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did he intentionally make himself look as ugly as possible in AEW?
No he just is
Punk is in worse shape than Jerry lawyer
God forbid a guy try something new
In hindsight, was he acknowledging the tribal chief?
>Acknowledging the tribal chief right after quitting
Based punkster.
seems like it
Lawler is a hundred years old.
What's BM Skunk's excuse?
no, everyone in AEW just looks worse because their cameras and lighting makes everyone look a hundred years older and Tony doesn't care if they look presentable going on TV
Alcohol, steroids, and cocaine, while bad for you seperately, are a superfood when combined.
Making people switch the channel to go watch visually appealing things instead is trying something new?
Yes. He thought he could go back to WWE and dethrone Roman at Mania
I think he went there specifically to fuck it up. Regardless, it's funny that at 45 years old he finally starts juicing now that he's back in WWE.
I dont know man, but he looked 10 years younger at Survivor Series than he did in AEW.
Punk has looked like shit since about 2012
he’s still skinnyfat
>A guy with a full head of hair looked younger than a guy with a shaved head
Next you're going to tell me if he shaved he'd look even younger
Because he's old and probably doesn't diet properly. Look at his traps in recent pics. They're overdeveloped, especially compared to just a couple years ago.
paul made him do roids and get hair plugs and finners
>I think he went there specifically to fuck it up.
Nah because if it wasn't for AEW actually getting him back in the ring I'm not sure he ever would have. I do think that when he had that first foot injury and he went to visit WWE that they made their deal then and it was just a matter of him getting out of his contract. Which he bent over backwards to do
Idk, man. Keep in mind that Vince's go-to play when dealing with rival feds was to release someone and have them go there to fuck things up and eaves drop. I also think Punk and Vince's falling out was a work.
Who's "Jerry lawyer"?
>and finners
No way, nigga still has missing teeth don't he? Isn't half his personality pretending to be a hockey player?
DEAN absolutely does.
Remember when Moxley had thousands of teenage girls lusting for him?
I get where you're coming from but Punk had walked nearly 10 years prior already and spent every chance he could up until he signed that contract shit talking them publicly. I think it's just a case of Punk having no balls and getting hurt, having the wakeup call that his time left doing this is much more limited than it was before he took his ball and went home, and that if he's going to be wrestling he may as well do it in WWE, and then just riding out the rest of his deal with AEW and doing whatever he could to get out of it. He was clearly checked out by the time he came back from that injury
> I also think Punk and Vince's falling out was a work.
People age anon. Cody didn't look a fraction as haggard in AEW as he does now back in WWE
He worked himself out of 10 years of his wrestling career? And then some because his body has deteriorated so much since then that it can't hold up like it used to? Yeah man he really got one over on all of us kek
how many punk seethe threads u finna make today?
He's like 47 and he's always made terrible hair/facial hair decisions, no idea how he's ever been laid
He looks like a meth head. Women can't resist that.
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WWE killed his desire to work out, because he was unsatisfied with his push no matter what. Then put him in a promotion with guys who look like this, it's basically permissions to not give a shit.
He is just old and out of shape due to being addicted to bakery products.
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I was really confused for several seconds as to why Bushwacker Luke was doing this spot.
That is no excuse.
The father of Brain Lawyer
I think there's an element of "my way or the high way" and he just couldn't accept that they didn't want to be the Fed (at the time)

Tony trying to turn AEW in to Diet Coke WWE during 2022-2023 was hands down the worst thing that happened to the company.
>Hired Kevin Dunn's protégé right as WWE begins to move away from his camera style
>Hired every WWE cast off producer just as WWE gets fresh blood
>Changed their stage design to mimic SDL just as WWE starts to experiment with new ways of doing things
>Started running disastrous WWE style storylines and relationship drama shit right as WWE moves away from it
Like sure Punk fucked up the locker room dynamic by showing you can just fight your colleagues and boss if you don't like the booking because he won't do shit. I get that. However Tony refusing to give the 1.1m people he was getting in 2021 what they wanted (a fucking super indie) so he can appeal to 500-700k fickle Exfed fans is straight up retarded. A lot of my friends are wrestling fans and it's always the same story about why they don't watch AEW much anymore.
>They're trying to be WWE and I don't want that
If I wanted WWE, I could go watch WWE. They do a better job at being WWE. The way Punk was booked really represented the heart being ripped out of AEW. He has these glorified essentially heatless squash matches where he buries all the AEW original guys one by one while claiming to elevate them as the card is just overrun with ex-WWE lifers who have no clear purpose or function on the roster.
That Darby match in particular stands out for me. Like Darby's a little dude, but there's something credible about him, and old ass out of shape Punk beating him clean through pure wrestling while he's getting gassed every 30 seconds and looks like he's going to die in the ring was so preposterous to me, and so masturbatory, and so damning of Tony that he would even book that match in the first place. It doesn't help Punk any more than would squashing any other jabroni, but it hurts Darby, and it hurts all of AEW to just announce that one of your most popular and best original talents is nothing more than the jobber of the week to a washed up old WWE guy.
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>Jack Lint
>Jerry Lawyer
This is just an autobiography disguised as a novel, isn't it?
It's not real, anon. "Mein Kampf" in German means "My Struggle".
Turns out women care about personality.
It is real.
And look at those common terms and phrases!
No. Wrong hand
Let’s just say Darby almost quit wrestling from dealing with Phil.
subaru pose
Imo they should have booked Punk as the old vet who gets a shock loss in his first match and has to build credibility. Could have led to a rematch with Darbs
This is cope that fat fucks keep telling themselves
>Let’s just say Darby almost quit wrestling from dealing with Phil.
>source: it was revealed to me on a dream
Meanwhile in reality, Darby cut a promo expressing no issues with Punk
That 10 year gap has enabled him to earn far more money than what he probably would have had he stayed in the business.

money and miles
You probably don’t realise how stupid this post is. By you’re logic a 50 yr old man with hair would look younger than a 20yr old with a shaved head. That’s really stupid anon
Kek this
Punk going over everyone us unironically better than most of AEW's random, meaningless booking

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