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How do you know Michael is even dead in the first place?
It funny how badly they apply “blood” to crisis actors. You would think they’d have it down by now.
do you mean maxwell yearick? are you that retarded?
Not the same dude. Stop spamming this fake shit
Go find him then
That's not that faggot. It's the Crooks guy. You can tell from the weird inbred birth defect ears matching up.

I dunno who that faggot is in the picture and why shills keep saying he's the dead body
>implying that's not a daphne westbrooke GAN fabrication run through the ftm neural net
Hourly reminder that anyone pushing the Yearick/Yeakes narrative is a Jewish shill paid per post by their Jewish masters to spread disinformation and fuck up the investigation. Yearick is alive and in jail. Also, AI confirmed with 100% accuracy yesterday that the shooter was 100% THOMAS MATTHEW CROOKS.
How many names does Yearick go by?
> why shills keep saying he's the dead body
It doesn't even matter if the dead body is Yearick or Crooks, the body doesn't prove Crooks is the shooter.
>Heres that one trait and we cannot exclude that trait from the other guy, but lets take it as a 100% proof anyway
alright, mr scientist, you beat everyone there with your genius exclusion science
Wrong. And that ear always stood out to me, looks so fake and out of place.
Thanks anons for your contributions in both boards
Biceps triceps don't lie. Only men lie.
yeah but when push came to shove when we were trying to debunk the Yearick narrative, you faggots wouldn't offer any proof or help. I took a ban for you fags - but you're right it's not Yearick.
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Yeah it actually does kike. CROOKS IS THE SHOOTER.
Crooks has unique weirdly-shaped ears. It must be some sort of inbred birth defect trait. You can tell from his face that he has shitty genetics, and I believe one of the places that usually shows signs of medical disorders/birth defects is the ears.

The ears stick out funny or are low-set on people who have a medical disorder/birth defects.

That Crooks guy had weird ass fucking ears and so does the picture of the dead body.
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if you'd have more of the Yearick BBQ pic you'd understand he has tattoos on his left arm. It's old news, not this Maxwell nig.
A picture of dead Crooks only proves that Crooks is dead, nothing else.
Critical thinking around here is in the toilet.
All the features match crooks and not yearick you dumb fat kike. Even AI confirmed it you face blind autist
Get some reading comprehension nigger shill.
>Daily reminder
IT WAS CROOKS faggots is a FED Team.
They post like 10 posts in 2 minutes across multiple boards.
Also they post edited photos that hide important facial features.
From time to time they will remove their username but keep flood posting.
Click their user id and see how many posts they make per thread
It's a team of deranged DEI hire online propaganda FEDs lmao and they are VERY bad at it
Do you know if they're working 24 hours a day because it sure seems like it.
Show flag you low IQ kike faggot
Oh, this bot again
How’s the weather in Tel Aviv?
have you ever considered his head looks so fucked up because he just had a .300 win mag sent straight through his head? every part of his skull and face is fractured from the cavitation bubble, a face won't be fully intact after taking a bullet of that size. flesh doesen't just explode, it expands and retracts but it still mutilates the form and shatters bone after it reforms.

I won't get into M.O or the other things that make this improbable, just wanted to mention the ballistics of it since the other stuffs more obvious.
Can you explain how Crooks being dead proves Crooks is the shooter?

Can you tell me what Yearick is in prison for, when he was sentenced, for how long, and which prison he is in?
These here are BLACKROCK EMPLOYEES. They took the commercial down but are upset that they still can’t get the attention off of their Jew hired assassin THOMAS MATTHEW CROOKS. SAD!
Yes they work 24 hours a day, its a team and they each have their shifts. With how fast they post across multiple boards. I'd say they are at least 5 of them constantly.
>Kike projection
This is so funny because he's the one in Tel Aviv LMAO. They made me laugh so much in my threads last night.
Thanks for the laughs FEDs you made me win 10 years of life span in a single night.
Why are you getting so angry rabbi?
Fake Brandon herra did a before today showing what a 300 win mag would do to to the human head. If he was hit by the sniper his entire head would be blown off and decapitated. This is not the same damage as what we see in this photo with his head still intact.
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Sorry, bot, no one believes your bot flood.
Bot the fuck out of here, nigger.
>tel aviv vpn spammers spotted!
Many such cases!
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Nice try kike
Is shilling on 4chan the lowest assignment at the agency
Which prison is Yearick in?
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I've spent whole night yesterday exactly with this bot, its a 100% bot.
Mention Tel Aviv in reply - he will be spamming about Blackrock for next 8 hours across the boards.

