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Galaxy Warrior ACE edition

previous: >>14925333

Social Media:

IYO photobooks:
old skank
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IYO is an American catholic girl who is a virgin and saving herself for marriage and she didn't go to yurope because like all Americans she hates yurope
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need a whiff
Guy's I am worried IYO will fake an injury and miss money in the bank so she doesn't have to go to the third world country that is hosting money in the bank, just like she skipped elimination chamber, backlash and clash at the castle since they were in third world nations
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Iyo-chan will be wrestling in a MITB match and a 6 star match vs Utami in the same week. That's why she's the GOAT!
Describe the panties these players are wearing. The more details, the better.
kick Dakota out of Damage CTRL and just end the faction. Have Kairi be IYO's sidekick and they team up together as the Sky Pirates again. Dakota can team up with fellow dyke Sonya
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I agree they should just make a new faction led by Iyo. The name Damage CTRL is something Bayree made and doesn't really make sense for them.
Whats the point when she won last year? 0% chance of repeat win
>"The number of men who cannot ejaculate inside their wife's vagina has been on the rise over the past two decades," said Shin Imai, director of the Seirei Hamamatsu General Hospital Reproductive Center in Hamamatsu, Shizuoka prefecture. Approximately 10% of male infertility consultations at the center involve intravaginal ejaculatory dysfunction.

>Imai attributes this trend to inappropriate self-stimulation practices, such as exposure to explicit adult content and rubbing the penis on the floor. He also highlights Japan's lack of adequate sexual education as an underlying factor.

>Feeling pressure to ejaculate during the wife's ovulation period can lead to erectile dysfunction, according to Imai.
>Whats the point when she won last year?
no one watches the ppvs if there is no IYO
not even a faction, just have Kairi and IYO as a team
Its a match for her to participate in as proabably the best wrestler in the match
Kairi: Pink and White Shimapan
Iyo and Dakota: Black thongs, Iyo possibly in a G-string
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>0% chance of repeat win
Faithless fool
KAIRI's turn to job to the bird woman
I cannot stand that Lyra DORKyria
>Damage CTRL.... needs to change!
Dacutiebros... she's looking at us....
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Keep crying, bitch.
Iyo beat Lyra btw
Any chance of Iyo hiring me as her foot slave?
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Afraid so.
pretty obvious that Lyra and IYO are going to cost each other MITB match, allowing for Tiffy to win
IYO will be the first back to back womens MITB winner.
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>birb and iyo gonna be handcuffed together
This was so hype when it happened.
MITB is in Toronto I think. Her best WWE match or one of her best WWE matches was in Toronto during an NXT Takeover.
its a third world shithole
why did IYO call lyra a nigger in that segment?
Kairi is shit though so it's appropriate
>guy wearing an >EAT t shirt
>back to back MitB
>first ever japanese wwe shoot promo
>first ever paul heyman girl
book it
>Iyo with Heyman as a manager
Unironically sounds dimes af.
IYO pics from Raw
I hope the Wyatts don't kill Iyo...
Kek what a photogenic superstar!
last pic
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i would sacrifice myself for her
How are you feeling about Iyos current status in the WWE? She isn't currently a champion but she's having two big PPV matches in the span of a week soon.
that mexican is pretty hot and pretty small, like kairi levels of smol
i'm in love with iyo
she's having matches she didn't as cjampion
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>go on X, formerly known as Twitter
>every single Naomi/Bianca fangirl (who is black) is seething at Iyo all the time
Whats their problem?
redpilled on the IQ and with becky gone there's no one to put a stop to IYO exposing the truth
IYO is Asian, that's what makes them seethe
me. I'm the problem. I've shitposted so much every black, faggot and troon now hates damage ctrl due to me calling calling naomi and biancia ugly DEI shitters and saying naruto and zoey are better then them
people like you (on both sides) really suck man. you guys manufacture these wars between fanbases that otherwise wouldnt have any problems with each other
natuto literally went on twitter and called jade a shitter and said zoey had no problem spring boarding off the top rope 3 times and then jade called naruto the female equivalent of calling someone an indian as a response on twitter. the roasties to it themselves
if we iyo fans don't get along with black female wrestler fans then who do we get along with? aside from obvious and directly related fans like other damage CTRL wrestlers
wtf did shayna really do that? based hokage
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based on who likes my shitposts our allies are purto ricans and porn bots
warm Iyo piggies
this "war" is between extremists. there are plenty of fans like me who love iyo and bianca and birb
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I'm attracted to Iyo but I'm in love with Masami
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>How are you feeling about Iyos current status in the WWE?
Pretty good! They're building her up as being like how she was in NXT as a crazed loner. It's obvious she's going to get another title run or few in the future once she gets to that point.
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None of them can do the moves Iyo can.
you are a false flagger and an israeli
Iyo Sky is the greatest woman on Earth
You're obsessed with black people because you jack off to them. Common with anime fags, see >>>/trash/
How about you fuck off and let the blacks love Iyo and buy lots of Iyo merch, so she becomes more popular?
iyo sky is the reason i keep breathing
Iyo's vagina is the reason I keep eating
They won't let her win it twice in a row bros
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Nice headcanon lil xis.
Nah, he's just upset his stepdaddy is black and named Tyrell, he had to buy him a bottle of whiskey for father's day and he got drunk and plowed his mom in the next room
And was getting a good amount of cheers as well.
They need someone to do high spots and help keep things together in the ring, so that's why she's in there.
Zelina must've got that tattoo on her thigh within the past couple of days because she has it covered in plastic wrap.
I need to kiss her on her forehead, then lips, then her other lips.
She's been getting much stronger reactions since moving to Raw
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>rubbing the penis on the floor
what the hell is going on over there
Japan being Japan
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>my reaction when iyo won
This is how Iyo greets me when I get home after a rough day at the office.
Genius Of The NURU
Daily reminder Iyo is the GOAT
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Cool shot of Iyo from last night
She's been just better in general since going to RAW. Her next title run is going to he her best easily.
Iyo is cute. CUTE.
>only won because of Liv
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>only won
Yes she did win thanks for repeating it!
Uncle Howdy did not want smoke with Iyo-chan.
Many people are saying this.
>Iyo should just team up with Kairi, that'll help her get more over!

