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>Reports of an earthquake near the Dimona nuclear facility in the Negev desert in southern Israel.
>The Iranian ambassador to Syria warned Israel a few days ago of an artificial earthquake that “will not stop”
>Signal from a station in Eliat, Israel:
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Last thread had suspicious amount of "nothingburger" shilling from Israel flags. They wouldn't be anxious to admit losing a critical nuclear facility.
Dimona is a breeder reactor. It's used to make plutonium cores for nuclear weapons, so has a lot of weapons-grade plutonium on site.
Seismic waveform says explosion, not earthquake.
Jewish civil war.
Too many white people to coup USA.
What is that, like 9 hours ago?
So religious zealots will keep using and unveiling new and more terrible wunder weapons until some retards get their hands on it and crack the planet? Because somebody didn't get their goys?
Post a non-mossad source. I couldn't find anything confirming or showing anything seismic at all in israel.
Nothing ever happens.
so did yemen just not care about israel bombing their oil factories?
Seems they did, Satan, seems they did:
>Member of the Shura Council of the Ansar Allah Movement, Abdul Salam Jahaf:
>“The countdown [to Yemen’s retaliation] has begun.”
So Dimona was bombed or it was false flagged or it Chernobyl'd?
That's a mossad source or it's regurgitating the mossad sources.

Every single results in google and startpage is from israel (ie mossad). There is not one independent monitor anywhere that shows any seismic activity or reports in israel in the last 24 hrs.

>jerusalem post
>times of israel
>.gov.il (israeli government)
>israel national news
>the times of israel

All of them literally all of them, mossad. Something reeks.
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>The biggest Red alert ever over Israel, mostly around Dimona.
The provided graph appears to represent a seismic event, likely a blast, as indicated by the following features:

1. **Initial Peak**: The graph shows a sharp initial peak, which is characteristic of the sudden release of energy typical of a blast. This peak reaches around 7000 counts, indicating a significant energy release.

2. **Rapid Decay**: Following the initial peak, the signal rapidly decays and stabilizes. This suggests that the energy dissipates quickly after the initial blast.

3. **Stabilization**: After the initial decay, the signal stabilizes around 2000 counts, indicating a return to baseline levels.

4. **Duration**: The graph covers a time span from 20:15:00 to approximately 20:45:00, indicating a total duration of around 30 minutes. However, the significant activity is concentrated in the first few minutes.

### Analysis Summary:

- **Amplitude**: The peak amplitude reaches around 7000 counts, indicating a strong energy release.
- **Duration**: The significant activity occurs within the first few minutes, with the signal stabilizing thereafter.
- **Event Type**: The characteristics of the graph suggest it is likely a seismic recording of a blast event, with a rapid initial peak and subsequent stabilization.

This type of graph is typically used in seismology to monitor and analyze the energy release from events such as explosions, earthquakes, or other significant ground movements. The initial sharp peak followed by a rapid decay and stabilization is indicative of a blast or similar high-energy event.

[1] https://pplx-res.cloudinary.com/image/upload/v1721618677/user_uploads/abanyilsi/78415.jpg
mossad source. And btw US and British intelligence sources are the same as from mossad, they are always in lockstep when they plan psyops, always.
This pic is from April
Nobody wants to do your arab thing bro
Remember, Isaiah says Jerusalem will be depopulated but not destroyed.
The provided graph depicts a seismic signal, likely from an explosion, with a peak amplitude reaching around 7000 counts.

### Analysis of Seismic Signal

1. **Peak Amplitude**: The graph shows a peak amplitude of approximately 7000 counts. This indicates a significant energy release, typical of a substantial explosion.
2. **Rapid Decay**: The signal decays rapidly after the initial peak, suggesting a sudden and powerful release of energy, characteristic of explosive events.
3. **Duration**: The significant activity is concentrated within the first few minutes, with the signal stabilizing thereafter.

