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TONIGHT from Buffalo, New York
>Zack Sabre Junior vs Kyle O'Reilly
>MJF LIVE in Buffalo!
>Mariah May, Mina Shirakawa, & "Timeless" Toni Storm vs Saraya, Harley Cameron, & Anna Jay
>We hear from Daniel Garcia
>"Switchblade" Jay White vs Rey Fenix in the Owen Hart Cup
>Will Ospreay & Swerve Strickland vs Gates of Agony
>Blackpool Combat Club(Jon Moxley, Wheeler Yuta, & Claudio Castagnoli) vs Los Ingobernables de Japon(Shingo Tagaki, Hiromu Takahashi, & Titan)
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Highlights from Collision! | 06/22/2024 AEW Collision

Renee Paquette sits down with The Native Beast, Nyla Rose! | Close Up w/ Renee Paquette
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Is this the 502 Live Gamethread?
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CM Pun won
Switchy the Channel, Ratings Cancer Garcia, Wheelie, Moxley, and Manure Moans are all on the same show. Tony is bold for making this the Go Home Show for Forbidden Door. If they gain ratings it might get back up to the 700k if they are lucky.
Jesus, no wonder this shit got cancelled
Finally, a good show is coming on
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>Switchblade forced to work against flippy shit
>Shingo and some literal whos vs. Claudio and his two retarded friends
>Two promo segments from two of the worst promos in the company
>KOR vs. ZSJ
> Your top talent is at the show? God I hope he is
This shit blows.
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>that card
fuck yeah
>swerve & will vs gates of agony
why are swerve and will teaming again? didn't they leave off last week trying to kill each other? bishop kaun my nigga tho. swerve and bruv win after getting way too beat up by the fake samoans.
>jay vs fenix
jay goes over in a perfectly decent match that no one will remember
>bcc vs lij
no naitoetty? no rushetty? no finnerman?
>sluts vs whores
>autismo vs zack
>we'll hear from
>mjf in buffalo
>we'll hear from
I love hearing from
Cobb still doesn't have a challenger?
>We'll hear from Mercedes Mone
Tony still hasn't realised that Mercedes sucks at promos.
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>tony trying to hotshot two discount coconegroes in his main event after fatu's debut
>Zacky Tekkers Jr
just like my nooj 2018
650k tops
>two "CAN THEY CO EXIST" matches in one night
You want your trendy big ratings? Your 4 year long soap opera stories? I just want to watch banger matches.

TK booking for us SICKOS today.

If you can't enjoy KOR vs ZSJR or Jay White vs Rey Fenix then you probably just dont like the actual wrestling part of pro wrestling.
Yeah okay tony I can only cum so much

Give us some good backstage promos and segments sprinkled in like last week and it’ll be perfect
>Mina match
Tony, you faggot, I already fapped three times today, do you want me to break my dick?
Forbidden Door go home show. Then Forbidden Door, then Wembley
shes backeru!
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502 is your weight kek
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I've gotten used to seeing the sad cat desu.
But on the other hand...
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>2 trios matches
>gay shite
>tag team main event
>this is the go home show
Tony really fucked up man.
Sucking on Mina's titties while playing with Mariah's butt as they kiss
Unbelievably based
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The only reason to tune into this shit promotion right now
Why did NXTRANNY lose 118k viewers week over week?
Holy fucking shit what an insane card
I would wait to see if they beat you again before talking mess friend. I won’t defend nxt but talking shit ahead of time has bit you in the ass (see: last week when the fake low nxt number still won)
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Heres a gamethread thumb for tonight
You are the only one posting here hogwheels lmafo your little indie fed is fucking dead KWAB
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One hour til WWE dies
AEW is shoot unwatchable. Why would anyone subject themselves to this?
I expect to overdose on phat ass and booba in the near future.
>Gates of Agony in the main event
Do they think casuals will see this guys and think they are watching WWE bloodline niggas and Smackdown is on a special night
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Khan is going to have Mone cut promos until she is completely heatless.

