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Shit like this is why they should push Jacy harder because she can actually cut a promo.
roxy is bullying my big booty latina
This is a bad promo battle and I'm rock hard for some reason
why do they have roxanne cut these five minute promos every week
she is not a good talker
Both these girls need to be quiet and look pretty.
woah this got too real
Cringe promo, desu
make Lola ass champ
>lola sob story
she's a face now?
Don't cry Lola
Is this shoot
The bad acting makes this seem like live porn
Don't cry mama cita
I dress like that
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Oh man what the fuck is happening
Just eat each other's assholes, please.
oh wow how heartbreaking...
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These fake tears better be her gimmick and not an actual attempt to emote
This is fucking terrible holy shit.
List NXT girls that can actually cut a promo

>Arianna Grace
poor lola
roxanne fucking sucks btw
wow lola. incredible job
this went to a weird place

I was expecting her to just drop roxy again after burying the fuck out of her on twitter
>I could care less
dropped the ball for heat
I don't think it's just acting. When she was interviewed on Busted Open she started crying talking about the path she's taken to get to NXT.
Jacy Jayne
Where’s the Roxy screenshots?
>Crying during smack talk
Lol Perez better crush her.
this is lynchian
When are we finally done with heel Roxy? It has simply never worked
jaida parker
Lash, Jaida, Jacy, Cora
Based Lola mogging Roxy
tint underdog archetype doesnt work for women nearly as well as it does for men
>Roxanne's skin tight pants
Workin' me into a shoot
This is a weird segment. Lola is being herself and Roxanne is being fake as fuck and trying to do a cm punk promo
lola's voice is cracking
I agree. I like Rox but she's a babyface through and through.
This segment took a weird fucking turn, but I think Lola stuck the landing
Cute lil butt
sky rockerlt this bitch to the moon she's over with me
I guess I don't give a shit about "I went into MMA because my sick mama."

But I honestly don't like Lola at all.
It started out really rough but Lola made something of it. I hope she wins now.
I thought Lola was about to start shaking her ass while crying
This whole heel turn feels like Roxy cosplaying Cora
>She's fucking cry twerking
Based Latina Heat
>too sad to dance
poor lola
Bizarre segment.
lola vice is the wrestler i relate to the most
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>male security guards a foot taller than the woman have to pretend to be afraid of her
I would have clapped if that happened.
And I never liked Cora either. I liked her a little more as a heel though.
Yeah please don't make Lola cry ever again. She's best as a cocky type
>fat ethan
Woulda been based.
lmao the dancing
That guy's selling was the best part of this awful segment lmao
I agree, that was terrible
Genuinely Lynchian
legendarily bad segment
This, never again Shawn. It didn't work. It just didn't work.
All Estrogen Ethan Page
Kek the deaf jokes just don't stop
I have zero interest in Ethan Page
why is this guy main eventing two PLE in a row
That was a weird-ass segment but they're both quite hot so I care less
CAWdy demanded it.
Myles deaf jokes are over with me and that's a shoot
there has never been a good champion face to face or contract signing in nxt history
I had to mute the TV to keep jerking
They think it makes AEW look bad by pushing people who did nothing there
Lola is both too pretty, and too athletic to make these sob storied work. I dont believe things have ever been a struggle for her. Her whole thing should is being above these tearjerker promos
Melo vs Ilja with Tony D interrupting and dismissing Melo's guards was based as fuck
its crazy how much better nqcc is now that gulak is gone kek
I told you guys Lola was gonna heem the roid monkey

I thought she was doing it to lure Roxanne in for a sucker punch. She got the audience on her side, so I guess things still worked out.
Did you guys notice that one of the bodyguards was Cora’s bf? The guy left of Roxanne
Gulak was Daniel Bryan's butt buddy, so it's no surprise
I like when she looks pouty, she needs to retain that when she makes her inevitable face turn. Also keep the black leather pants and doc martens, that’s a dimes combo
That's literally who she is though. She shoot cries all the time.
That dude looks like a legit mouthbreather
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I thought Lola did a really good job there, I have no idea why you're saying it was bad
Charlie boi shouting "OH" made me giggle. It's the littlest things.
Zesty Eddy is doing the DJ shit again? Based
Oh hey Dani is back
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I lol'd irl
Also did Chase U get the production budget for the weel with that multi-camera pretty tape or is there another highly produced/edited pre-tape coming?
Angry little Rox is a good look
lexis king is me
>a feud based on taste of music
kek sure why not

