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Airs at 7pm EST

>WWE Documentaries brings you behind the scenes of the chaotic build to WrestleMania XL, featuring The Rock, Cody Rhodes, Roman Reigns, Seth "Freakin" Rollins and Triple H.

Haitch is gonna bury the rock tonight.
>in 8 bings
way too early thread
Are you fucking kidding me? Today is Dynamite day and those pieces of shit are seriously doing this?
ill be watching AEW fatso
Is there a way to know how long it will be? In the past you could see the duration of a premiere video with google image
Shan't be watching this slop
92 minutes
Why would AEW fans watch this instead of dynamite?
Listen here you slobbering fucking e-drone. Here's the actual fact of the matter. This will take away visibility from twitter because I am sure lil Dwayne has some "epic" one liner that will trend with the clapping seals ergo AEW gets seen less because it dilutes the space. Today is a special episode, and the kickstart to the road to the biggest wrestling show of the year so AEW needs all the attention it can get so we can get the ball rolling, this is a carefully sinister attack and they once again are kicking down and trying to ruin any success AEW could have. Mercedes is now a two belt hero, Britt Baker is returning, we have 4 great Owen Hart tournament matches yet just like they murdered Owen they are trying to murder him on the top trending page as well. I am appalled at how big of a piece of shit this company really is
It's just gonna be The Rock jizzing over himself for a hour.
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why are you trying so hard?
This got Trevor Cripplehouse seething from his wheelchair so it must be good
Nice. Something to get us through the Wednesday wrestling drought.
>Why would wrestling fans watch something about Wrestlemania instead of Raw, Smackdown, Dynamite, or a weekly show?
Yeah I wonder
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I'd imagine they'd want to watch wrestling if they're wrestling fans. Or is wrestling itself actually not that important?
Who's gonna tune in for a Tranniel Gaycia main event lmao
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>Listen here you slobbering fucking e-drone. Here's the actual fact of the matter. This will take away visibility from twitter because I am sure lil Dwayne has some "epic" one liner that will trend with the clapping seals ergo AEW gets seen less because it dilutes the space. Today is a special episode, and the kickstart to the road to the biggest wrestling show of the year so AEW needs all the attention it can get so we can get the ball rolling, this is a carefully sinister attack and they once again are kicking down and trying to ruin any success AEW could have. Mercedes is now a two belt hero, Britt Baker is returning, we have 4 great Owen Hart tournament matches yet just like they murdered Owen they are trying to murder him on the top trending page as well. I am appalled at how big of a piece of shit this company really is
>Thinks weekly shows are a bigger draw than something Wrestlemania related
Anon what
This documentary is just backstage stuff and storylines. There aren't even any matches there.
>orginally announced to air a week after WM
Took them almost 3 months to finally air it. 100% had to be approved by both HHH and Rock. Wonder how many versions they made before it had both their approvals
>weekly shows are a bigger draw than some 'making of' vid posted on YouTube
hardly a controversial statement
>Mercedes is now a two belt hero, Britt Baker is returning, we have 4 great Owen Hart tournament matches
This all sounds shit
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>Listen here you slobbering fucking e-drone. Here's the actual fact of the matter. This will take away visibility from twitter because I am sure lil Dwayne has some "epic" one liner that will trend with the clapping seals ergo AEW gets seen less because it dilutes the space. Today is a special episode, and the kickstart to the road to the biggest wrestling show of the year so AEW needs all the attention it can get so we can get the ball rolling, this is a carefully sinister attack and they once again are kicking down and trying to ruin any success AEW could have. Mercedes is now a two belt hero, Britt Baker is returning, we have 4 great Owen Hart tournament matches yet just like they murdered Owen they are trying to murder him on the top trending page as well. I am appalled at how big of a piece of shit this company really is
>Biggest wrestling show of the year
WrestleMania has already happened. Now the documentary about WrestleMania is going to have a higher rating than dynamite
People are going to want to know all of the drama that went on leading to that match. Plus it's the Rock and Roman who people haven't seen since Mania
Not everyone gets USA or TBS. Anyone with an internet connection can pull up youtube and watch this
We are gonna kill the trannies in the ratings
This but unironically. Not sure what the runtime on it is but I can't see how it wouldn't pull some viewers away. There are AEW fans who are going to watch Dynamite regardless but there are also people like myself who are fans of and watch both who may get pulled towards the Mania thing. I can't imagine it's a coincidence to put it out for free on a Wednesday night
This. Well said, fellow AEWGod. Weinstein Wrestling can try all they want but AEW All In is gonna be a huge SUCCESS. We are gonna put their Wrestleslopia to shame. This is a war and AEW are the good guys. We will fucking win no matter what.
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because dynamite fucking sucks?
the actual best troll on this website.
Look how many of you he got.
Why the hell was the Rhea Ripley shota thread deleted? Janny must've been molested too
30 bings left
The what now?
There was a thread discussing Rhea Ripley's well documented love for small boys, but it seems like they're trying to cover that story up to save face for WWE
kek based
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cody's still trying to play up that he has shoot animosity with roman so I guess we're not getting any backstage footage of them which would've been the most interesting thing. probably just gonna be an hour of hhh/rock wank. maybe a shot of seth and roman hugging idk
>takes 3 months to produce
Hopefully we get some good reaction pics/gifs out of this
You just know it was the Cuck being an insecure faggot and wanting to be portrayed in the best light possible despite him almost ruining the entire thing
Alright I just got home from work. Time to enjoy with this kino with my Whataburger pattymelt.
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Are they squishy?
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Funny nu wrestlers only feel safe doing this with little kids in the PG promotion. I miss when they used to troll adult fans in the crowd.
I'm not sure advertising this business exposing shit on television was the best idea. At least with those WWE 24 deals there was elements of the production that were left in kayfabe.
>behind the curtain
>Triple H
>curtain call reference
kayfabe was dead for a long time, lmao
[Concerning News]
is that guy in the middle the main character or something?
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>already wanking gaytch
Lmao this is all in kayfabe, you all got worked
Alright if you're gonna pull back the curtain, pull it back all the way. Don't try keeping up kayfabe now
should i watch this or dynamite?
Oh God, I hope Peacock releases the number of live views for the premier. I don't even care if they kayfabe the number, I just want it to be bigger than trannymite so I can savor the seethe it would produce
They're not on at the same time retard, you can watch both
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Lmao look at this faggot
kys rocky
also its confirmed WM40 was cody/roman first
if it weren't for how fun he made tv in the build I would hate dwayne so much
Oh my god Rocky shut the fuck up you fake faggot
why didn't rock just work the rumble lmao
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Jinder has been unpersoned
Who the fuck was that thot
Kek they didn't even acknowledge jinder
Vince got more screentime than him
"Tony khan needs to stop making everything about himself"
Delusional Dwayne thought that one comment would undo the entire build of the Royal Rumble kek. He had years to do his match but kept cucking WWE over and over for Hollywood and thought he could just step back in at any moment and take that match.
Anybody else would have got roman over if they held the title for 3 years
502k but keep worrying about documentaries please.
rocky enter tko and everything went to shit until the movement
Really wish someone would punch Rock in the face.
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>hhh and rock playing and posing with old belts
Wtf I thought Rocky and Hunter hated each other, you people lied to me
Lmao at Haitch and Rock having to pretend to like eachother in front of the cameras.
kek it's a dwayne circlejerk
Why does the rock pretend to be nice when he's clearly his heel persona irl
he knew something fishy was going on
kek that interviewer making himself short for zelina
his persona irl is advertising his whiskey or whatever, lol
so cody went into business for himself?
>We decided to keep running the Cody and Roman angle despite the fact that we planned to make it the Rock anyway

