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Attorney General Merrick Garland, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, and FBI Director Christopher Wray, and many others implicated.
>Christopher Wray
What was his involvement with Las Vegas, and why did they choose that to launch Kamala's Presidential bid?
BUMP, get in here anons.
Each one of the Beaver County ESU + Allegheny County officers + Secret Service + ATF should have been deposed already, under oath, with counsel and signed affidavits + taped testimony

This is a goddamn travesty.
Congress will need to create a parallel investigative body with prosecutorial powers.
8 fucking days later:
1. No Ballistics Report
2. No FBI Statement as to
number of shooters
number of rounds fired
calibre of rounds
exact make and model of weapon
3. No FBI statement as to how the Rifle was brought on-site
4. No Bodycam footage (from Beaver County)
5. No Radio Communications or Transcripts
Shooter confirmed vegan possibly transitioning.
Confirmed wearing Demolition Ranch gear, possible /k/ poster, confirmed/x/ poster.
Recent NatSoc " convert", possibly for Fed Agency infil.
The fences around DC in January 2025 are gonna be 20 feet taller with 10x more razor wire.
Red jews 2 more week ride to nowhere. See you again in two more weeks for another irrelevant happening.
You spent all day on this site schizo. The first thread you made you bumped all day now this. Get a hobby you and your boomer followers holy shit
you wont do shit.
>Attorney General Merrick Garland, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, and FBI Director Christopher Wray, and many others implicated.
so in otherwords, there will be nothing that will happen to any of them.
it is obvi that Harris is put in place to cover up/along with obama... and there is not even a presidential seal nor are they talking about doing the Nominee at the DNC convention so what the fuck is really going on RS
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Bumping for posterity
> possibly transitioning
Your tranny fixation is showing, retard
i meant presidential seal on the letter biden supposedly posted on twitter, yet there has been no real announcement by biden himself
Or just prosecute for gross incompetence bordering on intentional sabotage.
Missed page 7 anon
>confirmed /x/ poster
this is 'firmed?
the trip pw was 57, as in heinz, as in pickle factory... does that mean he was activated by company members?
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pretty obvious it was an inside job. probably came from biden himself
But you will.
Already have.
I told you you would.
Forordained to Damnation.
A chamberpot not fit to be in the same room as the Silver and Gold Chalices.
A whited seplechre containing dead men's bones.
>Or just prosecute for gross incompetence bordering on intentional sabotage.
Still need to conduct an independent investigation, which would begin with sworn statements.
Now that the FBI has had 7 days to threaten and destroy evidence, it's gonna be tough., but not impossible.
Ahh sorry, brainfart.
Kerry' CAIR
So it could he blamed on Iran to fulfill The Prophecy
It appears to be a coverup for a possible asassination of President Biden.
>Trump is nearly shot in the head.
>Biden gets 'covid'.
>SS director is about to resign in disgrace.
>Biden is 100% on the record opposed to dropping out of the race.
>Magically he issues a random letter resigning without a press conference, letter head, presidential seal, or even telling his staffers. Kamala instantly is ready and has Killary's endorsement pre-printed. Obama is actively fighting it and was clearly cut out of the loop.
>POTUS Biden is nowhere to be found.
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Wait a second.
Local News reported that he had purchased AMMO on the morning of July 13th.
But they did hose down the roof.
I have kinda got it figured out. It was a legit BlueTeam op. The RedTeam hijacked it and used it to stage a pro Trump psyop. The patsy the BlueTeam used got 86’d and his real name changed to crooks to point fingers and laugh at the BlueTeam. All the evidence pointing to failed and corrupt secretServix and blackrock and shareBlue and many others up the list. I truly think it was a legit glow-op that got turned into a boost in trumps ratings along with shining light on all the corruption. All the LoonieLeft REEEEEEE’ingg about it and trying to blame it on everybody else makes it even more clear that it was legit and they failed.
what did I do?
Happy Nat'l Ice Cream Day
Are you suggesting that there are more than one sides, all vying for control here?
Hussein isn't in complete control?
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Shooters steam account located.
the biggest thing that has been memed into reality are memes themselves.
There are so many groups claiming the authority to train agents to work on slanted roofs. Utube channels, web sites. Memes all over the place.
When does a bird sing? When it's caged.
And now they're out.
So a half hour goes by with no decisions being made. They let Trump take stage, they didn’t send anyone to go investigate the kid, nothing.m of any importance happened. The ineptitude is astounding.
Fine work.
A FUCKING HOUR between first reported as suspicious
To the Shooting.
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One name
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The dead shooter has thick luxurious brown hair. That guy has thin greasy nasty hair. He's not the shooter, quit trying to force it.
FF coming.
If you can get to a store, an ATM tonight yet, or tomorrow early, do so.
Have cash on hand now, always.
Friday was just a preview.
Reminder that we have no idea where this picture came from
Glowies shitting up this thread hard.
Your work is appreciated OP.
Actually it's been 11 months as first being Reported.
Can we merge this with the other shooting investigation threads? That way the JIDF shills can continue to convince me this crooks geek did it all solo

Trump playing Nessun Dorma makes me think that the assassination attempt precipitated a "mop up" of the "bad guys" by the "good guys" and now we all gradually get to see. Shooter being in a black rock ad, weird stock manipulation by deep state actors, all very interesting. Biden AWOL. Wild stuff.
Running with the Secret Service assassination theory (which is borne out by the fact they just tried to shoot Trump in the head on live TV):
>Obama is facing a DNC revolt from Killary loyalists (corporate wing)
>Clooney clearly was used as a messenger to enable what is happening right now
>No one on Biden's team has any idea where he is, what he is doing, or if he is even alive
>Kamala was instantly prepped and set forward as the next DNClown
>Missing letterhead, no presidential seal, no systems being updated to reflect this change, and consensus being driven by Killary aligned media without any news conference by Team Biden
>Meanwhile Obama has been cut out entirely and its unthinkable that his faction (Team DEI) would be ignored as they are very powerful within the Democratic Party.
>Again all of this is happening against the looming spitroast of the $ecret $ervice director tomorrow morning and Trump's miraculous survival last week.
>If he isn't seen alive again, then he was murdered plain and simple.

