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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>Pres Trump and JD Vance Rally, Grand Rapids, MI 7/20/2024
https://rumble.com/v577w5d-live-president-trump-and-jd-vance-hold-major-rally-in-grand-rapids-michigan.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Accepts Candidacy at RNC, Milwaukee, WI 7/18/2024
https://rumble.com/v56kkyl-live-day-four-2024-republican-national-convention-in-milwaukee-wisconsin-71.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Rally at Butler, PA 7/13/2024
https://rumble.com/v560lb8-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-butler-pennsylvania-71324.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Rally at Doral, FL 7/9/2024
https://rumble.com/v560kfz-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-at-trump-national-in-doral-florida-7924.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump at Chesapeake, VA 6/28/2024
https://rumble.com/v53g5gg-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-chesapeake-virginia-62824.html (RSBN)
>First Presidential Debate, Atlanta, GA 6/27/2024
>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>475062123

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Really makes you think
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Whefyus shall expand and cause the Western World to revolt and break apart globohomo causing birthrates to explode.
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You didn't even try.

Simple shit like this is why you've never been able to change a single mind... and you never will.
20 pushups, 20 situps, 50 jumping jacks, 30 trigger pulls in 1.5 minutes.
That's your Morning Warmup for today.
For reading today.
at least you changed your flag this thread
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Old classic gif, like squidwardposting
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And all.
>reddit spacing faggot seething
>Whefyus shall expand and cause the Western World to revolt and break apart globohomo causing birthrates to explode.
Fake and gay. She made it up, as seen here
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Other thread fell below 300 because Mods banned him for a third time lmao
you still havent explained why you are here larping everyday
What's even the Democrat narrative right now
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Threadly reminder that you're still a liar.
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It's awoovement
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Kek’d and saved!
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caps spammer got got again, I'm sure he'll try again
I had forgotten about this gif, thank you so much for posting it again
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Someone's obsessed huh
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Oof. Tough break.
They literally don't have one, because they don't even have a candidate right now.
Sen. Johnson: “I’ve Seen Evidence that “There May Have Been TWO SHOOTERS” – “We Can’t Trust the FBI and Secret Service to Do an Honest and Open Investigation”

Wow! New polls are coming out and they are VERY bad for Trump! Biden is going to win and it won't even be close.
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nonstop, acting a recruitment center to slaughter communist swine in war. God I can't wait for my homeland to snap on Modernity. ANTIFA shall burn like the betrayer in Dante's 9th level of Hell.
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>The shareblue redditor is now posting from his phone and PC
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>regulars: I don’t let shills bother me, just filter and move on.
>also regulars: used 4plebs to spot out shills in hopes that they’ll leave and never return
it’s kinda cute actually
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y-yeah we've all done that right haha
one time i ate a $10 box of white strawberries and it was incredible but salads arent real
Post the flight logs then. We'll tear them apart through analysis as we usually do when one of you leftists is actually brave enough to post sources.
same as it's always been - "Orange man bad," except now they don't even have an alternative
the asshurt is off the charts
Lol we read the court documents and they prove Trump had nothing to do with it try harder shill.
Kek, I'm convinced that cuckold Destiny is the one doing this
Most anons stop by here every day. What is your point?
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checked, United Nations is roasted to the ground as all member states revoke their placement.
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Project 2025 is le ebil
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You will never be a real Roman. You have no consuls, you have no Latins, you have no Rome. You are a Greek man twisted by LARPs and historical accident into a crude mockery of Jupiter’s perfection.

All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your ancestors are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “fellow Christians” laugh at your trinitarian theology behind closed doors.

Historians are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of historiography have allowed historians to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even Byzantines who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a historian. Your government structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk historian to call you Roman, he’ll turn tail and retract the second he hears your slurred Greek language.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll stop paying tribute to the Turks, sit behind your walls, have one last service in the Hagia Sophia, and wait for the merciful coup de grace. Your posterity will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll record your history with a historiographical term derived from your capital city, and every tourist for the rest of eternity will know a Greek kingdom is buried there. Your artifacts will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is an archaeology that is unmistakably Greek.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.
he is here 18 hours a day, 7 days a week
Where is the shot pedo? I only see the greatest president ever. Still waiting on you to show the pedo.
This guy sure has a lot of McDonald's Wifi locations
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downgrade desu
Your original ban was for violating US law.
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Gen X losers with back problems sure hate phone posters :^)
no one here that often is a cool nazi bro with big muscles fucking lots of white women

people here that often are losers, lmao

the larp is impossible to overlook once you see it
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You won't do shit, silly beeflips. Have you even washed your taint this week? Can you find it under all those "naturally healthy fluff" folds?
You smell like rotting tuna and vinegar. You'd make a big hit in a British pub, we're all sure.