### Types of Explosions and Seismic Characteristics

#### 1. **Chemical Explosions**
Chemical explosions, such as those involving TNT or other high explosives, typically produce sharp initial peaks in seismic signals due to the rapid release of energy. The amplitude and duration of the signal depend on the amount of explosive material and the depth at which it is detonated.

- **TNT Equivalent**: A chemical explosion with a yield equivalent to several tons of TNT could produce a peak amplitude of around 7000 counts on a seismometer located relatively close to the explosion site.

#### 2. **Nuclear Explosions**
Nuclear explosions, especially low-yield underground tests, can also produce significant seismic signals. These explosions generate both compressional (P) and shear (S) waves, with a distinct signature that can be distinguished from chemical explosions.

- **Low-Yield Nuclear Tests**: A low-yield nuclear explosion (0.5-5 kilotons) could produce a similar seismic signature, with a sharp initial peak and rapid decay. The amplitude of the signal would depend on the yield and depth of the explosion.
### Correlating Seismic Signal with Explosive Type

Given the peak amplitude of 7000 counts and the rapid decay of the signal, the explosion could be attributed to a substantial chemical explosion or a low-yield nuclear test. The exact type of ordnance would depend on additional factors such as the depth of detonation and the distance from the seismometer.

### Conclusion

The seismic signal with a peak amplitude of 7000 counts likely indicates a significant explosive event. Based on the characteristics of the signal:

- **Chemical Explosion**: A substantial chemical explosion, such as several tons of TNT, could produce this signal.
- **Nuclear Explosion**: A low-yield nuclear test (0.5-5 kilotons) could also produce a similar seismic signature.

Further analysis, including the P/S-wave ratio and the specific characteristics of the seismic signal, would be required to definitively identify the type of explosion.

1. [Seismic Source Characteristics of Nuclear and Chemical Explosions](https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2014PApGe.171..507X/abstract)
2. [Seismic Signals Have Unique Signatures for Different Types of Ground Movement](https://www.usgs.gov/programs/VHP/seismic-signals-have-unique-signatures-different-types-ground-movement)
3. [Magnitude Comparison Distinguishes Small Earthquakes from Explosions](https://www.seismosoc.org/news/magnitude-comparison-distinguishes-small-earthquakes-from-explosions-in-u-s-west/)

[1] https://pplx-res.cloudinary.com/image/upload/v1721618677/user_uploads/abanyilsi/78415.jpg
[2] https://www.seismosoc.org/news/magnitude-comparison-distinguishes-small-earthquakes-from-explosions-in-u-s-west/
[3] https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2014PApGe.171..507X/abstract
[4] https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/2478/3/032057/meta
[5] https://www.usgs.gov/programs/VHP/seismic-signals-have-unique-signatures-different-types-ground-movement
Someone pull up a radiation sensor map.
Even if something happened it doesn't effect me.
>"nothingburger" shilling from Israel flags.
Look man I hate kikes and niggers but this is a nothingburger also fake and gay.
it was massive explosion and probably low-yield nuclear event:
>**Nuclear Explosion**: A low-yield nuclear test (0.5-5 kilotons) could also produce a similar seismic signature.
looks like it stopped
There is not one single source for this event even happening outside of obvious mossad sources. Normally you would see seismic activity down to 0.5m picked up on a dozen separate monitors within 30 mins. Nothing. Not even one source outside of israel.
nuclear explosions stop, yes
RRR9959 flew right over it today, someone mentioned it being a false-flag catalyst for wwiii
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This is what those dirty filthy kikes get for killing JFK & now trying to kill President Trump.

