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For anyone that ever asked what it costs to produce an AEW show, Brandon Thurston found this (public record) for the Collision/Double or Nothing shows in Vegas.

You can assume there were some other ancillary costs as well, bringing the total bill to over 4 million (2 million on talent, holy shit).

If you assume they give 50% of the PPV take to their partners, they are still at a loss with their average 120k @ $50 per.

Then they have to rely on the house split and merch to make up the difference.

I don’t know how this business model works long term and believe the reports now that the TV deal needs to be big AND they’ve lost 30-50m per year so far.

Btw, it also makes it even more depressing that NXT is doing comparable numbers without travel in a sound studio in Florida.
That's pretty grim, but it's not like Tony can't afford it.
Cool and all but Slopdown was cancelled, RAW failed so bad it had to go to streaming, and NXT has to rely on the network that was better known for teen dramas and Supernatural.

WWE is a fucking failure, AEW is where it's at
Well, Tony’s dad gave him the start up money. When that well dries up, does he hit him up for more? They need the tv deal or some major cost cutting/right sizing of arenas and production.
You don't even like AEW, you just worship Tony's money.
Nobody believes for even a minute that AEW is selling 100k+ ppvs
The day AEW folds will be the day Shad has no excuse to keep Tony out of the Jags and Fulham, the businesses he actually cares about, so you can be guaranteed that Shad will keep AEW on life support forever.
>Rental car
Did everyone rent an Escalade for themself?
Sadly all of this is false, and dynamite lost to a wrestling school lol
How do you expense "talent" when most are salaried?
There’s no way to prove it one way or the other, I get it

I’m just amazed that this is the first public record of their finances and things look rougher than I expected.
WWE lives rent free in your head
You can't help but bring it up in threads that have nothing to do with it, KWABing yourself every time.
Seek help
High insurance cause of scapegoat
The vast majority of AEW talent are 1099 contractors. But also, you’d do a salary allocation based on the time spent on this project/event (as in you can figure out AEW total salary budget if you knew the calculation behind it).
You're so full of cope
Does AEW hate unions?
It's run by a nepo billionaire megalomaniac so of course.
You just assume this, there is no official word that Tony will keep getting funds for aew if it fails to bring in profits and goid tv deals. Shad maybe tink, eh, let us stop wasting money son and jus do de futbol, yes?
Gms to me
I know it hurts that the little indie you developed your personality around is failing but sadly that’s just reality
AEW is getting a ten year total renewal for one billy
LMAO. What is it you think the other poster is "coping" with?
AEW is losing. It's losing by every metric. Neither its owner nor its fans want to embrace advice that it would make it better.
No one needs to cope just because your delusional belief that your failing company is somehow beating the successful one with millions of viewers every week. Some of us would actually *like* your company to be successful but, oh no, god forbid any of you (especially your owner) listen to us.
Even if they do, it's not enough to make a profit if shows cost this much, since they gave a piece of tickets to distributors and a piece of PPV sales to providers then you have to factor in the production staff and roster costs for the year.
OP pic also doesn't include marketing and other costs for shows.
I work in production and these numbers look about right. They had to break down the talent numbers because they're applying for state rebate, that makes sense too.
Already debunked, they aren’t getting a renewal at all because they get very bad ratings
Does this include the billing for "Final Countdown" in it?
Where's the link OP?
Stop falling for obvious bait
>Neither its owner nor its fans want to embrace advice that it would make it better.
You mean taking away it's identity and making it some slop for "muh casuals" who need to be told who's who?

Fuck that, if they can't Google a guy but scan QR codes they don't deserve Tony's brilliant mind and affinity for talent
You don't know shit
Tony's waiting till the SummerSlam hype kicks off to kill it dead in it's tracks with his new deal
Aew is cancelled
Fraid so
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>You don't even like AEW, you just worship Tony's money.
But enough about AEW's roster

>Slopdown was cancelled
Actually, Dave Meltzer confirmed Smackdown wasn't cancelled.
Fake tweet, fake news

That's Slopdown

Exactly, AEW is for the real fans who want to see good wrestling, not sports entertainment slop
>You mean taking away it's identity and making it some slop for "muh casuals" who need to be told who's who?
AEW's identity is literally just "NXT but much worse".
>Fake tweet, fake news
Do you ever get tired of being humiliated? Starting to think you're a masochist at this point
Not even that - how about just have a decent wrestling program that more than 700K people want to watch on a regular basis?
I was on board from the beginning, back in 2019 before Dynamite was even launched. I stuck around a couple years, even paid extra to watch on Fite+. Eventually it occurred to me there was no point tuning in when I had plenty of Japanese stuff I could be watching instead and which did the wrestling better. Nooj was in the shitter but Stardom and Noah were both on a roll.
There's plenty of people who want an alternative to WWE that are turned off by AEW. Why does this have to be either/or for you people?
I can't imagine why you'd be turned off by AEW unless you're a filtered queer.

