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How come it's not posted on whitehouse.gov or joebiden.com?

Why is it only posted on a social media platform?
It’s not Joever bros. Until the fat lady sings.
look bro this wtf
He isn't the President so he wouldn't have any access to WhiteHouse.gov. Jill must have the campaign website so that's out. Imagine how many ashtrays are getting hurled right now.
Biden was kidnapped with covid excuse. Being held against his will and forced out of office.
whitehouse.gov posts all public announcements though.
So it was either a rogue element or the last decent member of his inner circle bailing him out.
they haven't told Biden yet
>actually a legitimate observation
A week ago, I would have called you a schizo.
Because the staffer that runs his twitter account made the announcement and it has no bearing on reality
I even waited a while to post this. Just in case.

Still nothing.
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Because Biden didn't write it. It's a coup.
Gonna be real funny when he wakes up and "it's just a prank bro"
There is some fishy about the whole thing it’s a power play for sure
Why is there no address listed?
That's a thing.
Or rather, a missing thing.
Typical CIA tactic used in Latin American rigged elections. Pete Buttigieg also used it in Iowa primary in 2020. You just announce victory and then move like it's real. The media will collaborate. At this point, it would destroy the party to admit he didn't sign it. They're banking on that his old man stubbornness won't go that far.
Probably just a practical joke by his twitter intern. Wouldn't be the first time that Biden's staff had to walk back something she posted.
Joe is lovked in the basement. He is eating ice cream. I doubt we see this guy again.
because technically it's a political announcement, not one done officially as President.
they're supposed to keep them separate even though the WH has been running flack for his personal and reelection
This. Biden's own white house staff and campaign staff found out about this from twitter.
an incompetent presidency displays incompetency. wow what a shocker
They're going to kill him...

>check whitehouse.com rather than .gov
>no longer porn
the internet is fucking dead
you're showing your age old man
>just a practical joke
Yeah haha just the highest office of the most powerful nation in the world having a giggle
They don't seem to take issue with posting things like this:

it also doesn't explain the lack of coordination with his campaign's web team. Or why they weren't told about it, and had to find out on twitter
Potus and campaign are two different entities.
Campaign vs official POTUS business
Trump never sold MAGA hats on whitehouse.gov
You're right about joebiden.com
are they though?
Actions of the vice president acting in official capacity vs Joe at home.
Jill Biden retweeted it with a heart emoji
That's how Joe and Jill found out too.
His campaign website would host it if that were true.
Had several hours now to make a retraction, clearly it's good to go
this would be the most hilarious. Some random 20yo who runs his twitter account changing the course of history.
Yea, this is weird indeed. How is it only on the official Biden x account and not on something even more official?
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So when Joe is on the campaign trail, justifying his debate performance, it's official capacity?

But when he's bedridden with covid, too weak to make it to the oval office stationary, it's personal? I'm still quite confused as to why it's ONLY on fucking twitter.
In his last public appearance, Biden is shown to be very weak and he can barely walk down the stairs.
He hasn't been seen since and it's been 4 days.
Then, today, "he" releases a LETTER stating he will not seek reelection rather than going on tv.
What are the odds that he's actually dead and the dems are working all this behind the scenes?
Is it possible the dems already bumped him off?
Do you honestly think these dinosaurs are using their personal Twitters? It’s all a smoke screen for them to look trendy by having social media. They don’t run those accounts those accounts are ran by interns and staffers that are in league with the dnc.
I doubt she controls her social media either. I'm fairly sure its the same individual or team that handles both
The voting machines, write-in ballots and illegal migrants will always guarantee a Democrat victory. Republicans will never win the presidency ever again. When will people understand this?

Our elections are not legitimate.
voting machines are people too, chud. better than people even, which is why they get so many votes.
Do you have any idea how quickly she would be killed and the post retracted
No because I'm not a "Democrat".
>Biden is staying in the race, he's more than capable, we just had this resignation draft letter signed and posted by mistake
She'd still be killed or at least given to Hunter to use as a sex slave but they could never come back from this.
If his social media manager is making shit up that is very criminal.
what laws did she break?

