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Next shows
June 28th, [CMLL x LADYSRING x Mexico Tourism] "LUCHA FIESTA2", Shinkiba 1stRING, Tokyo, 7:00PM JST
>Amapola (CMLL) vs Momo Kohgo (STARDOM/STARS)

June 29th, "STARDOM in KORAKUEN 2024 Jun.2", Korakuen Hall, Tokyo, 11:30AM JST (LIVE)
>card tba https://wwr-stardom.com/schedule/20240629_korakuen/?mc_id=994

June 30th, "STARDOM in SHINJUKU 2024", Shinjuku Sumitomo Hall, Tokyo, 1:00PM JST (LIVE)
>card tba https://wwr-stardom.com/schedule/20240630_shinjuku/?mc_id=1029

Previous >>15017491
wonder of middom title
Wonder of Sendai
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>The woman in the background
Kek at Toshie Uematsu bettering Soya at sad facial expressions when she's not even working
>June 29th, "STARDOM in KORAKUEN 2024 Jun.2", Korakuen Hall, Tokyo, 11:30AM JST (LIVE)
>June 30th, "STARDOM in SHINJUKU 2024", Shinjuku Sumitomo Hall, Tokyo, 1:00PM JST (LIVE)
We eating good (LIVE) bros
What will happen to the tjpw kakuta cross show now that poi has disappointed saori?
Brought to you by Wirecast Pro
pretend it didn't happen like saya laughing it up in WAVE
>saya laughing it up in WAVE
She was literally coping
>June 29th, "STARDOM in KORAKUEN 2024 Jun.2", Korakuen Hall, Tokyo, 11:30AM JST (LIVE)
I will watch your show live
>June 30th, "STARDOM in SHINJUKU 2024", Shinjuku Sumitomo Hall, Tokyo, 1:00PM JST (LIVE)
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do you have that autism where you can't recognize facial expressions
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The most dramatic Poi in a hot minute
I can't believe Hazuki and Koguma are making fake twitter accounts to troll Lady C. How far will they go to bully their co-workers??
That would be fucking hilarious.
Other than 5ch speculation, was there ever any concrete evidence that Zooks and Koguma were locker room cancer
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I like this Mika Iwata player she’s cool
Fuka Kohgo does something to my penis
No, it's pure headcanon, just like Okada punishing Saya
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>Utami Hayashishita tells Tokyo Sports that after Queen's Quest's fate was decided on Saturday, she no longer views her match against IYO SKY as a former leader matchup of the group -- rather just competing against each other as individuals.