Why are morbidly obese permavirgin weebs so clueless?
nope, I hate blacks and never jerk off to them. keep seething
you wrote this in the other thread because you are so mad and jewish. my parents are married. I'm not a subhuman with a stepdad
blacks fucking hate IYO because she is asian. blacks hate asians and only like other blacks. they are retards who think bianca isn't a cunt
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IYO would squash the Wyatt6
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what a scary monster... ahhh im terrified. look how dangerous she looks!
They're already kind of teamed up.
Rhea is turning face and beating Liv for the title. Face Rhea vs heel Iyo at a big event down the road with Iyo winning!
IYO webms from Raw
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Kairi looks so sad :(
IYO is bullying her.
Victory pits!
who was in the wrong here?
MâŠåm ≈ ØÐãτΣ
Iyo is trying to make Kairi better by being hard on her. She's probably dealt with this all the time in Japan coming up.
>who was in the wrong here?
Alex for getting mad at Iyo when it was Dakota that kicked her in the head first.
>start stiffing IYO
>she starts stiffing back harder and makes you look dumb
kek based
That’s cool she shouldn’t tolerate failure
i want to smell iyo's butt for nine hours
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Just nine hours?
I haven't seen the anti bitch post "Iyo lost" in a while. Did something happen?
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suicide, I'm afraid
we hate to see it, don't we folks
>we hate to see it
Actually I love to see it. Less antis in the world is a great thing.
afraid so
IYO celebrated her win by molesting me
Iyos been on fire lately!
Daily reminder that Iyo lost lmao
Rumors say the Wyfatt 6 shitters are going to be involved in a bunch of storylines or some shit. I hope Iyo can stay clear of those shitters and cringe spooky shit.
i love my beautiful wife masami odate
IYO will destroy those bums if that come near her. She isn't afraid
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I haven't seen her have this much fun in a long while, i think she likes working with Zelina. Or maybe with Kiana? She looked really hyped up. Did they fought before?
Kiana's a still a bit green, so she needs to be lead through a match, so I think she was more excited because she was working for Zelina. She's just as smol as Iyo and familiar with each other from Stardom and NXT so there's a comfort level. Add to the fact that they're the same size, Iyo can open the playbook a bit more and work a different kind of match.
She's having fun wrestling again. She barely wrestled as champion.
She's on a winning streak
the latest thing she won was my heart
Beautiful moonface.
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>disgraced stable leaders
>abuse their underlings
>don't take failure lightly
>both of their stables are about to go through significant changes
>they are the most interesting things on RAW right now
iyo... make the call
my god is IYO
my religion is IYOISM
i pray to IYO five times a day
IYO's birthday is my religious holiday
kamakura is my pilgrimage site
They're also around the same height kek
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Don't say that name
This is the Odate Zone
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>Iyo laughing at the dead antis I brought before her
Is this Twitter faggot right? Has this been Iyos best year in the WWE match wise?
Daily reminder that Iyo lost lmao
She's been really good lately. It's either between now or 2020
Maybe he’s Saudibro and he bought an M pass on eBay
Beyond based mixed tag team
iyo antis don't deserve to live
>if you meet an anti on the road, kill him
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Post at least 3 high quality images of Iyo's armpits and then I'll allow all the Iyo feet you want
I just want Iyo to post her go-to Wawa Hoagiefest order and get an endorsement deal like Jason and Kylie Kelce
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Iyo da goat
M? O?
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Don't say it!
Joe Hendry.
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I’m still thinking about saying it
Mio Odate?
I wanna say it so fucking badly bros...
trannymore made another thread, report it for spamming/flooding pls
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CheetoCHAD is not an anti he's part of the IDF bro.
go back to your discord trannymore
I know it's early but Iyo is winning the royal rumble.
Stop spamming this shit bro it's really unfunny and obnoxious
I don't post cheeto threads. No doubt you're an anti anyways trying to stop the word of Iyo to spread.
based hennymore
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This thread becomes really autistic when there's no wrestling on.
Nobody is worthy of standing next to Io Shirai
Salam alykom
If I looked like him I think I'd have a good chance of making Iyo my wife.
>If I looked like him
An average white man with bleached hair?
