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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>Pres Trump and JD Vance Rally, Grand Rapids, MI 7/20/2024
https://rumble.com/v577w5d-live-president-trump-and-jd-vance-hold-major-rally-in-grand-rapids-michigan.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Accepts Candidacy at RNC, Milwaukee, WI 7/18/2024
https://rumble.com/v56kkyl-live-day-four-2024-republican-national-convention-in-milwaukee-wisconsin-71.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Rally at Butler, PA 7/13/2024
https://rumble.com/v560lb8-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-butler-pennsylvania-71324.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Rally at Doral, FL 7/9/2024
https://rumble.com/v560kfz-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-at-trump-national-in-doral-florida-7924.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump at Chesapeake, VA 6/28/2024
https://rumble.com/v53g5gg-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-chesapeake-virginia-62824.html (RSBN)
>First Presidential Debate, Atlanta, GA 6/27/2024
>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>475023502
Reality check for conspiracy tards:
> Shooter was a registered Republican. This is a fact no matter how you spin it.
> Looked up multiple venues and options. Trump was one. The DNC, Biden, and other political figures were potential targets.
> A shard of teleprompter glass was not what hit Trump. A man died. Get real.
A disgruntled child commits violence. What a surprise. Moving on.
Russians & Israelis are here to spark division & inceldom.
> Ragebait is their number one tool to push narratives.
ESL shills are incapable of nuance as they lack mastery over English.
> Focus on race, Jews, or trannies?
Lazy wedge issues that attract attention and in-fighting.
> "As an American/Black Man/Republican/Democrat/etc"
No one talks like this in America.
> "Both sides do it!" "Voting doesn't matter."
Extremely old tactic. Voting wouldn't be under constant assault if it were meaningless. Pay attention.
> "NATO bad." "Muh Encirclement."
Only Russians whine this much. They are perpetual victims.
> "[XYZ] are Pedos", yet vehemently defends GOP.
Russia hacked the DNC & RNC, and never released the dirt on the latter. Kompromat keeps them in line.

> There is no culture war, there is only a class war.
Russia's candidate of choice is Donald J. Trump, this is a fact. The biggest wedge issue himself, a chaos machine made manifest.
> Don't Be a Sucker

> Traitors will be dealt with, today, tomorrow, and forever after.
America and the West will survive your betrayal.
> You will be little more than ash and a bitter memory.
>trump's camp
>biden's camp
>the far-left camp
>the far-right camp
all might now share a common enemy. how odd, the way things turn out.

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Trump won 2024
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threadly reminder that MKULTRA is only known about because it was declassified and the federal government admitted to doing research into trauma based mind control 50 years ago which gives them another 50 years to perfect it and that mathew crooks was filmed walking around like a zombie heroin addict an hour before the shooting and then brought a ladder and rifle and a range finder and climbed up the roof while people were screaming hes on the roof with a gun and then took shots at trump before being immediately headshot by the counter sniper in what is being referred to as a miracle shot but really wasn't because he had crooks in his sights for minutes prior to the asassination attempt because his real job was to kill him after he killed trump and his only mistake was thinking that crooks succeeded because who would think he would just shoot his ear off and not dome him so you can't really blame him for killing the patsy before he finished the job
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you think someone is smart enough to do that? precaching weapons in strategic locations at a prior time to the planned operation? who does that?
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i mean i guess
it's just strange, he:
1. made two bombs (i thought it was one but apparently there was two)
2. brought the wireless transmitter to blow up said bombs (hidden in his car) with him on the roof
3. mapped out the rally site multiple times with a drone to ensure that nothing changed over the days leading up to the rally
4. he even marked down where the two sniper teams were (to a point where the sniper teams themselves noticed him)
how, after being spotted by both the local police and sniper teams did he think
>yeah my plan is going to work
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i wont reply directly but anon needs to stop saying the esoteric words out loud in here right now thanks
Hey ptg...
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yeah i can't connect
>i scoped the place out with a drone ahead of time
>i prepared bombs in my car
>i planted the rifle in advance
>security sweeps missed the rifle
>they didn't secure the rooftop despite all reason
>they didn't take the shot at me despite seeing me in advance with my gun
>multiple people saw and reported me
>so i only got as far as i did by sheer luck
i'm not surprised people are calling foul play, it certainly makes more sense than the details do
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Why did Trump say he took a bullet for democracy?
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The Moon is bright! The Moon is bright! The Moon is bright! Go look at it!
I liked his bit about taking lil Kim to a Yankees game.
Post shots
Take balls.
because he did! duh!
if trump died, it would be an automatic win for the democrats and that's not democracy!
kike thread
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>i planted the rifle in advance
this needs someone to elaborate
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>late night edition
>or time to get the fuck to bed, burgers edition
the anon who claimed to remote view all three shooters is more plausible
How did this raccoon get in the thread? Is the gate open? Honey check the gate
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Hey there Serena, are going you to increase the thread quality or decrease it tonight? Pick wisely.
fug. wrong post link meant this one >>475030503
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protectthevote.com | trumpforce47.com