Sonny seething. His creation is dead.
Maybe AEW will send that African queen for Kamitani's new Queen's Quest.
What was the attendance for Mayus match in Ice Ribbon?
1088. Better than the last Stardom and Marigold shows.
sold out at 1088人
10% more than Maricold's last Korakuen
I’m trying to get into joshi wrestling, but I’m hesitant on stardom. Has the promotion been better or worse since bushiroad took over booking?
It has been equivalently shit, but in different ways
Stardom peaked in April 2023
i don't listen too that retard just watch it yourself
I was hoping it would be a lot more than 10% honestly I'm disappointed like I understand it's not a bad thing but it should be a lot more than 10% I know that much
You a autism
Ice Ribbon literally sold all their possible allocated seats you moron
Maybe they could have had more seats
They configured it so there are only 3 sides of seating. The other 500 seats were replaced by a stage where people entered/left.
Not my problem
go back to Maricold general
I'm not gay maybe you are maybe you would like it in there but I wouldn't because I'm not gay
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Its what smaller promotions do to avoid this and making up attendances.
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The Poi Patrol
aya is very beautiful
tickle academy enthusiast
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>[Marigold] Utami Hayashishita's feelings towards Iyo's match change after her former club QQ "disbanded": "Maybe I don't need to worry about it anymore" | Tokyo Sports WEB
Yeah like I said not my problem
you sound like an assfag
>days since Maricold mentioned Stardom: 0
Stardom lives rent free in Maricold's head and it's sad
worry about your own promotion
Kek what a jilted lover
Utami doesn't care enough to know what the stipulation was, please understand
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You would think Bushiroad could pull some strings and get her a role in the game. Even if it is a minor one.
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How much more than 771 is it?
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Give it up Saya. It’s dead
Saya running around with flag by herself saying it’s still alive
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can't wait until she hits peak depression and i can fire my shot at her
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Really fucking need movie Mayu to take real Mayu's place when real Mayu retires
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>Utami literally couldn't be bothered to follow the storyline in Stardom
>Saya HAS to tweet in relation to it because she just can't ignore it
This fucking buries Stardom and Saya so badly
I love Kamitani Saya and I hate to see her suffer.
We know Juan
World of Sendai Spark Ring Ribbon
Kek maricold is just like aew they can’t stop mentioning the other promotion.
>Sonny: It's all about the history, that is the most important thing and Marigold will cherish and remember when it came from.
>Utami: I don't really care. I forgot about QQ already.
I'm sure they'd be capable of it, it's just that no one in Bushiroad is going to be doing cross-corporation politicking on behalf of Ami Spudrei unless they happen to be fucking her
You're comparing a Stardom house show to a major Maricold show and you're bragging about Maricold barely selling 100 more seats than a Stardom house show my fucking god
imagine getting this mad over it
i'm just mad about the average IQ of a Rossy dickrider being so low
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Take your meds.
If QQ turns out to be greater in 6-8 months than ever before it would make Sonny/Rossy/Utami and their doom tweets look pathetic. Too bad Okatarpo can't book.
if he gets around to passing off the book to somebody who knows what they're doing soon rock bottom Saya is currently a layup for booking a great arc
I trust him far more than a geriatric chomo hack
the turning point of saya kamitani career was the ingestion of a walmart brand lasagna
why do you care so much?
Focusing on the other guys is what killed WCW. I’d rather Stardom do stories for itself
any kohgo for me desu, she's hot
sucks to not have all our girls in the one fed but it’s nice in that they’ll have an opportunity to work elsewhere and potentially get better pay. the companies will have to make an effort to keep them too.
>>Utami carefully chose her words and said, "I checked the results on social media. Of course it's sad that the place I was in ended up like that. But I'm in a different position now so it's not for me to say anything about it."
some wrestling journalist nerd asked her about it and she doesn't even watch Stardom so she had to give a non-answer
Smartly worded answer desu
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ice ribbon outsold marigold
ami sourei has the captivating allure of an hollywood actress
She’s my least favorite player but her performance in the movie match was the most interesting she’s ever been by far
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She's Stardom Kouki and just as boring
Azusa is really beautiful
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Saya Kamitani has lot a lot of things this summer but she gained the respect of GAMI
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Mayu is sooooo beautiful
>Feeling of Openness
Just WHAT exactly did poi mean by this
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>hey Kamitani, God doesn't hear whores' cries!
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She's gone full Matrix
Okada punishing Saya by giving her the biggest storyline in the promotion
Okatarpo was into theater and he has Tam to help him. I'm sure he can book a dramatic storyline well.
>book well
Respect the mistress of lore
it would be good if Natsuko wins the belt, Momo wins it off Natsuko out of
jealousy, then Kamitani gets her ultimate revenge against Momo
>Has the promotion been better or worse since bushiroad took over booking?
it's been worse since after the first third of last year
Utami didn't watch the PPV and just looked at the results on Twitter, according to her.
I just rapeplay hatesex. She's perfect for abuse.
You're trying to convince people that Soya QQ has anywhere to go but down.
on planet retard
it makes everyone including herself look bad
Iwata > Anou > Poi or Iwata > Poi then Poi faces Anou as champ?
We can’t hold your hand on this one Okarder, it’s up to you this time.
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I'm ok with Tall Saya going down

