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>TK has access to every last penny of his dad's money
The Khans make literal billions every year. TK only needs half of that to cover payroll for a decade. e-drones literally cannot fathom the amount of capital in AEW
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>TK only needs half of 12B to still lose to the wrestling school
Regardless of what wrestling you like or don't like it doesn't make tk not loaded
He have less money then Endevver do though. So much financial.
Damn aew went from 2bill to 12bill really quick.
thats for all salaries in the company
This nigga literally just multiplied the $2 million figure by 52 weeks in a year to get his annual estimate lmao. Lazy fucking reporting.
Keep laughing, but AEW will be getting a billy deal soon that will cover all these costs.
AEW runs at a loss lil bro. It makes literally 0 dollars per year. And the fact that Tina is trying to get a rights increase from WBD means that AEW actually doesn't have infinite money and finances are a concern.
Why doesn't tk just start his own network
>AEW actually doesn't have infinite money
For practical purposes they do. TK can cover any loses with capital gains from his other holdings.
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He already did, it was a failure like AEW, Jags, and Fulham.
>For practical purposes they do
Think, anon, think. If Tina doesn't have to worry about money then why is he fighting for a rights increase from WBD?
Why the fuck wouldn't he you mental midget?
> If Tina doesn't have to worry about money then why is he fighting for a rights increase from WBD?
Because after the 10th "game changer" (Botcha Banks) Shad Khan finally decided to cut him off.
>BLACK news channel
Good for them
Because pretending to care about his company's finances is a crucial part of a successful TEW run.
>he can personally pay with his other holdings

I'm not surprised something so retarded like this is coming from someone who cut off their penis and now calls themselves a woman
How much debt does TKO have again?
I'm not sure. I know that WBD has almost $50 billion in debt though.
How much profit does AEW make again?
It's almost like losses are a normal part of doing business
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If Tony's other ventures have excess cash (they don't) and the tranny rodeo is drawing zero dimes, what you are assuming it's called an inter-company loan which in itself would affect the other companies who are profiting as it is strenuous taxing process in which shareholders DO NOT LIKE. Now if you think it's that simple and Tony could just transfer those funds like you're HRT brainrot proposes then he will be immediately investigated and sent to court
True. Especially if you're name is Tony R Khan.
what shareholders? fucking retard
>TK can cover any loses with capital gains from his other holdings.

Trannies really are fucking retarded holy shit

>trying to get a rights increase from WBD means that AEW actually doesn't have infinite money and finances are a concern.

lmao what kind of fucking moron would think


of course
e-tards don't understand what a private company is. The Khan's own a bunch of them.
>you're HRT brainrot

Avatard posting the dumbest shit you've ever seen, must be a day where AEW causes piggies to squeal

>investigated and sent to court

lmao we're at this point of their fantasy copes
they own those outright. stop pretending to be smart you're not fooling anyone.
If anything I thought it'd be more
He only had $100m to start the company with.
Whatever proceeds there were, Tony spent them on talent salaries.
It's the #1 problem with mark companies.
Tony is so passionately in love with the wrestlers that he'll overpay them out of ignorant fandom, at the cost of his entire company.
That's why he needs a massive TV deal renewal to balance the books. Tony spent too much money on talent, willfully and deliberately, and it was not a mistake because to Tony it never will be a mistake, as AEW was never a profit-seeking enterprise.
AEW was always and always will be Tony Khan's personal circlejerk. TV is nothing but a way for Tony to fiscally justify fangirling over the boys.
And maybe he thinks he can beat the WWE with this too, who knows. The only war is with the businessmen who are telling him he's got his priorities twisted around a bitch's cunt like a knotted dog.
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it's okay to be retarded fren
AEW can't hurt you, why are you so angry?
>only had $100m
>can now afford to spend his initial investment just on talent payroll

Piggies will say this and in the same statement deny that AEW is successful
>Those 2 Billy is all profit
kek it's literally all they can say
They can't 'afford' to do shit. They spend money they don't have and go into debt to do it.
most articulate Smackdownie

>e-drone thinks corporate debt is the same as his own debts

Im a millionaire who has never had debt in my life, go on tho
Fatso (Rovert) has the Irish Government take care of him (Due to him being crippled and his dad raping him) and he wants to pretend hes now a financial expert AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
He's over 100 milly in the red, which is the only type of milly Tony has.
This TV renewal is supposed to fund that. He spent money he didn't have, expecting it to come.
Literally fractional reserve debt spending. It's what banks do to fuck you year over year with inflation.