But it's a Caturday night!
They never should have missed the gun in their security sweep, they never should have allowed a ladder to be left or a rooftop to be unsecured. There were security gaps a mile wide that allowed an untrained 20 year old to nearly kill Trump. Now that is either massive incompetence that puts every person protected by the Secret Service in mortal danger OR it was entirely intentional to leave the security gaps so their groomed patsy could carry it out.
There's no third option.
And considering that no one has been fired, punished or reprimanded for it is very telling.
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The (((MSM))) REALLY needs that Trump ratings bump, bad. I guess since Israel will win bigly if he's back in office, the only thing left of concern is shekels. The coverage over the last two years has been insane...
That's very disrespectful to all the soldiers who literally fought and died for democracy though. Does he think soldiers dying is a funny punchline he can use at his empty rallies?
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I'm a registered Democrat. The reason is primaries. 2024 will be the seventh presidential election I've voted in, and I have never voted for the Democrat. I hate every god damn one of them. This is a fact no matter how you spin it.
gonna increase it i reckon
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>Caturday night!
church day now.
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okay but that just adds to the absurdity of his plan. he fucking knew that the snipers saw him! he looked at them with a fucking rangefinder!
was he delirious? was his plan really?
>lol i'm going to [REDACT] trump
>and then in the chaos i'm going to detonate the bombs hidden in my car
>then i'm going to mix in with the crowd and get away somehow (with no car)
also what was his plan with the gun? would he have brought it with him? he would have immediately been ID'd if he left it on scene
>There's no third option.
there's the staging conspiracy that claims trumo was never actually shot and used fake blood and all but lol
no anon
they're trying to push Biden out because their 8 year plan has been obliterated by Biden being a vegetable. all because their 2020 field was filled with the most unlikable bunch
what do you mean? trump was shot solely because he was engaging in democracy! if trump wasn't engaging in democracy (running for office) he would never have been shot!
he's just accurately stating the facts of the case!
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I'd also like to add to the discussion. I know a great deal about political theory.
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Hoping to find a good occasion to wear it, now that I have it.
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For anyone who missed a tiny blurb in the convention speech and a piece of the rally speech today: it looks like Trump wants to implement SDI. It will probably be the brilliant pebbles version, which is can be thought of as starlink armed with missiles.
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We all know that's a lie
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Russia are our partner. Our security and economic interests don't align with any country any better than they do with Russia. It's time to re-think long held assumptions regarding treaties and alliances that no longer square with reality.

Russia and the United States should work together to assist African nations to throw off the persistent yokes of European colonialism. They should protect the Alliance of Sahel States from both ECOWAS and France and assist in the industrializaton those nations so that they can achieve true independence and a better life for their populations, and encourage other West African nations to join the Sahel Alliance.
maybe he planned on shooting his way out or that somehow no one would question or report a guy leaving the scene with a rifle?
there has to be an allowance for stupidity in some of these theories, like it just has to make sense in the shooter's head, not in a real model of how things work
impressive how she tied it in a knot
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and blew some random guys head off just to make it look real.
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Exactly. Too many unanswered questions that will unfortunately remain unanswered (in our lifetimes at least) like >>475030842
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I think it's more impressive how she was able to breathe fire for a bit.
I don't think you nor orangeman understand what democracy is...
Sort of makes you wonder if he was told that they wouldn't return fire, doesn't it?
Yeah, but that's retarded. Even for the braindead left.
wait can't everyone breathe fire for a little bit
i do! plato told me and i listened like a good boy! why, what do you think democracy is?
yeah lol but that is genuinely some people's theories
it is 100% unfalsifiable due to its ability to infinitely recurse and question validity of information so it can also just be dismissed out of hand, but if one wants to be thorough it at least should be offered
no dragons
yes dragons racoon on
Everyone's favorite lib has resumed having shit takes.
>Yeah, but that's retarded. Even for the braindead left.
anon i know people in real life who think it was staged it's not as far fetched as you think
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If you support Trump then you also must support Israel. Donald Trump is the most pro-Israel president ever and that’s a good thing. Only liberal tards and mudslimes disagree. MAGA.
Julius Caeser still remains the luckiest person who has *EVER* lived but Trump is climbing the rankings for sure.
I know democracy is not some one liner for Cheeto to throw around like a joke in a bar. He's probably on medication.
That's where you're wrong, pal. Trump has a protector greater than any god.

Arigato, Abe-san.
oh no! you didn't answer my question! that's okay, i'll give you one more chance:
you claim that trump (and myself) do not understand what democracy is! i disagreed and provided you a frame of reference. i then asked you for your frame of reference! you did not answer!
i'll give you one more chance: what is democracy?
He's always been an atheist dumdum.
>this board is swarming with redditfags posting /r/ The_Donald memes again
Yeah. Really dumb real life people.
The world is full of them.
yes but in the epistemic rules we've been forced, sometimes at legal penalty, for following on claims of election fraud it should not be allowed for people to allow increasingly detailed coverups and conspiracies just because the alternative makes trump look good
Just watched today's rally