Now comes the pain brother!
fair point but seismic monitors are meant to pick up seismic activity which is quite distinguishable
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pic from anon who saw RAF's RRR9959
Seismic monitors can pick up detonations of tnt and other conventional explosions in underground mining operations. There was nothing on any of them for israel. It is being pushed inorganically.
Earthquake could explain a massive underground explosion in a nuclear facility.
Ask Scott Ritter the nuke expert.
Nigger you’re fucking retarded.
>Normally you would see seismic activity down to 0.5m picked up on a dozen separate monitors within 30 mins. Nothing. Not even one source outside of israel.
With a natural quake, sure. A detonation is considerably more localized.
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Checked, bruhther.
If the Hulkster lost 109 matches in a row, don't you think the Hulkamaniacs would begin to suspect the problem is the Hulkster?
>revenge for JFK commences
not all the time. what other station would pick it up? are you considering attenuation and background noise? there's a war going on there as well. do you see 2-ton Mk-84's aren't lighting up seismographs?

also, consider that the global seismic network, including the International Monitoring System (IMS), has varying coverage. some regions might have sparse seismic station distribution, limiting detection capabilities for smaller events.
The waves travel hundreds and even thousands of miles and get picked up on explosions that are way smaller than tactical nukes (mining ops quakes show up all the time in the western US, specifically UT and northern NV), and they produce a signature on normal seismic monitors. This event is completely fake, it didn't happen.
Best meme so far
you're the retarded niggerfaggot here, in fact, as i posted an actual source explaining the same thing, and i just said they are DISTINGUISHABLE
>[2] https://www.seismosoc.org/news/magnitude-comparison-distinguishes-small-earthquakes-from-explosions-in-u-s-west/
A 2 ton explosion wouldn't cause a supposedly m 3.7 quake. Not even a 2kt would. This supposed event, never happened on any other monitor in the world including in countries bordering israel.
> posts map screenshot with lots of red location pins
so you're saying the mossad faked the seismograph. really?
doubt it, more likely that there was attenuation and background noise so it wasn't picked up by stations far away.
Yes. There is not one single source outside of israel anywhere, none. Meanwhile US underground mining detonations get picked up in Canada and Mexico.
>so you're saying the mossad faked the seismograph. really?
Faking shit is literally their job #1 and specialty
Jerusalem post. Mossad. You are getting psyop'd very easily.
This definitely means that there was a nuclear detonation, oh shit.
There are earthquakes that start like that. It's just a question of what kind. But if it's an explosion, then the first question to me, is if nobody has said a damn thing, it was under-ground. If it was underground at a nuke complex, it was either a test, or it was a cavity clearing to create facilities, or both.
Still mad your Arab port got wiped out, groyper?
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>If the Hulkster lost 109 matches in a row
kek - You just need more Flair - Woo!
here's another reason why the blast may have only showed up on the Eliat seismograph:

P-Waves vs. S-Waves: Explosions typically generate stronger P-waves (compressional waves) compared to S-waves (shear waves). The detection of these waves depends on the station's capability to differentiate them from background noise.
>Nuclear explosions, especially low-yield underground tests, can also produce significant seismic signals. These explosions generate both compressional (P) and shear (S) waves, with a distinct signature that can be distinguished from chemical explosions.
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Trump unleashed the Tesla earthquake machine.
You missed. And that means, in a couple months, The Ukraine goes back to Russia and you flee to Israel.

> There are earthquakes that start like that.

MOST small earthquakes are caused by underground explosions, anon. Most earthquakes in general?

Ever think it is funny how used to there was no earthquakes, but now their is advanced technology (like bombs) and we start detecting seismic activity everywhere. Really makes ya think.
agreed while there was a blackout on this across social media, it's not like it's being inorganically pushed everywhere.
i'd be the first one to blame mossad usually but just don't feel it was this time
what are you talking about kek
fuck jewlensky, good
And yet not one single station outside of israel or news report from outside of israel, not even stations 60 miles away registered any seismic activity at all in israel in the las t24 hrs. And keep in mind these stations can pick up a 0.5 magnitude seismic event from 2000 miles away. And yet mossad wants you to believe a magnitude 3.7 happened. Complete load shit.
If it's nuclear plant, will it leak like Chernobyl?
We'll know soon enough if radiological detectors start screaming in the Middle East...
Possible Reasons for Discrepancy

1. **Local Detection Only**:
- The event might have been detected primarily by local stations due to its relatively small magnitude. Distant stations might not have picked up the signal due to attenuation and noise.