If Tony doesn't get the deal, he has to find revenue elsewhere or flip the company with that debt in its ass.
In what: HK$? fuck outta here clown


>He's over 100 milly in the red,

source: the copes I smeared on my walls in my own feces
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Shad is spending almost 1/2 of what he spends on the Jags yearly on AEW. I guess that's the price of keeping your autistic mid 40s failson away from the businesses you own that actually matter.
>I guess that's the price of keeping your autistic mid 40s failson away from the businesses you own that actually matter.
This is why Shad Khan is letting Tony play with his toys, he knows his daughter is the actual successful one so she will take over everything when Shad passes.
So we know they don't do shit on merch because it's all ran through an online t-shirt print shop. And we know their PPV success has been a lie because of all the broadcasters dropping their PPVs.
So their media rights, of 1 million per episode of Dynamite and Collision, all goes to non drawing talent.
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>they own those outright! they can do whatever they want!

Owners can't do shit without their financial backers(shareholders from the NFL and premier league) being unhappy especially when they hear their own funding is going to the hands of some manchild's man drama vanity project.

Do you not understand the concept of a gross profit? Please leave this thread and proceed with 49%'ing yourself.
>all the broadcasters dropping their PPVs.

Like who, anon? I watched Forbidden Door via DAZN btw


AEW is not a business, it’s a long term fantasy camp for Tony
The NFL loves Tony, he's on a bunch of the boards and they let him goof around on their channel.
>I watched Forbidden Door via DAZN btw
You illegally streamed it like you always do.
They lost their movie theater deal and their Vix deal off the top of my head. Google it you fanboy ass bitch faggot. I'm not your personal assistant.
It went up by 8% after the AEW TV deal failed
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Feels good to be proven right yet again. I've always said AEW could easily be profitable off their current deals if they focused on a smaller roster and used local talent for squash matches. Would improve their watchability to.
Their large roster is also doing unforeseen damage to the industry. For the past 30 years it's been really hard for wrestlers to gain in ring experience, and pretty much everyone sign by AEW goes from a pitiful 50 matches year on the indies to what's a practically retirement schedule of 20ish matches a year.
Being paid infinitely better than you were on the indie circuit while not having to risk injury sounds like a good deal to me.
I'm honestly curious what it is about AEW that makes established wrestlers like Kenny Omega and Oespray perform poorly upon debuting. The only explanation I can think of is that they have no real producers setting up the matches
The veterans in AEW who serve as producers get straight up ignored by the wrestlers because of how pampered and spoiled they are. The number 1 issue with AEW is Tony Khan.

Even your most experienced wrestler is an absolute fucking idiot without getting told what to do for a match. i.e Edge breaking his leg
Good for the wrestlers sure, but absolutely shit for AEW. Imagine the quality of other athletes if they barely trained and went weeks on end without performing.
People are happy with AEW's product so it's not an issue.
>Imagine the quality of other athletes if they barely trained and went weeks on end without performing

There's this weird thing with wrestling that the more time you take off not only do you begin struggle while performing but also your body begins to break down. A notable example of this was Kurt Angle
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>People are happy with AEW's product
That's every sport ever though. It's the reason why pre-season is a thing. It's because everyone sucks shit after some time off and they need to be eased back into shape.
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>People are happy with AEW's product so it's not an issue

