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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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don't push and shove there's plenty to go around lads
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>trains daughter
>all of global warming is america's fault. Ignore all the hindi and mandarin characters on garbage island.
>trans daughter
>exit strategies
This guy wants to kill his faggot son 100%.
This redditor will be forced to marry off his trans daughter to a White Republican... a humiliation ritual for liberals.
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>noooop it is HER TURN
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>we jusr gave it all away to the orange fuck
Climate change policies like biomass (forest burning), biodiesel (which burns more natural gas to produce than if you burnt the natural gas directly to produce energy), sun power which needs coal to produce the panels and natural gas to produce a baseline of energy, wind which needs to be replaced every ten years and destroys the areas where it's built.

These people are so retarded.
The only reliable energy solutions right now are nuclear, natural gas, and maybe hydro
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Terrified with good reason, this time Trump will put trans people in concentration camps and personally murder every trans PoC for sure. He will also carve a new hole in the ozone layer to heat up the planet to drive up energy costs, increasing the value of his stock in electrical companies.
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This one isn't salt, but cope.
>biden won the election by dropping out
Actually, going through, I've noticed more denial of reality than out and out salt
Bless u
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>Young and Articulate
You mean the bitch who laughs when kids getting tormented is brought up that they wave off as a nervous tendency?
How about George Fucking Washington stepping down after 2 terms.
>young and articulate
overburden is no longer a burden, but a burden.
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Liberals have the most based fantasies. God do I wish they were right and we were going to hunt down these fags and niggers if trump won.
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>even us BITCH BENCHODS did it better!!!
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>n-not like thissss cameltoeharris sistassss
What happened 4 weeks ago?
What the fuck is with Reddit's new UI? It's like some forced mobile slop.
Lmao poos have no self awareness do they
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Reddit is botted to the gills. That's why you see more cope than seethe. None of the cope is organic.
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Looking forward to Punished Trump.
Predditors must be the most retarded and brainwashed "people" on this fucking planet. Holy fuck none of this can't be real, it's all bots. Has to be.
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I cant keep up with it on both reddit and X. It is a landslide of cope.
>handmaiden’s tale fantasy
They really unironically are cuckolds.
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>we finally got the jew's vote boys!!!
I have no respect for anybody who actually got lulled to sleep in the past decade or so.
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These people are such hopeless sheep it makes me physically ill
The orthodox kikes hate yidsrael and think it's an illegitimate state because the messiah hasn't returned yet like it says in the talmud, they are harmless lunatics
It's a good thing they censored the F word I was gonna be worried they were doing a heckin extremism
it's endlessly amusing to watch people that have had their quality of life directly attacked by this administration, defend it against all detractors. they are so fucking programmed and dumbed down that they've become a threat to everyone's own well being.
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Jews arent our enemy. Democrats are. Now's our chance to make ourselves useful for jews. Stupid antisemites dont know how to take advantage of this opportunity. We're never going to get illegals deported or jews get kicked out so give up on that. We just have to make ourselves so useful to jews that they let us own the libs.
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>how do you do fellow based right wing goys?
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>j-just vote your way outta this bros it'll work this time for REAL
shut up faggot
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>sherrif’s department!
>we’re here for your wives and daughters!
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That makes sense. Here's another example. This one reads just like the dropout letter. nobody talks like this, and there are no upchunguses
We are not alive during interesting times. I would immediately teleport 200 years into the future or past given the option.
>If he wins they will kill us all
>He won before and did not minecraft anyone.
Why do they keep saying these obvious lies and hysterics.
Lying is how they win. Even normies believe all of the garbage they spew now.
Your soft baby ass wouldn't survive in the past without HVAC, plumbing, refrigeration etc. Stop larping
This is because most of them are retarded women. It makes complete sense
It's strange how this leftist loves LBJ so much when leftists at the time hated his guts for the Vietnam War and forced him not to seek reelection.
Sounds about right. Joe was the the dream opponent for Trump. Now anything could happen
Newfag, learn to use phrases so you don’t sound retarded
>leftists at the time hated his guts for the Vietnam War
They unironically support warmongering now
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They love Bush now. They basically change their political views daily to appease their Jewish masters.
>climate change will kill us all
>they scream in 2101


Oboro-kun is right. It's totally and undeniably Joever.

