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Next shows:
6/29 Sendai (VOD)
>United National Championship Round 1: MIRAI vs Miku Aono
>Passion Injection Match: Nanae Takahashi vs Chika Goto
>Utami Hayashishita & Mai Sakurai vs Nagisa Nozaki & Zayda Steel
>Kouki Amarei vs Victoria Yuzuki
>Natsumi Showzuki & Nao Ishikawa vs Bozilla & Myla Grace
>CHIAKI vs Komomo Minami

6/30 Miyako (VOD)
>MIRAI & Mai Sakurai vs. Utami Hayashishita & CHIAKI
>Nanae Takahashi & Nao Ishikawa vs. Bozilla & Myla Grace
>Kouki Amarei & Chika Goto vs. Nagisa Nozaki & Zayda Steel
>Miku Aono vs. Victoria Yuzuki
>Natsumi Showzuki vs. Komomo Minami

>7/6 Osaka 176BOX (VOD)
>7/7 Niigata (VOD)
>7/13 "Marigold Summer Destiny 2024", Ryogoku Kokugikan, Tokyo (PPV @ 2:30 PM JST

Watch on Wrestle Universe (¥1,298 per month)


Previous >>15046760
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to Marigold
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cute cute cute cute
tribal peach
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Mirai is the smartest joshi
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Roman Reigns is Komomo's favorite wrestler.
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to Marigold!
Fuck The Orange One for not signing.
I was told we were getting Calico Cat Mask?
Interview with Plain Jane https://x.com/DSF_Marigold/status/1806292223962837102
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respectfully jerking off to the players
I am still waiting for the Floweriing presale event
announced at Summer Destiny
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[Sad News] EQLips' twitter handle doesn't say EQLips any more
>I don't like that movement, when the second person tap the apron at ringside to induce applause. During the Corona period, I couldn't help it because we couldn't speak out, but when they do it now, it just looks like applause harassment.
Can you please link the actual interview?
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pimping the players out for sex already
>Julia: I feel a bit regretful that we could have done better. It feels like we wasted all that momentum trying to increase merchandise sales and hold events at large venues that we couldn't fill. I think it might have been time to switch to a more down-to-earth approach, choosing venues that were more in line with our capabilities, putting the spotlight on each individual fight, keeping ticket prices down and aiming for sell-out shows.

So exactly what Rossy is doing and has always done?
They way Kouki mogs the fuck out of Giulia every damn time.
Newfag comment. Joshi have been doing that shit since the 90s
Damn you calling Giulia a newfag
Why are you doom posting about the players comments licebro? I thought we were only positive about them in here. And now you're calling Giulia a slur.
Real Deal Zayda Steel gf
there's really only one way that meeting ends
Even worse. I can probably find her doing that shit in dozens of her seconding in Ice Ribbon.
jump scare lookin ass
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I think Misa is just Yoppy but if she was crossbred with roadkill
i don't think the misa anti has gotten a single (You) so far. quite impressive
So what's the going rate and where do I book my appointment for it?
I see the spammer conveniently forgot four threads ago, kek what a retarded bitch! just as retarded looking as misa looks
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Utami is a good speaker and a business minded person.
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She looks as mentally ill as many posters here are, but at least shes kinda cute tho.
She eats day one chickens, maggots, and other bugs. I don't think liceman is even that mentally ill.

Scumbag comment. No wonder the players hate the uncles and are desperate to get away.
Nao's big, sweaty tits wrapped around my cock.
>Triple H: WWE Is Not A Sport, We're A Movie About A Sport

