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File: Kaane.jpg (57 KB, 622x599)
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>Wins: 820
>Losses: 749
Kane is my favorite wrestler. He's 7 feet tall and immortal. So why is his track record bordering on him being a jobber?
He isn't a mark for himself
Kane didn’t politick which is ironic. He was respected and was the leader of the locker room. With that sway, he didn’t have to win matches all the time. He was there as long as he wanted to be because he could handle things.
Vince killed his character in 99 with the horrendous feud with DX and Tori and they never committed to rehabilitating it for an extended period of time. Before Rock turned face he was the 2nd most over face in the company and instead of capitalizing on it they turned him into a simp who jobbed to midcarders like XPac.
I was a mark though. And i was seething

Corporate Kane = Most of the losses.
He has been on more episodes of Raw than anyone else by a long shot.
because he's a premium jobber
Xpac getting pinned in at least half of those
he was the gatekeeper to the upper cards like what miz is doing now
Kane is such a shitter that he made me appreciate Big Show by comparison
vince and co were pissed that Kane had based politics
I don't think he won a single match in the twilight of his career. Probably where most of those losses come from. A shame because I'm a shameless Kane mark.
I remember he randomly beat Finn on an episode of Raw because iirc Finn did the “too sweet” with AJ after their match at TLC the night before which Vince hated

He stayed around too long that they didn’t know what to do with him, so they just beat him for new people to get over. Past 2023, I’m not sure if he ever won a meaningful match again
For a time in 98 just before rock became a megastar kane was arguably the second most over in the company after austin
let's be honest that wasn't very hard, the roster was paper thin at that time
Austin, Rock, DX, Undertaker, Foley, and Kane. Then tons of over midcard guys like Goldust, Val Venis, D'Lo, Jarrett/Owen/Debra, Shane McMahon, Bossman, Al Snow. The roster was about as thin as your waistline ya filthy fucking mark.
>So why is his track record bordering on him being a jobber?
He is a Jobber. He's a Jobber To The Stars.
He's a big red retard.
it's a shame because his team with xpac was awesome. and he was really solid in 2000/2001
objectively not true
the only reason monsters exist in wrestling is to get pinned by a babyface
>Kane is my favorite wrestler.
Based Chad not watching any WWF after they switch to WWE.
>not a self mark
>was eternally over no matter what he did
>could put over other guys cause why not
Kane the only guy who pulls "That doesn't work for me brother" when he's booked to win
He wasn't more over than Taker, Foley, NAO, etc. Taker got reactions nobody else did, even as a hell. Foley was booked weird but still was constantly cheered even directly opposing stone cold, and the NAO was becoming THE tag team before they started the fuckery with Gunn leaving. Which is why when he did leave the 1st time he came back like in a week ir two with no acknowledgement he left.
Wins and losses barely mattered in the Attitude Era. Everyone was so over, they were teflon
It's amazing how over everyone was
Even the lowest jobber got a pop
Now we're lucky if the champions get cheered

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