Thank you, racists. :(
I told the Dems to go nuclear on the zionists and elect an old-money dixiexrat with some nigger-bitch VP
They didn't want to listen
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These faggots are spazzing out and infighting. It's glorious.
>all the shit repcucks are saying they dont do they are doing in this very thread
>actual climate change deniers in this very thread
>non stop retards crying that others are retards then say stupid shit
>lelellee they are scared that we will kill them all
i just can't stop laughing at the fucking retards here it's so good
Her accomplishment is being a swarthoid womxn
Are Redditors rich? It's like Biden's inflation had zero impact on them.
>bidens inflation
>not like the entire world is going through inflation
these are bots for sure

everyone is happy about this happening
it's like USA just won the world cup (if they cared about football)
We would not notice if we won the world cup. In fact I had to google what the world cup was to respond to this post.
That might have worked if not for the assassination attempt where he sprung right back up in energetic defiance.
Yeah the inflation is covid/trumps fault man. You can't just money printer yourself out of problems, even if the money is fake
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>harmless lunatics
Those kid's screams still echo in those tunnels
Weird how that happen.
I never understood myself. My uncle was all about not doing war and being a hippie. But now he wants us to nuke russian and start a ww3. Oh, and his daughter is trans, so I think he's taking this hard right now.
Are these 16 year olds
>I have a trans daughter
What the fuck is wrong with westerners?

Dude, the whole world is going through the inflation caused by Biden
No, they are the types of people who hate looking at their bank accounts so they don't really know what their finances are. You know, the retards who order doordash or Ubereats, get Starbucks all the time, have 4 streaming services and still believe it's the billionaires keeping them down. Someone should pay (but not me)!
Your flag is a literal question mark. What the fuck.
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Does this retard not realize he's arguing with a bot?
I have over 100 grand in cash sitting around and I wouldn't even let my wife turn the air conditioning on when it was 85 yesterday. It's easy to not give a shit about money when you don't have any. It's the same thing children do.
Do you remember back in 2019 when leftists were still calling it "Obama's Economy" after 3 years of Trump?

Don't try and find reason with them. For them, anything that is good is because of Democrats, and anything that is bad is because of Republicans. They come to that conclusion first, and then find justifications for it afterwards
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>Weird how that happen.
It's how >>475092556 put it. Also, I remember when I was in college when there were daily protests against the Afghanistan and Iraq wars throughout 2007. After obama's election, not even when Bush left office, the protests thinned out fast. It was eventually down to one guy on the corner by himself after Obama got into office. They seriously stopped giving a shit since they weren't told to care anymore
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Might as well make a shill meltdown thread too, the cope in the catalog is fucking hilarious.

they say this like the entire world economy isn't centered on the U.S. (not being arrogant its just true)
Happens with some satallite-based internet service providers
He could be in the North Pole kek
We're in another right wing cultural cycle / Reaction
Birth rates will go back up, manufacturing will be reshored, NEETs and other losers forced into homelessness after their families get sick of them. TRUMPAMANIA will colonize the stars with Elon's help.