Also curious if USSS was directly involved. Going to be a wild time to watch the USSS lady try and answer questions. It's weird to me that nobody has ever puked during a deposition or hearing or whatever. You'd think they'd be so anxious and stressed that they would. Statistically speaking, it seems inevitable.
>Actually it's been 11 months as first being Reported.
Expound on this,please.
Is your comment referring to his Threats against his school?
Also, we need to try to nail down some details as to how he was featured in the Blackrock commercial, but these aspects should be reserved for other threads imo.
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Why is that a pic of Yearlick though?
The US 911 emergency phone system is now being handled by a company in Israel, developed by Thiel. It's nominally headed by Ehud Barak, was subsidized by Epstein and Wexner. See this video, about 3+ minutes in.
We have a serious FF, don't even bother with calling 911.
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Logic tells me it's from the "atf" agent who asked for a pic.

Nice get.
Hubris will be their Waterloo.
Let's say trump quadruples his security (private), and the dems can't steal the election, and trump is inaguarated.

can he jail all pf these people?
This isn't the real hillary though, right?
And where's Jill now?
She's not going to like any of this.
>Attorney General Merrick Garland, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, and FBI Director Christopher Wray, and many others implicated.
That’s why I think this op was so good. It made the left look bad. Especially the loonies on TickyTock screaming into their screens
>aaahhhhh we almost had him
>we were this close to making this country great again
Folks are seeing it and realizing how absolutely radical these loonies are. So many in the Left are squirming like a baby with a shitty diaper on with that funky look on their face. You know good and well this op boosted Trump another +5% across the board and it’s making the left look worse and worse and shining a light on all the bad actors who actually were in on the op to assassinate trump.

>you’ll never guess how this movie ends
>it had to be this way

What’s gonna be real good is if all these sumbishes walk the plank and lose their jobs before the end of summer.
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This question should have much HIGHER priority.
Trump should have been pulled from the Stage in ANY OTHER SCENARIO.
My connection is related to
>premade Steam account
Glows so bright I need sunglasses
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So any predictions tomorrow for the SS Director El Cheato Hearing?

It will be total bullshit stonewalling or maybe no even happen. I swear if any of the bitches answers are "I can't answer that because of the pending investigation or national security blah blah blah" I am going to literally lose my shit.
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From economist Bill Holter.
This is a sad coincidence.
Why is the fbi cleaning shit up? When they raid your house they don't come back and un-flip the furniture.
No DNA samples now.

Not gonna lie, a (you) from RedSkull has made my day, and I've already been having a good day. Thank you.

I haven't seen much freemason stuff whereas normally with things like this you see them giving interviews left and right with the symbols. The shooter's grandmother was in order of the eastern star, though.

there wasn't as many
as there was a while ago
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FBI = Fecal Bureau of Inside-jobs
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You are aware that we at /pol/ know the whole thing a hoax right? By all means, use the cover to round them up, but you don't need to bullshit us like the dems trying to make the 2020 election not a rigged shitshow.
Rumor has it she will resign tomorrow.
Unconfirmed, source has gone dark.
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>Hubris will be their Waterloo.
No way out
Plausible deniability
>Joe's Soul was required of him on National ice cream day
Perhaps all of those cocky ice cream licking pics pissed God off, no?
They ran so fast that the hounds couldn't catch'em.
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That's the joke
Meantime, the Donald still gets his multiple scoops.
You've had quite a few scoops yourself today.
And... you get what you pay for apparently.
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We can't let Donald get 6 gorillion scoops of ice cream again!
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Fine, whatever, just round the niggers up already. Some of us want to have some semblance of hope this shit isn't all tit's up already.
>So it could he blamed on Iran to fulfill The Prophecy
Pete and repeat
Yeah you’re right on with that one. They jumped to blame Iran on day 3.
They wanna do anything and everything they can to blame Iran for everything just like they did russia for 6-7+ years. It’s all to gaslight the public into thinking _______ (insert country here) is bad and doing wrong so when they start an unnecessary war because they want to take over that country to take over the money and let the rothschilds build a fed to control the money and take over the oil and gold and all.

The same 5 reasons we always go to war
Imagine if his next business venture was ice cream.
Banana split tickets.
Rocky Road to the WH
Vanilla is so unDEI
Strawberry Alarm Clock https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idJzMSKaHaw

I'm curious exactly what the transmitter the shooter had was for. Haven't seen any pictures of explosives at all, yet we get a pic of the dead shooter moments after it happens? I've heard the CIA can do behavioral modification with frequencies. Think: EKG and resonance. They could remote control cats in the 70's/80's. Tech advances fast. I remember some weird shooting where an UBER driver said a moloch logo popped up and "took control" of him and made him do drive by shootings.