AEW is the alternative, but these stupid minds seem to think that should be "WWE but with different guys" when the alternative is in fact, the things you see on the independent scene

It's either you understand that or you just wanted WWE under a different name
That is crazy expensive for the ROI.

I see why they stopped touring and are doing shows in that high school gym in Texas.
No link. It’s on Brandon’s paid patreon from weeks ago.
I think they are losing money on every tv show at this point, breaking even on PPV or close to. Hence, five years of losses.
I gave aew a shot in the beginning. Seeing a literal tranny on the roster, trans pride, gay pride, audience members talking about how aew offers headphones and other shit for their autistic kids... I couldn't keep watching. It's literally marketed for fags, queers, aspies and retards. Reminder that WWE was at its best when it appealed to normies, and it is starting to do such again
Why is it always personal insults with you people. Nice Reddit formatting, by the way.
If anything, I want it more like WCW in its prime. Sports based product with an emphasis on sports-based storyline (I've got nothing against "let's have a match because we've been feuding for 4 years and I'm better than you") instead of the type of silly crap WWE does (and don't kid yourself, AEW's storylines are *absolutely* WWE lite).
I've got nothing against indy wrestlers. But they need to not work like indy wrestlers. How about not spamming all of someone's moves in every given match? The Law of Diminishing Returns is real, look it up. How about actually selling finishers instead of spamming kickouts. How about throwing in some decent match structure with actual match psychology instead of just going for every move under the son.
None of this is shit WWE does. And none of it is shit AEW does. If you're going to make your wrestling show about wrestling, how about do the fucking wrestling in a way that people actually want to see week in and week out? As it is, I feel like I watch the same fucking match every time I tune in and that gets old.
>every move under the son.
Going to good morning sir myself here... I meant sun obviously but you get my point.
Sorry bro, wrestling is for everyone
Glad to see a reasonable voice around here.
>But they need to not work like indy wrestlers.
Then you don't get it
>It's literally marketed for fags, queers, aspies and retards.
Anon.... It's professional wrestling. Why wouldn't they market to the main demographic?
I honestly don't get why you want to see wrestlers perform the same spots they perform every time, no. They're like street performers. It's cool for a second and then I just sort of want to go watch something else.
I don't want more "stories." I want *actual honest-to-god good wrestling*. And they're almost there. They can do it. Make finishers matter. Shit, end on non-finishers sometimes.
You want to see the best wrestler in the world right now? Mayu Iwatani, easily. And she's the best because she knows how to fucking sell and tell a story in the ring. She's not just out there just pulling off her moves.
Seriously, this match is better than anything I've seen on AEW.

You're the one who doesn't get it. You're the one who doesn't get that it's fully possible to do more than AEW is doing and *not* be WWE, and that there is more to putting on good matches than just having flip fests.
Tony has an ego too. Is he gonna let AEW slide to TNA level or just kill it off and blame xyz for why he had to do it
wasn't tony bragging about million dollar gates yet hes spending 1.5 milly on non-talent costs? damn thats grim. I know this cocksucker couldn't run a business but he's just throwing money down the shitter every week. its whatever I guess but still--get your shit together
all true I'm afraid
oink harder piggiE
Literally no ten minute rest holds in the video I linked to but whatever.
You're obviously trolling at this point.
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>oink harder piggiE
AEW would be doing better ratings if it had more rest holds
patreon pages have links
Not even that, these indie shitters don't even try to make it look like they're fighting which, in a combat sport (which wrestling is portrayed as) is the main point
>oink oink oink oink oink
still Vince lol
then go sign up and get it yourself ya dink
I literally linked to a Stardom video dipshit.
cool story lil bro, now go take your yearly shower
Oink oink piggiE
Yeah I'm not watching your coomershit, go be a retard somewhere else.
Right, and his requires a login. So if you want to give Brandon $5 this month and not be a poor lonely fuck, have at it. Until then, be happy I posted it.
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Still Tina
Fuck, what's so wrong if I wanna see people do cool shit?