Why would we partner with a movie company?
Rossy had no power during the period she is discussing.
What a coincidence. Komomo is my favorite lil peach.
It's a google doc.
>he thinks I can't jerk off to Mirai's teeth.
I'll show you.
>player who will watch you sleep and will mumble how she will cut off your dick if you ever leave her
Kouki does want to fuck off and be an actress after all...
i could make rea muramori break up with me easily
So? I just can't load certain twitter posts for some reason.
I would never break up with you
He just booked everything
it is midrai teeth
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My cock.
Rossy lost
follow our little peach on her reactivated twitter account
komomo minami only follows victoria yuzuki, chika goto and fuka
no need to announce yourself when you log onto the thread
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>has no friends
>has no hobbies
>doesn't listen to music or watch tv
>doom scrolls tiktok and falls asleep, wakes up and thinks "that was boring"
>didn't play sports in school
>was in homecoming club
>wanted to become a wrestler after she found "foreign wrestling" on youtube and thought it was cool
>grandma got pissed at Bozilla for beating her up
And the schizo replies instantly.
i am also part of the home cumming club
You exposed yourself when you called Giulia a newfag. Your gimmick of fake positivity is over.
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She also said she feels jealous when Rea, who is two years older than her, gets praised in training for her dropkick.
Never said anything of the sort, you brainwasted goof. I literally just showed up.
victoria yuzuki is a yoshiko rip off
ultra rare /maricold/ post that actually gets a pop from me
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Take your meds, samefag.
Don't lie to us.
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our resident schizo will now spend the next hours responding to every post in this thread
Why do you continue to give the faggot attention?
MIRAI is the true ace of Marigold.
Wasn't me. Not everyone samefags like you, man.
Why do you reply to yourself? Why do you do this shit every single day, man?
i have to defend my fellow joshiposters from the schizo troll vicious attacks
You're the worst poster on this board and post nothing but negative, autistic shit. Leave. Go elsewhere. This isn't your personal diary.
casing point
I just can't take anything xir says seriously anymore. He calls out doom posting and then insults the ace of the company Giulia. Truly schizo behavior.
Go back to Twitter and the WON forums, AEW tard.
Never said anything about Giulia either, schizo.
i am the friendlest and more easy-going poster in these threads
No, you're an autistic loser who spams and samefags constantly. Nobody likes you here or in real life.
we are all friends here and have been way before you came onto this message board to troll
You literally jumped into these generals midway through the third thread and started the same autistic fit shit you pull in the Stardom general.
Why you do this is beyond me.
>>grandma got pissed at Bozilla for beating her up
those first three marigold threads must have been the peak of your life
No, they were fun and free of cunts. None of that nitpicking autistic shit you spam. Just fans hyped and hoping for the best.
Then you appeared and drove people off.
we have heard your complaints and won't take them into consideration
schizoschizo is uppity again
how do you know this?
this idiot is having an absolute meltdown because people are not reacting to his lame trolling
Shut up Giulia doom poster. We love Giulia here and don't want your negativity.
none of this is worse than writing hundreds of words every day seething at the other posters in this thread
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Nope. Try harder, schizo.
He probably read that google doc interview that he don't want to share.
Girl on the right will be found in those woods one day after being reported as "missing" several weeks prior.
>terminally online for over two years
>spams and samefags constantly
>astroturfs own comments
>fishes for attention/engagement
No, man. You're quite possibly the saddest sack of shit this site has ever known.
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rea muramori spammer could take the top heel spot from liceman
It was in the google doc interview. They took it down.
Christ on a cracker.
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Go outsider and talk to real people, you dickless loser.
>an imageboard
>schizo seethes when pictures are posted
I don't think this site is for you.
people who spam the same 10 pictures every thread should be banned
you should consider suicide
schizo spammers didn't like that one
People who've shat the board up for years should've been banned a long ass fucking time ago.
do we have an Ironic Marumori Anti now?
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>makes friendless middle-aged incel wannabe janny seethe
thread didn't bump
licecount didn't increase
I am a Giulia schizo all day long, but in our bed with her i'm an ironic Giulia's anti.
Go wash, fatness.
saving pictures of rea muramori to your computer is embarassing at any point in your life
The Ironic MIRAI Anti is desperate for (You)s and has decided to pivot into a new ironic anti gimmick
He says while being a literal friendless shut in.
Two device user too? Wow
name 3 rea muramori matches that you have watched
>So exactly what Rossy is doing
She's not talking about Marigold there???
because he's just a troll doing this toxic positivity shtick for a gimmick
Still samefagging. What a fucking loser.
i have seen the majority of the matches rea muramoru has had in her entire career, can you say the same?
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why did they take it down?
Yeah, man. You keep doing this when we all know what you do.
It just shows that you are who we say you are. Lmao.
who is this ''we'' that the liceman keeps talking about
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This just means she's dedicated.
this weirdo eats baby chickens and baby flies
yet you are the only one talking about these imaginary characters in your head
what a strange person she is
That's why you reply instantly and are terminally online.
utami nakano
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Rea v Komomo will get full marks from Cagematch, fully justifying Rossy's words and deeds
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So? Asuka eats grasshoppers. It's an asian thing.
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don't eat bugs it's gross and dehumanizing
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no, its fine to eat bugs, and that "dehumanizing" point sound like some kind of idolatry
Fuck you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMJyHGKwj5o
little do people know, but Rossy and Utami got matching tongue piercings after Sonny suggested the idea
they should sell a plastic version of Mirai teeth at the events, like the Dracula ones, they'd sell millions
schizo still bubblin'
I will not eat the bugs
how about a salad fatass
I had a salad yesterday
tsujischizo is a lolcow
Ded thread ded fed
>schizo shits up the general
>people leave
>"Ded thread ded fed"
>rossy shits up the booking
>people leave
>"Ded thread ded fed"
Pretty sure the /NJPW/ posters called this. They said you'd spam and run people off.
Well done.
>Schizo liceman spends all morning tearing GIulia, the heart and soul of Marigold, down