Joe being out so fast after this assassination attempt has me thinking of the Godfather series. Godfather 3 gets a bad wrap but is based on true events.

they ran through the briers
and they ran through the brambles
Hourly reminder that anyone pushing the Yearick narrative is a Jewish shill paid per post by their Jewish masters to spread disinformation and fuck up the investigation. Yearick is alive and in jail. Also, AI confirmed with 100% accuracy yesterday that the shooter was 100% THOMAS MATTHEW CROOKS.
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I posted over there, to advise them of this thread, and also that Area Code 215 is Philadelphia.
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ok nigger
That’s yearick
That’s the real guy in the roof
The pictures released by good glows behind this RedTeam psyop to implicate the left were of some kid they’re calling crooks. Pretty sure that’s a made up name and I’m half convinced the pix are made up too.
>secret cervix
That man's hair is clearly receding, well-poisoning faggot. Look how thin it is along his temples.

when pfizer zombies?
The answer is Ninjas and Unicorns that like to riot
I am surprised they didn't create the patsy identity as someone named "Assassin" or "Wekillatrump"
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its real
I would assume anyone who bought a wireless detonator "online i guess" that they would already be known to authorities. Why wasn't he?
You’re going to die in Khazaria, airman.
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>Why wasn't he?
I think the explosives were Plan B where if they missed Trump they could blow up his motorcade as he departed. Maybe Trump left a different route or the guy with the detonator was dead before Trump left?
I guarantee this fags been known to authorities since he threatened a school bombing.
Hourly reminder that anyone pushing the Yearick narrative is a Jewish shill paid per post by their Jewish masters to spread disinformation and fuck up the investigation. Yearick is alive and in jail. Also, AI confirmed with 100% accuracy yesterday that the shooter was 100% THOMAS MATTHEW CROOKS!
Who uses a mugshot or real picture on their steam profile you absolute fucking retard
Psst.. I don’t know if anyone told you yet, but it was the jews. They’re not gonna talk about it but everyone already knows
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is it really hourly?
>Reminder that we have no idea where this picture came from
The same “people” who gave us the pix of “crooks” sitting by the concrete wall. There’s actually two pix of him there. One looking at his phone and one while he’s looking around.
The photo on the roof is yearick, my thoughts are the RedTeam glows posted a pic of yearick 86’d quick to show the BlueTeam their patsy got 86’d. Also the “leak” from the sniper the following morning and the pix from multiple sniper locations showing pix down barrel and all. It’s all been leaked here which screams RedTeam planners giving us clues and leaks. There is no other logical explanation.
I miss the days when Arthur Ward was the Asst. Director under Hoover, and Inspector Lewis Erskine was always on the case.
The timing of this is suspect in this way too.
Could the dems be thinking of canceling the election altogether?
joe is on the ballot already, harris is not eligible to run either, they have no one to beat Trump.
They won't take a chance of Mike Johnson sneaking into the Oval.
How about just forget the whole thing.
The cop that climbed up to the roof, got a gun aimed at him, and he climbed back down - could he identify the shooter?
If the assassination was successful, do you think Biden would have dropped out? I don't think the internet would be working right now if the hit worked.
>I swear if any of the bitches answers are "I can't answer that because of the pending investigation or national security blah blah blah" I am going to literally lose my shit.
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SO RS, the man in grey?

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>FBI = Fecal Bureau of Inside-jobs
You are under the assumption that elections won't be cancelled.
You kill the president and then blow up explosives as a diversion and disappear during the chaos, ofc
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And only one candidate is based enough to tell the world why.
>that elections won't be cancelled.
War will do that & I wouldn't be surprised if that is the outcome.
i dunno about this dude, he was not a good man in his youth and too many dead wives.
There's also the possibility Crooks didn't act alone, and there's other bad actor who once he saw Crooks dropping dead decided to just dip. Explaining why the detonator isn't anywhere.
Or maybe Crooks decided that trying to handle a remote detonator and a rifle at the same time was just going to complicate the shot, or maybe he got nervous and forgot the detonator on the car, he had a rangefinder at hand so he could have gotten nervous and mixed up gear, by the time he was in the roof, there was no going down for anything in the car that he didn't put in his backpack, or he thought he had a chance to shoot his car and the explosives if Trump was to be evacuated and Secret Service had somehow not domed him by then. Maybe he did account for the coverage of both trees but in the heat of the moment positioned himself wrong so the cover from one of the trees he account for wasn't there from the side he got fatally shot from ultimately.
It was a really stupidly simple plan relying on things he couldn't control, I'm surprised only the tree, the shots and the detonator were the only failures he had, with such carelessness, dude could have accidentally gotten up there with empty mags and gotten domed anyways because no confessions from a dead body.
Worthy of the nickname "Ree Tardy Oswald" indeed
I still don't know if it will be NATO and Russia or Taiwan and China and so US and China instead.
If the whole falseflags narrative is true then I expect something to happen to a large amount of people in American soil and then it gets blamed one of the two as a direct attack, it will be the first of many so the country can properly declare nationwide emergency to stop elections.
Either that or nothing ever happens.
They wanted to let him take his shot, there's really no other explanation. Incompetence only goes so far. They probably warned local police off from taking action.
Mystery man in grey suit just disappeared? I wonder why no one but FOX news covered this?>
Your text you wrote glows just like your iD
Hahaha good try faggot glowie but we know better. You’re a faggot and suck dicks with your asshole.
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>the War in Heaven
these niggas could have had it all, and now they'll lose everything just to scrabble at crumbs
Israel (Greater Satan's sole reason for existing) having a nuclear habbening could do the trick.
You are right, though: nothing ever happens.
this was a blatant coup not only against Trump, but Biden too. They wanted Trump dead and Biden replaced. They got one.
Pretty sure the name crooks was simply to poke fun at the DS and BlueTeam that planned and tried to carry out the whole thing.
Cause they are all crooks.
>aimlabs 0 hours played
r/woosh retard
>prosecuting before the check clears
> r/woosh
Go back!
that is why the rush to put kamala in. she was in on the plan for the coup. that is the coverup.
original pdf source
They could still get Trump if they really want to.
There was an unknown amount, type and therefore unknown theoretical explosive strength at the shooter's car. That didn't blow up, and his bike and some bags weren't reported on so it's unclear if those also had explosives.
If they were really going for it, the explosion would have cratered the area or made swiss cheese out of everyone if it was the fragmentation type, shrapnel everywhere, even if just a normal explosion, the sonic wave could have ruptured enough vital organs to kill Trump and everybody there.
For some reason, they decided not to use the backup plan.
So either something changed at the last moment or a critical part of the plan failed besides Trump getting domed and they decided it was a No-Go to proceed.
Crazy stuff.
Some of us come here to drop crumbs, just crumbs.
POTUS is 100% INSULATED - any discussion suggesting he’s even a target is false.
POTUS will not be addressing nation on any of these issues as people begin to be indicted and must remain neutral for pure optical reasons. To suggest this is the plan is false and should be common sense.
Focus on Military Intellingence/ State Secrets and why might that be used vs any three letter agency
What SC decision opened the door for a sitting President to activate - what must be showed?
Why is POTUS surrounded by generals ^^
Again, there are a lot more good people than bad so have faith. This was a hostile takeover from an evil corrupt network of players (not just Democrats).
Don’t fool yourself into thinking Obama, Soros, Roth’s, Clinton’s etc have more power present day than POTUS.
Operation Mockingbird
Patriots are in control. Sit back and enjoy the show.
Roger Stone said on Infowars tonight that his sources in the Butler Police department said some Maxwell Yearlick guy was a current suspect in this assassination plot.

