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>LAST WEEK: 611,000 (0.18)
>THIS WEEK: 542,000 (0.15)
no hendry no watch
It's just a wrestling school
Blacks don't draw. It was Cody, Hendry, and the TNA surprises that boosted the ratings.
Take the belt off Roxanne she has done nothing to pull viewers. Put it on Lola. Take the belt off Trick and put it on that young bussin negro.
>fill show with AEW rejects
>bleed viewers
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I wanna see how many viewers this segment lost. How do you utilize your slutty fat ass latina gimmick so poorly?
It was freaking the Tuesday before the 4th! People were at bbqs and I think tennis was on!
lmao at that webm
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Rovert will bump this thread for the next week but he wont post quarters
lmao who is this bogged clown
Fatso (Rovert) is already samefagging, he will keep bumping this all week especially tomorrow because Ireland doesn't celebrate Independence day. Don't forget though he won't be here on Friday when Dynamite does No Milly week 70.
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keep the tears coming piggy i'll be sipping on them while watching another BANGER of a dynamite in 30 minutes
Based piggie continues to remind us of his mom's body count
deserved, yesterday's episode was garbage
Fatso (Rovert) just don't avoid the Dynamite rating thread like you wish you could avoid your dad ass raping you. Also never forget you avoided this thread >>15121551 like you avoid having legs that work LOLLLLL
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sorry i can't hear you over the sound of your tumbling ratings lmaoooooooooo
Squeal for me, piggie. Squeal.
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>Admits he gets ass raped by his own father
Let me repeat myself, Rovert (Fatso) will not be here all day on Friday when the Dynamite ratings are posted just like he avoided 502,000. Also don't forget that he also let it slip that he is the crippled from Ireland.
Who the hell is rovert?
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Young Stringbean, Kelani Snoredan and I'M A GOBLINA are anti-dimes who ever could have guessed? Need more Rizz King, need more Dante Chen, need more Sol and Pax.
wrestling school where they send 40 year old worldchampion nigger Cody
>this cope
I tried watching it, NXT is just unwatchable trash
kek how are they still over 502k for a rasslin school
Should have brought back hendry
Shawn is losing it
Wouldn't you want the top guy in the wrestling business to teach at your school?
He's coming back for the World's Collide build
No, I'd want someone who could teach them how to be stars who draw dimes.
post the card from last nights NXT tranny, lets see all the main roster talent like Cody Rhodes.
everyone knew Hendry wouldn't be there
You post the card. I'm just saying Cody can't teach anyone how to be a star, he can only politic himself into being one, and that's much more fleeting than being a star organically.
Maybe he's right, I guess we'll find out when the Dynamite ratings are out
what channel is NXT on?
It was a pretty slim episode desu. Not even a heritage cup defense, and obviously no number 1 contenders to crown with the PLE on Sunday.
>40,000 more people watch wrestling school than GAYEW

Weather was pretty nice tho so...
you can suck their catheters
Athletes don't use catheters.

A catheter would be used by somebody who couldn't get up and walk to the bathroom.