Mention nose - "kike" will be in every post across whole 4chan in every reply.

Its just a poorly trained bot.
Again thanks for the laughs you made me win 10 years of life span.
>Dies of laugher again
Anons see how they went thermonuclear last night over our threads.
>Laughing guarenteed
First thread >>474924435 (78 replies)
Second >>474924435 (33 replies)
Incoming shift change. Be back soon fags.
Can confirm
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Im retarded i linked the same thread both times LOL
Second thead :

I find it hard to believe that because last night he started spamming t shirts and merch of T Crooks in our thread LOL
people here are retarded. just look at the facial hear on the killshot photo. this yearick guy can grow a full beard, dead dude has chin pubes.
Best way to expose these guys to others, is asking them which prison Yearick is in. They will 100% of the time ignore the question which should raise some questions among people that are on the fence about this subject.
Forgot to mention, he doesn't detects sarcasm.
So its neither python-script or pajeet with notepad he copy-pastes replies from (which is basically the same).
You think that yarick fag somehow only has chin pubes in his killshot but a full beard/shadow in all other pics?
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Find out who these cops are and they can verify if its yearick or not
What happened to his front teeth?
like i said in the last thread you were trying to spread this garbage
the photo has been doctored to look different than the actual shooting photos to try and make him appear more muscular than he actually is
real photo is on the left from the day of the shooting
photo on the right is the BS misleading one
Well he's slowly learning, look at yesterday's #16 thread.
Interesting pic. Looks like tattoo sleeves, at least on his left arm.
Cause you're supposed to make yourself look like the patsy retard, thats why they got the same shirt on
so he carefully shaved everything, leaving no stubble like his mugshot and magically left fucking chin pubes?
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>Looks like tattoo sleeves, at least on his left arm.
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Yearick has tats all down what appears to be his left arm
there are no tats visible in any photo provided
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another nothing burguer to be put into the history books
>magically left fucking chin pubes
Just like crooks dummy, kid had few chin pubes
ballistics dummys are only rough replications of human body, the gel is more elastic but is shorn more easily, the fake bone is more brittle. makes damage tests seem more explosive. It'd fuck up your face pretty bad depending on where the shot hit, fractures everywhere but not TOTAL explosion. 300 win is slightly more powerful a round compared to 30-06, and JFK's face was also dissimilar to how he looked in life. His head didn't fully explode either. Looks like the back this guys head got blown out entirely, rest of his head fractured just like JFK.
all you've seen are pictures of him from at least 2 - 4 years ago with a fucking baby face. crooks looks exactly how somebody would look who just started growing facial hair.
Show me ear tunnels hole on any of Crooks photos.
Is he ok?
he doesnt have any
Bullshit he was a cadaver that trump placed in the roof to justify his false flag.the head would be completely disintegrated if he was hit with 300 win at that range.
Marcel Yoinks is very dangerous. Is a good thing they got him
Idk his answer here >>474893233 seems pretty organic relating the pic ?
Although you probably know way more than me about bots and co
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Crooks was never on the roof, chin mole, neck mole, and body mass don't lie
Maxwell Yearick but close.
But the shooter does have traces of healed holes
How is the weather in Tel Aviv, KIKE?
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The shooter was 200 ft back, this was a CIA/Jew mob hit
thats blood spatter on his ear
you know
from getting shot
Is that another pic of the shooter?
do you have it uncensored?
stop being a nigger. yarick is like 38 years old now. the kill pic is clearly crooks after not shaving for a bit. he could barely grow fucking chin pubes, and he has barely any fucking hair on his cheek.
I still have those for sale by the way
Exactly. It’s just one of many features that match crooks only
I should be asking you that. Fucking blackrock nigger
Another reminder that the shooter was THOMAS MATTHEW CROOKS