Death to regulations
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this but unironically
Before he was just a generic limp dick boomer that was only different by being boisterous

But after coming within a cunt hair of dying?
That legitimately changes people very hard
its one thing for the doc to tell you your lifestyle is shit, and another thing entirely to see your hands coated in your own blood
He acted tough after the shooting from adrenaline, but once he got in the car Trump was definitely in shock

Orange man made decisions on the road to the hospital. We're gonna find out what they were soon enough
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It's like their "climate change" nonsense.
Is it a hot day?
Is it a cool day?
>umm actually, daily weather isn't climate, chud
yeah, 4 years of legislation will literally cause the earth to explode and boil into nothing. What a bunch of fucking faggots.
Hahahahabababababababhahahhah oh reddit never change.
All these fags just sit in discord all day chatting with each other, and coming up with new copy paste replies/talking points.
My pics related are from r/DarkBrandon.
lmao this. I really wish we rounded up illegals like they say we do.
>Orange man made decisions on the road to the hospital. We're gonna find out what they were soon enough
I hope they involve forced labor camps for leftists.
What fuck is this dude smoking?? This is the worst economy is my lifetime. Not a single aspect of life is better today than 4 years ago.
I wish even half of the deranged schizo theories from the left were real. The reality is that the 'right' are a bunch of cuckolds who only preserve just enough that they get to die peacefully in their sleep before things go completely to shit.
I fucking wish orange man was going to genocide my ideological opponents, I wish we were going back to even the 90s in terms of comfiness. But the best the republicans will ever offer, is current year minus 5.
>We believe that human animal marriage is okay, but those leftists want to legalize puppyphillia, that is a bridge too far!
>1 billion migrants per year is too much, we think it should only be 100 million, and it should be a legal process! We need the workers.

Every day I pray that a berserker probe finds out.
>hey hey L.B.J.! how many kids did you kill today?
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I'm kinda glad the last election got stolen. We get to enjoy the retardation and hysteria from 2016 all over again, but it's doubly absurd now given that none of the shit they said orange man was going to do happened, and the last 4 years without orange man at the helm have been demonstrably worse for it.
i love how they say the same things every time but nothing ever really happens that personally impacts them, every time

>post covid health forcast
>best president since Lyndon B. Johnson
what the fuck?? who in the hell are these plebbitor democrats exactly, the fucking CIA?
Imagine not knowing that the entire global economy is affected by the USA
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das RITE niggas y'all just useful tickets for da whitie
The New Left hated LBJ more than anyone in the world, mostly because the Vietnam War. They also believed that he had RFK killed.
>M-m-maybe if we're useful, they'll not genocide me!
Their own schizo fantasy involves white people saving them from being genocided by the evil moustache man. Their gratitude was shown, by subverting our politics in the west, and inviting endless swarms of brown people into the country to dilute white's voting power.

If that is how they show gratitude, it's clear that the germans did nothing wrong.
I swear the left is more insane than ultra-magas.
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funny they compare him to the guy who rigged his election
>wives and daughters become property
I'm voting Trump now
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Holy shit. My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of chicken nuggets and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of chicken nuggets out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my mom but I'm literally in shock from the results tonight. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck is he dropping out? This can't be happening. I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe the world is so corrupt. I want a future to believe in. I want Joe to be president and fix this broken country. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought he was polling well in Ukraine???? This is so fucked.
Wonder how they'll cope when all the spics vote AGAINST Kamala, just cuz they believe all the nigs will vote for her kek.
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>gonna kys myself in the basement
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>Video Games?
>having a family
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>all of global warming is america's fault. Ignore all the hindi and mandarin characters on garbage island.

these people are retarded

Trumpists are retarded as well

you are indeed American retards

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Leftism is a sickness, genuinely
the afflicted are wholly incapable of perceiving reality anymore. they're trapped in a torture nexus of their own making where they're engaged in a never ending crusade against all not also infected
Their lives are filled with distrust and hatred, their bodies are sickly and overmedicated, and they're so lost in the sauce that if they tried to escape (and somehow didn't get lynched on the spot by their "friends" for apostasy) they're completely forgotten what a personality even is anymore, since they've replaced theirs with nothing with politics a very long time ago

