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Next shows:
>7/6 Osaka 176BOX (VOD)
>7/7 Niigata (VOD)

7/13 "Marigold Summer Destiny 2024", Ryogoku Kokugikan, Tokyo (PPV @ 2:30 PM JST
>Giulia vs Sareee
>Utami Hayashishita vs Iyo Sky
>Bozilla vs Miku Aono or MIRAI
>MIRAI vs Miku Aono
>Nanae Takahashi, Mai Sakurai & Nao Ishikawa vs Shinobi Kandori, Takako Inoue & NORI
>Natsumi Showzuki vs Misa Matsui
>CHIAKI & Nozaki Nagisa vs Myla Grace & Zayda Steele
>Kouki Amarei & Chika Goto vs Victoria Yuzuki & X
>Komomo Minami vs Rea Seto
Watch on Wrestle Universe (¥1,298 per month)


Previous >>15086980
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the rings are connected
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>Giulia’s participation is pending medical clearance later this week or early next week. If she is cleared, Rossy Ogawa will decide if this match is for the Marigold World Championship.
so is the assumption she's going to be cleared and they're just trying to get some more drama out of it?
Alfie won’t like this news
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Zayda looked amazing in those shiny pants.
Can I get a recap on the Rossy Ogawa grooming allegations?
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This is the match
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smol komomo
Does this mean we'll get noted psychopath Mari and her plump ass?
why didn't Misa, Nagisa or Sareee come out?
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Use Deepl, brother. It's more accurate.
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did Rossy forget about the Twin Star titles? Why no match for those? It would be kind of silly to have every title filled but not the tag team ones for no reason
Oh, I use the website, I wasn't aware there was an app, does it translate from camera? I need to use this thing all the time lol
Stop seething about shit that doesn't matter. Accept things as they are, not what you think they should be.
he's broke, he doesn't even have the flyweight belt made yet
Nao ripping off her shirt to reveal the passion t shirt underneath was based.
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>4th Round
Chiaki was talking about the tag titles, her tag match is to set up the tag division fully
Komomo Minami vs Rea Seto seems to be a pre show match
>myriad meaningless tag matches, 2 minimum per show
>no tag title scene
will you all continue to defend drossy's promoting and booking
Sareee was at okinawa
Misa is busy with theatre performance
No idea about Nagisa though
Will you ever stop doomposting and being a retard?
this is really retarded
kill yourself and stop replying to me
I would bet money drossy is going to do an exhaustion angle to bozilla can win

doesn't matter then if miku or mirai wins, the fact this setup is arranged is a burial for both
what a handsome prince
this show is supposed to be a pay per view
tell me how this is different from the so-called "house show" cards
Myla is very photogenic
So you don't know
plucky antihero face vs bug-and-baby-eating heel
best matchup on the whole card
Iyo and Giulia will be on it
misa was sick

no announcement from awg side but probably not since she hates traitors
why don't you tell us
>102 degree fever
damn that's rough
You seethe constantly. Leave the thread. Go make another doomer thread.
no friendly girls?
no marvelous players?
Hikari Noa
AEW suddenly goes to Japan just as WWE partners with NOAH and Marigold and has shows there.
Makes you wonder.
Komomo is very friendly
Mirai will beat Miku and then overcome Bozilla against all odds, the story is very obvious
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Gochika Gochika Go
Gochika Gochika Go
Gochika Gochika Go
Go Go Go Go
Giulia is a asshole
I want to spank Gochika's butt
Only the top two matches and Flyweight match interest me
Marigold's first mystery nigga
agreed. I just don't see Rossy not putting the white belt on MIRAI and making her look ridiculously strong in the process.
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third, technically
This is the match
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Kizuna Tanaka has left Wave

Thank you for always supporting Pro Wrestling Wave.
This is a sudden announcement, but we would like to inform you that one of our wrestlers, Kizuna Tanaka, has left Pro Wrestling Wave.
Thank you for supporting Kizuna Tanaka of Pro Wrestling Wave. We would like to sincerely apologize to everyone who was looking forward to his return after being absent from the tournament for not being able to live up to their wishes.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience and concern this may cause to the fans who support Wave.
We look forward to your continued support and assistance to Pro Wrestling Wave.

