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book them out of the mess they're in, what would you do to turn the tide?
Give Shane the book
Put it on Spike and let it fade into irrelevance
Tony an hero on live television
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I think the two of them working together would be fun
AEW can't be booked out of the mess they're in. There was a point in time when they could've been saved but that ship sailed a long time ago.
They need to actually lean into being tv-14 and present being a genuine alternative to wwe. It’s way too much like wwe with just blood & cursing. Down to having a lot of failed wrestlers from the company. The early years whether you liked it or not had a lot of talent nobody had seen before like Darby, Cassidy, Starks, etc
This is the truth. This isn't the 90s. There are no true draws that could save them. There's no NWO Hogan, no 80s Sting, no Austin or Rock hidden in the indies, waiting to rise. Those are what saved WCW and WWF at their lowest. Those aces do not exist. They need something big, but there's nothing left.
here's how i book it:
roster size: 50 men, 25 women. dump everyone else
lose trios, continental and tnt championships.
drop rampage and collision. dynamite is the only weekly show.
put dark back on youtube.
have roh be entirely separate form aew. different team, production, locations etc. and this is your show for development and pity booking older guys

all that as a start
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There is one
I'd run it a little like NXT

Have a home-base in some big city, shoot everything inside of a tv studio so it looks perfect, and do occasional PLEs in bigger venues around America.

We would start doing a ton more sub 5 minute matches and a ton more backstage segments and pre-tapes, probably only have 1 match each show go over 10 minutes

English as a first language would be a requirement for anyone in a solo act

Because we wouldn't be traveling I'd also hire several full time nutritionists and acting coaches to enhance the wrestlers bodies and voices

The roster would be slashed dramatically, men's and women's, and several divisions would be removed.

No more wrestlers making their own outfits, we would have professional seamstresses and costume designers from Hollywood dress the wrestlers. And not just their wrestling gear, but their out of the ring looks would all be unique because wrestlers need to stand out from the crowd.
Also the show would NOT be live, and there would be a ton more rehearsal for every single televised match. I want our camera team and editors to use only the best footage possible of every single spot.
They are doomed. Changing direction now would alienate the trannies and it would take way to long for normies to get interested.
Give almost every guy you're pushing consistent mic time. Let them get themselves over. If they can't talk they probably shouldn't be on your national TV show, managers can be used sparingly in some instances. Give them stuff to talk about and feud over, new stuff not WWE retreads and endless "who's my friend are we still friends I thought you were my friend" horseshit. Lean into current events and spicy political topics and characters, anything that can build a guy's personality and connect with the audience and create a textured fabric of both faces and heels across the cultural spectrum. Announcers need to be the very best talkers money can buy, NOT Tony fucking Schiavone, people who will drill down on what you want to get over about your product and channel your vision to the millions watching at home who have no idea who any of these people are or what's going on.

Tony books like he's playing a fucking 2002 e-fed simulator & pandering to other efed booker sickos, absolutely handcuffed by pre-set templates. That needs to be completely shattered. Working myself into a shoot just thinking about the wasted potential of how he squanders hours of tv time each week.
0 dimes
Have Christian push a Holocaust denial angle with MJF. Dimes.
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Hire Vince and give him complete control of the company and booking
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Kill Tony
Literally just book consistently. No one wants garbage storyless bangers starring Mexicans and Japs that don't even work in AEW because it doesn't make for good week to week viewing
Great suggestions, I agree the presentation is lacking. Too many nepo/nostalgia hires, not enough deliverables.
>hire the guy that made wwe so fucking bad that it made thousands run to aew as an alternative
From a business stand point:

>Book smaller venues that AEW could probably fill
>Cut the roster down immensely
>Hire someone who actually knows how to book a wrestling show in the long term, and give them the book FOREVER
>Cease any further development and updating of AEW Fight Forever, as its a shit game and a money sink
>Tony needs to grow a dick and act like a businessman and treat people like employees.
>This kinda falls into the middle, but use ROH as a developmental system, allowing you to get some value out of that purchase while quarantining shitters and hopefully giving them a place to get better before going on national TV

From a booking perspective

>End the whole "Elite - AEW" power struggle at Blood and Guts, do not drag this shit out any longer
>Get the world title on Ospreay immediately, people love him and there's no better time to do it than now.
>Build long term stories around guys like MJF, Darby, The Acclaimed, Wardlow, and any homegrown/primarily AEW talent that has been neglected/poorly booked over the past two to three years
>Keep The Elite around, sure, but do not make them the center of the show. Make sure Kenny Omega is healthy and immediately run Omega - Okada 5, while quarantining all The Elite stuff.
>Remove Tony Khan from TV entirely
>Less belts. World, midcard, tag, trios if that's your thing,