We saw the dude moving around on the roof, people took video of that. Crooks cadaver doesn't need to be anywhere near the roof to make a patsy out of him. That picture could've been taken anywhere.
thanks for the info. that does seem like a good spot for someone to hide.
I'm currently leaning more Maxwell thus far but I do agree with you on the ears. People are using the weird 2 points on his ear as evidence it's definitely Maxwell but to me, the distance down on the ear the corpse has those bumps is different than the school photo.
But most of all, there's a lot of deinterlacing in the photo everywhere along his face and on the ears everywhere else except those two bumps which are much sharper.. almost like the feds realized those would be just as clearly noticed as evidence as we are treating it.
Retards act like the feds haven't been stalking this website for years and researching how our schizo hivemind works. Wouldn't surprise me at all if the glownigger watching us right now is laughing his ass off because we fell for his cheap liquefy trick.
ANOTHER JEWISH SHILL. AI has already CONFIRMED that the eyebrows, jaw, hairline, moles, ears, and lips match the shooter THOMAS MATTHEW CROOKS. Jewish companies are paying users like this anon to blur the narrative. BE WARY OF ALL KIKES ANONS!
why don't you all quit circle jerking?
See hes answering about his t shirts LMAO
You really think it's a bot ?
Not true there is no video of him moving on the roof just of him laying totally still and motionless the roastie filming freaks out and holds the camera in the air missing the content. He was not seen moving on the roof and the orange haired wigger that said he saw him moving is clearly a drug addict that was paid to give a false testimony in return for meth
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Also, they came out with an alcoholic beverage in remembrance of our hero THOMAS MATTHEW CROOKS. Buy yours today!
>clearly doctored pic that does not exist on the internet until after bicepgate
Sloppy job, mossad
dirty knee = tattoo on his upper thigh
why so retard?
Nono i lean more towards Maxwell too.
I was talking about the ear in the dead shooters pic. It looks so fake and unorganic and it was their main "IT WAS CROOKS" proof.
The glowie responses show its yearick more than an image posted
It's Thomax Yearcocks. SAY HIS NAME!!!
>fake and unorganic
>anything that doesn’t match my narrative is edited goy
>I’m always in the right goy!
Nice try vpn kike. How’s the weather in Tel Aviv?
Good Job Anon.
Make a collage with this pic showing Crooks baby spaghetti arms. See >>474868487 If you can insert url for source of pictures in collage even better
I'm sure some gym autists or medecine autist could estimate the weight and muscle mass diff .
No, it was released with that ridiculous blurring. Why blur so much? Because it's obviously not crooks.
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It is Yearick. When we have more evidence and Yearick proves alive, then I’ll stop believing that Yearick and Crooks were both involved. Crooks was killed by Yearick or his handler and Yearick took Crooks identity by stealing his clothes.
We call these two a special two kikes for one

You're both niggers, go find the original images on 4plebs and post them.
>20,000 posts by this id
>"believe the narrative, ok?!"
You're all the proof of conspiracy anyone needs, fedboi
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Is there a way to measure by the scale on of the paneling on the side of the building to tell how tall this person on the roof is and then we need to find the heights of both Yearick and Crooks.
>20.000 posts
>doesn’t provide source backing up claim
This is what we call a retarded kike, anons
Nah i will leave that to others.
I consider my part done in exposing all this bullshit last night.
How is the weather in Tel Aviv?
You tell me, VPN kike
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Look at crooks' stupid fucking ears
Yes and when you compare this to the fag yearick, the ears match the shooter THOMAS MATTHEW CROOKS
Oswald moved to Russia in Oct 59 and was unable to even ask for water from the nurses in hospital for food poising but left the hospital shortly later fully fluent in the unusual Belarusian dialect. When he returned home in June 62 he was 4 inches shorter than his military records previously showed him to be. His brother noticed that the hair on the top of his head was spiraled in the opposite direction than it had been when they were younger.. and the congressional investigation also noticed that his tattoo was significantly different than had been photographed prior to his two and a half years spent in the Soviet Union Russia.