I'd pity leftists if they weren't all universally evil
what does trans daughter mean? is it male sex pretending to be female or female sex pretending to be male?
>body positivity this and acceptance that
>calls him fat
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His son is a faggot who wear's dresses while other men ejaculate into his asshole. Hope that helps.
Aren't men already property of the state due to selective service which doesn't apply to stronk girlbosses?
Reddit has subreddits for poverty finance, antiwork, etc. They complain about inflation and lack of jobs and high rents constantly. Then gaslight themselves into not figuring out it's all Democrat policies doing it.
Not to mention that climate change initiatives aren’t enforced world wide. If you actually want to help the environment it doesn’t matter how much the west contributes if china, India and third world countries are just dumping pollution.
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they need to append the trans part to show everyone how inclusive they are. if they truly thought their boy who is now a girl the would just recognize it as a girl. but of course that wouldn't get any reddit updoots will it?
>she will clean his coc-clock
> x doesn't go their way
Genuinely wonder how you end up with such an overly dramatic mindset
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>take it from a veteran of the 2016 meme wars bro
>Here's how Bernie can still win
Leftist morals only apply to those they consider people, and the core of their faith mandates that infidels and apostates are not human
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I wish America was as based as Euros on Reddit think it is
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Joe is literally the most popular president in the history of the country. 81 million votes and he defeated drumpf. Biden dropping out is handing victory to durnold blumpf. KopOut is a russian troll that's subverting the DNC's only chances of winning this November. Might as well not even vote now.
They intentionally obfuscate what they're talking about. 99% of the time, they're just talking about a male that larps as female.
MtF troons, and males clinging to 'nonbinary' snowflake terms make up the super majority of troons. The odds that it's a biological female is almost nonexistent.
Females that identify as troons are almost always just butch lesbians, even those retards instinctively realize that actually going FtM is the equivalent of going from babby life difficulty to ultra nightmare mode.
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unffff votesissies the goy is waking uppppp
>The Dark One
>I wrote in Rick Sanchez from Rick and Morty
This sounds like a shitty troll but it's actually real
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>MUH PROJECT 2025!!!!!!!!!!
Predditors have a high uptake of prog/socialist nonsense. Anything and everything is explained away by referencing the equivalent of aether.
>Job market is shit, because too many people looking for work. It can't be the swarms of browns that migrated here, depressing the labor market, no, it must be the bourgeois conspiracy that just magically keeps wages low.
>Crime has increased dramatically in this now diverse neighborhood I live in. It can't be the increasing percentage of pavement apes, no, that would be racist. It must be systemic racism, a massive impossible to prove conspiracy to suppress darkies and MAKE them commit crime.
>Inflation keeps going up, this can't possibly be the increase in population, especially non-productive population, causing demand and supply to distort. It is actually a massive conspiracy between businesses to price gouge!

