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>Fenix vs Switchblade is scheduled for Dynamite next week
>Danielson vs Shingo is scheduled for Forbidden Door
>Jeff Jarrett vs The Joker isn't currently scheduled to take place until after Forbidden Door

He's doing it lads. Ospreay's losing round one to Swerve and then entering the Owen to get his rematch at Wembley
Wild Card is the only dimes sounding wrestler there
jeff jarrett should win and we all know it
>Owen Hart Cup
>Only 8 wrestlers
>Double J still going over in 2024

That works for me brother
Its a knockout tournament with eight wrestlers. Where's the issue?
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>knockout tournament
You mean a regular tourney and not some Round Robin AEW Tournament Eliminator where it somehow had a Triple Threat match.

The only issue is you got Tony's tiny cock in ur mouth.
What are you talking about? There are two types of tournament, knockout and round robin. Lots of wrestling companies use round robin tournaments. Most sports use them too. I'm not even sure of the point you're trying to make here.
Very low effort for a tribute tournament
the thought of any wrestler of those maining ALL in make me very sad ,, they all mid carder at best
>gay shit outta nowhere
take a break from the internet lad
PAC went over Claudio last night in a surprise upset, I was sure they'd have Bryan vs Claudio in Round 2.
Jarrett should unironically win the Owen.
There are men's and women's brackets. Sixteen wrestlers are involved.
I thought it was obvious they are making PAC vs Jay at the finals.
The Wild Card is obviously Hangman, and if he's wrestling Swerve again, he's winning the title.
I thought it was obvious that what OP said is happening
>Ospreay's losing round one to Swerve and then entering the Owen to get his rematch at Wembley
neither PAC nor Jay is main eventing fucking Wembley
I can see that happening
Outside of the last wembley show Osprey has never wrestling in the uk in front of more than 200 people. He might be British but he’s unknown everywhere but Japan.
It should be 96 wrestlers, to commemorate the amount of feet he fell.
You've got to be kidding me. The Wembley crowd went apeshit for him last year and since he signed with AEW he's been getting monster reactions everywhere. You need to get out of your WWE bubble.
Absolutely delusional post. Ospreay is the hottest property in pro wrestling today.
I'm sure at least 90% of the crowd already watched AEW and would also be watching Japan and jerk off to Meltzer so of course they would know Ospreay. Show his picture to any random in the street and just see if they even guess he's a pro wrestler, let alone know his name.
No one in the street knows who Roman Reigns is either. Wrestling is a niche interest and within that niche Ospreay is over as fuck everywhere.
They know Roman, maybe not the same level as a Cena or Austin, but he's been in movies and other projects besides wrestling. At least people can look at Roman and know he's a wrestlers, unlike Billy Bruv.
Hangman vs. Swerve would make sense as a mainevent but that feud has cooled off a lot since Hangman decided to disappear for 2 months.
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No seriously, stop making me post this
This is why you need to get out of your WWE bubble. you are completely delusional. The average person on the street hasn't got a fucking clue who Roman or Cody or anyone else in modern wrestling is. That's why The Rock coming back for WrestleMania drew bigger numbers. People know who he is.

But even by you own logic, your argument against Ospreay main eventing Wembley doesn't make sense. You're arguing he's only over in the US and UK because AEW fans watched him in New Japan. Well even if that's true it still makes him over with AEW fans, enough for him to headline Wembley. You're incapable of even putting together a coherent argument because you don't have the brain cells to do it
He had some family issues to deal with apparently. I guess someone close to him was ill.
Either that or it’s Hangman returning at Forbidden Door
No seriously, lose weight.
He's probably the best wrestler in the tournament for sure.
PAC and Claudio are good too though.
>your argument against Ospreay main eventing Wembley doesn't make sense
NTA but Ospreay is a total flop. That's why he shouldn't main event Wembley or anything else. But Tina isn't running a real business, he's booking FOR THE SICKOS, so he doesn't see a problem with having a failed experiment main event AEW's biggest show of the year.
You can tell me to lose weight a billion times, you projecting lard-ass, but it won't change the fact that Ospreay is a certified failure.
>NTA but Ospreay is a total flop.

Are you blind?
nah you are
No, he's just a fat retarded cultist, many such cases.
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Anybody with eyeballs can look at the ratings and see that Ospreay is a flop. I want to stop posting this but you won't let me.
>Decides what he likes based entirely on business metrics. Assumes everyone else does the same.
This is what going full E Drone does to your brain.
>I'm a fat cultist and i have no life
k keep me posted
I don't dislike Ospreay because he does bad business for AEW. I dislike him because he's an ungodly boring amateur gymnast and not a pro wrestler in any sense(which is why he does bad business for AEW kek).
nah you're just a cultist retard lol
Then why bring up rating at all? You're just constantly moving the goalposts here from post to post in a desperate attempt to get an "epic win lol." Also if you don't think Ospreay is a great wrestler then you must be blind. That or a full E Drone who prefers bad soap operas. might i suggest The Miz or Baron Corbin for you instead. They seem more at your pace.
Danielson is winning the Owen & the title at Wembley. Ospreay can win it from him later, or maybe Tony will book some other sicko to beat Bryan & eventually lay down for the great white Willie. No idea who the Joker is but they're not beating Bryan in this tournament.