Where did everybody go?
Why do you blame everyone else when you know you're a pathetic loser?
once week until the VOD of the sendai show!
the thread is fine, nobody got ran off by a random schizo. Giving himself too much credit.
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What you didn't know is that her dom (female) put a vibrating buttplug up her ass and set it to maximum vibrate at this very moment.
Midka spic
Ironic mirai anti

All imaginary foes created by a schizophrenic mind...
im batman
who would do that?
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This is why I stopped posting here.

I don't care enough about the toxic positivity troll to have been dissuaded, because at the end of the day I can just ignore him.

It's very simply that Drossy has given me jackshit to care about, and proves on a daily basis that he will not change course. The fact nobody here discusses the shows or anything that's going on in the promotion, so the point it *can* be overtaken by schizo wars, actually just goes to show that that's how the majority of lurkers feel: that this promotion is nigh worthless and not worth spending time on.

Because once again, he's just a troll---if everything was fine, people would be posting here. If anyone is running off posters, it's not people who are stating what everyone is thinking, it's him insisting no such thoughts are genuinely taking place on a wide-scale.

Marigold is now really no more important than any other joshi fed, and sooner than later this general will fade into such irrelevancy that even tranny op won't bother making threads for it anymore (assuming he doesn't find a player to obsess over like Momo to motivate him).
Midka spic
Ironic mirai anti

Lol I forgot "tranny OP"
>Midka spic
aka (You)
aono miku
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I'm looking forward to a 3rd TLD between Mirai/Miku. You know he's going to do it.
You know things are dire when even midrai's 1 fan starts doomposting lol
Miku and Mirai are just getting started
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If Miraigods weren't here to prop it up this shitshow will have died next month guaranteed.


Even then she gives us nothing to work with anymore after Mariah made fun of her for goddess title posting, and now no more lore posts and only ~2 lines once every few days. Pretty soul-less.
mirai fan destroyed the liceman in a shoot promo
Nice larp cathy
npb games have a limit of 12 innings (15 in the postseason)
sexual thought about all the players
He's called bowlingjd because he's bowling shoe ugly
We need more censored pics
This is what's called a meltdown.
Tsujischizo lolcow keeps going.
>the schizo is now posing as a Mirai fan
How many times do you have to be told? You give yourself away every time you type.
>nobody here discusses the shows or anything that's going on
Because you hijack the threads every day. You've driven other posters off. They've all moved on to sites that aren't dead.
I need a rundown of the various schizos of this general
It's mostly just the Ironic MIRAI Anti replying to himself
Please get a healthy hobby and disconnect yourself from this site.
The toll your mind has taken...
Seek help.
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Utami threw me against a wall and kissed me on the mouth
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Need to taste those SAKI thighs
>The fact nobody here discusses the shows
Discuss what?
there are no storylines or anything going on at the moment
hopefully that changes but for now aint shit to really say
and Stardom isn't much better
Saya killin QQ is about the only thing thats happening over there
Utami threw me against a wall and fingered my ass
Ice cold thread
we're all laughing at Biden. Try to keep up.
worshiping our Lady's thighs
What happened?
That's what they call an oil check. It's a classic Greco-Roman move.
is tonight ppv?
what tonight bro
marigold shows are only for weekends and only (VOD)s
oh god the vod schizo is here
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would hold hands with
komomo minami plays the electric organ
we can tell you're a troll because the only times you ever post is to metapost about other posters