Progs are not human, and shouldn't be allowed to vote.
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I'm not american so I don't follow politics closely, only in election year to shitpost with you guys, so answer me, what has Trump done in his 4 years to make people this upset? I'm not american but I can see how Biden was a shit president with the inflation and two major wars breaking out, but what Trump did that makes him so evil in the eyes of these people?
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>can't stop laughing
You are a deranged, histrionic, seething tard going through an existential crisis, who the fuck are you trying to convince? Yeah buddy, you and all of your friends are together "laughing at us", I'm shook.
Jesus, how brainwashed are you guys?
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>as a person who had student loans... he fought for us
LMFAO the Dems had the House, Senate, and the Executive branch and did absolutely nothing to "fight for" student loan forgiveness. Redditards never cease to amaze me at how fucking delusional they are
lol four years, he will declare himself king
somehow the faggot with the trans "daughter" manages to be the most sane person captured in this exchange
lmao, these retards need to touch grass
>If gas costs less than $6 a gallon and a sandwich is any less than $20 I WILL punish my family for four years
How did they forget that Trump was president already with a republican-controlled congress and the most extreme thing that happened was that my taxes were slightly lower?
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>Admit you have a problem sweatie!
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>This is madness
I can't tell which political posturing I find funnier, 1984 or handmaid's tales.
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>literally shaking rn
None of us know either. He cut the taxes of those of us who have jobs and wanted the spics to stay on their side of the river. That's about it.
80% sniffing their own farts, 20% Trump appointing three SCOTUS justices which resulted in their sacred commandment of baby murder (Roe vs Wade) being overturned.
You gonna get robbed nigga
Lol trump is so retarded he will never be president lolololo
Haha turmp is so ineffective, he's weak and does nothing
>covid hits
Trump is a criminal and his presidency was a pathetic disaster, he achieved nothing
what a fucking rollercoaster.
Why are they bigots against ohio?
Cool it with the antisemitic remarks
I have about twice that in guns and ammo.
>lied about the holocaust to justify replacing the native population to such a degree they are completely politically deplatformed
>not the enemy
This ain't it.
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>the most extreme thing that happened was that my taxes were slightly lower?
Gas was really cheap too
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redditors are bots, so it depends on who's running them I guess
If only this shit hole was half as racist as they think it is.
I don't understand why people use this fuckin retarded baby talk shit. is this supposed to be cute? ironic? do they say these things out loud? they fucking sound handicapped.
I don't give two shits and a squirt who ends up president. whoever wins, we lose.
People are too quick to acuse anyone they dont like of being a payed shill but that 100% reads like an unironic paid shill account.
>resulted in their sacred commandment of baby murder (Roe vs Wade) being overturned.
They still can do it, it's just now they can't force it on states that don't want it. Even in states listed as "illegal" it's allowed for cases such as rape and medical complications
I see, reddit loves immigrants and killing babies, thank god the average normie either hates these or is indifferent, and with the dogshit economy in the Biden years, Trump would have won even before the debate and the shooting
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all of these people
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>If they don't run Harris, they're idiots and I will never forgive them.
Looks like a bunch of racists in that Reddit group. It's her time now bigots. Kamala will be the second black woman president in US history.
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>I don't want to believe in conspiracy theories, but did those rich people really use their own money to benefit themselves
This is their only response now
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>Dad, can I go outside and play with my friends?
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She's ready for the challenge.
Yeah but nuclear is scary, natural gas has gas in the name so it's out, and there are only so many rivers.
Who is this Dark Lord? Satan?
only kamala harris is powerful enough to collect all the infinity stones and defeat project 2025.
I screenshotted your post so I can put it up on every reddit thread you try and start about our response here. Once they see that you're posting under a rebel flag you're gonna lose all your updoots.
these people are completely delusional and belong in a mental institution
This is the funniest thing I've ever read on reddit, holy kek,
See, the left will devour themselves, that's why I'm not concerned.
Blacks hate Kamala more than they hate Trump lmao
why do you faggots give a shit about reddit or twitter?
go back you dumb fucking zoomers. you're the reason 4chan is so shit now
They're all just skipping over that this guys democratic vote in the primaries was 100% invalidated.
>I don't know how to feel right now.
Literally asking for a firmware update. Do plebits really?
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I fucking hate Trump and even I don't understand what this shit is supposed to be based on. Biden has done fucking nothing in regards to climate change
Kessler is probably the most right, in the whole working with republicans, but defiantly not Trump. Sinking the dems now and dealing with the inevitable dem civil war makes them stronger in 2028.
>Liberals have the most based fantasies.
No, they don't, kys
This is why they HAVE to cheat. they can't win on merit alone.
Rayne2522 is clearly a bot
A mostly uneventful and decent presidency, but he also tried to overturn the election and ultimately sent the retard brigade in the fuck things up.
[adjective][noun][number] are all bots
The fuck? Kamala LOST the black vote to fucking BIDEN
>climate change affecting his descendants
>trans daughter
I don't think he quite gets it.
I don't believe there are more than 5-10k authentic American (i.e. can vote) posters on /r/politics.
>Should of done this years ago
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Reddit had a huge boner for Bernie Sanders back in 2015. When Hillary "won' the primaries, redditors literally change their views overnight and became hilldawgs. They will be re-programmed. Tomorrow they will see Harris as their messiah
>Don't worry, niggers are so dumb they'll vote for anybody the same color as them
Most of reddit, twitter, facebook, and mainstream social media sites are bots.
Anybody have Twitter? What's that faggot Harry Sissy Sisson saying about this?
It wont work this time as this race has zoomer doomers who are not as easily brand-loyal like millennials are.
This. It's us whites vs. the browns and jews are white.
How fucking retarded are dems
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Blacks are also incredibly fucking stupid
They vote for who their owners tell them to, they don't have convictions past the next 15 minutes
Notice how not a single one of them that they were lied to for four years about a man with dementia who was supposedly running the country.