I wanna see a fight I'll watch an action movie

Why do these PiggiEs hate fun?
You honest to god make a better argument for not wanting to support AEW than anyone else could.
Who the fuck wants to be associated with assholes like you.
nah still Vince and everybody knows it, keep coping lil bro
>Why do these PiggiEs hate fun?
Because their own show sucks so hard.
now type that without crying
based on viewers and ticket sales it's a lot more than just them sweetie :-)
I'll accept it's still Vince if you can give me an accurate answer to this question: where can I watch AEW in 2025?
>where can I watch AEW in 2025?
TBS and TNT :)
The only one who's going to be crying is you when AEW gets cancelled because no major network wants a show with less than 50K viewers.
But muh e-alternative kek
>Muh combat sports
Your hero Austin is boring as fuck to watch and isn't relatable to anyone on any level

People relate to MJF, Ospreay, Hangman, the Bucks, and Orange Cassidy and they resonate more than your IRL Cartoons ever will
nah you're crying pretty hard right now lil bro
How much to they make on tickets? Didn't Phil say try drew the first million dollar house off his back? Guessing his return?
I swear, it's like you want people to hate AEW
Slopdown? Cancelled
RAW? Failure
Post the link the page on his patreon though
Why do you say "little bro"? Are you black?
No I want you to kill yourself, E-wipe.
'fraid so
I don't watch either of those so I don't care.
NJPW World, Stardome World, Wrestle Universe, and AJPW.tv aren't going anywhere so I'm doing just fine.
PiggiEs are so brutish they need to watch wrestling for the violence and not the athletics

Get help you buncha school shooters
>No I want you to kill yourself, E-wipe.
Dude, you need to chill the fuck out.
Don't forget
That company is going down when the FBI fucking shuts them down and arrests everyone on charges of conspiracy
Everyone should
Holy projection
Black people don't talk like that. That's how urban Latinxs speak.
If you can't get with what's going on, then stay out fag
>But muh no vets get listened to
Good, fuck them, I hope Tony Khan literally tells every old ass out of touch douchebag to fuck off because he's got the book and he signs their check

They don't deserve to be heard, because they can't get over wrestling isn't what they were doing in the 70s and 80s

Our generation of wrestlers are at least not on roids
>If you can't get with what's going on, then stay out fag
Dude, I'm sorry your favorite wrestling company is utter shit but there's no need to take it out on me.
Doesn't change the fact that AEW is dying friend, nor does it change the fact that your father never loved you.
>Lighting and Rigging

>Rigging and Riggers



Do trannies even money laundering?
>your favorite wrestling company is utter shit
nah WWE is
>AEW is dying
nah WWE is
I don't watch WWE so that's fine.
>your father never loved you.
Holy projection
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>your father never loved you.
but enough about the average wwe fan
>I am rubber you are glue
Not really the great comeback you think it is
I must have hit
>, fuck them, I hope Tony Khan literally tells every old ass out of touch douchebag to fuck off because he's got the book and he signs their check
The most based take here
Keep the old men away from booking, they don't understand the modern sensibilities like Tony does, they think what got over in 1974 will get over in 2024
Anon, it's okay, your dad never loved you for a reason
Why not do wrestling a bit closer to how Japan does it then?
Again, no need to go back to 70s hold fests. But you can at least sell shit better and make finishers actually matter.
AEW is this close in my book, but it's the little things that always pull me out of it. The wrestling is okay (and better than WWE, at least) but it could be great I guess is what I've been saying.
Kek, spending 10k for medical is about right. Tony said he was gonna take care of the talent but then spends peanuts on medical
>Doubles down on I-am-rubber-you-are-glue
That's exactly what AEW does, speedwatcher, they just also mix in a ROH approach to
Echads have to call their parents because they don't live with them
Morbidly obese trannies can just go upstairs to talk to their parents
imagine if e-drones spent half as much time on self-betterment as they do obsessing and seething over tony khan
Dial 8
They don't though. It only appears that way to people who watched a bit of New Japan back before AEW started and then mostly stopped watching entirely.
Matches in Japan are a lot more believable than what I see in AEW. They don't throw everything and the kitchen sink into *every* match but still manage to do some cool shit.
Not every match needs a 2.9999 kickout.
>Not every match needs a 2.9999 kickout.
you are describing WWE main events
unfortunately they'll just keep getting fatter and more retarded lol
And yes, I am a speedwatcher.
I give the company a shot every once in a while. It always ends up doing stupid shit that makes me want to stop watching. Every. Single. Time.
I don't have time to watch crappy wrestling like AEW or WWE when I have lots of better stuff I could be catching up on.
Hey Supernatural was fucking good...

...Until Season 7 came around and all but that's besides the point
It sucks when they do it too, that's a smaller part of why I don't watch much WWE either.
WWE and AEW are just two sides of the same shitty coin.
Money isn't the only currency. He's lost years of time, energy, and goodwill. Time is the worst because it's impossible to get back.
>Supernatural was fucking good
you have to go back
That’s to have a doctor and emts on stand by with an ambulance. Probably trainers as well.
No, season 7 was kino
4 million to get that rating when NXT is in a warehouse with 100 fans. Ponderous.
Sad really
Tony spends more than 10% of his annual TV deal payout on a given PPV? AEW has to be a money laundering front. No other explanation makes sense.

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