Are they retarded?
Kek based bald mark
>we booked him to win the rumble then told him "well maybe it'll be rock"

What, you thought it was going to be a hit piece?
was that ddp
fragile phil
It’s me
It’s me
It’s DDP
That's right, no pop
cm kwab
Punk vs rollins would have been shit
I can't believe they managed to save this absolute mess
its insane how drew/punk is much better than the shit that was going to be seff/punk
/ss/ is based tho
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>but not at wrestlemania
the weekend after this promo was the funniest /pw/ has ever been
kek poor cody
Roman even getting lil bro'd by Dwayne backstage
I still believe this was a work
The codester is crying and seething
>cody was suicidal
Oh, it's in kayfabe. I thought it was going to be a shoot documentary
Lmao this is fucking fake, why would they record him after that?
Lmao the fucking party cups and vodka
>alcoholic depressed Cody
based pat
American Vodka (tm)?
it was. rock before coming in was talking about doing an angle that hasn't been done before. this feels kinda reminiscent of something like the Montreal screwjob if that wasn't for shoot.
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>all this rock propaganda
no wonder this got delayed so long.
Who the fuck are all these wwe streamers they keep showing reactions of and how many of them actually get more than a hundred viewers?
Why is Pat FAGmcfee such a huge sperg?
people say
>its fake!
wwe is now about being a reality
they had cameras ready for this kind of shit
would be based gimmick honestly
They're trying to gaslight us so badly with this
They're total plants

lmao yes
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I know this is a work but HHH claiming they were testing the waters for both sides somehow just makes them look worse because they considered fucking cody over
Cameras follow the Rock around 24/7 basically bro
you da man seff
you can see gaytch disgust face with rock when they hug lmao
Lmao dwayne still thinks normalfags like him
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Kek fuck this faggot
>this is happening in real time
What does this even mean Paul?
Based Rocky saving the day
rocky pls
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>that really bugged the shit out of me

