>today's the big day, your interview
>fail not due to your skills or qualifications, but because the fat boomer interviewing you watched too many episodes of Shark Tank and wanted to play EPIC BOSS MINDGAMES
Haha holy fuck man
North pole, exactly.
Also he likely didn't ask that.
>puts a wobbly chair expecting candidates to flip out and complain
>only hire people who speak their minds
>fire them when they cause problems for calling coworkers out on their bullshit
Is this what bored boomers do now, fuck with applicants heads.
Or if you weren't an npc you would tell them to fuck off and then leave.

Female getting revenge against all men since for a whole decade her husband ignored the chirp chirp chirp and all the wobbly chairs in the house. You fix it she texts all her friends "I think I have found the One."
This. They are doing this because they know they can always go to the White House and buy a few more H1Bs or show the feds they tried hiring but just "couldn't find enough qualified workers".
maybe but it's in his 2015 biography and as far as i know neither himself nor anybody that got hired by him has said it wasn't true
Fine, if you aren't going to admit there's a second answer...
Start exactly 1 mile north of the south pole.
Walk 1 mile to the south pole.
You are now at the south pole. Traveling west essentially means spinning in place. Distance traveled can be calculated from the circumference of the circle transcribed by your feet as you spin in place. You must spin in place for a mile until you face back towards your starting point.
Proceed back to starting position.
>be me
>avoid failing
>never sit down
>boss is so intimidated by my powerful always upright way of life he can't hire me.
>it doesn't matter I'm homeless because I cover 30 miles a day when I'm lazy.
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No, but this alcoholic wants an autist who remembers what kind of beer I like in order to make good recommendations when something new is on tap.
or your ability to be an entitled asshole.

The princess was a princess, not a hard worker.
It reveals der ewige bümer's character traits quite well also.
Fucking the rest of the world doesn't understand how cozy racism is.
this shit sounds like what some stupid faggot like grant cardone would say he uses. the only reason why someone would even mention that they do this, is to make people feel insecure, so that they will be more easily manipulated to buy into some bullshit self improvement course or pyramid scheme
I would never tolerate this shit. I would immediately swap the wobbly chair out for a better chair. I would politely put the wobbly chair off to the side so no one else makes the mistake of sitting in it. But this mindset is why I have spent almost all my life being self-employed. So it has just never come up.
Sounds like a company and boss you don't want to work for.
>Where are you?
The surface of the earth
I would stand nigger. Chair is gay. They will ask me to sit, I will tell them sitting is deadly because jews says so.
Eat 10 quest bars (210g protein + 140g fiber) a day and you'll have the perfect storm. Your farts will be loud, wet, will absolutely reek and linger for ages, and it will be non-stop all day
its the kind of job where you can watch youtubes all day, as long as you have a 60 minute elevator speech about how you add value
reminds me of a running joke from the old TV show "30 Rock"; where one character is famous for his negotiation skills

Can confirm, every company that gets wind of my spreadsheet for calculating moving and commute ghosts me.

I'm too scary.
I cant believe no one said this yet.

Is this a test to see who is Jewish?

>awwww jeese this chair is awfully wobbly

What an ice breaker. Imagine if they said that to a women.
>interviewing for a job
kek nice one
>Where do you see yourself in five years?
>Balls deep in your wife
is unironically the best answer
lol I would say something like this immediately, but not in ebonics.
Plot twist: the job is for office chair repair man
This. Like it's something I'd casually mention before leaving like "It's not an issue to me, but somebody might have issue."
Problem is when they then on the job ask why things are bad I specifically say "Workers who are given more chances than they deserve" and somehow I'm the asshole. I'm just sick of my performance being group based. I don't like doing my best only to be held down by some HR idiot's fucking pet nigger they won't fire because he's got a death grip on that race card.
Kind of hoping he chimps out and punches me. Pretty sure tranny ranks higher than ape in the Oppression Olympics.
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is this real? saw this shit in Space Brothers.
The north pole
If he started pissing he’d soak his own face.
twilight zone ending: there is no job, they just set up 1000 interviews, and use the chairs that are being sent in for repair. The interviewee, wanting to show skill, unknowingly fixes it for free.
Space Brothers is so fucking good
reminds me of that interview scene with the chair in men in black

I think the implication is that it’s going in your ass.
>And of course, if they failed that question, they didn’t get the job.
A lot of times I don't even remember the names of the interviewers or recruiters. No one cares because I have high IQ and can do actual work.
why would I care if a chair in an interview was wobbly?
why would you hire someone that's going to be that much of a squeaky wheel?
Probably because neither he nor anybody he hired knows what that book says.

And That's a question used to avoid hiring math autists or surveyors. Math autists will reject the "north pole" thesis as a feeble and illusionary trick of language.

The musk point may be, that the earth is a curved surface. But math autists are going to start drawing triangles and cones near the poles and it's all gonna fall apart because the earth is neither flat nor round, it's a fucking clown shape.

Sure you can put the center of your triangle on the pole and do a quick little 5k jog around the pole because you just "south, west, northed" but my nigga if you are that close to north your fucking north doesn't fucking work because it's not a fucking straight line over a mile nigger. This puzzle only works because Normies hear the words "north south east and west" and fail to understand these directions are not relative.

If you actually followed the rules here and started at the north pole you would travel south a mile, (along a curved surface with respect to starting location) then west a mile (along a curved surface) and then north a mile (along a curved surface) and you might get close, but you wouldn't quite be there. You could do this a million fucking times and probably end up in slightly different locations each fucking time because the earth is autistic.

Leave it to a fucking salesman to ask a math question that people are going to answer imprecisely.
This at my last job I was "extremely productive" and "completed tasks with competency beyond my peer" but they let me go because I kept bitching to leads and middle management niggers about the monkeys on the night crew being lazy faggots who cost the company way more money than they're worth. But since I ended up embarrassing a literal faggot middle management niggerfaggot in front of the big boss and called him out on not correcting the retards I got let go for being too confrontational despite putting up with my coworkers total braindead incompetency for half a year without them getting any sort of disciplinary action. Work is a scam, working hard for others is a fucking scam, kikes and their pet boomers and nigger golems ruined the workplace.
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you can't convince me this article wasn't written by AI
>and mr janitor what was your name? I've forgotten.
>he's not in the room anon
>well where is he, I'll go ask him

Boom I win.
Even if I don't get the job, I meet someone new.
I empathize anon. Actually competent boomer engineer was fired by slightly older boomer owner of the company over a side project not being prioritized even though he was already effectively managing - with documentation - at least 6 different projects at the time. The engineer was already well past retirement age and just wanted to continue working as an engineer because its the one thing that keeps him entertained, I shit you not.
Bad Boomers with power fuck over everyone, even Good/competent Boomers.
I worked in a number of bars and restaurants with a janitor. A guy would come in around 4 or 5 AM and clean, then do maintenance shit since you get so much wear-and-tear in those places.

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