Pretty easy to use modern methods to examine the images of before and after he went to Russia.

My assessment is that the jews responsible for the action against jfk wanted to be in position to blame Russia with all the media under their control if they lost control of the single shooter narrative or the investigation were to expand beyond their control.

Would have been a pretty different result if /pol/ had been around to notice things 60 years ago. But have we even begun to scratch the surface here?
Who the hell are these two factions of jews either supporting or trying to eliminate Trump?
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According to Yearicks own blog archive about me he was 6'2

>Media reported Crooks being 6'2 aswell no ?
Picrel source : https://x.com/codeschesnes/status/1812601136299274731/photo/1
I’m hereby officially announcing my retirement as the IT WAS CROOKS guy. It’s like beating a dead horse at this point with this yearick mentally ill bullshit. I’m tired. Going back to being a regular anon starting…. NOW.
yaricks a nigger and you're a nigger.
Another interesting read, has full screenshots of Yearick commie manifesto : https://denutrients.substack.com/p/maxwell-yearick-where-are-you

>Subtract says he is 5"11 but his about me from his blog clearly says 6"2

Hope this helps anon
godspeed based faggot. i'll take the torch.
Have fun anon. It’s all so tiresome.

FEDs talking to each other LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO
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where did the Yearick idea even originate. don't you think it's suspicious that "someone" plucked one guy out of nowhere for no given reason to try and distract from other inquiry?
>kike from black rock
See what I’m talking about? So tiresome.
^ Whoever reads subtract https://denutrients.substack.com/p/maxwell-yearick-where-are-you.
>You can ignore the Jewgazing BS we all know its fake by now
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Whomstever it is, we know its the same corpse in all the images.


here you go you faggot leaf. no biceps.
>don't you find suspicious someone plucked one guy out of no where
Don't you find suspicious that this guys plucked out of no where had all his socials scrubbed at the same time as the shooter ?
They were both here that day anyway.
The gray twins.
See >>474871081
And >>474928526
>Thats why they blurred everything here >>475010871 both were here and wearing the same clothes.
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And the weather in Tel Aviv?
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What if I told you faggot glowie shills that you have been betrayed? set up by our own insiders inside your ranks?

would you piss and shit yourself screaming? would you kill yourself? would you consider also whistleblowing to save your ass from being sent to Gitmo?

Hiding in another country won't save you either. The world is wise to your shit.
I do wonder what the fuck happened to him.
cloudy with a chance of drones i'd imagine
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the ear alone is enough to settle the 'debate'.
yearik being almost 40 years old and looking nothing like the shooter is an afterthought.
Look at the eyebrows. The don't match. Stop with this fake nonsense.

It was Crooks.
Facts. It was definitely crooks. But I’m retired now.
if any dumb nigger tries to post that fake edited bicep pic just link this
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Not letting this getting memory holed aswell
>Sus cop
Was Kennon Hooper the guy he was arrested in 2017 with, here aswell ?
Thanks ill do some measurements later.
>yearick, 30
LOL. LMAO EVEN. He’s 40 and that guy looks like nothing like him. You kikes never quit huh?
Holy shit you are correct anon

In other news, why is Grindr so dead tonight bros? I’m trying to choke on some fat cock and no one is really responding :(
What matters is the picture fuck you retard.
how's the weather in tel aviv
Nobody on grindr… ITS JOEVER
Holy molly guacamolly
Need to find where the PajeetsWebsite photo came from
Why TF does a PajeetWebsite had it before us
gains dont lie
I’m bored
I'm on nosleep streak these last days ignore the writing soz.
Share this tho.
This is clearly fucking Kennon Hooper.
Anon >>475015407
See my threads from last night i think this might be the last member of "Unit 3" or "Team 3" that was referenced in those /x/ shizo posts