45 minutes out and radio silence from you; when will you give it a rest? Nobody likes you or appreciates you.
strange nickname she gave for my cock, I must admit
>Komomo) I don't have any hobbies anymore, and I get bored of watching dramas after about 5 minutes. I haven't listened to music lately either. I don't really have any hobbies, so if I don't have anything planned on my days off, I just lie down and fall asleep watching TikTok...I've repeated this about three times. I fall asleep thinking how bored I am.
desperately needs a boyfriend (or girlfriend)
She is overstimulated
she needs the right kind of stimulation, from me of course
hopefully she makes it to WWE.
komomo minami should binge watch the attitude era
they should book her like this guy, have her outside the ring, the lights go out, everybody bumps, when they come back she's doing a karate pose in the center of the ring
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weird, pic didn't stick
Komomo didn't say Roman Reigns was her favorite in that interview
Sonny mentioned it on her debut at Korakuen Hall.
Based lil nigga
Komomo sounds like she's shoot suffering from depression. The tag team with Rea can't come soon enough
the most valuable thing that came out of her mouth that night was the sponsor's weener
A natural beauty
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Jfc what an absolute menhara
Love this bored lil Peach.
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Say something nice about the players
Oh god the I hate Giulia because she has opinions that are different than me guy so I'm going to treat her like trash is awake.
Beautiful womanly player
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Okay schizo.
Rossy lost and will die of shingles
The schizo lolcow is still online and dooming.
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big game hunter
you made it sexier
Based sissy hypno cuck gooner
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Rossy won. Hakushi won.
komomo's momo
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I want this little peach.
I NEED this little peach.
I adore this little peach.
this bitch is going to kill herself
licking komomo minami elbows
Noa is on the hunt for AWC.
nah but she's definitely going to be an alcoholic cat mom unless i save her
stop projecting your suicidal thoughts on komomo minami
>Next week will be nothing but an explosion of frustration
Gotta brace yourself, speedstar bros.
At least komomo is less uglier than midrai
How does a bored and depressed teenaged Japanese Peach find WWE clips on youtube?
searching for gooning material
i had the privilege last night to see a woman who had a facial structure similar to komomo minami, she was a chinese-canadian lady
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Iyo, Kairi, and Asuka are so dimeless that they don't even reach the youth in their home country. It falls to the Tribal Chief to draw the future stars.
A rare happy moment for her
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Didn’t Yuzuki do the same
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watching the wwe is undeniably a better hobby than watching male japanese promotions
I choose to watch neither
>wearing a gift her pimp bought her
Is this supposed to prove something?
This, if i wanted to watch men wrestling i would probably watched lucha.
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Better than chairs i guess.
WWE targets the weak and alone.
lucha is the gayest version of wrestling and it's not even close
I'm going to keep my shirt nice and not get too fat to wear it in case Komomo ever comes to visit the performance center.
Thanks for your opinion based retard
Why is the camera so far away?
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Chika Goto the goon cave right now!
chika goto polls
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best we can do is tegan nox
Of course the groomed german plagiarizing bitch interviews the ugly german bitch
i have been saying that they should do jade cargill vs bozilla
buenos dias senor.
>doesn't watch womeme shit
>has Mirai training her
Best we can do is Piper Nivan.
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MIRAI is cool!
*When you "accidentally" go in the "wrong" hole.
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I'd give Gochika the best 8 seconds of my life
cool, royal and beautiful player
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Nice feet.
if Rossy doesn't announce the coombook at Summer Destiny then he lost
*when the wrong hole is actually the correct hole.
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Rossy, make the call
A Marigold spotlight match will open up WWE's Sumo Hall show.
this is where he got the shingles from
gochika gochika go
Yuzuki and Komomo both went down the YouTube WWE hole. Yuzuki just also found dragon gate
rossy, komomo vs chanyota.... book it
let's not corrupt Komomo
komomo is a gooner
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ultimate surrender match
Baced big boobs
please respect the player with big honking milker
I admire her boobies respectfully
respectfully drinking the milk from MIRAI's massive boobs
what time do we go live on wrestle universe tonight?
God, look at those tits.
In about 10 hours there gonna be stream of photos from twitter.
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why did the economy do this
>no Giulia
>no Misa
>no stand
Sorry Mirai, you on your own here.
Midrai drove all the fans away with her frightening face and salty games
Joshi is not a “wrestling word”.
Joshi means girl, female.
Joshi Kousei - JK (highschool girl)
Joshi kai - all female gathering, party
Joshi soccer - women’s soccer
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the protagonist of joshi
quit calling football soccer then
NEW >>15072021
lol op
new >>15072043
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Komomo's house

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