Who does THAT remind you of, hmmmmmm Trev?
you will die alone
Fatso (Rovert) thought he was cooking (Kind of like when he said he had to make a steak before work AHAHAHA) but just like his ability to use his legs... he failed
vince wont shit on you tranny
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Vince has been gone for months now fatso (Rovert) Triple H is the one raping Tony Khan. Kind of like your own father rapes you.
Cody lost viewers prior to him arriving
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Laugh at NXPee bump
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Huge bitch = Huge draw
>entire show below the trend line
this show is DOA
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What's wrong NXTrannys? I thought you faggots said NXT was the best weekly wrestling show going? You said Shawn was HECKIN COOKING! Look at you now, coping and crying "B-B-BUT IT'S JUST A WRESTLING SCHOOL" Yeah a "wrestling school" with more than a decade of history involving some of the biggest names in wrestling and the billion dollar juggernaut known as WWE behind it barely able to scrape by with a half milly. Fucking pathetic. No wonder this shit got cancelled. I hope all of your mothers get fucking raped to death. It's what you deserve.
dear oh dear
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>800k people tuned in after seeing bron and ilja on the main roster
>hey maybe NXT is cool
>watch two episodes
>they're absolute SHIT
>never tune in again
Folks, where's the lie?
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>b-b-b-but it's le holiday week!
yeah, cuz people miss TWO days of work to travel for 4th of faggot july LMAO
niggas didnt tune in cuz this show is ASS
>admits he's going to spend the entire day here
They are slowing learning a crowd chanting "whoop that trick" doesn't create global appeal
If this was AEW edrones would already be on gamethread #3. Further proof that EliteGODs don't give a fuck about ratings and your dumb ass console wars.
That one guy who spammed the Joe Hendry image with AEWs ratings is gonna kill himself. I can feel it in the air tonight
Would be based
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this nigger is not a draw and im tired of seeing him on the screen
NXT fucking sucks and is retarded
everyone on nxt is black bro
Global? These are domestic viewers, it's not even appealing to Am*ricans
promo's good
the nxt title scene is fucking grim right now. we went from ilja vs melo to shawn fucking spears and a 120 pound annoying black guy who likes to be bouncy
There are 74 replies in this thread right now and 65 of them are fatso (Rovert) talking to himself. Don't forget that when the Dynamite ratings are posted tomorrow he won't show up once. Mainly because he's scared but also because his father will be ass raping him.
Shawn books this trash for retard poor blacks. NXT sucks.
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u mad
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>Admits his father ass rapes him
>Admits he will avoid the Trannymite ratings thread
u crippled
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Keep the seethe coming, bitch.
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>Once again admits his father ass rapes him
>Once again admits he will avoid the Trannymite ratings thread
Remember when I got you so mad that you let it slip that you are in fact the crippled who lives in Ireland? LOLLLLL
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I almost feel bad for this drone. NXT's plummeting ratings has utterly mindbroken him. I'M SORRY.... bitch.
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>Once again admits his father ass rapes him
>Once again admits he will avoid the Trannymite ratings thread
>Too afraid to respond to me
Come on fatso (Rovert) don't tell me you're already done because your dad is about to ass rape you
keeeeeeeeeeek what a fucking pissant company
no hendry?
actually a lot of people including me tuned in because we wanted to see joe hendry
It seems like an ebb and flow for NXT. They build up a few stars that people tune in to see, they get called up, and the rebuild starts again.
It's true
>admits that 9 posts ITT (~12%) are him

kek he's posting ratings from the last financial year

>the crippled

This is why Smackdown was CANCELLED
>smackdown draws 4 times more while canceled than gayew's top show does while active
kek you can't make this up
>admits that 74 (now 85) posts are him
>admits that his father rapes him
>admits he is crippled
>has to start reddit spacing because he wants to pretend he is someone else
Why did you stop posting all the Okawho pics tubby? don't tell me you already gave up. Like I said earlier the crippled from Ireland will not be here tomorrow and will avoid this place like he avoids using his legs so if you want to make fun of him do it while he is here.
chill out bro
Uh oh. Bloom is off the rose.
if he can tone down is indie-isms, he'd be the next shelton benjamin. hard worker locked to the midcard until he retires or gets fired.
Its going to get worse when it moves to CW
NXT is a black show now
kek bitchtits didn't like this thread
poor bitchtits
542 is higher than 502
now compare the demo
God I fucking hate NXT
>Bitchtits finna spend his entire July 4 squealing over no Dynamite ratings