start at 46:30
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All along, thru all the compromises and nonsense with the QR twins, the earliest posts were always the most relevant.
Now they're happening.
If hillary and podesta think their time has come, they're in for a surprise.
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RS said, >>475142696
>Actually it's been 11 months as first being Reported.

so if that was the case, then who else was there aside from the USSS/HomelandSec/FBI and "shooter" and if they were prepared for the attempt, then why did Trump still get shot and Corey and 3 others shot? what happened really who are the grey suits and were the ATF there to make sure that they took the explosive device to cover up the explosion that they planned on setting off? is that why they were on the roof?
The reason they postponed the DNC for 5 weeks is cause they knew Joe wasn’t going to be on the ballot. If they name joe as the nominee it locks up all the DNC funds, all the PAC donations and all are locked up with whoever gets named. If they name Joe, and he has to bow out, all the funds are locked to Joe. Kamala or whoever ends up on the ticket can’t use any of those funds. It would be a campaign finance violation. Hence they had to postpone the nomination so they could figure out who they are gonna out on the ticket so the person could use all the super pac and DNC donations.
because had there been an explosion then that could have cause mass casualties.
Hell yeah brother WW!GGA. Q was right.
wtf is this bullshit
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>Patriots are in control
>this is 'firmed?
>the trip pw was 57, as in heinz, as in pickle factory... does that mean he was activated by company members?

wait a minute... that kid looks like a Kerry now that you mention it, a possible offspring that was MKUltra'd into doing this and given a false identity?
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and that is a hard kek. because really? impossibru
The bidens have so much crime to cover up, but in the end, all that really matter with the $90+ million dollars they thought they'd walk away with.
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1. a person who loves, supports, and defends his or her country and its interests with devotion.
2. a person who regards himself or herself as a defender, especially of individual rights, against presumed interference by the federal government.
1. a person who betrays another, a cause, or any trust.
2. a person who commits treason by betraying his or her country.
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Way to Ketchup!
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I am a Patriot.
i have a big bag of popcorn.
enough for everyone.
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And remember about a year or so ago, on a RS thread, there was some veggie company that delivered tomatoes to the Kerry Heinz company - but it was really trafficking kids?
Also, if it was a coup, several, and I really mean several other Dems and Republicans would have been silenced on the same day, if you are really going ultra-magnicide they might as well have bombed everyone instead and declare war on whatever foreign actor they intend to push to level to the ground. Probably Iran or edging Russia or China.
Also, neither Obama nor Hillary got targeted, and nothing happened to the Republicans holding a lot of power and divisive opinions either.
>Then what?
Look, my theory is...
>The Biden replacement was already decided MONTHS in advance
>So was Trump's assassination
>The plan couldn't fully fail, only half-fail, that's what happened.
>Trump would have gotten domed
>Joe alleging that he's not up to the task and that Trump's death shows he can't protect Americans and a lot of other bull said later and he would have resigned this exact same day anyways. It was in his schedule. He probably got something in exchange.
>Kamala or whoever will run is decided soon, not really important because they will tackle the same agenda that's been decided months in advance
>The Republicans on the side of whatever planned this then elect a replacement candidate that is really fucking incompetent or commits a pair of fuck-ups, not on the level of Biden but hard enough to tank his reputation in a single day or week.
>Originally the plan included cancelling the whole assassination bit after the whole felon Trump thing tanked his reputation... Instead it just made him even more popular because he's struggling like everyone else who hates "the system", that's a lot of voters.
>If plan worked, Kamala is now the strong capable leader and the Republicans got the idiot, the whole narrative has gone tits up in a reversal.
>The plan fucking failed, now they are thinking of using the riskier real back-up plan, not the fucking explosives.
>National Emergency or International war or both at the same time.
One shot remains in the chamber.
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Yep, muh boyz. This connects it - Iran, Heinz, kiddie trafficking. AND sixpence. Or maybe it should be sixvance.
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Obama got in on asking Biden to step down right before Adam Schiff did. I don't think he was completely out of the loop he just wanted the dementia president to get out of the race because he can't do the job for another 4 years let alone win. But if there was an assassination/coup of Biden, this changes things. Damn I feel sorry for both Trump and Obama for having to be protected by these Petronian guard jackasses by law.
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>You kill the president and then blow up explosives as a diversion and disappear during the chaos,
That’s what they did in Vegas. Attempted assassination. Then shooting into the crowd was the get-away distraction.
They missed with their shots there too.

