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Based Big Bible Anon
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The true King of Kings.
Amen, brother.
How did this Jew work people so hard?
>like yeah man, god is like, my dad and stuff
That's just it, he didn't work people. He is the Son of God. If he was working, his message would've been one of Jews enslaving the world and not one of salvation for all who believe for free. But Jesus, the true king of the world, lived as a servant so we could imitate Him.
We don't use that word here, goyim
>How did this Jew work people so hard?
Good dude who realized you don't have to be miserable just because you're poor and thought his god gave him that good fortune.
Then all of his friends betrayed him and used his name for clout to grift retards to give them power and money.
Don't hate the player, hate the game.
>Then all of his friends betrayed him and used his name for clout to grift retards to give them power and money.
Nah, just Judas. Spaul didn't even know Jesus when he was alive.
Nah that's Joe Hendry
Peter also betrayed him.
No, Peter does not get a pass after the fact because he felt guilty that he said he didn't know him. Fuck Peter.
QRD (also please use wrestling terminology)
BASED! The Christmeister is running wild!
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>Jesus gets arrested
>disciples are accomplices and are to be arrested too
>Peter is asked three separate times if he knows and was with Jesus
>Peter tells the Jew police he don't know shit and he don't know Jesus
>thinks he's in the clear
>fucking sky goes black from an eclipse
>everybody panics
>moons passes by and light shines again
>Peter looks behind him
>Peter turns ghost white
>remembers the last thing Jesus said
>"You'll deny me three times, and once you hear the gong sound, playa"
>"You'll be going one on one"
>Mmmmmmm shouldn't have denied Jesus, Peter
JC is the true shooter that never goes into business for himself, pal
JWO got the boys from The Scutum to pin Jesus "Big Dimes" Christ, (Hailing from Nazareth) during a title match and Peter Stone, (a midcarder in Jesus' stable who could cut a good promo) had the chance to interfere but instead claimed he was never in a stable with him, 3 times as a matter of fact. JC dropped the strap but 3 days later he got it back anyway, cause the Son of Man always rises to the top, baby.
Shoot faggot that had 12 male lovers, KWAB in the summer of 33
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Thanks, anons. Now I'm smart to the business.
OP goes over /pw/ and buries the rest of the catalog with the most important thread on the board. Amen.
>*clap clap*
>getting worked by kike fairytales
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>organized religion
fuckin fundies
not reading your cope infographic but keep on turning the other cheek like a good little goyim
I believe in Phil Hendrie
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I accept your concession, lil bro.
kek this got the woodditard discord in flames
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>Actual Egyptian Phenotype
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>He responded to pure, historical fact with a /pol/ glowie reaction image that took him HOURS to find to reply with
HAHAHAHA Holy shit! Walk off, Shlomo. If you don't, right now, I won't ask my nigga to forgive you. And my nigga has a LOT of POWER. So I suggest you shut your mouth real fuckin' quick unless you're wanting to go toe to toe with ol' Morning Star himself in the Lake of Fire.
>gets buried
>still goes over
>draws dimes for thousands of years
Not even TK could tank his star power. The original GOAT.
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>b-b-but he do be dark and ugly!
>Trusting the Roman pedo church who invaded the country and took over the local religioun, then rewrote the book a 1000 years later
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Is this "Jesus" dude trying to roll me up from behind? for the 1,2,3 brother?
Right, you think it's more likely that he's an arab despite the fact he existed 700 years before the left-behind canaanites of that area was arabized?
>The guy who was born and raised in Judea and follows Jewish laws and customs isn't a Jew because... HE JUST ISN'T OKAY!!!!
coincidently the part of thinking he is in the clear made me think of teddy long getting into the limousine and undertaker in the driver's seat
im not interested in your fucking stable, its full of washed up part timers anyway and it was never as good as the beginning
I'm so proud of you for admitting you worship a Jew
Peter gets a pass for demanding to be crucified upside-down when he got got. If Jesus Christ wasn't Lord, why would Peter make things harder on himself due to not feeling worthy to suffer corporeal death in the same manner as Jesus did?
>No one wants to be martyred for a lie
Look up the "drinking the kool-aid massacre"
Those first hand accounts come from phony Epistles that did not stand up to scrutiny which proved that they were not Theopneustos.
>Gnostics are heretics and blasphemers for a reason
>Catholics, it is not too late. Reject the Deuterocanon. The Jews don't have those writings, why are they in your OT?
based and Christ-pilled.

Jesus was a Jew, yes. The very best one there ever was, the only one to uphold the Law and the Prophets perfectly. And He's also the last true Jew because every Jew that does not bend the knee to Lord Jesus is worshipping Satan.
>Prophets give the signs of the Messiah
>A man fulfills the prophecies to a T
>"Not this guy. It has to be someone else"
Fuck you. Have you ever heard the audio recording of the People's Temple mass suicide? It's mostly children screaming "No." If you are not already broken, it will break you.
>didn't read anything I posted
They give you a pay raise yet, Smith?

>also didn't read anything but pretended he did
That raise is coming any day now, man, I can feel it!
Are you saying Christians murdered hundreds of children and they were martyred for a lie?
Jesus is the Antichrist
>>didn't read anything I posted
Yup. Too much text. Brevity is the soul of wit.
You worship a shoot Jew, brother.
Hey guys, OP here, I just wanted to make a funny little post, and I come back and everyone is fussing and a-feuding. How's about we turn the other cheek, be a little nicer, and love thy neighbour? Remember, WWJD?

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