They claim to hate the elites yet they just allowed those same faggots they ostensibly want to lynch run the rountry unchecked for an entire term.
I think it's entirely plausible Biden only endorsed Kamala as a FU to the establishment Dems who pushed him out.
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Never looked at /r/darkbrandon. I just went there and saw this exchange. They're afraid of nicknaming her "dark" lol
These "people" are going to need psychiatric treatment.
Nuclear is fine. We've had well over 100 reactors operating in the US without issue for 50+ years. Even after we had a meltdown, it was contained so well that people still live right next to it. And those are old reactor designs. Gen IV+ reactors have passive safety features that make them the most viable source of energy we have. Particularly if we brought back the Integral Fast Reactor design. The reactor makes the fuel it runs on for the life of the plant and it can't melt down even if it loses all its coolant pumps.
What a RACIST thing to say
>the arsenal of democracy
Remember when libs were antiwar? This reads like a parody of what Bush would have said.
Kamala supporter has bad taste in her mouth.lol
Joe didn't repay your student loan shitstain, I fucking did
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This. They call her an Indian. They literally refuse to acknowledge her as black.
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God it must be exhausting to be a Lib
If you took 20 seconds to read what the oldfags here say before posting, you'd know. It is literally just jewish mentality imprinted onto the goyim through their sick media. Doesn't the rhetoric sound familiar? Ever since WW2, you can sneeze in a jews direction without
It's really not that hard to figure out. Jews have been playing identity politics as we know them for hundreds of years, while normal people have just barely become aware of the game (they don't even realize it's jews yet). Oh well.
>omfg you don't vote for the retarded deepstate cunt because ur raycis and sexys!
>Writes in a fucking cartoon character
Why do these dumbasses do this? You could have voted for the green party candidate and helped them expand their ballot access. What a fucking mong.
>consumes dramatic tv and movies constantly
>participates in drama in interpersonal relationships
>participate in social media drama daily
it's a mystery
This. Anyone done a wellness check? Over/under on when he kicks the chair out?

Always were.
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Reminds me of the obama years
>Obama gets elected
>They celebrate the first black president
>Economy turns to shit, blames obama
>Say he's only half-black, therefore he's not the first-black president
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>that pic
Wait a minute...
Is politics the reddit version of gooning and posting bbc porn on 4chan? These people need a real life with hobbies
They have been brainwashed to believe that one plastic bottle in the ocean is going to cause melting of the ice caps and every city to be washed away (I wish).
In US schools they celebrate Earth Day where once a year kids get their brainwashing update on climate change. American schools DO NOT teach kids to think for themselves.
>Democrats preach constantly about preserving or protecting Democracy
>Denies the nation of the candidate of their choice

This is more heinous than the Managed Democracy joke in HellDivers 2.
This they are desperate
they really believed that dementia joe could act as president for 4 more years
Black men hate black women in general. Now make that >black woman actually and Indian and put her up against a billionaire with 38 felonies, was almost assassinated, and has dozens of hip hop tracks written about him.
>men are already property of the state because of secret service
>no plebbitor ever cares
I think the funniest thing of all is the colossal lack of self awareness. It's all just so silly.
No, the opposite. Inflation affects you less if you are broke anyway.
The Dems literally have nobody who can replace him either. You think Hillary is going to beat Trump? She lost to him last time too. And this time she hasn't had any time to prepare either since she thought Biden was running.

