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Hey E-drones...
We have Kazuchika Okada, you have Ethan Page.
We have Mercedes Mone, you have Jordynne Grace.
We have Will Ospreay, you have Joe Hendry.
We are not the same.
We have joe gacy in a pig mask who is a bigger draw than the entire aew roster
Correct, WWE actually has good ratings, financial profits, and mainstream pop culture impact
All mogged by Hendry
jordynne grace's voice sounds like a transman's
this really got em squealing
>We are not the same.
Yeah you're right, Ethan Page, Jordynne Grace, and Joe Henry are stomping the shit out of AEW.
no milly?
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You are right we also got Tama Tonga which explainw why we are heterosexuals who get laid.
We are not the same.
no hendry?
>, WWE actually has good ratings, financial profits, and mainstream pop culture impact
that shit doesnt matter
Kek. Popped me bro.
You are right only flips and trillertv matter
nice hexas
You can take back Ethan Page, but we'll gladly keep Grace and Hendry.
We have the millys, you have no willys
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I accept this as long as you take Monet back
how's your sex life?
Nah, you can keep The Horse.
Alright I guess, I get women hitting on me all the time
No, you don't.
Mone is based
she's fucking trash
In fact I do, how's the video game life?
This is wild to me. It's wild but not a surprise. Dave praised Will Ospreay to heaven and back but I never did get it. I watched about 5 of his matches after Dave and the Observer board basically declared him the best to ever lace up boots. I figured even if he wasn't the best that all the Observer praise meant that at the very least he was something worse h watching. But he didn't impress me. It was some of the most odd wrestling I'd ever seen. Like there is nearly no selling and a ton of movement that is pointless. I mean he's definitely athletic as hell. And if what you wanna see if fast movement and flips/cartwheels then he would probably blow you away. But for me, who has grown up watching since the 80s I like the moves to feel weighty and impactful. I like the moments to mean something. Will doesn't really wrestle he does a routine.

Mercedes Monè just sucks. I didn't like her in WWE and thought she was the weakest of the horsewomen despite looking the most like a horse.

Okada is the one here that can actually wrestle. But he's not going to work in the states. He speaks no English and his style doesn't look as good here because it clashes with the American style. He doesn't seem to adapt either.

That's a lot of money spent on three people who haven't drawn an audience. They in fact have lost viewers with these three being featured...

This exposed Dave and the Observer cult. And they are melting down realizing most fans don't like their style of wrestler or booking.

Tony had to start booking stories and make the shows episodic. Nothing connects from one show to the next.
Okada should have a gimmick where he likes to take a lot of pictures with an camera from the 80s.
>We are not the same
what is this supposed to mean?
No she isn't. She tanks the ratings. She is so ugly people change the channel.

She also can wrestle or talk.
Did you get the funding issues sorted out in game?
Reminder that Tony is paying MJF 15 million a year. WWE doesn't stand a chance in negotiations.
His gimmick is saying Bitch
>She tanks the ratings
No she doesn't
Why are referring to the young bucks as singular she?
I'm not going to pretend I don't like Okada and Ospreay, but they would undoubtedly be utilized better in WWE. Also think it's a shame neither of them were entered into the G1 this year.
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>AEW Dynamite: 502k

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