I hope >>474934881 that you see this
I ain’t clicking that shit NIGGER
How did the thigh tattoo move down to his knee
hes not a bot
he thought i was SS
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unironically doctored photoshop to try to keep your schizo shill going kek.
i hope you are getting paid for this shit.
Yeah I did. lol. Still do.
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lol the flag looks so warped
>biceps gate

original non shopped pic.
Well, then it looks like 40 IQ jeet flooding threads with copy-pasted replies 20 hours a day.
Why are faggots popping off fireworks here? It’s not July 4th anymore you fucking rednecks
when did you get the image?
mine was the day of the shooting
i'm sure you got the original the day of the shooting, idk when you made the meme photoshop edit.
Look at mikes left(our left his right) ear in the left photo. Looks like he had a decent sized gauge in that photo. The photo on the right doesn’t even have a hole in his ear.
based thank you anon

July 13th 2024
Kike alert
>angry that it was crooks
How’s the weather in Tel Aviv?
It still is not the size of crooks spaghetti arms FAGGOT
Source : https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/live-updates/donald-trump-rally-shooting-assassination-attempt/?id=111916828
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Crooks was caught on drone footage wearing the same shirt as the corpse who was DNA matched.

The ears are a match. Same weird skull shape. There is blood on his ear not a scar. The eyebrows match Crooks more than the other guy.

You picked a random antifa guy who looks similar lol. Literally a random guy. This is the hill you're dying on because you can't accept he's a registered republican.