I'd say it's really depressing he's doing this instead of being with his friends & family but we know he doesn't have any LOOOL
R-fraid so
>aewrist memes always manifest as irl backfires
Congrats BITCH INDEED. Okada is getting a career ending injury thanks to you.
Reminder the only career-ending injury since AEW started was on Slopdown
Keep going BITCH. The more you spam the more you manifest. INDEED.
>2 more weeks

reminder that every spot in a TK ring combined is still less dangerous than 1 Holland suplex. What kinda sloppy shop trained him?
He was there since 2018 and he's still that bad? Grim
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Just want to remind everyone that fatso (Rovert) has been bumping/saemfagging this thread for 3 days now but he was no where to be seen for the record low Dynamite rating thread and he will be no where to be seen when the Dynamite rating drops in a few hours today. Also want to remind everyone that he is in fact the crippled from Ireland who gets ass raped by his own father LOLLLL
>Admits he has been samefagging for 3 days now
>Admits he is the crippled from Ireland
>Admits his father ass rapes him
>Admits he will avoid the upcoming Trannymite rating thread
Continue getting ass raped by your own father, fatso (Rovert)
>Admits he has been samefagging for 3 days now
>Admits he is the crippled from Ireland
>Admits his father ass rapes him
>Admits he will avoid the upcoming Trannymite rating thread
Fatso (Rovert) Tony Khan will CONTINUE to let you lick his hairy asshole and WBD will NEVER give AEW a new deal. Also your legs will NEVER work LOLLLLLLL
NXTrannies btfo
lose weight bitchtits
2 hours to respond eh fatso (Rovert) either you're already preparing yourself to go silent because you know the Dynamite ratings are almost out or you're father was ass raping you. Go on tubby, tell us a story about your "shift" almost starting AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
>gloating about having no life
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>gloating about getting ass raped by his own father
>Worse demo than the lowest rated Dynamite

i see the Ethan Page effect is in full swing.
>0.01 lower than the promotion that is paying $104 million on salary >>15134572

>believing Meltzer Magoo's made up numbers
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>believing Meltzer Magoo's made up numbers
"There They Go" Ethan Page
kek ticket tranny has abandoned this thread i see
I must admit the past few weeks are some of the only shows I've missed since 2.0 I am just not that invested in much of what is happening right now
kek tranny tranny is ready to avoid the upcoming dynamite rating thread like he avoids not having diabetes.
Definition of rent free
>Cries about not bumping a 3-day old thread
>Cries about replying to seethe on a 3-day old thread
Definition of you being diabetic
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>Black people immediately start bragging about how NXT caters to them and that is what makes it successful
>Ratings immediately start plummeting
KEK it do be like that!
>Fatso (Rovert) talking to himself again
KEK it do be like that! (Take the screenshot fatso to "prove" you're not samefagging, make sure to include that Ireland Timezone LOLLLLLL)
what the fuck are you on about. im an e god myself i just dont like uppity negros
Reminder that every accusation from Bitchtits is just projection
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what in the fuck is wrong with you, not everything is about rape
>Switches browser
>Doesn't want to show timestamp again because he lives in Ireland
True fatso (Rovert) not everything is about rape. The only person that I know who gets raped by his own father on this board is you.
what websites are you guys using to find these ratings? Also what is the best archive site for /pw/ to find old ratings posts?
Yuka would never say that
what went wrong? i thought ethan page was a huge draw
>Wrestling school has more viewers than flagship show of AEW
It's over
has there ever been a more obvious example of someone who’ll fail under haitch’s booking? this guy is just a worse ricochet
how has ricochet failed? he elevated many great wrestlers
So this is the power of the supposed best wrestling show in the world right now. God I fucking hate NXTrannies
>even less drawing power than aew
>still outdraws them
not watching any of those shitshows btw
Fuck NXT
>NXT is dying
How will WWE develop new stars now?
classic trevor
Fucking hate NXTrannies
PLE is tomorrow
Fatso (Rovert) is still bumping this thread a week later but did not show up once to the no 700k Dynamite rating thread. What an insecure scared crippled little bitch LOLLLL

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