Like, maybe you could make the show bearable and even enjoyable again, but I doubt AEW will last much longer. Then again, I could be wrong.
Consistency is a very basic thing that AEW fucks up all the time. Very few stories that get followed up on from week to week, guys randomly disappear for weeks at a time, angles that go nowhere and then are followed up on much later with little explanation as to what's been going on. Remember Taz choking out Cody, the announcers selling it like a huge deal, where did that go? They treat these things like "CUT! Great work everyone we got that scene in the can, it'll be a cool moment for people to revisit on YouTube for years in the future" and then they move on to the next random beatdown that doesn't lead to anything.
Instead of catering to narrow minded redditors whose only interest is wrestling, or retarded casual normies who aren't going to watch the 2nd wrestling company, make it a wrestling show for people who are into cool shit. Rip off cool movies other people aren't ripping off, use licensed music from underground artists that are actually original, develop a cool visual aesthetic, just do shit no one else is doing. Rip off old Memphis angles and shit, because they're free to rip off anyway. More inventive matchmaking than just mashing the workers with an 80+ technical stat in TEW together. If you want to be for the sickos, actually be for the sickos. Not just redditors. And pay talented artists to design merch instead of pushing ironic slop no one wants to wear.
What they should have done a month ago.
Fire the bucks and you will start to see AEW healing.
Ospreay is a.proven antidraw
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Yup, the Jade vs Statlander special. Swerve beats Ospreay in 7 minutes, demands a new challenger. Christian walks out, 2 minutes later, AAAAAAAAAAANNNND NEEEEWWWW

Christian vs Jeff Jarrett at All In for the AEW World Title

>Hire Vince Russo
>Fire 45% of the roster
>Consolidate titles into Men's Division Champion, Women's Division Champion, Men's Tag Division Champions. and Mixed Tag or Intergender Singles Champion
>All titles will henceforth be redesigned as ornate crossbody leather-and-gold sashes, to establish a unique visual identity for the brand
>Put talent through grueling promo workshops and slowly cull those that aren't improving
>Get the weekly product out of the blue-balling HBO Max ecosystem (shit or get off the pot, Zaslav)
>Provide weekly shows on AEW YouTube channel through a paid-subscription tier like Impact (AEW Plus is a great deal, but only having it available outside of the US is borderline brand suicide)
>Ditch BR Live for PPVs and go for Triller and YouTube On Demand

You're welcome.
Exactly this. AEW was doing well and fans had an alternative to WWE, then AEW became what the fans wanted an alternative to...
>Hire Vince Russo
Hi Vince Russo
Ah shit, you got me
I wish Tony Khan was here reading all our ideas, instead of living in his imaginary world and posting on twitter like a tranny.
Link this thread on twitter and tag him, then. That nigga reads everything, he's addicted to Twitter.
Mina Shirakawa live sex celebration with me
All better than what he's doing, except:
>Hire someone who actually knows how to book a wrestling show in the long term,
There is nobody he could hire who has no loyalty or ties to the WWE.
Scott D'Amore?
>Changing direction now would alienate
That's another thing kek. They've changed directions too many times in a short period that, now, if they do it again, it will just make things worse. The big changes in 2023 changed FUCKED them hard. It wasn't even just the Punk controversy, everything happening in the company elsewhere in 2023 was retarded as well. They were even changing the presentation every few months at one point. Red White and Blue ropes, then black ropes, then white ropes, the LEDs, then no LEDs, then LEDs. Then LED stage, then worse version of the tunnels.

Tony is a dumb cunt.
She would never agree to an angle like that, she's saving herself for me
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Day one, cancel Ring of Honor and at Forbidden Door or the next PPV begin unifying multiple belts until you get it down to something reasonable. Young Bucks lose a hair vs mask match with Lucha Bros and are sent packing never to be seen again, or at least until there is renewed interested in their tag team. Hire writers. Begin hiring from within the industry first, talk to people like Raven and Jake Roberts and see where their heads are at, then just straight up hire Jim Cornette, not as a booker but mainly as an on-air talent. He should be the guy backstage who tries to make wrestling sense of things but don't actually let him book the show or it will be 1970s horseshit. Finally, put the belt on a legitimate heel that fans can buy as champion, but not someone they want as champion, and let him keep the title for an extended time. Put the title on Big Bill..and bring in Enzo.
it can't be saved, AEW was a spawn of redditfag and IWCtrannys who got trooned out by shity indie slop. they watch faggot podcast like AEpodcast and OSW and think they can book better then vince,

and AEW had decent ratings at first, but then their backstage politics got in the way and Cody jumped ship, then they pissed off punk so hard he return to a compony he sued and fired him on his wedding day. then oppsie Vince got kicked out of WWE for shitting on woman with brock lesner and what do you know wwe is good agian.