You refuse to answer to the CHILD he HARMED IN THE US CAPITAL, and continue to attempt to bait, like a woman.

I have no fear of you, or your "Teams" which aren't yours, clearly.
last month, this poll was like 31-56, so trump is like +9 more favorable than he was in June
is it usually this bad on Sundays or did something specific kick the hive
Lettucebros… it’s so over
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>he is here 18 hours a day, 7 days a week
gotta get that overtime while he can
FLASHBACK: CTR had the best shills
Lol liberals mad that Trump would take a bullet for them and their candidate wouldn't spit on them if they were on fire.
Joe's Black Man officially says Joe stays, so Joe's staying. The "pass the torch" crowd hardest hit.
But Project 2025 has nothing to do with Trump
I don't know who your referring to now..
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I hate myself for relating this much to Darth Vader, another fucking useless weak pathetic nothing more then an absolute failure.
>Do a poll of favorability of Trump
>Don't put out Biden's favorability
>Don't put out the horse race election poll
They spiked the real poll
assuming it's not the same person, the "Trump is an antichrist" spammer went on a poopsocking posting binge that lasted 6 solid days without ever going more than a 20 minutes between posts
>We Can’t Trust the FBI and Secret Service to Do an Honest and Open Investigation
You can't trust them BECAUSE THEY DID IT.

I'm genuinely going schizo here. The discussion on the evidence of this being an ACTUAL conspiracy has completely evaporated. Every midwit on earth is prattling on about the shooter and the incompetency of SS, when that does not matter in light of the fact that THIS WAS PLANNED BY THE FEDS.
THERE IS A FUCKING PAPER TRAIL. $DJT and $RUM were massively shorted the day BEFORE the attempt. Six days later CrowdStrike mysteriously fucked up millions of systems, especially those that deal with finance. It is such a blatant move to delete any hard financial evidence that it is baffling, yet people unironically believe that this was just an oopsy by a pajeet.
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>or did something specific kick the hive
It would be this one, don't know what though.
>source given is a random tweet by a DNC-aligned outlet
I think honestly Russia may be pissed, but I'm certain there's some niggers in DC who are just now getting the memo that the gravy train may end.
It can take some minds more time to realize their own acts have consequences.
Yes and all the flight longs were him taking his family home to New York. Lol what a retard
oh like i'll ever find such a woman let alone make myself a hero or brave.
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It might have been that Michigan poll that had trump up by 7 points

I assume that went over poorly in their carefully curated discords
the polish flag who spams soft core porn and masterbates with his father
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feel free to work on the other spammer any time anons
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>replying to retarded lefty shills
I see it's a little too early in the day for some ppl!
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Yes I know. But it's all they have to campaign on
Society only gets better under conservatives. Look at all the drug crime ridden cities Democrats run.
Oh I never seen that guy before. You sure you're not talking about another thread?
im the antichrist poster, the guy spamming right now isnt me

he even said hes an atheist, i talked with him a little bit earlier today
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They’re newfags or just typical regulars with anger issues. Lol!
Your memes are bad and you should feel bad
this guy >>475066824
checked, like i'll do anything better
I think one of them is legit Destiny lmao
hey i wonder if any of those "sources say" that biden will drop out article writers will face any repercussions for lying
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>reddit spacing christianlarping muslim nigger so mad about people having fun
Electoral College changes in 2024 Election:
Texas +2
Florida +1
Montana +1
North Carolina +1
Ohio -1
West Virginia -1
*Total Red States (2020) gained: 3