Besides being the most based shitposter to ever grace X
lol no they're not you massive faggot
>implying dementia joe can write anything
die faggot tranny
Gonna be a lot of phonecalls
I'm gonna snort silently to myself if biden holds a press conference in the next few days and says he's staying in the race
>obongo supporting an open convention

Explains everything
The damage will have already been done, and the salt will flow
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If he tries to come back in a few days after he's over COVID I will be so happy. That would be hilarious. Please Joe, please try it.
It's been joever since they cheated to get him in and had to institute martial law in DC around his inauguration
Stop asking questions
Rolling for this
When I go to joebiden.com it redirects me to actblue donation form with a picture of Kamala Harris and a quote from Joe Biden saying he endorses Kamala. So OP this thread is over.
joebiden.com literally forwards to actblue.com/donate, with quotes from the post
whitehouse.gov has no mention of it.
>ohhhh boy some people are getting fucked right now
How did he write his signature in the past?
How is such a monumental announcement not done through some kind of press conference?
>Biden was kidnapped with covid excuse
you think the covid diagnosis was faked to kidnap him and perform a coup?
Maybe joe bought Trump pens desu
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Is there a video of Joe saying he dropped out of the race? Or am I just supposed to believe the staffer running his twitter account?
yup. you're right. wasn't the case when I first posted this an hour and 24 minutes ago.

Welp, it's officially joever.
what if she got phished?
there must be a way that someone tells her what to tweet - maybe a third party figured out a way to imitate that?
The yid media already said he was dropping out so it's happening whether their geriatric puppet wants it to or not.
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No video. No audio. Biden hasn't even been seen in 4 straight days. This shit is a coup.
Who is Joel Jelen?
Holy shit, they were quick with the merch

>out but still president

Do dems really think they can hide Biden in the white house basement from now to next year?

All it would take to crash any of the replacement candidate is for Joe to be in public any one of the event and say something like he did not want to go or saying he still running

It is not even august yet
Bro, that would be the best, imagine some jannie staffer in charge of writing cringe posts on twitter for Biden just has enough and causes a serious political crisis with one shitpost, I would unironically kneel.
He's dying of the common cold. But still fit to serve as President for another 6 months.
>takes 100 of the top ranking Republicans to band together to fail a coup
>takes 1 shitposter Democrat to have a successful coup
its so fucking over
I actually still have the letter from the stimulus check he sent out with his signature on it. I have it on my fridge same with trumps because I just thought it was so crazy they actually gave a White man some gibs. The signature I have looks compleatly different
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My boy personally emailed me 3hrs ago and said the same thing.
/pol/ chuds behind the curve as usual .
What's with the line under the sig. Can't find any other example like that. Pens and illness might cause some differences, but the underline?
kek this is the sign of a neet. You do realise we have digital signatures? Dumb motherfucker.
>it's her scribbled signature and a bunch of fag hag shit
Niggers outside of sporting events and concerts do better.
Social media clapbacks are standard methods of official government message delivery. It's sad but true that even whitehouse.gov and other sites are irrelevant and obsolete now. This is what "power to the people" looks like when the people are brown and retarded.
The longer this goes on without a public appearance to confirm things, the more and more it looks like a DNC coup by Killary.
>There is no way Obama wouldn't have been brought on board. The fact he seems to be opposing Kamala while Hillary is supporting her, is extremely suspicious.
ur overestimating his disabilities, he's old and senile but not a total moron
Joe's dementia is getting so bad he can barelly remember he's president and running for re-election.
If one of his handlers just tells him that he gave up re-election and forgot about it, good chance he'd just go with it.
Signature looks fake an gay, probably just a copy of an old one.
>joebiden.com literally forwards to actblue.com/
They're hoping to rake up enough money to pay for another assassin
This timeline is a fucking ride
something weird is happening
Who the fuck is Joe Bidas?
A digital signature wouldn't make you include an underline all of a sudden. Are you serious?
That redirect is new with the past hour
Unfathomably based
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Has anyone actually seen Biden since all this started?
should we send him our energy?
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So what? The dementia brained retard did an irl signature for once. Of course it's going to be slightly different. Write your signature 20 times, there's going to be imperfections.
If it was a digital signature then they would have no problem making it look like all the others, dumb motherfucker.
S tier merchandise too!
> Had several hours now to make a retraction
Joe isn't reading his own twitter account.
I want the trans flag suits one so bad.
>the little girl on the shirt was me
I would rather have Hillary Clinton. Michelle Obama. Michael Obama. Anything but this.
Sure, I don't disagree. But you throw in underlines in your signature occasionally? That's a pretty significant change, not just a small imperfection.
This shit is so ugly
We need to send him our energy uncle joe is in trouble they are trying to hurt him to force him to drop out of the race. The signature I have does not match the signature in the dropping out letter. This is a coup an attack on our democracy because they don’t want to lose with dignity and grace against trump.
>if this was a coup
this is like saying if water was wet
Because Elon musk met with Netanyahu and kissed Ben Shapiro’s tiny jew penis
The 'R' is nothing like he ever signed. Neither the 'B'.
That's definitely not his signature.
>The media will collaborate. At this point, it would destroy the party to admit he didn't sign it. They're banking on that his old man stubbornness won't go that far
Sure looks like it.
The signature is not important, they can be faked. There are plenty of other suspicious issues, such as Biden not making a live press conference to announce such a big event, especially since he and his team have been denying it for weeks.
This one is also still up






