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The NXT women's locker room is full of bullies (Kiyah Saint) https://x.com/TwistedJohnX/status/1806518113137054012
Cora and Roxy strike again!
Fallon seems nice tho so I dont want to believe she was involved.
women being bullies? unheard of! men are the problem.
gatekeeping is based
have sex lol
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>protects the nxt locker room from influencers, instathots and whores in you’re path
I would hate it if Cora and Roxanne bullied me, haha... that would suck...
Good. Hope these roasties get a taste of what its like
women aren't going to start talking to you because of this post
This isn't surprising in the least. The PC is filled with 20 year olds who don't know much of life after high school. It basically is a high school over there but with more emphasis on PE classes. The girls are gonna be extra catty and territorial because they're women. Some of them have been known to repeatedly bully girls out of the company.
She protects it from herself?
Thank you Roxy
>Doesn't say shit to Nikkita cause she would kick her head in
santos escobar was cheating on his wife with valentina feroz
why cant women just get along
>doesn't say shit to Nikkita cause she's always injured and never there
Hope they see this bro
>But when she is there. Cora and Roxxy are all buddies with her even tho she's the biggest instathot on NXT
cora and nikkita are friends retard, they've been thotting it up together at the rehab facility all year
Typical nigger behaviour
Can't survive NXT locker room and people here want to send these kids on excursion abroad.
Very contradicting. Seems like Roxxie turns a blind eye to them
they’re both crippled, Roxy is the locker room leader not the rehab leader
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Some of these sluts just ain't cut out to run with the wolves.
What's her culo policy?
Imagine being an actual athlete and let some fake shitters to bully you
on sight
culo masculino blanco solamente
Gigi is the other one, the PC is full of catty bitches, the irony is it's not the ones you expect, they all quiet down and act like angels when Natalya turns up to teach class
>Gigi is the other one
>Getting talked down to by that lazy shitter who's going to be cut soon
Gigi, Cora, and Roxanne are the only ones who where in the indies. So that gives them locker room cred.
Lola Vice is getting pushed rn
I can believe this as they're all w*men, but I can't see the men's locker room as anything but a bunch of dorks
I can see Fallon being catty since she has legit been looked over for newer less experienced girls.
Cora and Rox being mean just sounds like insecurity that they're going to be overtaken by Lola, Sol, and Kelani like they were with Tiff.
Lola puts the work in tho, not like that shemale bitch that one dude simped for
u offerin bb?
They're scared of Lola, they won't say shit to her
The men's locker room has turned soft and the women are now doing the hazing and ribbing.
The men are too busy playing bideo gaems
Fallon and Jacy worked the indies, too. As much of a cunt as she plays as her character Jacy seems oddly nice from what I've heard.
Don't forget Thea. Pretty sure she's been working since she was like 15.
I just don't buy that Cora is out to get whores and instathots considering she's quite the little whore herself and hangs out with Mandy rose. Even learned being a whore from her kek.
>Roxxie and Cora are the locker room leaders
That's kinda grim desu
They kiss HBK's ass a lot I imagine. More than the rest of the women over there.
HBK is really bad at hiding who his favorites are. Melo, Trick, Roxxie, Cora, even fucking Gallus. Got mega pushed immediately.
Roxy is the best in-ring performer they have now that Lyra's gone and Cora is her best friend so
except the only one there who's actually one of his favourites is melo lol. his actual guys are very obviously wes lee and tony d
You mean to tell me that calling a girl "The Prodigy" and giving her world titles in every promotion she's been in since she was 16 has led to her having an ego?
Who would've thought!?
Gallus is being pushed by The Rock. Since they're training buddies. Wouldn't be surprised to see them on the main roster soon.
The Rock always takes care of his people
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Unironically why don't these women simply bully Cora Jade and Roxanne Perez back? Oh that's right, because they are protected by Phil. The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree.
That's why NXT has the best women's division in wrestling.
wait do you niggas actually think roxy is some kind of big leaguing jbl type
>HBK is really bad at hiding who his favorites are
Without even commenting on the specific guys you listed; NXT has always had mandates on who to push. Not necessarily in a micromanagement sort of way, but every so often, the booker, whether it was Dusty, or HHH and Ward, would get a memo on guys to focus on. HBK likely gets that too, keep in mind.
>Big leaguing jbl type
>Lathers up White male ass in the shower
You're on to something anon
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>have to a share a locker room with this nubian goddess
check out
Just a handful of catty waifufags, and one guy who simped for the last chick who claimed bullying.
You been hiding under a rock or something? Not that long ago Cora and Roxanne were openly fucking with some other chick openly online on her socials. They're not very liked backstage because they walk around like their shit don't stink
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That's why I prefer Mission Pro Wrestling where the women help each other up, instead of holding them down.