Source: I have sex with TK and read his notebook while he sleeps.
A special tournament to earn a world title shot? Didn’t WWE just do this?
promo's good
>Didn’t WWE just do this?
Yes, 2 years after AEW started doing it.
>WWE invented tournaments
>Then why bring up rating at all?
Because the ratings objectively prove Ospreay sucks. See, if I just say I think Ospreay sucks then it's only my opinion. But the numbers back me up on this. It's an objective fact that Ospreay fails and blows donkey dick.
>if you don't think Ospreay is a great wrestler
He isn't even a wrestler. Which makes him one of the worst so-called wrestlers to ever live.
Danielson's having a rematch with Ospreay in the finals, losing, then finally snapping on Nigel McGuinness and challenging him for Wembley.
AEW didn’t announce that their tournament winner got a title shot at the big summer PPV until after WWE did

Jesus Christ. E Drones really decide what's good based on business metrics. I though this was a meme but they genuinely are incapable of deciding anything for themselves without being told what to like.
That shit was probably decided upon months ago senpai
this piggiE squealin lmao, go lose some weight lil bro
'fraid so
Yeah, decided by WWE months ago. Tony saw it and copied it like he frequently does.
the projection from you E-wipes is unending
>E Drones really decide what's good based on business metrics.
Kek. You can't even read. My opinion that Ospreay sucks has nothing to do with business metrics. However, the business metrics prove that my opinion is objectively correct and Ospreay does, in fact, suck. That's a shoot brother.
Shingo better win this you coward Tonikan
the only dude more gay for Ospreay than meltzer is hogwheels it seems just slobbering all over him in every thread. sad.
>n-no you don’t understand Tony thought of the idea first but just waited to announce it, and wwe copied him
get a life, bitchtits
My opinion has nothing to do with business metrics.
>Now in order to prove my point here are some business metrics.
don't expect E-drones to make any kind of sense, their brains have turned to pudding from years of consuming sloppa
Do you seriously think WWE invented tournaments to earn title shots? Motherfucker AEW have been doing that shit for years. Wrestling in general has been doing that for decades.
E-wipes literally think that WWE invented wrestling.
Try typing more words. Maybe Ospreay will let you sniff his gear when he's done "main eventing at Wembley".
Would be the best way to honor Owen but tiny will fuck it up
Uh oh, looks like you still can't read. Let's try this again lil bro. I think Ospreay sucks because he has no clue how to wrestle, is nothing but a shitty gymnast, has no personality, doesn't understand how to convey psychology or tell a story, doesn't sell, can barely promo, and just generally doesn't belong anywhere near a wrestling ring. Obviously, none of these factors have anything to do with business metrics. However, the business metrics prove that my opinion about Ospreay is objectively correct.
>blah blah blah I'm a fat retarded virgin with no life
k keep me posted lil bro
You're still using business metrics are a talking point despite claiming business metrics have nothing to do with it. YOu're not very good at hiding you're E Drone bias here
Would you like shorter sentences and smaller words so you can read it without struggling?
>Objectively correct

Why don't E Drones understand the meaning of words?
I'm not reading it either way. Just saying it's kinda gay for you to be defending another man so hard on a Taiwanese knitting forum.
terminal brain rot from too much sloppa
>You're still using business metrics are a talking point
Yeah because the business metrics objectively prove that Ospreay is a total failure.
>despite claiming business metrics have nothing to do with it.
Wrong. Stay hooked on phonics, little guy. You'll learn to read one day. I believe in you!
>I'm not reading it either way.

Yet you're responding, responding without even knowing what you're responding too apparently, on a Taiwanese knitting forum.
Brain rot is a lot better than crotch rot from getting "gender affirming surgery".
>Ospreay is a total failure
nah you are
And it takes a lot less time to call you gay than you spend typing all this shit no one (especially the dick you want to suck) is going to read.
>literally can't stop obsessing about trannies 24/7
tell it to your therapist, fatso
I don't know how to explain any clearer how your argument is contradicting itself in the same post. This is an all new level of stupidity even for 4chan. It's like trying to teach English to a goldfish.

Also opinion and objective fact. Another contradiction in terms.
>the dick you want to suck
telling on yourself
You're still responding, to a post you haven't read yet.
>Winning anything

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