pretty comfy, good anedoctes with his talks with macron making a french accent, going to baseball with Kim Jong Un, talking about the auto with mexico...
Good flow of topics, hope more people see it. Trump has a more "funny grandpa" vibe a lil bit
You lack a soul. Put the bottle down and get some sleep.
they`ll go to their graves thinking it was fake and bad man is in fact orange.
>one more chance
What are you, biggie smalls now? I don't live in your little box of dumgay logic. You are consistently wrong about everything including biden going away.
they can believe bigfoot did it with help from the aliens in their little hearts but people have suffered real penalties for less outlandish claims about the 2020 election so there is a limited amount of tolerance for schizoshit
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>What are you, biggie smalls now?
no, you are dead wrong!
anyways, biden still hasn't resigned! despite the pressure campaign from crazy nancy and obama, he has stood strong! you are wrong again!
biden is going to weather this storm and force the donors to support him. otherwise, they are complicit in letting trump win!
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no no i wasn't saying
>actually it could make sense
i was saying
>no actually there are fucking retards in the world
it doesn't help that for whatever reason, the secret service decided to not hold a single press conference on the issue. i made this point a few days ago, but it doesn't make sense to go radio silent on this:
it's not like the assassin is still alive and/or in custody waiting to go to trial. he's fucking dead
>try to pull off an RFK
>don't appear to realize because every single person as a 4K camera in their pockets that doesn't work so well in covering your tracks because you can't just confiscate two guys' rolls of film and be on your way
These guys are not bringing their A game anymore.
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i chalk the SS up to bureaucratic sense on realizing they fucked up and should clam up. after all, if they come out and say
>lol yeah we did so much wrong
then someone's getting fired and maybe even arrested if it's deemed negligent enough
doesn't even require a conspiracy for that, you can find any number of politicians, CEOs, legals, that all know to have sudden onsets of amnesia and lack of information when questioned about what looks bad
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Let us prey
Please tell me its not actually gonna be hillary
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I believe that you are talking about athletes that have maxed out.
You have to show some restraint and not destroy your joints, or give yourself a heart attack, but that huge, World's Strongest Man, competer in Iceland, went all out and died young in his own gym, lifting too much weight.
Everybody was sad when it happened, but he chose to die that way.
I never attempt to lift my maximum. I just lift enough that it takes a decent effort to lift enough reps to call it a set.
In the 1970's and 1980's I used to lift 7 days a week.
In the 1990's I reduced that to 6 days a week. Later 5 days a week, and now I just lift 2 or 3 days a week, because I don't want to drive into town more than that.
The MOST important thing is, don't injur yourself. You are working out to improve yourself, not to destroy yourself.
Good luck Fren!
inb4 he was v2k'd into it
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Wait he's not building a literal dome made of iron over the US?
>it doesn't help that for whatever reason, the secret service decided to not hold a single press conference on the issue. i made this point a few days ago, but it doesn't make sense to go radio silent on this:
this is the most damning part.
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this meme might be too dreadful to ever post again do not save it's cursed
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>on realizing they fucked up and should clam up
well most people received a subpoena so they'll be appearing monday and / or tuesday! surely they'll provide all the answers /we/ have been waiting for!
also with hillary being brought up as a potential replacement i saw that benghazi was trending
i wish i was old enough to truly understand the impact of that / the hearings that followed
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Stella I've gotta say coming from a Jewish perspective you all come off really dumb. You all believe in the 2 party system, which we start figuring out as kids is horseshit, you limit yourselves to one religious perspective or dive deep into atheism, both being wrong. You reject anything you cannot understand and believe the news even if we sit you down and tell you it's all lies, all it takes is one story claiming to be the truth by contradicting the other story and bam youre back running on the hamster wheel. You, being a tranny/pre-tranny, are a modern eunuch. You are our tool, we can wave you around in front of these guys to make them believe one thing, and then we'll wave them around thumping a Bible in yours to make you believe the other side of our coin.
If you count mischlings we have an average i.q. of 115, without, 132. Everyone else is retarded compared to us and that's just a reality that you'll either accept or learn. It doesn't matter to me. Oh, by the way, were the only White people.
And with that, I'm out of here.
Found this forum run by a gross tranny where Rule #1 is that you MUST be "A Leftist or Queer ally"
They're pro-assassintation & One of them even wants to be the next to try.


Here's the particular thread:

How do I properly report this shit?
inb4 "not your personal army"...I know. I'm not asking you to do anything but this place is breeding dangerous commies.
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this response was telling
>The JFK assassination had 15 press conferences the first 5 days. There has been ONE since Saturday and the @SecretService didn’t participate.
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AWOO, good night and God bless
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It doesn't sound like incompetence to me, it sounds like premeditated treason.
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whats up luke. did you know the shark poster who builds model ships in his basement has been missing a long time
it's misprision of felony/treason.
treason would be if a government official pulled the trigger
ie- if the ss themselves pulled the trigger
>whats up luke. did you know the shark poster who builds model ships in his basement has been missing a long time

You trying to psyop?

Why should I care?
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don't worry i'm sure we'll be assured that everything failed according to process, so no one is at fault
rather similar innit? security theater exposed for being theater, bureaucracy decides #1 priority is self-preservation, gets political and partisan and therefore unresolvable
funny thing about benghazi is it resulted in deaths of US citizens and was proclaimed as some kind of forced faux grievance by republicans, but trump was impeached over a fucking phone call to ukraine over nitpicking on the language. calling 2020 fraudulent based on disagreements on how the process works (ballot harvesting and whatnot) in relation to what the process is supposed to mean is considered a heinous attack on the soul of the country, but an assassination attempt on the leading political dissident is fair game to dismiss as conspiratorial (even up to claiming parts of the current government are in on it) by the "democrats"
book of two rules etc. etc. there is no way to play the game except punishing enemies top and bottom, which is why the nonsense pearl-clutching about right-wing turnabout is nonsense. no unity but victory
>You trying to psyop?
when am i not psyopping
>Why should I care?
you shouldnt!
>Anybody know why the dead body on the roof seems jacked ?
Crooks has the body of an ant Kek
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>You trying to psyop?
>when am i not psyopping
>Why should I care?
>you shouldnt!