California -1
Illinois -1
Michigan -1
New York -1
Pennsylvania -1
Oregon +1
Colorado +1
*Total Blue States (2020) gained: -3
Yeah that guy is a satan worshiper (proven and admitted to)
i dont care that you here all day everyday
i just dont like your larping

as a realist, larpers are anathema to me
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>I think one of them is legit Destiny lmao
that fag was bragging about making $millions a year
think he can ever recover from this week?
He didn't make them they just come off the Shareblue server.
either go the fuck to sleep or kill yourself
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Awoo to (You)
much like how DEI has ravaged every institution, so too has it reduced the quality of shilling. they weren't sending their best before and now it's more bottom-barrel than ever
could be some disastrous internal news going on we've yet to hear, but leaks seem to be pretty bad within the admin/campaign so I feel like we'd know pretty early if something terrible is happening to them
plus 7? that's crazy, I'd be drinking or huffing glue if I was down by seven points in such a crucial state
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Only started posting daily on /ptg/ AFTER trump lost, is a reject from the now retired /nsg/, and has very weird sexual anger. Most likely a Slavic muslim living in Poland. He also begs for (You)s, checkems and does mass replies. The one who always answer is some leaf.
Lol that's false. No Democrat can win because you made a living martyr
Protip= always tear a head of lettuce. If for some reason you have to slice it, use a plastic blade. Once sliced with a metal blade it will spoil rapidly.
can't do anything right, just a fuck up.
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Oh, that's not at all who you described
you guys think anyone you dont like is me, your pattern recognition sucks

you forget im an empath
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Realistically, how can Trump recover after not getting endorsed by the Hawk Tuah girl?
>Most likely a Slavic muslim living in Poland.
you sure it's not just Eva?
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>Was Secret Service tied to effort to strip Trump of security detail? Records requests seek answers
Another rabbit hole appears.
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I lowkey love this comic though
now THAT'S satire
oh? describe the anon who i pointed out. in your own words who is he?
like i could awoo right
the answer is simple anyway
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...our response?
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it's fun that they're still running this bit
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Is anyone in charge going to question why one of the FBI directors was in the audience with her camera ready when it happened or are they just going to go with "it wasn't her just a woman who looks exactly like her" and DMCA all postings of the photo showing it is her?
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Extreme Awoo Hours are all day long!
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Existential threat for who?
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I imagined Richard at the gates of heaven.
"Lawwwwd! I have arrived! Tell me, what did I ruin, I must've messed up such a big day!"
"Richard... Bro... It's... What's about to happen.. (whispers into Richard Simmons ear)"
(not intended to diagnose if Simmons is in heaven or hell and is intended for entertainment purposes only)
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I'm guessing.Biden and his friends will try to murder Trump again to save democracy.
They don't have a platform other than death and destruction to make money.
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This is a moderate Xray day, so far, but it is higher than what we had across 2017-2021.
Bro even Correct the Record had better lines than you do.
Pretty sure it’s dead. This pole who posts soft core/borderline underage stuff also loves ukraine for some reason.
>and now the guy who posts ragebait twitter screencaps is also here
What a Sunday morning it is
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Looking forward to Project 2025.
I can't get into shape, can't afford new weights or likely a gym. can't pay for anything next week. I'll never get muscular or brave or grow a backbone or courage. I can't piss anyone off.
Which is better?

Next Gen or Next Gen Replacements?
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He gave his life to save the Donald's. Truly he was /ourgay/
did richard simmons die or just become a private person
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I don't understand your LARP, it doesn't add up and I don't understand your out of context pic
I have no clue dude. You and the other guy keep talking about some mysterious figure that's somehow so infamous but no one knows him.
It's hilarious to think the deep state is gonna blame Biden for what happened to Trump.
Retard inmates with a sub 85 IQ find ways to get fit. I'm sure you can manage
next gen, JJ. Abrahams is a hack.
Richard was a good hearted lad. We were blessed to have him.
He would have approved of training the militia.

20 pushups, 20 crunches, 50 jumping jacks, 30 clean trigger pulls in under 1.5 minutes, that's the warmup.
>CTR had the best shills
Despite being a psychotic bitch, Hillary actually had genuine, enthusiastic supporters who wanted muh woman president. No one actually likes Biden. Their only original meme was to make up a fake persona to pretend he actually does anything and isn’t a dementia patient shitting his pants while his handlers run the country.
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Imagine the smell
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>bleak RNC convention
>birthed literally fountain of Hulk memes
>made clear that Republican stand behind Trump
>chose White straight dude as his VP
>lots of hype and good feels
Dems at this point are this guy from "stop having fun" memes..
Running and Bodyweight are free, faggot.
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>the answer is simple anyway

These are FACTS.