>"I am never dropping out of this race" - Biden
>Drops out a few weeks later

Biden lied until the very end. Kek. Lol.
>The democrats must be working with the republicans!
Oy vey
>our wives and daughters will become property of the state

State mandated girlfriends?! Dude WTF I am now a Trump supporter
i fucking love how these people keep saying that the US will now transform into some theocratic dictatorship if trump wins like bro you lived under 4 years of his presidency calm the fuck down lmao
I meant selective service, please excuse my retardation.
no need to thank us
When using reddit, change out www to old, and it's both easier to use and archive. So old.reddit.com/r/niggerniggernigger and so on.
are liberals closeted doomers/preppers?
Yep, there is a pattern to it. I assume its a finetune of a llama 2 70B model, feels like it.
No. To be a prepper you have to A. be capable of long term planning B. not be afraid of guns and C. have money/not be lazy.
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>here in India
What you've described are the pitfalls abound in the darkness and how easy it is to fall in and become lost without your Light.
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>State mandated gf
Time to vote for Trump
Landslide Biden would have been good. Folks, they say Landslide Biden got 82 million votes. Do you believe that? I don't believe that. I don't think most people believe that
You're welcome.
>t. Q
that's a rerun of "I'm moving to Canada if Drumpf wins"
Originally assumed that it was saying that Harris would make women property of state, baka it cant type for shit
been awhile since I've seen this one kek
reddit is just like /pol/ if you replace all the funny shitposts with shitposts that are unfunny and gay
And if the shitposts were real people believing what they write
>fucking traitors in the Dem party are going to hand the election to Fat.
Kek. That one actually got me
Ironically, yes. They just don't know it.
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>Test No1: Can we make these frogs gay? Wow holy shit yeah we did
>Test No2: Can we turn people gay? LMAO IT ACTUALLY WORKED XD
>Test No3:
fukking based racist and misogynistic usa
Reddit consists of mostly bots.
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>Trump's lies
>that were proven true
>every single time
If this is their platform, they've lost for certain BUT this doesn't mean the right wins. Trump is a caricature of a neocon, so we're still losing but we're just losing a little slower. Big whoop.
Hey now, we're forced into military service too. Mandatory 3 years for men.
I forgot she has the worst record for arresting niggers in comparison to every other Attorney General my state had.
>get your shit together
I thought Indians liked their shit spread all over the place.
Theres a good reason they are all fucking insane and hate everything.
Yeah, remember how Tulsi fucked over Kamala in the debates?

Trump and Biden are both pretty equally responsible. Maybe a bit more for Biden, but Trump signs a trillion dollar bill for coivd, send out checks, and did PPP loans. Biden signed an even bigger trillion dollar bill and congress during his term just keep shipping billions to the Ukraine/Israel.

>reserve currency of nearly the entire world inflates immensely
>rest of the world also inflates
>countries not using USD as a reserve are somehow fine
I's a mystery.
Facist cunt
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>you want to rape and impregnate me
So are they just going to forget/ignore WHY Biden isn't seeking reelection? His mental fitness and capability have been suspect as far back as late Obama presidency. He was bottom tier garbage during the 2020 DNC early polls and """miraculously""" pulled the nomination despite poor performance and tons of senile accusations. Then of course that was all dropped and questioning #DarkBrandon's mental and physical health was never allowed. And then he shows up in an environment that isn't 100% screened and controlled and predictably shits himself and they're angry that the logical conclusion of an illogical situation is playing out. I think rather than be angry Joe isn't running again, I'd be angry he ever ran at all and I was blatantly lied to regarding his ability to fulfill the office.
Why is a Canadian pretending to be involved in this?
Lefties think that prepping makes you a schizo
He's already eating Kamalas shit, it's actually pathetic.
New thread here!
It's an *EMOTIONAL* rollercoaster because that's all these people are being -- emotional. Not rational. Not logical. Nothing they say reflects anything going on in the real world or reality.