Yes all 502k viewers
It's not a weird thing; it's a very common thing with athletes. You're asking your body to do hard work it isn't used to.
Well, they're happy with the product; so are journalists and wresting critics.
You may not like AEW's product and approach to wrestler handling but it works for them and for the wrestlers themselves.
You don't have my simpy. AEW has caused immeasurable damage to the indies and other promotions while inadvertently helping the (((((WWE))))))
And the best part is that there isn't any hope of some suit stepping up and stopping the money flow (like what happened to WCW at the end) due to Tony Khan being the son of the money source.
AEW can literally keep paying wrestlers to not wrestle forever.
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You write in a faggy passive aggressive way and are appealing to non-existent authority. Fuck off back to squaredcircle or the trooncord and leave the wrestling talk to real fans, will ya
Still not watching WWE kek
kek no wonder pignamite was cancelled
And that's perfectly fine; it doesn't mean you should support and endorse AEW's mediocrity.
Fans are dropping AEW in droves and guys like Punk and Ethan Page have exposed what an utterly dysfunctional mess it is backstage. Many, many people are unhappy with the product AEW is churning out and their approach to wrestler handling literally doesn't work. As for journalists and wrestling critics their opinions are worth nothing.
Are you telling me that fatso (Rovert) is having another melty? must be a day ending in y.
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It's great for guys who never thought wrestling would be a job, and they just lucked out the son of a billionaire wants to over pay them for their hobby. But if the Martins, the Gunns, Hook etc see this as a career, they're never going to get better having Tony Khan decide their bookings.
>doesn't have unlimited funds
He literally does.
If he had unlimited funds then he wouldn't be seeking a rights increase. Try again.
>Being paid infinitely better than you were on the indie circuit while not having to risk injury sounds like a good deal to me.
They wouldn't risk injury as much if they could work properly (no need for yummy wummy chains of high spots). But they can't because the culture of AEW says to not listen to old dinosaurs like Tully or Arn or whoever hasn't given up on going to tapings. Phil was an antagonizing vagina and Edge obviously just wanted to do his big pre-retirement angles.
And less matches means more overall rust, which means greater injury risk. Anybody who wants to be booked more should be taken up on it (if the roster weren't quadruple the managable size).
>he should just do the show for free
Having unlimited funds doesn't mean you should offer a product for free.
Tony's funds are unlimited according to you so why shouldn't he offer it for free? It would make WBD extremely happy
Tiny Tina only has unlimited zest and lust for cock.
>AEW shill can't answer the question and suddenly stops replying
Very interesting indeed
It's the principle of the thing. Regardless of the product you're offering being your passion you don't give it for free.
And from a practical standpoint there are the legal repercussions: WWE would be able to sue them for unfair practices (which technically would be).
we don't sign our posts here.
because thats retarded
Anon, if you dont have a fucking clue what you're talking about, then just shut the fuck up. It's not difficult, just stop typing things and clicking the Post button. It's for your own good at this point.
You're the one who doesn't understand why people don't do things for free even when they could afford them to. Especially a serious business venture like a Professional Wrestling promotion.
>taking less bumps is better for you actually

lmao you fucking retard. Someone gets injured in WWE nearly every week despite their safe sloppa style.

>wrestling once a week makes you rusty


>google it

concession accepted lol

Prove me wrong.
You're supposed to be saying this to your reflection.
Explain why it's retarded. If Tony has infinite money then offering AEW for free would be perfectly logical.
>prove muh delusions wrong

Easy. You're a bitch driven mad over the continued success of AEW. 'Fraid so.
>Shad makes billions every year
Tranny seethe
Pajeet tier rage lmao
>You're the one who doesn't understand why people don't do things for free even when they could afford them to
Then maybe you can explain for the rest of the class. If Tony has infinite money then why does he want a rights increase from WBD? He could offer it to WBD for free or better yet pay them to air it. It'd make them instantly renew AEW without hesitation.
>explain why offering something for free when you can get paid for not is not illogical

Did you learn your business acumen from your mother?

We don't sign our posts here.

Hey sparky, who do you think owns AEW?
All you had to say is that you illegally stream AEW because you have no money because you have no job. No need for the reddit spacing seethe tranny
>Doesn't just buy enough WB shares and decide if his show is renewed or not
Impressive mental gymnastics but you have to try again
This continued success you speak if, where is it exactly? Because AEW literally doesn't make money and its ratings are in a death spiral.
Why does Tony need to get paid for AEW?
Fucking KEK. This piece of shit company is the biggest cash sink in wrestling history. AEW is like a charity for wrestlers who couldn't cut it in the big leagues.
We don't sign our posts here even when they're projection. No DAZN?