Hehe, good one!!
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things are getting more kgb
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>which is why the nonsense pearl-clutching about right-wing turnabout is nonsense. no unity but victory
this is why i am so often disappointed with "my side"
fucking faggots all of them
MAGA checked
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Am I on your side?
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May have lost my water bottle yesterday :/

The one from the George Clooney psyop at purdue...

Might have to use the one from the Taylor Swift video again.

I retired it after the stupid Travis Kelce psyop/ public rape

It just goes to show that I don't have friends.

If you accientally leave your water bottle at a friends, and then it dissappears, that person is not your friend, ami right?
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on a lighter note, read this
i was right! it was just too fucking hot
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>Am I on your side?

Suicide ?
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>cat on a hot tin roof kek confirmed
a lot of guys are not here because of ideological disagreement with the left, but personal
>why am *i* not one of the cool metrosexual orbiters of academia???
and their behavior is not in opposition to them, but strategically trying to position into them
yes i already saw the
>it was too hot to be on the roof
problem: why was it not too hot for the SS snipers?
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>90 degrees
32 c.
just get fucked.
wear a fucking hat and some zinc.
>problem: why was it not too hot for the SS snipers?
You guys ever piss so hard it feels like you pissed away your life force and you ain't getting it back any time soon?
Insane people sometimes do insane thing, sometimes even successfully.
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has trump confirmed that he will make SEGA great again if elected?
unfortunately, due to the dei nature of the ragtag security team... it just being too hot is entirely possible.
We'll never truly know.
why do you think he was insane?
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Can we just agree that the mockingbird/mkultra/project lincoln/project paperclip didn't work, and just stop doing it?

Essentially it all just boils down to advanced stalking/terrorism.

You can put lipstick on a pittbull, and dress a pig up and put him on a leash, but it still doesn't change the fact that it's just torture and targeted harrassment against the people with government funds...
Is Maher taking Cenk's "don't ask questions just consume news product" approach to the assassination attempt?
He grilled pete buttjudge a bit on it.
oh no the heckin 90 degree dry heat
how unbearable
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luke you are a targeted individual for AI taylor swifted psyops 24/7 wherever you go and there is no escape haha sucks to suck
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just steal one from your gym, karmically it’ll even out
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Luke, sometimes I worry that the Makiposter doesn't like me. Which makes me very upset because I work very hard for everyone to like me. What should I do?
So this makes how many differing excuses now?
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remember when buttplug went on gay parent leave for 3 months in the middle of the worst shipping and transportation crises Post-WW2?
you should talk politics
makiposter likes that!
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>You guys ever piss so hard it feels like you pissed away your life force and you ain't getting it back any time soon?

Yeah, being full of piss can be exciting

>luke you are a targeted individual for AI taylor swifted psyops 24/7 wherever you go and there is no escape haha sucks to suck

Ikr, at least im not the only one to have figured that out :/

Ty for noticing my friend.

Was getting stalked by real cops at one of my gym :/

They were harrassing me in the locker-room, going to the gym the same time I was...
>we have investigated ourselves and concluded that we did nothing wrong
>therefore no further action is warranted
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were in a civil war. it's going to get much much worse.
What are the chances? Place your bids.
but it would be very funny so i'll ditch rational thinking and say 10%
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not like he could have done anything to fix it, the useless fucking poofta.
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Fucking Pocahontas is at it again.
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because cow farts
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sinewave from 0 to 1 repeating every 20 minutes in terms of probability
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I'm sorry frens, but I cannot discuss politics with the Makiposter. He always wants to discuss South Sudan or Hilton Head and I'm too experienced on those topics to have meaningful discussions with him. It's like talking to a toddler, his understand of politics is too rudimentary. I try to lighten up the conversation instead with funny memes, but it's like he doesn't have a sense of humor at all. How do I make the Makiposter laugh?
Had Brian Dennehy just left Sylvester Stallone alone his town wouldn't have been destroyed.
>just steal one from your gym, karmically it’ll even out

The one i found at the gym was brand new.

This is why spying on me 24/7 is bullshit.

I don't think walking off with a new waterbottle that was obviously set there as promo-swag justifies an all out war on me resulting in what essentially it reaulted in.. a Trump assassination

Stop making every little thing I do everyones business.

At thecend of it all, its about the money that was stolen from me, but they will take any little thing bad that happens and amplify it on FOX News to make it somhow justifiable to keep all my money and gangstalk me with government resources

Lots of people getting raped, murdered, shot, Trump got shot..

