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How does he effortlessly elevate everyone he works with?
He has go away heat
He's the greatest of all time, it's just that simple.
He’s doing an AEW run in WWE. Never wrestle, hardly show up. Get paid.
Get injured.
He's old now he can do part time.
Special attraction ya dingus
He doesn't look like 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin to me.
Some guys can just do that. Cena did it for ages, where a lot of guys' best programs would be with him. Cody, right now, has been boosting morale and getting a lot of guys to step up. Phil, despite being a faggot, "gets" wrestling for the most part and likely spends a lot of time thinking about what he's involved in.
elite won
Holy shit, you fuckers are the cancer killing wrestling.
Which Buck told you to say that, Dave?
he has injured himself in his last 4 matches.
not making that up.
i love Punk.
Get real
Watching a dominant workhorse in WWE get the jobber treatment from fans after he's "elevated" by Phil did that. Wow, he's getting jeered at and he's gonna job in a big PPV to a guy who can't not get injured, so elevated!
It was Jeff Hardy who elevated him into a feud guy, a legit beef guy, instead of a chickenshit heel. He actually did make him a muthafuckin superstar and that's a fact, jack.
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>Watching a dominant workhorse in WWE get the jobber treatment from fans after he's "elevated" by Phil did that. Wow, he's getting jeered at and he's gonna job in a big PPV to a guy who can't not get injured, so elevated!
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>Shits on part timers a decade ago
>Becomes a part timer
lol The fuck are you talking about? Are you still crying about Drew losing at Clash?
Taker injured himself every match and he still did 10 years past his prime.
Dwayne injures himself every match and still goes occasionally. Who gives a fuck really
How many injuries did Rollins have?
Omega and every AEW wrestler works with pain
How exactly is McIntyre getting elevated?
No one knows , but thank science for Punk
His last four matches were Royal Rumble, house show, house show and All In?
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You now are reminded that Rey Mysterio is 49 turning 50 in a few months and still works a full match every week. Meanwhile Philetty is 45 and gets injured crowd suffering and taking soft DDTs
>gets injured after 1 match as opposed to 4 matches
This isn't the own you think it is.
Rey's a midget that made Kevin Nash feel obligated to give him a squash win over shitty writing. Phil's a stupid faggot that doesn't put in the work to endure life on the road.
Phil is too busy eating donuts
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The greatest of all time can't wrestle
He understands the business on a high level.
>flailed around outside the WWE for over ten years doing one failed venture after another
>signed in with AEW, a fed by smarks, for smarks
>hated it, it hated him, was beaten up and ran out
>went crawling back to the WWE
>spawned the most cancerous breed of fans that have plagued wrestling
Such high level knowledge of the business
What does this mean? Your math confounds me.
>Punk is responsible for Drew's success
That's like saying HHH elevated The Rock
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Other WWE talents have told him he changed the culture of the locker room during his first run, meaning he's somewhat of a surrogate father of the #1 wrestling brand in the world. That's Vince McMahon levels of power, Hunter power (lol not Tony Khan power). That's how he's seen by other talents despite whatever the marks may feel, and any logical person should be humbled by that comparison. He's definitely not average. Even Cena doesn't get that sort of praise and definitely no other past era legend. From other WWE talents? Naw, just him. Deserved? Well, actually, yes. Does this acknowledgement happen if Vince is still in control, no, obviously not. That ice cream bar promo struck a nerve with fans and talents alike. One of Punk's greatest talents is his timing. Others may have felt the pulse of that locker room but he put it into words.
worked and seething
>words words words words
AEW fans can't meme
>Phil failing in Marvel comics, the UFC and AEW was just a work
he didnt change shit. he was gone when all the changes happened
I accept your concession
Name one star created from feuding with him, he doesn't elevate anyone, the crowds just love him and so they're invested in his feuds. I like Punk too, but he doesn't elevate people
Who has he elevated other than Drew? He was kind of elevating Starks, but then he fucked around got himself fired
No, no, no. You have to accept that Phil made the WWE what it is today, a decade after he left the company and had no agency in any of its affairs. If you don't, you're a bad person who's spreading lies about Phil. Oh my science, didn't you watch his interview after Clash!?
He hasn't even elevated Drew, even after fucking him over multiple times the crowd still chants for Punk over him. They only care about Punk, not Drew.
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Drew's jobbing against a fucker who isn't medically clear to wrestle and getting screwed out of title jobs. Unless becoming a comedy jobber's an upgrade, he's not getting elevated any.
title shots*
there are multiple reasons why he is the best in the world
None of which have anything to do with getting inside a ring and performing on par with the flippiest, midgitiest of indie shmucks.
Luckily as a fan you don't have to acknowledge any of it. The talents already have, that's the point I was making. I don't know how one goes about refuting this.
>wearing the old title as a face
You're just regurgitating Triple H's propaganda
The only person in that image that actually changed anything in American wrestling is CAWdy
who even said that?
>You're just regurgitating Triple H's propaganda
Given how much both have changed since Vince left, I wouldn't be surprised if it was Hunter actually, but Big E seconded the sentiment in so many words in a pre Mania event (can't remember if it was Vegas or Philly). Big E has credited Punk with saving his career in the past before.