2. **Noise Interference**:
- High levels of seismic noise at distant stations could have masked the signal from the event, preventing detection.

3. **Geological Attenuation**:
- The geological path between Israel and the distant stations might have attenuated the seismic waves, reducing their detectability.

4. **Instrumentation and Network Coverage**:
- The density and sensitivity of the seismic network in the region might not be sufficient to detect smaller events consistently. Some stations might not have been operational or optimally placed to detect this specific event.

1. [Seismic Monitoring - CTBTO](https://www.ctbto.org/our-work/monitoring-technologies/seismic-monitoring)
2. [Theoretical Limits on Detection and Analysis of Small Earthquakes](https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/2016JB012908)
3. [Why Do Some Earthquakes Disappear from the Map/List? - USGS](https://www.usgs.gov/faqs/why-do-some-earthquakes-disappear-maplist)
4. [Seismic Noise and Detection Capabilities](https://academic.oup.com/gji/article/220/1/508/5601382)

[1] https://pplx-res.cloudinary.com/image/upload/v1721618677/user_uploads/abanyilsi/78415.jpg
[2] https://academic.oup.com/gji/article/220/1/508/5601382
[3] https://www.ctbto.org/our-work/monitoring-technologies/seismic-monitoring
[4] https://www.cbsnews.com/news/what-causes-earthquakes/
[5] https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/2016JB012908
[6] https://www.usgs.gov/faqs/why-do-some-earthquakes-disappear-maplist
ill believe you if you can show me any other time that mossad has faked seismographs lol. unsure how this benefits them.
also read these two sources in particular, interesting stuff:
Settled afaic, definitely nuclear underground stuff.
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I want to highlight the following:
"We are continuously improving our automatic systems and manual procedures to reduce the number of false earthquake reports."

i believe i'm correct, post source/proof/something besides "trust me bro"
otherwise, see:
i've skimmed every post in this thread and i have no idea what's going on
do i really have to go back and actually read it?
are the jews actually fucked this time or is it a nothingburger?
there was an underground nuclear blast at dimona for sure today, we'll see. tel-aviv had no power earlier too
It certainly is an explosion, if at Demona then the situation is fucked.
did you feel it? there were locals reporting "a big one" on X around the time
Could you imagine that? A civil war in israel next?
Check the news it's already happening
Isaiah says not a stone shall be left atop a stone.
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>I set off towards Israel
Uhhhh, WELL.
Its already been leaking for years.
Real-estate is prohibitively expensive here except in demona.
Anon there is a global crowdstrike outage due to pajeets redeemin and doing the needful.

So there is a possibility that critical systems without backups failed.