Also, needs a thread of its own, but I saw this bus today headed east. Windows were blacked out with black painted styrofoam board. Pretty confident this is going to be a govt paid tour bus hauling illegals into the far reaches of the country.
Oh fuck we're going to get Schrodinger's Biden won't we.
Like he quietly retires to Delaware and doesn't want cameras because "muh dignity" and we'll get a distant shot of him waving that's Bigfoot footage tier and in 5 years they'll announce his quiet death of old age.
India rising. The plan was to assassinate both contenders and run Kamala v Nimrata for the poojeet takeover of the USA.

This was going to allow India to use the USA to war with China and remove one of their nuclear regional powers so that India could continue their rise to pooperpower by 2030
>i dunno about this dude, he was not a good man in his youth and too many dead wives.
Triple check’t
Trips of trooofs
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Bumping to annoy The Deep State
It’s yearick
No L in there
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what about TODD'S TOMATOES? That was 5 years ago!

Huge raid! Local FBI was not notified of the raid (because they were up to some shady shit).

This got memory holed uber fast!

Too late for me to ferret this out.
But Heinz, kids, Iran, the nursery rhyme of RS', all in a post, gotta mean something.
We know both sides will side unequivocally with Israel. Israel wants war with Iran - bibi's vendetta for his brother's killing at Entebbe.
DC has to deliver. That brings in Kerry cause his daughter is married to someone over there.
Ukraine is trafficking too.
Hot tomatoes shipped in crates - all kinds.
I wonder if they are anything like the tomatoes in the basement of Comet Ping Pong
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Stop right there with the questions! That's the media's job (to ignore them)!
>The bidens have so much crime to cover up, but in the end, all that really matter with the $90+ million dollars they thought they'd walk away with.
Biden and Co have raked in 5x that much easily in bribery funds over the years. I would bet the corrupt side of the House of Saud paid Biden and Co $100mil by themselves. They paid biden to get in office and scuttle our domestic production and imports. Which is why on Day1 and Day2 Biden stopped the keystone pipeline stopped fracking by not signing any new leases for all of 2022. This forced us to buy from “opec” but we were actually buying from Saudi Aramco which made them the richest business in the world in 2022 they took in just shy of $1trillion in 2022. They had averaged around $200b per year up to that point and immediately bumped to $960b for 2022. A simple $100b bribe helped them make nearly $1trllion in revenue in a year.

They had reportedly paid HillDawg $400mil and since she didn’t get in Obama paid the loan back. That’s the plane loads of cash to the Middle East weeks before he left office. Part of it was to repay back her advance for her bribe and another part of that was a bribe to Iran to keep quiet because the SeeEyeAye was hiding Bin Laden in Iran. The money was a bribe to keep them quiet.
Nice one Carlos
I have a few of those too
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Got my hands up like no name mccain
So do you think they really run the Witch, Skull?
>I've heard the CIA can do behavioral modification with frequencies. Think: EKG and resonance

This is true.
They did it to me last year.
I used to be a potentially homicidal maniac but they chilled me out.
They told me telepathically all they wanted was "for me to stop making them so fucking nervous" and put me through few months of fear and hell
Now im all better.
True story i post about it here all the time
Excellent digging
why the fuck is an investigation citing abc news for what they know about the shooter?

Pittsburghers love their Heinz ketchup, and apparently so does First Lady Jill Biden and the troops she visited in Romania.
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Hope this thread is still up in the morning.
Meantime, also, Qofficial just changed their message again.
Their countdown ends again at 1 am central, 2 and 1/2 hours from now.
Nighty-night gang.
Big brained post but what a stretch
Ebbic KeK
she is gonna deny deny deny and pull the "i am just a girl" card at least 7 times and go back to her job the same afternoon
Or they didn't have a total psychopath in charge of the orchestrating the assassination. Just shoot Donny in the head will do. No need to get SS and innocent bystanders involved. Oh, poop it didn't work. Oh well my job is done.
So much money laundering so little time.