On me
outsold Stardom, too
seems kinda dumb to hot potato the belt like that, but then again Okada is booking from planet retard
mutts law
you act like rossy is any better lol
I didn't mention Rossy
>seems kinda dumb to hot potato the belt like that
And if Anou had won the match you would be talking about how boring and predictable it was
no, it would have been fine because putting the belt on an outsider who's probably dropping it on her first defense is dumb
you mentioned okada and the last booker was rossy their related no matter what now
sure I guess, but I didn't mention Rossy. If you want me to talk about Rossy, I think him booking 2 straight 20 minute draws between MIRAI and Miku is very dumb.
Why is it bad though?
the players should be above associating with this crew of creepy thigh-rubbers
Did we poach Maya Fukuda?
Mina isn't above that, though
mina is doing what she needs to becone a star, lord knows bushiroad has no clue
Sounds like your typical Rossy poach
dumb bitch doesn't know you are only meant to do this if you have tits to tease
Damn that's nasty
Her collarbone is hot as fuck
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Trad wife player
>Why is it bad though?
Who cares? The match wasn't even particularly good.
That's not an explanation of why the switch is bad
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Hanan The Giant
begging to get raped
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>I had the opportunity to work with all the units and came up with an answer over a period of about two months.

>I had been through a lot with Oedo Tai, and it was a journey to conquer all the units, which naturally had its pros and cons.

>I can only express my gratitude to those who accepted me in the midst of it all!

>Some of us have become closer, some of us have learned new things, some of us have reconfirmed new things, and some of us have experienced things that were born because of this period of time.

>But I have made enemies of all of them.

>But I am excited about the relationships that have changed during this period, and I am sure that some of you will have a different story with SLK in the future!

>I don't know what people around me think! I don't know what will happen in the future! Still, I'm going to be an enemy to the fullest, and I'm going to fight them to the bitter end

>Goodbye, Independence Period!

>Tam Nakano

>Tamu reached out to me so I could choose my path. You even told me that I needed to be next to you, and even though I failed you, thank you so much for being there for me during this period!

>I felt the size of your vessel.

>I'll see you on the opposite corner because you really know me well.

>And I haven't won a single match yet!
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>I felt the size of your vessel
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>starlight whinge lore dump
now Broken Anou can join QQ
Miyu tweeted for the first time in almost a month and turned the replies off
she saw what happened to Lady C. Her responses would have been flooded with "please quit" posts.
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friendship cancelled with Amasaki Miyu

Campi-kun is now Hina's best friend
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poi a cute A CUTE!
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The chick behind Poi has some mean DSL
Far worse than the enemy's attack is the damage done by betrayal
I wonder if Hina will change her leopard print panties now that she's been evicted
It's summer
>Breaking News: Xena confirms that he is AEW bound
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this girl is just fake Tessa
cutest monkey in the jungle
I need Tam to do this while she's riding my dick.
My favorite headcanon here is kitto coomers gaslighting themselves to think kitto is white belt material.
>Hina's mature woman vibe is amazing
Ngl those pelvic moves look smooth... A little too much for someone claiming she's just a pure idol and never had a boyfriend.
if anything that sort of thing has cooled off since way back when she was always just weeks away from winning it according to them (I say them but it is probably one anon), the last 5star killed it off a bit and she is getting past the age where people can claim she is a future star
(40) year old bogged woman dancing in her 1 bedroom apartment for the attention of pakis and 50 and 60 year old bald uncles
Ok pedo
I'm in my 20s, not Indian, Pakistani or Bangladeshi, and I like Tamu dancing suggestively
triggered shitskin
the hatefuck would be crazy
>(40) year old tranny being gay on a 4chan thread for attention
Sounds about right
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Konbini player
You're not fooling anyone Juan
Tomoka Inaba is getting a red belt match before SLK or AZM. Defend this booking
Why do you care
1. Tomoka is prettier
2. Tomoka has better friends
Harada's fault
She's not winning, no one will remember challengers
Mangina just challenged. Both the world and wonder belts don't mean too much right now. There is no status in holding them
ok now I know how we get the white belt onto Hazuki
watch the product and the other promotions like jto, ice ribbon, sendai to understand the booking
JTO will draw more than 400 at Korakuen Hall with a major draw like Maika on the show
she'll get a tag or trios title at least, she just adopted two tag teams
>the other promotions like jto, ice ribbon, sendai to understand the booking
You have to dive into shit to understand that it's shit
Sorry but just because wrestlers licked each other out and were groomed by the same guy doesn't mean they should be having a match for what should be the top belt in all joshi
ballet dancers have smooth movements
Premium product chud
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I'm excited about the match
It would be cool if a pretty player like Tomoka won the red belt instead of the fat and ugly blob that currently holds it
Cant wait till Akari from PureJ slides into the ring and challenges Makia next
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talk about 5starGP
Who will win or draw in the first round?
Maika vs Poi is a first time matchup
not interested, where are the shindy fed players
my body and mind cannot be willed to excitement for a plod mike game, first time or otherwise
The most important thing is getting the time limit up to 20 again
no first day surprise?
Ami (continuing Saya's suffering)
if I had to pick one to surprise it would be Kitto winning with a cheap flip of Syuri over the top rope
tamu will finally pin mayu and challenge for the IWGP belt, check it out
That isn't how the rule works
Dream Queendom is Maika vs Saya and Mayu vs Tam?
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>We will be holding a live stream to thank everyone for their support after the #家出レスラー audition live stream two years ago