kill yourself fatso
IYO's meaty pussy
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I need to dine on it.
masami [my surname]
Agreed. We need new lewd photobook Iyos
what I wouldnt give for a night in IYO
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Maybe Rossy can get her to do one like he did when Toni Storm went back to Stardom as the NXT UK Women's champion.
WWE didn't pay attention to NXT UK, they could do what they wanted. They're not letting someone on the main roster do a photobook for another company. At best she'll be in there with her gear on for one pic.
WWE should just do photobooks themselves. The female talent is already whoring themselves out on social media.
Iyo is a god
Creamo PIE
only i should be able to look at iyo
Iyo's hairless vagina
Engulfing my fingers as I initiate foreplay.
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> 19 year old Iyo, circa 2009
> 2 years before Stardom
> " huuurrr duuuurrrrr, but twitter told me Rossy forced her to do bikini shoots ? "
> antis in the mud as usual lol
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No one said that. Anyone who knows Io knows that she was/is a huge slut and delinquent.
my god is IYO
my religion is IYOISM
i pray to IYO five times a day
IYO's birthday is my religious holiday
kamakura is my pilgrimage site
Daily reminder that Iyo lost lmao
Be honest/pw/, would you give her a career ending pregnancy before hee career really even began?
I would tell her to go to college
They should let them open an Onlyfans, because, you know, body autonomy and all that.
But they did say shit back when the Rossy-Stardom split happened along with the Kenny BS.
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Why doesn't Iyo get a million shirts like everyone else in the company.
She doesn't want to confuse her fans.
Sex with Iyo NOT for the purpose of procreation, but instead on Birth CTRL for the purpose of more sex
I'd save money on birth control pills so we can spend it at Buc-ee's and go third input with Iyo instead.
Schizos sliding again
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She used to be so sexy. Something about her has changed. Now she's more cute. Maybe it's the weight she put on
It's probably just her presentation. She's trying to look "badass" instead of just being cute.
She should go back to this look now that she's a heel
Iyo needs to bring back the red leather pants
There is Z E R O hype for Utami vs Iyo. What a loser.
That's wholly on Utami for becoming washed up and out of shape. She's a shadow of her former self and she's only 25. It would have been a guaranteed classic a year or so ago.
The WORLD is hyped for Iyo vs Utami
I am hyped for IYO to have sex with me
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Kairi and Iyo have zero body hair from the neck down
Iyo lost 300k viewers...
is my wife
You faggot antis are celebrating Iyos one quarter loss in 40 weeks when it has two ad breaks and was going up against big dimes Luka.
KWAB! Dimeless cunt.
people wanted to see if luka and kairi could actually pull it off. myself included. once it became clear that wasnt happening, i switched back to monday night IYO
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Iyo has three threads in the catalog
shes a draw
Luka and Kyrie are the Sky Pirates of the NBA.

Based. /pw/ is an Iyo board.
There's 5 Iyo threads if you count the anti threads too.
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five it is
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Iyoism is for everybody. All must convert to Iyoism or suffer the consequences.
I want iyo bros... its not fair
Based iyocord
Why did she stopped doing the split?
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Iyo has, as the zoomers say, AURA.
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I've been gooning for IYO for about 45 minutes. Holy shit
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Just a reminder.
Daily reminder that Iyo lost lmao
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Daily reminder that Iyo won!!
Many people are saying this.
'fraid so
She will be even more of a winner when I take her hand in marriage.
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Imagine burying your face in her bosom
Cuddling with Masami
Genius Of The SOAPLAND
masami odate is my wife
iyo sky is my wife
io shirai is my wife
biba kasai is my wife
oyuki is my wife
hitokiri is my wife
space galaxy warrior io is my wife
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ha, jokes on you because Iotica is my wife !
Nah that's me
i want to live inside iyo's intestines
.... Say what now? .... That could be interpreted in many ways
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It needs to be said now more than ever
What? .....M?
It's time
Will make next OP in a moment

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why did you wait until hours after everyone moved on to another thread to post this?

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