>speak if, where

It's not even the biggest money pit to air on Turner.
go back to china, you fucking commie
>Be eccentric billionaire
>Run coffee shop for $5,000,000/year
>Make $2,000,000/year in revenue
>Get awards for Best Local Coffee Shop
>mfw everyone is just jealous of his success
Correct, I can't watch AEW ppvs on DAZN because I don't live in a third world country. What does that have to do with you being exposed for lying about watching AEW ppvs on DAZN when you illegally stream them because you have no job?
LMAO hogwheels has lost his mind
>the cope is now "TK doesn't functionally have enough money because he wants to get paid / isn't buying Warner"

Renewy Day is gonna be LIT

>I don't live in a third world country

But I thought you said you live in Schoolshooterstan?
I never said where I lived, you must be making up things in your head because you're really mad that you got caught lying about paying for AEW ppvs when in reality you illegally stream them because you have no money because you have no job.
If Tony has infinite money then why does he even want WBD to pay him? All that does is severely complicated the negotiations.
>you must be making up things in your head because you're really mad

every single accusation is projection lol
So you have no answer?
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So it looks like fatso (Rovert) is actually still seething here >>15136041 its great knowing that the thing that has him on the verge of another heart attack is him being caught in another lie (That lie being that he pays for DAZN) remember his first lie was that he doesn't live in Ireland LOLLLLLLLLL
Kek it’s probably 2 million per show
Do you believe AEW could cite quarterly expenses while seeking a tax deduction for 1 week of shows? Government is incompetent at distributing tax revenue to the public, they aren't incompetent when it comes to collecting it.
>he still thinks some fat Irish SJW who would faint if he saw someone say "nigger" posts on 4chan
Okay schizo, take your meds
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>Anons act exactly the same on 4chan as they do using their real name on Twitter
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>The Khans make literal billions every year
tonys fathers companies make money but he isnt going to give his son millions years after year after year for nothing. his father doesnt have a billion dollars in the bank his money is tied up in companies/investments. at a certain point he is going to stop underwriting aew. his dad walking into the ring that time was a shoot because he was so outraged by what his son wasted his millions on
two more weeks
This is the correct answer. It's all a fucking game to him and because he's a nepo billionaire he can't lose.
Until Tony admits the "exclusive window" with WBD expired months ago? Sounds about right
maybe on planet retard
dixie carter was basically spending her fathers money just like tony until he decided to end it. you think his father is happy giving tony millions every year for nothing? lol
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>if its on tv its a fact
during that interview he also said 500 million fans have attended aew shows in the past few years
no he didnt dumbass
Cool. If he fires Tony now and sells it for that much he might actually make a small profit off aew.
This is proof he didn't say it since he's referring to text you idiot
That lying idiot got BTFO here.
Btw to the usual idiot who gets schooled here, this proves that debt is part of valuation as I have always said. Easy to arrive at a high dollar valuation when you're frivolously spending money.
post the clip of him saying it
he reminds me of you
>AEW pays talent;
>this is a bad thing somehow
What are we meant to be laughing at here?
>What are we meant to be laughing at here?
AEW overpaying for talent.
AEW paying $100 milly for 73 weeks of no milly.
People like you defending this idea.
People like you getting mad when people laugh at this.
>e drones think there are 73 weeks in a year
Yeah this is the sort of thread that gets him flinging shit at the walls. AEW loses tens of millions of dollars each year and he can't even spam the TKO stock chart anymore
but what's the issue ?
why is this number a bad thing ?
You haven't explained that.
>>e drones think there are 73 weeks in a year
That reading comprehension keeps getting you.
>but what's the issue ?
>why is this number a bad thing ?
>You haven't explained that.
Why is spending a hundred million a product that keeps losing viewers and ticket sales bad? The Tony School of Business is right for you. Thankfully Tony isn't running this fed as a business. It's his containment cell to keep him away from daddy's actual empire. This is another great reason to laugh btw.
The thing is that it’s not 1 week of shows, it was Collision and a PPV.
You still haven't explained it. So far your explanation consists of "it's AEW, so that means it's bad"
That's called Derangement Syndrome
>You still haven't explained it.
I have I just can't force you to understand numbers and logic. Neither could whatever school system failed you. I am glad that you now fully embrace the cope and don't argue the things you don't understand. In that sense, I've taught you well. Go have a biscuit as a reward.
