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kamitani saya
is currently crying herself to sleep because a 57 year old japanese man called her an idiot
derpy bitch
no need to sign your post
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I NEED a Japanese gf. It's a BIOLOGICAL NECESSITY or I will die.
wanna hatefuck that shitter
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dimeless shitter
only get off to her via rapeplay fantasies
maybe even through in some cuckqueen humiliation by involving the more attractive utami
cuckqueen is top tier
newfag doesn't know how good morning sir meme works
it degevolverated into mocking typos
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same asl
i admittedly missed where the other poster said through instead of though. carry on sir.
You are the dumbest fucker alive
it's the addition of "in" rather
pretty sure that would be your mom for allowing a john to pop in her without protection
i want to seed her and breed her
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no need to sign your post
I don't care to read through the Stardom general, can someone kindly summarize what happened and what was said?
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Crya Babitani
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She will save Stardom. The Golden Hope, Saya Kamitani
slopdown still cancelled piggiE
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she's crashing and burning stardump
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imagine the abomination
How does she seamlessly slip between cute and hideous in every photo
Cutest feet in stardom
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Amazing skill. Her improvisation his uncanny. truly lives up to her Golden Phoenix moniker
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because she's an ugly dope
life's not fair, i'll just leave it at that
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what does she supposedly deserve exactly
i was talking about me not her
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NTA, but I figure she's got to be a pretty decent person -- Mina seems to still like her even despite the awful botch a couple years ago.
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not even Utami cares much about her to the point she didn't even know the specifics of the unit disbandment match
I swear to God Trevor if you don't stop coping I'll come to your house and shove your wheelchair down a flight of stairs
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Fuck Bird Brain Saya
I want Trad Wife Saya
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she's only fit to be a birth-controlled cumdump
you wouldn't want retarded, ugly children would you
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clever bird
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WHOA where did those come from?
she has a gravure photobook or two
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I roleplay as a trans Saya on twitter and I fuck AZM constantly.
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we don't post in the 2nd person here
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Requesting when she did a a phoenix splash on Mina and broke her jaw
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are (You) a saya spic
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saya cameltani
saya cameltoeni
vagiya cameltoeni
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She has chud folds but I nevertheless find much to like in this photograph; much comfy. (Trying to be more positive this fortnight...)
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That botch got Mina over more than she ever would have on her own and now she's bleeding the money mark for a six figure deal. Mina should thank Saya for breaking her face every day.
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so this is your gimmick then hunh soya schizo
I invite you to point out what's wrong with that sentence spic
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thought so
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the official birth of the schizo soya spic
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what your bedroom looks like
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gain taste
I forget, is this the one superfan that's actually a girl, or am I thinking of someone else?
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I didn't authorize posting a photo of my room
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tall, crybaby and going to lose
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Do you think she knows how hot she is?
The most attractive she's been to me
Hazuki preparing to enjoy a treat
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