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Well clearly he's not cleared yet but that was about the lamest fucking way you could have done that.
>pays off Drew quitting angle on the next show
so this is the power of banana nose booking
shouldn't have had that red velvet cake with pepsi before the show

i feel ya, bro
Theatre blood
That a rough landing. Do we know if he's injured yet?
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being a drew fan is literally just "ITS SO OVER" followed by "WE ARE SO BACK" Over and over again lol
yeah. it's almost like they have a plan.

start a new notebook and take notes, tony.
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Blood is cringe. He should have gotten slimed instead.
Agreed, but Punk/Drew is being saved for SummerSlam.
>record player stops
>yep that’s me
>you’re probably wondering how I got here
Why don’t they just let them blood? This movie blood they use looks like shit.

>while aewxirs are setting themselves on flamethrower fire for hotdogs

GRIMMEST reality bros
i post like a redditor you cultist queer
Huh wat u mean
the plan is they're killing time before summerslam for Punk to come back
great 'plan' lmao you fucking mongaloid
S(li)M(e) Punk
I hope they draw out drew vs punk until the rumble or mania because the rumble is supposedly going to be in my home town next year
>off camera attack
Seriously? I wanted to SEE Drew kick his ass. WWE is so fucking tame, man. This is why WWE fucking sucks. AEW would have done this better. They would have NOT been worried about the "kids" in the crowd being horrified by the sight of Drew banging Punk's head against the guardrail or whatever. These are the moments that make me realize how fortunate we are to have AEW.
AEW Ratings.JPEG
>sorry that doesn't work for me, beating me down off screen is the best I can do ya big scottish bastard
i can hear your mom in the background
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I wish someone did that to this slag
Yes you are supposed to build to the ppvs not hotshot every match, good job
Ever consider the fact punk is phoning it in ?
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I didn't expect drew to get a big pop for that
orton is a god amongst these midges
they just hotshotted Drew quitting for some lame angle on the next show
>Falling for edited sound effects
Smackdown is going to have 5 milly in the ratings tonight
treading water isn't a plan anon
Wait what? I'm typically someone who enjoys AEW more (go on, have your fun) but I also watch WWE and thought that was one of the best things they've done all year. Granted it make no fucking sense why security would hear a loud thud and willingly open the garage door when they're meant to be on the lookout for the Wyatts. But that shot of it opening with Drew and Punk and then him carrying him all the way out was fucking based. Would've liked it better if he brought him all the way down to the ring and dropped him in the middle of it as an offering to Chicago
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Did punk try to start another shoot fight and got fucked up yet again.
good morning sir
Drew got screwed out of the title twice once at Mania and then in his own country and this is how they pay it off? Some theatrics where you don't see anything and then Drew carrying out Punk to the stage as Punk chews on blood packets. Give it a rest. That's some garbage shit/
Nah that was my shoot my mom
>when my girl is on her period but demands it anyways
No, he slipped and fell off the entrance ramp while standing back up after crouching to yell it's clobbering time
It wasn't Drew
>Drew got screwed out of the title twice once at Mania and then in his own country and this is how they pay it off?
By him bloodying Punk and carrying his lifeless body out in front of his home crowd? Seems like some pretty fitting revenge for Clash. It's not like he can cost the real glass man any title matches since he still can't actually wrestle. So I'm not sure what more you think they could've done. I do agree that as a whole they're overplaying the fake blood. But this was a good use of it
Punk trying to put over Drew as a mega heel. Not a bad idea to be honest.
>So I'm not sure what more you think they could've done.
How about not paying off Drew quitting 4 days later you spanner.
Punk has been acting like a heel the whole time.
I really can't even view drew as the heel in this scenario. they're both tweeners at this point
So no one would expect him to show up and beat down Punk his hometown
especially given drew's backstory about punk he talked about (when drew was younger)
You're so mad man. We're just bullshitting about wrestling. It's not that deep. As for him quitting it was already addressed. Punk mentioned it at the start of the show and figured he ran him off for now which left him with his guard down tonight and let McIntyre catch him the way he did
punkmeister really took to the trans movement; he's even honoring them. get more practice in champ!
>I'm typically someone who enjoys AEW more
So you're gay? Old episodes of Sunday Night Heat are better than AEW. You have no standards.
Wrestling without story is gay porn. You are a massive faggot.
>two shows with blood in a row
>drew dropped an F bomb tonight
Yeah, i'm thinkin we're back TV14 bros
They didn't even bleep out the crowd swearing half the time
>It's not that deep
then why do you nitpick about every other company?
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>two shows with fake blood in a row
good for you pal
How many packets of ketchup? 2?
I don't do that though. What do you mean?
>drew dropped an F bomb tonight
When? Think I missed this entirely
Nah that's you
We don't sign our posts here
Have sex
Yeah, maybe on planet retard!
Please lose weight

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