They cannot be disputed.

The smell of freedom?
It was bleak for them.
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Almost get Trump killed. Doubles down. Political killings will accelerate. Kind of based.
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glownigger world must be in a panic since Trump failed to get brained on live TV and the media is no longer in total lockstep with the current admin
>trump is the new hitler sign tucked behind the chair
got a light chuckle out of me
this sounds like fucking QAnon posting with how much they cry about Project 2025, definitely going to resonate with voters
>Men see literally nothing wrong with living like this
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>much like how DEI has ravaged every institution, so too has it reduced the quality of shilling.
I think the better shills gave up
current shills are pre-op trannies trying to pay for their 'meds'
Reality check for the MAGA cultists in here!
Considering he has two bottles of lotion on his nightstand, probably doesn’t smell great.
>We're gonna push a nobody to build a campaign from scratch to beat the guy who has been campaigning non stop for 8 years straight.
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boom head shot showed up and he is PISSED OFF at women
checked, i always fuck up, i'll mess it up somehow even prisoners can do better than me. i doubt my wrist could even do pushups. I'll never get into shape.
oh please i tried getting into fit shape for 5 years i failed. i'll never build muscle.
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5ft tall people let alone frumpy women should not be acting as a bodyshield for someone who is 6ft
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Deliver what?
Wars abroad and inflation, nigger I'm broke!
Just a bunch of jewish words.
Weren't those Trump's chances at this point in 2016?
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>Make America Great Again is an existential threat to the United States of America
Take your meds
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>regulars continue to seethe
Me on a date with king pittbull texting me 5,000,000 trillion times about work, after hours on a weekend-holiday. :|
Why would bottles of lotion make his room stink? Don't they usually smell good?
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We got a Hulk Hogan promo followed by a Kid Rock concert. You have Lizzo. We are not the same.
too weak even if they wanted too.
>the media is no longer in total lockstep with the current admin
It is a bit of a welcome surprise to see that even bottomfeeding MSM parasites draw the line at assassinating your political opponents and their supporters
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>Is anyone in charge going to question why one of the FBI directors was in the audience with her camera ready
(you) need a pic with this post
>boom head shot showed up and he is PISSED OFF at women

Nope. Are you trying to trigger babies ag@in??
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digits of truth
I just like how dems literally embody the whole "muh media literacy" meme.
>baseless statement
Bitch we literally SAW first hand how they operate under pressure compared to men.
>oh please i tried getting into fit shape for 5 years i failed. i'll never build muscle.
Not with that attitude.
>women are serving in law enforcement
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>nonstop shills
>they've never been this mad
>RNC was a killing blow
>they may even continue shilling during Trump's second term
>they might seethe about Trump for the rest of their lives
>nobody even sees democrats as human anymore; any sympathy they didn't know they had is now gone
>all they had to do was not miss
Very cool, Dan.
anon, if any of those guys were alive today, they'd be further to the right than anything you can possibly imagine