>Live broadcast scheduled for tomorrow, 25th, at 9pm

>I would like to make this a broadcast where I can express my gratitude to the people I met through Runaway Wrestler and to everyone who supported me during my audition at the time.

>Everyone is welcome to come and watch
thanks movie mayu
will this get more viewers than have seen the movie?
truth. her endless pursuit is pretty admirable desu
tarokarder could instantly fix show content by mandating the return of pre-match shitposting banter between players

i know the girls like to take more time to prepare for their adoring fans, but FUCK, we need some backstage bits
If you want meaningless bits that pop twitter trannies, you can watch Marigold
Need a shibari player
I can't forgive Okada he made Hina, Miyu, Lady C, and Saya sad
battle kitto
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the sniff sisters
quick question, why do you save botches?
because they are funny and I've wasted my time watching salt games so I might as well take something from it
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Gotta make twitter trannies realize not everything is perfect with their illusions of joshi
do porn slut
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the real gyoza girl
gtfo mirai
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Picrel is more accurate to your experience
Saya build for box spots.
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Okatarpo sucks but the booking could be worse
This is genius actually, let me explain
hold up come on my joshi podcast and explain to my 8 listeners
I hope he goes another TLD at Sendai. Commit to it.
"major" matches that have never happened
>Hanan vs Tam
>Maika vs Starlight Kid
>Maika vs Hazuki
>Maika vs Natsupoi
>Maika vs Mayu
>Anou vs Syuri
>Anou vs Hazuki
>Anou vs Tam
>Anou vs Saya
>Anou vs Mei
>Anou vs Suzu
>Mei vs Syuri
>Mei vs MomoW
>Mei vs Mayu
>Mei vs Natsupoi
>Mei vs Tam
>Mei vs Saya
>Suzu vs AZM
knee buster
all of those are responsible for turning Queen's Quest into such a joke that even Utamid doesn't pretend to care about it any longer