A cascading happening if you will.
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Rolling for TKD
Definitely a major happening, this thread just continues to prove it.
i'm still having trouble determining how erect i should be
full mast?
Moreoever, Demona mostly lies on an area of tertiary (Eocene) deposits.
I.E.: softer rocks that would more easily attentuate a short and weak burst.
Add to that it is common knowledge that they've been expanding the facility there in the past few years and I can see why the cavern/testing hypothesis holds.
What doesn't add up is that the nukes are mostly stored up in the mountains near Tiberias. You can see the silos dug in the mountain-side and people in the area routinely report of hearing heavy sliding sounds underground.
On the other hand, there was and is extreme high rediness for targeting of population centers and civilian infrastructure by Ansarullah, maybe they did surprise them?
This thread is Muslim cope. They were supposed to attack Israel yesterday. A small earthquake happened on the Dead Sea Fault today and now they're trying to claim that not only did they attack, they destroyed a nuclear reactor or something.
I'm way far off from there and there exists a lot of sedementary rock that will attenuate a blast on the way (also, I'm a heavy sleeper).
Nothing is being reported in the media here, even the power outage is hardly reported on.
The red pills never end in this thread. Nuclear level happening unfolding 6 million miles per millisecond.
>the countdown has begun
Muslims are such insufferable cowards.
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My dad works the nuclear fission chamber at Nintendo. He said it's all real. Mutant turtles are over taking the sewers. Plumbers went to investigate but never came back. IT'S HAPPENING!
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oh you're definitely jewish thanks though
great analysis anon, blessed. i think this is going to come out in the news eventually. If it actually happened, the nose will delay confirmation as long as possible while they prepare a response.
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okay, stay safe and God bless. make a bread if you hear a big one, because it'll probably be covered up like this one
Show a video, faggot. They made huge threats and didn't record anything? No one in the area recorded anything? You have nothing besides hearing that an earthquake happened in an area that has a nuclear facility, when that area also has a fault line.
recorded an underground explosion? jew
Show me anything that says there was an underground explosion. Anything.
>stay safe and God bless, my foreign brown brother
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I'll keep an eye out, though watch for sources online.
So far it hasn't been the case but some of the related info is v& material.
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ONCE AGAIN.......there was NO earthquake in, or around Israel.
That's a big boom.
it was under it moron
>Earthquake reported near Dead Sea area, reportedly felt in Jerusalem
>JULY 22, 2024 00:24
>>The Iranian ambassador to Syria warned Israel a few days ago of an artificial earthquake that “will not stop”
I am most interested in this. Anybody got a source?
>it was under it moron
>under it
What a retard.
....and yet it failed to trigger any of the earthquake sensors that have been working just fine up til now? Yeah....OK.
or they "tested" a weapon just to show how cool they are
Having a hard time finding a radiological sensor map for Israel...
quakes from nukes tend to be smol
Send the ghost hunter guys they'll get to the bottom of it
Bump wtf
>Steal nuke tech
>Sell it to the highest bidder (Everyone)
>Try to make your own
>Israel channeling China as its spirit animal
>Jews fuck up Dimona
>"Uhh guys, the Palestinians were right, they can have Israel
>Jews all fuck off to New York and Ukraine.
An Earthquake just flew over my house! War with Iran is imminent!
what geopoltics twitterfag/telegramfag is going to post an up to date satellite image?
>quakes from nukes tend to be smol
That's the whole point......it WASN'T a "quake".
>There is not one independent monitor anywhere
Gee wonder why
The ghost of JFK eradicating Dimona, for Israel murdering him.
It cant be a Huttie drone because Dimona is deep inland and those things are basically flying lawnmowers. It would have been observed and heard by tens of thousands of people because its inland. The Tel-Aviv hit was only possible because it came from the sea.

It cant be a nuclear accident because that would create radiation that would be registered half way across the world, you cant really hide nuclear radiation with modern instrument existing.

So my hypothesis is that its a deep underground nuclear test for the struggle to come. Dig a mile underground, put a small nuclear device, no radiation, say that its an earthquake. Last known test of Israeli nuclear weapons was done by South Africa in 1979, over 40 years ago. Its time to test a more modern design.
It's not an earthquake, it's an explosion of a power station
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Is id habbenin?
Where earfguag proof?
There isn't because of constant leaks and illegal (under international law) dumps of nuclear waste and contaminated materials in Palestinian-majority areas.
Not even necessarily modern, fissle material in bombs undergoes nuclear decay over time, so you have got to mainrain it and make sure it actually still detonates.
Also, no (You) because even thouvh you seem legit cannot know if you're a shill.
>Like they would nuke the shitholes they themselves have created.
Do, we know which one is pointed at London?
>Asking for a friend.
lots of earthquakes in ancient historical texts retard
RFK is taking revenge

They're literally shaking
>Dimona is a breeder reactor.

Aren't breeder reactors unstable when subjected to intense vibration? Or is that just something I read in a comic book lol
Fake and gay

They just started upgrading their Plutonium which they use to trigger their hydrogen bombs.

sraeli is upgrading its plutonium for its reactor at the nuclear research facility in Dimona, according to the annual report of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) on nuclear weapons.

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