>what do you mean the fans were gonna get mad that cody gave up his shot to me like a cuck????
holy shit this is Rock propaganda LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO
>it was my idea!
Lol, okay Dwayne
>Rock takes credit for pivot
can you prove him wrong though?
>cody not winning the rumble would damage him
And him giving up his spot to the rock like a cuck wouldn't?
kek what a bald psychopath
>it was all dwayne's idea
of course
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Is it workin'?
>rock got worked into a shoot by the codyfans
Guys the Rock is so cool and laidback and magnanimous. Not a fake ass bitch at all
highlander was a documentary filmed in realtime
Rock is such a fucking faggot, like holy shit
kek based i love psychopath rock
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no milly?
So what actually happened was
>Rock got worked into a seething shoot over the hashtag and Paul used that to convince everyone to pivot
Who did this even get made for? It's like some cover your ass thing for the Rock
So, he's Cody.
kwab everyone in the thread getting worked by based rocky
Why did smelly smarks hate roman? he always comes off as a cool guy
Why do iwc trannies hate Bruce Pritchard again?
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Bros I thought you were full of shit when you tinfoil hatted and said rock tried to seize control but you were right. holy fuck this whole video feels like propaganda
he don't have flippy moves or something
Because he say the n-word
the monster push from vince. but things changed as times go
>Cody put a hex on Sika
Damn Rhea Ripley has the cutest fans
Also this sound editing lmao
Cody vs The rock, the battle of the sociopaths
wish we could get roman's real thoughts, he was blatantly going to retain if he got rock
Because he's the face of the company they hate
jesus dwayne ego is easily worse than gaytch
dirtsheets were saying that rock was going to beat roman for the title

Kek fuck Rocky
so are we they do rock vs cody at wm 41, are they both faces? or what?
Based door locking out the Rock
Man HHH is so lucky that Dwayne came in and told him how to do his job
I still don't like Roman for how over the top that push was. They got away with it because they refused to stop the push but the xpac heat from it was real
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Kek small dick white boys worked by SAMOAN GODS
seff being the biggest honest person there lmao
>so are we they do
of course the faux negro is gonna take credit fuck him
How is it that those coconut nigras me mog dem small whyte bois?
Rock was weird at Raw after Mania but he will probably be revealed as as the head behind Solo's Bloodline, keeping him heel
Rock is such a fucking sissy holy shit bro
They finally acknowledged Heyman who was probably responsible for 99% of this
Holy shit he's really trying to claim he came up with literally everything in this build
This makes me like dwyane more
About 47,000 watching live on YouTube

If AEW has a shit rating, dat be on dem
Haitch signed off on this being made, obviously. Why would he go along with this Rock self-suck narrative? Wasn't this delayed several times? It's like he thought people would be mad at it and he needed to distance from it
You da man seff
Oh by the way it was also Dwayne's idea for the exact changes made to his theme. Fucking lmao
Cuz Rock is a bitch and on the TKO board
jesus this is pure propaganda
i fucking hate dwayne even more now
why is he pretending he's nice lol
HHH seething over Dwayne hogging the production crew
Rock was going to win and then that's when he was going to debut the People's Championship belt. The belt he admitted to having made before he even returned and proves he intended to come in, push Cody out, and beat Reigns for the title. Since they "pivoted" he shoehorned it into his heel character instead just so he could still use it even though the introduction segment about it was cringe.
this rock entrance thing and how it all played out is very cool

