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/pw/ - Professional Wrestling

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NHL fans are the wealthiest on average in all of sports. There isn't much crossover with wrestling fans, especially WWE fans.
NHL's audience is significantly more affluent than other sports. Combine that with WWE's audience being so poor and stupid that Fox didn't even want them back their audiences have basically no overlap.
WWE put on a good show, and made the 502krew seethe
Liv is a draw.
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Why WWE is so successful while aew becomes a complete disaster week after week?
People like hot women. Hopefully the mannish Rhea stays away and doesn't tank ratings anytime soon
Its what happens when must see television is what you keep putting out instead of just saying it.
>black guy credits Liv
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She's a draw
Explain the last two PLE’s breaking the record for most profitable gate for an arena show ever. Go ahead, I’ll wait for you to serve up the delicious copes.
Just think, when they go to Netflix all of a sudden PG/TV-14/R/whatever ratings don't matter and you have the possibility of seeing full frontal nudity, big bouncy titties and shit.
Dumb fuck. They'll still have sponsors to answer to. You'll get more blood and cussing. You're not getting any full frontal shit at all
Theres not gonna be full frontal theres no way theyd go all in on that.
I don't think there'll even be any more blood or cursing. I think the only thing that will change is they won't mute the holy shit chants, which they already don't do on Peacock.
The absolute most we might see is a bare ass and I doubt they'll even do that.
>wrestling is becoming more popular than sportsball
Those are bots dude
That is what a hot angle will get you. Thank you Bo Dallas. You do BOLIEVE right?
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brutal mogging
when every story about sportsball is how they are getting multi-million dollar contracts just to choke at the big game, or how they beat their wives, or how they get crippling CTE it makes sense why viewership is dropping.
ok now do Mercedes Moñke
They're not gonna have Liv flash her tits in front of a live crowd that has kids in it
Dynamite is still better though
You're retarded
I could see tits and bare ass
They might in a backstage segment that isn't shown in-arena and only shown on Netflix
>WWE's audience being so poor
have you seen the prices for tickets?
Reminder that you can put anything on cable because it's not free TV like the over the air channels.
inflation, post covid ticket increase effect, targeting underserved markets
Bidenflation do be a bitch.
Fuck I hate him
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>Daddy's Girl
for me it's Mommy's Girl
You're a grown man with pictures of children's cartoons saved to his device?
It's Mercedes Moneigh bitchboy
aew could never.
At not drawing? I agree.
This is on top of this being the highest rated NHL playoffs in history. All the go-to excuses for companies like Disney and AEW (muh cord cutting) was always a huge cope. People want to watch TV, they just don't want to watch gay shit.

/pol/ won
>viewership is dropping.
Viewership isn't dropping. This was still the highest rated NHL playoffs of all time. The last Superbowl was the 2nd highest viewed program in television history, after the fucking moon landing. People just want to watch cool shit, not faggoty legtwing politics.
Eh. WWE fan but i thought it was a pretty boring Raw. The entirety of the Judgment Day is pretty tired for me
>responding to retarded console war virgins
Both of those posts were probably the same person too
Liv is SEXO
speak for yourself faggot go to /hoc and say that shit

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