just think about what lincoln would have to say about trannies or faggots.
or what washington would say about niggers voting, or women voting for that matter.
or, how would jefferson react to non-landowners voting, i wonder?
Doesn't that neglect a key difference between them and today though?
Language and it's meaning changes over time. The times change and so do meanings of words and what people ascribe them to mean or represent.
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and i never will, i've failed at least 4-6 times. i'll never happen, anti-muscle. i'll just be a push over that never stands up for myself never no matter what.
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not you luke. boomheadshot, the anon that keeps posting about stabbing women 77 times. you arent the only schizo here stop being a narcissist
Didn’t read + I laughed when trump got shot and everyone screamed lol
I figured out where the "snoop dogg at the RNC" rumor came from. He's performing this month at the Potawatomi casino in Milwaukee.
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Approved, encouraged, empowered
He was 76 and fell, tried to touch it out and didn't go to hospital. Died of "natural causes" :'(
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She studied the blade.
Good thing guns are illegal there! kek
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>anti rape vid
>White male perp
>article about increase of shopping theft
>White females on the photo
>MAID ad in Canada
>only ad with White people
But bro, anti White propaganda is a myth bro..
Again - dont be a faggot, leaf.
Xi is a yellow ape nigger
I can see the curls in the text.
>we're in this together
>you out there paying taxes are just like me in this office in the WH making lies for a living
>you need to accomodate my lies to make this go more comfortably.
>otherwise, you're not delivering what we all need
>A pacificisity that apologizes for murderers to bring immediate feelings of peace to the judge and defendant, because adults are just like Children, which I as a woman am actually prepared to jurisdict.
Women in politics is a mistake by nature.
Yeah it's actually Destiny Kek
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If this is what losing looks like can you imagine how awesome winning will be?
that is a steep drop, no wonder all the democrats are lining up to stab him in the back
i'll still lose anyway, can do anything right just fail or fail spectacularly.
you have to be totally broken, borderline nonfunctioning to do some of this shit here nowadays, day in, day out. the mere thought of 'pretending to be joetrip' or some other schizo exhausts me if I were to keep it up beyond a handful of posts
I wouldn't say that they draw the line there, they were extremely quick to downplay as initial reports were 'Trump falls to the ground amid loud noises at rally' or 'Trump tackled by secret service/security amid popping sounds at rally'. but even the slight disloyalty and desynchronization is enough to totally bone the glowniggers desperate to keep everything under control
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>casually redefines "liberal" to fit the argument
>ignores leftists all over the country removing statues and monuments honoring these people for the last 4+ years
Cool kids in 30 years will have Vintage Bloody Trump portraits on their walls.Als this room is remarkably clean I imagine it's because his mom walks in randomely to check on him.
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The fyre fest guy is also funding trumps campaign with rappers who’ll pretend to endorse him lol
Tough it out holy shit that's a Richard Simmons line itself god he's with us
>playing dumb
okay, that makes your side look like the good guys. well done. (this is sarcasm)
I have no willpower to lift even if it would get me jacked. My muscles are dead.
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Don't underestimate the will of black men toburn their women hotter than georgia coal!!
>>oh please i tried getting into fit shape for 5 years i failed. i'll never build muscle.
I have pectus excavatum, I've never been able to build muscle, though I do keep up with cardio in order to make sure my heart can actually work within my misshapen ribcage.

>nobody even sees democrats as human anymore; any sympathy they didn't know they had is now gone
It's been fascinating to see the switch flip in republican and moderate heads IRL overnight. No one is attempting to be nice to democrats anymore.
why don’t you post the copypasta that endorses ukraine anymore? did they lose? do we need to send them more money?
>Wow! New polls are coming out and they are VERY bad for Trump!
See: >>475068865
ohh shit he literally just died i thought he died like 10-15 years ago when he left the stage
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Obviously not all the journo drones were moral, but more than a few stopped to think and went "whoa what the FUCK? we're cheering for the murder of a presidential candidate and his rallygoers? I am off that fuckin train" and that alone was surprising, and as you said, lethal to deep state shill narratives.
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Why tho?
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Hey, I notice you never responded to this post:
It makes you look like you're being dishonest when you do that.
Don't fucking lie. You know it was Popeye's
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More jewish fantasies, niggers make up majority of rapists and murderers.
When fat shaming was cool and should still be!
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I want to thank the shills from the bottom of my heart for making sure this thread is consistently bumped in the months leading to the election, you get paid to do it while I do it for free. I must consneed that you have the higher motivation.
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Google them, I don’t have some pedophile’s records saved on my computer like some kinda faggot lol
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Then trait for stamina.
see >>475069158
Protip : next time you will try using muh felon as an argument dont spend previous 4 years lionizing and excusing actual criminals and giving them state funded funreals while your politicians weep beside their coffins more than they weep after their own mothers.
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Of course we always knew The Left Can't Meme (tm), but does anybody else feel like this current wave of shilling is bad even by leftie standards? It's like they're hiring ESL pajeets and vatniks to create their propaganda and it falls flatter than the stale Diet Coke I had last night.
kek what a low effort shill I doubt he's even getting paid, literally just doing it for free