Has it been a ton of Trios matches lately? Seems like he gets stuck on one thing often. Back to back Dynamite had run ins for every match a few weeks ago
they don't exist
>watching this gay shit
Miss me with that
>We'll hear from Garcia and Mone
No milly
>Garcia tells us about his car crash for the 100th time.
No 505k
Casuals don't watch AEW man. That's why the ratings suck, casuals only know WWE and nothing else.
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>>Mariah May, Mina Shirakawa, & "Timeless" Toni Storm
but how will they get along?
Tony is a tard among tards.
You never go full retard, and Tony always goes full retard.
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Shelton is back, we're winning this week
Big Dime Sheldon
Does AEW always cold open now?
Dynamite used to start with a match every week.
oh so they are killing the show immediately, cool.
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Damn crowd is red hot
Oh cool saving time by putting both "hear from" segments together.
so much gay leather lol
I love Garcia
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Fuck I missed this, bros
Forgot Forbidden Door was on Sunday too
how much would ratings go up if MJF changed his catchphrase to BAZINGA
NBA draft is on.
Garcia is one of the blackest white guys
Open with MJF and Ratings Cancer Garcia... RIP ratings
I will, as I do every time they try and force the Daniel Garcia meme. This promo is dog shit, hope his mom dies on camera during this segment.
This is just blatant offtopic spam bro
Are you actively seeking a ban or something?
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Mama Garcia in the crowd
Tell me what number Bronny gets
>ape hoop
no thanks
Odds mama Garcia jumps into the ring and attacks MJF?
>Garcia speaks
>immediately botches promo
Why does Tony Khan insist on pushing this antidraw?
It didn't work the last 3 times. Why would it work now?
>praise me, goy
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Daniel Garcia is a fucking nobody and adds nothing to this industry.
oh it's another lets be friendly deal from AEW. Must be a day that ends in y.
fraid so
someone pls hit someone soon
Jesus this is awful
5 minutes in and already this Dynamite sucks.
seek mental health resources
Is this going to be the excuse for low ratings this week?
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GARCIABROS! Where are you?! I need your support! Put you hands to the sky!
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How is your concert doing? Oh thats right it was canceled like smackdown
>you gonna look really two faced
oh no!
Why did they chant Eddie ?
getting major rock vibes from daniel
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Is it too much to ask for wrestling in the first 20 minutes of Dynamite?
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Where do you buy shoes like these?
mjf is so shit bros
>Starting off with a MJF and Garcia talk segment
Are they trying to go below 500k?
Oy vey this guy can shill
Hot Topic?
this is the most boring ass opening ever as so far it's lead to fuck all and I don't know what the fuck it could lead to. Nothing is happening.
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bro where's the fucking wrestling
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>This Brit slag debuts a week ago
>Already has more than half of Shiori's subs
Shiori conformed as the Janetty of Hololive
holy shit, this is auditory and visual cancer
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Strong Robert Downey Jr vibes there
Coming out hot with a banger would be Khan's default you would think
so then the thread will be filled with people complaining that the match needs to end
Nothing is happening fuck. This is leading nowhere. Probably a gay ass tag match somehow.
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Do you know WHAT ELSE is TWO FACED?
starting to think mjf is not really good on the stick
They lost the crowd in 5 minutes. Impressive
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Daniel Garcia is the future of this company.
Sub half a milly confirmed. It's like Tony Khan is speedrunning his company's demise at this point.
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>Even with lifts DG is still taller than Friedman
Harvey Dent?
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Oh shes doing great. Good job Liz go out there and knock'em dead and dont listen to anythign anyone says about the homos
I certainly wouldn't be saying that. I miss when AEW started with a commercial free match and obviously others do as well. These dudes are now promoing about being small tiny faggots.
MJF is too scared to do anything outside of q1 because he'll be exposed as an antidraw
How much politicking did Jericho do to get Max to suck Danny's dick?
The show doesn't look good. Garica is a jobber but Tony loves him. All of the matches other than the BBC are predictable. Only reason it isn't is because Tony has to have these foreigners win some matches. I wouldn't be surprised this goes under 500k.
Garcia rocking some mad swag.
who asked?
What is this where is the wrestling?
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Garcia is always swagged out