no refunds lol
>They're banking on that his old man stubbornness won't go that far.

They have no experience with old men then. Its why there are warning stickers on the cars here. They cant take it with them, are old, and frankly the chaos is attention.

If this was a coup attempt we may see the party split.
The signature seems pretty important to me everyone in America has a signed letter from Biden we can all verify it ourselves. This is a smoking gun they are trying coup him and possibly torturing an old man who served with honor. This is insane
Based joever shitposter wins the internet, forever.
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> he and his team have been denying it for weeks.
And then all of a sudden a digital doc with a suspicious signature. His team not even knowing about it. This is a coup. I suspect some witch behind it.
jews collaborating with other jews? I don’t believe it
> slightly
topkek. they got these up quick. Probably same girl running the twitter accounts runs the shopify account

News stations are confirming it. This is not a hoax.
>you think the covid diagnosis was faked to kidnap him
Perhaps not to kidnap, but to gently threaten him.
Possibly both he and Trump were meant to be assassinated in the same week.
>A WH coup immediately after someone nearly shoots Trump in the head, Biden gets Covid, and the SS director is about to be flamegrilled alive/resign tomorrow morning? He needs to appear in public immediately.
Read the OP again.
never claimed it was a hoax, just that fuckery is afoot
lol swan lake is playing on CNN, burger bro's?
>This is not a hoax
Correct, it is a coup. Big difference since hoaxes aren't necessarily treason while coups are.
>Show us Biden. The world needs to hear him say this himself.
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>A week ago, I would have called you a schizo.
Clown World comes at you fast.
>Jews and (((Journalists))) are confirming it
Biden himself hasn't even confirmed it.
A jew coup, even
They are exposing themselves.

Imagine if the DNC splits and becomes a few splinter parties fighting for relevance.
It's not a Presidential Communique.
It's a Campaign notice.
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Oh shit, I found the real release on WH.gov

Sorry. I thought OP was implying hoax. But yeah it really looks like theres some internal strife. I wouldnt be surprised if Hillary came in to take over the party again. Just like when they threw Bernie under the bus.
okay. well can I get an announcement from Biden's own mouth then?
He's dead, Jim.

I posted this >>475128837 earlier.

Taking paxlovid. safu and effectiveu


Remember when "Biden" tweeted he would step down if his doctor told him to? That was probably someone else too. Wouldnt wven be surprised if they whacked him.
You think if they're going to plagiarize a signature they're going to underline it?