Explain why $104 million a year as talent costs is bad. You have yet to do that and I'm beginning to think you are in fact not able to at all. And you are clearly very uncomfortable with this line of questioning.
He can't, he couldn't manage a lemonade stand
>Explain why $104 million a year as talent costs is bad
Because the company has not been profitable since its inception and 5 years in its numbers are declining across the board, so having a bloated roster that is producing less ticket sales and ratings is not good fiscally or logically for something that is being run as company.
>You have yet to do tha
I've done it several times but since you know you're wrong you spam the same thing.Mostly because you're scared that saying anything else will get you btfo as usual.
>I'm beginning to think
LOL. Good one.
But you still haven't explained why it's bad or why you are qualified to make those determinations. This is all just cope and buzzwords and tears.
>But you still haven't explained why it's bad
No I have repeatedly. You're just a stupid person.
>why you are qualified to make those determinations
There is a base understanding of mathematics that is essential to business. Make more than you spend.
>This is all just cope and buzzwords and tears.
I'm really proud you can admit this about your posts. Seriously. See I taught you something. I taught you to just be a fan.
What business do you run ?
>What business do you run ?
Right now the business of schooling you. I have to say I've been doing a great job of it.
God damn that was too easy.
Yes. Shad considers himself dead. This is Tony's living inheiritance.
this company is never going to turn a profit
>he isnt going to give his son millions years after year after year for nothing
I'm not so sure about that. I'm fairly sure at this point that Shad sees the cost of AEW as the price it takes to keep Tony out of the business of the Jaguars and Fulham. If Shad keeps funding Tony's toy fed, he doesn't have to find a job for him to do at the businesses he actually cares about.
>Explain why $104 million a year as talent costs is bad
are you for real? im not the anon that has answered you previously about this but how retarded are you that you cant understand why losing $100 million dollars a year is a bad thing? aew has well over 150 wrestlers they could cut 100 of them tomorrow. tony has sunk close to 1 billion dollars into aew he is currently losing $100 million a year on wrestlers alone this is bad business because he will never be able to recoup all that money lost
i sure do love laughing at AEW
he doesnt have to keep tony around if he doesnt want him around. losing $100 million or more a year in any business is bad no matter who you are. it looks ridiculous to accountants and other people his father deals with on a professional level. it just isnt a good look. no doubt shad isnt happy with tony throwing that much money away. rich people like to keep their money not throw away billions on something with no return
>he doesnt have to keep tony around if he doesnt want him around
Shad loves Tony, but knows that he is a disaster of a businessman. By funding AEW, he can keep Tony away from important things without hurting his feelings by telling him he's useless.
The $104M wouldn't be all that awful if Tony wasn't bringing in jobbers and outside talent every single week, if he took the CW deal for ROH and if AEW were doing house shows. The amount of talent either sitting at home fully healthy or doing 1 squash match per week on ROH is unnerving.
>losing $100 million or more a year in any business is bad no matter who you are.
It really doesn't matter to them. You're not thinking about the scale here. It's like having a hobby. Buying videogames, or dirt bikes, or Warhammer, or whatever. I know people who have small planes as a hobby which definitely takes up more of their yearly revenue by percentage than AEW takes up of the Khan family's. And besides, Tony probably offsets SOME of that loss with gross profits from TV, tickets (I know, I know), and merch. So he probably only loses like 60-70 mil, and daddy can use that to get huge tax breaks on everything else he does.
>bringing in jobbers and outside talent
yeah, like all the dimeless asians. and all the forever injured ex wwe wrestlers like keith lee, miro, kyle etc. he seems to hire these guys just to pop a rating with their big debut but forgets about them a month later
>It really doesn't matter to them
it does. it matters to any successful businessman like his father. nobody wants to see a company they are involved in, and it was revealed shad is the actual owner of aew not tony, lose money on a yearly basis. losing money for any business is a problem and tony has no idea how to solve it. it doesnt matter how rich you are there comes a point where there is no point in keeping a business afloat anymore
I agree with most of what you said but
>he probably only loses like 60-70 mil, and daddy can use that to get huge tax breaks on everything else he does
Is EXACTLY...and I do mean EXACTLY how it doesn't work