Basement /pol/cels: wrong about everything, every time.
What about the sus guy dressed as a cop who looks exactly like his friend Kennon Hooper that he was arrested with in 2017 ? Huh faggot ?
Still kicking that can, eh?
pretty sad, moshe
Poor moulage and even worse blending. They really do think the goyim will believe anything! Maybe they're not entirely wrong...
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How do you know he was a registered Republican tho
How’s the weather in Tel Aviv?
That’s 2 people on their knees while arresting not dressed as one
Oh shit you might be right.
Did they arrest Kennon Hooper on the scene too ?
Why did we not hear anything about it ?
>What is he doing here ?
What are the odds that yearicks name start floatting around
Then we discover THIS ?
Where is the right image from? You would need to confirm if that’s even from the same event.
I’m biggest faggot in this thread
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these are 2 different phtographs
mine didnt have police officers on the roof
Nobody cares homo
Each democrat that is murdered is one less pederast.
I don't know its from the Pajeets website https://www.caclubindia.com/assets/maxwell-yearick/
He has a "submit post" category
Maybe Anons can ask him there where he got it Or we can try to find the fence and the electric panel (it looks like) to corroborate it was taken there
>Weren't they saying at the begining that one suspect is detained ? Then it got memory holed ?
See picrel filename kek
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Where you find this, and can you post one thats uncensored. This is the first time I've seen this angle.
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Anybody point this out yet? Both pics they have gaps in teeth. Did Crooks have this?
See >>474892823
OP said they showed it on TV
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that pic of hooper is from 2016, no telephone poles at the Trump rally from the 13th
Crooks did not have a gap in his teeth and his teeth seem to be shorter.
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No gap in front teeth again. also, upper lip is shaped differently. The dead shooter upper lip resembles more of Yearick.
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This glows glows glows guys
But we will get to the end of it
Theres more good people than bad people
>Fkn pajeet noted
>whore braces
gap in teeth on gore pic
Kek they really think we're stupid
And no the bullet wouldnt make that gap
this was before a 6.5 creed went through his neck
hooper is shea hooper on fb
A theory I have is that Maxwell Yearricks name was released first due to the police most likly being the first to arive at the body.
They likly were able to identify the shooter as Yearrick due to Yearrick know criminal background and processing. Thomas Crooks was likely planed to be the fall guy because he was a recluse so you can just fabricate a story. Matthew Yearrick was probably not planned to be killed but he missed got frustrated and started pouring on shots; forcing the sniper to act because it was getting obvious it was a planed hit.
Another anon said it better that the plan was to have Trumps head burst open on live television. Demoralize all the MIGApedes and then turn it into the dangers of right wing extrimisim narrative.
Shot in the back of head btw
Went through Yearrick left cheek and out his neck. Proabbly why most of the shooter photo only show the right side of his face
Yeah your theory is a good theory. Yearick and Crooks were both definitely involved imo. I'm just trying to figure out how. I like your theory though.
you have to be legitimately retarded. It's a rental van. If you rent a uhaul in Toronto it usually has American plates, and I didn't run to Tennessee to get the van before I moved.
Can you do height comparison Anon ?
That's what >>475012937 was suggesting
See >>475013657
And >>475013657
you can see the exit wound entrance wound is behind the mandible where it connects to the skull right below his left ear
>gap in front teeth
>circles the side of his mouth
why are you retarded shills so shit at this?
and why are you all using the photoshopped/blurred picture of yearik?
is it because he's 30 years old in that 8 year old picture?
Found some more old info on hooper
Fuck i meant
See >>475013657
AND >>475013846
Yeah, I'll try that now. Also, just to point out, the blood flow comes from the ear and neck and does not flow in the direction of the earlobe. Since the shooter apparently instantly died he wouldn't have had time to rub it on there. It likely is a former gage that was sealed. Just follow the blood flow.
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Your theory makes more sense than the govt narrative. Also Pennsylvania seems to have a radical antifa branch. Antifa is clearly the chosen organization for the feds. Diverting attention away is clearly what the patsy crooks was for
Not the side retard
Kek someone call him
See if he answers
Crooks on the ground Yearrick went on the roof. If two shooters involved Crooks is your diversion, gets noncomprimised securities attention. He supsious but no clear indication he's armed; not going to look good on the Trump Campaign if you get spooked take drastic action. Also there the crushing guilt associated with killing the innocent that actual Human being have.
right.. only i didn't edit the imagine lol
i also linked the source of the imagine.
also shouldn't we be able to see the big ass beer glass tattoo on his leg?
dumb faggot lol
yeah actually that would be the side of his mouth because thats how faces work, there is the front of the face and then there is the side of the face. the part that is circled is the side of his face lel
Crooks was to get all the attention. Cops looking for him diverts attention to yearick
They both wore the same clothes that day it's a classic confusion tactic
The gray twins
See >>474871081
And >>474928526
And video timestamp is picrel here 8mins6s >>474868598
Digits don’t lie
My thought is if he died while prone then his he would’ve died with his face in the ground right, so to me looks like the blood trail was originating from back of the head
Am I missing something?
>lets get the 40 year old junkie antifa retard and a 20 year old incel to assassinate trump
>and when one of them gets domed we will pretend it's the kid with the weird deformed ear even tho it's the 40 year antifa retard
why not just get an actual snipe to dome trump and then kill the kid?
Just do a facial comparison, if you measure feature distances on the face. I found that the measurements of the dead shooter and Maxwell Yearrick are very close. I measured Thomas Crooks photos as well and Ernest and found I chould reliable produce simaler facial ratios between photos of the same people. But between the three pepole I tested Yearick had the closet facial ratios to that of the shooters photo.
PLEASE NOTE I did this with MS paint and counted pixels so this chould just be me banging rocks togther. But I think it lends credence to what some anon already new with sketching.
The feds use those types more often. A legit sniper is going to put himself within 200 yards of the counter sniper team. That’s suicide
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>caught on drone footage
hey dumbfuck, take a look at these two pictures. Notice anything?
THESE PICTURES ARE NOT FROM A DRONE They were taken through a WINDOW, presumably by Secret Service that mentioned seeing him earlier.
I also think the roof corpse is probably Crooks, but you're an asshole so fuck you.
Ok I used chatgpt 4o to calculate the height. And it independently came to the 5'11" height too,
schizophrenia or just shill panic? i linked the source of the photo lol
Kike this kike that you couldn't glow any harder if you tried fuckin bum, try getting a real role at the agency coffee boys are above you
Where whould you even find info on Crooks height?
>ai generated answer
I think I remember reading his height was 6 foot something. I'll see if I can find any info.
Also, if you look at his dad, he's also a giant
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Ok I used chatgpt 4o to check. And it independently came to this conclusion too.
So where are the yellow numbered evidence markers where is teeth are at?
You stupid retarded nigger. I wish I could kill people like you on spot. I'd do it without hesitation if this wasn't an obvious jewish troll (which it obviously is).