Holy based king loving hair metal, I thought he was supposed to be a heel
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Yeah I've busted many a nut to this image
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Has Wren been on the show this week?
>zesty tatanka surrounded by kweens admiring his dj skills
I love nxt
>DJ Zesty Eddie
based butt rock Lexis King
>eddy has a nightclub now
is it oros nightclub
You say Drake, I say Guns and Roses
You say hip hop, I say ROCK
The only good thing this indian ever did was get his ass kicked by Dijak
>looks like Brett Michaels and talks up hair metal
Fucking baaaaased
based lexis
pulse nightclub
Book not a fan of beep boop robot music
Mensah doing the acrylics taunt with the girls is not an advisable move, it's gay best friend behaviour
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>3 minute guitar solos
I like both of these guys, I don't care who wins
Thankfully no
man, Lash is a big bitch. Imagine dominating that amazon
What do you think Mensah is?
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thats literally his gimmick honestly
>Like for Guns 'n Roses
>Share for Stryper
>Comment for Judas Priest
>Ignore for Lil Wayne
that's the polish guy
This /mu/ feud sounds based
the hair doesn't give it away for you?
You just KNOW she loves mating presses with unprotected creampies.
This is retarded
Anon no
You sell for me like that and I'd tag you for real.
Remember when Oro was on NXT UK?
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my pajeet streams are all getting smoked tonight
where is brooks jensen?
I miss Darr.
Fuck No Dimes Catch Crew
Fuck Trick Willie
being molested by shawn spears
smuggled himself into Canada early
Oro is much zestier than thorpe desu
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For me, it's Winger
he's with shawn spears now, he helped him win a match last week
That promo King gave was so full of truth, so why present him as a heel? If I didn't know Flyin' Brian was his dad I would've thought he was my illegitimate child.
What's the ceiling for Myles? He's a strong worker, has a good look, but will his deaf voice keep him from being a bigger deal?
Being bolstered by the kweens is honestly the perfect hiding spot to not necessarily conceal, but obfuscate his apparent zest.
I'll miss you, Pooph commercial
I do. NXT UK has born some good fruit in today's WWE. I miss Kenny Williams though.
Midcard at best if we are being honest
The dolph ziggler spot
Long live the King, baby!
>NXT gains momentum
>Shawn books Oro Mensah vs some deaf dude
Shawn is a worse booker than Paul
nxt tag title run, or main roster jobber
Inspiring intercontinental reign
NXT kind of dimeless tonight ngl
I'm thinking with muh philanthropy being muh future of muh marketing, he'll have his deafness be a safety net for ambassador work. It's also an easy window into a healthy face run.
That sell might have been the best part of the segment tbqh
i miss no flex zone
I want to insert my penis in the chick in the Poshmark commercial and make continuous thrusting motions while doing so.
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It didn't have to be this way.
How does a deaf wrestler like Myles Borne improvise due to crowd reactions or call spots?
Kek Kemp you idiot
I miss him so much like you wouldn't believe. Grug too.
damn that dropkick
Ain't got no distractions, can't hear no buzzers and bells
Kemp is such a retard
what u mean

rolling thunder kick is a dimes move, more people should do it
He can feel the crowd reacting
is this leading to them Charlie kicking out Kemp?
>Kemp still trying to give him the knucks
lol based retard
NXT has been dimeless for months now, I hope Triple H hires someone to take Shawns spot.
Kemp wasn't at the TNA tapings so probably
Where Axiom
Opening Raw with a promo and when the crowd goes WHAT? he responds with WHAT? and they just keep doing that until they go to break
That sell reminded me of the TKOs in the AKI games
He's going to botch Kemp's murder because Tony D won't do it for him now.
i hope so, as long as he doesnt get called up. fuck kemp he sucks ass
>he has one opportunity to deep throat oba femi
huh? what did vic mean by this?
It's not Shawn's fault. Basically the entire male upper card got called up.
I shoot hate this faggot
not a credible challenger for Oba
>Oba's shadow over Wes
kino shot
It's Ratt for me.
holy kino
NXT has tons of talent, it's Shawns call to book all these shitters. No one is forcing shawn to keep booking these dimeless NXT UK heritage cup matches.
GnR 4life
Goddamn Oba is dimes incarnate.
Oba = dimes
Wes = cringe
Oba is ready for main roster
nah it’s a good show, people are watching for the show itself, not like aew that needs to hotshot matches to pull up ratings and keep Big Bang Theory fans around for a bit
that one shot of wes lee in the hospital bed was fucking hilarious
oba femi is the coolest wrestler in like 20 years
>Phallus vs the black bushwackers
>No one is forcing shawn to keep booking these dimeless NXT UK heritage cup matches.
Those are always excellent, and a highlight of the show.
I forgot these guys existed
new race war just dropped:
blacks vs scots
What the fuck was that camera work?! Is Kevin Dunn back?
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Forgot this.
oba's shadow looked like lesnar's shadow for a second there
The actual answer is no Dante Chen. Chencels rise up!
bro brock vs oba would feed all of africa
Oh no sad Brinley
pure kino
is the story that they both want to bag her?
sad Brinley......
Kendall > Carlee
The fuck was that tampon commercial music
Carlee Bright and Kendall Grey are a cloning experiment
time to wake up
wendy choo is on
This is so fucking bad man, someone really needs to take the book away from Shawn.
wake up wendy
I miss the sleepy music
i need wendy choo and mia yim to both twerk on my penis immediately!
i wish wendy choo would fuck me while looking like that
rubbing your morning wood on Wendy Choo's still sleeping butt
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Just give a promo or something about this. Also Choo needs to lose the Jack Skellington paint on the sides of her mouth.
me too but i also like the new music
Fukigen Choo
Stop watching then faggotron
not sure why they made Wendy a heel
Already changed the channel faggot, just like everyone else which is why the ratings will be shit tomorrow.
There's so many dimeless bottle blondes on NXT