Sports based presentation, dronie.
This entire promo is just a shoot on Ricky Starks, isn't it?
>you've ascended rung by rung
he's still in the same position with zero title wins and doing promos about losing. He's not advanced one bit. ROH belts don't count.
Tony, this is why I don't watch WWE...
this really is the best wrestling on tv
The fuck?
fraid so
this shit is LAME !
Punks a fag who loves big cocks. He's just like Riddle.
Khan books bases on twitter
It was a Penny and Sheldon episode of BBT so AEW is gonna be at least 800k this week
FINALLY some fucking sauce is on the screen
this. fuck lame. i blame tony too.
OH NO........ OH NO. Oh Tony. Tony. Brother. I don't even want to make fun of you anymore. This is such a shitball worthless match I can't even joke. Wembley's first confirmed match is this shit? No. Nigga.
The only people that want to see Garcia and MJF at wembley are Danny's parents.
Garcia is just a little bit away frombreaking past the "Im good CAW wrestle guy". Hes gotten a few things going and just needs to evolve a few steps and he can end up along the lines of a Bryan or a Benoit
BIG WILLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How underwhelming for both men
is it possible to have a worse look, ring name, and aura than danny garcia?
Starting the show with a Babyface MJF and Ratings Cancer Garcia... Jesus. They might as well just suck off each other in the ring.
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Does honestly think that DG vs MJF is some kind of dream match?
Where my Bruvs at?
is it possible for tony to be fired? he has like the reverse midas touch
I hope he fucking speedruns to Benoit.
They were doing it the whole segment.
>yuw taykin tewww much toim bruv, it's moy segment
am i missing something but why are we suddenly felatting Garcia
Starks confirmed as a free agent and heading to join his lover Cody at WWE?
Any match with DG is dimes and a Dream.
Every time I see him hyped I feel like it's a joke.
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That was bad
I wanna fuck the little chubby sailorgirls butt so hard she calls me daddy by accident
Tony saw everyone online saying Garcia was a ratings killer and anti-draw and he wants to prove them wrong
this is the third guy to come out and be friendly and nice. I am so fucking bored. and you know Swerve is coming.
Oi, it's that young Bruv!!
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We only shag quality slags here, bruv.
>Dynamite opening with a 20 minute promo
>3 niggas that cant speak
Because they're just in Buffalo.
15 minutes straight just talking
I found the aew fan boi.
His gimmick will be turning into a wrestlin g psychopath and choking people to death on weights once a year in a gimmick match
Wooooo lets go Garcia win the belt next week!
i cant believe they're doing a vince mcmahon style monday night raw 30 minute promo parade to start the show
Planting the seeds for Ospreay/MJF at Wembley?
MJF turned into a jealous girlfriend
Danny Garcia is the most undeserving shitter of all time. I could think of like 10 active roster members who deserve this position more.
Literally the only thing I'm watching for, the only thing AEW has ever done right
danny two belts incoming
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15 minutes of yapping
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Brother DannyBros eaten good!
I'm so sick of face MJF
The AEW I liked is truly fucking dead.
some prime roses right there bruv
OceanSpreay already putting a title on the line that he doesn't own. They pretty much confirmed they are fucking over Swerve
Holy based
Will doesn't need to know how to speak. I love that retarded nigga.
Bitchtits having a melty in this thread
tony. he said he was gonna push him through 2024
lust provoking image
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>bra under a bodysuit
Not even MJF and Will Ospreay can get that shitter Garcia over.
'Fraid so.
my LORD, can you just IMAGINE how many AFRICAN BULLS got to FUCK HER MOUTH, ASS AND PUSSY with their GIGANTIC BLACK COCKS?????????????????
Please tell me you're an E-drone.
her fat tits draw the eyes and she stands out in seductive way compared to the others
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>we can't hear you
Fire all of then bring back Kevin Kelly. Then when JR gets better he can call some matches. These guys suck. Taz sucks nasty balls.
calm down vincent
same as it ever was
Milquetoast "Swerve's House" from Buffalo
>We can't hear you
AEW audio issues strike again
whatever happend to Sammy? i dont recall the last time that dude was on TV
fucking hell its gonna be another long week
Lucky they fixed the audio when prince nana asked whos house kek
Haha all 13 people said Swerve's house!
Oh look, there's my bull Jon Moxley
Yapping is fine, but this was just ego-stroking on both sides. Not hyped at all.
Is Mox a legit tough guy
He hurt Jeff Hardy, was suspended and hasn't been back since
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Not even an AEW player anymore tho
Fuck these French niggers. Top 2 picks.
renee's husband looking old and haggard as usual
Announcers back by the stage now? The cokehead behavior can't make up his mind.

