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Jamie Hayter is getting cancelled right now.

This is serious. Should TK suspend or fire her?
Based. I'm back to being a Hayter
Charlie had 11/10 promo skills and is still drawing pussy from beyond the grave.
Ya gotta love it.
>LGBT flag right next to Palestinian flag
kek not even commenting on the conflict
but these people have zero fucking self-awareness
She's been injured for like 2 years, was she ever coming back anyway?
LGBT+ for Palestine is a legitimate cause, chud. It has widespread support on college campuses everywhere.
I had a little monkey and I sent him to the country and I fed him on Hayter’s ass
Read this and you'll realize it was all a gimmick he learned from the best in the CIA since he was an asset for their 60s mind control ops in California. Look up Operation Midnight Climax, most of the Manson family girls were recruited through being involved with it

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Midnight Climax
Would be hilarious to see all those queers and self-diagnosed neurodivergents living under Hamas. I'm sure all that support would be entirely reciprocated.
I'd rather be neurodivergent under Hamas than neurodivergent under Israeli gunfire.
Who cares? Israel/Hamas conflict is a a heel program, idiot. The whole point of the post was to make fun of queers who'd be brutally persecuted under the rule of Hamas.
How do you losers even find this shit
Without getting a significant raise to take her into Mercedes/Charlotte/Becky territory, she should refuse to come back and demand to be released.

No plan for Bayne. No plan for Kamille. They're trying with Statlander but she's not even in the title hunt. If/when Mercedes wins the NJPW Strong belt, she won't be dropping anything for a while. Toni Storm is doing comedy feuds, not Hayter-style slugfests. If Hayter is going to be away from the title for 12-18+ months, it makes no sense to come back for the old salary to work Skye Blue or Lady Frost every other weekend on Collision.
>Audiobook is 11 hours 30 minutes
Come the fuck on.
I love it when women get cancelled
Charles is innocent.
The Manson Family murders were a work. This was stooged off to the public in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.
Charles was based, no idea who’s this thot though
Wish she’d SHIT on me
cancel by who ? dont be ridiculous nigga
its a worldwide phenomenon somehow these faggots thinks radical muslim would accept them they are useful idiots
Back to/pol/ retard
Trannies instinctively need to be triggered by non issues, Ludvig Borga worked in wrestling while sporting an SS tattoo, he was member of the Finnish parliament with an nazi tattoo, who fucking cares?
based knower
I have ended so many relationships with women over this true crime serial killer shit and it has never led me astray
Stay careful out there fellas
>gay flag
>Palestinian flag
That just doesn't make any fucking sense.
elaborate, why?
Based as it gets
Nice butt
Based. In my fantasy fed, I gave her Mötley Crüe cover of Helter Skelter as her entrance theme.

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I'm suppose to trust what this jew writes? Come on now
silence, jew
based, true crime and horror fanaticism is a huge red flag
Are you really going to pretend like a bunch of radical muslims would treat gays well just to own some imaginary kike?
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This also

are you saying that you would support genocide, the systematic murder of civilians and children, against an entire group of people because their culture doesn't like you?
>their culture doesn't like you
those ragheads would genocide faggots if they could
what's the matter, glowie? And what are you doing here, are you not supposed to be working on more efforts to undermine WASP America so your daughter has higher chances of miscegenating, aborting, getting beat by a nignog and becoming a single mom?
>all foreigners are a hivemind unless they're our allies
It isn't about supporting Israel, it's being on the side that's losing. When you're a life long loser, it's all you know.
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This is what I deserve for playing in metal bands but that's ended up netting me alternative kinda freaky chicks (not a good thing) and they really have a thing for shitty slasher films (they have the exact same film taste of sweaty fat guys) but also they REALLY love guys like Manson and the Columbine shooters. Half of it is them having the brains of 12 year old boys and wanting to provoke and disturb people, but there's obviously some shit in there about broken homes, shitty upbringings, and that pesky feminine Pitbull Owner Complex of wanting to tame that beast, that dangerous monster who you and only you can fix.
>Babe. Don't look at them. Look at me. I'm here. Breathe.
Touching foreheads and shit. They love it. Honestly that control, that mastery, it's kind of masculine now that I think about it. Some of them want to be the Bella to someone's Edward, the crazier ones want to just fucking get murdered. I tried seeing more normal women, nurses and shit, and they're somehow worse? They're really into true crime. Tiktoks of perky, fresh faced women chronicling all this pain and torment real people endured while they crack jokes and do their makeup, it's gossip taken to it's logical conclusion. They listen to podcasts, watch docos, and every waking hour is just blasé, lighthearted second hand accounts of inconceivable torment. This sews distrust amongst everyone they know, especially any men they're seeing. It's a cultural, spiritual epidemic and nobody's talking about this. At least the groupies weren't pretentious.
God, you wrote all that about a women's wrestler.
Not enough Homolust for ya?
>goes right to homosexuality
What I was saying, faggot, was instead of typing all that worthless shit, just post Hayter's ass and be done with it.
>systematic murder of civilians and children
Please. It's an open-air concentration camp that they occasionally fire into, they're not propping up death camps.
Also, no.
But supporting a bunch of muslim terrorists that would gladly genocide you is also retarded, hence "heel program." You don't have to get involved, especially when a bunch of state actors have been exposed as actively sabotaging peace efforts.
oh no 3 people are gonna unfollow her meaningless faggy twaater page. shes done for
i dont get it, what the problem here?
You might want to look at the current death toll. moron
What does that have to do with anything? Hamas surrounds themselves with soft targets and there's collateral damage. Is that bad? Obviously, but anon made it sound like they're rounding them up in death camps and deliberately executing civilians.
doesn't she know she has to keep her value in order to hold one side up for more money? being dead weight is only good for good riddance
They would do the same to me. Please go back.
>They would do the same to me
And one day they will, god willing
Literally all women like the stuff tho