That's down-right weird?
Eggcellent catch
Hillary has been dead for 8 years. She died at the 2016 9/11 memorial and her corpse was thrown in to a black van and driven way.
Podesta is still alive and can roll out Teresa Barnwell when ever he needs a public appearance.
>/pol/tards are so fucking dumb in 2024 that a clear joke flew over their heads
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What's wrong? Afraid people might figure out that jewlensky is connected? Yearick is Antifa and Ukraine sniper.
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thats a big text message. he's malding
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>FBI Director Christopher Wray
Hi RS. I wonder who was behind that appointment?
>inb4 trust Wray....
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>Shooter confirmed vegan possibly transitioning.

the director will resign monday morning instead of being fired(she needs to lose all govt benefits)
It popped up on 4chan soon after the shooting.
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>there's no transparency because a partisan report accuses them of no transparency
fuck off, redshit.
the whole thing is a fake ass hoax. faker than the WWE.
Jack Black was spotted after Kyle Gass commented on Trump's attempted assassination

also, that timeline don't specify when the assassin when on the roof and positioned itself, there at least a 5 minutes gap
You’re trying hard but nobody buys this. God cursed your people.
if the neo-dem are truly infighting at that level then we are going to see some funny shit
wasted for the obvious, but people are such idiots buying this assassination farce that maybe it's needed.
Who are my people, retard? The kikes? The people Trump supports?
You're a lying, kike shill and you just want Trump to let Bibi "finish the job" in Gaza.
how do you have internet
And now RFK will be known as the "Conspiracy Theorist Candidate" ...way to go.
I've heard people take beta blockers before significant performances to prevent anxiety. I'd guess it would be pretty common in this type of setting.
So when is the night of the long knives
132 hours
Can't be done in any game.
matches with what this guy said about it when it first came out.
Seems like absolute bait from black hats or signal from white hats.
>The gamers will know
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Looks about right. I prefer my femboys and traps to be hard RW.
It really makes you think of Kekui, doesn't it?
it is 1000% a lie that there is no drone footage - there absolutely positively is drone footage of this event - im surprised everyone around here just seemed to overlook and swallow this lie.
the ss, fbyi, mitary and national guard (and others) don't do anything without aerial coverage. also there are higher eyes in the sky that don't get talked about that were watching everything down to the blades of grass
stonewalled meaning stopped? Cause you said implicated, which means not stopped
I mean you woudn't actually keep tomatoes in a warehouse even temperature controlled its in a truck straight to the store
Two Scoops!
no one was giving a congressman (senate) answers when he reached out
Following in the family tradition. JFKs last mistress was killed a week before him. RFK may have been the one that ODed Marilyn, Ted drowned Mary Joe. Their dad had their sister lobotomized. JFK Jnr took his wife with him, although that may have been a Clinton hit.
Jews are still running Operation Trust.
The jews killed JFK because JFK was going to shut down Israel's nuclear weapons enrichment at Dimona.

Now they try & kill my Trump? Well boomerang bitches! What goes around is all around >>475151641
Do you wonder if JFK Jr. was a good man among a bad family? most of the Kennedys were corrupt democrats. JFK, i think he might have been a good man, tho a player and a Jesuit so... i dont know what to think at all anymore. i do know i do not trust any demoncraps and pretty much zero republicans...but i am trusting Trump at the moment. I like Trump
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JFK was kind of a dirtbag but an honest, in your-face dirtbag who actually cared about the Country. He really loved pussy too.

Wow, thanks for your valuable contributions to this thread.
Jnr was sold to the world as a reincarnation of his father. All we saw was a manufactured veneer of a personality.
JFK appeared to be doing the best he could to consolidate America as the preeminent power in the West. He prevented Australia from obtaining nukes, did his best to kill the British nuclear program and died after trying to stop the Israelis.
The Apollo program was cover for Minuteman ICBM tech and Skylab for spying on Russia. Apollo was cancelled when CMOS was developed and physical film delivered from orbit was no longer required to spy on Russian forces.
He certainly worked for the cause of the American Empire, if not the American people.

Trump wants the death penalty for all /pol/tards.
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When I saw that reference in prior thread, I spent hours digging.
Using graphic history, I was able to find same anon who posted:
>13th July is the date that shit gets executed
in other threads, plum particular one on April 17th, four days after Trump spoke in Shanksville. He posted under the name of "John Wick" 147 times, a read through showing he's using this thread as therapy, shifting from existential crisis to RESOLVE. States he's been in this for about a year & a half.
>What a study
Anyway, apparently THAT person is still posting, if same one using trip code !NBWX0JLdyU
If anons will recall, shortly after the assassination attempt on July 13 there was a short video from a guy driving, saying You Got The Wrong Guy. Yearick? I forget.
I'll add that this poster is highly intelligent, discusses needing to up his power level...and if I'm reading him correctly, I get the feeling he's also trying to figure how, after the millisecond deed is done, to use the 'remaining energy' to, idk, 'astral jump' out of there. Complexities.
Because phone posting, couldn't prepare this any clearer. Though there's much more, It is what it is here.
Just had to get it out there, because I think this guy may be a key.
not to mention Joe Biden is now dead. Operation Bullseye backfired
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One moar
Oops, wrong one
>Attorney General Merrick Garland, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, and FBI Director Christopher Wray, and many others implicated.
wow so no change since 2016 thanks for this high level intel you fucking retard
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wew lads
More insight
Wtf is this shit?
A reference to John Kerry & his Iranian DS Ops
Did the shooter have a chin mole about 1.5 inches directly down from (his left) corner of mouth??
Can you stop fucking up this thread with this BULLSHIT

Wtf is this??
Hourly reminder that anyone pushing the Yearick narrative is a Jewish shill paid per post by their Jewish masters to spread disinformation and fuck up the investigation. Yearick is alive and in jail. Also, AI confirmed with 100% accuracy yesterday that the shooter was 100% THOMAS MATTHEW CROOKS!!!
Explain the ear scars on the dead suspects photo? Looks like he had those ear inserts like Yearick, and Crooks didn't
Here's a link to the post that has the July 13th video from Crooks saying "You got the wrong guy"
Hopefully Better Angels are on this...because I've not seen any outlet, nor post, mention this since.
Those aren’t ear scars you well poisoning kike. This has been debunked thirty million times already. It’s blood splatter from his brain being shit dummy kike
Shot ***
Hopefully a Reverse Rapture.
We wake up next morning to find 144k less DS actors breathing our air. Kek

by the way...
i swear, where is everyone? we should see these people trotting out and yapping all about kamala or are we not there for that portion of the play?
What ever happened with the sealed indictments?
Perhaps one of his mk splits IS Crooks.
The guy clearly is with The Program.
Expand your thinking, anon. The shooter is still out there. Not necessarily this guy, but someone no agency has the wherewithal to bring to light.