youtu. be/z462d-QjIqs @ 19:15 marker

www. fightful. com/wrestling/cm-punk-someone-said-they-re-glad-i-m-back-wwe-experience-culture-i-helped-create
There is still a buzz around him. He is a great promo. People go out of their way to tune in to hear what he will say. By proxy, whoever he is feuding with will get more attention too.
>hey big e, now i know you are a homo but how about you spend the night with my wife and in exchange praise me in an interview or two?
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>Philettycels can't read
Another example of ya boy being a weak bitch.
Taker wrestled once a year and wasn't a full-time or even part-timer
>getting injured from a DDT after being protected for 3 months and only wrestling one house show against Dominick
If this doesn't meet the definition of washed, I don't know what does
He just keeps winning
Fyi, he actually worked 3 matches against Dom
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I love how gay aew fucktards still seethe at the sight of Punk just cause he beat up all their little faggot wrestlers LOL
Based Phil Dimes Draw
Good Guy Phil
Two actually.
But enough about AEW
0 stars elevated.
Many co-workers buried.
Many injuries sustained.
One company destroyed.
Uppity entitled fans demanding catering to spawned.
Phil's a cancer.
By having the biggest money match the company can possibly book, outside of a Roman or Rock return.
Rey's had serious knee issues since the 90s. That aside, he's tiny and smaller guys have less shit breaking down on them later in life. Helps that he's always been supremely athletic.
To do what, get squashed by a guy clearly past his prime and inferior to him in every way physical?
Wowza! Thank Science Phil is here to sell tickets for a guy who sold out an entire stadium wrestling a faggy Undertaker wannabe last week!
You're right, Drew should just keep having heatless matches with more guys. I'm sure that'll keep selling out arenas in markets that aren't his home country and aren't starved for live wrestling.
Punk won so hard
Yeah they should make Scotland their home base, just move Raw to Glasgow. Surely Drew will draw the house every time.
Probably have Drew win the first time around, then maybe a second time and then have Punk go over in some great blow off match. Kind of basic booking. The alternative is having Punk cheat to win one or two times and then Drew finally puts him in the cage and he wins but it doesn't look like Drew has the crowd behind him like that despite the funny tweets.
Oh yeah, and add a tag or two as main event on RAW in between.
>cena did it for ages
Triple H for kids. Cena buried more than he lifted.
Has anyone actually benefit from working an angle with Punk?
gotta love philmeister
MJF. He's still riding on the coattails of that.
>Cena did it for ages,
LMAO all Cena did was bury people.
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verification never required
Not a single soul
He beat MJF who then went right back to exactly what he was doing before Punk came in. Then they pulled him away from that to tease a champion vs champion thing with Punk before he got fired just for MJF to end up in the worst shit he had been a part of to date. He most certainly did not benefit from working with Punk. Also if your only example is the one AEW guy he actually had a feud with out of his 20+ year long career you're not only giving away your own attempts at console warring but you're proving my point
me on the bottom
>He's the greatest of all time
Is he really?
Because say what you will about Punk hes one of the few that can actually suspend your disbelief and think hey maybe this ain't a work and they actually have heat.
That's a gift. You're either born with it or don't have it.
No one fucking believes he and Drew have any real heat, they were corpsing their faces out during their roast segment.

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