probably one step away from becoming a shooter himself
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She planned to murder Trump.
Of course she is destroying evidence.
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If there aren't going to be hundreds of treason cases so these traitors can get executed by firing squad (or reasonable facsimile thereof) I, for one, will be EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTED.
Conspiracy to murder is still a felony. Misprision of a felony is still a felony. Treason is still a felony. Lots of felonies are still felonies.
It's time to see some accountability and old-fashioned prosecutions to Make America Great Again, Safe Again, etc.
Please be true, that sounds treasonous
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>Google them
I did. They don't seem to exist. It's almost as if you're a lying cocksucker.
Please prove that you know they are real by posting them or a link to them.
Failure to post them will be conclusive proof that you are simply full of shit.
Your move, faggot.
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But you have the sex.
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Your vote literally doesn’t matter and neither does any of your opinions LOL
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Russia is an Order of Faggots. Their military exists by and for the rape of male conscripts by middle aged men.
You can support them if you like, but when they threaten to nuke my country so they can steal a seaport that wasn't theirs, and they didn't need, and then smile over the slaughter of Millions, that's a few steps to far for me to support, or not stand against.
FUCK PUTIN, FUCK RUSSIAN SUPPORTERS IN THE USA, everything good in Russia died under the Bolsheviks and Stalin, and Muscova must be vacated to save the actual Rus.
Schizo babble
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It's true, the sex is the one thing that keeps me going doing it for free, this silly boat is how I get paid.
We already know what they are and what's in them, which is why we know it doesn't show what you think it does.
We want you to post them so we can humiliate you and make fun of you for being a retard as we take the records apart line by line in front of you.
? You still haven't explained it yet. There's some deep deep lore that only (You) and that seething guy seem to be in the know about, while everyone else sees just another anon
How come Trump isn't leading in Maine? I mean aren't the people of Maine tired of all the problems that the refugees have caused in Lewiston and Portland?
Hopefully Trump leaves NATO I seriously do not give a fuck about any other countries besides my own.
I'll be willing to be friendly with Russia again when they restore the Romanovs to the throne.
Capslock spammer don't give up, fighto!
No democrat knows what's going on behind the scenes of their party right now, so they dont' know who they should shill for or how to phrase things in such a way that can't be used against whomever their candidate is.
Are there even any left?
stamina nor strength, i can't lift or do basic exercise. i'll never be strong physically, mentally or spiritually including in terms of willpower. i can't become a man.
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What felony did Trump commit?
and i can't do anything successful
>trump already losing massive support on here again