i actually like Jr and i followed everything about him and he was a really good guy, not like the rest of his corrupt uncles, and he was very well liked. I really believe the clintons had him killed because he was supposed to run for NY senator and it "was HER TURN" and she needed that spot, he would have beat her easily. he had charisma, more than any other kennedy ever. and he was smart, well mannered, and loved. i dont know... i think he might have been a good president. maybe he wanted to carry JFK's plan thru to destroy the evil cia
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This tripcode is hacked.
It was Yearick. He left us clues with his drawings.
Drawing is from his website.
Logo was posted on 4 chan.
Same M into the Y with less "graffiti style" that his hand writing and drawing had
The Todd drawing is also a self portrait
See our threads from last night here :
#1 : https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/474924435/
#2 : https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/474937241/
They knew each other.
>Unit 3, or Team 3 as referenced in the 4ch posts.
lmfao yeah that's fucking pathetic, all this effort to type up some random bullshit and you cite ABC news???
>White Van
Not Crooks Van.
Seriously why do you think there would be a literal bot spamming it was crooks in EVERY FUCKING THREAD with dozens of messages in few minutes.
>i swear, where is everyone?
I suspect that each of them have orgs & donors demanding Their Manchurian get the spot.
I get the feeling that the disarray and infighting is so strong, their like rats scattered into dark corners just waiting to see when the coast is clear enough to reemerge.
This Era will surely be one discussed for centuries to come ..assuming we make it There.
I was suspecting that due to YouTube's pro-India algorithm and policies
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>skibidi feds
Top kek
Oh shid oh fugg
Anon, did you just create a conspiracy machine?
Don't answer that. I want to see if it works first.
No clue, but I do feel they're out there awaiting Their Cue.
I thought you resigned , dickfudge
Based and true , anon.

Shills fear RFK, which is why nobody on this kike infested board mentions him.

Official Policy Page: https://www.kennedy24.com/policies

A short youtube video infographic style of his campaign promises, easily digestible for simpletons and NPCs:

RFK wants go bring American soldiers home and end our involvement in military conflicts of other countries:https://youtu.be/DyDW5BQtzNY?si=G8mU4MBlynHq9k-q

RFK does NOT support reparations:

He is also the ONLY candidate calling out BlackRock, and wants to get them out of the housing market:
It's actually very similar to normal corporate workplace incompetence.
The one thing that leaves this looking like an amateur operation done by an actual lone shooter is the simple fact that he missed. An actual spook operator would not have. But it's clear that someone went far out of the standard operating procedures to make it possible for him to make the attempt.
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ok, why should I care? To rival cattle-ranchers are beefing, and they think I'm literal beef.
*Two rival
Rfks family has pretty much disowned him. Look it up.

Also, yes he was a womanizer but he doesn't hide from his past or any hard questions.. ever. The man is extremely upfront and honest these days.

I just posted these, but I will again.. just for this particular concern.

Also, at least it was ADULT WOMEN. >inb4 epstein plane

He thoroughly explained that, and didn't dodge the question. Anyway, here's some simple sources. If you just listen to the guy, he's the obvious choice

Official Policy Page: https://www.kennedy24.com/policies

A short youtube video infographic style of his campaign promises, easily digestible for simpletons and NPCs:

RFK wants go bring American soldiers home and end our involvement in military conflicts of other countries:https://youtu.be/DyDW5BQtzNY?si=G8mU4MBlynHq9k-q

RFK does NOT support reparations:

He is also the ONLY candidate calling out BlackRock, and wants to get them out of the housing market:
maybe the truth will come out.
i remember Pelicans way back in Q
and it was about hidden bombs in shipping containers, we all ignored him, and turns out, he was right
Don't get your panties in a bunch shizokun, Director of the SS is going to speak today.
RFK kills his wife to marry current wife. yeah right.
The bomb in the car part of the situation is very columbine.

If trump were successfully killed , I think Crooks was going to be used for a retaliatory school shooting. Trump WASNT killed though so the whole thing had to be terminated. All of it.