Anon already figured that out the hard way
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I've seen the worst "cancel" attempts with wrestling fans. If you're seething just say that. You have much more ammo in the recent things the person has been doing, no need to scroll to the bottom of their tweets
> nurses
Yeah from my experience they’re usually big whores/just really kinky women.
Promos good. 99% of women are emotionally and mentally stunted at the age of 15 it seems.
No she's not.
based heel work
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She also bullies retards
That's pro wrestling counselor levels of bad!
Cancel that bitch! Manson had a freaking nazi tattoo!
people are fucking idiots.
>go all in on something you saw
>complain when people don’t agree with you
>admit what you did was over the top
>you will do it again because it got you drama and attention

social media is/was/forever will be the worst shit mankind ever created
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Woke culture doesn't have any sense
Kek, they really do be like that.
They should cancel Cactus Jack Manson too !!
>It’s literally just one faggot trying to cancel her
Shit thread
>no likes
>no views
fuck your X
This is nothing.
No one cares about Charlie.
What's the problem?
Uncle Charlie is based though?
I love how all you whiney faggots are all of a sudden experts in geopolitics.
>Some of them want to be the Bella to someone's Edward
gayest thing I've read all year
literally how humanity has functioned since the beginning of time. you're a child.
To confirm there are a lot more than 30,000 people in Gaza?
Fuckin based.
It's literally true though.
You're conflating hamas with isis and even hamas has little to do with the average Palestinian no matter how much the media tries to say otherwise
Well yes, I agree. I cringed when I wrote it, because that's what they think. That's how they feel.
All liberals should be killed
>Getting worked by jewish propaganda about Muslims and gays
fiennes peach
Exactly, Hamas are well known LGBTQIA2+ allies.
Wow a white woman who loves serial killers. What a shocker.
I hate women so much it's unreal.
Holy based
They hate you too incel.
They can smell your virginity from a mile away
you will never be a woman
Before you say it’s fake that’s the same tattoo??????? As if the tattoo impact the ability to Photoshop a jacket? I mean, I know it’s not fake and I don’t care. But what the fuck does the tattoo have to do with anything?
>They can smell your virginity from a mile away
Based, only virgins are worth anything.
Careful with Quillette, anon. They are chaotic sometimes featuring POS like this fanatic semen-demon-for-NATO-cum faggot who celebrated Gonzalo Lira being killed in an Ukrainian dungeon by Khazarian glowies:
Good. I don't want to be one.
However, you want to have sex, but you never will, lmao
Why is virginity a bad thing?
this thread has more replies than that tweet has like, retweets, and bookmarks combined. You went searching for this shit, or you are the one who posted it. That makes you just as much of a lame nigger.
>think it's going to be a Jamie Hayter thread
>it's just an American idpol mental illness thread
nobody cares this much though. like, I'd maybe watch a 5 minute YouTube video on it, but a whole book? I am good. You kinda already gave the gist.
because most women are almost never guided by "what is worthy"but instead almost always by "what is seen as worthy" (that's why as soon as you allow them in power they go full socialist seeking moral clout). And in this case the more experience you have at being an NPC the more "seen as worthy" you are, whether you're worthy or not.
Weird how its massively covided for women but something to be shamed for as a male, whats the dynamic there
Kind of insensitive that they're trying to cancel the Jamie actress that sadly passed away.
>because most women
Stopped there. Why should I care?
Underated meme
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Kek based
didn't they sign some tag team that directly ripped off the manson family? some guy with scraggly hair talking about being "brand new"? i'm too drunk too look it up, but i'm pretty sure i'm right
Yup. Op wrote this shit.
Do you mean The Righteous? Also rememeber when Punk wore a Charles Manson shirt on WWE TV when he was doing commentary?
She won't see this, lil bro.
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go there and do a pride march and lets see how that turns out
I knew Jamie was one of the good ones
>Fucking breandead moron absolutely caught in the throes of ideological presentism.
Many such cases. Read a book, look beyond the timeframe presented to you by mainstream news and the conservative/liberal uniparty. There has been a systematic ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people since 1948.
It must not be very effective considering they haven't been eliminated after 70+ years. Now fuck off you smelly sand dweller
You'd end up getting killed by Israeli shelling kek
Don't care
At least have some self awareness of where you are
Based Schizo. Enlighten us with your schizobabble some more please.
>live under Hamas
>live under Israeli gunfire