And in case it even needs to be pointed out, that massive drop off in August 2021 for Biden that he's never recovered from? The botched Afghanistan withdrawal. For all the current handwringing, the true is that Joe's fate was sealed after that botch.
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But even their anti-Trump shill pics are pathetic. We make better ones as jokes. It's like all of Shareblue and CTR got gutted and replaced with outsourced H1Bs like Starfield. It's the Starfield of shilling.
You don't have to. But you trade some 4000 sea going vessels every day, without including airplanes, trucks, trains, or pedestrians.
You better think clearly what it means for Russia to make nuclear threats to neighbors, those neighbors respond with building nukes, and then a world full of shit-nations with nukes that regularly fall apart.
And when you do that, do the math and geography on the cost and feasibility backing all your people, important harbors, entries, and landing strips 30 miles from any of those possible entry points.
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he doesnt even know who he fought and lost again (master shitposter mkultra)
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kind of.
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Its better to have stamina than nothing at all.
>More jewish fantasies, niggers make up majority of rapists and murderers.
Dont forget : Time To Kill movie was based on a real life case of NIGGER murdering and raping two young White girls.
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This general has been practicing their mental gymnastics skills for hours now. Must be tiring lol!
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Dr. Sex is on the case.
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Biden is seething, apparently.
Alleged misclassification of filled paperwork.
Why they expect us to be up in arms about bureaucratic nonsense, I have no clue.
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>image already proven false
>keep spamming it as if all of /pol/ doesn’t already know trump is king of kikes
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I haven't been in a 4 years, it seems like you tards would have learned to ignore shills by now
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Shit! How is joepedo going to buy votes now?
>Source: Trust me, goyim!
I have neither, neither strength or stamina. And never will. I will never grow stronger where I belong. Hurt my right hand doing push ups.
Reminder Latuff is a massive cuck that drew porn of himself slurping another man's semen out of his wife's pussy. Whenever you see someone post Latuff, remind them of this simple fact.
Or fuck right off dead weight.
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checked, i should hurt myself as hard as i can.
They'll just lie and say they'll do it anyway even though they can't.
>An 84 year old woman is the driving force behind saying an 82 year old man is too old to be their political candidate
Democrats, folks!
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Sounds like a non White fag talk.
Are you non White fag, leaf?
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You’re not /fit/ and I can definitely bench more than you lol
>I haven't been in a 4 years, it seems like you tards would have learned to ignore shills by now
why are you using shill image names then. fuck face
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Hey Doc, what happened to my sex? Her hair just changed color...
I kek'd
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I was posting him as an example of swing-and-a-miss political cartoons that make the subject of ridicule look badass, like how Horsey draws conservatives as buff macho men.
>highlighting the entire tweet
retarded twitter boomer shit
How'd you feel when he got back up?
I watched the video, I didn't know the child was blown away over a 100 dollar drug debt lmfao. Only in Philly.
have you posted your hand proving that you are white yet? this seems like pure projection, slavic muslim.
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Who wouldn't guessed a big-name leftist "journalist" would turn out to be a traitor to America?
this should be the next OP
>image already proven false
>pass the buck
I think they meant "pass the torch", "pass the buck" means to pass blame.
You have to open your eyes, once you realize the Hilldawgs were ironic shitposts (see mexican pepe named beano) you'll understand it's 90% shitposts mixed with a handful of joyless cunts incapable of being happy and even fewer actual shills trolling ebin style
Feels like we haven't seen him in forever jej Maybe he's already dead
That was when even normies started to see what kind of idiot circus this admin is.
Leaf, get a physically demanding job.
>I think they meant "pass the torch", "pass the buck" means to pass blame.
Meh. Niggers can't speak English anyway, so I'm not surprised they got the idiom wrong.
No, it's just knowing there is nothing to do about my weakness after 6 years of failing to even try. Never being a man or muscular, no matter what. nothing will chance here.
>Wife is South Korean foreign agent
Was she part of that feminist witch cult that runs South Korea?
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one never trumper's wife being a foreign agent is weird enough, 2 is a coordinate effort
like i can find any job. they'll keep me weak.
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My favorite article from yesterday!
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Isn't Mitch's wife a spie too?
see >>475070563
that works too for being social sperg.
Trust me , i know.
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uh if you're not baking, I will bake one
The president is seething, and you're posting smug anime girls?
>Those people Kyle Rittenhouse shot
A bunch of criminals including a pedo?
He would unironically.
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>only special snowflakes qualify to have their loans lessened/forgiven
>99 percent of loans do not qualify for biden bullshit
Every time he has done this.
Every time the courts have ruled he doesn't even have the authority to do this.
Every time he fails because he's a retarded ass traitor who is being guided by disgusting trannies, niggers, jews, and women.
I will be very glad to see him lose worse than anyone has ever lost before.
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weren't all of them pedos?




sorry i'm definitely not drinking
Not an ounce of testosterone here.
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Wow what a shit show!
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Yes. And her sister owned the ship that crashed into that bridge in Baltimore, but her smart car mysteriously backed into a lake days before it happened, killing her.
no jobs and they will keep me weak
No, it's just knowing there is nothing to do about my weakness after 6 years of failing to even try. Never being a man or muscular, no matter what. nothing will chance here.
i am too retarded and weak for any job. weakness is my default locked out setting.
>Fuck me.
"Be the American that Chinese propaganda thinks you are" is one of my favorite comments along those lines.
Literally protects violent protesters, the only statement this "cartoonist" is making is that force is acceptable, just don't lie about it and have sloganeering in the lead.
F12, ACAB, etc. etc.

Seek Jesus, Start with You.
Get Trained, Start with You.
Or Cry.
Seriously, a bullet fired into a MAGA crowd hits a beloved fire chief who is protecting his daughters.
Bullets fired into the average leftist mob kills two pedophiles and wounds a felon with an illegal gun.
Which of those two crowds sounds like they do more for society?
(((two))) pedophiles and (((a felon))).
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checked and sharked
You've come to the light.
Darth Brandoné#password
- a single # will use the first 8 characters of your password to make a trip code(these are all crackable)
- use Two ## to create a secure and typically uncrackable code from any number of characters
(right now I'm using 43 characters)
Make yourself an awesome name and secure it for yourself..btw no data of yours is stored this way and it prevents others from impersonating you :)
You're still anonymous even when namefagtripfagging Larp Hobby
Hard Body
Your Pal
Darth Gobby
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Eat shit angry sissy. Go take a nap
I love this anon.
Mmmm yummy burger

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