So you wanna tell me they orchestrated the whole thing. They had couple people volunteer to die just because they cared so much for orange cheeto man to be president so so much? Also the firefighter volunteered to die as well. Oh no, let me guess. It was also staged and it was a makeup. And every drumpster agreed to just shut up about it.

Not to mention the autistic hillbilly shrieking at top of his lungs that there is a shooter with a gun on the roof consistently for 2 minutes straight.

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tried to take a better look at the roof suspects teeth but I can't determine anything because it looks like he took a bullet to the mouth, or smashed his mouth when he fell
you better contact them because this is a serious issue and a legitimate crime by whoever published doctored images that are being shown to the public by an official source
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Oh, it's a live ai, neat. Have any of you guys played with it? Does it maintain a thread specific context or does every post seem like a new instance?

I wonder if we can train it to produce useful output by manipulating it's "feeding" (you's). It must be using our engagement to select it's shitposting style, there are also definitely a library of pre-written posts ("/thread" posts etc, ) but even those seem ai generated, why post "/thread"? If you trained an AI on 4chan wouldn't /thread show up frequently at the end of threads? It makes ai-thinking sense, if tasked to shutdown discussion why not post "things that end threads", creates unintentional hilarity tho, the bot will hit you with a "/thread" reply to your outline of the plot
Another height comparison based on the AR-15 laying next to him.
The photo you have circled where it shows him with glasses is a TMZ edit.

nice good find
>wouldn't /thread show up frequently at the end of threads?
Thank you anon
Maybe he lied about his height on his blog when he was 22 Kek. But he does seem tall.
Can you estimate his height based on the pictures we have of him Yearick ?
Especially the BBQ pics the one from the back shows him from head to feet

What height did they report for Crooks tho ?
Sure, I'll try that. I've found some pics of Crooks at his graduation I can try and use to figure out his height too.
Cops ID him most likly, and then they fucking scrambled. Probably why the fucking story changed so many goddamn times.
>Say hello to Micheal yeakes
Wheres the plugs in his ears?
ok that solves it good job anon THREAD finished OVER and OUT

d0tn fr0g3t yu0 c4n t41k 1n h4ck3r 1337 sp34k and b0zt boi c4nn07 und3r5tnd ykn0?
Look both ways on your way home from the office!
Coming in late to say I still haven't seen any proof that yearick exists at all, hasn't died, or still looks like a years old mugshot.
>magic muscle
We know it's not crooks on the roof.
We know glowbots go apeshit over Yearick.
We already know with 100% certainty based on (1) this was a deliberate, planned, assassination plot by the administrative state.