All because a bunch of faggots on tv, radio, movies etc want to do psyops and torture an innocent to death
Where's the shoe?
kek you have literal minimum wage wagies pushing carts around in 110F for their entire shift, but SS probably getting paid 7 figures a year can't handle standing around in 90F?

also wtf does any of that have to do with spotting a fucker on a roof or paying attention to the reports of the fucker on the roof?
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the government was simply fortifying democracy.
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see the real problem is the official details are simply outlining that multiple independent levels of security catastrophically failed their task, which is why some people find conspiracy more believable. the alternative is realizing our society collectively just fails at tasks and lies about it all the time
epistemics is a favorite topic so here's a related tangent: i'm reading a bunch of old /x/ posts of le cryptids or whatever. i'm not a big believer, it's just fun. over the years i've seen many debates against that as insane nonsense. a frequent argument is appeal to consensus reality by lack of institutional proof, usually scoffing that you'd have to be insane to think the world's institutions would be too incompetent to find them or that they're all covering it up. yet here we see that collective layers of security on one of the most secured people on the planet failed utterly. they're totally unrelated topics, but you see similar arguments made in other spheres
>psh, you think all the world's top economists/doctors/climatologists are wrong?
remember when some finn was saying something similar about the elite capitol police that'd put a stop to any insane terrorism? they folded into the most inner chambers without a single shot fired at them, the crowd was apparently so close to some congressmen that it was a matter of which hallways people went down
while i will probably continue seeing the appeal to expert consensus against outsider theories or frameworks from topics to economics to aliens, it should become increasingly apparent this is fundamentally not a sound one. it turns out that the best and the brightest actually can all independently fail. and that's still assuming good faith and actual merit
>How much industrialism lies buried in the notion of thought! As if one could ever work things out. One does not think one's way out, one gets out, and then sees (that it wasn't one ...).
Unironically the FBI (I know, I know) and also people like libsoftiktok (I know, I know). The type of subhuman disgusting freaks who browse such sites are rats who scurry away with sunlight.
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or not having a fucking drone in the air?
thats a really good question.
where was the cheap drone coverage?
saw somewhere the shooter used one to scope the fucking site out days before.
>also wtf does any of that have to do with spotting a fucker on a roof or paying attention to the reports of the fucker on the roof?
the sad part about this detail is they probably had such little respect for rallygoers that they did not pay attention to a single thing they were told
This song is now my favorite song...

It has become my spirit animal.. lmao


Is this honky tonk galifinakis not a genius or ??

based catholic queen
Some rando claims a pizza place has a sex dungeon and people believe it completely. Trump owns a child beauty pageant while hanging out with Epstein and flying on the Lolita Express and those same people think he's running some complex sting operation with zero payoff. Okay.
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glad you understand!
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There's no information in Pokémon canon to suggest Serena is Catholic. That's like just a projection by the Serenaposter.
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>turns out that the best and the brightest actually can all independently fail. and that's still assuming good faith and actual merit
>Some rando claims a pizza place has a sex dungeon and people believe it completely. Trump owns a child beauty pageant while hanging out with Epstein and flying on the Lolita Express and those same people think he's running some complex sting operation with zero payoff. Okay.

I think it's called comet pizza
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the difference is james elephantis would post creepy shit with infants and talk about canniballism on instagram. while trump never did anything like that. and appears to have done the beauty pageant thing as a gift for his daughter ivanka, leaving it when she out grew it. so context matters here. but you dont have the IQ to understand subtle signs
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who could have predicted it’d be machines ushering in the new golden era of country music
>There's no information in Pokémon canon to suggest Serena is Catholic. That's like just a projection by the Serenaposter.

Are we talkong about
.Serena Maxwell, Serena Williams, Serena Carpenter Salina Gomez ?

I mean, I know how these project mocking bird ops work, and then the cieling fan from the YMCA gym being in the Serena Carpenter song, Jake Paul, jake jilinhal, paul frasier.. JP etc etc..

I saw Lawrence instigating fights with JP..

It's all a fucking con..

Lets talk about it ehh?
At the RNC, the speakers kept talking about how "the MAGA movement doesn't care if you're gay or straight", they said this many times. Implying it's now ok for gay folk to join the movement, and that they don't give a fuck about marriage. They also dropped the idea that marriage is 1 man 1 woman from the GOP platform. They seem to want to be gay friendly now.

But they also say things like "men will no longer play in women's sports" and "we will get pornographic drag shows out of our schools".

How can these possibly go together? Is MAGA now open to LGBT or not? They're speaking out of both sides of their mouth.
anon i'm not defending the GOP on this issue but it's not hard
>faggots good
>transgenders bad
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No Luke, unfortunately we are talking about the Serenaposter of Serenaposter infamy. Seen here:
You may have noticed when images of this character are made, thread quality always suffers as a result. That's why most people in /ptg/ have united to try and stop the Serena menance.
He owned it until 2015. Ivanka was 33 when he sold it. So no, he didn't buy it just for her and then sell it when she aged out.
LGB =/= T
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They will all be equal in hell.
I been browsing Twitter the past few days and there is not a lot of support for Vance as Trump's vice president. A lot of people just do not trust Vance. Many will not forgive Vance's Hitler comments about Trump and his supporters and do not understand why Trump could not just find another vice president candidate that never called him Hitler. Meanwhile, the only support for Vance I found on Twitter have been from accounts that previously shilled hard for DeSantis and who absolutely hated Trump. Basically, Vance did not get much hype from MAGA accounts and only got hype from blackpilling DeSimps.
He has THREE encrypted oversea accounts, what do you mean those gamer arms could not carry a 12ft ladder and a rifle?
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leaving the pageant and selling it are different things anon. when did he buy the pageant?
which means ivanka would have been about 15 or the age when she might have been most interested in stuff like MISS USA pageants. you slow witted fool. lets keep digging deeper into james elephantis though
Why the change to want to include gay folks?

I guess it makes sense to me because being a trans person is something you have to go to a doctor for pills about because something is hurting you - it's a medical issue. Doctor's treat disease.

Being gay - you don't go to the doctor for being gay.