Corporations are happy to pile debts/expenses from 4,6,8 subsidiaries onto one division's books like Time Warner did with WCW. Corporations are generally NOT in the business of spreading losses in the other direction. You want to keep your profitable companies as clean as possible and isolate all your losses to your worst performer.

You'd sooner see the Jacksonville Jaguars Head of the Legal department being paid $1 by the Jaguars and $700,000/year by AEW, but said lawyer definitely WOULDN'T be fucking talent for that price.
Money spent keeping WWE from having a monopoly on the industry is money well spent; I wish all billionaires did that instead of buying yachts, private jets or space travels that actually serve no purpose.

>Tony doesn't care because he doesn't need to care. He's not going to completely overhaul his product and presentation, and go from a product he 95% enjoys down to just 75%, just to close the gap $20M/year. AEW is on national television, employs dozens of wrestlers that Tony really appreciates and respects, and as long as the status quo more or less continues unimpeded.....then it is what it is. I wish AEW were doing better than it currently is, but if this is what it takes to keep Tony bought-in instead of selling out (himself AND the fans), then we should respect that.

>Tony is a billionaire Wrestling Philanthropist -- and that's OK.
it's like that Saudi Prince on the videogame side. He loses money but he doesn't care because he gets to call the shots on the company that made his favorite childhood videogames.
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>Tony Khans father has a net worth of $10 billion therefore AEW has a $10 billion budget. It’s simple math pigdrones
The people on this board are so unbelievable retarded
piggaloid headcanon
true but its evil when the saudis do it but tonys just so heckin passion about the business when he does it.
>so unbelievable retarded

Look who's talking. AEW is functionally impossible to bankrupt. Their entire budget is a fraction of their owner's wealth and that's only going up every year.
if it cant get a tv deal like wcw and ecw couldnt then what will he do?
AEW is a money laundering op that doubles as an interest killer in non-WWE wrestling content. There's no realm of possibility where this is not the case. AEW was gifted a TV deal that was worth around $45 million a year before they ever put on a single TV show. All the company had to do was spend a penny less than that to have been profitable.
buy their network

>AEW is bad for wrestling actually

It will never be true no matter how many times you spam it
>yea bro just buy a network, not like networks have protections against takeovers like that
It's more realistic than AEW having problems finding a network because its existence hurts e-drone feefees
[ x ] doubt
Afraid so. e-drones are worthless to networks, just ask Lachlan.
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the uncomfortable truth
>posting a graph that an e-drone is worth less than an Elite TITAN

Saddest part is you're too stupid to realise this
so in response to a delusional take about aew you bring up a delusional take about wwe?
I think you might have accidentally a word there, chief
yup, tony khan makes more money scratching his ass than drones see in a year
he also owns a 5 billion dollar NFL team and a big time English soccer team. they put way more money in those teams than AEW. face it, if Tony doesn't shape up his daddy is gonna take away his playpen
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>you're too stupid to realise this
>2 more weeks!

afraid no

>American't into English

Many such cases, end yourself with an ALUMINIUM bat
>one of the 5 AEW fans left is some british faggot

checks out
I'm not a filthy Brit, they're worthless e-drones.
Wrestling has become worse since AEW existed
>The Khans make literal billions every year.
tonys dad does. tony as witnessed by aews success makes zero
>TK only needs half of that to cover payroll for a decade.
tony has already spent close to 1 billion in 5 years. his father said aew was just a way to let tony have his inheritance while he was still alive. tony was not going to get every cent his father ever made. aew is a business and his father is not going to throw billions down a bottomless pit for years and years
Link to the latest WOR??
>TK only needs half of that to cover payroll for a decade.
LOL. Tony Khan only needs his father's NFL and Soccer franchises to keep going along with the rest of the empire to secure payroll for his fed. Amazing business plan. Shad uses Tony's fed as a containment cell to keep his son from fucking over the real empire.
He has no other holdings retard. He doesn't even own a house.
but enough about you
I have no holdings other than AEW? Based, didn't realize I owned a 3rd rate garbage mudshow promotion
you dont even own a toothbrush
>TK can cover any loses with capital gains from his other holdings.
what are his other holdings? ones he is the sole owner of. he doesnt even own aew his dad is listed as the owner. lol
He owns an analytics firm and has a ton of his own investments and what not. He's a bright guy who's good with numbers despite you wanting to project your own immaturities on him.
>He's a bright guy who's good with numbers
If Tony was really "bright and good with numbers" he would be managing some portion of his father's empire. His fake empty title of directing analytics for the Jags, for example, would be a full year full time job that would preclude him from doing anything else. His father gave him this money because Tony is not good at business, or numbers or management.
He started a 2 billion dollar franchise, seems pretty good to me
>He started a 2 billion dollar franchise,
Debt is a part of valuation. It's not hard to start something and claim it is worth "X" since that is what you spent on it. The tricky part is finding other people who agree that the amount you spent on it is actually what it is worth. The even harder part is having be worth MORE than what you spent on it. Valuation doesn't take that into account champ.
keep coping bitchtits
it brings me joy that aew stresses you out so much that you'll go bald over it
>He started a 2 billion dollar franchise
his dad gave him 1 billion dollars and tony has lost every cent of it over a 5 year span of time. without his fathers money tony would not have anything
we don't post our schizophrenic internal monologue here
>making up numbers now
btw where would vkm be without his dad? he was a car thief and moonshine dealer before his dad got him a job for 10 years before handing over his company to him
>keep coping
I'm not coping since I don't constantly try to validate my fandom by talking about other subjects I dont know. That's you by the way. I know you have a hard time with reading comprehension. Be a fan and shoosh so you don't have to feel stupid so much.
>btw where would vkm be without his dad?
Vince turned his father's million dollar fed, into the first and only billion dollar corp of its kind. In fact Vince is the only western fed to ever turn a significant profit. Ever. For a guy who likes to hit on people's heads that is quite impressive. Wonder why someone who went to fancy colleges and is a self titles "numbers whiz" can't turn a profit after 5 years and hundreds of millions spent.
He can spend all that money, but not afford to at least give Collison and Dynamite different stage sets (Collision should be LED, and Dynamite should have the tunnels). He can't afford to change the apron cloth between shows and needs LEDs, but can pay Bryan Keith and Wheeler Yuta. kek. Coke Jompany.
>his father's million dollar fed
Exactly. His FATHER's million-dollar fed, in the middle of the richest media hub on planet Earth. Jr would be nothing without his dad. Period. Put him without the McMahon fame, money, dimes roster handed to him, and connections in Alabama, and he would've failed like everyone else.
>making up numbers now
where did all the money for aew come from? i just read tonys wiki page and his only employment history is working for his dads companies. tony is a charity case that has lost hundreds of millions of dollars in the last 5 years alone with no end in sight. even if he does sell some tickets like a year ago he undermines it by licensing a song for one time use by paying 2 million dollars thus eliminating any money he might have made from such an event
>where would vkm be without his dad?
really no comparison. look at wrestling before vince took over and look at it today. wrestling basically doesnt exist before vince took over thats how much he changed it. tony has a fat tranny on his show
>I don't constantly try to validate my fandom by talking about other subjects I dont know.
projection off the charts here