>"Oh, we fucked CM Punk in a 3way, that makes us better than Izzy!"
Wrong you fucking cunts! Izzy will fucking SMASH you irl. She's won 2 judo tournaments. I fucking dare you!
Drama and women in the workplace go hand in hand, you shoot can't have a peaceful working environment if you have women there
Based Rock
>one example posted forever
schizo behavior. alexis lete seemed like a cunt btw
is she on the gas?
*checks out
If the Gallus boys ever get called up and then work a program with Cody, they should mention this.
>We trained the Rock to kick your ass and pin you clean at Wrestlemania
>That explains them being in every show and Coffey having a successful singles run
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Gas?? If you mean steroids then FUCK YEAH! You can always tell by their fat va-Chyna
Nikita gave roxxie pink eye
Crazy but true
They had a Survivor season on CBS, men vs women, the men thrived and the women all almost died so they had to rearrange the teams
nxt women's roster is full of loud brown women and thots
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I hope Wren isn't taking part in the bullying
Wren is a small fish in a small pond. Trust me, on the indies, she was the Queen Bee. But in NXT, she's only the 7th girl on the list that HBK is fuckin.
Her vagina is being bullied by her black bf I'm afraid
>her black bf
Surely he's not bullying her butt and mouth too r-right
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Why would any college athlete be afraid of these 5 foot nothing little midgets? Are they shooters?
>WWE lockeroom is full of snitches, bitches, chuds and marks

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Based nattie.
Taking time out of her busy schedule to stretch little rats and keeping them humble.
No, but they're in HBK's ear and have a lot of pull backstage.
>Cora and Roxy strike again!
People kept saying Roxanne would never work as a heel but I was telling people it would because she seems like a cunt IRL.
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The Izzybros are gonna hate this, but you know who is a natural heel? Somehow I think she is a bitch irl:
>loves Taylor Swift
>favorite movie is Pulp Fiction
>has literally 0 friends
>refused to sign a vibrator
>is vegan but still eats dairy
>refused to sign a vibrator
Am I being worked? No one actually asked for this, right?
>Sells her worn gear to older men
>Signing a vibrator is too much
if I was roxanne id be trying to keep everyone away from my spot too. when she finally gets exposed she will be gone fast. Zero aura, zero presence, zero it factor
Sucks that this will likely fly under the radar since dirtsheet writers like SRS won't want to burn sources
i watched the vid she didn't even name anyone and specified athletes. i dont think it was rox lol no one would call her an athlete
Roxanne was the ROH Women's champion, and a blonde Barbie doll came along and got more over than her and called up while she hangs out in NXT still.
She also has Booker's support. Since he brought her to NXT. Her ego must be massive.
Roxanne has tons of potential but it sounds like the main roster girls need to give her a Miz level reality check.
>She's being propped/gassed up by HBK, Booker, and CM Punk
Anyone's ego would be massive with that much support.
>Kiyah Saint: We had trouble with some of the older girls
>pw blames Roxanne and Cora who are two of the youngest women on the roster
Dumb fucks
Also Tiffany seems nice, and she was making TikToks with that Amazon goddess while Roxanne and Cora make catty remarks after she's gone.
plus if izzy goes to wwe she will be protected
Gallus might actually be fine if they were Drew's backup. Joe is the only one who's actually worth a shit but the other two work fine as goons.
Izzy cut a heel promo years back before she ever started training and it was unironically good seeing as she was like 11 or 12.
built for Cawdy and Gabe Kidd
older girls meaning they've been there the longest, Einstein
That's certainly a leap
kek they aren't even there the longest either
Why? She's better than a majority of them. Maybe she can teach them how to wrestle instead.
I cant wait until Giulia shoot headbutts these two
Of course Tiffany and Alexis worked with each other, men get along better than women
>Tiffany seems nice
it's because she's from Minnesota
And I'm from my Dad's penis. Go back to Wisconsin, asswipe.
I can’t imagine caring
wow nuts

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