Don't most MAGA people still give a fuck about gays? So why are the GOP lying?
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Trusting (((polls)))
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what do you think about pic related anon? is it evidence of anything sinister or innocent? has trump ever posted anything similar?
Because I am
>who could have predicted it’d be machines ushering in the new golden era of country music
>https://youtu.be/ig0Udm4N4Ac (Trippin' Fat Kids at the YMCA) [2:35]

The bathroom in the basement at the YMCA in the bank downtowb, (the one that stole my trust fund) has two-way mirrors and hidden hallways in the locker room

I saw a guy come out from the walls one day in the locker room...

And he was knockibg on the walls trying to pretend like he was a ghost... I started banging on the walls and told him to come out, and he did

Was like an older guy,construction guy wearing one of those neon miley cyrus paris construction vests, total fucking faggot...
Hiding in walls of ymca bank/gym locker rooms, knockong on walls trying to scare me while im showering in the bathroom :! Wtf!

>No Luke, unfortunately we are talking about the Serenaposter of Serenaposter infamy. Seen here:
>You may have noticed when images of this character are made, thread quality always suffers as a result. That's why most people in /ptg/ have united to try and stop the Serena menance.

No youre not faggot.

Its not, ((coincidence)) lol

Nice try,con artist!
>lets keep digging deeper into james elephantis though

go for it. while you're at it, lock up bill clinton since he also hung out with epstein. doesn't change the fact that trump is 100% a pedophile. but i think that's what maga likes about him. bunch of pedophiles and pedo apologists
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I might finally get a maga hat, but I don't know which one I want. I like the classic one better, but 45-47 might be a fun/weird one to own if biden croaks or quits and harris becomes 47. thoughts?
so 6% nimarata voters.
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anon i greatly dislike faggots and am very upset that "our side" has seemingly accepted fag marriage as law
that being said, it's very obvious that you can coherently argue
>gay people should be able to get married
>but transgender creatures are bad
it's not a leap in logic at all
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Who TF are (you)
i think you should wait a week before buying a MAGA hat
only because any movement from biden will come this upcoming week. it's either he fucks off or stays in (also you can't go wrong with red)

you mean like this?
>doesn't change the fact that trump is 100% a pedophile
ohh look another creepy infant post from james jimmy comet pizza alefantis
or this?
I'm for sure getting one of the red ones
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at the worst to me it seems to be a father who spoiled his daughter. trump obviously gave ivanka anything she ever asked for. the thing is now that she is grown up and has her own family she seems entirely well adjusted and almost disgustingly successful without a hint of tragic neuropathy from childhood trauma. and to be honest it makes me a bit jealous
Posting those pictures says a lot more about you than anything
Are most Repubs actually okay with it though? I don't think so. It smells like a ploy for votes. No way gays vote R. Same thing with blacks right? Or are the gays and blacks and Hispanics and young folk actually turning to Trump? What's in it for them?
>'offshore accounts'
>bitcoin wallets with nothing in them
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Wow... This anon is absolutely right. I guess I'm ridin' with Biden now...
Donald Dump! Haha
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I can't believe they just leave this lying around where anyone could find it.
>What's in it for them?
well why are you voting for trump
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Ben Carson was far more popular than JD Vance back in June according to the same YouGov data you are using right now

i warned you about assassins bro!!!!
i told you man
i TOLD you about assassins!
wow hold on let me check if I care
don't go anywhere I'll get right back to you
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Jannies are gay.
I have a juicy booty
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MAGA is for traditional man on man anal sex but not that ridiculous gender-bending nonsense! When you fuck another dude he has to look like a dude ok?
Trump's a fag just like his supporters


Kids do dumb stuff!

Ivanka was like 15 and she prob never got to go out much and she was comfortable that day and wanted to dance!!

Don't be an asshole!

Thats hitting below the belt, talking about literally nothibg from 30 years ago!!
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>i warned you about assassins bro!!!!
>i told you man
>i TOLD you about assassins!

Have you seen this film?
Trump's a supporter just like his fags
Ben Carson grabs far more independent and moderate voters than JD Vance can dream of and you can not win a presidential election with only registered republican voters. Trump already has Ohio in the bag even without JD Vance while Ben Carson would have made it easier for Trump to win Michigan

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You are gay.
with all the claims of stochastic durrdurr on all sides now, i wonder how much that contributed to >>475035094
like i wonder if there wasn't overt or covert thoughts of
>these dumb conspiracy boomers don't know anything they're in a cult
>guy with a rifle on the roof? yeah right we'll get right on that *makes crazy sign to coworker*
or even softly thinking
>well he deserves it
especially as SS watched it happen. none of that requires planning or conscious behavior, even
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>I have a juicy booty

But, are you a real womanz?
No I'm a tranny
You're right. I'm now blackpilled about Vance. It's ogre bros :(
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What are the coincidences that Tyrus looks like captain phillips?
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we fag our loves folks
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Our we folks love fags
Why would Republicans vote for this?
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>No I'm a tranny

Ok, then not for me, but there are PLENTY of guys out there who love trannys :)

Like, I don't not love you, just im not sexually attracted to trannys

So if your advertising your juicy booty, wasjust asking but I only like juicy vag and booty

But I dont even have sex anymore, too much of a security concern rn :/
I understand. I have to keep my tranny booty secure too. It's very hard when guys are constantly trying to slide in my DMs and rizz me up.
Miga fags are just 90s liberals who want war with Iran
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bad bait
No you
Ben Carson is the only man in America who once nationally polled higher than Trump back in 2012 to 2016. People here are vastly underestimating Ben Carson's popularity among independents and moderates.