How about his behaviour/speech/diaper changed in the last four years..but no an underline is a more worthy thread wasting conversation. Fucking stupid niggers.
>Do dems really think they can hide Biden in the white house basement from now to next year?
Now that he's resigned and passed the torch, it would be a shame if he never spoke again and died of old age.
Because they are exposing how foolish the right really is. As stupid and useless as the left npcs.
Brother it was the merchants who informed the DNC
>Remember when "Biden" tweeted he would step down if his doctor told him to?
he meant Jill
what are you even trying to say?
Maybe he doesn't know.
>Joel Jelen
so its really true that negroes cant read cursive
If Trump's team was smart they would seize this opportunity to uncover an ongoing coup perpetrated by the same people who just tried to shoot him in the head.
>Patriotism demands sacrifice. Lets see Trump actually question Biden's disappearance and likely murder.
He didn't post it himself. He isn't able to be in front of a camera at all.
Biden is dead. This is a coup. He hasn't be seen in public in four days.
This is the last time he was seen, feebly walking down the stairs.
Then he drops out of the race with a letter, not a press conference? If their excuse is "he has covid" he could've easily taped a statement at home for release.
I think they'll annouce he's dead within a few days.
They are not as clever or cunning as the average anon. It would be a good power play to make
if picrel was real then it will probably be the only time where a zoomer/Millenial will have any influence in politics
is the pride flag sticker just 8 pictures of harris in different awful suits?

What is happening to Biden right now is a giant lever of power being pushed down by a group of very desperate people. The great thing about leverage is that it works both ways. If Trump rises to defend Biden's office as the President, he has the ability to catapult all of these schemers into the light.
>There is a genuine power move on the table right now. Lets see if he is smart enough to take it.
That’s how they got Biden to win the 2020 election. The media called states for him early, and he set up an “Office of the President-Elect” while Trump was still contesting the vote.
good thing troons can't tell when they're being patronized
Why assassinate the president when you can just tweet on his behalf that he's retiring?
Because the board would not survive without twitter threads
If the SS kills Biden and tries to kill Trump in the same week, they will have become the praetorian guard. This is a bipartisan issue. Your republic, along with the future of freedom for billions of people, is dead if that is the case. True leaders defend everyone, even the people they don't like. Trump would have to be crazy not to seize this opportunity.
Who are the traitors ?
Kamala will not be the [nominee]
Eyes on the "prize"

Wait for the signal.
Patriots in control.
If true it would be one of the most pathetic (and successful) coups to ever happen. Please be true.
Kim Klement prophesized this.
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>biden has "COVID" and hasn't been seen for days
>communication comes from one channel we know he doesn't control, no official notices, no appearance even in video
>Hunter and his other family members are conveniently away in Californa/other countries right before this all happened
>immediately after the announcement a huge, coordinated press blitz starts
They've got him chained to a pipe in a basement somewhere

>all these others have Jr. at the end end

The only one without it is the one on
>missed Trump
Biden can't beat Trump
>kill Joe instead
It should actually be illegal for anyone representing the state to post on commercial social media without a state-ran mirror.

good point. also his official signature from the federal registry.

the fact that it's only "officially" on X is pretty fucking suspicious still.
true. I want proof of life.
Hunter wrote this, lmfao, I bet he writes his own pardon too hahahahaha
Lol as if they didn't have designs in their back pocket for every eventuality.
Underrated lol
Ugly dude
Ugly fat negro
ugly fat negro
He and her body doubles
>They're banking on that his old man stubbornness won't go that far.
I will say this of Biden: he's Irish. Grudges transform us into saiyen. Double-crossing one of our number just ensures either your death or your suffering. If Kamala is really trying a power play, this is going to get ugly and is going to end up with Biden's "death", and she will rise with critical wounds. I'm guessing we'll suggest she pick RFK Jr as a VP, and she won't do it cuz lol 60 IQ cumdumpster. RFK doesn't endorse her, Trump gets something akin to 1984 election with landslide. Anything other than a landslide, pic related will reach a critical point where everyone starts openly joking about how fake our elections are.
i like this one
>one year ago
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It's jover.
Fake Trump assassination to force Biden to quit
Instead he will appoint Larry Fink or Jamie Daimon as Treasury secretary.
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see? he was fine then, he's fine now. this is a COUP!!!
the degeneration from the massive amounts of drugs for years must be insane.
It's the good clean CIA drugs tho

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