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The absolute greatest year in the history of pro wrestling. The leap in quality between this and current day shows is unreal. Every major company was making a killing. Raw in particular wasn't just a must see wrestling show, but it was a strong contender for the best example of american soap opera ever broadcast on TV.
Just five years after that fateful night.........
wwf wasnt great for the first half of 97 so it has to go to 98. early 97 you still had sid vs taker and the nation of domination with white guys in it
This is now a Nash was raped thread
I prefer 92
What night?


Nash's ass?

no but seriously the hart foundation vs dx stuff is in my opinion the best storyline of the attitude era, watching it as a kid i didn't understand a lot of the backstage references and i think that kind of stuff is retarded but apart from that you could just feel the culture changing
We know
wolfbitch trying to false flag and kill the only good thread today
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The absolute greatest year in the history of pro wrestling. The leap in quality between this and current day shows is unreal. Every major company was making a killing. Raw in particular wasn't just a must see wrestling show, but it was a strong contender for the best example of american soap opera ever broadcast on TV.
It had a truly chaotic, anything can happen feel without being overly cartoony about it. I like the lower card acts and the jobbers from 96-97 a lot.
92 WCW was pretty neat in hindsight
It was a rough year for my favorite wrestler though… Vinnie Vegas
1997 has a case for the GOAT wrestling year not just because of WWF and WCW being great, but almost all of wrestling worldwide was fantastic in this year. ECW, CMLL, AJPW, NJPW, joshi, Japanese indies. Also MMA was starting to take off and there was still a ton of crossover with pro wrestling in both America and Japan.
Excellent point with the early MMA crossovers. That shit was absolute dimes. Marco Ruas was my nigga.
Going viral was never our goal, it was to get reactions from you and I'd say we've done a great job of that considering we tricked you into monitoring the board 24/7 and spamming rape threads for us.

Business is booming and so is your sunk cost fallacy LOL
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September 2nd, 1992.
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Earth shattering poo
I forgot about this crazy bitch. Is she doing porn now?
>15th August 1992
are you retarded?
98 was the peak
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holy shit
kek based
Told you all this was a Nash rape thread
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All i wanted was to shitpost about savio vega and ahmed johnson
Rape board newfag

Told you not to mess cunt, the Council is gonna deal with you
Jesus christ!!
Waves made.
It takes so little to fuckin pop me tonight, this shit got a nigga reelin bro
Oh dear!
This is what happens when we don't have mods and some sissies obsessed with black men are free to spend their entire life spamming.
Is that a shoop?
Yep, could have had a nice thread here.
Though I disagree with OP because there was still some real bad stuff on RAW in early 97
destroyed anus
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'fraid not.
Rape board
Homeboy knew he was in a pinch,
When he felt the first inch (ahh!)
I prefer ‘98- smarks underrate WWF from that year. ‘97 was great for WWF but ‘98 payed everything from ‘97 off beautifully and took all the top guys to a whole new level. WCW was maybe a bit worse in ‘98 than ‘97, but was still really good for most of the year, maybe not the last several months of the year.

Not the best year ever but 2005 is underrated. For what it’s worth, it’s either TNAs best year ever or second best to 2006. And WWE was way above average that year, I still think the best lost attitude-era year the companies had, though this year has been great so far.
Care to extrapolate
>NWO at its peak cultural impact
>Rock becoming Rock
>Pre busted neck Austin having bangers and at his most vicious on the mic
>Peak Bret
>Peak Shawn
>Peak Dead man
wolfcoon squealin'
98 kinds sucks, 99 too especially if you're not a huge fan of Austin
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A year?! In professional wrestling?! 1992 was a year!! Big juicy nigger dicks in all my- sorry Kevin Nash’s- orifices!!!!
2000 was the best year for WWF imo. 97/98 was the best year for wrestling as a whole, the monday night wars were at their most competitive
2000 might be the best WWF/E year ever. Only thing holding it back is that the last several months of the year kinda sucked- which to be fair is often the case for WWE. I’m thinking the disappointing end to the Angle/HHH/Steph love triangle, and Austin’s return being disappointing because of Rikishi being the driver. ‘98 is the GOAT WWF year for me.
The 'cord isn't liking this one...
05 benefits from Triple H finally loosening his grip over the Raw main event scene. 06 was so bad that it makes the previous year look like the peak of the attitude era in comparison. People say that Benoit put the company's edge into the grave, but you still had that asinine DX vs Spirit Squad/Vince feud going on for months on end in 2006 for example.
I recently skimmed through this era on Peacock and yes, ‘06 really drops the ball and kills what could have been Attitude era level momentum for the company if they kept it going. The first few months are great like ‘05 was, maybe even better. Things go to hell post ‘Mania. Rey’s title reign on Smackdown is a joke, WWECW immediately sucks right out of the gate, the DX reunion is terrible. The product gets way more cartoony in general.
What makes 2000 so great is everything that was percolating from the AE kind of came to a culmination . They had the greatest roster ever assembled that year. Greatest tag division, mid card and lower card, nearly every single wrestler on the roster was over in one way or another
Trishs t and a made 2000
This but unironically
2000 has a bit too much soap opera and McMahon family shit in my opinion but probably the year with the most memorable moments and best roster
WCW was the best
98's the year for me personally so I can't see any fault in liking 97 this much
2008 is a pretty underrated year in American wrestling; you've got stuff like Edge/Undertaker, Shawn Michaels/Chris Jericho among other feuds, WM 24 with Shawn/Flair, the birth of Randy's Viper gimmick, the creation of the Main Event Mafia. Sure you had some bad stuff like the silver ECW belt but on the whole it was more good than bad.
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The year of the Taker.
The stratospheric confirmation of Jeff Hardy as a main eventer is the highlight for me. 09 smackdown is really cool as well. Taker's final year as a full time guy. Lightyears ahead of Supercena's show on Raw.
The CM Punk/Jeff Hardy feud and Taker's long WHC reign were great. I did enjoyed Smackdown more then RAW in 09.
kek based
>the birth of Randy's Viper gimmick
that sucked
fraid so
Is this why he's mad?
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Wait. 1992, raped, gaped? livin in a dream friends Nash would never let this happen

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