AEW is smark hell, they only audenice are redditers who still bitter WWE didn't make some New japan fuck a cena tier star and dave meltzer who turn out to be a grifter to reddt.

at this point hire Vince Russo, let have some fun on this sinking ship.
>fire Bucks
>fire Jack Perry
>fire all the Buck's friends
>fire anyone that cries and bitch about these decisions
Now that we have trimmed all the fat, anyone left will work towards making this company into something that can make money. Next step is trim the fat upstairs
>set up Tony in a scandal so I can have an excuse to release him from all his duties within the company. Can stay as investor or leave, but he won't be involved in any way in the day to day operations anymore
>fire any wrestler or producer that opposes to this decision
Now we're in a true clean slate.. Next thing is secure spot on TV
>make deal with WB. Taking massive paycuts if necessary.
Of course for the company to withstand this blow, other measures need to be taken as well.
>lower every single 7 figure deal outside of main eventers. If any wrestler wants to keep his 7 figure contract, he/she has to prove he/she is a draw. Ratings, ticket sales, merch sales, anything. If they can't it's either massive paycut or fired, their pick.
At this point the company is almost indie level. It doesn't matter. As long as we have the WB TV slot, we can rebuild. Next thing is hire people
>Get actual good writers and producers. Not the same retards that ruined every company they were in. No Bischoff, no Russo, no Cornette, no Bully Ray, they're as bad as Tony. Hire new people
Once all set up. Set the main rule for everyone
>Have them write a show with stories. Tell them that wrestling is important but secondary ultimately to the objective of telling a story
And then we start going upwards again
What initially drew me to AEW as a lapsed fan was seeing a roster of unknowns from the indies. Sure, there were plenty of shitters in that roster but it felt new and fresh. It was different from WWE and the vibe was: "what if we could combine indie scene with live national TV?" This was an exciting concept to me. I never heard of OC, Lucha Bros, PAC, FTR, Hangman and so on before watching AEW. When they sprinkled this with names like Moxley, Kenny, Jericho, Cody and so on, I was sold.

So to me, the only way to make AEW great again is to start from a clean slate and get rid of almost all the ex-WWE stars. Scout the indie scene and pick wrestlers that would work on live TV. Create new stars and have Jake Roberts, Raven, Cornette, Malenko, Arn, Christian, Jerry Lynn and so on in the background. Make them be responsible for coaching, booking, stories, and quality control overall. I don't care about having recognizable names, I want new fresh stuff.

By now, in an alternate universe, I'd hoped that AEW would've by now built their own core roster and make them draws. If Darby, Sammy, MJF, Hangman, The Acclaimed, Ricly Starks and many others would've been booked right, coached right, developed their mic skills over the years and so on, AEW would've been self-sustained without paying millions to ex-WWE and NJPW shitters.

Last but not least, get rid of the women. It's established by now that women makes the roster crowded. If it's so fucking important to have female wrestlers then let them have their own show so they can have more space as well to establish stories, angles and have a solid roster. Neither wins by having females on the same show as the male. It's ridiculous. It's as if you're watching NFL and there's an occasional female match sprinkled here and there during the season playoffs for no fucking reason
Unify the International and Continental titles with the World Championship and create a Triple Crown.

Give it to Christian.
>Just be ECW in 2024 bro
Every time aew does anything remotely controversial a huge amount of Twitter fags seethe. Remember the quarters with MJF? Their own fanbase doesn’t want that
The modern wrestling fan is a sissy. They also don’t like it when WWE does anything edgy too. Roman got a bunch of shit for saying Seth cross dresses
The only thing that was vaguely long term was Ruby Soho and Angelo Parker dating, and that was fun!
They dropped the ball with attack on Tony Khan angle. Even in kayfabe he's still running the show. Fucking retarded.

Strict brand split for Dynamite and Collision, as originally intended. Build Dynamite around AEW world champion, tbs champion, and Tag Team champions. Build Collision around International champion, AEW womens champion, TNT champion. Have Trios belts be a cross-brand title. Merge the C2 belt with the international. Reserve rampage for one off special singles matches (Like an Okada Vs. Ultimo Guerrero) and TNT/TBS title defenses.
Prioritize TV time across both shows to developing the young/home grown talent, putting them in high profile spots against established stars. Keep them on TV weekly, a promo, a quick backstage segment, a squash, whatever keeps the audience engaged in their development.

Build a team of writers, led by a booker for each show. Keep things consistent and varied.

Keep ROH, NJPW, AAA, Stardom and other affiliated companies belts OFF of TV.