They are having emotional reactions to their imaginations.
I hate that this is basically what many women are now but they aren't cute like dorkness.
Exactly. He was offered kingship, which he turned down. On top of all of that, he warned against the two part system and what evil it would wrought. George Washington was fucking based.
I've always wondered what the jews think of (((the jews))).
this, plus Gommunism is like getting a kike brain transplant, it's obsessive, that dovetails with the media as well
Isn't abortion freedom from the baby inside them? Why do they always act like it's freedom from the state?
The Jews that you see posted here with the black hats and coats and the long beards etc, are the Hasidic Jews that are like 15% of the population here and everyone fucking hates them because they don't work, don't serve in the military, don't pay taxes and just get free welfare.
We have 5 Million Jews and 2 Million Christians/Muslims here in Israel that all fucking despise these (((Jews))) that you hate too.
I was assuming this was going to be a wakeup to the default democrats who just vote blue because they live in cities. It's a pretty big vindication of the rights accusations of Biden being unfit and how the media lies to cover for him. Will they just keep on like, well they lied to us about this, but certainly about nothing else and never again?
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>greta posting intensifies
Thanks bro. Comforting to hear in a sad way.
I can guarantee you Kamala is absolutely shitting herself with glee right now. She sees endless money and a shot at the White House.
She's got to be beyond giddy with excitement.
A colossal fuckup of a candidate with a chance at a stunning goldmine win all because so many people hate her opponent.
Imagine being that street shitting prostitute right now.
The world truly knows no justice and revels in chaos. Even if she loses, she wins.
>don't work, don't serve in the military, don't pay taxes

Sounds pretty based to me.
Sure, shes the one person happy. Even if she loses she will walk away rich and write a book on how "racism / sexism" lost her the race.

Hahaha this is such a good narrative to push. I need to figure out how to make sock puppet accounts.
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>if you're part of a marginalized community and have the means, it's time to work up an escape plan.
Great advice. GTFO, and take your illegal pets with you.
In fact this might be their plan from the start. Who else would have been ok for taking the fall.
we hate them more than pajeets hate toilets
Hop in!
I don't understand why they're all so mad. Surely Biden was guaranteed defeat especially after another few months of deterioration?
They're such melodramatic little fucking babies. The victim complex goes so deep they actually believe that Donald Trump will get into office and issue some order to round up all the trannies and have them sent to a camp or something.
They are natural slaves
>"Xirs! It's literally an avengers level threat!"
>"we have to defeat Drumpf!"
>"we are literally the rebellion! Even Luke Skycucker is on our side!"
Jfc what in actual fuck is wrong with them
these fags have never experienced a real problem before in their lives
Kek. That has to be a troll.
Their masters haven't given them instructions on what to think and feel yet, and their programming doesn't take this situation into account so they're going haywire right now. Give it a few days and they will receive their new programming and be back to confidently proclaiming themselves the saviors of democracy in a battle of good vs. evil.
Reddit is like 70% bots dude. A vast majority of posts aren't even human
Josh Shapiro, D. Governor of Pennsylvania?
As far as Democrats go he seems like a national candidate more than anyone else talked about. His positions are fairly mild.
It's called a pro gamer move
Make RWDS a real thing.
kek ok that makes sense desu

>now it''s their candidate that has dementia!

I don't think Trump has dementia, but notice how they admit they guy they wanted to remain as president does.
These are low-testosterone open mouth lego collectors
If you have used LLMs before you can notice with a pretty good certainty when it is a bot. Certain writing patterns, a positive bias, always writes a novel..
I cannot fathom how did biden cancel the keystone XL pipeline. The dirty industry is the one thing that you accuse of a lot of things, and then quietly accept the fact, that society runs on money.

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