So why are you trying to convince people crooks was on the roof when we know he can't be the body on the roof based on muscle mass?
What kind of bitchmade yank has a 36" AR? Anything after 32 is beyond retarded.
That’s what’s up cuh ong fr fr NO CAP
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>no biceps
Yes bicep it's just lower resolution, also notice the tricep extents beyond his elbow while noodle arm crooks looks like a skeleton with a fucking flat back arm
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NO ONE has an answer for this?!
Cuz he's still dead up on that roof
They probably didn't even move the body yet lol
(I wish)
> Cuz he's still dead up on that roof
How when he’s in jail?
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Yeah & this lumbering nerd crooks' doesn't have the required lank to match roof guy, I don't think.
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Based on this pic, it's saying Crooks is about 5'10".
So, the pic of the shooter on the roof is somewhere around 5'11" and 6'0" based on the building side paneling and the pic of him laying next to the AR-15.
So Crooks and Yearick are roughly around the same height. Crooks makes a perfect decoy. Blackrock would have had all this info of Crooks based on the commercials he was in.
There is no 59th of October. You gaslighting but I’m a moth zapper, baby
That caption is wrong.
A policeman is arresting the Yearick
Yeah, now that I look at it you can see the cops hat barely. Gotta get info on the other guy and girl the was with Yearick.
Meds. NOW.
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I'm here to settle it.
It was Yearick
Also meds.
He looks like him
No he doesn’t. Ears, eyebrows, jaw, underbite, hairline, moles, and lack of sleeve tattoo all confirm that the shooter was THOMAS MATTHEW CROOKS
all of those things you say means your dumb as fuck. those moles thats been pointed out on crooks was his enourmous amount of ZITS. and one big OBVIOUS mole matches the Yearick guy.
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Does Crooks even really exist and is he not a Blackrock crisis actor for CIA Media ...
Idek know at this point.
Did they use biometric data to find the match ?
Look at them young bro
>referring to picture of crooks from 2016
Nice try kike. Not to mention you didn’t debunk anything else I said. You mentally ill low IQ kike. The shooters name was THOMAS MATTHEW CROOKS. Say his NAME!!!
yea no shit. put out a bloody face photo but then they censor his leg. wtf. obviuos its a tattoo that you can see peaking out of the blur
It was Crooks.
Trumps shoes were tossed off stage for a reason as well - the whole dam thing was a ritual (as usual)
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Dead guy doesn't have ear gauges.
that is fucking weird
yeah noticed that stuff too
It's Yearick.
that mole is obviuos as hell too. and is nowhere on that Crooks patsy
Anyone with a brain can tell its Crooks and these Yearick shills are disinfo agents
Then show us him. Alive.
Ok shutup. your interupting us finding out information.
If you scream this shit constantly, than you are a jew.
you didnt point out 1 fucking thing so eat shit>>475009247
heres the obviuos mole that is NOWHERE ON Crooks
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this is one of the most embarrassing disinformation campaigns I’ve ever seen on this site kek
Your photoshop skills are fucking weak shit you bottom feeder
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its terrifying lol
thats why i never wanted to use the face unlocking on iphones kek
>posted no photoshop
>anon is face blind and a kike
Many such cases. SAD!
Meth. Look at how his right eye is actually quite a bit smaller and misshapen. Coke will cause this too, as will fent and painkiller pills crushed up, but meth has a much quicker visible effect. Essentially he is a right side snorter, and that causes that side to dry out, harden and shrink. I say meth because of the crooked eye as well. That tends to happen with meth. They try to play it off like they got hit or had a car crash or whatever.
What is that?
Brooks does not have any real fucking motive whatsoever, kicked out of his rifle club for being a retard, doesnt have the look of a killer at all.
Yearick was a Ukraine affiliated Antifa member, Trump recently stated Ukraine aid would end not long before the shooting. Trump would have made all of his fighting in Ukraine for naught.
Obviously it was Yearick, fedniggers just wanna protect their Antifa buddies from an official terror org designation
It wasn't a rental, it was somebody's ugly ass home.
Anyways, I stitched this sweater by hand and selling it for only 24.99 anons! Buy and celebrate our hero THOMAS MATTHEW CROOKS!
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Forgot pic
>Roger Stone says hi to anons
He enjoyed our body mass collage
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This sweater looks based. I would wear it. Do you offer free shipping and handling?
Interesting, someone went to Yearicks house listed on the white pages or something and she said he hadn’t lived there in a while. He seems like the van life hippy that would live in it. We know Crooks was living at home with parents still.
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Im no forensics expert but it looks like he took the shot in the lower left half of his mouth and it exited back behind his ear if you consider the rivers of blood on his face. Checks out considering he was in a prone position
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Only 19.99! But today!
Buy ****
This investigation is fun.
Hey Roger, thanks. I got something else for you:

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ONLY… 19.99!
no he means Yarrick
Sooooo no one is interested in my hand stitched sweater????
What are we looking at ? Is it a chair ?
I wanna Bake another and Migrate everyone just for you but i feel a bit lazy. Consider yourself lucky faggot

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