Honestly there should be atleast one over arching storyline. Some kinda faction related thing. Kinda like the Elite, but not cringe. Something that justifies and sprouts new groups and faction warfare across both shows.
>Tony needs to stop booking
>Let Jake the Snake or somebody who knows wtf they are doing take over booking
>they have to get rid of the other two shows they are spread way to thin
>cut the roster
>cut the pay, no one deserves to be making millions on that show when no ones drawing shit
>No political takes allowed you are there to make money and entertain not take up a cause
>start giving fines and firing people who go into business for themselves
>then AEW became what the fans wanted an alternative to...
You stupid faggots and your headcanon. AEW's present iteration is nothing like WWE. Do you really think any of the random taco shitters, friends of the Bucks, and NJPW signings Tony is pushing would be pushed by WWE? With a few exceptions like Ospreay (who would start in NXT) the only guys WWE would use are people Tony buries. If AEW patterned itself after WWE, maybe their ratings would increase.
nigga downloaded the same picture 7 times
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It would take a while with some major shifts but even then I still don't think that they can see major growth, their target should be a stable 700k-800k viewer range.

The company is so geared in the direction of the hardcore fans to the point where if ur a regular wrestling fan. Getting into AEW is too much of a hassle. Learning all the people on the giant roster when a lot of them appear sporadically and a good chunk are only hyped up because of what they've done on the indies or in Japan (regular fans can't be fucked for that) leaves them with few people to care about.

The hardcore fanbase isn't as big as the internet makes it seem and that being 98% of ur audience isn't enough to support your show when it's running at the level of production that AEW is.

Unfortunately AEW blew their chance in 2019-2020 to get casual viewers on board, they had a major TV deal, they had a few stars that casuals know like dean (zoomers know Dean Ambrose, forget that hes a meme here) or Jericho and WWE was coming to the end of a terrible period. But they wasted it in capturing the hardcore fans, a group that was always going to go to them since they were sick of WWE. Now WWE has begun to improve under HHH and is getting bigger as AEW shrinks and digs itself further into a hole of declining viewership and a bloated roster caused by the idea of "He was in WWE" or "he was big on the indies" which btw none of their indie talents get their character over in a way that somebody like Joe Hendry has, its just "he can do all the moves". Also the ex-wwe card doesn't universally apply, cesaro in 2023 doesn't have the same impact as Jericho did in 2019.

AEW is fundamentally flawed and opposed to growth as a business and you would need several years of massive action to fix the damage and then make any positive progress
Even 50 seems generous. 95 percent of that locker room needs to go.
It can't be saved.

AEW had a chance because of the money, exposure, and talent behind it; but Tony is the WOAT showrunner/booker. He just has no clue how to create dramatic, compelling content even though all the tools are at his finger tips.
The people who spurned AEW to succeed were fans of Hunter's NXT. They wanted a main roster show like that. Those people started watching AEW to spite WWE. After a couple of up and downs including it looking like Hunter would never be in control, WWE got rid of Vince and put Hunter in control. Those fans that wanted a main roster booked by Hunter have it, and an NXT that is booked differently but interestingly. The shows work together to boot and acknowledge feuds. That is what all those "ex-WWE" fans wanted. That is where all of AEW's audience went. They went back to the show they wanted AEW to improve. They went back to the fed they wanted to see improved.
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It doesn't need to be saved because it's doind great. Seethe harder E-drones.
>>set up Tony in a scandal so I can have an excuse to release him from all his duties within the company. Can stay as investor or leave, but he won't be involved in any way in the day to day operations anymore
AEW isn't a publicly traded company you cant get rid of Tony even though yeah he's the main problem
only way to get rid of Tony is to convince him hes a complete fuckin moron at running a wrestling company
you spout this same shit all day every day and you've never been laid once lol
Pretty based
Focus on Japanese wrestlers. Push Okada as the Champ. Get rid of the Elite affiliation. I'd also protect Takeshita and rotate him into the main event when Okada is on break or injured.
If AEW is about wrestling, then Okada should be the face of the company. He's their best talent. Just give his promos subtitles and let him work like he did in Japan.
>AEW's present iteration is nothing like WWE.
Nah, you're wrong. AEW is literally just WWE but worse. It has all of the exact same problems but they're amplified tenfold.
nah you're just a fat reddit cultist retard lol
Nah that's you
Just have a project, a plan and follow it.

Stop jumping from one thing to another
>It has all of the exact same problems but they're amplified tenfold.
WWE doesn't have a roster infected with taco flippers, broken down NJPW cast-offs, and retards like the Bucks. They also know how to tell a story and develop their talent. WWE's matches are mostly clean and botch free. AEW has no stories. They can't put together a montage to save their life. Their matches are just flippy shit spot fests with no forethought and understanding of the larger picture. And half of their roster is injured because they are typically unsafe. AEW and WWE aren't even comparable at this point. One promotion executes professional wrestling at the highest level. The other has a random collection of backyard midgets all doing their own thing. If anything, AEW should strive to be like WWE instead of continuing its retarded notion of "providing something different." It is completely different and it sucks because of that.

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