Doesn't totally add up , I know, but I feel like that is part of it somehow
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Why investigate a staged play? What do you want the screenplay they used?
>Oh shid oh fugg
Look. All I know is that there exists a plethora of posts from One Guy through time who emerges after rallies to spend hours basically decompressing & defragging his psyche as he goes along.
Some of his posts are highly intelligent, and although most likely mk'd, still does not sound like a 20 year-old mentality, nor does the alleged shooter's alleged skilt sets sound plausible.
It's clear the July 13th warning was not simply a coincidence from a totally unconnected anon.
I'm not building a conspiracy; I'm trying to unravel what remains unspoken.
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What are you referencing to exactly do you have something on it please doesnt ring me a bell.
>have you seen this anons ?
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nice work sir
It's Maxwell Yearick posting on 4chan
He was also a member of the "Unit 3" team that was on the Blackrock board video
He references it as "Unit 3"
See our threads on it from last night :
See our threads from last night here
50+ to 200 posts per day in the last days, they were coordinating with handlers :
#1 : https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/474924435/
#2 : https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/474937241/
what the fuck
>Todd tomatoes
>Yearick auto portrait drawing name is Todd
Guys See >>475169814
And >>475167744
Ignore everything after the 13th the tripcode was hacked.
Everything surrounding the tripcode leads to the number 3.
Team 3. Unit 3
>TBD (I suspect Kennon Hooper who was arrested with Yearick in 2017)
They probably radicalized Crooks into an hardcore hippie antifa after high scool. Thats why they are not releasing any recent pictures of him. It would be too obvious he started looking like like those local antifas, greasy long hair n shit
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>looks like a substitute took over in discretionary team 3 business
>Unit 3 in BlackRock video ; Team 3 on 4ch posts is the same thing
>The cryptic schizo physics drawings are his
Per his resume "extensive knowledge of nature and human genome"
>They were using 4chan and game chats for comms, CSGO screenshots, comms about call of duty weapons
Reminds me of that shooter a ways back who complained about "visual snow". Just the tone of it. You can sense the mental illness but the grammar is still not too crazy.
>Shooter shot from building 3
>Tripcode Password was 57 = 5+7 = 12 = 1+2 3
>Tripcode name was !12 = 1+2 = 3
>Talks of torture and satanic ritual abuse in many posts
Its too much coincidences to just be coincidences.. the self portrait, the logo posted on 4ch matching the self portraits signature, all these 3s ect
Hello not so civilian patriot
>Can you confirm this was Yearick ? >>475169814
See my other posts and our threads from last night on the possible "Unit 3" or "Team 3"
>Self portrait + Todd and 3s everywhere
Yet ANOTHER reminder that anyone pushing the Yearick narrative is a Jewish FAT KIKE shill paid per post by their Jewish masters to spread disinformation and fuck up the investigation. Yearick is alive and in jail. Also, AI confirmed with 100% accuracy yesterday that the shooter was 100% THOMAS MATTHEW CROOKS!!!
what's the source on the 7/18/24 image?
Can you also confirm local ANTIFAs like Maxwell Yearick radicalized Crooks after high school and that is why we are not given any recent pictures of him ?
O9A rumors true ?
The tripcode wasn't hacked? He exposed the password himself when said he accidentally made a tripcode. Before that it was used once in 2010 and once in '13. The fucking password was 57.
Honestly seemed like they were setting up for MY to be a patsy. /x/ poster seemed more like your typical jidf slider than just a guy with mental issue, if it was a plan, and it was known that 4channers might look, it was set up to set up 'schizos'. I'm still keepin' the open mind here, but that was my assumption from about day 2. i'll check the threads out though.
this guy spamming actually makes me want to look into it more...
>Yall workin' together?
He's been spamming not stop for a week across multiple boards.
Multiple messages in like 2 minutes across dozens of boards
It's a team of propaganda FEDs or a bot, or a mix of both
>We all had the same reaction. Why would they spam so much ?
Good work anon
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are you tryin' to compare him to leaf bot? you know you can test that right? go into a non related thread of any kind on pol, and out of context mention MAXWELL Yearick and see if you can summon him. Take screenshots for me pls.
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So with as much control you good guys have, knew two years in advance.... The baddies were able to coordinate across all these huge departments and you guys still let them do it?
You were just going to let Trump get the back of his skull dumped out?
Don’t forget
Glows can back-door your computer and post stuff online using your iP and it look and appear like you did it
They do this to build a trail to set people up.
There is an actual reason you should care and you should be attempting to become fully informed but the reality is that the deceptions perpetrated against you have been so effective and in place for so long that you are far away from having enough information to become oriented to the actual truth.

Trump is a blue lodge mason, but the faction of the masonic order he is subservient to is pitted in a war against the global management of the higher levels of infrastructure of their international order.

In effect, and in keeping with your analogy, one of the ranchers is fighting from the perspective of the cattle because this is what they have been classified as by their superiors within their order outside of the American nation.

It's not just about Trump. The American masonry is fighting for their own continued existence and the American people are only directly benefiting from their protective efforts due to their shared territorial interests in the land that the American masonic order has their own vested interests seated on.

What you need to learn how to do is to watch for when they are attempting to trade your own safety and future to secure their own.

They have been at this type of thing for literally thousands of years. If you are just now beginning to take notice of the current schemes you have a lot of history research to catch up to speed. It's literally the same ancient tactics.

Did you see the threads about the ADL having fully infiltrated the fbi to the point that they have their offices sitting next door to every single fbi office?

These same toppled Egypt and Rome and most recently Germany using their same ancient methods.

They started moving their base of operations to China in the early years of the Clinton administration.
The actual first plan was to conduct massive extermination operations on the American people. The American masons that Trump represents are the only reason that was not successful.

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Thank you. Thank you very much.
We are about to archive
See you in the next one
Meds. NOW.
While I know this well, not just the content, but, the timing of posts days after another rally, like this one after the one in Shanksville April 13, and the July 2nd posts after Philly rally a few days earlier, along with repeated use of certain graphics in them all, seems to chronicle how his psyche resolves itself into no longer hesitating.
Wouldn't be surprised to find he was in Shanksville & Philly to test the waters he was preparing to dive into.
As for later posts...I can see it, but, that July 13 "you got the wrong guy" video is being ignored makes me wonder.
Who knows.
You, as well. Stay comfy.
Last nights we tried it and we were able to summon him. Trying right now and it doesnt seem to be working
Also join anons >>475170073

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