They all need breast augmentation too if they want to take the next step
>no gallus match
Wendy should wear a diaper under her onezee. that would be sooooo DIMES!
Go watch the main roster or AEW if you don't like this. Fuck off.
Brinley is dimes you fag
She's just having a waking nightmare. She'll snap out of it.
wendy choo has a based moveset you can tell she can actually wrestle good
>Just give a promo or something about this. Also Choo needs to lose the Jack Skellington paint on the sides of her mouth.
I was thinking the same thing. She doesn't need to do le spooky head tilt either.
Also carlee has the worst entrance music in nxt
Fuck you, Brinley is dimes.
Floppy Choo Booba
Carlee screams like shes being BLACKED
Carlee screams like she's taking dick for the first time
I need Wendy's voluminous, jiggly boobs in my mouth.
time to go to sleep, Carlee
Wendy the semen demon
for me its kendal grey
Granted she only just started but she's my least favorite part of NXT right now. Everything about is her beyond generic.
Brinley board, bro
Welcome to /pw/ everyone.
I like Carlee, she just hasn't had time to develop a personality yet.
Pairing her with Kendal is a good idea on paper but all it actually does is highlight that Kendal is better than her
Cry more faggot, this show is garbage. You pretending this is good doesn't mean it is.
i remember wendy choo as karen q
>Brinley board
but enough about her chest LMAOOOOO
The problem is that they have too many new blonde women that all look alike
Yeah I know it's perfect
Why does Jazmyn's theme sound like the soundtrack to the dirtiest sex imaginable?
Need more hot minorities unironically.
>jazmyn nyx match
this is a coom heavy nxt episode
I have a bad feeling about the ratings for this episode...
it sounds like a Gunna beat
Her armpits are kino. Premium deli meat
I'm all for it. This was a down episode overall.
NXT already has its next deal so it matters even less than usual (not at all)
I'm too old and out of touch to know what that is.
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>Hmmm NXT ratings have been going up... how do I keep the momentum? I got it how about a bunch of wrestlers who shouldn't be anywhere near TV and a segment where both women forget their lines?
can i please get a (you) bros? i havent gotten any tonight
more gals shouldnt shave their pits, like if Rhea or Bianca had just a little pit stubble itd be soooo hot.
Here you go doggie
This one's for you, bro.
Oh man this Brooks shit is finally gong somewhere
>shawn and alcoholic schizo brooks jensen segment
HBK hardly looks human
>From Brooks' sad story to a coom match
What a night
He's gonna pull a gun on Ava
it's being said that bj is gonna shoot shawn at heatwave
this is crazy lmfao
Coomer bros, we won.
>brooks going full schizo
Is it true that Karmen is a coalburner?
>gimmick is...she has a MAL account
The transition from that to Karmen's entrance
*slices brook jensen's alcoholism in half*
>She carries a fucking ninjato
Karmen of all people should know those swords aren't real.
>karmen cut through brooks face
is there a path from gooner to unhinged?
Karmen's finisher should be the five point palm exploding heart technique.
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>*puke puke*
when I look at wwe crowds all I can notice is how high the BMI trends
Why is Vic in the women's locker room? GET OUT OF THE LOCKER ROOM VIC!!
NXT is the show to find out
They doin' a Hangman Page storyline here?
I said this during the level up thread but it needs repeating:
Jacy Jayne has never looked better
Yes but instead of hearts it's my nuts
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Whats the point of a finisher you can never kick out of?
they're both coalburners, what are the odds?
its crazy how brooks jensens gimmick has been going through an actual incel character arc including him finding religion next (shawn spears)
It's more like Brian Pillman
heel Fallon is so hot
Did Fallon get new tits?
Nxt just makes me wanna goon, mot watch wrestling lol
The Nude Fallon Henley
Him being a Jordan Peterson incel obsessed with cleaning the locker room would be over with me
Should be the Ganzan Ryozan Ha
He's going to pull a gun on Ava?
I barely watch NXT.

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