Yes, we know, schizo. You like Misa now.
>ties with a pretend wrestler 3 times in a row
>is going to beat the person who was allowed to no-sell her offense
it's shit whether she wins or loses
Oh. Fuck.
A lot of players suddenly leaving promotions recently....
Mirai wins, Miku is the next challenger for the National. Miku wins, Mirai is the next challenger for the National.
Booking 101.
that wasn't the point
I, Kizuna Tanaka, have decided to leave Pro Wrestling WAVE.
【the report】
We apologize for surprising you with this sudden announcement.
We would also like to sincerely apologize to everyone who has been waiting for our return to WAVE.
The year I spent in the WAVE ring, which I had dreamed of since I was a child, was so special that I can't express it in words.
Above all, the WAVE fans were really, really warm, and I was always encouraged by their smiling faces.
Even if I leave WAVE, I will never forget my gratitude to everyone.
When I decided to leave WAVE, I thought about it many times, thinking that I might be running away from my own weaknesses.
However, my feelings no longer waver.
Someday, I will definitely prove to myself that this choice was not a mistake.
I've loved Pro Wrestling WAVE ever since the day I dreamed of becoming a pro wrestler 11 years ago.
We would like to express our deepest gratitude to everyone who supported Kizuna Tanaka at WAVE.
July 1, 2020 Kizuna Tanaka

It's clear booking. No need to have a stroke over it.
but think about how sweaty and slippery the MIRAI player will be at the end of it
Nao's first win but it's not a singles match. Grim
Nao will lose since there is a stipulation that if the marigold players win. Marigold will take ownership of the LLPW-X dojo
is she good?
I'd like to gain control over Nori's vertical bacon sandwich, if you know what I mean.
She's a prodigy and daughter of wrestling royalty. Still green, just debuted last year, but has incredible potential.
She's very cute too. A genuinely big get for Marigold if true.
Her mom wrestled in AJW and Arsion
She's visual but honoka is a better wrestler
any match recommendations from her?
Rossy's connections still paying off, I guess
No not really, go watch her matches on Sendai Girls youtube channel. >>15096808 is true
She hasn't had any 60 minute 7 star workrate bangers, but the potential is definitely there. Look up any match of hers and you'll get an idea of what she's like and how she can go.
Kizuna v Komomo is my dream match
>She's a prodigy and daughter of wrestling royalty
Bitch if you don't just shut the fuck up
Rossy isn't 'poaching', the girls just realized Marigold is the future of joshi.
Nori DATE mogging your uggo promotion
Your negative doomer gimmick isn't over.
NORI will end up signing at some point.
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It was obvious that she will join ever since Rossy showed up to that arsion final show last January
My gimmick is that I don't actually watch the games
everybody has to post like a twitter tranny these days
Yeah, because saying bitch is the coolest thing that has ever happened.
Guys... Rossy is winning again.
He just doesn't stop winning.
The sun rises in the morning... And Hatman wins the game.
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Inspiring story of how industry connections and superb fashion sense can beat shingles
that's why she's speedrunning English, talking shit about everything has become her gimmick, can't risk. getting interrupted by What? chants
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Bushiroad won. All the retards who followed Rossy to the glory of Shinbaka 1st Ring lost.
How? NJPW is dead and Stardom is going the same way, all thanks to one of the promotions on this show.
Can't wait for a repeat of the same dimeless, 502,000 anti-draw bullshit but in Japan!
>NJPW is dead and Stardom is going the same way
>sells out the Tokyo Dome two days in a row
What did she do?
simping for mid white bitches edition
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Taro Okada won.
I can't believe there is anyone who watches this shithole company when there are 15 better companies out there
I can't believe you were under the delusion that if you cut your cock off you would become a real woman.
this is the life of Rossy dick riders
>She's a prodigy
Lmao she wasn't even the best wrestler in her class(that had 2 people in it)
She's a typical midget. Unathletic and short but she's cute so crowds like her. Once she's not a rookie though that magic will wear off

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