>tfw chang is talking to himself
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>I understand. I have to keep my tranny booty secure too. It's very hard when guys are constantly trying to slide in my DMs and rizz me up.

Ikr, if you date one in real life, be safe, guys are always trying to take advantage of a pretty lady :)
Did you piss yourself when orange faggot got shot? You were just 2 cm from being unemployed!
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>I understand. I have to keep my tranny booty secure too. It's very hard when guys are constantly trying to slide in my DMs and rizz me up.

In my case, it is avulnerability because if I date, that person becomes a vector if attack

Gutfeld! Will immediately know because he has eyes on me 24/7... then they will identify who I am dating and start crackibg on her and watching her

Then songs will come on the radio, more gangstalking will continue, then at some point, Emily Compagno will prob launch her rap career and have maverick on her video, prob have sword class referrences and other bullshit, she will probablly arrest me on a beach in hawaii after stealing pot out of my ziplock, sending me to prison, then smokibg a blunt of it with maverick and sucking him off.. prob have a mini golf refference in there too

Cool show!! Lol
radio traffic might help determine if this was the case, even a little
(although there's rumors that none of it was recorded)
Someone is mad.
>(although there's rumors that none of it was recorded)
More of Bidens commies shown for what they are.

Why would I be mad? If the bullets don't get him the diet coke and cheeseburgers will. And this fake and gay movement of phony populists will die with him.
two more weeks lol
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>muffled chink crying noises
Eat shit chang, you slanted eyes faggot lol,.
yellow chink fingers typed this
Blumpf! lol!
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you sound mad.
you are mad right?
also a bit salty.
flustered, triggered and even a bit.....you know.....deflated.
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I'm voting for Ted Cruz because I'm a principled conservative
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When we destroy the bad leaders of third world countries and install good leaders the immigration from that country will drastically decrease.
Did you tape a sanitary pad to your ear in solidarity?
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Downtown activity in major American cities is often a small fraction of what it was in 2019
>So why are the GOP lying?
They aren't. Gays are now off the policy table. Did you actually think Donald Trump, New York real estate magnate, was going to ban faggotry?
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Retarded nigger insists Trump was not shot, there is no place on social media and with advertisers for insane dangerous conspiracy theorists. Be sure to let twitter know.
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i wonder what power usage patterns show as well that's another indicator of real economic activity
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Threat to rape and kill Trump and Vance's family from "Wiseman"
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So, do ordinary American people think that the assassination attempt against Donald Trump was an inside job of US government?

These are the details I found on the internet.
> Victoria Nuland was telling that something was going to happen to Trump so that he can't win the election.
> Many people reported about Crooks to the police and SS, but they didn't take care of him until he opened fire against Donald Trump.
> Many people witnessed there was another shooter on the watertower. Plus, the recorded audio of the scene implies there were two shooters.
> A lot of stocks of Truth Social which was founded by Donald Trump was sold one day before the assassination attempt. The company that sold the stocks was Austin Private Wealth which has connection to Bush family.

This incident is as fishy as the assassination of JFK.
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ahh by your comment i will take it you are in fact all those things i stated and will adjust my comments to you accordingly.
here goes.
why would anyone do that?
thats just silly of you to imply anyone would do that but you.
i bet you feel your comment was such a good insult and you are sitting laughing to yourself, alone.
we will know a lot more monday after the SS director testifies before congress
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well that a trillion dollar post.
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>chink is surprised by the concept of bandage on a wound
Speaks volumes about the quality of chink medicine lol.
every fucking time.
well it doesn`t involve rubbing the penis of an endangered species on it.
it's okay republicans and democrats are going on a field trip monday to the shooting site (also some democrats are calling on the SS director to resign so it's likely she is going to do so)
Swedish media currently: The only reason Biden hasn't dropped out is because Harris is lazy, incompetent and inexperienced.
Or just straight up dying from a minor wound.
That's a lot of words just to say she's a typical darkie.
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Fucking lelmao
The whole idea of putting Harris in was just to grab some brown votes and have a very weak VP against replacing Biden or asserting against him. She is totally unfit.
there's currently three camps:
1. biden stays put despite fleeing donors and anxious voters
biden dropping out of the race would create a logistical nightmare for everyone involved; there's rumors that he wouldn't even endorse kamala. these people think that if biden just ignores everybody eventually his naysayers will run out of time and the donors will be forced to support him, otherwise trump wins by default
2. kamala harris should be the nominee
these people think biden should drop out and endorse his VP. harris would be the first black women to be president and that would hopefully play well to the american electorate. furthermore, skipping over harris with a white male would cause great division within the party
3. an open primary
these people are terrified that biden will lose to trump and that harris would lose even harder. they want an open primary so that people like shapiro (PA), cooper (NC), or whitmer (MI) could potentially enter the race and earn the nomination

tl;dr it's all fucked and democrats are panicking. and yes harris is a dumb nigger
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"these freaks are lighting themselves on FIRE.. we ARE FIRE... we have bladee and Joeyy on the campaign trail... we have Roman Polanski directing our new campaign ads... Ford Raptors blaring Burzum, doing burnouts in bike lanes... our will is an IRON SWORD... they will feel us.."
wow you actually have accurate media lmfao
no she won't lol they can't even get biden to quit
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So what was the scripted narrative you'd be posting right now if Carson was VP pick? Is it that's he's sleepy and lazy and also throw in the word "nigger"? How was that angle supposed to go? I feel like I could write these scripts for you.
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(there's actually a high chance she does step down i'd say 80%)
but hey that never happens in the biden admin
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Kek, all these biden appointments being called out.
Muslim commie sex is rape:

Black tranny:

If you are attending Trump rallies from now on, please be sure to take the time to be vigilant and look everywhere. If you notice anything at all suspicious report it immediately to authorities and post it on social media
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Media justifies gypsy riot that burned down part of Leeds UK
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In case you’ve forgotten, here’s Joe Biden casually implying that Barack Obama is gay. From June of 2007.
>kick out biden
>replace him with kanye
its really their only hope
so the bad police going after the innocent aladdins.
a story as old as time.
Reminder that Trump wins MN, and NH in November.
>they want an open primary so that people like shapiro (PA), cooper (NC), or whitmer (MI) could potentially enter the race
I can't see anyone worth a shit wanting to dive into this shit-fight.
I also don't think Biden is particularly persuaded by anyone. He's convinced that since he's the only Dem to beat Trump, only he can do it again, and he personally feels fine.
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NH is a serious contest, MN is a stretch. They're looking at az and nm before MN on reports somehow.
TWO templars in *my* /ptg/?! What is becoming of this general...
It's the secret service's job to tell them to get on the fucking roof or cancel the event if it cannot be secured.
>I can't see anyone worth a shit wanting to dive into this shit-fight.
the big problem that some dems have is that they believe not only will biden lose in november, but he is so unpopular that he will drag senate and house races down with him
so the idea is that they replace biden and even if they do lose, they will at least soften the blow and make it more competitive in november
a democrat on fox news said it best
>if trump does win in november, and it is looking that way, then we need to have brakes on his administration
>those brakes are in the house and senate
The best one is still when their immediate excuse was "they would face fines from OSHA for sending agents up there because the roof is too pitched". They really said that.
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Distinguishing between the massive IQ gap is the key
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this is just like the 3rd book in lord of the rings when the king returns
Uzaki-chan got them fatass boobies
What do you think of Jaques DeMolay?
>They're looking at az and nm before MN on reports somehow.
why are you confused?
since 2000 arizona has been red 5 out of 6 times (6 out of 6 without fraud)
since 2000 new mexico has been red 1 out of 6 times (2 out of 6 without fraud)
since 2000 minnesota has been red 0 out of 6 times
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one posts eggs and pretends to be retarded
With an 8 point swing rightward from 2020, MN tilts Trump.
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So true

I don't believe the corrupt church of the time was correct in their charges at all, it looks far more like expropriation of the large ledgers of the templars who served a great function in their hayday of keeping the Templar states. They could have regained the holy land and repelled the ottomans easily if Europe were a united front at he time instead of a fractured mess of traitors.
Do you think the Templars escaped? Apparently the night they were all supposed to be arrested, most disappeared from France. not much record of what happened after.
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This photo / video makes shivers run down my spines.
Picrel is something you could mass-market, for example, as a new kind of lapel pin for Republicans or you could take a flag and sew it together as a kind of banner to hang in your lawn. Provided Trump becomes President and doesn't get offed, this would become a cash cow.
As they say, one who pretends to be retarded soon finds himself in lovely company.

My point is that NM is on the slate somehow in campaigns mind, and is a more frequent topic of discussion. Nm has fared poorly under the invasion and regime in a more profound way than even MN. MN is a tough nut that we almost cracked in 2016 but it has been really decimated by what I suspect is mass exodus as shown by the shart of Minneapolis activity being the lowest of any American city
If you mean general polling, Trump is currently 11.5 points ahead of where he polled in 2020 and 6 points ahead of where he polled in 2016.
I think it mostly boils down to money.
>Biden stays
Existing money stays where it is, but donors refuse or reluctantly give smaller amounts to a possible losing campaign that could take the downballot races with them
>Kamala is the nominee
Existing money also stays, but is a wasted effort on building up a new ticket (website, signage, ads) for what is almost definitely a losing candidate. Could also tank the downballot.
>Open primary
Existing money gets released and can be used to focus on downballot races, roadblocking a Trump administration, but, whomever the new nominee/ticket is, has 4 months (less with early voting) to build a campaign from scratch and could potentially damage the nominee's future.

>tl;dr it's all fucked and democrats are panicking. and yes harris is a dumb nigger
2016 would be a more fair assessment but I believe MN is uniquely facing an exodus and political machine fix.
Surely some escaped the madness but the primary goal seems to be the corrupt papcys desire to crush the organizations that does not fully stand under their authority as they wish and the desire to steal their properties and gold.
none of the algorithms include the fraud coefficient tho
So... What have we learned?
Or the blue rally. MAGA has started their advance and are somehow losing ground.
Uzaki-chan has fatass titties
>MAGA has started their advance and are somehow losing ground.
what do you mean by this



I had not seen that. Regardless, if that swing holds generally true - and I estimate that it does - Minnesota and New Hampshire tilt red. Virginia is still likely D though.
Distractions are fun! Hear no, speak, see no evil unless it's a Democrat or Moderate!
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rise from your grave
Fat titties

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