coolest thing yet
Gaytch looks so exhausted trying to put up with the Rock's bullshit.
They don’t think it be like it is, but they do.
everybody may have hated vince but at least he was upfront
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This. Drones and CodyCrybabies are coping. They've already made their mind up that Rock didn't come up with it. So even if the WWE itself is telling them he did, they are la la la-ing and projecting that he's mentally ill. LMAO.
based codester
What a red hot white meat babyface
>light skinned kween going crazy for Cody
lmao at all the indians in the youtube chat that seethe when Cody pops up on screen
I am an unabashed edrone but they're getting bailed out by their competition being retarded just like the late '90s all over again. People are going to really hate this 'booking by committee' shit and wish it was ultimately one crazy pervert's vision
Because the Crock is the biggest bitch in wrestling
How can cody be so obviously a sociopath but so likeable at the same time?
Rock comes across as such a sociopath in this that Cody seems like a normal person by comparison.
Indians are children who have a superficial understanding of cool pls understand sir
You just answered your own fucking question.
>jimmy kimmel clip with epic movie trailer music playing over it
Lmao what the fuck am I watching
Rock using his position to not give a single fuck about any of the guidelines or censors is by far the most based thing about his comeback
that build-up to maina was the best in years te be fair
Lol is this a rock documentary
>rock, i was so inspired by the final boss gimmick that i took it to heart and that's how i live life now
oh my god man shut the hell up
as it should be
yeah but we know he is a sociopath and it make him even more likeable
because he's also corny, which makes him ultimately come across as sincere
Yeah seff the kind of nigga who thinks he's making art
God someone needs to punch the Rock in the face he's such a faggot
mama rhodes
Rock says that during his movies too. Oh, you want range? Emotion? Tough shit, you'll get the Rock because that's the only character I know how to play!
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>the greatest heel professional wrestling has seen
Who is the Rock getting texts from who he doesn't know? Do random people really get his number? Is he retarded?
Man ya really gotta love The Rock. He single-handedly crafted this build to perfection.
For a main eventer Cody sure is friends with a lot of jobbers and midcarders. I wonder what connects them?
I thought that was Cody on the treadmill
dubs of truth
Roman has got to stop skipping leg day. Wtf are those legs
it shouldn't be forgotten how hard roman phoned it in for the build to his monumental loss
"I told Paul instead of me winning in a squash, maybe Cody should get a shot even though me winning in a squash makes the most sense storywise." Found this Rock quote to be a little strange to be honest
How many times have Haitch and Rock hugged in this documentary?
A quarter of this documentary is just HHH and the Rock shaking hands
>the flaming brahma bull wasn't rocks idea
i'd rather have roman vs cody 3 than rock vs cody
he delivered on the actual date
kek that zoom on cody slapping his thigh

Why do I feel like there's some backstage camera footage of them beating the fuck out of each other
Literally the only thing I remember from the build is "No pop"
with how business exposing the ad for this was I expected much more in the vein of interviews and footage of Cody and Roman
the entire of this doc is 99% wank
like this will make people hate dwayne even more
This was just a rehabilitation piece of Rocky's image
maybe that's the point
>Cody kept telling me he was scared of winning because he didn't think he could carry the company. He kept texting me, "you should be the champ Rock. The people want the People's Champ." So I pulled him aside and told him the same thing Ali told me when he gave me the People's Champ title. I said, "little bro sometimes you just need to gamble on yourself. Sure you could lose, but if you win, you win everything."

Cody is such a bitch lmao
Rock has to become the POV of this documentary.
It's about the important people
>Cody walking around with bags of candy
it's a next level work
the american trick or treater cody rhodes
They wanna keep Roman's mysterious aura up even though I'm pretty sure he's a giant goof irl
i fucking hate paul now. Every time he speaks i feel like switching the pc off
Roman entrance was pure kino
Roman seems like an introvert by nature. Doesn't help that he's still sick.
ngl this was match of the year
What happened to HHH's voice? It's like he gargled a bunch of marbles
>that voice crack
should've been austin
>Seth hobbling with the chair

>we will never hear the glass shatter to stun rock into oblivion at the biggest wrestlemania of all time
i turned it off
absolute disgusted by it , dwayne is just one of the biggest egomaniacs alive rn
shouldve been austin baka
this is just recapping some shit I saw like two months ago
You're going to miss when he tries In n' Out burger for the first time
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had to cut all of Cody and Seth's interviews to fit in more of The The Rock and H shaking hands
i hated the end of the main event so much felt so cringe
>first person to hug cody was becky
all true
>Becky was the first person to hug Cody when he came through the curtain

Kek was that Ricky Starks
well aew time
Why was Knight there? He has no connection to Cody. Didn't even hug each other lol
cant believe he >finished the story
>90% of it's Triple Nose and Rocketty talking
I'm tapping out
he's one of the top faces and was the last wrestler to 1v1 roman before cody
>the pivot was real
the absolute state of the pebble
>ended right at 8

wtf ebros why are we helping aew?
That's it? Only good thing in there was Roman stone facing the camera man at the photo shoot
Long-term story for when he beats Cody
Bro it was his idea, they all begged him to be in the main event but he said he wants to give it to Cody, didn't you know?
thanks for the lead in dronies
It was just every face that the bloodline screwed, plus phil because he wanted to feel what a main event was like lol
gAyEW was canceled and sent to YouTube? Kek
But now you know how instrumental the rock was to the whole thing
Now that the dust has settled...

...why the FUCK was this delayed so many times? Half of it was recapping the two wrestlemania matches.
So you mean he did it for Cody?
He did it for the people?
Thanks Rock for taking all the credit! now, I feel like watching AEW instead.

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