only Azumi had any claim to it and she feels the same, relieved the zombie is a nonentity now and she can move on to something else
>Hanan vs Tam
don't care along with most if not all of the latter's matches
>Maika vs Starlight Kid
don't care along with most if not all of the former's matches
>Anou vs Syuri
don't care along with most if not all of the former's matches
>Mei vs Syuri
don't care along with most if not all of the former's matches
>Suzu vs AZM
t. doesn't watcher
I think I like her
nobody's can except lovers of obesity
this booking sucks imo
Damn she cute
Also they sure smoke a lot of cigarettes in Japan huh
Io's QQ was different from Utami's, so Saya's should be different too, she just needs to stop being Utami's goofy sidekick and become more vicious/intelligent, idk how they're gonna manage that
Damn bro, your taste fucking stinks
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>Anou vs Tam
All wrestling promotions should have an unbreakable #1 Contender System for every title. Otherwise you get haphazard nonsense like this.
I would rub her ass bruise for her
there should never have been a "Saya's QQ" in the first place and it's doomed to fail
>just needs to stop being Utami's goofy sidekick
like Maika needed to stop being Giulia's goofy sidekick, which never ended up happening

now the sidekicks are the "leaders" but they're no Robin
this but soya
Who tf is “soya” lol
if Saori-excuse-for-a-champion can be white belt material anyone can
visual plea
hopefully not a visual plea
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Is you pussy itchin?
weak mind, weak spirit
It was nice when our Wonder of Stardom Champions used to 1) turn up for work, and 2) actually be members of the roster.
not like cosmic angels was ever a good fit anyway
What difference does it make
Sit down kid
the last one who did that, was very soulful i heard
not coincidentally I think it was during those times where this general was active enough to go through at least 3 threads a day

it was much better when we had a wonder of stardom champion like that
I also heard she opened up a new world
Hanan's thighs are shrinking, she needs to get phatter
we don't sign our posts here
>I think him booking 2 straight 20 minute draws between MIRAI and Miku is very dumb.
many people are saying this
Get back in your fucking containment thread
it peaked 2 years ago and now its downhill
I do not care about Maika and Tomoka doing their "Giulia and Suzu at home" routine
Okay but I like to look at Tomoka
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she needs to lose a little more, like have AZM pick the Highspeed off her so she's completely reset, then film a segment with her twirling the flag on the side of a Japanese highway looking for new members
and had rockin milkers
In kayfabe the holder of the white belt is supposed to represent the heart and spirit of Stardom. It's not just supposed to be a secondary title.
The belt loses meaning when an "exclusive" freelancer, or someone from a completely different promotion is holding it.
They're not doing that at all though. Tomoka doesn't hate Maika
After all, Santana Garrett was representing the heart and spirit of Stardom
santana garrett defended her title 10 times
Damn Suzu is absolutely mogging here
Over half of those happened in a garage in Florida. People would crucify Okada for half the shit Rossy pulled, when he ran the company.
there was also no crowd in that garage
most of Maika's feuds, outside of Momo were basically bar fights and they kiss and make up afterwards
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Yes anon, she's generally faced people she's been friendly with. What an astute observation
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>Good evening!

>I said I was going to take it easy today, but I went to the dojo in the morning and dropped my important amulet there
>Sakura-san protected me...

>A lot happened during this three-game series.
>I'm starting to feel really tired...

>I think I'll be spending my days thinking a lot about my future.
i didn't feel that way watching koguma vs reo hazuki
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>Good evening~

>I practiced again today

>I was surprised at how hot it was when I went outside,
>That means it's going to get even hotter in the summer.

>I'll eat lots of watermelon and play lots of games to avoid getting tired and get through the summer
kurara thinks a lot
Maybe Mika will do that you don’t know
This is Rian father daughter
>I was surprised at how hot it was when I went outside,
>That means it's going to get even hotter in the summer
how is she so good at weather
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rian is obviously very intelligent
Rian has ESPN
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>best player leaves the team
>new leader in shambles
Who will be the Pau Gasol for Saya "Kobe Bryant" Kamitani?
>he believed scam headcanon
Please don’t kill our pheonix
Saya joining an existing unit like Kozuen would be so boring but can Bushiroad afford to hire more wrestlers when they have already 37 people under contract?
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Walking felony
Watch Mina in a threesome with two Ns https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBVD811QZMA
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get pregnant
What are you even talking about, i didn't make a joke, i just point out that Kashima is not a tall Saki.
Next >>15031072
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