Clearly you've never watched WWE cause they do that damn near every week.
MILD THING! The Drunk Hobo, Wheelie... and poor Claudio.
could have just started with this. Oh God fucking Dammit Excalibur is going over what the name LIJ means nevermind I hate this fucking show. Shut up dweeb. AEW is for the sickos, the sickos already know this shit so stop explaining it.
Bout 92 I'd say.
She looks the type.
>this negative pop

>french niggers
he said the face stuff was done, but it clearly isn't. he fucking sucks
Princess Nana with the iron crosses on his turban!
my nigga bushi taking the pin isn't he
Hes gonna get rid of the tunnels and bring back the chandelier in a few months
I forget is this Hiromu's first time on AEW tv?
Enough with this fucking charade fuck this stupid general this is embarrassing that you all still watch this garbage. Have some self respect
did they?
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For me, it's Masahiro Chono
yep. i watched some 2021/22 stuff and it is waaaaaaay better.
jesus christ shingo's strikes are worse than moxley's
>We're Japanese Mexicans
So they are Philipino?
go to bed bitchtits
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When did Bryan vs Shingo get announced?
That sounds like it'll be fun
I think it is, he finally made it.
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>not being a SQUISHYbro
Hiromu desperately saving this shit show.
For the record WWE consistently sells out this venue
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I gotta piss but people are over and I don't want to show my face
Just stop anon. Stop. Enough with the games. Have self respect. Stop watching this garbage. I beg you
where my DARRYL bros at
Yuta just saved that dude’s neck
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Based and redpilled.
based, shame that Darby is still mending from whatever he gets injured on every other week, those two would tear it up
I'm primarily a New Japan guy but why do these guys always wrestle worse when they're on AEW shows
Wear a lucha mask
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She's hot and beautiful at the same time. Like, I wanna hold her hand but I also wanna fuck her mouth.
Well good for them its nice to know they have 25% of their audience back instead of 20% like they had when AEW was created
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Will Mox masterfully sell the mist again!??
Eventually its going to get so dark that you will need night vision goggles if you watch a live AEW show
Yuta is looking extra skinny. Did he catch the aids?
He's clearly going to back out of the offer to Daniel in order to challenge Will at Wembley. He's a tweener at best and will go back to heal asap.
What's wrong with her eyes? Too many donkey punches?
I tried to get that started last week and couldn't gain any traction
just got called "bitch tits"
that's why you should always have an emergency piss jar for situations like this
What is kayfabe power of mist?
>That entire group of niggas in the back
What are they doing?
Wish I had one
What makes this is the sudden dead stop in selling to move on to the next thing which is him voluntarily climbing on a dudes shoulders lol.
You’re not gonna get AEW in one general ya dummy
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I don't care for Mexicans or japs
I'm not watching WWE, I'm watching AEW.
I was promised sports action, not sports entertainment.
they aren't it's just that the production in njpw is better
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Hiromu is often prone to sawdusting himself desu
The hardcore ace. King of Hardcore. Modern day Terry Funk.
Imagine the smell
I'll buy that
Yeah, you know that’s what he thought it was like. He thought he looked like Terry.
In wrestling or generally overall?
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>Sugoi desu ne!
surprised danielson didn't insert himself in the zsj match
Where does the Mone lead to?
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We never asked bro
loss of viewers
All Jedi deserved what they got
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Did Danielson get into Mox's stash?
Disqualification? Interesting
weakest chair shot I have ever seen
There's layers to Naito
Wait till I hit you with one
Jeff will win the Owen tournament
Juice needs a belt
Penta should've came out in a suit.
Juice should go wild and shoot on the reg
I thought Fenix came back jacked?
Pip pip
Jay should've hit that kid
Do they get to keep the trophy?
Fenix is pretty good, shame he always hurts himself
So, we all gonna ignore that bottle had no liquid in it?!

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