vince got a ba at a mid level state school just like tk, and i'm not sure how a tv show that relies on multi year tv deals is supposed to massively gain capital on a dime but i'm sure you knew that, since you cry about this stuff all day. and vince's start up.. how much did he lose on that btw?
>He can spend all that money, but not afford to at least give Collison and Dynamite different stage sets
thats because tony has no vision or idea how to run a company.
>wrestling basically doesnt exist before vince
bro listens to wwe documentaries literally, sad
>In a single month we saw the rating drop from 700k to 500k

Aew cucks... Everything doesn't seem great...
>bro listens to wwe documentaries
i never have, just look at what wrestling looked like before and after. the wrestlers looked like flabby old men. nobody cares or talks about any wrestling before hogan became champ or flair in the nwa
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>People are happy with AEW's product
they look thrilled
If you were 20 years old when Bruno won his first title, you'd be 81 right now. What do you expect?
Wonder why AEW is failing since Tony's dad has billions, and Tony started with a built in TV contract.
>projection off the charts here
It's been a rough couple of days for you getting btfo, but there's no need to lie.
>nobody cares or talks about any wrestling
Nobody cares about wrestling now, full stop. lmao.
See, this comment right here is how I know you have literally no business experience or understanding of how cash flows work.
Money always seems unlimited until it's tight. Then it's not. Turns out that it was never unlimited in the first place and runs out way faster than anyone ever thought possible.
The mindset you're reflecting here (along with Tony) is literally why most lottery winners end up bankrupt.
Why should I care about how much a billionaire wants to spend on his hobby?
>Doesn't have the dimes roster.
>Doesn't have a Hogan.
>Doesn't have an Andre.
>Doesn't have an Iron Sheik.
>Doesn't have a Mean Gene
>Doesn't have a Jesse the Body.
>Doesn't have a Bobby Heenan.
>Doesn't have generational roots in the business with his father being respected in wrestling

Those are one in a lifetime dimesers and circumstances. Vince Jr also didn't have a WWE equivalent to go against. But most importantly: Tony cannot book.
>>Doesn't have the dimes roster.
Correct. He has a roster that is costing him well north of a dime.
Some good points here, but I'd argue none of those guys were anything until they were built to be something.
Tony has guys he could have built into something, if he listened to the experienced hands he's chosen time and again to ignore. He didn't and chose to buy new toys instead.

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