You have to pick 2 in this game, bucko.
normie simpleton
Thats how all conspiracy stuff works if you arent a kooky koo koo bird. Yeah, ok, the cia had fucked experiments ran by old nazis. Nazis also developed the space program. I work with a conspiracy guy, he uses tik tok.
Where am I?
yes the righteous. where are they now? they seemed decent. did the twitter guy put them in prison with jamie hayter for referencing charles manson? cut charles manson some slack, he was a little guy, like 5 feet tall. would have fit in at aew.
This is supposed to make me dislike her?
If it's real it's cool. If it's not who cares.
Didnt Manson want to start a race war
No. He wanted the police to think it the crimes were Black Panther and White Supremacist groups doing the killings.

It was an attempt to deflect/mislead detectives.
>Fags killed by Hamas
>Fags killed by Israel
its a win win either way
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I wish Jamie would pull out her old Stardom gear.
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Are you telling me he was trying to play the race card?
youre on the 4chan pro wrestling board saying all women are mentally stunted at 16 kek
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I dont see the correlation
all Americans would genocide all nonwhites if their rascals have enough battery
The fact that this is how you view a board you're frequenting says a lot about how poor your own self image is. Especially because youre doing so at the cost of simping for women that will never fuck you
Peak reddit posting right here. You're so fucking dumb you don't understand that most posters here say inflammatory shit to get a rise out of others. Back in my day we called it trolling, but retards like you make it hard to discern trolls from actual retards.
It isn't a meme when no one actually knows what her face looks like
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Hayters gonna hayte
This tranny went digging to pre covid for something to be mad at
Seriously though where the fuck is she? Tony literally said they don't even have a timetable for her return
who cares? hating kikes is based
>CIA straight up admitted they gave Charlie and his hippies drugs for free
enjoy jade cargill piggaloid
>I work with a conspiracy guy, he uses tik tok.
an acquaintance of mine has gone down the new-age conspiracy rabbit hole, and everytime I look up something she talks about it's always from tiktok or one of three specific youtube channels. However, the actual sources are always drowned out by a bunch of youtube vids and tiktoks going "LOL CAN YOu BELIEVE THIS STUPID TIK TOK CONSIPRACY LOLOL"
but I hate faggots too
Hebrews and Filistines killing each other is the natural order of things. The Hebrews finally get the upper hand for a minute and everyone starts crying. If the shoe was on the other foot you know Palestine would be bombing the shit out of Israel. People kill each other. Life's not fair. Grow up.

They're still Muslim, retard.

Yeah, and he wanted the blacks to win so he could come out of hiding and rule over them as a god-emperor.

Britt doesn't want her around.

>Palestine would be bombing the shit out of Israel.
they are, you can easily look up how many missiles/drones/etc are shot into israel daily from gaza. israel just has a defense set up against it, a defense they set up because palestine wouldn't stop bombing israel
how did you break up with them? "sorry you act like a manchild and watch true crime shit" and then they slash your tires and accuse you of rape? they seem like the type
Charles Manson never killed anyone.
This. He's literally an innocent man who never murdered anyone. They literally couldn't charge him with anything.
Kek based gif
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>Britt doesn't want her around.
I don't get it
>trip fag
>name fag
>can't be bothered to even listen to an audiobook
Is it possible for you to be any more of a faggot?
>Back to/pol/ retard
This doesn't even make sense you cunt. The topic is about Hayter being "cancelled" for a Manson reference and someone posts info about Manson. How fucking dumb are you?
Based book recommendation. Was looking for something like this.
Giga based book. His Toe Rogain interview is a good intro to the full book. >>14979380
Another giga based book. This board never stops being based knowers.
Because the glowniggers have created a mass of globulous troons to enforce group think on any message board with more than 100 users.
babys first war is it?
it probably no long fits as she is dead.
they are also stunted in terms of sex appeal.

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